inventario yuliana.xlsx

download inventario  yuliana.xlsx

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Transcript of inventario yuliana.xlsx

  • 7/25/2019 inventario yuliana.xlsx


  • 7/25/2019 inventario yuliana.xlsx


    balance gel 1

    speed stick gel 1

    dove termo aclart rollon 1

    axe rollon 2

    rexona rollon 3

    speed stick barra 3

    lady barra 2rexona barra 5

    lady gel 1

    nivea barra 1

    balance rollon 2

    lady rollon 1

    mini rollon 27

    mini clinical 12

    nopikex 2

    stay o( rollo 2

    bacterion rollon 2picosin spray 1

    stay o( spray 3

    rocio de oro 1

    rocio de oro 1 1

    aceite de petroleo 1

    aceite de mano de res 1

    aceite naranja 1

    aceite almendras x 250 ml 2

    aceite de almendras x 500 ml 1

    menticol locion pe%e'a 2

    menticol mediano 1

    menticol grande 1

    jabon li%ido icom pe%e'o 1

    jabon li%ido grande 1

    jabon bacterion li%ido 3

    inocamara 2

    leche de magnesia 1

    leche magnesia philis 2

    leche magnesia granade 1

    emlsion scott x 360 3

    mlsion scott x 1!0 4

    nebrolay 1

    vitalor 1

    vitacelebryna 1

    apetinar 1

    propoleo jgb 2

    hidrsol 11

    pedyalite 15

  • 7/25/2019 inventario yuliana.xlsx


    kola granlada 3

    hidrapls sachet 12

    sero en polvo 50

    kola granlada sobres 4

    kila granlada grande 3 3

    drops 27

    lysts 6vitamina c 2

    vitamina c mk 1

    arnica locion 1 1

    aceite oliva 1

    tmba callo libertador 1

    onix 2

    doloran 1

    yodsalil 1

    doloran grnade 1

    pomada verde 1chspa electrica 2

    pomada mery 2

    ng)ento n# 2 5

    nixoderm 1

    vipaporb 1

    arrilb 7

    vipaporb 3

    vaselina pra grande 1

    vaselina pra pe%e'a 2

    dioxegen 1

    aga oxigenada 6

    iris 23

    gri* 1

    betn li%ido cojin 4

    betn li%ido 3

    cherry grande 1

    cherry mediano 1

    cherry pe%e'o 10

    algon pomos 1

    algon x 25 1

    algod+n x 50 1

    alcohol botella 2

    alcohol media 4

    alcohol carto ,

    venovit 1

    aga destilada 1

    sero *siologico 2

    travad retal 1

  • 7/25/2019 inventario yuliana.xlsx


    travad retal pe%e'o 1

    pa'elos 15

    nivea labial 4

    shapstick medicado 6

    shapstick normal 6

    labial magico 6

    manteca de cacao 17manteca cacao costosa 52

    termometro digital 1

    termometro mercrio 10

    yodora pe%e'a !

    oerta todora 2

    yodora x 25 4

    nmero 4 1

    yodora pote 1

    nmero 4 7

    crema 0 5crema 4 natral 1

    crema 4 medicada 1

    desitin crem 1

    betene 1

    crema n# 4 medicada grnade 1

    nistatina - 1

    preba embara.o 11

    crema para peinar 1

    crema jj x 400 1

    crema jj x 200 1

    crema jj x 100 4

    talco jj 1

    talco jj gtande 1

    aceite jj grande 1

    aceite pe%ie'o 4

    aceite jj 3

    vaselina jj grande 1

    vaselina jj pe%e'a 1

    colonia rrr 2

    richar 1

    arrr pe%e'a 3

    copitos amorcito 6

    copitos cotones 2

    copitos /o/ 3

    vaselina pe%e'a 25

    limas 44

    per*lador 1

    removedor lander x 45 4

  • 7/25/2019 inventario yuliana.xlsx


    lander x 35 6

    andrea pe%e'o 3

    andrea grande 2

    removedor economico 4

    gel antibacterrial 4

    kron p"%e'o 4

    kron mediano 2cera kron pe%e'a 4

    cera grnade 1

    moco gorila 2

    ego grande 1

    crema ego 1

    ego pe%e'o 10

    ego mediano 1

    ego grande 1

    patecabra 14

    depilador 21tijeras ,

    peinetas 21

    corta cticla 1

    piedra pomes 2

    encrespador 2

    encrespador 4

    encrespador 3

    corta 'as grande 10 10

    corta nas pe%e'os 36

    sper bonder 2

    peine economico metalico 1

    pilas 4

    pa'itos x 24 ,

    pa'itos x 50 3

    pa'itos x 120 2

    pa'itos aloe 5

    pa'itos aloe x 100 4

    pa'itos "inny 3

    amorocito 2

    toallas maternas 1

    toallas maternas nosotras 1

    chpo 13

    chpo corchito 10

    nosotras benas noches 1

    estractor richar 1

    inolocamara 2

    lacti nosotras 4

    blondor 3

  • 7/25/2019 inventario yuliana.xlsx


    smart con *ltro 10

    smart 13

    nailen con *ltro 10

    nailen 1!

    polvo boge ,

    boge cremoso 2

    polvo ponds 4sombras boge 4

    rbor nailen 5

    sombra cremosa 1

    base boge 1

    base nailen 4

    base en barra nailen 14

    pesta'ina l.ette !

    pesta'ina boge 3

    maxactor 2

    pesta'ina nailen 3mxylash 1

    maxactor 1

    smalte boge 123

    brillo 16

    sombra pe%e'a 3

    pesta'ina grande 3

    lavante *gbell 1

    altex gel 1

    altex espma limpiadora 1

    polvos apxecia 4

    jabon de 1

    asepxia cam/as 3

    jabon altex 2

    jabon alsepxia 4

    pomos para base !

    oxy 10 1

    cremas natrals evolcion 4

    ara"ak antiedad 1

    ara"ak despimentadora 1

    ara"ak antiedad sobres 11

    sicr sero antiedad 1

    cicatricre gel x 60 1

    cicatricre gel x 30 1

    cicatricre crema 1

    sicr 1

    crema concha 1

    crema pe'a grande 1

    crema pe'a pe%e'a 1

  • 7/25/2019 inventario yuliana.xlsx


    concha de nacar pe%e'a 1

    blankisima 1

    blan%isima pe 1

    nivea sot 2

    nivea a.l pe%e'a 3

    nivea mediana !

    nivea grande 1silmedick 1

    nesia 1

    lapi. nailen 5

    lapi. mariposa 25

    ponds pe%e'a 2

    ponds pe%ena normal 6

    ponds rejvenes pe%e 1

    ponds rejv x 100 1

    ponds s x 100 3

    crema ponds grande 1crema nivea sot mil 1

    blo%eador nivea 1

    blo%eador snd" 3

    lbridem pe%e'a 6

    lbridem v pe%e'a 3

    lbridem v x 200 1

    lbridem reparacion 1

    lbridem x 200 3

    lbridem grnade 2

    lbridem v 1

    lbridem men 1

    recolector de leche 1

    extractor 2

    pa.ol 1

    .epilar 1

    medicaps 1

    intibon ni'a 1

    intibon mjer 2

    nsotas jabon 3

    intibon canedla 1

    crema vasenol 2

    vasenol pe%e'a 1

    nivea pe%e'a 3 3

    loseril 1

    crema cinco 3

    toallas kotex 6

    toallas stayree 6

    protectores x 5 5

  • 7/25/2019 inventario yuliana.xlsx


    nosotras tanga 1

    protectores diarios nosotras !

    toallas nsotras dia y noche 2

    toallas nosotras 17

    bigen 7

    balance clinical oerta 1

    arden men 1balance crema 2

    arden men crema oerta 1

    arden men rollon oerta 1

    balce rollon oerta 5

    glatt crema lisadora 1

    palette tbo individal 21

    palette doble tvo 20

    igora doble tvo 1!

    oerta depilex 2

    vit 2vit pe%e'a 1

    desodorante ten 2

    barbie shampoo 1

    ara"ak protector solar 1

    lacti nosotras 1

    laca natral 1

    talco rexona 1

    talco mexana 2

    tetero pe%e'o 16

    tetero grande 14

    shapoo pantene 3

    oxigenta !

    adelgin 1

    silett 1

    laci nosotras 1

    kotex protectores 1

    protectores nosotras 1

    protectores nosotras 1

    baby sot x 400 2

    baby sot 750 2

    oerta syooss 2

    crema corporal 7

    pa'al tena l 1

    pa'al tena m 2

    pa'al tena individal 12

    pa'al etapa 5 2

    pe%e'in etapa 4 1

    pe%e'in etapa 3 2

  • 7/25/2019 inventario yuliana.xlsx


    pe%e'in etapa 2 4

    pe%e'in etapa 1 3

    pa'al x 10 3

    pe%e'in etapa 0 2

    hgiss 3

    hgiss etapa 3 1

    hgiss etapa 4 3hgiss etapa 5 1

    "inny etapa 1 5

    "inny etapa 2 2

    "inny etapa 3 4

    "inny etapa 4 3

    "inny etapa 5 4

    papel hgenico mega rollo 1,

    scott papel 21

    pa'al individal 45

    toallas nidad 25toallas higienicas 24

    nestm 3

    s 26 1

    vitalor 4

    nestogeno 1 grande 1

    nestogeno 2 grande 1

    kilm x 1 kilo 1

    klim 1 - x ,00 1

    klim 1- x 400 1

    klim x 1700 1

    klim bolsa 1

    smilac 1 1

    smilac 2 1

    enamil con hierro 2

    enamil 2 1

    eagro" 1

    enamil 1 1

    vitalor mama 1

    nestogeno 1 pe%e'o 1

    nestogeno 2 p 1

    nan 1 1

    nan 2 1

    promil 2 1

    pediasre 1

    ensre advance 1

    ensre normal 1

    ensre li%ido 2

    kil 1

  • 7/25/2019 inventario yuliana.xlsx


    espadadrapo ,

    espadadrapo ,

    espadadrapo pe 1

    espadadrapo mediano 1

    espadadrapo grande 1

    gasa 2

    gasa 2gasa 1 1

    gasa 5

    gasa esteril 26

    gantes 1

    gantes nitrilo !

    gante cirgia 24

    aplicadores 2 2

    baja lengas 4

    tapa bocas 50

    cras ni'os 56cras ni'os 150

    goly 26

    goly inantil 15

    parche colpas 12

    cra callos 4 155

    natalina 1,

    alcanort 40

    clorro de magnecio 1

    sal marina 1

    bicarbonato d esodio 2

    acido borico 3

    acido borico libra 2

    slato de magnesia 1

    sobres 2,7

    micropore grnade 1

    micropore mediano 6

    micropore pe%e'o 2000 2

    helados 1

    sobres 417

    piojos 53

    protector solar snder mar !

    sobre snda" 26

    nde 13

    nde ato 1

    nday 2,

    chin 14

    silicona 31

  • 7/25/2019 inventario yuliana.xlsx


    sante 37

    keratina 14

    gsano de seda 10

    moco gorila sobre 2!

    gel ego sobre 13

    lissia 31

    lissia grande ,89 1

    :;$8ripa ?arabe 1

    dvil children 1

    9olivim 2@aleriana 1

    C= 1

    9ayamineral ; 1

    @itacelebrina 1

    Ditromel 2

    Eemociton jarabe 1

    ;lixir de hierro 1

    8acoxil 1

    $omaxcol 1

    moxal 1

    emarvox 1 1

    Aepsamar 1

    Doaspharma 2

  • 7/25/2019 inventario yuliana.xlsx


    imeltil 1

    rimetoprim 40C200 ml 1

    rimetoprim !0C100 ml 1

    ciclovir 2

    etotieno 1

    moxicilina 125 ml 1

    ;ritromicina 1.itromicina >enar 1

    .itromicina la sante 1

    Dlaritromicina 1

    eyetears 2

    risal 2

    Fassertrol ng)ento 2

    Fassermicina 1

    Fassertim 1

    Fasservolt 1

    >entamicina 1obramicina 1

    Fasser Dhemical 1

    ;yeC.l 3

    ctrix 2

    =reegen 2

    Fassertrol gotas 2

    Dromoglicato de sodio labinco 1

    8.C.l 1

    Dromoglicato de sodio ryan otamologica 2

    Dromoglicato de sodio solcion nasal 1

    lacetamida 1

    atalmotrasol 1

    Dromoglicato solcion nasal 1

    rin oximeta.olina 1

    :aycten 2

    :scapina ntiespasmodico 14

    lgimideC = 1

    cidCness locion 1

    cidCmantle 1

    ctiva21 3

    pronax 6

    :edoyecta 1

    :en.irin verde 1

    :iocicar crema 1

    :etoprolol 100 mg 3

    :etoprolol 50 mg 1

    Dicaderm protector ctaneo 1

    Dycloem 2

  • 7/25/2019 inventario yuliana.xlsx


    Danesten Dlotrima.ol crema 2

    Dycloemina 3

    Dentrm 1

    Daladerm locion rosada 3

    Daladerm locion gel 3

    Daltrate pls 1

    Debion vitamina c 1Dollopls cido lactico 1

    9omeboro 2

    9epoCprovera 1

    9escongelito 2

    Dremo%imona 1

    9ermaskin 2

    Direlax 10

    Direlax jalea laxante 1

    9epotrim inyectable 1

    9itopax 29ermovate 1

    9esonida 2

    9lcolax 20

    ;nterogermina 2

    ;nemag 2

    ;rinet 5

    =lomcil 2G 1

    =lomcil sin 23

    =lomcil 100 mg 30

    =lomcil 200 mg 30

    =encaen 6

    =emelin 5

    =inagax 1

    =racin 1

    =erbin 10

    =loratil 11

    =ixamicin 1

    sodine olcion 1

    sodine :coaringeo 1

    sodine ;spma 1

    soem 20

    sodine ovlos 13

    >aviscon sobre 24

    >astrm 7

    orel loccion 1

  • 7/25/2019 inventario yuliana.xlsx


    >inokanestem 1

    8idopronto 1

    pocitorios 4!

    8axacol 100

  • 7/25/2019 inventario yuliana.xlsx


    $oxicaina pomada 1

    lana ovlos 1

    scaril 1

    Eermasetas 1

    ynovl ampollas 2

    ynovl :8; 1

    alcol 1hotC: 1

    o'ax 20

    o'ax orte 6

    mecta !

    iroxin 3

    impiox 2

    trabal ral 1

    iligax 1

    ricoben 40 1

    ricoben 20 1rigentax 1

    erramicina ng)ento 1

    @itamina ; capsla 2

    @ita bears 1

    @itamina ; capsla 2

    Fina"ol tabletas 1

    @ina.ina 3

    $edoxon 1

    @oltaren ampollas 5

    @oltaren tabletas 4

    @oltaren gel 1

    @alproxil 1

    Betabec 1

    ;xarsin 100 !

    ildenal*n 5

    @itamina D gotas 2

    Alasvit 2

    lato erroso 2

    Domplejo : gotas 3

    iamina 2

    lato erroso 44

    Dalcio 1

    iamina tabletas 13

    Domplejo : tableta 24

    Hodopil 6

    Dlotamiton 2

    :ensalto 2

    alamina 1

  • 7/25/2019 inventario yuliana.xlsx


    solkanasol locion 2

    acetato de alminio !

    Dloreramina ?arabe 6

    8oratadina 4

    8oratadina genar 2

    mbroxol 1

    Eidroxicina 3Detirixina gotas 4

    Detirixina jarabe 2

    9esloratadina 1

    9ihidrocodeina 2

    9extrometroano 1

    Dor/eran 2

    io*lina 1

    io*lina 75 1

    Aredsilona 5

    >ayacolato 1>ayacolato jarabe 2

    pramar 3

    ;closynt 1

    sthalin 4

    des8oratadina 2

    Eidroxicina abletas genar 5

    Detri.ina 6

    8oratadina tableta 20

    ximeta.ilina 2

    ximeta.ilina gotas 3

    9icloenalco capslas 5

    9icloenalco tabletas 3

    9icloenalco tabletas 5

  • 7/25/2019 inventario yuliana.xlsx


    bproeno 400 5

    bproeno 600 2

    ceminoen gotas 3

    bproeno jarabe 4

    colchicina 1

    irbron 1

    lpironol 28abinpina 4

    aproxeno !

    aproxeno 500 27

    cido salcilico !

    ;napril 10

    8osartan 1

    8osartan 50 1

    @erapamilo !0 4

    @erapamilo 120 4

    Daptopril 50 4Daptopril 25 3

    mpicilina !

    rimetorprim !

    etraciclina ,

    mpicilina 4

    Dloran*nacol 1

    cedra*na 500 3

    Dlidamicina 1

    $iamicina 3

    9icloxicina 1

    lodipino 7

    em*bro.ilo 12

  • 7/25/2019 inventario yuliana.xlsx


    mepra.ol 7

    mepra.ol 20 2

  • 7/25/2019 inventario yuliana.xlsx


    8evotiroxina 2

    8evotiroxina 50 2

    miriptrilina 17

    Darbama.epina 20

    Darbama.epina 400 2

    Eidrocortisina 6

    el 1

    socona.ol 1

    Airoxican gel 2

    >entacrem 1

    9icloenalco gel 1

    =elmodin 1

  • 7/25/2019 inventario yuliana.xlsx


    benda elastica 5 3

    benda elastica color piel 1

    benda *ja 4 1

    benda *ja 1

    benda 1

    benda *ja 2 1

    benda elastica color piel 1medical spplies 3 5

    medical spplies 4 4

    medical spplies 5 1

    kramer 5 2

    mer max 6 2

    jeringas 3ml 65

    jeringas 1ml 22,

    bendas de yeso 3

    benda elastica 4 1

    benda elastica 3 2gorro blanco 100

    jeringa 5 4,

    bolsa recoleccion de orina 60

    jeringa 50 3

    jeringa 20 4

    jeringa 10 2

    gorro tipo orga a.l 4

    goteras de vidrio 36

    aga esteril 2

    yelco 13

    precision 10 2

    precision 60 1

    ;ncendedor 5

    =osoros 4

    ampones digital 2

    ampones Don aplicador 1

    K: 10 4

    ampones 3

    ampones 9igitales 5

    Depillo oralCb ,

    today 2

    9o 14

    9exex gel 1

    dexex condones 17

    *siomax 2,

    Areservativos < 3

    Dondones te amo 12

    today 11

  • 7/25/2019 inventario yuliana.xlsx


    ;ngage colgate 6

    8isterine 3

    avident 2

    avident seda dental 3

    ?ohnson ceda dental 1

    =locarden 4

    >m 2=resh 3

    Dolgate cepillo ni'o ,

    ?gb cepillo ni'o 5

    ralb Depillo adlto 4

    m orthodontic 1

    it ortodoncia 1

    Arestobarba >illette 4

    ltrabarba schick 2

    Depillo A$ I 2 2

    Depillo c8>; I 2 2

    chick 4 7

    >illette mach3 2

    chick 3 13

    >illette prestobarba3 ,

    chick 2 12

    Drema ni'os resh 3

    Drema colgate ni'os 3

    Drema =lo cardent 2

    Drema Fhole resh 3

    crema ltra corega 1

    crema ltra corega sin sabor 1

    endodyne 2

    Dolgate 12 5

    Drema ?>: 2

    Drema *td kidx 1

    Dolgate total 12 1

    ltra "hite 1

    8minos "hite 1

    8minos "hite instant 1

  • 7/25/2019 inventario yuliana.xlsx


    riple accion 1

    8minos "hite 1

    Drema colgate 22ml ,

    Drema colgate 63ml !

    crema colgate extra blancra 5

    Drema colgate triple accion22ml 5

    riple accion crema - cepillo 7Drema ortident 4 3

    ?abon johnson 14

    ?abon protex 31

    eko 6

    9ove 2

    ixoderm 1

    cidCmantle ?abon 1

    lergibon 1

    Eojas para aeitar 10

    $exona talcos 2: 1

    Hodora atral 2

    9eopies 1

  • 7/25/2019 inventario yuliana.xlsx


    9escongel ,0

    gripax 5

    9istran triple accion 72

    8egrinp 20

    abcin 23

    =limcil 124

    dvil mas 17!oraver garganta 27

    lear tos 17

    9olivim 45

    9oloen 200

  • 7/25/2019 inventario yuliana.xlsx



    15230 L 15M230

    ,!00 L ,M!00

    17500 L 17M500

    72,0 L 36M450

    10700 L 53M50014650 L 2,M300

    !!50 L 26M550

    7070 L 7M070

    16200 L 16M200

    13200 L 66M000

    !400 L 50M400

    !150 L 32M600

    5200 L 20M!00

    6100 L 12M200

    5650 L 11M3007!00 L 31M200

    5300 L 5M300

    4!30 L 14M4,0

    2040 L 34M6!0

    7500 L 7M500

    5600 L 11M200

    6730 L 13M460

    2,00 L 11M600

    7200 L 21M600

    3,30 L 15M72014!00 L 14M!00

    ,200 L ,M200

    6400 L 32M000

    3000 L 3M000

    5!00 L 11M600

    ,!00 L 4,M000

    11000 L 11M000

    10500 L 52M500

    11300 L 11M300

    10!00 L 10M!00

    12700 L 12M700

    10300 L 41M200

    3670 L 7M340

    10,,0 L 76M,30

    11000 L 22M000

    12300 L 12M300

    14600 L 5!M400

    12300 L 24M600

  • 7/25/2019 inventario yuliana.xlsx


    6!00 L 6M!00

    10200 L 10M200

    ,240 L ,M240

    7600 L 15M200

    7600 L 22M!00

    ,200 L 27M600

    ,200 L 1!M400,200 L 46M000

    10300 L 10M300

    1 L !M!00

    3300 L 6M600

    6!00 L 6M!00

    1700 L 45M,00

    2500 L 30M000

    6300 L 12M600

    5500 L 11M000

    4!00 L ,M6004500 L 4M500

    ,,00 L 2,M700

    4!00 L 4M!00

    2000 L 2M000

    4200 L 4M200

    5200 L 5M200

    3,00 L 3M,00

    3,00 L 7M!00

    6,40 L 6M,40

    4200 L !M400

    !000 L !M000

    ,,00 L ,M,00

    3000 L 3M000

    4500 L 4M500

    4100 L 12M300

    6000 L 12M000

    2300 L 2M300

    2730 L 5M460

    7000 L 7M000

    10700 L 32M100

    5,,0 L 23M,60

    11,!0 L 11M,!0

    10000 L 10M000

    16!00 L 16M!00

    14500 L 14M500

    5!00 L 11M600

    3000 L 33M000

    5200 L 7!M000

  • 7/25/2019 inventario yuliana.xlsx


    5200 L 15M600

    14,0 L 17M!!0

    6,0 L 34M500

    ,20 L 3M6!0

    !!00 L 26M400

    ,40 L 25M3!0

    700 L 4M2001500 L 3M000

    25!00 L 25M!00

    3100 L 3M100

    5200 L 5M200

    4500 L 4M500

    17,0 L 3M5!0

    2,30 L 2M,30

    ,!00 L ,M!00

    4!00 L 4M!00

    3600 L 3M6002400 L 4M!00

    5300 L 10M600

    3!00 L 1,M000

    4700 L 4M700

    ,600 L ,M600

    1750 L 12M250

    2760 L !M2!0

    6000 L 6M000

    1700 L 3M400

    1!60 L 1M!60

    1500 L ,M000

    1150 L 26M450

    2500 L 2M500

    400 L 1M600

    4700 L 14M100

    4,00 L 4M,00

    1500 L 1M500

    700 L 7M000

    2500 L 2M500

    650 L 650

    1100 L 1M100

    2400 L 4M!00

    1500 L 6M000

    ,,0 L !M,10

    ,000 L ,M000

    4,00 L 4M,00

    1550 L 3M100

    12000 L 12M000

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    !000 L !M000

    !00 L 12M000

    5600 L 22M400

    7!00 L 46M!00

    6!70 L 41M220

    500 L 3M000

    !00 L 13M600100 L 5M200

    ,040 L ,M040

    1300 L 13M000

    1450 L 11M600

    11300 L 22M600

    3300 L 13M200

    !,00 L !M,00

    3!00 L 3M!00

    4000 L 2!M000

    4500 L 22M5004!00 L 4M!00

    7400 L 7M400

    ,,00 L ,M,00

    13260 L 13M260

    11400 L 11M400

    5000 L 5M000

    1700 L 1!M700

    10100 L 10M100

    14500 L 14M500

    !740 L !M740

    4670 L 1!M6!0

    5240 L 5M240

    !020 L !M020

    11710 L 11M710

    4150 L 16M600

    2150 L 6M450

    !6,0 L !M6,0

    6010 L 6M010

    5400 L 10M!00

    3670 L 3M670

    2,60 L !M!!0

    1500 L ,M000

    3070 L 6M140

    2550 L 7M650

    150 L 3M750

    150 L 6M600

    450 L 450

    44!0 L 17M,20

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    2200 L 13M200

    1620 L 4M!60

    3170 L 6M340

    1000 L 4M000

    3000 L 12M000

    1640 L 6M560

    3670 L 7M3402,10 L 11M640

    5010 L 5M010

    7560 L 15M120

    5670 L 5M670

    4030 L 4M030

    1570 L 15M700

    47!0 L 4M7!0

    !030 L !M030

    400 L 5M600

    600 L 12M600400 L 3M600

    300 L 6M300

    4000 L 4M000

    500 L 1M000

    2300 L 4M600

    700 L 2M!00

    1000 L 3M000

    1500 L 15M000

    700 L 25M200

    2200 L 4M400

    13500 L 13M500

    2300 L ,M200

    1760 L 15M!40

    4,00 L 14M700

    !500 L 17M000

    5100 L 25M500

    6700 L 26M!00

    6700 L 20M100

    4400 L !M!00

    3650 L 3M650

    11600 L 11M600

    600 L 7M!00

    250 L 2M500

    !300 L !M300

    6,20 L 6M,20

    !!00 L 17M600

    4000 L 16M000

    7000 L 21M000

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    !350 L !3M500

    5600 L 72M!00

    5000 L 50M000

    3700 L 66M600

    4100 L 36M,00

    4000 L !M000

    2450 L ,M!002400 L ,M600

    2050 L 10M250

    4000 L 4M000

    3700 L 3M700

    3,50 L 15M!00

    4200 L 5!M!00

    3200 L 25M600

    4100 L 12M300

    !500 L 17M000

    2,00 L !M70017650 L 17M650

    7150 L 7M150

    1600 L 1,6M!00

    !00 L 12M!00

    1500 L 4M500

    2!00 L !M400

    15000 L 15M000

    14700 L 14M700

    175!0 L 17M5!0

    1,500 L 7!M000

    3!00 L 3M!00

    14500 L 43M500

    5060 L 10M120

    4!70 L 1,M4!0

    250 L 2M000

    10!20 L 10M!20

    7500 L 30M000

    17500 L 17M500

    17500 L 17M500

    7!0 L !M5!0

    10000 L 10M000

    36050 L 36M050

    25100 L 25M100

    36100 L 36M100

    7000 L 7M000

    6000 L 6M000

    !300 L !M300

    3700 L 3M700

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    3500 L 3M500

    12700 L 12M700

    7100 L 7M100

    6200 L 12M400

    3400 L 10M200

    6600 L 52M!00

    14100 L 14M10010!20 L 10M!20

    11600 L 11M600

    2,00 L 14M500

    600 L 15M000

    ,000 L 1!M000

    7700 L 46M200

    12500 L 12M500

    22!00 L 22M!00

    13500 L 40M500

    20200 L 20M2007700 L 7M700

    17000 L 17M000

    20000 L 60M000

    5300 L 31M!00

    7450 L 22M350

    10!00 L 10M!00

    ,!50 L ,M!50

    !500 L 25M500

    15600 L 31M200

    20000 L 20M000

    1,700 L 1,M700

    5300 L 5M300

    6!00 L 13M600

    12500 L 12M500

    11000 L 11M000

    16500 L 16M500

    5040 L 5M040

    !700 L 17M400

    11200 L 33M600

    !300 L !M300

    !760 L 17M520

    4300 L 4M300

    4300 L 12M,00

    2!000 L 2!M000

    !000 L 24M000

    2300 L 13M!00

    2000 L 12M000

    300 L 1M500

  • 7/25/2019 inventario yuliana.xlsx


    4000 L 4M000

    1300 L 10M400

    2500 L 5M000

    3400 L 57M!00

    10130 L 70M,10

    13200 L 13M200

    10500 L 10M5007150 L 14M300

    10300 L 10M300

    !020 L !M020

    7130 L 35M650

    6500 L 6M500

    5300 L 111M300

    10310 L 206M200

    15110 L 271M,!0

    10020 L 20M040

    11430 L 22M!606600 L 6M600

    6700 L 13M400

    7400 L 7M400

    22000 L 22M000

    4000 L 4M000

    ,500 L ,M500

    ,2!0 L ,M2!0

    13500 L 27M000

    2300 L 36M!00

    3000 L 42M000

    12200 L 36M600

    1200 L ,M600

    11000 L 11M000

    30000 L 30M000

    11200 L 11M200

    ,000 L ,M000

    4000 L 4M000

    ,!00 L ,M!00

    10150 L 20M300

    11100 L 22M200

    ,500 L 1,M000

    10000 L 70M000

    13350 L 13M350

    11500 L 23M000

    1300 L 15M600

    1,000 L 3!M000

    1!000 L 1!M000

    14200 L 2!M400

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    11,00 L 47M600

    ,!00 L 2,M400

    4000 L 12M000

    10100 L 20M200

    11,00 L 35M700

    14000 L 14M000

    17000 L 51M0001!500 L 1!M500

    ,,00 L 4,M500

    11,00 L 23M!00

    14100 L 56M400

    17200 L 51M600

    1,000 L 76M000

    1400 L 26M600

    ,00 L 1!M,00

    500 L 22M500

    200 L 5M000150 L 3M600

    5100 L 15M300

    33770 L 33M770

    13000 L 52M000

    34!00 L 34M!00

    32000 L 32M000

    21!00 L 21M!00

    21400 L 21M400

    ,,00 L ,M,00

    3!300 L 3!M300

    11100 L 11M100

    331!5 L 33M1!5

    30470 L 30M470

    21000 L 42M000

    34750 L 34M750

    2!1!0 L 2!M1!0

    37!00 L 37M!00

    12000 L 12M000

    1!600 L 1!M600

    17200 L 17M200

    35000 L 35M000

    32!30 L 32M!30

    30660 L 30M660

    1 L 2,M700

    42000 L 42M000

    37200 L 37M200

    7000 L 14M000

    10500 L 10M500

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    1000 L ,M000

    1400 L 12M600

    3200 L 3M200

    4300 L 4M300

    7!00 L 7M!00

    3!00 L 7M600

    1750 L 3M5001600 L 1M600

    600 L 3M000

    200 L 5M200

    15000 L 15M000

    !50 L 6M!00

    5!0 L 13M,20

    500 L 1M000

    600 L 2M400

    230 L 11M500

    100 L 5M60050 L 7M500

    340 L !M!40

    340 L 5M100

    300 L 3M600

    1200 L 4M!00

    600 L ,3M000

    250 L 4M750

    350 L 14M000

    2400 L 2M400

    1000 L 1M000

    ,00 L 1M!00

    1400 L 4M200

    4000 L !M000

    2100 L 2M100

    200 L 5,M400 ,

    7000 L 7M000 17

    3000 L 1!M000 14

    2500 L 5M000 13

    300000 L 300M000

    350 L 145M,50

    1000 L 53M000

    1200 L ,M600

    2000 L 52M000

    1000 L 13M000

    3300 L 3M300

    1400 L 40M600

    !00 L 11M200

    1000 L 31M000

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    700 L 25M,00

    !00 L 11M200

    !00 L !M000

    450 L 12M600

    450 L 5M!50

    660 L 20M460

    2000 L 1!M000L11M000 L 11M000

    L6M,00 L 6M,00

    L5M200 L 10M400

    L7M000 L 14M000

    L7M2!0 L 14M560

    L6M600 L 33M000

    L,M!00 L ,M!00

    L,M000 L ,M000

    L10M200 L 10M200

    L4M000 L !M000L4M000 L 4M000

    L12M700 L 12M700

    L6M500 L 6M500

    L6M000 L 12M000

    L7M200 L 7M200

    L5M5,0 L 5M5,0

    L!M,00 L !M,00

    L1!M200 L 1!M200

    L1,M500 L 1,M500

    L10M700 L 10M700

    L11M700 L 11M700

    L11M400 L 11M400

    L13M200 L 13M200

    L13M,00 L 13M,00

    L12M100 L 12M100

    L!M!00 L !M!00

    L25M600 L 25M600

    L16M400 L 16M400

    L7M300 L 14M600

    L11M700 L 11M700

    L6M700 L 6M700

    L6M000 L 6M000

    L10M700 L 10M700

    L14M700 L 14M700

    L6M000 L 6M000

    L13M000 L 13M000

    L17M700 L 17M700

    L4M500 L ,M000

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    L7M700 L 7M700

    L2M700 L 2M700

    L3M350 L 3M350

    L2M!00 L 5M600

    L3M400 L 3M400

    L2M200 L 2M200

    L5M400 L 5M400L4M340 L 4M340

    L6M300 L 6M300

    L12M400 L 12M400

    L4M000 L !M000

    L1,M700 L 3,M400

    L!M,00 L 17M!00

    L!M,00 L !M,00

    L5M700 L 5M700

    L,M400 L ,M400

    L3M000 L 3M000L!M000 L !M000

    L7M500 L 7M500

    L4M200 L 12M600

    L2M500 L 5M000

    L12M000 L 24M000

    L4M300 L !M600

    L2M300 L 2M300

    L6M500 L 6M500

    L1M700 L 3M400

    L2M!00 L 2M!00

    L3M100 L 3M100

    L1M200 L 1M200

    L4M000 L 4M000

    L11M000 L 11M000

    L12M500 L 25M000

    L700 L ,M!00

    L12M440 L 12M440

    L7M400 L 7M400

    L12M650 L 12M650

    L3M!50 L 11M550

    L1M600 L ,M600

    L20M000 L 20M000

    L21M,00 L 21M,00

    L,M100 L ,M100

    L4M100 L 12M300

    L3M400 L 3M400

    L14M,00 L 14M,00

    L!M050 L 16M100

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    L12M370 L 24M740

    L!M,00 L 26M700

    L17M150 L 17M150

    L4M!00 L 14M400

    L4M500 L 13M500

    L24M000 L 24M000

    L10M000 L 10M000L12M700 L 12M700

    L550 L 1M100

    L7M500 L 7M500

    L6M600 L 13M200

    L13M300 L 13M300

    L4M200 L !M400

    L4M!00 L 4!M000

    L11M200 L 11M200

    L6M200 L 6M200

    L3M200 L 6M400L34M200 L 34M200

    L!M200 L 16M400

    L4!0 L ,M600

    L3M450 L 6M,00

    L6M500 L 13M000

    L3M100 L 15M500

    L!M400 L !M400

    L1M!70 L 43M010

    L700 L 21M000

    L1M000 L 30M000

    L1M200 L 7M200

    L7M500 L 37M500

    L5M,00 L 5M,00

    L20M000 L 20M000

    L5M400 L 54M000

    L4M300 L 47M300

    L12M400 L 12M400

    L5M400 L 5M400

    L5M050 L 5M050

    L4M700 L 4M700

    L!M!00 L 176M000

    L1M150 L 14M,50

    L1M050 L 25M200

    L5,0 L 4M130

    L5M500 L 5M500

    L12M,00 L 12M,00

    L!10 L 2,M160

    L16M200 L 16M200

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    L1,M400 L 1,M400

    L!M530 L !M530

    L360 L 17M2!0

    L,00 L ,0M000

    L10M000 L 10M000

    L2M000 L 24M000

    L17M700 L 17M700L11M300 L 11M300

    L15M340 L 15M340

    L6M300 L 25M200

    L14M100 L 42M300

    L6M300 L 6M300

    L1M300 L 3M,00

    L!M1!0 L !M1!0

    L22M000 L 22M000

    L5M600 L 5M600

    L7M530 L 7M530L3M200 L 25M600

    L7M330 L 7M330

    L,00 L 17M100

    L5M700 L 5M700

    L!M000 L 4!M000

    L3M,00 L 7M!00

    L,,0 L !M,10

    L16M000 L 32M000

    L17M500 L 17M500

    L!M100 L !M100

    L,40 L 20M6!0

    L2M400 L 4M!00

    L10M200 L 10M200

    L12M!00 L 12M!00

    L2M,20 L 20M440

    L11M710 L 11M710

    L,00 L 16M200

    L10M400 L 10M400

    L13M200 L 66M000

    L770 L 26M1!0

    L1M450 L 11M600

    L12M200 L 12M200

    L11M000 L 11M000

    L17M700 L 17M700

    L5M700 L 5M700

    L2M,60 L 2M,60

    L7M,00 L 7M,00

    L3M3!0 L 16M,00

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    L6M330 L 6M330

    L10M000 L 10M000

    L!M700 L !M700

    L4M!00 L 4M!00

    L10M400 L 20M!00

    L6M200 L 6M200

    L14M400 L 14M400L1!M700 L 1!M700

    L,50 L 1,M000

    L1M100 L 6M600

    L3M,30 L 31M440

    L2M,20 L !M760

    L5M400 L 10M!00

    L!M!00 L !M!00

    L13M000 L 13M000

    L6M!00 L 6M!00

    L4M600 L 4M600L11M300 L 11M300

    L12M200 L 12M200

    L1M500 L 3M000

    L1M!00 L 1M!00

    L10M000 L 20M000

    L2M200 L 2M200

    L4M620 L 13M!60

    L7M300 L 7M300

    L10M300 L 51M500

    L4M300 L 17M200

    L1!M400 L 1!M400

    L11M,00 L 11M,00

    L13M,00 L 13M,00

    L2M!00 L 22M400

    L700 L 3M500

    L7M400 L 14M!00

    L3M010 L 6M020

    L1M600 L 3M200

    L2M!00 L !M400

    L3M300 L 6M600

    L300 L 13M200

    L3M200 L 3M200

    L5,0 L 7M670

    L530 L 12M720

    L2M000 L 12M000

    L2M200 L 4M400

    L1M4,0 L 2M,!0

    L2M640 L 2M640

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    L2M,00 L 5M!00

    L1M,!0 L 15M!40

    L2M000 L 12M000

    L1M0,0 L 4M360

    L4M700 L ,M400

    L1M520 L 1M520

    L1M100 L 3M300L3M,00 L 15M600

    L2M360 L 4M720

    L5M400 L 5M400

    L4M000 L !M000

    L3M700 L 3M700

    L3M3!0 L 6M760

    L7M600 L 7M600

    L4M700 L 4M700

    L1M250 L 6M250

    L1M230 L 1M230L2M370 L 4M740

    L5M400 L 16M200

    L!M000 L !M000

    L4M200 L 16M!00

    L2M!00 L 5M600

    L1M200 L 6M000

    L660 L 3M,60

    L600 L 12M000

    L3M600 L 7M200

    L3M200 L ,M600

    L2M000 L 10M000

    L550 L 1M650

    L1M500 L 7M500

    L300 L !M400

    L3M000 L 3M000

    L1M,00 L 3M!00

    L3M500 L 3M500

    L2M100 L 6M300

    L1M2!0 L 3M!40

    L3M520 L 10M560

    L2M4!0 L 2M4!0

    L1M170 L 5M!50

    L!10 L 5M670

    L2M560 L 2M560

    L1M130 L 2M260

    L200 L 6M400

    L220 L !M!00

    L3M!00 L 15M200

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    L530 L 2M650

    L600 L 1M200

    L1M330 L 3M,,0

    L2M300 L ,M200

    L3M300 L 3M300

    L,M100 L ,M100

    L4M700 L ,M400L2M600 L 10M400

    L,00 L 7M200

    L1M300 L 35M100

    L634 L 5M072

    L1M300 L 13M000

    L533 L 533

    L3M3!4 L 3M3!4

    L2M300 L ,M200

    L2M255 L ,M020

    L1M220 L 4M!!0L1M2!7 L 3M!61

    L3M,00 L 31M200

    L1M7!0 L 14M240

    L2M000 L 1!M000

    L1M,,0 L 7M,60

    L1M700 L 1M700

    L3M500 L 10M500

    L,M600 L ,M600

    L5M!00 L 17M400

    L5M!00 L 5M!00

    L5!0 L 4M060

    L2M,00 L 5M!00

    L2M000 L 4M000

    L600 L 1M200

    L1M600 L 12M!00

    L1M!00 L 10M!00

    L3M100 L 4,M600

    L4M500 L 4M500

    L1M000 L 4M000

    L1M540 L 16M,40

    L,10 L 2M730

    L1M400 L 4M200

    L1M260 L 3M7!0

    L1M300 L 7M!00

    L1M300 L 15M600

    L!10 L 17M010

    L1M600 L 3M200

    L1M!00 L 12M600

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    L2M200 L 15M400

    L1M500 L 3M000

    L400 L !M400

    L3M200 L ,M600

    L1M400 L 2M!00

    L300 L 7M500

    L300 L 3M,00L2M400 L ,M600

    L2M500 L 5M000

    L3M100 L ,M300

    L14M!00 L 14M!00

    L1M340 L ,M3!0

    L1M400 L 2M!00

    L3M400 L 3M400

    L!00 L 4M!00

    L2M700 L 2M700

    L6M,00 L 13M!00L1M4!0 L 7M400

    L1M400 L 4M200

    L5!0 L 2M,00

    L!00 L 3M200

    L1M340 L 1M340

    L2M,00 L 5M!00

    L700 L 4M200

    L1M0!0 L 2M160

    L1M100 L 2M200

    L!00 L 3M200

    L4M000 L 4M000

    L1M100 L ,M,00

    L!60 L 6M!!0

    L1M000 L 5M000

    L1M!00 L 5M400

    L2M000 L 16M000

    L!00 L 3M200

    L1M000 L 3M000

    L!00 L 3M200

    L,00 L ,M,00

    L1M000 L 2M000

    L3M200 L 3M200

    L3M!00 L 3M!00

    L1M6!0 L 3M360

    L1M!00 L 1M!00

    L,M300 L ,M300

    L1M000 L 6M000

    L6M000 L 12M000

  • 7/25/2019 inventario yuliana.xlsx


    L4M400 L !M!00

    L4M!00 L ,M600

    L400 L 6M!00

    L700 L 14M000

    L3M000 L 6M000

    L6M700 L 40M200

    L2M000 L 16M000L2M600 L 1!M200

    L1M600 L 4M!00

    L2M700 L !M100

    L,M300 L ,M300

    L3M,00 L 3M,00

    L5M200 L 10M400

    L6M600 L 6M600

    L2M300 L 2M300

    L4M200 L 4M200

    L2M000 L 4M000L372 L !M,33

    L5M700 L 11M400

    L5M600 L 5M600

    L5M1!0 L 5M1!0

    L4M500 L 4M500

    L3M160 L ,M4!0

    L4M000 L 4M000

    L,M000 L ,M000

    L,M300 L 1!M600

    L4M200 L 4M200

    L4M,00 L 4M,00

    L3M000 L 6M000

    L3M400 L 3M400

    L1M500 L 1M500

    L5M,00 L 11M!00

    L4M400 L 4M400

    L2M000 L !M000

    L500 L 500

    L2M075 L 14M525

    L!00 L 11M200

    L11M500 L 11M500

    L6M000 L 6M000

    L5M200 L 10M400

    L1M!00 L 5M400

    L130 L 13M000

    L200 L 3M400

    L12M700 L 12M700

    L1M700 L 1M700

  • 7/25/2019 inventario yuliana.xlsx


    L2M250 L 6M750

    L2M250 L 2M250

    L2M700 L 2M700

    L4M000 L 4M000

    L!00 L !00

    L1M400 L 1M400

    L1M1!0 L 1M1!0L51! L 2M5,0

    L1M100 L 4M400

    L1M200 L 1M200

    L1M,00 L 3M!00

    L2M200 L 4M400

    L100 L 6M500

    L300 L 6!M700

    L5M700 L 17M100

    L2M000 L 2M000

    L2M000 L 4M000L150 L 15M000

    L120 L 5M!!0

    L300 L 1!M000

    L1M200 L 3M600

    L700 L 2M!00

    L260 L 520

    L160 L 640

    L464 L 16M704

    L400 L !00

    L1M15! L 15M054

    L500 L 1M000

    L1M000 L 1M000

    L400 L 2M000

    L200 L !00

    L6M200 L 12M400

    L,M200 L ,M200

    L5M700 L 22M!00

    L1M,33 L 5M7,,

    L5M470 L 27M350

    L1M300 L 11M700

    L5M630 L 11M260

    L3M,00 L 54M600

    L6M500 L 6M500

    L1M300 L 22M100

    L,50 L 27M550

    L6M600 L 1,M!00

    L400 L 4M!00

    L2M100 L 23M100

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    L1M120 L 6M720

    L2M053 L 6M15,

    L2M200 L 4M400

    L2M120 L 6M360

    L3M64! L 3M64!

    L4M64! L 1!M5,2

    L2M,00 L 5M!00L3M000 L ,M000

    L1M200 L 10M!00

    L1M040 L 5M200

    L3M500 L 14M000

    L1M000 L 1M000

    L1M!00 L 1M!00

    L1M,50 L 1M,50

    L1M600 L !M000

    L63! L 7M656

    L2M100 L 14M700L1M3!! L 5M552

    L,5! L ,M5!0

    L10M,30 L 10M,30

    L5M,66 L 5M,66

    L6M!70 L 6M!70

    L1M!6, L 7M476

    L725 L 1M450

    L6M235 L 12M470

    L3M!00 L 7M600

    L2M4,3 L 17M451

    L1M272 L 2M544

    L1M474 L 1,M162

    L2M!40 L 25M560

    L1M100 L 13M200

    L3M000 L ,M000

    L4M,00 L 14M700

    L3M400 L 6M!00

    L4M2,0 L 12M!70

    L1M,4! L 1M,4!

    L1M100 L 1M100

    L!M!60 L 17M720

    L2M600 L 13M000

    L3M664 L 7M32!

    L13M500 L 13M500

    L6M700 L 6M700

    L6M!00 L 6M!00

    L,M140 L ,M140

    L!M340 L !M340

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    L3M671 L 3M671

    L10M36, L 10M36,

    L!20 L 7M3!0

    L1M362 L 10M!,6

    L1M600 L !M000

    L,00 L 4M500

    L1M700 L 11M,00L1M600 L 4M!00

    L1M700 L 23M!00

    L1M700 L 52M700

    L1M573 L ,M43!

    L1M500 L 3M000

    L4M550 L 4M550

    L4M!70 L 4M!70

    L10M500 L 10M500

    L1M300 L 13M000

    L7M700 L 15M400L!M500 L !M500

    L4M100 L 4M100

    L3M100 L 3M100

    L5M100 L 25M500

    L2M500 L 2M500

    L4M473 L !M,46

    L2M700 L 13M500

    L2M500 L 2M500

    L6M050 L 6M050

    L1M,00 L 13M300

    L12M500 L 25M000

    L3M600 L 3M600

    L10M700 L 10M700

    L,M000 L ,M000

    L11M400 L 11M400

    L!M700 L 17M400

    L10M700 L 10M700

    L,M,00 L ,M,00

    L10M700 L 10M700

    L10M700 L 10M700

    L,M,00 L ,M,00

    L11M400 L 11M400

    L510 L 32M640

    L,20 L 115M,20

    L1M2!0 L 16M640

    L1M3!0 L 24M!40

    L!20 L 3!M540

    L4!0 L 10M560

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    L520 L 46M!00

    L240 L 1M200

    L460 L 33M120

    L200 L 4M000

    L1M540 L 35M420

    L160 L 1,M!40

    L,30 L 165M540L720 L 1,M440

    L250 L 4M250

    L4,0 L 22M050

    L160 L 32M000

    L350 L 10M500

    L4!0 L 2!M320

    L!40 L !M400

    L4,0 L 13M720

    L2!0 L 27M440

    L1M5,0 L 1,M0!0L5M420 L 10M!40

    L360 L ,M000

    L3!0 L !M360

    L6!0 L 25M160

    L640 L 7M6!0

    L!00 L 17M600

    L750 L 22M500

    L1M130 L 33M,00

    L!!0 L 15M!40

    L730 L 2,M200

    L260 L ,M100

    L5,0 L 14M160

    L720 L 30M240

    L400 L 34M!00

    L6,0 L 52M440

    L6,0 L 34M500

    L720 L 24M4!0

    L1M570 L 21M,!0

    L1M150 L 1!M400

    L1M070 L 5M350

    L560 L 1M6!0

    L4,0 L 23M520

    L 15M,,!M012