Introduction to Medical Forensics

Introduction to Medical Forensics Unit 01


Introduction to Medical Forensics. Unit 01. Vocabulary Terms. Forensic science Medical forensics Serology Mortality Pathology Psychology Anthropology Odontology Toxicology Hemoglobin Mass spectrometry Spectroscopy. DNA Surete AFIS VICAP NCAVC CODIS DRUGFIRE Physical evidence - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Introduction to Medical Forensics

Page 1: Introduction to Medical Forensics

Introduction to Medical Forensics

Unit 01

Page 2: Introduction to Medical Forensics

Vocabulary TermsForensic scienceMedical forensicsSerologyMortalityPathologyPsychologyAnthropologyOdontologyToxicologyHemoglobinMass spectrometrySpectroscopy

DNASureteAFISVICAPNCAVCCODISDRUGFIREPhysical evidenceClass evidenceIndividual evidence

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History of Medical ForensicsUsing the following historical information, answer

the worksheet of the people/discoveries/events which lead to the development of medical forensics as we know it today.1642 – University of Leipzip offered a course in

forensic medicine for doctorsEarly 1800’s – Paris, Eugene Francois Vidoeq (an ex-

con), formed the “Surete,” the first detective forceInvented some forensic techniques: matching

bullets to guns, handwriting analysis & undercover investigations

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History Continued During the 1800’s toxicology made dramatic

progress, Mathieu Orfila is considered to be the modern father of toxicology, having given the subject its first formal treatment in 1813

Mid-1800’s a crystal test was developed to test for hemoglobin (Ludwig Teichmann)

1859 – field of spectroscopy was started (Gustov Kirchoff & Robert Blinsen). Eventually, this led to mass spectrometry which is used for trace evidence.

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1883 – Alphonse Bertillon (France) developed a measurement system to help identify repeat offenders (14 measurements). Used in Europe & the US until the early 1900’s. Called “Bertillonage” or anthropometry

Sherlock Holmes books fueled the interest in Forensics

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History Continued1880 – Henry Faulds (Scotland)used fingerprints to

eliminate a suspect and convict the correct one. 1892 Francis Galton published the first scientific study on the uniqueness of fingerprints. In 1892 in Argentina, the first court case with fingerprints as evidence occurred.

Late 1800’s to early 1900’s brought many changes – police schools, investigative squads, preserving crime scenes, handling evidence, blood test to distinguish primate blood, move from the measurement ID system to fingerprint classification (Scotland Yard), fiber analysis, trace evidence, use of microscopes, gun cataloging, tool marks (most from 1902-1909).

arch Whorl

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History ContinuedThe Italian scientist Leone Lattes devised the first

workable procedure for typing dried bloodstains, 1915.The application of science to criminal investigation was

advocated by the Austrian magistrate Hans Gross.The first functioning crime lab was in Lyons, France, in

1910 by Edmond Locard, extremely important person, coined the phrase/idea that something is always left behind

The first Crime Lab in the U.S. was in Los Angeles in 1923

1916 – Berkeley, CA – school to educate investigators (August Vollmer), precursor to the polygraph, Edward O. Heinrich – pioneer in many areas

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History Continued1930’s-1937- Walter Specht develops the

chemiluminescent reagent luminal as a presumptive test for blood

After WWII, the area saw very rapid growth, the development of computers, the discovery and use of DNA, etc.

The DNA profiling technique was first reported in 1984 by Sir Alec Jeffreys at the University of Leicester in England, and is now the basis of several national DNA databases. Dr. Jeffreys's genetic fingerprinting was made commercially available in 1987, when a chemical company, ICI, started a blood-testing center in England.

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History ContinuedThe first murder conviction using DNA evidence came in

1988 when baker Colin Pitchfork was found guilty of the separate murders of two schoolgirls - Lynda Mann and Dawn Ashworth, both 15 - in Narborough, Leicestershire.

Advancements in DNA technology led to Pitchfork's conviction

Both of the cases - one in 1983 and one in 1986 - involved sexual assaults, and semen samples were taken from both bodies.

Demand for drug analysis is primarily responsible for the expansion of crime laboratories

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FBI HistoryFBI – 1908 began with a small group to investigate

and enforce interstate law enforcement (actual FBI name came in 1935). The crime lab started in 1935. 1975 AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System)was developed, profiling, in the mid 1980’s VICAP (Violent Criminal Apprehension Program)was developed for homicides, NCAVC (National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime), CODIS (Combined DNA Index System), Drugfire system (guns & bullets).

Currently at the federal level there are four agencies which offer forensic service: FBI, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and US Postal Service

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Careers associated with Medical ForensicsCrime laboratory

analystClinical laboratory

technicianMicrobiologist Fingerprint analystCriminalistCrime scene

photographerPhlebotomistForensic serology

DNA criminalist

• Serology technician• Forensic psychologist• Mental health counselor• Toxicologist• Biochemist• Pharmacologist• Geneticist• Medical examiner

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The Crime LaboratoryThe organization of a crime lab depends on

the specific function of that particular lab. Not all labs test all types of evidence. Most are specialized. For example, fingerprints, DNA & mortality are very different. All lab requirements and general organization will be addressed in each specific unit studied in this class.

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The Crime Laboratory: Fingerprints“Inkless” printing where the fingerprints are scanned

directly into the computer and loaded into AFIS. In a crime laboratory, a technician also requires a

computer system to analyze prints and access to AFIS, as well as equipment to “lift” a print off of evidence.

The area where the evidence is analyzed would require sterility of other prints so as to not contaminate the evidence.

A fume hood, dusting powder, computer scanners & programs could all be used to find prints on evidence.

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The Crime Laboratory: DNA LabsDNA labs require sterile work environments to

eliminate the possibility of contaminating samples.

Technicians must have the right certification and wear face masks, gowns and gloves.

Multiple pieces of equipment are required.The lab needs a stringent system for cataloging

the samples and keeping them from contact with other samples.

The area needs to be locked to allow access only to those qualified to work in the lab.

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The Crime Laboratory: MortalityMost states have medical examiners who analyze

and collect evidence from dead bodies. The instruments used to perform an autopsy must

be sterilized between each use. The examiner is typically a medically trained

doctor with specialties in many areas, such as pathology and toxicology, etc.

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Utah Crime LabOur areas of expertise are: Forensic Biology:  Serology, DNA, CODIS Forensic Chemistry: Controlled Substances (all labs), Fire

Debris, Paint, FibersImpressions: Fingerprints (Southern Lab as well), AFIS,

Footwear, Tires Firearms/Tool marks: Serial Number Restoration,

Reconstruction, Physical Matches (all Northern Lab only) Video EnhancementComputer Forensics: Regional Computer Forensics Lab (RCFL) Crime Scenes: assisting agencies with crime scenes All services are performed at the Central Lab only unless stated


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Utah Crime LabWe currently have 3 satellite labs throughout the

state of Utah.  These labs are in Salt Lake City (Central), Ogden (Northern), and Cedar City (Southern).  Along with the 3 satellite labs, we have 3 partner labs (Murray City Police, Cottonwood Heights Police, and the RCFL)

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International Crime LabIn real life, Scotland Yard has been

instrumental in the world of forensics. In 1901, Scotland Yard created its

Fingerprint Branch, based on the explanations of Sir Edward Henry, the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police.

Although the Fingerprint Branch started with only three employees, it is now a crucial department in Scotland Yard and detective and crime labs worldwide, including the FBI.

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Physical EvidenceImportance of Physical Evidence

Value in investigating a crimeEye witnesses can be unreliable. Their story

needs to be corroborated with the evidence. There isn’t always an eye witness to a crime.

Physical evidence can lead to suspects, verification of explanations (such as self-defense, suicide, etc), it can remake a crime scene, and it is used to convince a jury of guilt.

Physical evidence has become virtually required in order to convict.

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Individual vs. Class EvidenceIndividual Evidence Class Evidence Individual evidence is physical

evidence which can be traced or linked back to one individual or event.

Examples include DNA, blood spatter, wear patterns on shoes or tires, fingerprints, etc.

IE: Nike running shoes, men’s, size 9, unique wear and cuts in sole of shoe

Class evidence is physical evidence which could belong to more than one person but still narrows the field of suspects.

Examples include brand and style of shoes, type of tires, etc.

IE: Nike running shoes, men’s, size 9

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TimelineCreate a timeline 3 ft in length

Easy to read, but not largeAll history from the powerpoint, plus from this

website for the rest of the