INVENT17 (Indian Ocean Thermal Vent Mapping ... - GEBCO

INVENT (Indian Ocean Thermal Vent Mapping Program) Transit and Sea Acceptance Test dataset of RV ISABU Dr. Yosup Park [email protected]

Transcript of INVENT17 (Indian Ocean Thermal Vent Mapping ... - GEBCO

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INVENT (Indian Ocean Thermal Vent Mapping Program)

Transit and Sea Acceptance Test dataset of RV ISABU

Dr. Yosup Park

[email protected]

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• New Research Vessel RV ISABU

• Example of Transit & SAT dataset for ocean mapping

• How to share gathering data under national government policy.

Talk Issues

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General of RV ISABU

Length 99.8 mGross

TonnageApprox. 5,900 Ton

Breadth 18.0 m Depth 10.3 m

Speed12/15 kts (cruising


10,000 N.M

(at cruising speed)

PropulsionUnit2,500 kW motor

ⅹ2Propeller Azimuth thrusterⅹ2

MainGenerator 1,881kWⅹ4 Capacity60

(Crew 22, Scientist 38)

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Category Equipment Remarks




Acoustic Synchronization


Attitude and Motion with




Ultra Short Baseline


Positioning System

- KM HiPAP 10,000m


Coring Winch 10000 m, Ø28mm

Deep-Tow Winch (Optical

Cable)10000 m, Ø17mm

Deep-Tow Winch (Co-axial

Cable)10000 m, Ø17mm

CTD Winch Standard, Clean

General Purpose Winch 10000 m, Ø20mm

Boom &


CTD Overhead Boom 6 ton

Side A-Frame 25 ton

Core Catcher Removable Type

Core Davit Removable Type

Stern A-Frame 30 ton, 170°folding

Category Equipment Remarks



Scientific Fish Finder EK80, 15,000 m

Scientific Multibeam Echo

SounderME70 , 70 ~ 120 kHz.

High Frequency Omni

Directional Sonar114kHz, 2000m

Precision Depth RecorderEA600, 12, 38, 200


Shallow Water Multi-beam

Echo Sounder

EM710, 70~100 kHz,


Deep Sea Multi-beam

Echo Sounder

EM120S, 12kHzm


Sub-Bottom Profiler P70, 11,000m

Acoustic Doppler Current

ProfilerADCP, 38, 150kHz



Sound Velocity Probe ±0.05 m/s

Sound Velocity Sensor 6,000m, ±0.05 m/s


XBT XCTD included

ThermosalinographT : 0.003 deg

Cond.: 0.003 mS


Gravity Marine Gravitimeter 0.01 mGal


Observation system

Equipments on RV ISABU

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Main Lab Screen Layout of RV ISABU

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RV ISABU Can map deepest seafloor of World !

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Research Fields of KIOST

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• INdian ocean hydro thermal VENT Expedition From 2017 to 2022

• To investigate Deep Sea Life Eco-System around Hydro thermal vent where is Very Hot, Dark, and High Pressure.


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Transit route to Expedition Site of RV ISABU

6,000 NM

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South West Indian Ocean Expedition Transit

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South West Indian Ocean Expedition Transit

Base Map : GEBCO


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Return Home Sailing

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Deep Sea Canyon from 1500 km shore

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Meandering River at 4000m depth

Han River, SeoulDeep Sea Canyon Depth : Over 100mDeep Sea Canyon Width : Over 2, 000m

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International Scientific Investigation in Bengal Fan

Data from GeoMapApp & IODP

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International Scientific Investigation in Bengal Fan

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We Can help Extend Continental Shelf Mapping Program(UNCLOS Article 76) of Small Islands States

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Sea Acceptance Test Cruise


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Sea Acceptance Test Cruise

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Sea Mount and Creator in Mariana Basin

Mount Shasta(4,322 m) By Ewen Denney

Rano Kau volcano crater, Easter Island

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Challenger Deep with RV ISABU

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Data Gather & Interpretation

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Data Sharing Examples

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• Transit sailing coverage is about 70~90% of Scientific Cruise.

• Seafloor mapping data during transit need to be reviewed for sharing with international scientific community.

• Scientific Cruise Plan hope to be consulted under scientific party.

• To Encourage data sharing, National Government law must be improved with financial support.

Need a Transit Cruise Design

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• RV ISABU can map full ocean depth globally since 2017.

• Transit sailing are very valuable, then must be to organize for future demands.

• To share seafloor mapping data with international scientific group, we will develop official way to submit under Each Country Laws or Funding ORG’s Permission.

Take Home Messages