Introduction to the Tight binding (LCAO) Method

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  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to the Tight binding (LCAO) Method


    Introductionto the



  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to the Tight binding (LCAO) Method


    Tightbinding: 1 Dimensional Model #1

    Consider anInfinite Linear Chainof identical atoms, with 1s-orbitalvalence e- per atom & interatomic spacing = a

    Approximation:Only Nearest-Neighbor interactions.(Interactions between atoms further apart than a are ~ 0).

    This model is called the Monatomic Chain.

    Each atom has s electron orbitals only!

    Near-neighbor interaction only means that thesorbital on site

    ninteracts with the sorbitals on sites n1 & n + 1 only!

    n =Atomic Label a n = -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to the Tight binding (LCAO) Method


    The periodic potential V(x) for this Monatomic Linear

    Chainof atoms looks qualitatively like this:

    n = -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3


    V(x) = V(x + a)

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to the Tight binding (LCAO) Method


    The localized atomic orbitals on each site for this Monatomic

    Linear Chainof atoms look qualitatively like this:

    n = -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

    The spherically symmetric sorbitals on each site overlap

    slightly with those of their neighbors, as shown. Thisallows the electron on site n to interact with its

    nearest-neighbors on sites n1 & n + 1!


  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to the Tight binding (LCAO) Method


    The True Hamiltonian in the solid is:

    H = (p)2/(2mo) + V(x), with V(x) = V(x + a).

    I nstead, approximate it as H n Hat(n) + n,nU(n,n)where, Hat(n) Atomic Hamiltonian for atom n.U(n,n) Interaction Energy between atoms n & n.

    Use the assumption ofonly nearest-neighbor interactions:U(n,n) = 0 unless n = n -1 orn = n +1

    With this assumption, the Approximate Hamil tonianisH n [Hat(n) + U(n,n -1) + U(n,n + 1)]

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to the Tight binding (LCAO) Method


    H n [Hat(n) + U(n,n -1) + U(n,n + 1)] Goal:Calculate the bandstructure Ekby solving the

    Schrdinger Equation:

    Hk(x) = Ekk(x)

    Use the LCAO(Tightbinding) Assumptions:

    1. H is as above.2. Solutions to the atomic Schrdinger Equation are known:

    Hat(n)n(x) = Enn(x)

    3. In our simple case of1 s-orbital/atom:

    En= = the energy of the atomic e- (known)

    4.n(x) is very localized around atom n5. The Crucial(LCAO) assumption is:

    k(x) neiknan(x)That is, the Bloch Functions are linear combinations of atomic orbitals!

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to the Tight binding (LCAO) Method


    Dirac notation: Ekk|H|k(This Matrix Element is shorthand for a spatial integral!)

    Using the assumptions forH & k(x) already listed:

    Ek = k|n Hat(n) |k + k|[nU(n,n-1) + U(n,n-1)]|kalso note that Hat(n)|n= |n

    The LCAO assumption is:|kneikna|n Assume orthogonality of the atomic orbitals:

    n |n = n,n (= 1, n = n; = 0, n n) Nearest-neighbor interactionassumption:

    There is nearest-neighbor overlap energy only! ( = constant)

    n|U(n,n 1)|n - ; (n = n, & n = n 1)n|U(n,n 1)|n = 0, otherwiseIt can be shown that for > 0,

    this must be negative!

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to the Tight binding (LCAO) Method


    As a student exercise, show that the energy band of this model is:

    Ek= - 2cos(ka) or Ek= - 2 + 4 sin2[()ka]

    A trig identity was used to get last form.&are usually taken as parameters

    in the theory, instead of actually calculating them from the atomic nThe Bandstructure for this monatomic chain with nearest-neighborinteractions only looks like (assuming 2< ): (ET Ek- + 2)

    Its interesting to note that:The form Ek= - 2cos(ka)is similar to Krnig-Penney model

    results in the linear approximation

    for the messy transcendental

    function! There, we got:Ek= A - Bcos(ka)

    where A & B were constants.



  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to the Tight binding (LCAO) Method


    n = -1 0 1

    Tightbinding: 1 Dimensional Model #2A1-dimensional semiconductor! Consider anInfinite Linear Chainconsisting of 2 atom types, A

    & B (a crystal with 2-atom unit cells), 1 s-orbitalvalence e- per atom &unit cell repeat distance = a.

    Approximation:Only Nearest-Neighbor interactions.(Interactions between atoms further apart than ~ ( )a are ~ 0).

    This model is called the Diatomic Chain.

    A B A B A B A


  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to the Tight binding (LCAO) Method


    The True Hamiltonian in the solid is:

    H = (p)2/(2mo) + V(x), with V(x) = V(x + a).

    I nstead, approximate it (with = A or =B) asH nHat(,n) + n,nU(,n;,n)

    where, Hat(,n) Atomic Hamiltonian for atom in cell n.U(,n;,n) Interaction Energy between atom of type

    in cell n & atom of type in cell n.Use the assumption ofonly nearest-neighbor interactions:The only non-zero U(,n;,n)

    are U(A,n;B,n-1) = U(B,n;A,n+1) U(n,n-1) U(n,n+1) With this assumption, the Approximate Hamil tonianis:

    H nHat(,n) + n[U(n,n -1) + U(n,n + 1)]

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to the Tight binding (LCAO) Method


    H nHat(,n) + n[U(n,n -1) + U(n,n + 1)] Goal: Calculate the bandstructure Ekby solving the Schrdinger Equation:

    Hk(x) = Ekk(x)

    Use the LCAO(Tightbinding) Assumptions:1. H is as above.

    2. Solutions to the atomic Schrdinger Equation are known:



    (x) = En



    3. In our simple case of1 s-orbital/atom:EAn= A = the energy of the atomic e

    - on atom A

    EBn= B = the energy of the atomic e- on atom B


    (x) is very localized near cell n

    5. The Crucial(LCAO) assumption is:

    k(x) neiknaCn(x)That is, the Bloch Functions are linear combinations

    of atomic orbitals!


    The Cs are unknown

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to the Tight binding (LCAO) Method


    Dirac Notation:Schrdinger Equation: Ekk|H|kAn|H|k = EkAn|H|k (1) Manipulation of (1), using LCAO assumptions, gives (studentexercise):

    AeiknaCA+ [e

    ik(n-1)a + eik(n+1)a]CB = EkeiknaCA (1a)

    Similarly: Bn|H|k = EkBn|H|k (2) Manipulation of (2), usingLCAO assumptions,gives (student exercise):

    BeiknaCB+ [e

    ik(n-1)a + eik(n+1)a]CA = EkeiknaCA (2a)

    Here, An




    = constant (nearest-neighbor overlap energy) analogous

    to in the previous 1d model

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to the Tight binding (LCAO) Method


    Student exercise to show that these simplify to:

    0 = (A - Ek)CA + 2cos(ka)CB, (3)

    and0 = 2cos(ka)CA + (B - Ek)CB, (4)

    A,B , are usually taken as parameters in the theory, instead of

    computing them from the atomic n

    (3) & (4) are linear, homogeneous algebraic equations forCA& CB

    22 determinant of coefficients = 0 This gives: (A - Ek)(B - Ek) - 4

    2[cos(ka)]2 = 0

    A quadratic equation forEk!

    2 solutions: a valence band

    & a conduction band!

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to the Tight binding (LCAO) Method



    Bandstructure of the Diatomic Linear Chain(2 bands):

    E(k) = ()(A + B) [()(A - B)2 + 42 {cos(ka)}2] This gives a k = 0 bandgap of

    EG= E+(0) - E-(0) = 2[()(A - B)2 + 42]

    For simplicity, plot in the case

    42 A

    Expand the [ .]part ofE(k) & keep the lowest order termE+(k) B + A[cos(ka)]2, E-(k) A - A[cos(ka)]2EG(0) AB + 2A, where A (42)/|A - B|

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to the Tight binding (LCAO) Method


    Bandstructure of a 1-dimensional semiconductor:

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to the Tight binding (LCAO) Method


    Tightbinding Method: 3 Dimensional Model

    Model: Consider a monatomic solid, 3d, with only

    nearest-neighbor interactions. Hamiltonian:H = (p)2/(2mo) + V(r)

    V(r) = crystal potential,

    with the full lattice symmetry & periodicity.

    Assume (R,R = lattice sites):H RHat(R) + R,RU(R,R)


    (R) Atomic Hamiltonian for atom at RU(R,R) Interaction Potential between atoms at R & R

    Near-neighbor interactions only!

    U(R,R) = 0 unless R & Rare nearest-neighbors

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to the Tight binding (LCAO) Method


    Goal:Calculate the bandstructure Ekby solving the Schrdinger Equation:

    Hk(r) = Ekk(r)

    Use the LCAO(Tightbinding) Assumptions:1. H is as on previous page.

    2. Solutions to the atomic Schrdinger Equation are known:

    Hat(R)n(R) = Enn(R), n = Orbital Label (s, p, d,..),

    En= Atomic energy of the e- in orbital n

    3.n(R) is very localized around R

    4. The Crucial(LCAO) assumption is:

    k(r) = ReikRnbnn(r-R) (bnto be determined)n(R): The atomic functions are orthogonal for different n & R

    That is, the Bloch Functions are linear combinations of

    atomic orbitals!

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to the Tight binding (LCAO) Method


    Dirac Notation:Solve the Schrdinger Equation: Ekk|H|kThe LCAOassumption:

    |k= ReikRnbn|n (1)(bnto be determined)

    Consider a particular orbital with label m:

    m|H|k = Ekm|H|k(2) Use (1) in (2). Then use

    1. The orthogonality of the atomic orbitals

    2. The assumed form ofH3. The fact that n(R) is very localized around R

    4. That we know the atomic solutions to Hat|n = En|n5. The nearest neighbor assumption that U(R,R) = 0

    unless R& R are nearest-neighors.

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to the Tight binding (LCAO) Method


    Manipulate (several pages of algebra) to get:

    (Ek- Em)bm + nR0 eikRmn(R)bn = 0 , (I)where: mn(R) m|U(0,R)|n Over lap Energy I ntegral

    The mn(R) are analogous to the &in the 1d models. They are

    similar to Vss, etc. in real materials, discussed next! The integrals

    are horrendous to do for real atomic m! In practice, they are

    treated as parameters to fit to experimental data.

    Equation (I): Is a system ofN homogeneous, linear, algebraicequations for the coefficients bn. N = number of atomic orbitals.

    Equation (I) forN atomic states

    The solution is obtained by taking an N N determinant!This results in N bandswhich have their roots in the atomic orbitals!

    If the mn(R) are small, each band can be thought of as

    Ek~ En + kdependent corrections

    That is, the bands are ~atomic levels + corrections

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to the Tight binding (LCAO) Method


    Equation (I): A system of homogeneous, linear, algebraic

    equations for the bn

    N atomic states Solve an N N determinant!N bands

    Note:Weve implicitly assumed 1 atom/unit cell.If there are n atoms/unit cell, we get nN equations &nN bands!

    Artificial Special Case #1: One s level per atom

    1 (s-l ike) band Artificial Special Case #2:Three p levels per atom3 (p-like) bands Artificial Special Case #3:

    One s and three p levels per atom & sp3 bonding 4 bandsNOTE that

    For n atoms /unit cel l, mul tiply by n to get the number of bands!

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to the Tight binding (LCAO) Method


    Back to:

    (Ek- Em)bm + nR0 eikRmn(R)bn = 0 , (I)where: mn(R)


    Overlap Energy I ntegral

    Also:Assume nearest neighbor interactions onlyR0is ONLYover nearest neighbors! Artificial Special Case #1: One s level per atom

    1 (s-l ike) band: Ek= Es - R=nneikR(R)But (R) = is the same for all neighbors so:

    Ek= Es - R=nneikR Assume, for example, a simple cubic lattice:

    Ek= Es -2[cos(kxa) + cos(kya) +cos(kza)]

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to the Tight binding (LCAO) Method


    Artificial Special Case #2:Three p levels per atom.

    Gives a 3 3 determinant to solve.3 (p-l ike) bandsStudent exercise!!

    Artificial Special Case #3:One s and three p levels per atom & sp3 bonding

    Gives a 3 3 determinant to solve. 4 bandsStudent exercise!!