Introduction to General and Generalized Linear Models ...hmad/GLM/slides/lect13.pdf · Introduction...

Introduction to General and Generalized Linear Models Hierarchical models Henrik Madsen Poul Thyregod Informatics and Mathematical Modelling Technical University of Denmark DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby January 2011 Henrik Madsen Poul Thyregod (IMM-DTU) Chapman & Hall January 2011 1 / 35

Transcript of Introduction to General and Generalized Linear Models ...hmad/GLM/slides/lect13.pdf · Introduction...

Introduction to General and Generalized Linear Models

Hierarchical models

Henrik MadsenPoul Thyregod

Informatics and Mathematical ModellingTechnical University of Denmark

DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby

January 2011

Henrik Madsen Poul Thyregod (IMM-DTU) Chapman & Hall January 2011 1 / 35

This lecture

Introduction, approaches to modelling of overdispersion

Hierarchical Poisson Gamma model

Conjugate prior distributions

The generalized one-way random effects model

The Binomial Beta model

Normal distributions with random variance

Hierarchical generalized linear models

Henrik Madsen Poul Thyregod (IMM-DTU) Chapman & Hall January 2011 2 / 35

Introduction, approaches to modelling of overdispersion


A characteristic property of the generalized linear models is that thevariance, Var[Y ] in the distribution of the response is a known function,V (µ), that only depends on the mean value µ

Var[Yi] = λiV (µ) =σ2


V (µ)

where wi denotes a known weight, associated with the i’th observation, andwhere σ2 denotes a dispersion parameter common to all observations,irrespective of their mean.

The dispersion parameter σ2 does serve to express overdispersion insituations where the residual deviance is larger than what can be attributedto the variance function V (µ) and known weights wi.

We shall describe an alternative method for modeling overdispersion, viz. byhierarchical models analogous to the mixed effects models for the normallydistributed observations.

Henrik Madsen Poul Thyregod (IMM-DTU) Chapman & Hall January 2011 3 / 35

Introduction, approaches to modelling of overdispersion


A starting point in a hierarchical modeling is an assumption that thedistribution of the random “noise” may be modeled by an exponentialdispersion family (Binomial, Poisson, etc.), and then it is a matter ofchoosing a suitable (prior) distribution of the mean-value parameterµ.

It seems natural to choose a distribution with a support that coincideswith the mean value space M rather than using a normal distribution(with a support constituting all of the real axis R).

In some applications an approach with a normal distribution of thecanonical parameter is used. Such an approach is sometimes calledgeneralized linear mixed models (GLMMs)

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Introduction, approaches to modelling of overdispersion


Although such an approach is consistent with a formal requirement ofequivalence between mean values space and support for the distribution of µin the binomial and the Poisson distribution case, the resulting marginaldistribution of the observation is seldom tractable, and the likelihood of sucha model will involve an integral which cannot in general be computedexplicitly.

Also, the canonical parameter does not have a simple physical interpretationand, therefore, an additive “true value” + error, with a normally distributed“error” on the canonical parameter to describe variation between subgroups,is not very transparent.

Instead, we shall describe an approach based on the so-called standardconjugated distribution for the mean parameter of the within groupdistribution for exponential families.

These distributions combine with the exponential families in a simple way,and lead to marginal distributions that may be expressed in a closed formsuited for likelihood calculations.

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Hierarchical Poisson Gamma model

Hierarchical Poisson Gamma model - example

The table shows the distribution of the number of daily episodes ofthunderstorms at Cape Kennedy, Florida, during the months of June, Julyand August for the 10-year period 1957–1966, total 920 days.

Number of episodes, zi Number of days, # i Poisson expected

0 803 791.851 100 118.782 14 8.913+ 3 0.46

Table: The distribution of days with 0, 1, 2 or more episodes of thunderstorm atCape Kennedy.

All observational periods are ni = 1 day.

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Hierarchical Poisson Gamma model

Hierarchical Poisson Gamma model - example

The data represents counts of events (episodes of thunderstorms)distributed in time.

A completely random distribution of the events would result in aPoisson distribution of the number of daily events.

The variance function for the Poisson distribution is V (µ) = µ;therefore, a Poisson distribution of the daily number of events wouldresult in the variance in the distribution of the daily number of eventsbeing equal to the mean, µ = y+ = 0.15 thunderstorms per day.

The empirical variance is s2 = 0.1769, which is somewhat larger thanthe average. We further note that the observed distribution hasheavier tails than the Poisson distribution. Thus, one might besuspicious of overdispersion.

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Hierarchical Poisson Gamma model

Hierarchical Poisson Gamma model - exampleNumber


Number of episodes

Poisson exp.Neg. Bin. exp.Observed

0 1 2 3






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Hierarchical Poisson Gamma model

Formulation of hierarchical model

Theorem (Compound Poisson Gamma model)

Consider a hierarchical model for Y specified by

Y |µ ∼ Pois(µ),

µ ∼ G(α, β),

i.e. a two stage model.

In the first stage a random mean value µ is selected according to a Gammadistribution. The Y is generated according to a Poisson distribution withthat value as mean value. Then the the marginal distribution of Y is anegative binomial distribution, Y ∼ NB(α, 1/(1 + β))

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Hierarchical Poisson Gamma model

Formulation of hierarchical model

Theorem (Compound Poisson Gamma model, continued)

The probability function for Y is

P [Y = y] = gY (y;α, β)

=Γ(y + α)



(β + 1)y+α


(y + α− 1



(β + 1)α

β + 1


for y = 0, 1, 2, . . .

where we have used the convention(z



Γ(z + 1)

Γ(z + 1− y) y!

for z real and y integer values.

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Hierarchical Poisson Gamma model

Formulation of hierarchical model

For integer values of α the negative binomial distribution is known asthe distribution of the number of “failures” until the α’th success in asequence of independent Bernoulli trials where the probability ofsuccess in each trial is p = 1/(1 + β).

For α = 1 the distribution is known as the geometric distribution.

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Hierarchical Poisson Gamma model

Formulation of hierarchical model

Decomposition of the marginal variance, signal/noise ratio

If µ ∼ G(α, β) then E[µ] = αβ and Var[µ] = αβ2.

Then we have the decomposition

Var[Y ] = E[Var[Y |µ]] + Var[E[Y |µ]] = E[µ] + Var[µ] = αβ + αβ2

of the total variation in variation within groups and between groups,respectively.

We may now introduce a signal/noise ratio as

γ =Var[E[Y |µ]]

E[Var[Y |µ]]=αβ2

αβ= β

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Hierarchical Poisson Gamma model

Inference on individual group means

Theorem (Conditional distribution of µ)

Consider the hierarchical Poisson-Gamma model and assume that a valueY = y has been observed.

Then the conditional distribution of µ for given Y = y is a Gammadistribution,

µ| Y = y ∼ G(α + y, β/(β + 1))

with mean

E[µ| Y = y] =α+ y

(1/β + 1)

Henrik Madsen Poul Thyregod (IMM-DTU) Chapman & Hall January 2011 13 / 35

Hierarchical Poisson Gamma model

Inference on individual group means

In a Bayesian framework, we would identify the distribution of µ asthe prior distribution, the distribution of Y |µ as the samplingdistribution, and the conditional distribution of µ for given Y = y asthe posterior distribution.

When the posterior distribution belongs to the same distributionfamily as the prior one, we say that the prior distribution is conjugatewith respect to that sampling distribution.

Using conjugate priors simplifies the modeling. To derive the posteriordistribution, it is not necessary to perform the integration, as theposterior distribution is simply obtained by updating the parametersof the prior one.

Henrik Madsen Poul Thyregod (IMM-DTU) Chapman & Hall January 2011 14 / 35

Hierarchical Poisson Gamma model

Inference on individual group means

Reparameterization of the Gamma distribution

Instead of the usual parameterization of the gamma distribution of µ by its shapeparameter α and scale parameter β, we may choose a parameterization by themean value, m = αβ, and the signal/noise ratio γ = β

γ = β

m = αβ

The parameterization by m and γ implies that the degenerate one-pointdistribution of µ in a value m0 may be obtained as limiting distribution forGamma distributions with mean m0 and signal/noise ratios γ → 0. Moreover,under that limiting process the corresponding marginal distribution of Y (negativebinomial) will converge towards a Poisson distribution with mean m0.

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Conjugate prior distributions

Conjugate prior distributions

Definition (Standard conjugate distribution for an exponential dispersion family)

Consider an exponential dispersion family ED(µ, V (µ)/λ) for θ ∈ Ω. LetM = τ(Ω) denote the mean value space for this family. Let m ∈ M and consider

gθ(θ;m, γ) =1

C(m, γ)exp

(θm− κ(θ)




C(m, γ) =



(θm− κ(θ)



for all (positive) values of γ for which the integral converges.This distribution is called the standard conjugate distribution for θ. The concepthas its roots in the context of Bayesian parametric inference to describe a familyof distributions whose densities have the structure of the likelihood kernel.

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Conjugate prior distributions

Conjugate prior distributions

When the variance function, V (µ) is at most quadratic, theparameters m and γ have a simple interpretation in terms of themean value parameter, µ = τ(θ), viz.

m = E[µ]

γ =Var[µ]


with µ = E[Y |θ], and with Var(µ) denoting the variance function

The use of the symbol γ is in agreement with our introduction of γ assignal to noise ratio for normally distributed observations and for thePoisson-Gamma hierarchical model.

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Conjugate prior distributions

Conjugate prior distributions

When the variance function for the exponential dispersion family is atmost quadratic, the standard conjugate distribution for µ coincideswith the standard conjugate distribution for θ.

However, for the Inverse Gaussian distribution, the standard conjugatedistribution for µ is improper.

The parameterization of the natural conjugate distribution for µ bythe parameters m and γ has the advantage that location and spreadare described by separate parameters. Thus, letting γ → 0, thedistribution of µ will converge towards a degenerate distribution withall its mass in m.

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The generalized one-way random effects model

The generalized one-way random effects model

Definition (The generalized one-way random effects model)

Now consider a hierarchical model with k randomly selected groups,i = 1, 2, . . . k, and measurements Yij , j = 1, . . . , ni from subgroup i.

1 Conditional on the group mean, µi, the measurements, Yij are independentand distributed according to an exponential dispersion model with mean µi,variance function, V (µ), and precision parameter λ (the samplingdistribution).

2 The group means, µi are independent random variables distributedaccording to the natural conjugate distribution of the sampling distribution.

The model may be thought of as a two-stage process: In the first stage, a group

is selected, the group mean value µi is selected from the specified distribution.

Then, with that value of µi a set of nij independent observations Yij ,

j = 1, . . . , ni are generated according to the exponential dispersion model with

that value, µi.

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The generalized one-way random effects model

Marginal and simultaneous distributions

Theorem (Marginal distributions in the generalized one-way random effectsmodel)

Consider a generalized one-way random effects model.The moments in the marginal distribution of Yij are

E[Yij ] = E[E[Yi|µ]] = E[µ] = m

Cov[Yij , Yhl] =

E[V (µ)]γ + 1/λ for (i, j) = (h, l)Var[µ] for i = h, j 6= l0 for i 6= h

Thus, the parameter, γ, in the distribution of the group means reflects the usualdecomposition of total variation into variation within the groups and variationbetween the groups. As the variation, V (µ), within a specific group depends onthe group mean, µ, the within-group variation is understood as an “average”,E[V (µ)].

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The generalized one-way random effects model

Marginal and simultaneous distributions

The marginal distribution of the average in a group, Y i, has mean andvariance

E[Y i] = E[E[Y i|µ]] = E[µ] = m

Var[Y i] = E[V (µ)]

(γ +




Thus, whenever Var[µ] > 0, there is overdispersion in the sense that thevariance in the marginal distribution exceeds the average variance in thewithin group distributions.

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The generalized one-way random effects model

Marginal and simultaneous distributions

Measurements, Yij and Yik in the same group are correlated withintraclass correlation

ρ =Cov[Yij , Yik]

Var[Yij ]=


E[V (µ)]/λ+Var[µ]=


1/λ+ γ

and hence,

γ =ρ

1− ρ



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The generalized one-way random effects model

Estimation of fixed parameters - Maximum likelihood


The likelihood function corresponding to a set of observations,Y 1, Y 2, . . . , Y k is constructed from the marginal probabilities for thegroup means, or group totals as a function of the parameters m and γ.

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The generalized one-way random effects model

Estimation of fixed parameters - Estimation by the

methods of moments

Consider the between-group sum of squares,





Y i − Y)


with Y denoting the usual (weighted) average of the subgroup averages.It may be shown that

E[SSB] = (k − 1) E[V (µ)]



λ+ n0γ



with n0 denoting the weighted average sample size. Thus, a natural candidatefor a method of moments estimate of the between-group dispersion, γ, is


2 =1

N − 1



ni(Yi − Y )2

with expected value


2 ] = E[V (µ)]



λ+ n0γ



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The generalized one-way random effects model

Inference of individual group means, µi

Theorem (Conditional distribution of group mean µi after observation of yi)

Consider a generalized one-way random effects model and assume that thesample from the i’th group resulted in the values (yi1, yi2, . . . , yini

). Then theconditional distribution of the canonical parameter θ (the posterior distribution)given this sample result depends only on n and yi.The probability density function in the conditional distribution of θ is

w(θ | Y i = yi



C(m1, γ1)exp

(θm1 − κ(θ)




m1 = mpost =m/γ + nλy

1/γ + nλ

γ1 = γpost =1

1/γ + nλ.

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The generalized one-way random effects model

Inference of individual group means, µi

Theorem (Conditional distribution of group mean µi after observation of yi,continued)

Thus, the posterior distribution for µ is also of the same form as the priordistribution. We have just updated the parameters m and γ. The updating maybe expressed




γprior+ nλ



γpriori+ nλy

Recall that 1/γ = E[V (µ)]/Var[µ] is a measure of the relative precision in thedistribution of µ relative to the precision in the sampling distribution of the Y ’s,i.e.

γpost =Var[µ|y]

E[V (µ)|y].

Henrik Madsen Poul Thyregod (IMM-DTU) Chapman & Hall January 2011 26 / 35

The Binomial Beta model

Hierarchical Binomial-Beta distribution model

The natural conjugate distribution to the binomial is a Beta-distribution.


Consider the generalized one-way random effects model for Z1, Z2, . . . , Zk givenby

Zi|pi ∼ B(n, pi)

pi ∼ Beta(α, β)

i.e. the conditional distribution of Zi given pi is a Binomial distribution, and thedistribution of the mean value pi is a Beta distribution. Then the marginaldistribution of Zi is a Polya distributionwith probability function

P [Z = z] = gZ(z) =



)Γ(α+ x)


Γ(β + n− z)


Γ(α+ β)

Γ(α + β + n)

for z = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n.

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The Binomial Beta model

Hierarchical Binomial-Beta distribution model

The Polya distribution is named after the Hungarian mathematicianG. Polya, who first described this distribution – although in anothercontext.

Instead of m, we shall use the symbol π to denote E[p]. Thus, weshall use a parameterization given by

π =α

α+ β, γ =


α+ β


E[p] = π =α

α+ β

Var[p] =αβ

(α+ β)2(α+ β + 1)=

π(1− π)

α+ β + 1

E[V (p)] = E[p(1− p)] =π(1− π)

1 + γ

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The Binomial Beta model

Hierarchical Binomial-Beta distribution model

The moments in the marginal distribution of Z are

E[Z] = nπ

Var[Z] = nπ(1− π)

1 + γ[1 + nγ]

and the moments for the fraction Y = Z/n are

E[Y ] = π

Var[Y ] =π(1− π)

1 + γ

(γ +




Henrik Madsen Poul Thyregod (IMM-DTU) Chapman & Hall January 2011 29 / 35

The Binomial Beta model

Estimation of individual group means

Theorem (Conditional distribution of p for given z)

Consider the hierarchical binomial beta model in and assume that a valueZ = z has been observed. Then the conditional distribution of p is a Betadistribution

p|Z = z ∼ Beta(α+ z, β + n− z)

with mean

E[p|Z = z] =α+ z

α+ β + n.

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The Binomial Beta model

Estimation of individual group means

The conditional mean as a weighted average

We find the updating formulae




γprior+ n

πpost =α+ z

α+ β + n= wπprior + (1− w)




w =α+ β

α+ β + n=

1/γprior1/γprior + n


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Normal distributions with random variance

Normal distributions with random variance

As a non-trivial example of a hierarchical distribution we consider the hierarchicalnormal distribution model with random variance:


Consider a generalized one-way random effects model specified by


i ∼ N(µ, σ2

i )


i ∼ G(α, 1/β)

where σ2i are mutually independent for i = 1, . . . , k.

The marginal distribution of Yi under this model is

Yi − µ√β/α

∼ t(2α)

where t(2α) is a t-distribution with 2α degrees of freedom, i.e. a distribution withheavier tails than the normal distribution.

Henrik Madsen Poul Thyregod (IMM-DTU) Chapman & Hall January 2011 32 / 35

Hierarchical generalized linear models

Hierarchical generalized linear models

Definition (Hierarchical generalized linear model)

Consider a set of observations Y = (Y1, Y2, . . . , Yk)T such that for a given

value of a parameter θ the distribution of Yi is given by an exponentialdispersion model with canonical parameter space Ω (for θ), mean valueµ = κ′(θ), mean value space M (for µ) and canonical link θ = g(µ).The variables in a hierarchical generalized linear model are

1 the observed responses y1, y2, . . . , yk (∈ M)

2 the unobserved state variables u1, u2, . . . , uq (∈ M)

3 and the corresponding unobserved canonical variables vi = g(ui).(∈ Ω)

Henrik Madsen Poul Thyregod (IMM-DTU) Chapman & Hall January 2011 33 / 35

Hierarchical generalized linear models

Hierarchical generalized linear models

Definition (Hierarchical generalized linear model, continued)

The linear predictor is of the form

θ = g(µ|v) = Xβ +Zv

The distribution of V ∈ Ω is a conjugated distribution to the canonicalparameter θ. The derived distribution of U ∈ M is the correspondingconjugated distribution to the mean value parameter µ such that E[U ] = ψ

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Hierarchical generalized linear models

Hierarchical generalized linear models

Estimation in a hierarchical generalized linear model

The estimation can be performed by an extended generalized linear model for yand ψ.The mean value parameters β and v may be estimated by an iterative proceduresolving

(X ′


0X X ′



Z ′Σ


0X Z ′


0Z +Σ






(X ′



Z ′Σ


0z0 +Σ




where z0 = η0 + (y − µ0)(∂η0/∂µ0) and z1 = v1 + (ψ1)− u)(dv1/du) are theadjusted dependent variables for the distribution of y given v and of v,respectively, in analogy with the estimation in generalized linear models.In the one-way random effect models we have considered in the examples thehierarchical likelihood estimates of group means are the empirical Bayes estimatesderived in the examples.

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