INTS2310 PAper 1

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1. INTS 2310 Paper 1 INTS 2310 Paper 1 Dexter Lewis Texas Tech University 1 2. Paper 1 Abstract Paper 1 is an essay on my personal definition of Integrative Studies and what it means to me. There is included a section on my career goals, my majors, and how I can put all these together to make one problem solving degree I can have a career and happy life with. Included in this essay is a section on how as a world we can change global racism and bring an end to such a vicuous way of thinking. This is a highly personalized essay that incudes my personal thoughts along with elements tht I have learned Integrative Studies 2310 thus far. 2 3. Paper 1 The definition of Integrative studies to me personally, is the uniting of former seperate disciplines into one problem solving degree free from bias and limits. This definition covers the fact that it is a problem solving degree, the fact that it strectches across multiple fields, and the fact that it is a new degree trying to replace the old way of thinking. The definition of Integrative studies can be a hard thing to grasp because of the abstractness that inherently comes with it but it is still a very applicable degree to whatever you want to do really. Yes, there are students that just want to graduate and be done but there are also students who really see the value in this degree at this University. Texas Tech University is a great name to get behind and an Integrative studies degree makes you very flexible when it comes time to start a career. You will be able to go with the flow of your work environment and still be able to contribute equally along with every one else.Another definition of Integrative Studies is The Integrating, or coming together, of episimology, or ways of thinking, into one discipline. An idea that goes back to the beginning of Academia hen it was all just one nig apple of knowledge you could bite, compared to today where everyone strictly follos their discipline. This latest model of learning slows progress don substantially and keeps us where we are. With new perspectives American Education could really be improved. We have a melting pot of ideas and perspectives, when thesse are acceptable things to put together to solve problems, Americas Education and progress will be where it should be, in a constant innovative phase. In this paragraph I will talk about how my three chosen minors connect together and why I chose them. I chose my minors because I could not decidie between them. I am 3 4. Paper 1 very much interested in Human Psychology and MAss communication. If you really think about it they go hand in hand. Mass communication could be seen as the application of Psychology. I began Civil engineering when I first came here to Texas Tech University and I really did not like the math involved. It was just not a good personality fit to be doing for the rest of my life. After this time period I took a variety of classes mainly in Psychology, Mass Communication, Ethnic Minority Studies and Integrative studies. These classes actually taught me something. They taught me of the serious problems going on in the world and gave me a foundation to begin attempting to solve these problems. Psychology gave me the power to understand the human mind. All those things that I could not understand in people, after a couple years I could clearly see the reasons behind peoples actions. To know human behavior is a very important trait I beleieve and will serve me will in the workforce as a manager. My employees will have the best motivation if they know they can not lie to me or pull anything sneaky. This is also imprtant in a personal way also. To understand Human behavior of your friends and family really gives you a way of pulling back from it all and taking a fresh perspective. This is a really hard thing to do when you have only known one thing your entire life but once done it can clear your eyes to the realities of the world.For instance, when you have a family and children you will be able to raise that child better and take care of your wife better if you understand them. If you understand where they are coming from it makes all the difference in the world. My other chosen minor of MAss Communications was chosen because I noticed the huge impact it had on every ones life. Most every persons every day life is controlled by MAss Media, wether that be a social media site, telivision, 4 5. Paper 1 or newspaper it is a very key elemenet in peoples way of thinking. Mass Media is the engine that drives our culture. To study it makes you a very clever consumer of media, it allows for you to realize what is true and hat is false. Most people beleive anything that the Mass Media puts out as long as they are in line with their view points, never stopping to consider if their view point was right to begin with. I chose Ethnic Minority Studies because it is so relevant to my life. The decisions they make and information that they find will directly afect my condition of living so learning everything they study and know about ethnic minorities helps my life in the best ways. I chose Integrative studies because of its ability to help me connect my chosen minors on Media Strategies, Psychology, and Integrative Studies. INTS as a minor shows me how psychology can be used in the Media Strategies world to produce effective game changing, new way of thinking Media. The complex problem I would like to adress would be the global racism problem. I know living in Texas this is a strange thing for one to be concerned with but I think equality for all could help this world out in the best of ways. It would take socialogical and law minds to make it happen along with a great understanding of how it came to be to solve it but it is possible.This problem is complex because the huge population size of the matter, its global, and it is an age old problem that is being created in individual homes. Children are taught to be racist and then it is passed on to their children, a vicious cycle that needs to be stopped if change is to ever come. I beleieve psychology and Media Strategies could be very good to solve this complex problem. You can use media to deliver positive messages about minorites instead of the negative smut they show now and historically. I beleieve good representation in media will be key to gaining position 5 6. Paper 1 on the racism front. Psychology can help in teaching and understanding ways of thoughts that we will be working with and against. It gives you the advantage of knowledge in a place where ignorance is praised. I beleieve this is actually the most important problem facing America internally. There are many things we worry about overseas but Racism is something we allow to continue through the years. We are an example to all the other countries and the world and that is the example we show, the military industrial complex and racism. My educational and career goals are to go to Law School in San Diego, California and become an International Human Rights Lawyer so I can help the down trodden of the world. To be able to accomplish this would make life orth living. To actively change an Paper 1 entire groups, identity, persecution, and way of thinking is a huge battle to undertake but I beleieve with the right people all focused on the issue then we can make racism and bullying of smaller minority nations a thing of days passes. This specialized degree can help me to get to that goal by giving me the flexibilityand adaptability to go with the flow in MY Law Degree. Psychology will be a huge factor in strategies that I choose to take to wipe out this problem. Media Strategies will play a huge role because it is a very effective way to get the message to a large number of people at once. Integrative Studies will be a key factor also because it will show me the connections between things that I might not have seen otherwise. To reach these career goals are quite lofty and time consuming but so very much worth the time an effort from a personal point of view. In 6 7. Paper 1 becoming a lawyer that is in itself a victorey for minorities in America. That same goal would be impossible just one hundred years ago. There is progress being made in America but the black community as a whole has still been persecuted and still continues to be persecuted. I beleieve my career and educational goals of trying to change this is very important. 7 8. What is Integrative Studies? Grading Rubric Criteria Points Possible Points Earned General Paper adheres to APA formatting (title page, citations, references page, etc.). This rubric pasted at the end of the assignment. 15 Writing is clear with appropriate grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Headings are appropriately labeled 10 Definition (250 words) Defines Integrative Studies in a personal way. Definition is clearly derived from course definition. 10 Student discusses how Integrative Studies is beneficial. 10 Education (500 words) Discusses 3 areas of concentration and connections. Also discusses the specialized nature of degree program. 20 Complex Problem (250 words) Identifies a complex problem and perspectives (outside 3 areas) that might be used to research problem. 20 Connection (250 words) Discusses future plans/next steps. 15 Total 100 Instructor Comments: 8