Introduction to Social Networking - A New Way to Connect ACT Webinar Presented By: Ryan Hanley,...

Introduction to Social Networking - A New Way to Connect ACT Webinar Presented By: Ryan Hanley, Guilderland Agency Jason Hoeppner, B.H. Burke & Co., Inc. Chris Jordan, Atlanta Insurance Live Rick Morgan, Chair ACT Social Web WG Jeff Yates, ACT Executive Director

Transcript of Introduction to Social Networking - A New Way to Connect ACT Webinar Presented By: Ryan Hanley,...

Introduction to Social Networking - A New Way to Connect

ACT Webinar Presented By:

Ryan Hanley, Guilderland AgencyJason Hoeppner, B.H. Burke & Co., Inc.Chris Jordan, Atlanta Insurance LiveRick Morgan, Chair ACT Social Web WGJeff Yates, ACT Executive Director

Introduction to Social Networking - A New Way to Connect

ACT Webinar Presented By:

Ryan Hanley, Guilderland AgencyJason Hoeppner, B.H. Burke & Co., Inc.Chris Jordan, Atlanta Insurance LiveRick Morgan, Chair ACT Social Web WGJeff Yates, ACT Executive Director

Rick Morgan

Contact Rick at: [email protected]

IntroductionFamiliar with the Social Web?

What is it?

A virtual community where people with common interests can gather and connect, to share stories, ideas, thoughts, and opinions

Hot Yes - New No

You have done it most of your life. So did you parents and grandparents.

Have you ever: asked or given advice? given or received a recommendation? shared an experience? collaborated on a project? interacted with a group?

It isn’t new only the tools are.

Are You Saying This?

It’s a Fad. I don’t have time. It’s not for business. What is the ROI? I don’t want my staff wasting company time on

this. What about E&0?

It is not about the Technology -it is about the Sociology

Outbound and/or interruption marketing Telemarketing Direct Mail Email Blasts Print Ads

Inbound or Permission Based Blogging Social Media RSS

Opening Up New Opportunities

Essential tool for communication Customer engagement Lead generation Immediate customer contact Customer service Customer interaction Relationship building

Jason Hoeppner, CIC Technology, workflow, & social media consultant –

B. H. Burke & Co., Inc., Westbrook, CT Contact Jason at:

[email protected] (860) 830-4080

How Do I Get Started?

Define your agency strategy. Define your agency image or what you want to

portray through these channels. Decide what platforms you will use, and who will

lead this effort. Based on all the above — set up an agency

policy that outlines this strategy & ensure that everyone understands it!

Agency Strategy – side note

Do you have a current marketing plan or strategy? What are your goals for using social media?

Make sales, acquire leads Expand your market Provide service, follow up Test the water

Where can you afford to fail? Client/Prospect demographics − Are they on these

platforms? Can you support the engagement on social media? Additional concerns (management, mergers, new

systems, etc.)

The Tools to get Started Blogs - A Blog, is a website with regular entries of

commentary, news, opinion or other material such as links, photographs or video. Create an editorial calendar OK to have multiple authors Consistency is more important the frequency Keep posts short Let personality show through - speak in first person A mix of personal and professional

The Founders Group Vaughn Insurance

The Tools to get Started - Con’t Facebook - Facebook’s popularity means that many of

your prospects and customers already use Facebook to keep in touch not only with family and friends but also companies. Fan Pages


The Rey Insurance Agency Agency Fan Pages

The Tools to get Started - Con’t LinkedIn - LinkedIn is a social network for business

professionals. Groups


The Tools to get Started - Con’t Twitter - Twitter asks the question, "What are you doing?”

Agencies can tweet company announcements, ask for feedback, answer customer questions or share relevant website page links. Real-Time



Manage with tools like TweetDeck and Hootsuite

Insurance people on Twitter

The Tools to get Started - Con’t

YouTubeVideo can be a very effective way for an agency to deliver its message and strengthen its on-line brand.

The Rey Insurance AgencyCrecenta Valley Insurance

Ryan Hanley Account Executive, Guilderland Agency, Inc – Albany, NY Creator and Author of Albany Insurance Professional Contact Ryan at:

[email protected] (518) 456-6688

Links LinkedIn/RyanHanley

Why Did I Start a Blog Conversations were taking place without me

Prospects & Professionals were discussing their online relationships

Powerful low cost advertising, I could control My message, produced and distributed the way I want

Information Hub for clients and prospects Valued added resource for everyone who visits

Earn respect of clients before I meet them Prospects could become comfortable with me before we spoke

about business

Constantly keep up to date with clients Email & RSS subscriptions keep me top of mind

Media source that is constantly working

How To Succeed With a Written Blog

Consistency is Key (Builds Trust) Create Conversations (Not Broadcasts) Build Relationships (Not Transactions) Be Personal (Not Corporate) Have a Message

Social Media thrives on Niche Markets Be Relatable (Use Real Life Examples) Be Relevant (Use Local, 21st Century Topics) Do Not Preach Your Brand!

Real Life Example of Internet’s Power

Recently, I was contacted through LinkedIn by a woman who reads my blog and was interested in a quote on her personal insurance, (Home, Auto, Boat, Rental, Umbrella). We wrote her account at ~$3,000 in premium which equates to ~$500 in commission to the Agency.

My new client then wrote a recommendation for me on LinkedIn expressing her gratitude for my quality of service and professionalism.

Two days later I received another message on LinkedIn from my new client’s friend referencing the recommendation stating that she would also be interested in a quote. We made ~$350 from her account.

$850 in Revenue in 3 days without a Phone Call

Chris Jordan Chris is an Independent Agent in Atlanta. His Virtual Agency at: Atlanta Insurance Live Contact Chris at:

The heightened popularity of Social Media is an obvious indication that the Internet has changed.

We used to logon to get information. Now, we are logging on to communicate.

Google & Social Search Mobile Technology

Nielsen estimates that smart phones will overtake feature phones by 2011

CTIA finds that 91% of Americans use cell phones!

Today’s Internet…

How I Leverage the Web: Atlanta Insurance Live!

Video Blog: The Media Fun & Light Hearted! Educational Meet people virtually & duplicate myself Communicate using a web cam & chat

Social Media: The Social Twitter Facebook Linkedin YouTube

Setting Expectations Fact vs. Fiction

Fact You will find new customers! You will find new networking opportunities! You will even increase the likelihood that

someone will buy from you! Over 50% say they are more likely to do business with a brand

they follow online according to Consumer Pulse

Fiction This happens Overnight! - wrong…

The truth is that this takes time and consistency!

Setting Expectations Tips & Advice

Have a goal each time you log on Connect: Send a message or add a friend Respond: To messages or interesting status

updates Update your status! *But minimize talking shop!

Consistency over frequency Don’t overanalyze

Don’t get caught up in the #’s game Have FUN!

Results & ROI Relationships are the ‘Return’!

Who do you know?

$5,082 in premium sold in March just from my online presence Consider that this is just from my individual efforts

Intangibles INC. Magazine, IA Magazine, Insurance Journal Testimonials x100!

Selling Insurance from the Bathtub Choose a new Insurance Agent

‘Invest’ in your agency’s future!

Summary Listen Listen Listen Build a Team

Community Manager Have a Plan - Create Goals

Goal Objectives Strategy Tactics


Have Rules, But Trust People ACT Policy Guide

Creativity & Personality Trump Big Budget

No One Size Fits All

ACT & Industry Websites, at “Websites & Social Media” Quick Link

Jeff Yates, ACT Executive Director – [email protected]