Introduction to the Upgrade Your Health Series€¦ · By having all of your bodily systems working...


Transcript of Introduction to the Upgrade Your Health Series€¦ · By having all of your bodily systems working...

Page 1: Introduction to the Upgrade Your Health Series€¦ · By having all of your bodily systems working for you, rather than against you, you’ll find that gaining strength, skill and
Page 2: Introduction to the Upgrade Your Health Series€¦ · By having all of your bodily systems working for you, rather than against you, you’ll find that gaining strength, skill and

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Introduction to the Upgrade Your Health Series

Upgrade Your Health is all about taking where you’re currently at with one aspect of your health

and bringing it up to a higher level. Its not a matter of doing it wrong, or doing it right. While

some things are clearly bad or clearly good, this isn’t a game of black and white. Instead there are

many shades of grey. There is lots of room for better or worse. Sometimes there will be a best and

worst, but when you look at that, the answer can be malleable and changing over time.

Ideally, you’d want to be at the top end of the spectrum, but

for a variety of reasons you may not be able to get there

immediately. If you can, great, make that leap. But even if you

can just climb one rung up the ladder, that step will improve

your health. Then after some time you can make the next step,

and so on, until you reach the top.

In some cases there may not always be a clear answer on what

is the best. And since every one is individual you have to

experiment and find what works best for you and your


Either way, by taking the incremental approach, or the big leap

to betterment, you can work towards the goal of “Radiant

Health“. I first heard of this Daoist idea from one of my

teachers, Ron Teeguarden. The idea behind this is that you

reach a place of “health beyond danger”. That means as place

where sickness and disease cannot effect you. It’s a good place

to be at! And you get there by upgrading all the different areas

of health.

Unfortunately its not as simple as take this pill, or eat this, not that. There’s much more to health

than that. And I would argue that the majority of people are spending too much time on the

wrong things. For instance, what you eat, while important, isn’t the whole picture. The truth is if

you upgrade every other area of health then what you eat won’t be that important. And doing so

can be both fun and easy to do. It can become a challenging exploration that gives you bountiful


Furthermore, by upgrading your health you can also upgrade your performance. By having all of

your bodily systems working for you, rather than against you, you’ll find that gaining strength,

skill and the body you desire becomes much easier to do. By doing all the things that best support

your health you’ll find your body will automatically move towards looking its best. This is become

form follows function. Optimize the function of your systems and “the system” will look great.

Your energy will improve. So will your cognition and your ability to be productive and hit any

goal you desire. Great health is one thing many successful people have in common.

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Most of what we focus on in this series could be called the basics. However as you’ll come to see,

there are lots of details that can go into these basics. We’ll dive deep into each topic giving you

every detail I can give from all of my research and personal experimentation to help you upgrade

where you‘re at.

In my earlier books 101 Simple Steps to Radiant Health and 101 Advanced Steps to Radiant

Health, I delivered a bunch of tips to upgrade your health. While there may be a collection of tips

on a specific topic, it wasn’t structured in a way like this series is designed to be. Here you can

dive into one topic deeply to bring it to the next level.

Yet looking with this much detail can often be overwhelming. But by diving into this reductionist

view then zooming back out to the bigger picture we can learn many things that we can than

implement into our lives. As always this guide ends with a condensed action plan of what to do to

really upgrade this area of your health. So without further adieu…

DISCLAIMER The exercises and training information contained within this book may be too strenuous or

dangerous for some people, and the reader should consult with a physician before engaging in

them. The health advice contained within this book is for educational purposes only and is not

intended for medical purposes.

The author and publisher of this book are not responsible in any manner whatsoever for the use,

misuse or dis-use of the information presented here.

All images, unless otherwise noted, are from my private collection. They are reproduced here

under the professional practice of fair use for the purposes of historical discussion and scholarly

interpretation. All characters and images remain the property of their respective copyright holders.

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Upgrade Your Vitamins

Vitamins are essential nutrients that we get from food, or in the case of D, from sunlight. For the

most part vitamins function as coenzymes. They’re used in all kinds of different processes in your

body, in order to make things happen. Without sufficient supplies these processes do not work


This book is not about preventing scurvy or beriberi. I’ve never come across people suffering

from these complete deficiency diseases. Instead what many people are suffering from are what

are known as subclinical deficiencies. You may have enough vitamin C to prevent scurvy, but not

enough for all the collagen in your body to be working best or to fight off infection.

The fact is that most illnesses are due to malnutrition. If you had the right vitamins, and other

necessary nutrients, your body could properly deal with infectious invaders, cancerous cells and

much else.

And herein lies the problem with the recommended daily intake (RDI), formerly called the

recommended daily allowance, which in the USA tells us how much of these vitamins we need.

These numbers are what is needed to prevent these deficiency diseases with a little room to spare.

They are notoriously low for what is optimal. In The Real Vitamin and Mineral Book, the authors

described something better, an ODI, or optimal daily intake.

This optimal amount, or getting closer to it, is what Upgrade Your Vitamins is all about. When

you have optimal amounts of all these vitamins you’ll likely be quite healthy. This can also be

called a preventative or therapeutic dose of a vitamin. As they say in Niacin: The Real Story, “In

high doses, a nutrient can act as a drug, but a drug can never act as a nutrient.”

Exactly what these numbers are, is definitely up for debate. We have genetic differences. With

some of these your need for a vitamin may increase by a factor of 1 up to 1000 times for your

body to be optimally healthy. Plus some people do not absorb vitamins as well as they should in

the intestines leaving them with less than they think they’re getting. Thus with biological

individuality you’re going to have to find what works for you. The recommendations in this book

are meant to be guidelines and starting points. As with everything else its up to individual

experimentation to find what works best for you body.

In addition, the total vitamin count in foods, and supplements as well, are not fully bioavailable.

Furthermore, cooking and processing of most kinds depletes many of the vitamins available. Some

of the specifics of this will be discussed.

And then stress of all types, drug use, even foods themselves can deplete and rob your body of

vitamins. This is important knowledge to have optimal vitamin levels in your body.

As much as it would be nice to have a single pill that contains every vitamin you needed, as well

as other nutrients, this simply isn’t the case. Any multivitamin selling you on “one a day” is not

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giving you the whole picture, and in fact most of the forms inside those cheaper supplements

aren’t even usable by the body. Higher quality multivitamins should be derived from whole food

sources, as then they contain proper ratios and co-factors needed. They also tend to be a higher

quantity, taking six or so pills, or even in powdered form.

Just a couple other points before we begin to dive into each vitamin. One of the main differences

is fat versus water soluble vitamins. The fat soluble vitamins are A, D, E and K. The water soluble

are the B and C vitamins. (Though you’ll come to see there are some exceptions to even that.)

Those that are water soluble need to be replenished regularly. Those that are fat soluble can stick

around your body for quite some time. Thus eating a food rich in that vitamin once a week or

once a month may sufficiently supply you with these vitamins. But for the water soluble vitamins,

getting them every day, even multiple times a day, is best.

And a last part of Upgrade Your Vitamins is that we stick with the theme that natural is best. The

focus here is not on supplements. That will be address for sure because sometimes you need

supplements. But the ideal is that you can get not just sufficient but optimal amounts of these

vitamins from good quality food.

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Vitamin A

What it Does and Benefits:

� Immune System Function

� Protective of Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer

� Healthy Skin

� Eye Function

� Gene Transcription

� Secretion of Gastric Juices

� Strong Bones and Blood

� Fertility and Embryo Development

Signs of Deficiency:

Insufficient vitamin A can lead to night blindness and other eye problems, skin disorders, failure to

grow and reproductive problems.

Different Kinds:

There is lots of confusion about Vitamin A because it comes in two main groups, retinoids of

which retinol is the main one, also known as preformed vitamin A. And then there are the

precursors of vitamin A, the carotenoids, most notably beta-carotene. Both are fat soluble.

Beta-carotene has its own benefits, in addition to being able to convert into retinol. However, as

with many conversions, this doesn’t always take place in adequate amounts. While many other

carotenoids have benefits, like antioxidant ability, they can’t all be converted into vitamin A.

These include alpha-, delta-, gamma- carotenoids, zeaxanthin, cryptoxanthins, lycopene and

lutein. Palmitate is a water soluble synthetic form of vitamin A. It is not recommended.

How much do you need? What is optimal?

RDI is 3000 IU or 900 mcg. ODI is 2000 to 50000 IU for retinol. For beta-carotene you can have

four to five times this much.

Vitamin A can lead to toxicity, but this seems to only be the case when it is not in balance with the

other fat soluble vitamins, because A competes with D inside of the body. Toxicity occurs with

over 100000 IU’s taken daily for several months. Symptoms include nausea, blurred vision,

jaundice, drowsiness and more.

Beta-carotene will not be converted into a toxic amount, meaning you can take huge amounts.

The only issue here is huge amounts of beta-carotene can turn the skin orange, known as

carotenosis, an effect which some people want as a sort of tan.

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Where to get it from?

Retinol is only found in animal sources, including liver, eggs and dairy products. Grass fed or

pastured animals tend to have higher levels of vitamin A. In fact this is part of what gives egg

yolks and butter its color. Vitamin A is stored in the liver, thus liver is going to be the best food

source for this vitamin.

Carotenoids are found in all green, yellow, red and orange fruits and vegetables, including carrots,

sweet potato, kale, pumpkin, winter squash, kohlrabi, parsley, spinach, turnip greens, broccoli,

dandelions, cilantro, thyme, romaine lettuce, apricots, papaya, mangoes, cantelope. As this is a fat

soluble vitamin you’ll absorb more of it if eating these foods with fat, which may aid in its

conversion too.

Vitamin A and beta-carotene are heat sensitive. Yet cooking in vegetables breaks down the cell

walls which can also make beta-carotenes more bioavailable.


Cod liver oil, and the liver or liver oil of other species, is quite high in Vitamin A. This is usually

in balance with vitamin D. Many people say that most people do not really need to supplement

with A. Unless you’re a vegan, which won’t get any preformed vitamin A, chances are you’ll have

sufficient amounts.

Other Special Notes:

Each cell has two receptors for vitamin A for every receptor of vitamin D. These two vitamins

need to exist in a balance within the body, otherwise by having an excess of one you can cause

deficiency in the other. In balance they work synergistically.

Alcohol depletes vitamin A.

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B1 - Thiamin

Sometimes also spelled thiamine.

What it Does and Benefits:

� Metabolism of carbohydrates

� Converting fatty acids into hormones

� Immune function

� Nervous function

� Manufacture of Hydrochloric Acid

� Sometimes called the “Morale Vitamin” for its effects on mental attitude and the brain.

Signs of Deficiency:

Beriberi is the classic deficiency disease of thiamin. This affects the gastrointestinal,

cardiovascular and nervous systems.

How much do you need? What is optimal?

RDI is 1.5 mg. ODI is 25 to 500 mg.

Where to get it from?

Organ meats, especially liver are the best sources. Pork, beans, peas, egg yolks, poultry and fish

all have fair amounts. Moderate amounts are found in in plums, prunes, raisins, asparagus, and

broccoli, Brussels sprouts and many nuts. All whole grains are fair sources of thiamin.

Alcohol, tea and coffee, (the tannins in the latter two) appear to inhibit absorption. As you eat

more carbohydrates or your metabolism increases your need for thiamin increase.


If you’re going to supplement with any one of the B-vitamins its is usually best to take the whole

complex. They work together in many various ways. Most people will get sufficient thiamin from

their diets.

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B2 - Riboflavin

What it Does and Benefits:

� Creation of Energy from Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats

� Maintaining Eye Function

� Mucous Membrane Function

� Thyroid Hormone Metabolism

� Require in the Blood

� Immune System Support

Signs of Deficiency:

Deficiency in B2 typically involves the eyes, mouth, skin and nervous system. Light sensitivity as

well as burning, fatigue and tearing in the eyes can occur. Inflammation, cracks and soreness in

the lips or tongue occur as well. Flaking skin is another symptom as are moodiness, depression,

nervousness and irritability.

How much do you need? What is optimal?

RDI is 1.7 mg. ODI is 25-300mg.

Where to get it from?

Food high in B2 include cheese, yogurt, eggs, meat, poultry, fish, beans, spinach, avocado,

currants, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, nuts, and broccoli. The organs, kidney and liver contain

very high amounts of B2. Whole grains have some B2 but they also may inhibit its absorption.

Its important to note that many medications, alcohol, oral contraceptives and antibiotics all

interfere with the absorption of, or deplete B2, thus you’ll need to be more careful.


If you’re going to supplement with any one of the B-vitamins its is usually best to take the whole

complex. They work together in many various ways. Most people will get sufficient riboflavin

from their diets, unless they‘re being heavily depleted of it.

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B3 - Niacin

What it Does and Benefits:

� Stimulates Blood Flow, Vasodilator

� Coenzyme to Many Body Functions

� Exchange of Dissolved Gases in the Body

� Creating Energy from Food

� Increase HDL (the Good Cholesterol) and Lowers LDL and Triglycerides

� Eliminates Toxins

� Increased Enjoyment of Sex and Ability to Reach Orgasm

� Maintains Healthy Skin and Nervous System

� Stimulates Gastric Juices

� Metabolism of Fats

� Creates NADH (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide plus Hydrogen) an Antioxidant


� Triggers the Release of Growth Hormone

� Makes it Easier for Smokers to Quit

Signs of Deficiency:

Pellegra is the classic deficiency disease which is marked by the three D’s, dermatitis, dementia,

and diarrhea. Other neurological issues, such as depression, memory loss, irritability and more, are

related to deficiency of niacin.

Different Kinds:

Niacin is also called nicotinic acid. Another form is niacinamide which our bodies can make from

the amino acid, tryptophan or from niacin itself.

How much do you need? What is optimal?

RDI is 20 mg. ODI is 25 to 300mg or even more.

An independent review by twenty-two researchers and doctors, done in 2007, recommended

300mg of niacin per day for all adults. Note that this amount is hard to obtain from food alone.

Therapeutic dosages of niacin can be 1-2 grams or even more. No known toxicity is known even

up to high doses. An upper limit for yourself will cause nausea so if you get that affect you’ll want

to take less next time.

Where to get it from?

Meat, dairy, fish, green leafy vegetables, eggs, potatoes, carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, nuts and

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whole grains all have decent supplies of niacin.

Corn based diets may deplete niacin. They contain niacin but it cannot be used unless the corn is

processed with lime as is often done in Mexico.


Niacin can be found in many different supplements by itself. There are flush-free forms of niacin

but these seem to have side effects, that normal niacin does not. Besides some of the benefits

appear to be linked to the flush, though there does seem to be a small percentage of the

population that simply cannot tolerate this effect, in which case these other forms are better than


Note that niacin is metabolized through methylation, which is a good reason to take it in

combinations with other B-vitamins or other methyl donors, especially when taking therapeutic

amounts. Due to the wide range of benefits this is something worth supplementing with additional

amounts to taking a B-complex.

Other Special Notes:

After doing lots of research on this vitamin I did lots of experimenting with it. I’ve used it to

boost workout performance, trigger growth hormone and for an intensive detox protocol. You

can read more about these in a short book I wrote called 4 Amazing Performance and Health

Increasing Niacin Protocols which is available on Amazon.

For more of the clinical research behind using niacin, including how it can help cure

schizophrenia, be sure to check out Niacin: The Real Story.

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B5 - Pantothenic Acid

What it Does and Benefits:

� Changes Sugars and Fats into Energy

� Protein Metabolism

� Synthesizing Cholesterol

� Converted into Coenzyme A Used in the Body for Many Functions

� Creation of Hormones and Fatty Acids

� Helps the Body Use Choline and PABA

� Creation of Antibodies in Immune Function

� Produces Sphingosine and Acetylcholine, Two Substances used in Nerve Transmission

� Maintains Healthy Adrenal Glands, known as the “Anti-Stress Vitamin”

� Improves Exercise Tolerance and Other Forms of Stress

Signs of Deficiency:

Deficiency in B5 leads to insufficient adrenal function and hormones, impaired digestion, low

blood sugar and low blood pressure. Symptoms can include indigestion, constipation, depression,

irritability, and chronic stress.

How much do you need? What is optimal?

RDI is 5 mg. ODI is 25-500mg.

Where to get it from?

The highest amounts of B5 are found in organ meats, egg yolks and green leafy vegetables. Its

also found in beef, whole grains, potatoes, milk, brewer’s yeast, cauliflower, kale, broccoli,

avocado, tomatoes, duck, chicken, salmon, sunflower seeds, sweet potatoes, peas and beans and

much more.

Cooking and processing does deplete this vitamin.


The name is derived from the Greek, pantos, meaning everywhere. Its readily available in the food

supply and you’re not likely to become deficient. Its included in B-complex vitamins.

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B6 - Pyridoxine

What it Does and Benefits:

� Creates Energy

� Needed for Blood Cells and Vessels

� Necessary in Function of Over 60 Enzymatic Reactions involving Amino Acids and Fats

� Protects the Skin

� Eye Function

� Helps in Methlyation

� Production of Neurotransmitters

� DNA Synthesis

� Production of Hemoglobin and Antibodies

� Calms Anxiety

� Lowers Symptoms of PMS

Signs of Deficiency:

Vitamin B6 is likely one of the most deficient vitamin in the Western diet, at least for optimal

functioning. Its deficiency is associated with depression and schizophrenia. Symptoms can be

similar to many of the other B vitamin deficiencies showing up in the skin and the nervous system.

How much do you need? What is optimal?

RDI is 2 mg. ODI is 25-300mg.

Where to get it from?

All founds contain small amounts of B6. However this may not be enough to reach even the RDI,

let alone a more optimal level. The foods with the highest amounts include raw milk, eggs, meat,

molasses, poultry, fish (especially salmon and herring), bell peppers, turnip greens, carrots, peas,

walnuts, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, and spinach.

B6 content is affected by light, heat and oxygen. Up to 70 percent of its content may be lost in the

processing of food.


Generally with a B complex you‘ll get sufficient optimal dosages, if you can‘t from diet alone.

Large doses of 2 to 6 grams a day may have some toxic effects, causing some issues in the

nervous system.

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B7 - Biotin

What it Does and Benefits:

� Manufacture of Fatty Acids

� Use of Fats and Carbohydrates

� Assimilation of Proteins

� Assimilation of Other B Vitamins

� Necessary for Cell Growth

Signs of Deficiency:

Biotin deficiencies, which are quite rare, include muscular pain, poor appetite, dry skin,

depression, nervous issues and lack of energy. Hair loss can occur from a biotin deficiency.

How much do you need? What is optimal?

RDI is 300 mcg. ODI is 300 mcg.

Where to get it from?

Biotin is made in our bodies by our intestinal flora, assuming the right bacteria is in there. They

make sufficient amounts for our daily needs.

Raw egg whites contain a substance, called avidin, that inhibits biotin absorption. But when

cooked this is deactivated. One the other hand egg yolks are an excellent source of biotin. Other

sources include meet, pork, liver, lamb, fish, milk, green leafy vegetables cheese, and some whole

grains. Kefir is another great source.


Generally a supplement of biotin is not needed, but it is included in most B-complexes.

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Folate or Vitamin B9

What it Does and Benefits:

� Synthesize DNA and RNA

� Forms Red Blood Cells

� Makes Antibobies and Strengthens Immune System

� Formation of Hemoglobin

� Used in Zinc Metabolism

� Nerve Metabolism

� Growth of the Beneficial Bacteria Lactobacillus casei

� Methyl Donor

Signs of Deficiency:

The classic deficiency of folate is a type of anemia where red blood cells don’t get properly

formed. This is different from other forms of anemia, like that which occurs from a B12

deficiency. This occurs most commonly in alcohols due to alcohol interfering with its absorption.

Different Kinds:

Dave Asprey mentions that folic acid and folate are not the same thing. Folic acid is a synthetic

form, and only a small percentage of people, due to a genetic deficiency, can adequately convert it

into usable folate, also called folinic acid or 5-MTHF. This is discussed in the following pod cast:


How much do you need? What is optimal?

RDI is 400 mcg. ODI is 400-1200 mcg/day.

Where to get it from?

Active forms of folate can be found in most green leafy vegetables, organ meats, especially liver,

root vegetables, legumes and nuts. Cooking can reduce the amount of folic acid by 50 to 90



Pregnant women are commonly prescribed folic acid as it has been shown to prevent neural tube

defects by 50-70 percent. As mentioned above this form of folic acid may not only be not useful,

but problematic, for a significant portion of the population. My recommendation would to be get

folate from whole food sources, or supplements derived from the same.

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B12 - Cobalamin

What it Does and Benefits:

� Production of Red Blood Cells

� Metabolic Function

� Used in Krebs Cycle to Generate Energy

� Formation of RNA and DNA

� Aids in Use of Iron

� Maintain Myelin Sheaths

� Nerve Metabolism

� Forms Choline

� Reduces Dangerous Homocysteine

� Use and Conversions of Vitamin A

� Sperm Count and Motility

Signs of Deficiency:

Subclinical deficiency can lead to anemia, nerve issues, and brain damage. Severe deficiency can

lead to worse levels of these issues and even paralysis.

How much do you need? What is optimal?

RDI is 6 mcg. ODI is 25-500 mcg.

Where to get it from?

B12 is suppose to be made from our intestinal flora but this process doesn’t seem to occur in

sufficient amounts in most people. Bacteria, which you can get from cultured foods, can also

provide B12. Kefir is one good source.

Organ meats, especially liver and kidneys, and eggs are great sources. Meat and dairy have a fair

amount. The fish, snapper, salmon, mackerel, and sardines, are also high. So are oysters, crab and

clams. Cooking, as well as light and air, can destroy B12.

B12 can also be found in some vegetarian sources including dulse, kelp, other seaweeds, as well

as algaes like spirulina and chlorella. However, it has been found that these are B12 analogues

that can’t be properly used. Hydrilla is an interesting source that has the highest amount of B12 in

the world. Its likely that this is also an analogue, but people tend to feel an energy boost, similar

to what people feel with a B12 injection. Perhaps in such a massive amount it gets converted.

Insects are high sources of B12. If you don’t want to eat bugs, or don’t know how, a supplement

like Polyrachis Ant Extract can be useful.

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Cyanocobalamin is the kind of B12 you’ll find in most supplements, although it is not the best

absorbed. The different forms, methylcobalamin or hydroxocobalamin, are much better absorbed.

Methylcobalamin is also useful in that it is a methyl group donor which helps detoxify bad


As mentioned earlier, another option is B12 injections. I haven’t personally had that, and must say

I’d prefer even to take a supplement than going to a doctor’s office to get a needle injection.

Testing for B12 is recommended for vegans and vegetarians. However, even omnivores are often

deficient for optimal intake in this vitamin, due to poor absorption or other factors. So it is worth

testing, and possibly supplementing, in a wide variety of people.

Its important to note that the body needs B12 to utilize folic acid. If you’re already deficient in

B12, folic acid can exacerbate this issue, and vice versa. Besides this issue, it appears you can’t

really get too much B12.

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Vitamin C

What it Does and Benefits:

� Antioxidant

� Also Prevents A and E from being Oxidized thus Increasing Their Antioxidant Abilities

� Collagen Formation (For Connective Tissues, Skin, Blood Vessels, Bones)

� Promotes Healing

� Absorption and Use of Iron

� Used in Norepinephrine

� Used in Carnitine

� Immune Function with the White Blood Cells

� Anticarcinogenic

� Sperm Health and Motility

� Needed by Adrenal Glands to Make Hormones

� Improves P450 System in the Liver which Eliminates Excess Estrogen and Other Toxins

Signs of Deficiency:

Scurvy is the classic deficiency disease of vitamin C. Did you know that British sailors often

suffered from scurvy until it was discovered the citrus fruits could prevent it? They started taking

limes on board their ships which is where the word “limey” came from.

Symptoms of deficiency include spontaneous bleeding and hemorrhaging, infection, weak bones,

dandruff, and miscarriage. Vitamin C is depleted by any form of stress.

Different Kinds:

Most vitamin C comes in the form of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C isn’t the only important part

though. Bioflavonoids, which are found naturally along with vitamin C the vast majority of time,

help the absorption and use of C. There is also a fat soluble form known as ascorbyl palmitate that

can cross cellular membranes and provide its antioxidant value within the cells.

How much do you need? What is optimal?

RDI is 60 mg. ODI is 500-5000mg or even more. In cases like cancer or surgery you may want to

take even larger amounts.

Where to get it from?

Most animals can synthesize vitamin C. Humans are unable to do this and must get this vitamin

from their diet. As opposed to many of the other vitamins this is one that is mostly absent in

animal foods. But people in the far north knew where to get it when plant foods were scarce. The

adrenal glands are rich in this vitamin.

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Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit and lemons are the most well known. Vitamin C is also found

in tomatoes, broccoli, black currants, collards, horseradish, bell peppers, guava, mango, chives,

kohlrabi, papaya, spinach parsley, strawberries, pears, apples, carrots and cauliflower. Generally

the sour or tart taste is an indicator of vitamin C.

The fresher the fruits and vegetables the higher the vitamin C content will be. As soon as they’re

picked C begins to go down, and can further be removed through light and oxygen. Heat also

destroys vitamin C.


Vitamin C is probably one that is worth supplementing with for many people. Ascorbic acid is

quite cheap by itself though there is debate on how much the body can use this form. It does

appear to have benefit so I wouldn’t count it out. Still I would recommend a natural source, like

rose hips, camu berry, amla or amalaki, acerola cherry, which will be in combination with

bioflavonoids and other nutrients. These will be more expensive and generally have smaller

amounts of vitamin C, but the bioflavonoids, sometimes called vitamin P, aid in its use.

As a water soluble vitamin it is best to take vitamin C two or three times per day. It is best utilized

by the body in combination with other vitamins and minerals so take it with meals.

Buffered forms of vitamin C contain ascorbic acid along with different minerals. Thus they can

supply both vitamin C and that mineral to your body. Vitamin C esters are another name for

ascorbyl palmitate, the fat soluble form, which is great to supplement with on the skin directly.

Vitamin C can have minor side effects when taken in supplemental form in excess. These include

gas, upset stomach and diarrhea. Some people recommend you take enough C until this occurs,

then back off that amount just a little, to find out how much your body wants and will use.

Special Notes:

If you’ve suffered an injury, gone through surgery, are fighting an infection or disease, under high

stress, or anything related to these, meaning most health challenges, it is likely wise to take

additional supplemental vitamin C. Many doctors in the past would recommend vitamin C both

before and after surgery to aid in recovery. None was more famous for recommending this than

Dr. Linus Pauling.

Intravenous vitamin C, up to 60 grams at a time, has been used with several diseases, including

many forms of cancer, with promising results. This was one of the things done by Norman

Cousins as outlined in Anatomy of an Illness when he was diagnosed with an incurable cancer.

Interestingly, in these cases its doesn’t seem to be working as an antioxidant, but instead operates

as an oxidant, burning our any bacteria, viruses, and cancerous cells.

Vitamin C also seems to be helpful in improving the effectiveness of medicinal mushrooms and


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Vitamin D

Vitamin D, or cholecalciferol, is not really a vitamin, but a hormone, or at least a hormone

precursor. It is known as the “sunshine vitamin” as we generally don’t get it from food, but

instead synthesize it in our bodies from sunlight on the skin. Like plants we do our own form of

photosynthesis. What most people don’t know is that its also synthesized in the eyes.

What it Does and Benefits:

� Bone Mineralization

� Mineral Absorption

� Translation of Over 2000 Genes

� Nervous System and Cognitive Function

� Optimizes Hormone Levels

� Critical for Fertility

� Boosts Immune Function

� Reduces Autoimmune Severity

� Detoxifies the Body

� Protection from Toxins

� Reduces Inflammation

� Helps Prevent Cancer

� Primary Antioxidant for Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Signs of Deficiency:

Rickets is the classic deficiency disease which results in stunted growth, malformed bones, poor

dental health and more.

Without rickets, other forms on bone problems can ensue with lower Vitamin D levels including

osteoporosis and osteomalacia. Autism has also been linked to insufficient vitamin D. More recent

research has shown that just about every health problem is impacted by, and maybe partially

caused by, insufficient vitamin D.

Different Kinds:

D2 or ergocalciferol is a form of the vitamin that isn’t as useful inside the body. Its made by

irradiating yeast. This is the kind that is commonly added to fortified milk. D3 or cholecalciferol is

the kind you want.

However, Weston A. Price identified eight to twelve different forms in the human body. Vitamin

D from sunlight or food, goes through several stages of conversion. Its converted in the liver into

calcidiol or 25-hydroxyvitamin D, whiles its converted in the kidneys and other tissues into Clairol

or 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D.

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About Sunlight:

When getting sun light, the body synthesizes D from cholesterol and sulfur creating vitamin D3

sulfate. This form is different than what you find in most supplements. (It also indicates the need

for sulfur in your diet. This could be why some people don’t adequately produce vitamin D

despite getting sun.) The unsulfated form in your body requires LDL, the so called bad

cholesterol, to transport, while this form can travel freely throughout the blood stream. The body

cannot convert vitamin D3 into vitamin D3 sulfate.

It doesn’t take long to generate your own vitamin D, only half the time it generally takes your

skin to turn pink. Of course, this does depend on the darkness of your skin, the intensity of the

sun and what part of the earth you‘re on.

But this process can be stopped. First of all, most sunscreens block this from happening.

Secondly, this form of D is water soluble and stays on the surface of the skin for about 36-48

hours. If you use soaps on your body during this time you can wash off any of the D you’ve


While you can supplement with D, its important to note that this isn’t the only thing you get from

sunlight. Another molecule created is cholesterol sulfate. More and more research is, and likely

will be coming out on this topic. By all means supplement with D as it is critical for health, but the

best bet is to transform your lifestyle into a way you can get some daily sun.

Note that getting sun, while increasing vitamin D, does not increase vitamin A, which must be

attained from the diet. In fact, some research points to sunlight depleting vitamin A levels. Recall,

that these two vitamins must exist in a balance for proper health. Weston Price’s work showed

that most people, in addition to getting sun, also got D from their diet.

How much do you need? What is optimal?

RDI is 400 IU’s. ODI is 5000 IU’s with an upper limit of 10000 IU’s. The Vitamin D Council

recommends 1000 IU’s per 25 pounds of bodyweight.

You can get your blood tested for 25-hydroxy vitamin D (aka 25-OH-D). Avoid the inaccurate

1.25-dihydroxy test. The normal range is about 20 nanograms/milliliter to 50 ng/mL, while

optimal is generally considered to be 50-80ng/mL. This test can be ordered by anyone, not just

doctors, from

Where to get it from?

Besides sunlight as discussed above, vitamin D can be found in fatty fish, including salmon,

herring, trout, mackerel, and sardines, liver, and egg yolks, with duck eggs having six times as

much as chicken eggs. You can also get some in fortified cereals and milks but these aren’t

recommended for other reasons.

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D2 can also be found in some mushrooms. My guess is that this may be different in some way

than the synthetic form. I have also heard that if you leave these mushrooms out in the sun they

can convert it into D3. Besides this Vitamin D is almost exclusively in the animal kingdom.


D3 as a supplement is common and cheap. Most of this is derived from lanolin, or sheep’s wool.

Since most people do not get enough sun, including living in places where its not available, this is

a supplemental vitamin that is recommended for many people.

As a fat soluble vitamin you can take this daily or a big dose once a week, or even per month.

Take it with fat to help the absorption. I often do a big supplemental dose before I travel.

For more information I recommend visiting

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Vitamin E

What it Does and Benefits:

� Slows Aging

� Antioxidant

� Increases SOD

� Prevents Oxidation of PUFA’s

� Anticarcinogen

� Wound and Scar Healing

� Immune Function

� Nervous System Function

� Use of Fatty Acids and Selenium

� Normalizes the Ratio of Estradiol to Progesterone

� Primary Antioxidant of Omega 6 Fatty Acids

Most of vitamin E is stored in our fat and muscle tissues. But the highest concentrations are found

in the pituitary gland, adrenal glands and testes. This means that vitamin E plays several roles in

our healthy endocrine functioning. In fact, depleted E levels in animals results in sterility.

Signs of Deficiency:

Deficiency of vitamin E results in anemia, enlarged prostate, premature aging, liver and lidney

damage and muscular degeneration.

Different Kinds:

There are eight kinds, which are called alpha, beta, gamma, and delta tocopherols, and alpha,

beta, gamma, and delta tocotrienols.

How much do you need? What is optimal?

RDI is 30 IU’s. ODI is 400-1200 IU’s.

Where to get it from?

Vitamin E is common in the fats of vegetable foods, but many of these are heavily processed oils

which are not recommended for the most part for other reasons. But high quality wheat germ oil,

sunflower oil, walnut oil, peanut oil and olive oil are great sources. So are sunflower seeds,

almonds, hazelnuts and peanuts. Some amount is found in whole grains, egg yolks, avocados,

green leafy vegetables, legumes and smaller amounts in meat and dairy.

Cooking, light and air cause vitamin E depletion in foods.

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Any supplemental forms of vitamin E should be mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols. It is best

taken in combinations with other foods, including other vitamins and minerals, and fat, for best


Vitamin E is often used topically along with skin care products as it supports the skin.

Vitamin E appears to have a synergistic effect with the mineral selenium.

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Vitamin K

What it Does and Benefits:

� Blood clotting

� Relieves Menstrual Cramping

� Urinary Health

� Enhances Liver Functioning

� Forms Osteocalcin for the Structure of Bones

� High Concentration in the Brain

� Prevents Free Radical Damage to Neurons

� Protective of Myelin Sheaths

Until recently, vitamin K wasn’t thought to be that important of a vitamin. Scientists knew its role

in blood clotting, but nothing else. Weston A. Price, in his studies of the health of indigenous

cultures, came upon an unknown ingredient with his focus on butter oil, which he called

“Activator X”, as it seemed to have an activating action on the other fat soluble vitamins A and D

specifically. Now we know this was K2.

Signs of Deficiency:

Full deficiency is rare, and appears to occur in those with intestinal problems, including antibiotic

use. Osteoporosis and heart disease are associated with low K levels.

Different Kinds:

K1, known as phylloquinone, is found in fruits and vegetables, especially color rich ones. As its

dependent on photosynthesis the more rich the colors, generally the higher the amount.

K2 is the animal form of the vitamin. By eating K1, it can be converted over into K2, however not

much is known about how well humans convert it. It is also made by healthy gut bacteria, though

the bacteria may be using it themselves and not supplying it to us. K3 is a synthetic form and

should not be used.

How much do you need? What is optimal?

RDI is 90-120 mcg. ODI is 200mcg.

Where to get it from?

Because K1 and K2 are used very differently in the body, if they were identified today, they’d

probably be called, different vitamins entirely. Some recent research points to the idea that we

need preformed vitamin K2 in our diets, that its conversion is an inefficient process, much like

retinol and beta-carotene.

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Spinach, turnip greens, kale, collards, broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes, and all other richly colored

foods all have K1.

A very high source of K2 is natto, which is a specially fermented soybean food. A small serving of

this supplies all the K2 you need. Other good sources include goose liver, hard and soft cheeses,

miso, egg yolks (especially pastured eggs), grass-fed butter, chicken and beef liver, other organs,

bones, chicken, beef, bacon, and sauerkraut (especially its juice).


Supplements of vitamin K2 come in two different types, menaquinone-4 (MK-4) and

menaquinone-7 (MK-7). MK-4 is a synthetic vitamin that seems to be chemically identical to

natural vitamin K2. MK-7 is an extract of natto. While it will be useful for some people to

supplement with these, if you can include just a few of the right foods in your diet it is not


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Closing Notes and Action Plan

This section is meant to wrap up everything covered. Even if you don’t dive into each vitamin in

the previous pages, these couple of pages will help you to upgrade your vitamin intake, with

additional advice on doing so.

Quality food sources tend to have much better amounts of vitamins and minerals. For instance,

organic spinach was found to have about 70% more vitamin C than conventional spinach. This

alone is one reason to eat organic, in addition to the effects of the various pesticides used (which

undoubtedly cause our body to use up more of the vitamins, including C, that it has).

Secondly, the freshness of the food matters. Picked fresh, fruits and vegetables have higher

contents of vitamins then those that were picked unripe, shipped across the country and have

gone weeks before being used. For this reason flash frozen fruits and vegetables can be better in

some ways than the “fresh” vegetables in supermarkets, at least for some of the vitamins and other

components. This is another good reason to buy locally like at farmer’s markets .

The more you can move to more natural food sources, freshly made and handled with care, the

better off you’ll be vitamin and mineral wise. In addition, wild foods, or anything closer to them,

often have dramatically higher vitamin counts than heavily domesticated foods, which includes

about 99% of our food supply.

Let’s take a look at the commonalities of the food sources listed above that supplied the various

vitamins. You’ll notice there were quite a few common players.

One of the top sources in many vitamin classes was organ meats. These highly revered meats are

the original super foods. Animals in the wild and indigenous peoples would eat these, not

bothering with muscles meats, when food was plentiful. They often have 10 to 100 times or more

the vitamin content. As our culture focuses solely on muscle meats we’re missing a big piece of

the puzzle. Muscle meat is still high in many vitamins, but nothing like in the organs.

Secondly, we have various reproductive foods, like eggs, nuts, seeds, and pollen. If something is

used to produce new life its going to have a fair amount of vitamins and minerals. Along with

these, dairy is meant to nurse animals and help them grow, being their sole fuel source, so it is

also rich in vitamins. This of course depends on the quality of the diet of the provider of these


There’s also the fermented foods like kefir, natto, miso and sauerkraut. Bacteria produce

vitamins, sometimes in very high supply, so they can provide many things that are hard to get

elsewhere. This is one more reason to regularly include some form of ferment into your regular

diet, with daily being best.

Lastly, but not least, we come to fruits and vegetables. Remember that organic and freshly picked

are best. Anything richly colored is going to provide vitamins. And if you eat the different colors

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you’re surely going to be getting the different vitamins and so much more.

This is why herbs, which even if cultivated retain some much of that wild power, have high

amounts of vitamins and minerals. So do many of the superfoods like algae. This includes many of

the herbs like I sell at my company This also includes various culinary herbs

too so be sure to use those.

The data points, when we focus in on vitamins, that you need both animals and plants (plus

bacteria) in order to have optimal levels of these, and thus the best health. You can be vegan or

vegetarian but you’re going to have to be extra careful and you NEED supplements.

Besides them, if you’re an omnivore, can you get all the vitamins you need from food?

That’s the big question. If you eat everything organic, or very close to it, with lots of fresh and

local foods and you eat from all the major categories listed above then you probably can.

But, sadly, even then the answer might be no for a number of reasons. Our environment these

days is much harsher than it use to be. From various toxins we need more. In addition, if you’re

eating like this now, chances are you weren’t always. In sufficient nutrition in your mother and

while growing probably sets you up to need more now to function optimally.

And cooking destroys many more. While it enhances the availability of some, cooking causing

depletion of vitamins is what happens 9 times out of 10. If the food is already low, this can mean

we’re getting very few of them.

Further, stress depletes many vitamins like C. The B vitamins are also depleted by surges in blood

sugar. And there‘s so much more. How much you sleep, workout and other lifestyle factors will

all play into how many vitamins you need.

So what do I do? I personally don’t take a multivitamin supplement, at this time. I occasionally

take vitamin D. But I do take several different herbs. A few of them like pine pollen and moringa

are like natural vitamin and mineral supplements from a single food source.

In addition, I eat 95% organic at home. I don’t stress over it, when I’m traveling or out, but still

seek better food options even then. I live in California so lots of local fruits and vegetables are

available and I get a CSA box delivered every other week. I’ve also been working to include one

organ into my meals every week. But doing all this, do I have enough? I can’t say for sure.

Ultimately, the most useful information, besides symptoms and how you feel, would be to get

testing done. Unfortunately, this can be costly especially to do on a regular basis. You may be

able to get some blood work done by your doctor (assuming you have one, because I don’t), but

there are also places you can go online, like, to order testing. This will

give you the numbers and show you what you’re deficient in. From here you can select certain

foods or supplements to bring up those deficiencies.

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Another option is to get an multi-vitamin and mineral supplement that best helps you cover ALL

the bases. I keep this link updated to show my favorite supplement of this nature at this time. If I

find something that I believe is even better, I’ll be sure to update it.

More details on vitamins coming are to light all the time. Right now the biggest vitamin in the

health world is vitamin K2. It was originally name K, for koagulation, the German word for the

blood clotting function that, for decades, was thought to be the only thing K did in the body. Lots

of data has come out recently on the differences between K1 and K2, and how much more these


About five to ten years ago it was all about vitamin D. This too, went from being about a single

function, bone health, to having a role in just about every function and gene in the human body.

And this shows the issue with science. It gets so detailed on the small details that sometimes it

misses the big picture. When we talk about vitamins, which is really a small detail in itself, we’re

missing the big picture about eating the right foods and getting sunlight. This seems obvious and

easy, until you look at how far off the path we’ve gone as a species, that this is actually hard to do

these days. You have to work at it. So until you get back closer to a natural form of life

supplementation will likely be necessary to have optimal health.

As always I encourage you to experiment for yourself. While some isolated supplements may be

useful to play with for certain effects and in certain deficiencies, the easiest way to test for

yourself, without blood work, is to get a multivitamin supplement and take it for a few weeks. Do

you notice a difference in energy levels, cognition, stress, workouts, sex, health symptoms you

have, etc.? If so keep on it. If not, maybe you don’t need it.

And even if you’re doing this, working your way to better foods, as indicated above, is always a

smart direction to move in. Because its very different than our whole culture, it takes time to

make changes like this. You’ll face resistance even from family and friends at times. I’ve been

learning about nutrition for about 9 years now and I’m still working on upgrading what I do all

the time. Ultimately, that’s the best we can do.

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Recommended Reading

The sources for the above information include Wikipedia and the following books. These all

include far more information than just vitamins.

� The Real Vitamin & Mineral Book by Shari Lieberman, PhD and Nancy Bruning

� The Better Baby Book by Lana Asprey, MD and Dave Asprey

� Longevity Now by David Wolfe

� Deep Nutrition by Catherine Shanahan, MD. And Luke Shanahan

� The Body Ecology Diet by Donna Gates

� The Natural Testosterone Plan by Stephen Harrod Buhner

� Beyond Training by Ben Greenfield

� Primal Body, Primal Mind by Nora T. Gedgaudus, CNS, CNT

� Niacin: The Real Story by Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D., Andrew W. Saul, Ph.D., Harold D.

Foster, Ph.D.

� Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon with Mary G. Enig, Ph.D.

� The Life Extension Revolution by Philip Lee Miller M.D. and the Life Extension Foundation


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