Introduction to Literary Elements Short Story Unit Literature & Composition.

Introduction to Literary Elements Short Story Unit Literature & Composition

Transcript of Introduction to Literary Elements Short Story Unit Literature & Composition.

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Introduction to Literary Elements

Short Story UnitLiterature & Composition

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Prose/narrative (story form writing) about imaginary people, places and events

Something that is made up--- not factual

Can seem realistic

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Rising A

ction Falling Action

Resolution (Denouement)


Turning Point (Inciting Incident)

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Foreshadowing The use of clues or hints by the author to prepare the reader for what will happen later

Can use background information, mood & music

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Character vs. Character

Character vs. Society

Character vs. Self

Character vs. Nature

Character vs. Technology/Machine

Character vs. Supernatural/Deity

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What the character says

What the character does

What the character thinks/feels

What other characters say & think about him/her

The character’s physical appearance or environment

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Dynamic Characters

Static Characters

Those who transform or evolve in the story; usually major characters

Those who do NOT change or grow, but remain the same; usually minor characters

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Protagonist The character with whom the reader is meant to sympathize

The character who grows or learns something

Often the “hero”

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Antagonist The character (or force) who stands in conflict with the protagonist

Often the “villain”

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Social Atmosphere (affected by historical era, social movements, and crises)

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• The author’s attitude toward his/her subject• Emotion words are used to label this element in a story (e.g. – angry, indifferent, excited, sad)

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Mood / Atmosphere The reader’s emotional response to the characters and events of a story

Often influenced by setting and tone

Emotion words also used here

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Symbols Concrete objects that suggest abstract ideas

Something that stands for something else

For example: red rose=love

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Point of View: Perspective First person: narrator is a character in the story (“I” perspective) – can be unreliable!

Third person limited: story is told through the thoughts & feelings of ONE character - the reader may feel like she is looking “over the shoulder” of a character (“S/he”perspective)

Third person omniscient: narrator is NOT a character in the story; story is told from a god-like perspective; can relate knowledge about all characters at any time

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Irony Situational: when the opposite of what is expected occurs

Verbal: when a character says one thing but means another (the opposite)

Dramatic: when the audience/reader knows something that a character does not know

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Theme The universal truth revealed about life

Must be stated in a complete sentence

Avoids using clichés, giving advice or stating a rule