Introduction to NetBSD kernel

Introduction to the NetBSD kernel Mahendra M [email protected] This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License



Transcript of Introduction to NetBSD kernel

Page 1: Introduction to NetBSD kernel

Introduction to the NetBSD kernel

Mahendra [email protected]://

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License

Page 2: Introduction to NetBSD kernel


A short introduction to NetBSD systems and some history Suitability for embedded systems Slight comparisons to Linux interspersed throughout – for

better understanding A look into various features NetBSD Capabilities !! Our focus will primarily be on NetBSD 2.0 series ( 3.0 was

released a few weeks back )

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About NetBSD

A BSD “ distribution” targeted at portability. Includes a kernel, libraries, config tools, scripts and build

systems.– The BSD systems have had a history of around 25 years.

– Is under a BSD license.

OpenBSD was forked out of the NetBSD project. Not really meant for Desktop/Server purposes.

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NetBSD – the basic stuff

Currently in version 3.0 ( released a few weeks back ) Highly portable – ports exist for a large number of

architectures and reference boards.– Portability has been a design goal right from the beginning

POSIX compliant Good VM, Networking, Threading subsystem Has withstood the test of time in the market Not as rapid a development model as Linux.

– Tends to let features stabilize on FreeBSD/OpenBSD and then pick it up :-)

Some good design decisions inside the kernel. Low memory footprint.

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Process Scheduling

Time-sharing scheduler - based on multi-level feedback queues

Each task is placed in a priority based run-queue Each priority is time-sliced and scheduled in round-robin

fashion O(1) algorithm similar to Linux ( though not feature rich ) Has an interactivity estimation algorithm that recalculates a

process' priority Kernel pre-emption is not available No per-CPU runqueues No soft real time support available

– Commercial patches available for hard real time.

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Approximate representation of scheduling.

Task 1 Task 2 Task N

Task 1 Task 2 Task M


Doubly linked lists of tasks

[Priority: 1]

[Priority: n]


hardclock() - Increments CPU utilization count per tick schedcpu() - adjusts CPU utilization once per second and

on 4 ticks invokes resetpriority() to recalculate a process' priority. Also increments sleep count of blocked processes

resetpriority() also checks for ready higher priority processes and schedules a context switch




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Manipulating runqueue

void setrunqueue ( struct proc *p )

– set the specified process in the system run queue.

void remrunqueue ( struct proc *p )

– remove the process from the run queue

( struct proc * ) nextrunqueue( void )

– Returns the next process in run queue which can run.

The above functions have to be called with the lock held on the scheduler using SCHED_LOCK()

More functions available for controlling system scheduling priority levels.

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SMP Support and re-entrancy

SMP Support – Not really critical in embedded systems – but is very highly

important in upcoming Telecom architectures which use multi-core CPUs etc.

– Currently being worked upon in NetBSD.

Still has a big (BAD) global kernel lock. Discussion going on in lock free data structures in NetBSD.

– They can't implement methods like RCU

Other general locking semantics available in the NetBSD kernel – slightly different in behaviour than Linux methods.

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Lock Semantics

Simplelock – simple spinning mutex – for short critical sections of code ( SCHED_LOCK )

– Only lock that can be used inside an interrupt handler. ( Interrupt disabling/enables has to be done manually )

– ( struct simplelock )

Higher level lock for sleep/spinning is also available.– Provides exclusive and shared access locks.

– Provides recursive exclusive access locks within a thread.

– Allows upgrading/downgrading of shared access locks to exclusive locks and vice-versa.

– ( struct lock )

– lockinit() and lockmgr() functions used

– spinlockinit() and spinlockmgr()

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Threading model

NetBSD kernel is thread aware and are POSIX compliant Supports a n:m model of threads using Scheduler

Activations Drastically different from Linux's approach.

– Supports 1:1 model of threading ( NPTL )

– The kernel does not distinguish between threads and processes

– A process is a group of thread ids – thats it.

– All threads in a process are visible as tasks to the kernel and active threads are allocated time-slices for scheduling.

– All active threads will get their time-slices

– Can set real time priorities to tasks.

– APIs are available for real time threads handling

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Threading model ( contd .. ) NetBSD

– Treats threads (lwp) and processes differently

– Supports Scheduler Activations. m:n model of threading

– Not all threads are visible to the kernel scheduler. User space code takes part in telling the kernel which thread to schedule.

– The threads in a process have co-operative scheduling. A thread can keep running for most of the time – careful

programing required.

– Using special environment variables Round robin scheduling can be achieved.

Note : Today, Linux seems to have better thread/process creation, spawning and context switching times.

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Threading model ( contd.. )

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KQueue : Event notification mechanism

NetBSD supports a generic event notification framework – kqueues.

Excellent replacement for select() / poll() APIs.– No need to pass entire descriptor set to each call.

– On return, applications need not check all file descriptors for updates.

– Reduces data copying ( fd list from kernel to user space and vice-versa )

Can handle multiple types of events.– Signals, Vnode/Process monitoring, Timer events etc.

Can club multiple occurrences of an event into a single event New event types can be easily added. All with just two system calls !!

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Debugging support and bootup NetBSD has much better debugging support.

– DDB – an in-kernel debugger

– Supports kernel crash dumps Dumps to swap partition on crash On reboot, retrieves the dump from swap to a specified location.

– Supports KGDB (source level debug) – remote debugging.

Boot up.– Doesn't support a self-extracting kernel

– The kernel is gzipped and given to the bootloader, which extracts it to memory and jumps to the start address.

– It can be easily added, if required.

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Device support

Support is poor in NetBSD Flash devices ( MTD etc. ) are poorly supported. Supports a primitive mechanism of Ram disk ( MFS )

– Not memory efficient : tmpfs is being worked upon

– OpenSource implementations are not available. ( Commercial products are available )

– Results in considerable lead time in development.

For boot time, it allows embedding a file-system into the kernel

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Build systems and configuration

Integrated build system.– The entire system : kernel, compilers and tools, libraries and

applications can be compiled ( native or cross platform ) using a single script –

– The same script can build distributions, tarballs, archives and can also update existing systems and install fresh systems.

– Adding new components to the build framework is extremely easy.

NetBSD provides an autoconf mechanism– Builds a device tree format which is extremely easy for getting

coded in and for device identification.

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Some key aspects..

Very clean code. No warnings and errors during compilation Little support for loadable kernel modules – not

recommended. Development models is more “ cathedral” like !! Well documented but not easy to find answers. Commercial support is available. Many people do not contribute code changes back to the

NetBSD tree. ( BSD License ). Supports non-executable stack and heap ( on architectures

that support this ) Has support for Xen ( not really necessary for embedded

box but can be used for development boxes ).

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Business related License (violation) is a serious cause of concern

– BSD License is very liberal

– One of the main reasons why telecom companies go for BSD – eg: Juniper ( JUNOS )

Protocol stacks and third party code– Are available usually for most BSDs.

– To be more portable, they tend to ignore benefits of one OS Eg : Making use of kqueue().

New device support– Vendors of new devices like Network Processors, etc. release

code only/mainly for Linux ( kernel modules etc. ).

– Extra effort is required in such cases to port things to NetBSD.

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Coming soon !!

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Finally ...

Questions ?? Thanks to

– Organizers for giving me a chance to speak at GNUnify 2006

– NetBSD and Linux developers who helped me during my work

– To Infosys for sponsoring my visit to GNUnify 2006

Special thanks to YOU for listening...

You can contact me at :

[email protected]