Invalid Argument Terms

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Transcript of Invalid Argument Terms

  • 8/14/2019 Invalid Argument Terms


    Invalid Argument Terms

    Invalid Argument Terms/Techniques(some of these terms do not always imply an

    invalid technique,but the ploy can be labeled as such)

    Ad Antiquitam Appealing to convention or traditional action as a proof of validity.

    Ad hoc Simply means directed to a single proposition or issue--no further

    implications intended. A proliferation of ad hoc adjustments to a theory indicates

    a crisis in acceptability.

    Ad hominem (abusive) Attacking the behavior or character of the man instead

    of his argument. Appealing to emotions and/or prejudices rather than to intellect

    or reason.Ad Novitam Appealing to modernity or newness as a proof of validity.

    Associationism Implying that an associative relationship is a causative one.

    Affirming the Consequent Within valid logic structure when we say that if A is

    true then B is true, we must prove A to be true in order to conclude that B is true.

    Affirming the consequent is to erroneously conclude that A is true upon finding

    that B is true.

    Authoritarianism Unquestioning reliance on an authority or expert.

    Composition Fallacy Applying to the whole the properties of the parts.

    Defeatism Claiming an end is impossible to achieve as a reason for not following

    a line of reason.

    De fide Literally "of faith", but implying revealed by god and requiring

    unconditional assent.

    Denying the Antecedent Within valid logic structure when we say that if A is

    true then B is true, we must not assume B to be false because A is false.

    Denying the antecedent is to erroneously conclude that B is false upon findingthat A is false.

    Derision Using an emphasis on ridicule to assail a premise or argument.

    Dis -accreditation The ploy of pointing out a lack of formal accreditation on the

    other side.

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    Hyper-limitation Intentionally and/or needlessly limiting the number of options or


    Hypocrisy* Originally meant lacking in judgment or lacking the quality of careful

    and critical thinking. Now used here to denote an agenda other than to arrive at

    the truth.

    Loaded Questions Asking questions where no simple response can be

    reasonable, or where any response implies acceptance of what is asserted as

    part of the question.

    Mala fide With intent to deceive.

    Mal entendu Misunderstood or poorly conceived.

    Mal absurdum Mis-characterization or invalid reduction to an absurdity..

    Misinform To supply with misleading information.Non-comparable Not worthy of comparison.

    Non sequitur Latin for out of sequence, a break in the chain of logic with an

    unwarranted leap.

    Pedantism A demand to prove the case within the conventional framework..

    Petitio principii Assuming in the premise of an argument the conclusion which is

    to be substantiated; a form of circular reasoning.

    Post Hoc Ergo Prompter Hoc An argument that implies that since A precededB in time, A caused B.

    Proton Pseudos First or fundamental falsity or error. Many times arguments

    start with this up front or as a hidden assumption.

    Red Herring Raising an issue or challenge that is not relevant or is simply a

    distraction from the issue at hand.

    Reductionism Any method or theory that reduces data, information or processes

    to seeming equivalents that are less complex or developed than is the real case.

    Reification The attempt to make a purely abstract idea or concept into a real-

    world extant entity.

    Red Herring The introduction of extraneous material or irrelevant argument to

    divert attention or focus on the issue at hand.

    Simplistic Demand Demanding a simple or inadequate answer to a complex

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    question or issue.

    Special Pleading Using a double-standard to require less rigorous treatment for

    one's own assertion than one would use against a counter assertion.

    Straw man Arguing against a premise no one has taken, knocking that premise

    down, and then assuming or implying that you have then discredited the original

    at question.

    Tautology A form of needless repetition or circular reasoning that does not

    advance understanding.

    Ultra-Symbolism Confusing the symbol with the reality for which it stands.

    Unilateralism Taking into account only one side of an issue or matter.