Introduction to Insta-Fit Fuel - as you may think. And it also may make...


Transcript of Introduction to Insta-Fit Fuel - as you may think. And it also may make...

Page 1: Introduction to Insta-Fit Fuel - as you may think. And it also may make you feel lethargic and tired as the day goes on. Myth #5: “No carbs.” A lot of
Page 2: Introduction to Insta-Fit Fuel - as you may think. And it also may make you feel lethargic and tired as the day goes on. Myth #5: “No carbs.” A lot of


Introduction to Insta-Fit Fuel Feel better, live longer, tighter skin, lasting energy… These are real benefits of exercising yet people are still overweight and stagnant in their day to day lives. This introduction will not shed your unwanted pounds for you but, you are moving in the right direction! Whether it means going back to old sports once played or falling in love with new techniques, Instafitfuel is a revolution that is dedicated to providing convenient and easy exercise regiments to not only to drop a few sizes, but also to promote a healthier lifestyle within your mind. We understand what most personal trainers and gym owners don’t; that devotion to a fit lifestyle often slips away due to factors of time and money. Often, these obstacles we encounter in the game of life make it seem like we will never be able to reach our goals. Instafitfuel is your solution to both of those hurdles! Instafitfuel can be utilized at any time from any location. We have a community of moms, dads, doctors, students, scientists; people just like you going about their day to day lives. The common similarity you share with our community is the want and need to be healthy.

Page 3: Introduction to Insta-Fit Fuel - as you may think. And it also may make you feel lethargic and tired as the day goes on. Myth #5: “No carbs.” A lot of


Being in shape is priceless and it is simply a matter of choosing; be active or not to be active. The first step is to jump on the train and get “day 1” out of the way. Whether it’s running, participating in an old sport, working out at home or making it to the gym, you can find creative ways to help achieve your fitness goals and Instafitfuel will help you with the creative process! With Instafitfuel, you can have a “virtual trainer” available twenty-four seven demonstrating techniques and coaching you throughout your fitness journey with calorie counters, meal plans and fun recipes. In addition, you have access to personalized nutrition plans specifically targeted for you. With exercises targeted for various body types as well as any age groups, it makes it a cup of tea to move onto the next exercise if one isn’t suitable for you. The best part is, you will get a glimpse within these next few pages of how minimal effort can get you results. After these next few pages may even want to move up to getting a personalized training and nutrition plan to get more results. And when you do, don’t forget to share your journey and photos on the website. With that being said, let’s turn the page and begin your journey to a fit, healthy lifestyle!

Page 4: Introduction to Insta-Fit Fuel - as you may think. And it also may make you feel lethargic and tired as the day goes on. Myth #5: “No carbs.” A lot of


The Three Fundamentals to Achieving Fitness Goals

1. It takes a second to make the decision to get healthy and a one week to form a habit. Hang in there for a week and you will notice the change within yourself.

2. Conquer your doubt. It’s okay to have self-doubt but remember you are capable of doing anything you set your mind too. Set goals and deadlines for yourself and push yourself daily to meet the deadline.

3. Associate yourself with a fit and healthy lifestyle. Being fit is not just

physically but mentally as well. Being healthy is now a habit for you.

Exercising and Dieting

The purpose of exercise is to burn fat and keep muscle. Exercise should be customized keeping specific goals of fat loss in mind. Resistance training in collaboration with cardio exercises are the most beneficial to demolish fat storage. This should be incorporated into your lifestyle. Resistance Training Individuals that are not physically active are prone to loose 10% of muscles every ten years after their mid twenties. Thankfully, you can regain this muscle by resistance training, also known as weight training. Resistance training should be done every other day in coordination to cardio. Resistance training is more effective in burning calories then general cardio exercises. One pound of fat is approximately 4,000 calories. Women are often worried sometimes weight training will build a “bulky” male like appearance,

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however this is a misconception. Weight training burns fat and builds lean muscles for a toned, tight figure. Something to keep in mind is unlike fat, which stores and accumulates, muscle does not turn into fat after training but shrinks. Another misconception is allowing the scale to mislead you into thinking you are not burning fat. Muscle weighs more than fat. Stay away from measuring your weight and monitor your body fat instead. A great way to keep track of your results is to measure your hips, chest, stomach, and thighs or measure the fitting with old pair of jeans. You will notice results within a few short weeks and it can keep you motivated.

Cardio Exercises Cardio is beneficial to raise metabolic rates and metabolize calories. Raising your heartbeat to a comfortable level three times a week for a minimum of 20 minutes a week is significant for weight loss. You can burn 300 calories in an hour depending on your weight. Cardio along with resistance training shows better results than just practicing cardio alone. Earlier, it was mentioned one pound of fat is equivalent to approximately 4,000 calories. This can give you a generalization of how much cardio you would have to do alone to shed those pounds. If you are a beginner to cardio, start out with maintaining a steady pace jog for 20 minutes. The next week, work your way to 25 minutes. Increase five minutes every week and you will be surprised how well your body reciprocates to it and how refreshed and energized you feel afterwards. Healthy Eating A good diet is the most critical for achieving fat loss and promoting overall good health. You could spend hours with cardio and resistance training but you will steer yourself away from seeing results if you decide to indulge in favorite foods instead of healthier ones. Adapt to avoiding fat, salt, sugar, additives, and refined or processed foods. Instead opt for whole foods rich in fiber, antioxidants, and protein. The

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vitamins and minerals nourish our bodies. Eating these foods also can help us feel fuller for longer periods of time. Don’t think of it as dieting but as a lifestyle change to consuming food for weight loss! A brownie is loaded with 132 calories and leaves you craving more. Opting for fruits to satisfy a sweet tooth allows you to feel more full eating fewer calories.

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Common Weight Loss Myths

Myth #1: “Loosing weight quickly means you will gain in back quickly.” There is no actual research that supports this. Whether you drop ten pounds in a course of two weeks and keep the weight off varies on an individual’s perseverance. You can burn fat off but whether you decide to maintain a healthy lifestyle is solely a reflection of your ethics. Myth #2: “You should starve yourself if you really want to loose weight quickly.” This is false. Aside from the severe effects this could take on your body, this is more harmful than anything. Starving yourself can lead to serious health issues: dizziness, fatigue, depression, nutritional deficiencies, digestive distress, and can also lead to organ failures if done for a long period of time. Myth #3: “Eating before bedtime causes weight gain.” Eating before bed is not liable for weight gain, the problem is what you are eating before bed. It is okay to catch a midnight snack, but most people are more likely to choose a bag of chips to munch on while watching television rather than a salad. Eating poorly is what causes weight gain, not just eating before bed. Myth #4: “Eating breakfast is good for loosing weight.” This is not completely untrue, but again, you have to consider whether you are eating poorly or not. For some people, eating a hearty breakfast can help them stay better focused through the day. For others, it could be packing on unnecessary calories through out the day.

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For an example, if your daily breakfast consists of highly packed calories such as Belgian waffles and sugary cereals, you are more likely not going to loose weight as you may think. And it also may make you feel lethargic and tired as the day goes on. Myth #5: “No carbs.” A lot of females believe this will be most effective to promote weight loss and maintain their figure. This is false. Carbs are okay when they are high in fiber and nutrients, like whole grain bread rather than white bread, which is usually processed and refined.      

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Examples of Fat Blasting Workouts

Don’t have time to get your cardio in today? Not a problem, a few simple exercises can be done in the convenience of your own home without the need of having to buy equipment or workout videos.

Example  of  Male  Routine  (beginner)  Example  

 1. Bent  over  “two  dumbbell  row”  –  2  sets  of  10  1  set  to  failure  

 2. Pull  ups  –  2  sets  of  10;  1  set  to  failure  

 3. Wide  grip  standing  barbell  curl  –  2  sets  of  10  ;  1  set  to  failure  

 4. Dumb  bell  alternate  bicep  curl  –  2  sets  of  10;  1  set  to  failure    

 5. FINISH  –  CARDIO  –  Eliptical  trainer  –  10  min.    


 Male  routine  (advanced)  example  

 Warm  up:  

1. Tricep  pushups-­‐  20  reps  (4  sets)  *superset  2. Close  grip  chin-­‐ups  –  20  reps  (4  sets)  *superset  


1. Seated  dumbbell  curls  –  8  reps  per  arm  (6  sets)  80%  intensity  2. Tricep  pull  down  –  8  reps  (6  sets)  80%  intensity  *superset    1. Standing  bicep  curl  –  10  reps  (6  sets)  80%  intensity  2. Standing  tricep  curl  –  10  reps  (6  sets)  80%  intensity  *superset  

 1. FINSIH  –  Cardio  –  stair  master  –  5  min  

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Female  Routine  (beginner)  example    

1. Bent  over  “two  dumbbell  row”  –  2  sets  of  5  1  set  to  failure    

2. Pull  ups  –  2  sets  of  5;  1  set  to  failure    

3. Wide  grip  standing  barbell  curl  –  2  sets  of  7  ;  1  set  to  failure    

4. Dumb  bell  alternate  bicep  curl  –  2  sets  of  7;  1  set  to  failure      

5. FINISH  –  CARDIO  –  Eliptical  trainer  –  7  min.    

Day  2:  Female  routine  (advanced)  example  Warm  up:  

3. Tricep  pushups-­‐  10  reps  (4  sets)  *superset  4. Close  grip  chin-­‐ups  –  10  reps  (4  sets)  *superset  


3. Seated  dumbbell  curls  –  8  reps  per  arm  (3  sets)  80%  intensity  4. Tricep  pull  down  –  8  reps  (3  sets)  80%  intensity  *superset    3. Standing  bicep  curl  –  10  reps  (3  sets)  80%  intensity  4. Standing  tricep  curl  –  10  reps  (3  sets)  80%  intensity  *superset  

 2. FINSIH  –  Cardio  –  stair  master  –  3  min  


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Ø Helps  build  endurance  Ø Works  out  every  muscle  in  the  body  Ø Burns  14  calories  per  minute    

1.) Squat  and  place  hands  in  front  of  you  on  the  floor.      

2.) Kick  feet  back  and  touch  your  body  on  the  floor  like  in  a  “push-­‐up”  stance.    

3.) Raise  your  chest  up  and  return  into  the  stance  of  a  squat  with  hands  in  front  of  you  still  on  the  floor.  (Transition  from  #2  and  #3  as  fast  as  possible.)    

4.) From  #3  (you  should  be  in  squat  position  with  hands  on  the  floor)  jump  as  high  as  you  can  with  your  arms  raised  up  as  you  jump    

5.) Return  to  #1.      *Repeat  100  times.    

 Wall  Sit    

Ø Targets  all  muscles  in  legs  Ø Great  for  toning  thighs  

 1.) On  a  wall,  come  into  a  squat  position  (feet  out  knees  aligned  with  


2.) Hold  for  30  seconds  to  a  minute    *You  should  feel  the  burn  in  the  quads  

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Ø  Promotes  stronger  core  Ø Targets  abdominal  fat  Ø Burns  1-­‐3  calories  a  minute  

 1.) Get  into  a  push-­‐up  position  bending  elbows  90  degrees.  

 2.) Place  elbows  and  forearms  on  the  floor  aligned  with  shoulders  and  

align  arms  shoulder  width.    

3.) Your  body  should  form  a  straight  line  from  head  to  feet      *Hold  for  as  long  as  you  can  and  increase  the  time  daily  once  you  feel  your  core  has  grown  stronger  


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Mountain  Climber    

Ø Targets  legs,  butt,  hips,  and  abdominal.  Ø Burns  50  calories  per  every  3  sets.  Ø Improves  cardiologic  fitness.  

 1.) Get  into  an  elevated  push-­‐up  position  

 2.) Draw  a  knee  in  and  bring  up  to  chest  and  without  hips  elevating  

 3.) Alternate  legs  as  fast  as  you  can    

             *Do  sets  of  20  reps  each.        

Bear  Crawl    

Ø Full  body  workout.  Ø Builds  strength.  Ø Promotes  muscular  endurance.  

 1.) On  your  knees  and  hands  pop  up  on  the  toes  

 2.) Move  forward  with  right  hand  and  left  foot  while  making  sure  the  

hips  are  low  and  back  is  straight  and  then  left  hand  and  right  foot    

3.) Keep  the  core  tight      *Continue  8-­‐12  reps  per  set

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Single  Leg  Romanian  Deadlift      


Ø Great  for  toning  lower  body  Ø Can  be  done  with  or  without  weight  Ø Promotes  balance  and  core  stability  

 1.) With  your  hands  by  your  side  assume  a  one  leg  stance  

 2.) Bring  out  both  of  your  hands  from  your  side  with  palms  facing  each  


3.) Slightly  bend  the  knee  you  will  be  putting  your  body  weight  on  and  lean  forward  bringing  up  the  opposite  leg    

4.) Hold  each  for  3  seconds  each  and  return  back  to  normal  stance.  Repeat  with  both  legs  

 *Continue  with  10  reps  on  each  side

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Examples  of  Low  Carb  Snacks    

• Eggs  (boiled,  scrambled,  omlette,  etc.)  • Celery  stuffed  with  cream  chase  • Half  of  a  Hass  avacado  • String  Cheese    •  Cucumber  topped  with  tuna  salad  •  Lettuce  wrap  with  turkey  or  chicken  with  slice  of  cheese  •  Edamame  •  Almonds  •  Olives    •  Turkey  or  Beef  jerky  •  Pepperoni    •  Asparagus  • Sugar  Free  Jello  • Sugar  Free  Popsicles  • Dill  Pickles  • Carrots  • Grapes  • Melon  • Spinach  • Lettuce  • Broccoli  • Zucchini  • Peanuts  • Chickpeas  • Walnuts  • Pecans  • Mushrooms  • Kale  • Bell  Peppers  

 *Any  vegetables  are  allowed  


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Portabello  Stuffed  Mushrooms    


Ø Portabello  Mushrooms  Ø Feta  Cheese  Ø Garlic  Ø Tomato  Ø Spinach  Ø Salt  to  taste  

 -­‐ Preheat  oven  to  400  degrees  -­‐ Use  a  non-­‐stick  spray  or  butter  on  baking  sheet  -­‐ Mince  garlic,  finely  chop  tomato  and  spinach  -­‐ Mix  garlic  with  tomato,  spinach,  and  feta  add  salt  to  taste  -­‐ Remove  stems  on  mushrooms  and  stuff  mushroom  caps  generously  -­‐ Drizzle  butter  on  top  of  mushrooms  -­‐ Bake  in  oven  for  30  minutes  or  until  lightly  bro

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 Avacado  Poached  Eggs    


Ø Avacado  (1)  Ø Poach  Eggs  (2)  Ø Pinch  of  cayenne    Ø Lemon  juice  Ø Salt  to  taste  

 -­‐ Poach  eggs    -­‐ Cut  avocado  in  half  and  pit  out  the  seed  from  the  avocado  -­‐ Remove  little  flesh  from  inside  avocado  so  egg  can  fit  inside  -­‐ Add  a  pinch  of  cayenne,  salt  to  taste,  and  lemon  juice  inside  the  

hollow  area  -­‐ Place  poached  eggs  in  center  of  each  half

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 Spinach  Cake    


Ø Spinach  (10  oz)  Ø All  purpose  flour  (1  cup)  Ø Salt  (1  teaspoon)  Ø Eggs  (2)  Ø Milk  (1  cup)  Ø Onion  (1)  Ø Shredded  mozzarella  cheese  (1  oz)  Ø  

-­‐ Preheat  oven  to  375  degrees  and  grease  9x13  baking  dish  -­‐ Chop  spinach  and  onion  -­‐ Add  enough  water  to  cover  spinach  in  a  medium  saucepan  and  bring  

to  boil.  Then  lower  heat  to  simmer  spinach  until  the  spinach  is  limp.  -­‐ Mix  eggs,  butter,  and  flour.  Add  in  the  spinach,  onions,  and  

mozzarella  cheese  -­‐ Lay  mixture  into  baking  dish  and  bake  for  30-­‐35  min

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 Cauliflower  Pizza    


Ø Cauliflower  (1  head,  stalk  removed)  Ø Eggs  (2)  Ø Parmesan  (1/4  cup)  Ø Shredded  mozzarella  (1/2  cup)  Ø Dried  oregano  (1/2  teaspoon)  Ø Garlic  powder  (1/4  teaspoon)  Ø Kosher  salt  (1/2  teaspoon)  Ø Pizza  sauce  and  preferred  toppings  

 -­‐ Preheat  oven  400  degrees  -­‐ Lightly  beat  2  eggs  and  put  aside  -­‐ Break  cauliflower  into  florets  and  put  into  a  food  processor  until  fine  

then  steam  in  a  steamer  basket  and  drain.  Put  aside  and  let  cool  

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-­‐ Combine  cauliflower  with  the  eggs,  parmesan,  mozzarella,  dried  oregano,  garlic  powder,  and  kosher  salt  

-­‐ Put  onto  the  baking  sheet  to  mimic  a  pizza  crust  and  bake  for  20  minutes  

-­‐ Add  pizza  sauce  and  desired  toppings  and  bake  for  additional  10  minutes

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Stuffed  Bell  Peppers    


Ø Bell  peppers  (  4  of  red,  green,  or  yellow)  Ø Chicken  breast  (1,  baked)  Ø Garlic  cloves    Ø Mushrooms    Ø Light  Alfredo  Sauce  Ø Parmesan  cheese  Ø Salt  and  pepper  to  taste  

 -­‐            Preheat  oven  to  350  degrees  

  -­‐            Finely  chop  garlic,  chicken,  and  mushrooms  -­‐            Slice  of  stems  of  bell  peppers  and  cut  in  half    -­‐            Pit  out  insides  making  room  for  stuffing  -­‐            Combine  garlic,  chicken,  mushrooms,  and  Alfredo  sauce  -­‐            Insert  inside  pitted  area  of  bell  pepper  

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-­‐            Top  with  Parmesan  cheese  -­‐            Bake  for  25-­‐30  minutes