Introduction to pointers and memory management in C

1 Uri Dekel Carnegie Mellon University [email protected] Introduction to Pointers Introduction to Pointers and and Memory Management in C Memory Management in C


Slides for a 30 minutes tutorial on pointers in C

Transcript of Introduction to pointers and memory management in C

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Uri DekelCarnegie Mellon University

[email protected]

Introduction to Pointers andIntroduction to Pointers and Memory Management in C Memory Management in C

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Audience familiar with:VariablesControl structuresFunction callsArrays and strings

Not familiar withComputer memoryImplementation of variables and function calls

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Computer memory in generalImplementation of variables and function calls

Pointers and overcoming function limitations

Pointer arithmetic and arraysNeed and risks of dynamic memory allocation

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Understanding of concepts and techniques

Reasoning for use of specific techniques

Caveats to watch out for

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Note on C versionsNote on C versions

Presented material is in C90 (old “Ansi C”)Supported by nearly all compilersBasis for most legacy code

Newer C’99 and later is differentAllows some C++ conventionsIntroduces new featuresNot fully supported by all compilers

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Introduction to Computer Memory

Intro to Pointers and Memory in C Background


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Why do we need memory?Why do we need memory?

CPU operates on data in a handful of registers

Not enough for most applicationsMemory is vast collection of “value

holders”Values copied to/from registers


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Memory needs to be organizedMemory needs to be organized

Must be able to locate previously stored valueCan’t rely on actual value

Programmers see linear address space

Typical address space is vast32bit or 64bit


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What do we do with multi-byte What do we do with multi-byte values?values?Size of cell is limited

Typically byte (8 bits, 0—255)Spread values in contiguous cells

Only need to know starting address and size


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What do we do with multi-byte What do we do with multi-byte values?values?Breakup of large values must be consistent with their reassemblyWhere do we store the more-significant digits?


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Virtual MemoryVirtual Memory

Modern OSs provide separate address space to processesCertain logical addresses mapped to physical addresses

Mechanism transparentOverlapping addresses do not interfere

Not every address is mapped!


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Variables and Function Calls in C


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A symbolic name for a specific memory locationCan read and write contentsGuaranteed to exist every time it is used

Type used to reassemble and interpret valueHow many cells? How value is broken down



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Automatic variablesAutomatic variables

Declared at a beginning of a blockLifetime and scope correspond to block


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Allocating space for variablesAllocating space for variables

Variables are allocated space on stackLast-In-First-Out structureHas a fixed base and grows “up” or “down”

Newer variables allocated “above” earlierNewer variables “die” before olderStack resides in specific memory segment


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Program code and memoryProgram code and memory

Our program (“code”) is stored in memoryDedicated “code segment”Every instruction has an addressEvery function has an address

Most instructions are contiguousCPU uses instruction pointer (IP) register for next address to executeExecution typically sequentialIP changes on branches


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Stack example (In function)Stack example (In function)


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Stack example (In function)Stack example (In function)


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What happens in function call?What happens in function call?

Copies of argument values pushed into stack

Return address pushed into stack

CPU IP aimed at beginning of function block


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What happens in function call?What happens in function call?


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Returning from functions…Returning from functions…

All automatic variables of function are poppedReturn address is poppedAll passed arguments are poppedIP aimed at next instruction to execute in

original functionReturn value in register or stack


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Returning from functions…Returning from functions…


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Attempting to write a swap Attempting to write a swap function…function…


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Attempting to write a swap Attempting to write a swap function…function…


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Attempting to write a swap Attempting to write a swap function…function…


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Attempting to write a swap Attempting to write a swap function…function…


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Background DynamicPointers

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Why pass-by-pointer?Why pass-by-pointer?

Functions always pass values by copying (pass-by-value)

They return a single value by copyingChanges to arguments in invoked functions have

NO IMPACTon corresponding variables in invoking function

To change, we must “break through” to earlier stack locations.

Solution: 1) Pass address of value holder represented by

variable2) Use that address to write directly into the

value holderBackground DynamicPointer

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A pointer is a variable!It has an address and stores a valueBut the value can be interpreted as an address

X myX – declare variable of type XX* pX – declare pointer to value of type

XPointer size depends on address space, not type!

Background DynamicPointers

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Assigning values to pointersAssigning values to pointers

Arbitrary numeric valuesAddress of variablesValues of other pointersAddress of functions (outside our scope)Caveat: Avoid pointing at temporaries!

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Dereferencing pointersDereferencing pointers

Accessing the pointed-to memory cellIf pX is pointer, (*pX) is the valueRoughly, var is equivalent to (*(&var))Can serve as an lvalue! (can assign into it)

Background DynamicPointers

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Implementing SwapImplementing Swap

Background DynamicPointers

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Implementing SwapImplementing Swap

Background DynamicPointers

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Implementing SwapImplementing Swap

Background DynamicPointers

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Implementing SwapImplementing Swap

Background DynamicPointers

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Caveat – Uninitialized pointersCaveat – Uninitialized pointers

Uninitialized pointers can contain junk

Dereferencing leads to random addressData overwrites, segmentation faults, etc.

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Caveat – NULL pointersCaveat – NULL pointers

Pointers to NULL should not be dereferenced

Equivalent to accessing address 0Access may result in “Bus Error” on UNIX

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Caveats – Dangling referencesCaveats – Dangling references

Avoid returning pointer to automatic vars

Don’t keep pointers to vars in inner blocks

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Casting pointersCasting pointers

Converting between pointer types is riskyCompiler will warn – Coercion possible

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Pointer type used to represent addresses without any type information

Shouldn’t be dereferencedProgrammer responsible for coercion

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Const pointersConst pointers

Background DynamicPointers

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Pointers to pointersPointers to pointers

Background DynamicPointers

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Pointers to pointersPointers to pointers

Background DynamicPointers

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Pointers to pointersPointers to pointers

Background DynamicPointers

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Pointers to pointersPointers to pointers

Background DynamicPointers

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Pointer ArithmeticPointer Arithmetic

C permits addition/subtraction on pointersIncrements correspond to size of type value

Effective with contiguous set of variables

Background DynamicPointers

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Pointers to array elementsPointers to array elements

Pointers can aimat address of array elements

Refer to other elements withpointer arithmetic

Background DynamicPointers

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Array variable often treated as ptr to 1st elementActually not a pointerComputes into an rvalue

for assignment to pointer

Passable to function that takes pointer or array

Not reassignableSizeof(ar) returns array


The array “Variable”The array “Variable”

Background DynamicPointers

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Dynamic Memory Allocation

Background DynamicPointersIntro to Pointers and Memory in C

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Why do we need to allocate Why do we need to allocate memory?memory?Size of data may not be known in

advanceMay depend on user input

e.g., Input N, then get N numbers, then present sorted

May depend on result of calculationSize may change over time

e.g., Increase canvas size or number of pages

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Why do we need to allocate Why do we need to allocate memory?memory?Global and automatic arrays can only be declared with compile-time constant size(Relaxed in C99)

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Why do we need to allocate Why do we need to allocate memory?memory?We want to control lifetime of data

stored over timeLive after function endsDie before program terminates

Basis for most data structures

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How do we allocate memory?How do we allocate memory?

void *malloc(size_t size);Submits request to allocate contiguous block of

given size.Size often specified as n*sizeof(type)If failed, returns NULLIf valid, returns void pointer to new memory areaProgrammer converts into pointer to first

elementPointer arithmetic or subscripts access rest of

spaceNo bounds checking!

NULL otherwiseIntro to Pointers and Memory in C Background DynamicPointers

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The heapThe heap

A memory area provided to the process for allocating dataOften limited

Runtime tracks where all memory is allocatedEvery allocation is contiguous

Possibility of fragmentation even if enough total free space

No way to check in advance

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Allocated memory must be freed!Allocated memory must be freed!

Programmer responsible for releasing dynamically allocated memory ASAP.Use free() operation

void free(void *ptr);System will know how much space to clear

Failure to free causes memory leak

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Malloc/Free exampleMalloc/Free example

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free() caveatsfree() caveats

Do not free a pointer prematurelyMake sure it will not be accessed again via other pointer!

All other pointers are dangling references

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free() caveatsfree() caveats

Once pointer to memory is lost, no way to free it

Do not release pointer to middle of allocated region

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free() caveatsfree() caveats

Freeing the same memory twiceFreeing an automatic variable

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Summary of covered topicsSummary of covered topics

MemoryAddress space necessary to understand pointers

Storage of large valuesImplementation of variables and calls

Lifetime and effect on pointer validityNeed for pointers

Pointers and their risksPointer arithmetic and relation to arraysNeed and risk of dynamic allocation

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Backup materials

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Topics not coveredTopics not covered

Pointers to pointersFunction pointersStructsFar pointers

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Do not rely on stack organization!Do not rely on stack organization!

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Pointers can be comparedPointers can be compared

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Caveats – Dangling referencesCaveats – Dangling references

Do not keep pointers to dying variables

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Null-terminated stringsNull-terminated strings

Strings: Array of chars terminated by ‘\0’ or 0.String can take less space than actual array

sizeSince \0 can come early…

Missing the \0 will lead many functions past allocated memory

Storage depends on actual assignment

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Global VariablesGlobal Variables

Variables can be declared outside functionsAccessible from everywhereInitialized before main() startedLive until program terminatesFunction static variables can be thought of as
