Introduction To Creative Commons Licensing For Broadcasters

8/3/2019 Introduction To Creative Commons Licensing For Broadcasters 1/41 Introduction To Creative Commons Licensing For Broadcasters Written By David Childers www.ScenicRadio.Com Relaxing Entertainment for the World www.BroadcastingWorld.Com Global Broadcast Information Portal

Transcript of Introduction To Creative Commons Licensing For Broadcasters

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Introduction ToCreative Commons Licensing

For Broadcasters

Written By

David Childers

www.ScenicRadio.ComRelaxing Entertainment for the World

www.BroadcastingWorld.ComGlobal Broadcast Information Portal

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Creative Common License 

 This body of wor is released !nder the "ttrib!tion#$hare"lie %&' (n)orted* Creative Common +icense&

 The wor may be freely distrib!ted or modi,ed for commercial or non commercial )!r)oses&

If this wor is modi,ed* com)liance with the "ttrib!tion#$hare"lie %&' (n)orted* Creative Common +icense is re-!ired

 These re-!irements incl!de.

# /o! m!st attrib!te the wor in the manner s)eci,ed by the a!thor or licensor 0b!t not in any way that s!ggests thatthey endorse yo! or yo!r !se of the wor1&

# If yo! alter* transform* or b!ild !)on this wor* yo! may distrib!te the res!lting wor only !nder the same or similarlicense to this one&

2or the com)lete legal code* )lease refer here.www&creativecommons&org3licenses3by#sa3%&'3legalcode

 Cover gra)hic # Rosetta $tone International Congress of 4rientalistsen&wii)edia&org3wii32ile.Rosetta5$tone5International5Congress5of54rientalists5I+65789:&;)g

2oreword gra)hic # Portrait of a <an =olding a $!ll # 2rans =als&


Portions of the guide are also derived from the following sources:

Co)yright information !sed !nder Creative Commons license from Wii)edia&en&wii)edia&org3wii3Co)yright

Intellect!al Pro)erty information !sed !nder Creative Commons license from Wii)edia&en&wii)edia&org3wii3Intellect!al5)ro)erty

Creative Commons information !sed !nder Creative Commons license from Wii)edia&en&wii)edia&org3wii3Creative5Commons 

? Creative Commons "ttrib!tion#$hare"lie %&' (n)orted

Creative Commons +icense information !sed !nder Creative Commons license from Creative Commons 2o!ndation&www&creativecommons&org3licenses

? Creative Commons "ttrib!tion "ttrib!tion %&' (n)orted

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Legal Disclaimer

6o advice

 This )!blication contains general information abo!t legal matters& The information is not advice* and sho!ld not betreated as s!ch&

+imitation of warranties

 The legal information in this )!blication is )rovided @as isA witho!t any re)resentations or warranties* ex)ressed orim)lied& David Childers maes no re)resentations or warranties in relation to the legal information in this )!blication&

Witho!t )re;!dice to the generality of the foregoing )aragra)h* David Childers does not warrant that.

# the legal information in this g!ide will be constantly available* or available at all or# the legal information in this g!ide is com)lete* tr!e* acc!rate* !)#to#date* or non#misleading&

Professional assistance

 /o! m!st not rely on the information on this )!blication as an alternative to legal advice from yo!r attorney or other)rofessional legal services )rovider&

If yo! have any s)eci,c -!estions abo!t any legal matter yo! sho!ld cons!lt yo!r attorney or other )rofessional legalservices )rovider&

 /o! sho!ld never delay seeing legal advice* disregard legal advice* or commence or discontin!e any legal actionbeca!se of information in this )!blication&


6othing in this legal disclaimer will limit any of o!r liabilities in any way that is not )ermitted !nder a))licable law* orexcl!de any of o!r liabilities that may not be excl!ded !nder a))licable law&

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About The Author

David Childers is the Content <anager for the Global Broadcasting )ortal www&BroadcastingWorld&com & =e is veryactive in the Internet broadcast ind!stry and has written n!mero!s g!ides and a boo abo!t this growing technologica,eld& =e is also the webmaster of www&$cenicRadio&com* the global destination for relaxing entertainment&

<r& Childers wor has been cited in several national and International )!blications* incl!ding these.

2ive Essays on Co)yright In the Digital Era T!rre P!blishing

Research 4n =igh#Pro,le Digital ideo Prod!ctionDigital Content "ssociation of >a)an

ideo Podcasting in Pers)ective. The =istory* Technology* "esthetics and Instr!ctional (ses of a 6ew <edi!m >o!rnal of Ed!cational Technology $ystems

ideo Podcasting. When* Where and =ow its C!rrently !sed for Instr!ction The 6ational Convention of the "ssociation for Ed!cational Comm!nications and Technology

IP Pacet Charging <odel 2or <!ltimedia $ervices6ational (niversity of Rwanda

Preservation of a!diovis!al medi!ms. Problems and challengesPlatform for "rchiving and Preservation of "rt on Electronic and Digital <edia

PP Technology Trend and "))lication to =ome 6etworElectronics and Telecomm!nications Research Instit!te >o!rnal

Peer To Peer Com)!ting # The Evol!tion of a Disr!)tive TechnologyIdea Gro!) P!blishing

Peer#to#Peer $ystems and "))lications+ect!re 6otes In Com)!ter $cience$)ringer Berlin 3 =eidelberg

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Please feel free to contact the a!thor if yo! have any -!estions or comments& /o!r feedbac is greatly a))reciated&

 /o! can contact the a!thor here. www&F+9"2&com

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 There are several legal codi,cations that can )rovide g!idance for the !se and distrib!tion of created content& TheCreative Commons license )rovides a f!lly f!nctional legal codi,cation that can be !sed to )rotect created content and)rovide a frame wor for the distrib!tion and !se of that created wor&

 The m!sical ins)iration for this g!ide is "s the <o!ntains from the alb!m oices by angelis&

I wo!ld lie to than $carlet Coer for )roviding assistance with the editing of the man!scri)t and >ames Davey atBroadcasting World for allowing me the o))ort!nity to create this g!ide&

It is my sincere ho)e that the reader ,nds this g!ide bene,cial&

David Childerswww&scvi&net

 >an!ary '7

Posveeno 6eHi idmar& 

Damnant -!od non intellig!nt&

4nly one thing is im)ossible for God. To ,nd any sense in any co)yright law on the )lanet&

<ar Twain

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# Introd!ction

# Intellect!al Pro)erty and Co)yrights

# D!ty 4f Care

# Creative Commons

# Creative Commons +icenses

# Individ!al +icense Information

# "ttrib!tion

# "ttrib!tion#6oDerivs

# "ttrib!tion#6onCommercial#$hare"lie

# "ttrib!tion#$hare"lie

# "ttrib!tion#6onCommercial

# "ttrib!tion#6onCommercial#6oDerivs


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It is im)ortant to establish a legal framewor that will )rotect a )ersons ability to create* maintain control over theircreation* as well as to )rovide a method for com)ensation for the !se of their creativity& This legal framewor sho!ldcover vario!s forms of created content. s!ch as a!dio3 m!sic* gra)hics3 )ict!res* writing3 boos and video3 movies& This legal framewor sho!ld also )rotect the ability of the cons!mer to !se these creations and allow them to !se thecontent in s)eci,c sit!ations&

<ost co)yright reg!lations )rovide a single standard of legal )rotection for both the creator and the cons!mer& Thisrigid legal framewor does not allow for dierent methods of end !ser cons!m)tion or modi,cation& " content creatorthat desires to release their content !sing !ni-!e legal re-!irements m!st create a c!stom co)yright license&

Creative Commons licensing )rovides a legal framewor that allows far greater Jexibility for creators and end !sers3cons!mers& This legal framewor can be a))lied to most items covered by Intellect!al Pro)erty or Co)yright law& It isalmost !niversally recogniKed and has growing s!))ort from legal instit!tions aro!nd the world&

Creative Commons licensing allows an individ!al to )lace their creation into one of several license categories& Thesecategories )rovide s)eci,c legal g!idelines for the end !se of the item0s1 licensed& These licenses also )rovide a legaframewor for the re#!se or modi,cation of the original creation* th!s enhancing the )erceived val!e of the originalcreation&

 There is content that has been licensed !sing Creative Commons licenses that can )rovide a wealth of material for thebroadcaster& $ome of these licenses do not re-!ire reg!latory royalty rights )ayments* as re-!ired by standardCo)yright reg!lations& These licenses can also be !sed to mandate that s)eci,c licensed content can be !sed in acommercial 0money made from the distrib!tion of the content or as a res!lt of the content being distrib!ted1 or non

commercial environment 0no money is made from distrib!tion of the content or as a res!lt of the content beingdistrib!ted1&

Creative Commons licensed content )rovides an extremely cons!mer friendly +egal environment for end !sers while)rotecting the legal rights of the content creators& These licenses also )rovide for the )rotection of content in a fo)ro,t legal frame wor as standard Co)yright reg!lations )rovide&

Creative Commons content can )rovide access to -!ality content in vario!s formats and several license categories& The most im)ortant as)ect is the ability to !se s)eci,cally licensed content !nder commercial conditions witho!t theneed to com)ensate the creator&

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Intellectual Pro!ert" and Co!"rights

 The basis for owning the rights to a conce)t* content or item are set forth in a !niversal legal frame wor& Tho!gh thelegal codi,cation and re-!irements may change* the general !nderlying )rinci)als are the same world wide& Personsthat create original conce)ts* content or items can receive legal recognition of their ownershi)& Co)yright ownershi)can also extend beyond national bo!ndaries if the the home nation is a signatory member of an International Trade orCo)yright "ssociation&

Intellect!al Pro)erty is the legal recognition of ownershi) for conce)ts* content or items that are created byindivid!als& This recognition of ownershi) incor)orates a set of excl!sive legal rights& (nder intellect!al )ro)erty lawowners are granted certain excl!sive rights to a variety of intangible assets* s!ch as m!sical* literary* and artisticwors discoveries and inventions and words* )hrases* symbols* and designs& Common ty)es of Intellect!al Pro)ertyrights incl!de Co)yrights* Trademars* Patents* Ind!strial Design Rights and Trade $ecrets in some ;!risdictions&

Co)yrights are a legal frame wor that grants the creator of an original wor excl!sive rights to that wor& This grant ofownershi) is !s!ally for a limited time& The co)yright holder is generally given the ability to determine how the)rotected wor may be !sed& This can consist of determining who may ada)t the wor to another form* who may)erform the wor* or who may ,nancially bene,t from the !se of it& 4ther additional related rights may be granted aswell by the co)yright owner&

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Dut" #f Care

 This is a legal obligation* !nder common law* that re-!ire individ!als to adhere to a standard of reasonable care while)erforming any acts that co!ld foreseeably harm others& The !se of Intellect!al Pro)erty that has been )laced in anincorrect Co)yright license category can ca!se ,nancial or legal harm to the act!al Co)yright content owner& The !seof Co)yright content witho!t )ro)er a!thoriKation is gro!nds for Co)yright Infringement litigation&

It is very im)ortant to f!lly doc!ment the s)eci,cs of all Intellect!al Pro)erty content that is !sed* regardless of thety)e of Co)yright licensing the content in -!estion is released !nder& This doc!mentation is im)ortant to establish thelegitimacy of the Co)yright stat!s of any content that is !sed& The doc!mentation sho!ld also be retained for thed!ration that the content is !sed&

# Doc!mentation on the Co)yright owner&

# Doc!mentation on the Co)yrighted content&

# Doc!mentation on )rovisions of the Co)yright !sed to )rotect the content&

# Doc!mentation on the method of content ac-!isition&  ? =ow did yo! obtain this content L

# Doc!mentation on how the content can be !sed&  ? Can the content be !sed in a commercial setting L  ? Is the content limited to !se in a non commercial setting L

# Doc!mentation on how cons!mers can !se the content&  ? Can the content be modi,ed L  ? Can the content be freely distrib!ted after being modi,ed L  ? Can the content be freely distrib!ted witho!t modi,cation L

# Doc!mentation on the com)ensation for the !se of the content&  ? Does the Co)yright holder re-!ire the end !ser to )rovide ,nancial com)ensation for distrib!ting the content L

$ Do not use the content if there is an" doubt%  ? Ignorance of the facts are not an acce)table exc!se&

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Creative Commons

Creative Commons 0CC1 is a non#)ro,t organiKation head-!artered in <o!ntain iew* California* (nited $tates devotedto ex)anding the range of creative wors available for others to b!ild !)on legally and to share& The organiKation hasreleased several Co)yright licenses nown as Creative Commons licenses free of charge to the )!blic& These licensesallow creators to comm!nicate which rights they reserve* and which rights they waive for the bene,t of reci)ients orother creators& Creative Commons licenses do not re)lace Co)yright* b!t are based !)on it& They re)lace individ!anegotiations for s)eci,c rights between Co)yright owner 0licensor1 and licensee* which are necessary !nder an Mallrights reservedM Co)yright management with a Msome rights reservedM management em)loying standardiKed licensesfor re#!se cases where no commercial com)ensation is so!ght by the Co)yright owner& The res!lt is an agile* lowoverhead and cost Co)yright management regime* )ro,ting both Co)yright owners and licensees&

Creative Commons sees to s!))ort the b!ilding of a richer P!blic Domain by )roviding an alternative to the a!tomaticMall rights reservedM co)yright*M d!bbed Msome rights reserved&M Creative Commons has )rovided Minstit!tional)ractical and legal s!))ort for individ!als and gro!)s wishing to ex)eriment and comm!nicate with c!lt!re morefreely&M

Creative Commons attem)ts to co!nter what its fo!nder considers to be a dominant and increasingly restrictive)ermission c!lt!re& This is described as Ma c!lt!re in which creators get to create only with the )ermission of the)owerf!l* or of creators from the )astM& The fo!nder of Creative Commons maintains that modern c!lt!re is dominatedby traditional content distrib!tors in order to maintain and strengthen their mono)olies on c!lt!ral )rod!cts s!ch as)o)!lar m!sic and )o)!lar cinema* and that Creative Commons can )rovide alternatives to these restrictions&

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Creative Commons Licenses 

What the Creative Commons co)yright licenses does

 The Creative Commons co)yright licenses and tools forge a balance inside the traditional @all rights reservedA settingthat co)yright law creates& 4!r tools give everyone from individ!al creators to large com)anies and instit!tions asim)le* standardiKed way to grant co)yright )ermissions to their creative wor& The combination of o!r tools and o!r!sers is a vast and growing digital commons* a )ool of content that can be co)ied* distrib!ted* edited* remixed* andb!ilt !)on* all within the bo!ndaries of co)yright law&

+icense design and rationale

"ll Creative Commons licenses have many im)ortant feat!res in common& Every license hel)s creators 0we call themlicensors if they !se o!r tools1 retain co)yright while allowing others to co)y* distrib!te* and mae some !ses of theirwor* at least non#commercially& Every Creative Commons license also ens!res licensors get the credit for their worthey deserve& Every Creative Commons license wors aro!nd the world and lasts as long as a))licable co)yright lasts0beca!se they are b!ilt on co)yright1& These common feat!res serve as the baseline* on to) of which licensors canchoose to grant additional )ermissions when deciding how they want their wor to be !sed&

" Creative Commons licensor answers a few sim)le -!estions on the )ath to choosing a license N ,rst* do I want toallow commercial !se or not* and then second* do I want to allow derivative wors or notL If a licensor decides to allowderivative wors* she may also choose to re-!ire that anyone who !ses the wor N we call them licensees N to maethat new wor available !nder the same license terms& We call this idea @$hare"lieA and it is one of the mechanismsthat 0if chosen1 hel)s the digital commons grow over time& $hare"lie is ins)ired by the G6( General P!blic +icense*!sed by many free and o)en so!rce software )ro;ects&

4!r licenses do not aect freedoms that the law grants to !sers of creative wors otherwise )rotected by co)yright*s!ch as exce)tions and limitations to co)yright law lie fair dealing& Creative Commons licenses re-!ire licensees toget )ermission to do any of the things with a wor that the law reserves excl!sively to a licensor and that the licensedoes not ex)ressly allow& +icensees m!st credit the licensor* ee) co)yright notices intact on all co)ies of the wor*and lin to the license from co)ies of the wor& +icensees cannot !se technological meas!res to restrict access to thewor by others&

4!r )!blic co)yright licenses incor)orate a !ni-!e and innovative @three#layerA design& Each license begins as atraditional legal tool* in the ind of lang!age and text formats that most lawyers now and love& We call this the +egalCode layer of each license&

B!t since most creators* ed!cators* and scientists are not in fact lawyers* we also mae the licenses available in aformat that normal )eo)le can read N the Commons Deed 0also nown as the @h!man readableA version of thelicense1& The Commons Deed is a handy reference for licensors and licensees* s!mmariKing and ex)ressing some of

the most im)ortant terms and conditions& Thin of the Commons Deed as a !ser#friendly interface to the +egal Codebeneath* altho!gh the Deed itself is not a license* and its contents are not )art of the +egal Code itself&

 The ,nal layer of the license design recogniKes that software* from search engines to oOce )rod!ctivity to m!sicediting* )lays an enormo!s role in the creation* co)ying* discovery* and distrib!tion of wors& In order to mae it easyfor the Web to now when a wor is available !nder a Creative Commons license* we )rovide a @machine readableAversion of the license N a s!mmary of the ey freedoms and obligations written into a format that software systems*search engines* and other inds of technology can !nderstand& We develo)ed a standardiKed way to describe licensesthat software can !nderstand called CC Rights Ex)ression +ang!age 0CC RE+1 to accom)lish this&

$earching for o)en content is an im)ortant f!nction enabled by o!r a))roach& /o! can !se Google to search forCreative Commons content* loo for )ict!res at 2licr* alb!ms at >amendo* and general media at s)inx)ress& TheWiimedia Commons* the m!ltimedia re)ository of Wii)edia* is a core !ser of o!r licenses as well&

 Taen together* these three layers of licenses ens!re that the s)ectr!m of rights isnt ;!st a legal conce)t& Itssomething that the creators of wors can !nderstand* their !sers can !nderstand* and even the Web itself can!nderstand&

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Individual License Information

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CC B& 

+egal Code


 T=E W4RF 0"$ DE2I6ED BE+4W1 I$ PR4IDED (6DER T=E TER<$ 42 T=I$ CRE"TIE C4<<46$ P(B+IC +ICE6$E0MCCP+M 4R M+ICE6$EM1& T=E W4RF I$ PR4TECTED B/ C4P/RIG=T "6D34R 4T=ER "PP+IC"B+E +"W& "6/ ($E 42 T=EW4RF 4T=ER T="6 "$ "(T=4RIQED (6DER T=I$ +ICE6$E 4R C4P/RIG=T +"W I$ PR4=IBITED&

B/ EERCI$I6G "6/ RIG=T$ T4 T=E W4RF PR4IDED =ERE* /4( "CCEPT "6D "GREE T4 BE B4(6D B/ T=E TER<$ 42 T=I$ +ICE6$E& T4 T=E ETE6T T=I$ +ICE6$E <"/ BE C46$IDERED T4 BE " C46TR"CT* T=E +ICE6$4R GR"6T$ /4( T=E RIG=T$ C46T"I6ED =ERE I6 C46$IDER"TI46 42 /4(R "CCEPT"6CE 42 $(C= TER<$ "6D C46DITI46$&

'% De(nitions 

a%  M"da)tationM means a wor based !)on the Wor* or !)on the Wor and other )re#existing wors* s!ch as atranslation* ada)tation* derivative wor* arrangement of m!sic or other alterations of a literary or artistic wor* or)honogram or )erformance and incl!des cinematogra)hic ada)tations or any other form in which the Wor may berecast* transformed* or ada)ted incl!ding in any form recogniKably derived from the original* exce)t that a wor thatconstit!tes a Collection will not be considered an "da)tation for the )!r)ose of this +icense& 2or the avoidance ofdo!bt* where the Wor is a m!sical wor* )erformance or )honogram* the synchroniKation of the Wor in timed#relation with a moving image 0MsynchingM1 will be considered an "da)tation for the )!r)ose of this +icense&

b%  MCollectionM means a collection of literary or artistic wors* s!ch as encyclo)edias and anthologies* or

)erformances* )honograms or broadcasts* or other wors or s!b;ect matter other than wors listed in $ection 70f1below* which* by reason of the selection and arrangement of their contents* constit!te intellect!al creations* in whichthe Wor is incl!ded in its entirety in !nmodi,ed form along with one or more other contrib!tions* each constit!tingse)arate and inde)endent wors in themselves* which together are assembled into a collective whole& " wor thatconstit!tes a Collection will not be considered an "da)tation 0as de,ned above1 for the )!r)oses of this +icense&

c%  MDistrib!teM means to mae available to the )!blic the original and co)ies of the Wor or "da)tation* asa))ro)riate* thro!gh sale or other transfer of ownershi)&

d%  M+icensorM means the individ!al* individ!als* entity or entities that oer0s1 the Wor !nder the terms of this +icense

e%  M4riginal "!thorM means* in the case of a literary or artistic wor* the individ!al* individ!als* entity or entities whocreated the Wor or if no individ!al or entity can be identi,ed* the )!blisher and in addition 0i1 in the case of a)erformance the actors* singers* m!sicians* dancers* and other )ersons who act* sing* deliver* declaim* )lay in*inter)ret or otherwise )erform literary or artistic wors or ex)ressions of follore 0ii1 in the case of a )honogram the

)rod!cer being the )erson or legal entity who ,rst ,xes the so!nds of a )erformance or other so!nds and* 0iii1 in thecase of broadcasts* the organiKation that transmits the broadcast&

f%  MWorM means the literary and3or artistic wor oered !nder the terms of this +icense incl!ding witho!t limitationany )rod!ction in the literary* scienti,c and artistic domain* whatever may be the mode or form of its ex)ressionincl!ding digital form* s!ch as a boo* )am)hlet and other writing a lect!re* address* sermon or other wor of thesame nat!re a dramatic or dramatico#m!sical wor a choreogra)hic wor or entertainment in d!mb show a m!sicalcom)osition with or witho!t words a cinematogra)hic wor to which are assimilated wors ex)ressed by a )rocessanalogo!s to cinematogra)hy a wor of drawing* )ainting* architect!re* sc!l)t!re* engraving or lithogra)hy a)hotogra)hic wor to which are assimilated wors ex)ressed by a )rocess analogo!s to )hotogra)hy a wor ofa))lied art an ill!stration* ma)* )lan* setch or three#dimensional wor relative to geogra)hy* to)ogra)hyarchitect!re or science a )erformance a broadcast a )honogram a com)ilation of data to the extent it is )rotectedas a co)yrightable wor or a wor )erformed by a variety or circ!s )erformer to the extent it is not otherwiseconsidered a literary or artistic wor&

g%  M/o!M means an individ!al or entity exercising rights !nder this +icense who has not )revio!sly violated the termsof this +icense with res)ect to the Wor* or who has received ex)ress )ermission from the +icensor to exercise rights!nder this +icense des)ite a )revio!s violation&

h%  MP!blicly PerformM means to )erform )!blic recitations of the Wor and to comm!nicate to the )!blic those )!blicrecitations* by any means or )rocess* incl!ding by wire or wireless means or )!blic digital )erformances to maeavailable to the )!blic Wors in s!ch a way that members of the )!blic may access these Wors from a )lace and at a)lace individ!ally chosen by them to )erform the Wor to the )!blic by any means or )rocess and the comm!nicationto the )!blic of the )erformances of the Wor* incl!ding by )!blic digital )erformance to broadcast and rebroadcastthe Wor by any means incl!ding signs* so!nds or images&

i%  MRe)rod!ceM means to mae co)ies of the Wor by any means incl!ding witho!t limitation by so!nd or vis!arecordings and the right of ,xation and re)rod!cing ,xations of the Wor* incl!ding storage of a )rotected

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)erformance or )honogram in digital form or other electronic medi!m&

)% Fair Dealing *ights% 6othing in this +icense is intended to red!ce* limit* or restrict any !ses free from co)yright orrights arising from limitations or exce)tions that are )rovided for in connection with the co)yright )rotection !nderco)yright law or other a))licable laws&

+% License ,rant% $!b;ect to the terms and conditions of this +icense* +icensor hereby grants /o! a worldwide*royalty#free* non#excl!sive* )er)et!al 0for the d!ration of the a))licable co)yright1 license to exercise the rights in theWor as stated below.

a%  to Re)rod!ce the Wor* to incor)orate the Wor into one or more Collections* and to Re)rod!ce the Wor asincor)orated in the Collections

b%  to create and Re)rod!ce "da)tations )rovided that any s!ch "da)tation* incl!ding any translation in any medi!mtaes reasonable ste)s to clearly label* demarcate or otherwise identify that changes were made to the original Wor&2or exam)le* a translation co!ld be mared MThe original wor was translated from English to $)anish*M or amodi,cation co!ld indicate MThe original wor has been modi,ed&M

c%  to Distrib!te and P!blicly Perform the Wor incl!ding as incor)orated in Collections and*

d%  to Distrib!te and P!blicly Perform "da)tations&

e%  2or the avoidance of do!bt.

i  6on#waivable Com)!lsory +icense $chemes& In those ;!risdictions in which the right to collect royalties thro!gh any

stat!tory or com)!lsory licensing scheme cannot be waived* the +icensor reserves the excl!sive right to collect s!chroyalties for any exercise by /o! of the rights granted !nder this +icense

ii  Waivable Com)!lsory +icense $chemes& In those ;!risdictions in which the right to collect royalties thro!gh anystat!tory or com)!lsory licensing scheme can be waived* the +icensor waives the excl!sive right to collect s!chroyalties for any exercise by /o! of the rights granted !nder this +icense and*

iii  ol!ntary +icense $chemes& The +icensor waives the right to collect royalties* whether individ!ally or* in the eventthat the +icensor is a member of a collecting society that administers vol!ntary licensing schemes* via that societyfrom any exercise by /o! of the rights granted !nder this +icense&

 The above rights may be exercised in all media and formats whether now nown or hereafter devised& The aboverights incl!de the right to mae s!ch modi,cations as are technically necessary to exercise the rights in other mediaand formats& $!b;ect to $ection 80f1* all rights not ex)ressly granted by +icensor are hereby reserved&

-% *estrictions% The license granted in $ection % above is ex)ressly made s!b;ect to and limited by the followingrestrictions.

a%  /o! may Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform the Wor only !nder the terms of this +icense& /o! m!st incl!de a co)y of* orthe (niform Reso!rce Identi,er 0(RI1 for* this +icense with every co)y of the Wor /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform& /o! may not oer or im)ose any terms on the Wor that restrict the terms of this +icense or the ability of the reci)ientof the Wor to exercise the rights granted to that reci)ient !nder the terms of the +icense& /o! may not s!blicense theWor& /o! m!st ee) intact all notices that refer to this +icense and to the disclaimer of warranties with every co)y ofthe Wor /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform& When /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform the Wor* /o! may not im)ose anyeective technological meas!res on the Wor that restrict the ability of a reci)ient of the Wor from /o! to exercise therights granted to that reci)ient !nder the terms of the +icense& This $ection :0a1 a))lies to the Wor as incor)orated ina Collection* b!t this does not re-!ire the Collection a)art from the Wor itself to be made s!b;ect to the terms of this+icense& If /o! create a Collection* !)on notice from any +icensor /o! m!st* to the extent )racticable* remove from theCollection any credit as re-!ired by $ection :0b1* as re-!ested& If /o! create an "da)tation* !)on notice from any

+icensor /o! m!st* to the extent )racticable* remove from the "da)tation any credit as re-!ired by $ection :0b1* asre-!ested&

b%  If /o! Distrib!te* or P!blicly Perform the Wor or any "da)tations or Collections* /o! m!st* !nless a re-!est hasbeen made )!rs!ant to $ection :0a1* ee) intact all co)yright notices for the Wor and )rovide* reasonable to themedi!m or means /o! are !tiliKing. 0i1 the name of the 4riginal "!thor 0or )se!donym* if a))licable1 if s!))lied* and3orif the 4riginal "!thor and3or +icensor designate another )arty or )arties 0e&g&* a s)onsor instit!te* )!blishing entity ;o!rnal1 for attrib!tion 0M"ttrib!tion PartiesM1 in +icensors co)yright notice* terms of service or by other reasonablemeans* the name of s!ch )arty or )arties 0ii1 the title of the Wor if s!))lied 0iii1 to the extent reasonably )racticable*the (RI* if any* that +icensor s)eci,es to be associated with the Wor* !nless s!ch (RI does not refer to the co)yrightnotice or licensing information for the Wor and 0iv1 * consistent with $ection %0b1* in the case of an "da)tation* acredit identifying the !se of the Wor in the "da)tation 0e&g&* M2rench translation of the Wor by 4riginal "!thor*M orM$creen)lay based on original Wor by 4riginal "!thorM1& The credit re-!ired by this $ection : 0b1 may be im)lementedin any reasonable manner )rovided* however* that in the case of a "da)tation or Collection* at a minim!m s!ch credit

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will a))ear* if a credit for all contrib!ting a!thors of the "da)tation or Collection a))ears* then as )art of these creditsand in a manner at least as )rominent as the credits for the other contrib!ting a!thors& 2or the avoidance of do!bt* /o!may only !se the credit re-!ired by this $ection for the )!r)ose of attrib!tion in the manner set o!t above and* byexercising /o!r rights !nder this +icense* /o! may not im)licitly or ex)licitly assert or im)ly any connection withs)onsorshi) or endorsement by the 4riginal "!thor* +icensor and3or "ttrib!tion Parties* as a))ro)riate* of /o! or /o!r!se of the Wor* witho!t the se)arate* ex)ress )rior written )ermission of the 4riginal "!thor* +icensor and3o"ttrib!tion Parties&

c%  Exce)t as otherwise agreed in writing by the +icensor or as may be otherwise )ermitted by a))licable law* if /o!Re)rod!ce* Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform the Wor either by itself or as )art of any "da)tations or Collections* /o!m!st not distort* m!tilate* modify or tae other derogatory action in relation to the Wor which wo!ld be )re;!dicial tothe 4riginal "!thors honor or re)!tation& +icensor agrees that in those ;!risdictions 0e&g& >a)an1* in which any exerciseof the right granted in $ection %0b1 of this +icense 0the right to mae "da)tations1 wo!ld be deemed to be a distortion*m!tilation* modi,cation or other derogatory action )re;!dicial to the 4riginal "!thors honor and re)!tation* the+icensor will waive or not assert* as a))ro)riate* this $ection* to the f!llest extent )ermitted by the a))licable nationallaw* to enable /o! to reasonably exercise /o!r right !nder $ection %0b1 of this +icense 0right to mae "da)tations1 b!tnot otherwise&

.% *e!resentations/ 0arranties and Disclaimer

(6+E$$ 4T=ERWI$E <(T("++/ "GREED T4 B/ T=E P"RTIE$ I6 WRITI6G* +ICE6$4R 422ER$ T=E W4RF "$#I$ "6D<"FE$ 64 REPRE$E6T"TI46$ 4R W"RR"6TIE$ 42 "6/ FI6D C46CER6I6G T=E W4RF* EPRE$$* I<P+IED* $T"T(T4R/4R 4T=ERWI$E* I6C+(DI6G* WIT=4(T +I<IT"TI46* W"RR"6TIE$ 42 TIT+E* <ERC="6TIBI+IT/* 2IT6E$$ 24R "P"RTIC(+"R P(RP4$E* 646I62RI6GE<E6T* 4R T=E "B$E6CE 42 +"TE6T 4R 4T=ER DE2ECT$* "CC(R"C/* 4R T=EPRE$E6CE 42 "B$E6CE 42 ERR4R$* W=ET=ER 4R 64T DI$C4ER"B+E& $4<E >(RI$DICTI46$ D4 64T "++4W T=E

EC+($I46 42 I<P+IED W"RR"6TIE$* $4 $(C= EC+($I46 <"/ 64T "PP+/ T4 /4(&

1% Limitation on Liabilit"% ECEPT T4 T=E ETE6T RES(IRED B/ "PP+IC"B+E +"W* I6 64 EE6T WI++ +ICE6$4R BE+I"B+E T4 /4( 46 "6/ +EG"+ T=E4R/ 24R "6/ $PECI"+* I6CIDE6T"+* C46$ES(E6TI"+* P(6ITIE 4R EE<P+"R/D"<"GE$ "RI$I6G 4(T 42 T=I$ +ICE6$E 4R T=E ($E 42 T=E W4RF* EE6 I2 +ICE6$4R ="$ BEE6 "DI$ED 42 T=EP4$$IBI+IT/ 42 $(C= D"<"GE$&

2% Termination 

a%  This +icense and the rights granted here!nder will terminate a!tomatically !)on any breach by /o! of the terms ofthis +icense& Individ!als or entities who have received "da)tations or Collections from /o! !nder this +icense* howeverwill not have their licenses terminated )rovided s!ch individ!als or entities remain in f!ll com)liance with thoselicenses& $ections 7* * * U* 9* and 8 will s!rvive any termination of this +icense&

b%  $!b;ect to the above terms and conditions* the license granted here is )er)et!al 0for the d!ration of the a))licable

co)yright in the Wor1& 6otwithstanding the above* +icensor reserves the right to release the Wor !nder dierentlicense terms or to sto) distrib!ting the Wor at any time )rovided* however that any s!ch election will not serve towithdraw this +icense 0or any other license that has been* or is re-!ired to be* granted !nder the terms of this+icense1* and this +icense will contin!e in f!ll force and eect !nless terminated as stated above&

3% 4iscellaneous 

a%  Each time /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform the Wor or a Collection* the +icensor oers to the reci)ient a licenseto the Wor on the same terms and conditions as the license granted to /o! !nder this +icense&

b%  Each time /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform an "da)tation* +icensor oers to the reci)ient a license to the originaWor on the same terms and conditions as the license granted to /o! !nder this +icense&

c%  If any )rovision of this +icense is invalid or !nenforceable !nder a))licable law* it shall not aect the validity or

enforceability of the remainder of the terms of this +icense* and witho!t f!rther action by the )arties to thisagreement* s!ch )rovision shall be reformed to the minim!m extent necessary to mae s!ch )rovision valid andenforceable&

d%  6o term or )rovision of this +icense shall be deemed waived and no breach consented to !nless s!ch waiver oconsent shall be in writing and signed by the )arty to be charged with s!ch waiver or consent&

e%  This +icense constit!tes the entire agreement between the )arties with res)ect to the Wor licensed here& Thereare no !nderstandings* agreements or re)resentations with res)ect to the Wor not s)eci,ed here& +icensor shall notbe bo!nd by any additional )rovisions that may a))ear in any comm!nication from /o!& This +icense may not bemodi,ed witho!t the m!t!al written agreement of the +icensor and /o!&

f%  The rights granted !nder* and the s!b;ect matter referenced* in this +icense were drafted !tiliKing the terminologyof the Berne Convention for the Protection of +iterary and "rtistic Wors 0as amended on $e)tember 8* 7V9V1* the

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Rome Convention of 7VU7* the WIP4 Co)yright Treaty of 7VVU* the WIP4 Performances and Phonograms Treaty of 7VVUand the (niversal Co)yright Convention 0as revised on >!ly :* 7V971& These rights and s!b;ect matter tae eect inthe relevant ;!risdiction in which the +icense terms are so!ght to be enforced according to the corres)onding)rovisions of the im)lementation of those treaty )rovisions in the a))licable national law& If the standard s!ite of rightsgranted !nder a))licable co)yright law incl!des additional rights not granted !nder this +icense* s!ch additional rightsare deemed to be incl!ded in the +icense this +icense is not intended to restrict the license of any rights !ndera))licable law&


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CC B&$5D


 This license allows for redistrib!tion* commercial and non#commercial* as long as it is )assed along !nchanged and inwhole* with credit to yo!&

 /o! are free.

•  To $hare # to co)y* distrib!te and transmit the wor&

•  To mae commercial !se of the wor&

(nder the following conditions.

• "ttrib!tion # /o! m!st attrib!te the wor in the manner s)eci,ed by the a!thor or licensor 0b!t not in any waythat s!ggests that they endorse yo! or yo!r !se of the wor1&

• 6o Derivative Wors # /o! may not alter* transform* or b!ild !)on this wor&

With the !nderstanding that.

• Waiver # "ny of the above conditions can be waived if yo! get )ermission from the co)yright holder&

• P!blic Domain # Where the wor or any of its elements is in the )!blic domain !nder a))licable law* that stat!s

is in no way aected by the license&

• 4ther Rights # In no way are any of the following rights aected by the license.

# /o!r fair dealing or fair !se rights* or other a))licable co)yright exce)tions and limitations

# The a!thors moral rights

# Rights other )ersons may have either in the wor itself or in how the wor is !sed* s!ch as )!blicity or)rivacy rights&

6otice # 2or any re!se or distrib!tion* yo! m!st mae clear to others the license terms of this wor&

Attribution$5oDerivsCC B&$5D

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+egal Code


 T=E W4RF 0"$ DE2I6ED BE+4W1 I$ PR4IDED (6DER T=E TER<$ 42 T=I$ CRE"TIE C4<<46$ P(B+IC +ICE6$E0MCCP+M 4R M+ICE6$EM1& T=E W4RF I$ PR4TECTED B/ C4P/RIG=T "6D34R 4T=ER "PP+IC"B+E +"W& "6/ ($E 42 T=EW4RF 4T=ER T="6 "$ "(T=4RIQED (6DER T=I$ +ICE6$E 4R C4P/RIG=T +"W I$ PR4=IBITED&

B/ EERCI$I6G "6/ RIG=T$ T4 T=E W4RF PR4IDED =ERE* /4( "CCEPT "6D "GREE T4 BE B4(6D B/ T=E TER<$ 42 T=I$ +ICE6$E& T4 T=E ETE6T T=I$ +ICE6$E <"/ BE C46$IDERED T4 BE " C46TR"CT* T=E +ICE6$4R GR"6T$ /4( T=E RIG=T$ C46T"I6ED =ERE I6 C46$IDER"TI46 42 /4(R "CCEPT"6CE 42 $(C= TER<$ "6D C46DITI46$&

'% De(nitions

a%  M"da)tationM means a wor based !)on the Wor* or !)on the Wor and other )re#existing wors* s!ch as atranslation* ada)tation* derivative wor* arrangement of m!sic or other alterations of a literary or artistic wor* or)honogram or )erformance and incl!des cinematogra)hic ada)tations or any other form in which the Wor may berecast* transformed* or ada)ted incl!ding in any form recogniKably derived from the original* exce)t that a wor thatconstit!tes a Collection will not be considered an "da)tation for the )!r)ose of this +icense& 2or the avoidance ofdo!bt* where the Wor is a m!sical wor* )erformance or )honogram* the synchroniKation of the Wor in timed#relation with a moving image 0MsynchingM1 will be considered an "da)tation for the )!r)ose of this +icense&

b%  MCollectionM means a collection of literary or artistic wors* s!ch as encyclo)edias and anthologies* or)erformances* )honograms or broadcasts* or other wors or s!b;ect matter other than wors listed in $ection 70f1below* which* by reason of the selection and arrangement of their contents* constit!te intellect!al creations* in which

the Wor is incl!ded in its entirety in !nmodi,ed form along with one or more other contrib!tions* each constit!tingse)arate and inde)endent wors in themselves* which together are assembled into a collective whole& " wor thatconstit!tes a Collection will not be considered an "da)tation 0as de,ned above1 for the )!r)oses of this +icense&

c%  MDistrib!teM means to mae available to the )!blic the original and co)ies of the Wor thro!gh sale or other transfeof ownershi)&

d%  M+icensorM means the individ!al* individ!als* entity or entities that oer0s1 the Wor !nder the terms of this +icense

e%  M4riginal "!thorM means* in the case of a literary or artistic wor* the individ!al* individ!als* entity or entities whocreated the Wor or if no individ!al or entity can be identi,ed* the )!blisher and in addition 0i1 in the case of a)erformance the actors* singers* m!sicians* dancers* and other )ersons who act* sing* deliver* declaim* )lay in*inter)ret or otherwise )erform literary or artistic wors or ex)ressions of follore 0ii1 in the case of a )honogram the)rod!cer being the )erson or legal entity who ,rst ,xes the so!nds of a )erformance or other so!nds and* 0iii1 in thecase of broadcasts* the organiKation that transmits the broadcast&

f%  MWorM means the literary and3or artistic wor oered !nder the terms of this +icense incl!ding witho!t limitationany )rod!ction in the literary* scienti,c and artistic domain* whatever may be the mode or form of its ex)ressionincl!ding digital form* s!ch as a boo* )am)hlet and other writing a lect!re* address* sermon or other wor of thesame nat!re a dramatic or dramatico#m!sical wor a choreogra)hic wor or entertainment in d!mb show a m!sicalcom)osition with or witho!t words a cinematogra)hic wor to which are assimilated wors ex)ressed by a )rocessanalogo!s to cinematogra)hy a wor of drawing* )ainting* architect!re* sc!l)t!re* engraving or lithogra)hy a)hotogra)hic wor to which are assimilated wors ex)ressed by a )rocess analogo!s to )hotogra)hy a wor ofa))lied art an ill!stration* ma)* )lan* setch or three#dimensional wor relative to geogra)hy* to)ogra)hyarchitect!re or science a )erformance a broadcast a )honogram a com)ilation of data to the extent it is )rotectedas a co)yrightable wor or a wor )erformed by a variety or circ!s )erformer to the extent it is not otherwiseconsidered a literary or artistic wor&

g%  M/o!M means an individ!al or entity exercising rights !nder this +icense who has not )revio!sly violated the terms

of this +icense with res)ect to the Wor* or who has received ex)ress )ermission from the +icensor to exercise rights!nder this +icense des)ite a )revio!s violation&

h%  MP!blicly PerformM means to )erform )!blic recitations of the Wor and to comm!nicate to the )!blic those )!blicrecitations* by any means or )rocess* incl!ding by wire or wireless means or )!blic digital )erformances to maeavailable to the )!blic Wors in s!ch a way that members of the )!blic may access these Wors from a )lace and at a)lace individ!ally chosen by them to )erform the Wor to the )!blic by any means or )rocess and the comm!nicationto the )!blic of the )erformances of the Wor* incl!ding by )!blic digital )erformance to broadcast and rebroadcastthe Wor by any means incl!ding signs* so!nds or images&

i%  MRe)rod!ceM means to mae co)ies of the Wor by any means incl!ding witho!t limitation by so!nd or vis!arecordings and the right of ,xation and re)rod!cing ,xations of the Wor* incl!ding storage of a )rotected)erformance or )honogram in digital form or other electronic medi!m&

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)% Fair Dealing *ights% 6othing in this +icense is intended to red!ce* limit* or restrict any !ses free from co)yright orrights arising from limitations or exce)tions that are )rovided for in connection with the co)yright )rotection !nderco)yright law or other a))licable laws&

+% License ,rant% $!b;ect to the terms and conditions of this +icense* +icensor hereby grants /o! a worldwide*royalty#free* non#excl!sive* )er)et!al 0for the d!ration of the a))licable co)yright1 license to exercise the rights in theWor as stated below.

a%  To Re)rod!ce the Wor* to incor)orate the Wor into one or more Collections* and to Re)rod!ce the Wor asincor)orated in the Collections and*

b%  To Distrib!te and P!blicly Perform the Wor incl!ding as incor)orated in Collections&

c%  2or the avoidance of do!bt.

i  6on#waivable Com)!lsory +icense $chemes& In those ;!risdictions in which the right to collect royalties thro!gh anystat!tory or com)!lsory licensing scheme cannot be waived* the +icensor reserves the excl!sive right to collect s!chroyalties for any exercise by /o! of the rights granted !nder this +icense

ii  Waivable Com)!lsory +icense $chemes& In those ;!risdictions in which the right to collect royalties thro!gh anystat!tory or com)!lsory licensing scheme can be waived* the +icensor waives the excl!sive right to collect s!chroyalties for any exercise by /o! of the rights granted !nder this +icense and*

iii  ol!ntary +icense $chemes& The +icensor waives the right to collect royalties* whether individ!ally or* in the eventthat the +icensor is a member of a collecting society that administers vol!ntary licensing schemes* via that society

from any exercise by /o! of the rights granted !nder this +icense&

 The above rights may be exercised in all media and formats whether now nown or hereafter devised& The aboverights incl!de the right to mae s!ch modi,cations as are technically necessary to exercise the rights in other mediaand formats* b!t otherwise yo! have no rights to mae "da)tations& $!b;ect to $ection 80f1* all rights not ex)resslygranted by +icensor are hereby reserved&

-% *estrictions% The license granted in $ection % above is ex)ressly made s!b;ect to and limited by the followingrestrictions.

a%  /o! may Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform the Wor only !nder the terms of this +icense& /o! m!st incl!de a co)y of* orthe (niform Reso!rce Identi,er 0(RI1 for* this +icense with every co)y of the Wor /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform& /o! may not oer or im)ose any terms on the Wor that restrict the terms of this +icense or the ability of the reci)ientof the Wor to exercise the rights granted to that reci)ient !nder the terms of the +icense& /o! may not s!blicense theWor& /o! m!st ee) intact all notices that refer to this +icense and to the disclaimer of warranties with every co)y of

the Wor /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform& When /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform the Wor* /o! may not im)ose anyeective technological meas!res on the Wor that restrict the ability of a reci)ient of the Wor from /o! to exercise therights granted to that reci)ient !nder the terms of the +icense& This $ection :0a1 a))lies to the Wor as incor)orated ina Collection* b!t this does not re-!ire the Collection a)art from the Wor itself to be made s!b;ect to the terms of this+icense& If /o! create a Collection* !)on notice from any +icensor /o! m!st* to the extent )racticable* remove from theCollection any credit as re-!ired by $ection :0b1* as re-!ested&

b%  If /o! Distrib!te* or P!blicly Perform the Wor or Collections* /o! m!st* !nless a re-!est has been made )!rs!ant to$ection :0a1* ee) intact all co)yright notices for the Wor and )rovide* reasonable to the medi!m or means /o! are!tiliKing. 0i1 the name of the 4riginal "!thor 0or )se!donym* if a))licable1 if s!))lied* and3or if the 4riginal "!thorand3or +icensor designate another )arty or )arties 0e&g&* a s)onsor instit!te* )!blishing entity* ;o!rnal1 for attrib!tion0M"ttrib!tion PartiesM1 in +icensors co)yright notice* terms of service or by other reasonable means* the name of s!ch)arty or )arties 0ii1 the title of the Wor if s!))lied 0iii1 to the extent reasonably )racticable* the (RI* if any* that+icensor s)eci,es to be associated with the Wor* !nless s!ch (RI does not refer to the co)yright notice or licensing

information for the Wor& The credit re-!ired by this $ection :0b1 may be im)lemented in any reasonable manner)rovided* however* that in the case of a Collection* at a minim!m s!ch credit will a))ear* if a credit for all contrib!tinga!thors of the Collection a))ears* then as )art of these credits and in a manner at least as )rominent as the credits forthe other contrib!ting a!thors& 2or the avoidance of do!bt* /o! may only !se the credit re-!ired by this $ection for the)!r)ose of attrib!tion in the manner set o!t above and* by exercising /o!r rights !nder this +icense* /o! may notim)licitly or ex)licitly assert or im)ly any connection with* s)onsorshi) or endorsement by the 4riginal "!thor+icensor and3or "ttrib!tion Parties* as a))ro)riate* of /o! or /o!r !se of the Wor* witho!t the se)arate* ex)ress )riorwritten )ermission of the 4riginal "!thor* +icensor and3or "ttrib!tion Parties&

c%  Exce)t as otherwise agreed in writing by the +icensor or as may be otherwise )ermitted by a))licable law* if /o!Re)rod!ce* Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform the Wor either by itself or as )art of any Collections* /o! m!st not distortm!tilate* modify or tae other derogatory action in relation to the Wor which wo!ld be )re;!dicial to the 4rigina"!thors honor or re)!tation&

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.% *e!resentations/ 0arranties and Disclaimer 

(6+E$$ 4T=ERWI$E <(T("++/ "GREED T4 B/ T=E P"RTIE$ I6 WRITI6G* +ICE6$4R 422ER$ T=E W4RF "$#I$ "6D<"FE$ 64 REPRE$E6T"TI46$ 4R W"RR"6TIE$ 42 "6/ FI6D C46CER6I6G T=E W4RF* EPRE$$* I<P+IED* $T"T(T4R/4R 4T=ERWI$E* I6C+(DI6G* WIT=4(T +I<IT"TI46* W"RR"6TIE$ 42 TIT+E* <ERC="6TIBI+IT/* 2IT6E$$ 24R "P"RTIC(+"R P(RP4$E* 646I62RI6GE<E6T* 4R T=E "B$E6CE 42 +"TE6T 4R 4T=ER DE2ECT$* "CC(R"C/* 4R T=EPRE$E6CE 42 "B$E6CE 42 ERR4R$* W=ET=ER 4R 64T DI$C4ER"B+E& $4<E >(RI$DICTI46$ D4 64T "++4W T=EEC+($I46 42 I<P+IED W"RR"6TIE$* $4 $(C= EC+($I46 <"/ 64T "PP+/ T4 /4(&

1% Limitation on Liabilit"% ECEPT T4 T=E ETE6T RES(IRED B/ "PP+IC"B+E +"W* I6 64 EE6T WI++ +ICE6$4R BE+I"B+E T4 /4( 46 "6/ +EG"+ T=E4R/ 24R "6/ $PECI"+* I6CIDE6T"+* C46$ES(E6TI"+* P(6ITIE 4R EE<P+"R/D"<"GE$ "RI$I6G 4(T 42 T=I$ +ICE6$E 4R T=E ($E 42 T=E W4RF* EE6 I2 +ICE6$4R ="$ BEE6 "DI$ED 42 T=EP4$$IBI+IT/ 42 $(C= D"<"GE$&

2% Termination 

a%  This +icense and the rights granted here!nder will terminate a!tomatically !)on any breach by /o! of the terms ofthis +icense& Individ!als or entities who have received Collections from /o! !nder this +icense* however* will not havetheir licenses terminated )rovided s!ch individ!als or entities remain in f!ll com)liance with those licenses& $ections 7** * U* 9* and 8 will s!rvive any termination of this +icense&

b%  $!b;ect to the above terms and conditions* the license granted here is )er)et!al 0for the d!ration of the a))licableco)yright in the Wor1& 6otwithstanding the above* +icensor reserves the right to release the Wor !nder dierentlicense terms or to sto) distrib!ting the Wor at any time )rovided* however that any s!ch election will not serve towithdraw this +icense 0or any other license that has been* or is re-!ired to be* granted !nder the terms of this

+icense1* and this +icense will contin!e in f!ll force and eect !nless terminated as stated above&

3% 4iscellaneous

a%  Each time /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform the Wor or a Collection* the +icensor oers to the reci)ient a licenseto the Wor on the same terms and conditions as the license granted to /o! !nder this +icense&

b%  If any )rovision of this +icense is invalid or !nenforceable !nder a))licable law* it shall not aect the validity orenforceability of the remainder of the terms of this +icense* and witho!t f!rther action by the )arties to thisagreement* s!ch )rovision shall be reformed to the minim!m extent necessary to mae s!ch )rovision valid andenforceable&

c%  6o term or )rovision of this +icense shall be deemed waived and no breach consented to !nless s!ch waiver orconsent shall be in writing and signed by the )arty to be charged with s!ch waiver or consent&

d%  This +icense constit!tes the entire agreement between the )arties with res)ect to the Wor licensed here& Thereare no !nderstandings* agreements or re)resentations with res)ect to the Wor not s)eci,ed here& +icensor shall notbe bo!nd by any additional )rovisions that may a))ear in any comm!nication from /o!& This +icense may not bemodi,ed witho!t the m!t!al written agreement of the +icensor and /o!&

e%  The rights granted !nder* and the s!b;ect matter referenced* in this +icense were drafted !tiliKing the terminologyof the Berne Convention for the Protection of +iterary and "rtistic Wors 0as amended on $e)tember 8* 7V9V1* theRome Convention of 7VU7* the WIP4 Co)yright Treaty of 7VVU* the WIP4 Performances and Phonograms Treaty of 7VVUand the (niversal Co)yright Convention 0as revised on >!ly :* 7V971& These rights and s!b;ect matter tae eect inthe relevant ;!risdiction in which the +icense terms are so!ght to be enforced according to the corres)onding)rovisions of the im)lementation of those treaty )rovisions in the a))licable national law& If the standard s!ite of rightsgranted !nder a))licable co)yright law incl!des additional rights not granted !nder this +icense* s!ch additional rightsare deemed to be incl!ded in the +icense this +icense is not intended to restrict the license of any rights !ndera))licable law&

Attribution$5onCommercial$6hareAlikeCC B&$5C$6A

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 This license lets others remix* twea* and b!ild !)on yo!r wor non#commercially* as long as they credit yo! andlicense their new creations !nder the identical terms&

 /o! are free.

•  To $hare # to co)y* distrib!te and transmit the wor&

•  To Remix # to ada)t the wor&

(nder the following conditions.

• "ttrib!tion # /o! m!st attrib!te the wor in the manner s)eci,ed by the a!thor or licensor 0b!t not in any waythat s!ggests that they endorse yo! or yo!r !se of the wor1&

• 6oncommercial # /o! may not !se this wor for commercial )!r)oses&

• $hare "lie # If yo! alter* transform* or b!ild !)on this wor* yo! may distrib!te the res!lting wor only !nderthe same or similar license to this one&

With the !nderstanding that.

• Waiver # "ny of the above conditions can be waived if yo! get )ermission from the co)yright holder&

• P!blic Domain # Where the wor or any of its elements is in the )!blic domain !nder a))licable law* thatstat!s is in no way aected by the license&

• 4ther Rights # In no way are any of the following rights aected by the license.

# /o!r fair dealing or fair !se rights* or other a))licable co)yright exce)tions and limitations

# The a!thors moral rights

# Rights other )ersons may have either in the wor itself or in how the wor is !sed* s!ch as )!blicity or  )rivacy rights&

6otice # 2or any re!se or distrib!tion* yo! m!st mae clear to others the license terms of this wor&

Attribution$5onCommercial$6hareAlikeCC B&$5C$6A

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+egal Code


 T=E W4RF 0"$ DE2I6ED BE+4W1 I$ PR4IDED (6DER T=E TER<$ 42 T=I$ CRE"TIE C4<<46$ P(B+IC +ICE6$E0MCCP+M 4R M+ICE6$EM1& T=E W4RF I$ PR4TECTED B/ C4P/RIG=T "6D34R 4T=ER "PP+IC"B+E +"W& "6/ ($E 42 T=EW4RF 4T=ER T="6 "$ "(T=4RIQED (6DER T=I$ +ICE6$E 4R C4P/RIG=T +"W I$ PR4=IBITED&

B/ EERCI$I6G "6/ RIG=T$ T4 T=E W4RF PR4IDED =ERE* /4( "CCEPT "6D "GREE T4 BE B4(6D B/ T=E TER<$ 42 T=I$ +ICE6$E& T4 T=E ETE6T T=I$ +ICE6$E <"/ BE C46$IDERED T4 BE " C46TR"CT* T=E +ICE6$4R GR"6T$ /4( T=E RIG=T$ C46T"I6ED =ERE I6 C46$IDER"TI46 42 /4(R "CCEPT"6CE 42 $(C= TER<$ "6D C46DITI46$&

'% De(nitions 

a%  M"da)tationM means a wor based !)on the Wor* or !)on the Wor and other )re#existing wors* s!ch as atranslation* ada)tation* derivative wor* arrangement of m!sic or other alterations of a literary or artistic wor* or)honogram or )erformance and incl!des cinematogra)hic ada)tations or any other form in which the Wor may berecast* transformed* or ada)ted incl!ding in any form recogniKably derived from the original* exce)t that a wor thatconstit!tes a Collection will not be considered an "da)tation for the )!r)ose of this +icense& 2or the avoidance ofdo!bt* where the Wor is a m!sical wor* )erformance or )honogram* the synchroniKation of the Wor in timed#relation with a moving image 0MsynchingM1 will be considered an "da)tation for the )!r)ose of this +icense&

b%  MCollectionM means a collection of literary or artistic wors* s!ch as encyclo)edias and anthologies* or)erformances* )honograms or broadcasts* or other wors or s!b;ect matter other than wors listed in $ection 70g1below* which* by reason of the selection and arrangement of their contents* constit!te intellect!al creations* in which

the Wor is incl!ded in its entirety in !nmodi,ed form along with one or more other contrib!tions* each constit!tingse)arate and inde)endent wors in themselves* which together are assembled into a collective whole& " wor thatconstit!tes a Collection will not be considered an "da)tation 0as de,ned above1 for the )!r)oses of this +icense&

c%  MDistrib!teM means to mae available to the )!blic the original and co)ies of the Wor or "da)tation* asa))ro)riate* thro!gh sale or other transfer of ownershi)&

d%  M+icense ElementsM means the following high#level license attrib!tes as selected by +icensor and indicated in thetitle of this +icense. "ttrib!tion* 6oncommercial* $hare"lie&

e%  M+icensorM means the individ!al* individ!als* entity or entities that oer0s1 the Wor !nder the terms of this +icense

f%  M4riginal "!thorM means* in the case of a literary or artistic wor* the individ!al* individ!als* entity or entities whocreated the Wor or if no individ!al or entity can be identi,ed* the )!blisher and in addition 0i1 in the case of a)erformance the actors* singers* m!sicians* dancers* and other )ersons who act* sing* deliver* declaim* )lay in*

inter)ret or otherwise )erform literary or artistic wors or ex)ressions of follore 0ii1 in the case of a )honogram the)rod!cer being the )erson or legal entity who ,rst ,xes the so!nds of a )erformance or other so!nds and* 0iii1 in thecase of broadcasts* the organiKation that transmits the broadcast&

g%  MWorM means the literary and3or artistic wor oered !nder the terms of this +icense incl!ding witho!t limitationany )rod!ction in the literary* scienti,c and artistic domain* whatever may be the mode or form of its ex)ressionincl!ding digital form* s!ch as a boo* )am)hlet and other writing a lect!re* address* sermon or other wor of thesame nat!re a dramatic or dramatico#m!sical wor a choreogra)hic wor or entertainment in d!mb show a m!sicalcom)osition with or witho!t words a cinematogra)hic wor to which are assimilated wors ex)ressed by a )rocessanalogo!s to cinematogra)hy a wor of drawing* )ainting* architect!re* sc!l)t!re* engraving or lithogra)hy a)hotogra)hic wor to which are assimilated wors ex)ressed by a )rocess analogo!s to )hotogra)hy a wor ofa))lied art an ill!stration* ma)* )lan* setch or three#dimensional wor relative to geogra)hy* to)ogra)hyarchitect!re or science a )erformance a broadcast a )honogram a com)ilation of data to the extent it is )rotectedas a co)yrightable wor or a wor )erformed by a variety or circ!s )erformer to the extent it is not otherwise

considered a literary or artistic wor&

h%  M/o!M means an individ!al or entity exercising rights !nder this +icense who has not )revio!sly violated the termsof this +icense with res)ect to the Wor* or who has received ex)ress )ermission from the +icensor to exercise rights!nder this +icense des)ite a )revio!s violation&

i%  MP!blicly PerformM means to )erform )!blic recitations of the Wor and to comm!nicate to the )!blic those )!blicrecitations* by any means or )rocess* incl!ding by wire or wireless means or )!blic digital )erformances to maeavailable to the )!blic Wors in s!ch a way that members of the )!blic may access these Wors from a )lace and at a)lace individ!ally chosen by them to )erform the Wor to the )!blic by any means or )rocess and the comm!nicationto the )!blic of the )erformances of the Wor* incl!ding by )!blic digital )erformance to broadcast and rebroadcastthe Wor by any means incl!ding signs* so!nds or images&

 7%  MRe)rod!ceM means to mae co)ies of the Wor by any means incl!ding witho!t limitation by so!nd or vis!a

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recordings and the right of ,xation and re)rod!cing ,xations of the Wor* incl!ding storage of a )rotected)erformance or )honogram in digital form or other electronic medi!m&

)% Fair Dealing *ights% 6othing in this +icense is intended to red!ce* limit* or restrict any !ses free from co)yright orrights arising from limitations or exce)tions that are )rovided for in connection with the co)yright )rotection !nderco)yright law or other a))licable laws&

+% License ,rant% $!b;ect to the terms and conditions of this +icense* +icensor hereby grants /o! a worldwide*royalty#free* non#excl!sive* )er)et!al 0for the d!ration of the a))licable co)yright1 license to exercise the rights in theWor as stated below.

a%  to Re)rod!ce the Wor* to incor)orate the Wor into one or more Collections* and to Re)rod!ce the Wor asincor)orated in the Collections

b%  to create and Re)rod!ce "da)tations )rovided that any s!ch "da)tation* incl!ding any translation in any medi!mtaes reasonable ste)s to clearly label* demarcate or otherwise identify that changes were made to the original Wor&2or exam)le* a translation co!ld be mared MThe original wor was translated from English to $)anish*M or amodi,cation co!ld indicate MThe original wor has been modi,ed&M

c%  to Distrib!te and P!blicly Perform the Wor incl!ding as incor)orated in Collections and*

d%  to Distrib!te and P!blicly Perform "da)tations&

 The above rights may be exercised in all media and formats whether now nown or hereafter devised& The aboverights incl!de the right to mae s!ch modi,cations as are technically necessary to exercise the rights in other media

and formats& $!b;ect to $ection 80f1* all rights not ex)ressly granted by +icensor are hereby reserved* incl!ding b!t notlimited to the rights described in $ection :0e1&

-% *estrictions% The license granted in $ection % above is ex)ressly made s!b;ect to and limited by the followingrestrictions.

a%  /o! may Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform the Wor only !nder the terms of this +icense& /o! m!st incl!de a co)y of* orthe (niform Reso!rce Identi,er 0(RI1 for* this +icense with every co)y of the Wor /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform& /o! may not oer or im)ose any terms on the Wor that restrict the terms of this +icense or the ability of the reci)ientof the Wor to exercise the rights granted to that reci)ient !nder the terms of the +icense& /o! may not s!blicense theWor& /o! m!st ee) intact all notices that refer to this +icense and to the disclaimer of warranties with every co)y ofthe Wor /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform& When /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform the Wor* /o! may not im)ose anyeective technological meas!res on the Wor that restrict the ability of a reci)ient of the Wor from /o! to exercise therights granted to that reci)ient !nder the terms of the +icense& This $ection :0a1 a))lies to the Wor as incor)orated ina Collection* b!t this does not re-!ire the Collection a)art from the Wor itself to be made s!b;ect to the terms of this

+icense& If /o! create a Collection* !)on notice from any +icensor /o! m!st* to the extent )racticable* remove from theCollection any credit as re-!ired by $ection :0d1* as re-!ested& If /o! create an "da)tation* !)on notice from any+icensor /o! m!st* to the extent )racticable* remove from the "da)tation any credit as re-!ired by $ection :0d1* asre-!ested&

b%  /o! may Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform an "da)tation only !nder. 0i1 the terms of this +icense 0ii1 a later version ofthis +icense with the same +icense Elements as this +icense 0iii1 a Creative Commons ;!risdiction license 0either this ora later license version1 that contains the same +icense Elements as this +icense 0e&g&* "ttrib!tion#6onCommercial#$hare"lie %&' ($1 0M"))licable +icenseM1& /o! m!st incl!de a co)y of* or the (RI* for "))licable +icense with everyco)y of each "da)tation /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform& /o! may not oer or im)ose any terms on the "da)tationthat restrict the terms of the "))licable +icense or the ability of the reci)ient of the "da)tation to exercise the rightsgranted to that reci)ient !nder the terms of the "))licable +icense& /o! m!st ee) intact all notices that refer to the"))licable +icense and to the disclaimer of warranties with every co)y of the Wor as incl!ded in the "da)tation /o!Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform& When /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform the "da)tation* /o! may not im)ose any

eective technological meas!res on the "da)tation that restrict the ability of a reci)ient of the "da)tation from /o! toexercise the rights granted to that reci)ient !nder the terms of the "))licable +icense& This $ection :0b1 a))lies to the"da)tation as incor)orated in a Collection* b!t this does not re-!ire the Collection a)art from the "da)tation itself tobe made s!b;ect to the terms of the "))licable +icense&

c%  /o! may not exercise any of the rights granted to /o! in $ection % above in any manner that is )rimarily intendedfor or directed toward commercial advantage or )rivate monetary com)ensation& The exchange of the Wor for otherco)yrighted wors by means of digital ,le#sharing or otherwise shall not be considered to be intended for or directedtoward commercial advantage or )rivate monetary com)ensation* )rovided there is no )ayment of any monetarycom)ensation in con#nection with the exchange of co)yrighted wors&

d%  If /o! Distrib!te* or P!blicly Perform the Wor or any "da)tations or Collections* /o! m!st* !nless a re-!est hasbeen made )!rs!ant to $ection :0a1* ee) intact all co)yright notices for the Wor and )rovide* reasonable to themedi!m or means /o! are !tiliKing. 0i1 the name of the 4riginal "!thor 0or )se!donym* if a))licable1 if s!))lied* and3or

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if the 4riginal "!thor and3or +icensor designate another )arty or )arties 0e&g&* a s)onsor instit!te* )!blishing entity ;o!rnal1 for attrib!tion 0M"ttrib!tion PartiesM1 in +icensors co)yright notice* terms of service or by other reasonablemeans* the name of s!ch )arty or )arties 0ii1 the title of the Wor if s!))lied 0iii1 to the extent reasonably )racticable*the (RI* if any* that +icensor s)eci,es to be associated with the Wor* !nless s!ch (RI does not refer to the co)yrightnotice or licensing information for the Wor and* 0iv1 consistent with $ection %0b1* in the case of an "da)tation* acredit identifying the !se of the Wor in the "da)tation 0e&g&* M2rench translation of the Wor by 4riginal "!thor*M orM$creen)lay based on original Wor by 4riginal "!thorM1& The credit re-!ired by this $ection :0d1 may be im)lementedin any reasonable manner )rovided* however* that in the case of a "da)tation or Collection* at a minim!m s!ch creditwill a))ear* if a credit for all contrib!ting a!thors of the "da)tation or Collection a))ears* then as )art of these creditsand in a manner at least as )rominent as the credits for the other contrib!ting a!thors& 2or the avoidance of do!bt* /o!may only !se the credit re-!ired by this $ection for the )!r)ose of attrib!tion in the manner set o!t above and* byexercising /o!r rights !nder this +icense* /o! may not im)licitly or ex)licitly assert or im)ly any connection withs)onsorshi) or endorsement by the 4riginal "!thor* +icensor and3or "ttrib!tion Parties* as a))ro)riate* of /o! or /o!r!se of the Wor* witho!t the se)arate* ex)ress )rior written )ermission of the 4riginal "!thor* +icensor and3o"ttrib!tion Parties&

e% 2or the avoidance of do!bt.

i 6on#waivable Com)!lsory +icense $chemes& In those ;!risdictions in which the right to collect royalties thro!gh anystat!tory or com)!lsory licensing scheme cannot be waived* the +icensor reserves the excl!sive right to collect s!chroyalties for any exercise by /o! of the rights granted !nder this +icense

ii  Waivable Com)!lsory +icense $chemes& In those ;!risdictions in which the right to collect royalties thro!gh anystat!tory or com)!lsory licensing scheme can be waived* the +icensor reserves the excl!sive right to collect s!chroyalties for any exercise by /o! of the rights granted !nder this +icense if /o!r exercise of s!ch rights is for a )!r)ose

or !se which is otherwise than noncommercial as )ermitted !nder $ection :0c1 and otherwise waives the right tocollect royalties thro!gh any stat!tory or com)!lsory licensing scheme and*

iii  ol!ntary +icense $chemes& The +icensor reserves the right to collect royalties* whether individ!ally or* in the eventthat the +icensor is a member of a collecting society that administers vol!ntary licensing schemes* via that societyfrom any exercise by /o! of the rights granted !nder this +icense that is for a )!r)ose or !se which is otherwise thannoncommercial as )ermitted !nder $ection :0c1&

f%  Exce)t as otherwise agreed in writing by the +icensor or as may be otherwise )ermitted by a))licable law* if /o!Re)rod!ce* Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform the Wor either by itself or as )art of any "da)tations or Collections* /o!m!st not distort* m!tilate* modify or tae other derogatory action in relation to the Wor which wo!ld be )re;!dicial tothe 4riginal "!thors honor or re)!tation& +icensor agrees that in those ;!risdictions 0e&g& >a)an1* in which any exerciseof the right granted in $ection %0b1 of this +icense 0the right to mae "da)tations1 wo!ld be deemed to be a distortion*m!tilation* modi,cation or other derogatory action )re;!dicial to the 4riginal "!thors honor and re)!tation* the+icensor will waive or not assert* as a))ro)riate* this $ection* to the f!llest extent )ermitted by the a))licable national

law* to enable /o! to reasonably exercise /o!r right !nder $ection %0b1 of this +icense 0right to mae "da)tations1 b!tnot otherwise&

.% *e!resentations/ 0arranties and Disclaimer 

(6+E$$ 4T=ERWI$E <(T("++/ "GREED T4 B/ T=E P"RTIE$ I6 WRITI6G "6D T4 T=E 2(++E$T ETE6T PER<ITTED B/"PP+IC"B+E +"W* +ICE6$4R 422ER$ T=E W4RF "$#I$ "6D <"FE$ 64 REPRE$E6T"TI46$ 4R W"RR"6TIE$ 42 "6/FI6D C46CER6I6G T=E W4RF* EPRE$$* I<P+IED* $T"T(T4R/ 4R 4T=ERWI$E* I6C+(DI6G* WIT=4(T +I<IT"TI46W"RR"6TIE$ 42 TIT+E* <ERC="6T"BI+IT/* 2IT6E$$ 24R " P"RTIC(+"R P(RP4$E* 646I62RI6GE<E6T* 4R T=E"B$E6CE 42 +"TE6T 4R 4T=ER DE2ECT$* "CC(R"C/* 4R T=E PRE$E6CE 42 "B$E6CE 42 ERR4R$* W=ET=ER 4R 64TDI$C4ER"B+E& $4<E >(RI$DICTI46$ D4 64T "++4W T=E EC+($I46 42 I<P+IED W"RR"6TIE$* $4 T=I$ EC+($I46<"/ 64T "PP+/ T4 /4(&

1% Limitation on Liabilit"% ECEPT T4 T=E ETE6T RES(IRED B/ "PP+IC"B+E +"W* I6 64 EE6T WI++ +ICE6$4R BE

+I"B+E T4 /4( 46 "6/ +EG"+ T=E4R/ 24R "6/ $PECI"+* I6CIDE6T"+* C46$ES(E6TI"+* P(6ITIE 4R EE<P+"R/D"<"GE$ "RI$I6G 4(T 42 T=I$ +ICE6$E 4R T=E ($E 42 T=E W4RF* EE6 I2 +ICE6$4R ="$ BEE6 "DI$ED 42 T=EP4$$IBI+IT/ 42 $(C= D"<"GE$&

2% Termination 

a%  This +icense and the rights granted here!nder will terminate a!tomatically !)on any breach by /o! of the terms ofthis +icense& Individ!als or entities who have received "da)tations or Collections from /o! !nder this +icense* howeverwill not have their licenses terminated )rovided s!ch individ!als or entities remain in f!ll com)liance with thoselicenses& $ections 7* * * U* 9* and 8 will s!rvive any termination of this +icense&

b%  $!b;ect to the above terms and conditions* the license granted here is )er)et!al 0for the d!ration of the a))licableco)yright in the Wor1& 6otwithstanding the above* +icensor reserves the right to release the Wor !nder dierentlicense terms or to sto) distrib!ting the Wor at any time )rovided* however that any s!ch election will not serve to

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withdraw this +icense 0or any other license that has been* or is re-!ired to be* granted !nder the terms of this+icense1* and this +icense will contin!e in f!ll force and eect !nless terminated as stated above&

3% 4iscellaneous 

a%  Each time /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform the Wor or a Collection* the +icensor oers to the reci)ient a licenseto the Wor on the same terms and conditions as the license granted to /o! !nder this +icense&

b%  Each time /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform an "da)tation* +icensor oers to the reci)ient a license to the originaWor on the same terms and conditions as the license granted to /o! !nder this +icense&

c%  If any )rovision of this +icense is invalid or !nenforceable !nder a))licable law* it shall not aect the validity orenforceability of the remainder of the terms of this +icense* and witho!t f!rther action by the )arties to thisagreement* s!ch )rovision shall be reformed to the minim!m extent necessary to mae s!ch )rovision valid andenforceable&

d%  6o term or )rovision of this +icense shall be deemed waived and no breach consented to !nless s!ch waiver oconsent shall be in writing and signed by the )arty to be charged with s!ch waiver or consent&

e%  This +icense constit!tes the entire agreement between the )arties with res)ect to the Wor licensed here& Thereare no !nderstandings* agreements or re)resentations with res)ect to the Wor not s)eci,ed here& +icensor shall notbe bo!nd by any additional )rovisions that may a))ear in any comm!nication from /o!& This +icense may not bemodi,ed witho!t the m!t!al written agreement of the +icensor and /o!&

f%  The rights granted !nder* and the s!b;ect matter referenced* in this +icense were drafted !tiliKing the terminology

of the Berne Convention for the Protection of +iterary and "rtistic Wors 0as amended on $e)tember 8* 7V9V1* theRome Convention of 7VU7* the WIP4 Co)yright Treaty of 7VVU* the WIP4 Performances and Phonograms Treaty of 7VVUand the (niversal Co)yright Convention 0as revised on >!ly :* 7V971& These rights and s!b;ect matter tae eect inthe relevant ;!risdiction in which the +icense terms are so!ght to be enforced according to the corres)onding)rovisions of the im)lementation of those treaty )rovisions in the a))licable national law& If the standard s!ite of rightsgranted !nder a))licable co)yright law incl!des additional rights not granted !nder this +icense* s!ch additional rightsare deemed to be incl!ded in the +icense this +icense is not intended to restrict the license of any rights !ndera))licable law&

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 This license lets others remix* twea* and b!ild !)on yo!r wor even for commercial )!r)oses* as long as they credityo! and license their new creations !nder the identical terms& This license is often com)ared to @co)yleftA free ando)en so!rce software licenses& "ll new wors based on yo!rs will carry the same license* so any derivatives will alsoallow commercial !se& This is the license !sed by Wii)edia* and is recommended for materials that wo!ld bene,t fromincor)orating content from Wii)edia and similarly licensed )ro;ects&

 /o! are free.

• to $hare # to co)y* distrib!te and transmit the wor&

• to Remix # to ada)t the wor&

• to mae commercial !se of the wor&

(nder the following conditions.

• "ttrib!tion # /o! m!st attrib!te the wor in the manner s)eci,ed by the a!thor or licensor 0b!t not in anyway that s!ggests that they endorse yo! or yo!r !se of the wor1&

• $hare "lie # If yo! alter* transform* or b!ild !)on this wor* yo! may distrib!te the res!lting wor only!nder the same or similar license to this one&

With the !nderstanding that.

• Waiver # "ny of the above conditions can be waived if yo! get )ermission from the co)yright holder&

• P!blic Domain # Where the wor or any of its elements is in the )!blic domain !nder a))licable law* thatstat!s is in no way aected by the license&

• 4ther Rights # In no way are any of the following rights aected by the license.

# /o!r fair dealing or fair !se rights* or other a))licable co)yright exce)tions and limitations

# The a!thors moral rights

# Rights other )ersons may have either in the wor itself or in how the wor is !sed* s!ch as )!blicity or  )rivacy rights&

6otice # 2or any re!se or distrib!tion* yo! m!st mae clear to others the license terms of this wor&

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+egal Code

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 T=E W4RF 0"$ DE2I6ED BE+4W1 I$ PR4IDED (6DER T=E TER<$ 42 T=I$ CRE"TIE C4<<46$ P(B+IC +ICE6$E0MCCP+M 4R M+ICE6$EM1& T=E W4RF I$ PR4TECTED B/ C4P/RIG=T "6D34R 4T=ER "PP+IC"B+E +"W& "6/ ($E 42 T=EW4RF 4T=ER T="6 "$ "(T=4RIQED (6DER T=I$ +ICE6$E 4R C4P/RIG=T +"W I$ PR4=IBITED&

B/ EERCI$I6G "6/ RIG=T$ T4 T=E W4RF PR4IDED =ERE* /4( "CCEPT "6D "GREE T4 BE B4(6D B/ T=E TER<$ 42 T=I$ +ICE6$E& T4 T=E ETE6T T=I$ +ICE6$E <"/ BE C46$IDERED T4 BE " C46TR"CT* T=E +ICE6$4R GR"6T$ /4( T=E RIG=T$ C46T"I6ED =ERE I6 C46$IDER"TI46 42 /4(R "CCEPT"6CE 42 $(C= TER<$ "6D C46DITI46$&

'% De(nitions 

a%  M"da)tationM means a wor based !)on the Wor* or !)on the Wor and other )re#existing wors* s!ch as atranslation* ada)tation* derivative wor* arrangement of m!sic or other alterations of a literary or artistic wor* or)honogram or )erformance and incl!des cinematogra)hic ada)tations or any other form in which the Wor may berecast* transformed* or ada)ted incl!ding in any form recogniKably derived from the original* exce)t that a wor thatconstit!tes a Collection will not be considered an "da)tation for the )!r)ose of this +icense& 2or the avoidance ofdo!bt* where the Wor is a m!sical wor* )erformance or )honogram* the synchroniKation of the Wor in timed#relation with a moving image 0MsynchingM1 will be considered an "da)tation for the )!r)ose of this +icense&

b%  MCollectionM means a collection of literary or artistic wors* s!ch as encyclo)edias and anthologies* or)erformances* )honograms or broadcasts* or other wors or s!b;ect matter other than wors listed in $ection 70f1below* which* by reason of the selection and arrangement of their contents* constit!te intellect!al creations* in whichthe Wor is incl!ded in its entirety in !nmodi,ed form along with one or more other contrib!tions* each constit!ting

se)arate and inde)endent wors in themselves* which together are assembled into a collective whole& " wor thatconstit!tes a Collection will not be considered an "da)tation 0as de,ned below1 for the )!r)oses of this +icense&

c%  MCreative Commons Com)atible +icenseM means a license that is listed athtt).33creativecommons&org3com)atiblelicenses that has been a))roved by Creative Commons as being essentiallye-!ivalent to this +icense* incl!ding* at a minim!m* beca!se that license. 0i1 contains terms that have the same)!r)ose* meaning and eect as the +icense Elements of this +icense and* 0ii1 ex)licitly )ermits the relicensing ofada)tations of wors made available !nder that license !nder this +icense or a Creative Commons ;!risdiction licensewith the same +icense Elements as this +icense&

d%  MDistrib!teM means to mae available to the )!blic the original and co)ies of the Wor or "da)tation* asa))ro)riate* thro!gh sale or other transfer of ownershi)&

e%  M+icense ElementsM means the following high#level license attrib!tes as selected by +icensor and indicated in thetitle of this +icense. "ttrib!tion* $hare"lie&

f%  M+icensorM means the individ!al* individ!als* entity or entities that oer0s1 the Wor !nder the terms of this +icense&

g%  M4riginal "!thorM means* in the case of a literary or artistic wor* the individ!al* individ!als* entity or entities whocreated the Wor or if no individ!al or entity can be identi,ed* the )!blisher and in addition 0i1 in the case of a)erformance the actors* singers* m!sicians* dancers* and other )ersons who act* sing* deliver* declaim* )lay in*inter)ret or otherwise )erform literary or artistic wors or ex)ressions of follore 0ii1 in the case of a )honogram the)rod!cer being the )erson or legal entity who ,rst ,xes the so!nds of a )erformance or other so!nds and* 0iii1 in thecase of broadcasts* the organiKation that transmits the broadcast&

h%  MWorM means the literary and3or artistic wor oered !nder the terms of this +icense incl!ding witho!t limitationany )rod!ction in the literary* scienti,c and artistic domain* whatever may be the mode or form of its ex)ressionincl!ding digital form* s!ch as a boo* )am)hlet and other writing a lect!re* address* sermon or other wor of thesame nat!re a dramatic or dramatico#m!sical wor a choreogra)hic wor or entertainment in d!mb show a m!sical

com)osition with or witho!t words a cinematogra)hic wor to which are assimilated wors ex)ressed by a )rocessanalogo!s to cinematogra)hy a wor of drawing* )ainting* architect!re* sc!l)t!re* engraving or lithogra)hy a)hotogra)hic wor to which are assimilated wors ex)ressed by a )rocess analogo!s to )hotogra)hy a wor ofa))lied art an ill!stration* ma)* )lan* setch or three#dimensional wor relative to geogra)hy* to)ogra)hyarchitect!re or science a )erformance a broadcast a )honogram a com)ilation of data to the extent it is )rotectedas a co)yrightable wor or a wor )erformed by a variety or circ!s )erformer to the extent it is not otherwiseconsidered a literary or artistic wor&

i%  M/o!M means an individ!al or entity exercising rights !nder this +icense who has not )revio!sly violated the terms ofthis +icense with res)ect to the Wor* or who has received ex)ress )ermission from the +icensor to exercise rights!nder this +icense des)ite a )revio!s violation&

 7%  MP!blicly PerformM means to )erform )!blic recitations of the Wor and to comm!nicate to the )!blic those )!blicrecitations* by any means or )rocess* incl!ding by wire or wireless means or )!blic digital )erformances to mae

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available to the )!blic Wors in s!ch a way that members of the )!blic may access these Wors from a )lace and at a)lace individ!ally chosen by them to )erform the Wor to the )!blic by any means or )rocess and the comm!nicationto the )!blic of the )erformances of the Wor* incl!ding by )!blic digital )erformance to broadcast and rebroadcastthe Wor by any means incl!ding signs* so!nds or images&

k%  MRe)rod!ceM means to mae co)ies of the Wor by any means incl!ding witho!t limitation by so!nd or vis!arecordings and the right of ,xation and re)rod!cing ,xations of the Wor* incl!ding storage of a )rotected)erformance or )honogram in digital form or other electronic medi!m&

)% Fair Dealing *ights% 6othing in this +icense is intended to red!ce* limit* or restrict any !ses free from co)yright orrights arising from limitations or exce)tions that are )rovided for in connection with the co)yright )rotection !nderco)yright law or other a))licable laws&

+% License ,rant% $!b;ect to the terms and conditions of this +icense* +icensor hereby grants /o! a worldwide*royalty#free* non#excl!sive* )er)et!al 0for the d!ration of the a))licable co)yright1 license to exercise the rights in theWor as stated below.

a%  to Re)rod!ce the Wor* to incor)orate the Wor into one or more Collections* and to Re)rod!ce the Wor asincor)orated in the Collections

b%  to create and Re)rod!ce "da)tations )rovided that any s!ch "da)tation* incl!ding any translation in any medi!mtaes reasonable ste)s to clearly label* demarcate or otherwise identify that changes were made to the original Wor&2or exam)le* a translation co!ld be mared MThe original wor was translated from English to $)anish*M or amodi,cation co!ld indicate MThe original wor has been modi,ed&M

c%  to Distrib!te and P!blicly Perform the Wor incl!ding as incor)orated in Collections and*

d%  to Distrib!te and P!blicly Perform "da)tations&

e%  2or the avoidance of do!bt.

i  6on#waivable Com)!lsory +icense $chemes& In those ;!risdictions in which the right to collect royalties thro!gh anystat!tory or com)!lsory licensing scheme cannot be waived* the +icensor reserves the excl!sive right to collect s!chroyalties for any exercise by /o! of the rights granted !nder this +icense

ii  Waivable Com)!lsory +icense $chemes& In those ;!risdictions in which the right to collect royalties thro!gh anystat!tory or com)!lsory licensing scheme can be waived* the +icensor waives the excl!sive right to collect s!chroyalties for any exercise by /o! of the rights granted !nder this +icense and*

iii  ol!ntary +icense $chemes& The +icensor waives the right to collect royalties* whether individ!ally or* in the event

that the +icensor is a member of a collecting society that administers vol!ntary licensing schemes* via that societyfrom any exercise by /o! of the rights granted !nder this +icense&

 The above rights may be exercised in all media and formats whether now nown or hereafter devised& The aboverights incl!de the right to mae s!ch modi,cations as are technically necessary to exercise the rights in other mediaand formats& $!b;ect to $ection 80f1* all rights not ex)ressly granted by +icensor are hereby reserved&

-% *estrictions% The license granted in $ection % above is ex)ressly made s!b;ect to and limited by the followingrestrictions.

a%  /o! may Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform the Wor only !nder the terms of this +icense& /o! m!st incl!de a co)y of* orthe (niform Reso!rce Identi,er 0(RI1 for* this +icense with every co)y of the Wor /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform& /o! may not oer or im)ose any terms on the Wor that restrict the terms of this +icense or the ability of the reci)ientof the Wor to exercise the rights granted to that reci)ient !nder the terms of the +icense& /o! may not s!blicense the

Wor& /o! m!st ee) intact all notices that refer to this +icense and to the disclaimer of warranties with every co)y ofthe Wor /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform& When /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform the Wor* /o! may not im)ose anyeective technological meas!res on the Wor that restrict the ability of a reci)ient of the Wor from /o! to exercise therights granted to that reci)ient !nder the terms of the +icense& This $ection :0a1 a))lies to the Wor as incor)orated ina Collection* b!t this does not re-!ire the Collection a)art from the Wor itself to be made s!b;ect to the terms of this+icense& If /o! create a Collection* !)on notice from any +icensor /o! m!st* to the extent )racticable* remove from theCollection any credit as re-!ired by $ection :0c1* as re-!ested& If /o! create an "da)tation* !)on notice from any+icensor /o! m!st* to the extent )racticable* remove from the "da)tation any credit as re-!ired by $ection :0c1* asre-!ested&

b%  /o! may Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform an "da)tation only !nder the terms of. 0i1 this +icense 0ii1 a later version ofthis +icense with the same +icense Elements as this +icense 0iii1 a Creative Commons ;!risdiction license 0either this ora later license version1 that contains the same +icense Elements as this +icense 0e&g&* "ttrib!tion#$hare"lie %&' ($110iv1 a Creative Commons Com)atible +icense& If yo! license the "da)tation !nder one of the licenses mentioned in 0iv1

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yo! m!st com)ly with the terms of that license& If yo! license the "da)tation !nder the terms of any of the licensesmentioned in 0i1* 0ii1 or 0iii1 0the M"))licable +icenseM1* yo! m!st com)ly with the terms of the "))licable +icensegenerally and the following )rovisions. 0I1 /o! m!st incl!de a co)y of* or the (RI for* the "))licable +icense with everyco)y of each "da)tation /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform 0II1 /o! may not oer or im)ose any terms on the"da)tation that restrict the terms of the "))licable +icense or the ability of the reci)ient of the "da)tation to exercisethe rights granted to that reci)ient !nder the terms of the "))licable +icense 0III1 /o! m!st ee) intact all notices thatrefer to the "))licable +icense and to the disclaimer of warranties with every co)y of the Wor as incl!ded in the"da)tation /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform 0I1 when /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform the "da)tation* /o! may notim)ose any eective technological meas!res on the "da)tation that restrict the ability of a reci)ient of the "da)tationfrom /o! to exercise the rights granted to that reci)ient !nder the terms of the "))licable +icense& This $ection :0b1a))lies to the "da)tation as incor)orated in a Collection* b!t this does not re-!ire the Collection a)art from the"da)tation itself to be made s!b;ect to the terms of the "))licable +icense&

c%  If /o! Distrib!te* or P!blicly Perform the Wor or any "da)tations or Collections* /o! m!st* !nless a re-!est hasbeen made )!rs!ant to $ection :0a1* ee) intact all co)yright notices for the Wor and )rovide* reasonable to themedi!m or means /o! are !tiliKing. 0i1 the name of the 4riginal "!thor 0or )se!donym* if a))licable1 if s!))lied* and3orif the 4riginal "!thor and3or +icensor designate another )arty or )arties 0e&g&* a s)onsor instit!te* )!blishing entity ;o!rnal1 for attrib!tion 0M"ttrib!tion PartiesM1 in +icensors co)yright notice* terms of service or by other reasonablemeans* the name of s!ch )arty or )arties 0ii1 the title of the Wor if s!))lied 0iii1 to the extent reasonably )racticable*the (RI* if any* that +icensor s)eci,es to be associated with the Wor* !nless s!ch (RI does not refer to the co)yrightnotice or licensing information for the Wor and 0iv1 * consistent with $section %0b1* in the case of an "da)tation* acredit identifying the !se of the Wor in the "da)tation 0e&g&* M2rench translation of the Wor by 4riginal "!thor*M orM$creen)lay based on original Wor by 4riginal "!thorM1& The credit re-!ired by this $ection :0c1 may be im)lementedin any reasonable manner )rovided* however* that in the case of a "da)tation or Collection* at a minim!m s!ch creditwill a))ear* if a credit for all contrib!ting a!thors of the "da)tation or Collection a))ears* then as )art of these credits

and in a manner at least as )rominent as the credits for the other contrib!ting a!thors& 2or the avoidance of do!bt* /o!may only !se the credit re-!ired by this $ection for the )!r)ose of attrib!tion in the manner set o!t above and* byexercising /o!r rights !nder this +icense* /o! may not im)licitly or ex)licitly assert or im)ly any connection withs)onsorshi) or endorsement by the 4riginal "!thor* +icensor and3or "ttrib!tion Parties* as a))ro)riate* of /o! or /o!r!se of the Wor* witho!t the se)arate* ex)ress )rior written )ermission of the 4riginal "!thor* +icensor and3o"ttrib!tion Parties&

d%  Exce)t as otherwise agreed in writing by the +icensor or as may be otherwise )ermitted by a))licable law* if /o!Re)rod!ce* Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform the Wor either by itself or as )art of any "da)tations or Collections* /o!m!st not distort* m!tilate* modify or tae other derogatory action in relation to the Wor which wo!ld be )re;!dicial tothe 4riginal "!thors honor or re)!tation& +icensor agrees that in those ;!risdictions 0e&g& >a)an1* in which any exerciseof the right granted in $ection %0b1 of this +icense 0the right to mae "da)tations1 wo!ld be deemed to be a distortion*m!tilation* modi,cation or other derogatory action )re;!dicial to the 4riginal "!thors honor and re)!tation* the+icensor will waive or not assert* as a))ro)riate* this $ection* to the f!llest extent )ermitted by the a))licable nationallaw* to enable /o! to reasonably exercise /o!r right !nder $ection %0b1 of this +icense 0right to mae "da)tations1 b!t

not otherwise&

.% *e!resentations/ 0arranties and Disclaimer 

(6+E$$ 4T=ERWI$E <(T("++/ "GREED T4 B/ T=E P"RTIE$ I6 WRITI6G* +ICE6$4R 422ER$ T=E W4RF "$#I$ "6D<"FE$ 64 REPRE$E6T"TI46$ 4R W"RR"6TIE$ 42 "6/ FI6D C46CER6I6G T=E W4RF* EPRE$$* I<P+IED* $T"T(T4R/4R 4T=ERWI$E* I6C+(DI6G* WIT=4(T +I<IT"TI46* W"RR"6TIE$ 42 TIT+E* <ERC="6TIBI+IT/* 2IT6E$$ 24R "P"RTIC(+"R P(RP4$E* 646I62RI6GE<E6T* 4R T=E "B$E6CE 42 +"TE6T 4R 4T=ER DE2ECT$* "CC(R"C/* 4R T=EPRE$E6CE 42 "B$E6CE 42 ERR4R$* W=ET=ER 4R 64T DI$C4ER"B+E& $4<E >(RI$DICTI46$ D4 64T "++4W T=EEC+($I46 42 I<P+IED W"RR"6TIE$* $4 $(C= EC+($I46 <"/ 64T "PP+/ T4 /4(&

1% Limitation on Liabilit"% ECEPT T4 T=E ETE6T RES(IRED B/ "PP+IC"B+E +"W* I6 64 EE6T WI++ +ICE6$4R BE+I"B+E T4 /4( 46 "6/ +EG"+ T=E4R/ 24R "6/ $PECI"+* I6CIDE6T"+* C46$ES(E6TI"+* P(6ITIE 4R EE<P+"R/D"<"GE$ "RI$I6G 4(T 42 T=I$ +ICE6$E 4R T=E ($E 42 T=E W4RF* EE6 I2 +ICE6$4R ="$ BEE6 "DI$ED 42 T=E

P4$$IBI+IT/ 42 $(C= D"<"GE$&

2% Termination 

a%  This +icense and the rights granted here!nder will terminate a!tomatically !)on any breach by /o! of the terms ofthis +icense& Individ!als or entities who have received "da)tations or Collections from /o! !nder this +icense* howeverwill not have their licenses terminated )rovided s!ch individ!als or entities remain in f!ll com)liance with thoselicenses& $ections 7* * * U* 9* and 8 will s!rvive any termination of this +icense&

b%  $!b;ect to the above terms and conditions* the license granted here is )er)et!al 0for the d!ration of the a))licableco)yright in the Wor1& 6otwithstanding the above* +icensor reserves the right to release the Wor !nder dierentlicense terms or to sto) distrib!ting the Wor at any time )rovided* however that any s!ch election will not serve towithdraw this +icense 0or any other license that has been* or is re-!ired to be* granted !nder the terms of this+icense1* and this +icense will contin!e in f!ll force and eect !nless terminated as stated above&

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3% 4iscellaneous 

a%  Each time /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform the Wor or a Collection* the +icensor oers to the reci)ient a licenseto the Wor on the same terms and conditions as the license granted to /o! !nder this +icense&

b%  Each time /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform an "da)tation* +icensor oers to the reci)ient a license to the originaWor on the same terms and conditions as the license granted to /o! !nder this +icense&

c%  If any )rovision of this +icense is invalid or !nenforceable !nder a))licable law* it shall not aect the validity orenforceability of the remainder of the terms of this +icense* and witho!t f!rther action by the )arties to thisagreement* s!ch )rovision shall be reformed to the minim!m extent necessary to mae s!ch )rovision valid andenforceable&

d%  6o term or )rovision of this +icense shall be deemed waived and no breach consented to !nless s!ch waiver oconsent shall be in writing and signed by the )arty to be charged with s!ch waiver or consent&

e%  This +icense constit!tes the entire agreement between the )arties with res)ect to the Wor licensed here& Thereare no !nderstandings* agreements or re)resentations with res)ect to the Wor not s)eci,ed here& +icensor shall notbe bo!nd by any additional )rovisions that may a))ear in any comm!nication from /o!& This +icense may not bemodi,ed witho!t the m!t!al written agreement of the +icensor and /o!&

f%  The rights granted !nder* and the s!b;ect matter referenced* in this +icense were drafted !tiliKing the terminologyof the Berne Convention for the Protection of +iterary and "rtistic Wors 0as amended on $e)tember 8* 7V9V1* theRome Convention of 7VU7* the WIP4 Co)yright Treaty of 7VVU* the WIP4 Performances and Phonograms Treaty of 7VVU

and the (niversal Co)yright Convention 0as revised on >!ly :* 7V971& These rights and s!b;ect matter tae eect inthe relevant ;!risdiction in which the +icense terms are so!ght to be enforced according to the corres)onding)rovisions of the im)lementation of those treaty )rovisions in the a))licable national law& If the standard s!ite of rightsgranted !nder a))licable co)yright law incl!des additional rights not granted !nder this +icense* s!ch additional rightsare deemed to be incl!ded in the +icense this +icense is not intended to restrict the license of any rights !ndera))licable law&

Attribution$5onCommercialCC B&$5C


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 This license lets others remix* twea* and b!ild !)on yo!r wor non#commercially* and altho!gh their new wors m!stalso acnowledge yo! and be non#commercial* they dont have to license their derivative wors on the same terms&

 /o! are free.

• to $hare # to co)y* distrib!te and transmit the wor&

• to Remix # to ada)t the wor&

(nder the following conditions.

• "ttrib!tion # /o! m!st attrib!te the wor in the manner s)eci,ed by the a!thor or licensor 0b!t not in any waythat s!ggests that they endorse yo! or yo!r !se of the wor1&

• 6oncommercial # /o! may not !se this wor for commercial )!r)oses&

With the !nderstanding that.

• Waiver # "ny of the above conditions can be waived if yo! get )ermission from the co)yright holder&

• P!blic Domain # Where the wor or any of its elements is in the )!blic domain !nder a))licable law*that stat!s is in no way aected by the license&

• 4ther Rights # In no way are any of the following rights aected by the license.

# /o!r fair dealing or fair !se rights* or other a))licable co)yright exce)tions and limitations

# The a!thors moral rights

# Rights other )ersons may have either in the wor itself or in how the wor is !sed* s!ch as )!blicity or  )rivacy rights&

6otice # 2or any re!se or distrib!tion* yo! m!st mae clear to others the license terms of this wor&

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 T=E W4RF 0"$ DE2I6ED BE+4W1 I$ PR4IDED (6DER T=E TER<$ 42 T=I$ CRE"TIE C4<<46$ P(B+IC +ICE6$E0MCCP+M 4R M+ICE6$EM1& T=E W4RF I$ PR4TECTED B/ C4P/RIG=T "6D34R 4T=ER "PP+IC"B+E +"W& "6/ ($E 42 T=EW4RF 4T=ER T="6 "$ "(T=4RIQED (6DER T=I$ +ICE6$E 4R C4P/RIG=T +"W I$ PR4=IBITED&

B/ EERCI$I6G "6/ RIG=T$ T4 T=E W4RF PR4IDED =ERE* /4( "CCEPT "6D "GREE T4 BE B4(6D B/ T=E TER<$ 42 T=I$ +ICE6$E& T4 T=E ETE6T T=I$ +ICE6$E <"/ BE C46$IDERED T4 BE " C46TR"CT* T=E +ICE6$4R GR"6T$ /4( T=E RIG=T$ C46T"I6ED =ERE I6 C46$IDER"TI46 42 /4(R "CCEPT"6CE 42 $(C= TER<$ "6D C46DITI46$&

'% De(nitions 

a%  M"da)tationM means a wor based !)on the Wor* or !)on the Wor and other )re#existing wors* s!ch as atranslation* ada)tation* derivative wor* arrangement of m!sic or other alterations of a literary or artistic wor* or)honogram or )erformance and incl!des cinematogra)hic ada)tations or any other form in which the Wor may berecast* transformed* or ada)ted incl!ding in any form recogniKably derived from the original* exce)t that a wor thatconstit!tes a Collection will not be considered an "da)tation for the )!r)ose of this +icense& 2or the avoidance ofdo!bt* where the Wor is a m!sical wor* )erformance or )honogram* the synchroniKation of the Wor in timed#relation with a moving image 0MsynchingM1 will be considered an "da)tation for the )!r)ose of this +icense&

b%  MCollectionM means a collection of literary or artistic wors* s!ch as encyclo)edias and anthologies* or)erformances* )honograms or broadcasts* or other wors or s!b;ect matter other than wors listed in $ection 70f1below* which* by reason of the selection and arrangement of their contents* constit!te intellect!al creations* in whichthe Wor is incl!ded in its entirety in !nmodi,ed form along with one or more other contrib!tions* each constit!tingse)arate and inde)endent wors in themselves* which together are assembled into a collective whole& " wor that

constit!tes a Collection will not be considered an "da)tation 0as de,ned above1 for the )!r)oses of this +icense&

c%  MDistrib!teM means to mae available to the )!blic the original and co)ies of the Wor or "da)tation* asa))ro)riate* thro!gh sale or other transfer of ownershi)&

d%  M+icensorM means the individ!al* individ!als* entity or entities that oer0s1 the Wor !nder the terms of this +icense

e%  M4riginal "!thorM means* in the case of a literary or artistic wor* the individ!al* individ!als* entity or entities whocreated the Wor or if no individ!al or entity can be identi,ed* the )!blisher and in addition 0i1 in the case of a)erformance the actors* singers* m!sicians* dancers* and other )ersons who act* sing* deliver* declaim* )lay in*inter)ret or otherwise )erform literary or artistic wors or ex)ressions of follore 0ii1 in the case of a )honogram the)rod!cer being the )erson or legal entity who ,rst ,xes the so!nds of a )erformance or other so!nds and* 0iii1 in thecase of broadcasts* the organiKation that transmits the broadcast&

f%  MWorM means the literary and3or artistic wor oered !nder the terms of this +icense incl!ding witho!t limitation

any )rod!ction in the literary* scienti,c and artistic domain* whatever may be the mode or form of its ex)ressionincl!ding digital form* s!ch as a boo* )am)hlet and other writing a lect!re* address* sermon or other wor of thesame nat!re a dramatic or dramatico#m!sical wor a choreogra)hic wor or entertainment in d!mb show a m!sicalcom)osition with or witho!t words a cinematogra)hic wor to which are assimilated wors ex)ressed by a )rocessanalogo!s to cinematogra)hy a wor of drawing* )ainting* architect!re* sc!l)t!re* engraving or lithogra)hy a)hotogra)hic wor to which are assimilated wors ex)ressed by a )rocess analogo!s to )hotogra)hy a wor ofa))lied art an ill!stration* ma)* )lan* setch or three#dimensional wor relative to geogra)hy* to)ogra)hyarchitect!re or science a )erformance a broadcast a )honogram a com)ilation of data to the extent it is )rotectedas a co)yrightable wor or a wor )erformed by a variety or circ!s )erformer to the extent it is not otherwiseconsidered a literary or artistic wor&

g%  M/o!M means an individ!al or entity exercising rights !nder this +icense who has not )revio!sly violated the termsof this +icense with res)ect to the Wor* or who has received ex)ress )ermission from the +icensor to exercise rights!nder this +icense des)ite a )revio!s violation&

h%  MP!blicly PerformM means to )erform )!blic recitations of the Wor and to comm!nicate to the )!blic those )!blicrecitations* by any means or )rocess* incl!ding by wire or wireless means or )!blic digital )erformances to maeavailable to the )!blic Wors in s!ch a way that members of the )!blic may access these Wors from a )lace and at a)lace individ!ally chosen by them to )erform the Wor to the )!blic by any means or )rocess and the comm!nicationto the )!blic of the )erformances of the Wor* incl!ding by )!blic digital )erformance to broadcast and rebroadcastthe Wor by any means incl!ding signs* so!nds or images&

i%  MRe)rod!ceM means to mae co)ies of the Wor by any means incl!ding witho!t limitation by so!nd or vis!arecordings and the right of ,xation and re)rod!cing ,xations of the Wor* incl!ding storage of a )rotected)erformance or )honogram in digital form or other electronic medi!m&

)% Fair Dealing *ights% 6othing in this +icense is intended to red!ce* limit* or restrict any !ses free from co)yright orrights arising from limitations or exce)tions that are )rovided for in connection with the co)yright )rotection !nder

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co)yright law or other a))licable laws&

+% License ,rant% $!b;ect to the terms and conditions of this +icense* +icensor hereby grants /o! a worldwide*royalty#free* non#excl!sive* )er)et!al 0for the d!ration of the a))licable co)yright1 license to exercise the rights in theWor as stated below.

a%  to Re)rod!ce the Wor* to incor)orate the Wor into one or more Collections* and to Re)rod!ce the Wor asincor)orated in the Collections

b%  to create and Re)rod!ce "da)tations )rovided that any s!ch "da)tation* incl!ding any translation in any medi!mtaes reasonable ste)s to clearly label* demarcate or otherwise identify that changes were made to the original Wor&2or exam)le* a translation co!ld be mared MThe original wor was translated from English to $)anish*M or amodi,cation co!ld indicate MThe original wor has been modi,ed&M

c%  to Distrib!te and P!blicly Perform the Wor incl!ding as incor)orated in Collections and*

d%  to Distrib!te and P!blicly Perform "da)tations&

 The above rights may be exercised in all media and formats whether now nown or hereafter devised& The aboverights incl!de the right to mae s!ch modi,cations as are technically necessary to exercise the rights in other mediaand formats& $!b;ect to $ection 80f1* all rights not ex)ressly granted by +icensor are hereby reserved* incl!ding b!t notlimited to the rights set forth in $ection :0d1&

-% *estrictions% The license granted in $ection % above is ex)ressly made s!b;ect to and limited by the followingrestrictions.

a%  /o! may Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform the Wor only !nder the terms of this +icense& /o! m!st incl!de a co)y of* orthe (niform Reso!rce Identi,er 0(RI1 for* this +icense with every co)y of the Wor /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform& /o! may not oer or im)ose any terms on the Wor that restrict the terms of this +icense or the ability of the reci)ientof the Wor to exercise the rights granted to that reci)ient !nder the terms of the +icense& /o! may not s!blicense theWor& /o! m!st ee) intact all notices that refer to this +icense and to the disclaimer of warranties with every co)y ofthe Wor /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform& When /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform the Wor* /o! may not im)ose anyeective technological meas!res on the Wor that restrict the ability of a reci)ient of the Wor from /o! to exercise therights granted to that reci)ient !nder the terms of the +icense& This $ection :0a1 a))lies to the Wor as incor)orated ina Collection* b!t this does not re-!ire the Collection a)art from the Wor itself to be made s!b;ect to the terms of this+icense& If /o! create a Collection* !)on notice from any +icensor /o! m!st* to the extent )racticable* remove from theCollection any credit as re-!ired by $ection :0c1* as re-!ested& If /o! create an "da)tation* !)on notice from any+icensor /o! m!st* to the extent )racticable* remove from the "da)tation any credit as re-!ired by $ection :0c1* asre-!ested&

b%  /o! may not exercise any of the rights granted to /o! in $ection % above in any manner that is )rimarily intendedfor or directed toward commercial advantage or )rivate monetary com)ensation& The exchange of the Wor for otherco)yrighted wors by means of digital ,le#sharing or otherwise shall not be considered to be intended for or directedtoward commercial advantage or )rivate monetary com)ensation* )rovided there is no )ayment of any monetarycom)ensation in connection with the exchange of co)yrighted wors&

c%  If /o! Distrib!te* or P!blicly Perform the Wor or any "da)tations or Collections* /o! m!st* !nless a re-!est hasbeen made )!rs!ant to $ection :0a1* ee) intact all co)yright notices for the Wor and )rovide* reasonable to themedi!m or means /o! are !tiliKing. 0i1 the name of the 4riginal "!thor 0or )se!donym* if a))licable1 if s!))lied* and3orif the 4riginal "!thor and3or +icensor designate another )arty or )arties 0e&g&* a s)onsor instit!te* )!blishing entity ;o!rnal1 for attrib!tion 0M"ttrib!tion PartiesM1 in +icensors co)yright notice* terms of service or by other reasonablemeans* the name of s!ch )arty or )arties 0ii1 the title of the Wor if s!))lied 0iii1 to the extent reasonably )racticable*the (RI* if any* that +icensor s)eci,es to be associated with the Wor* !nless s!ch (RI does not refer to the co)yrightnotice or licensing information for the Wor and* 0iv1 consistent with $ection %0b1* in the case of an "da)tation* a

credit identifying the !se of the Wor in the "da)tation 0e&g&* M2rench translation of the Wor by 4riginal "!thor*M orM$creen)lay based on original Wor by 4riginal "!thorM1& The credit re-!ired by this $ection :0c1 may be im)lementedin any reasonable manner )rovided* however* that in the case of a "da)tation or Collection* at a minim!m s!ch creditwill a))ear* if a credit for all contrib!ting a!thors of the "da)tation or Collection a))ears* then as )art of these creditsand in a manner at least as )rominent as the credits for the other contrib!ting a!thors& 2or the avoidance of do!bt* /o!may only !se the credit re-!ired by this $ection for the )!r)ose of attrib!tion in the manner set o!t above and* byexercising /o!r rights !nder this +icense* /o! may not im)licitly or ex)licitly assert or im)ly any connection withs)onsorshi) or endorsement by the 4riginal "!thor* +icensor and3or "ttrib!tion Parties* as a))ro)riate* of /o! or /o!r!se of the Wor* witho!t the se)arate* ex)ress )rior written )ermission of the 4riginal "!thor* +icensor and3o"ttrib!tion Parties&

d%  2or the avoidance of do!bt.

i  6on#waivable Com)!lsory +icense $chemes& In those ;!risdictions in which the right to collect royalties thro!gh any

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stat!tory or com)!lsory licensing scheme cannot be waived* the +icensor reserves the excl!sive right to collect s!chroyalties for any exercise by /o! of the rights granted !nder this +icense

ii  Waivable Com)!lsory +icense $chemes& In those ;!risdictions in which the right to collect royalties thro!gh anystat!tory or com)!lsory licensing scheme can be waived* the +icensor reserves the excl!sive right to collect s!chroyalties for any exercise by /o! of the rights granted !nder this +icense if /o!r exercise of s!ch rights is for a )!r)oseor !se which is otherwise than noncommercial as )ermitted !nder $ection :0b1 and otherwise waives the right tocollect royalties thro!gh any stat!tory or com)!lsory licensing scheme and*

iii  ol!ntary +icense $chemes& The +icensor reserves the right to collect royalties* whether individ!ally or* in the eventthat the +icensor is a member of a collecting society that administers vol!ntary licensing schemes* via that societyfrom any exercise by /o! of the rights granted !nder this +icense that is for a )!r)ose or !se which is otherwise thannoncommercial as )ermitted !nder $ection :0c1&

e%  Exce)t as otherwise agreed in writing by the +icensor or as may be otherwise )ermitted by a))licable law* if /o!Re)rod!ce* Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform the Wor either by itself or as )art of any "da)tations or Collections* /o!m!st not distort* m!tilate* modify or tae other derogatory action in relation to the Wor which wo!ld be )re;!dicial tothe 4riginal "!thors honor or re)!tation& +icensor agrees that in those ;!risdictions 0e&g& >a)an1* in which any exerciseof the right granted in $ection %0b1 of this +icense 0the right to mae "da)tations1 wo!ld be deemed to be a distortion*m!tilation* modi,cation or other derogatory action )re;!dicial to the 4riginal "!thors honor and re)!tation* the+icensor will waive or not assert* as a))ro)riate* this $ection* to the f!llest extent )ermitted by the a))licable nationallaw* to enable /o! to reasonably exercise /o!r right !nder $ection %0b1 of this +icense 0right to mae "da)tations1 b!tnot otherwise&

.% *e!resentations/ 0arranties and Disclaimer 

(6+E$$ 4T=ERWI$E <(T("++/ "GREED T4 B/ T=E P"RTIE$ I6 WRITI6G* +ICE6$4R 422ER$ T=E W4RF "$#I$ "6D<"FE$ 64 REPRE$E6T"TI46$ 4R W"RR"6TIE$ 42 "6/ FI6D C46CER6I6G T=E W4RF* EPRE$$* I<P+IED* $T"T(T4R/4R 4T=ERWI$E* I6C+(DI6G* WIT=4(T +I<IT"TI46* W"RR"6TIE$ 42 TIT+E* <ERC="6TIBI+IT/* 2IT6E$$ 24R "P"RTIC(+"R P(RP4$E* 646I62RI6GE<E6T* 4R T=E "B$E6CE 42 +"TE6T 4R 4T=ER DE2ECT$* "CC(R"C/* 4R T=EPRE$E6CE 42 "B$E6CE 42 ERR4R$* W=ET=ER 4R 64T DI$C4ER"B+E& $4<E >(RI$DICTI46$ D4 64T "++4W T=EEC+($I46 42 I<P+IED W"RR"6TIE$* $4 $(C= EC+($I46 <"/ 64T "PP+/ T4 /4(&

1% Limitation on Liabilit"& ECEPT T4 T=E ETE6T RES(IRED B/ "PP+IC"B+E +"W* I6 64 EE6T WI++ +ICE6$4R BE+I"B+E T4 /4( 46 "6/ +EG"+ T=E4R/ 24R "6/ $PECI"+* I6CIDE6T"+* C46$ES(E6TI"+* P(6ITIE 4R EE<P+"R/D"<"GE$ "RI$I6G 4(T 42 T=I$ +ICE6$E 4R T=E ($E 42 T=E W4RF* EE6 I2 +ICE6$4R ="$ BEE6 "DI$ED 42 T=EP4$$IBI+IT/ 42 $(C= D"<"GE$&

2% Termination 

a%  This +icense and the rights granted here!nder will terminate a!tomatically !)on any breach by /o! of the terms ofthis +icense& Individ!als or entities who have received "da)tations or Collections from /o! !nder this +icense* howeverwill not have their licenses terminated )rovided s!ch individ!als or entities remain in f!ll com)liance with thoselicenses& $ections 7* * * U* 9* and 8 will s!rvive any termination of this +icense&

b%  $!b;ect to the above terms and conditions* the license granted here is )er)et!al 0for the d!ration of the a))licableco)yright in the Wor1& 6otwithstanding the above* +icensor reserves the right to release the Wor !nder dierentlicense terms or to sto) distrib!ting the Wor at any time )rovided* however that any s!ch election will not serve towithdraw this +icense 0or any other license that has been* or is re-!ired to be* granted !nder the terms of this+icense1* and this +icense will contin!e in f!ll force and eect !nless terminated as stated above&

3% 4iscellaneous 

a%  Each time /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform the Wor or a Collection* the +icensor oers to the reci)ient a license

to the Wor on the same terms and conditions as the license granted to /o! !nder this +icense&

b%  Each time /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform an "da)tation* +icensor oers to the reci)ient a license to the originaWor on the same terms and conditions as the license granted to /o! !nder this +icense&

c%  If any )rovision of this +icense is invalid or !nenforceable !nder a))licable law* it shall not aect the validity orenforceability of the remainder of the terms of this +icense* and witho!t f!rther action by the )arties to thisagreement* s!ch )rovision shall be reformed to the minim!m extent necessary to mae s!ch )rovision valid andenforceable&d%  6o term or )rovision of this +icense shall be deemed waived and no breach consented to !nless s!ch waiver oconsent shall be in writing and signed by the )arty to be charged with s!ch waiver or consent&

e%  This +icense constit!tes the entire agreement between the )arties with res)ect to the Wor licensed here& Thereare no !nderstandings* agreements or re)resentations with res)ect to the Wor not s)eci,ed here& +icensor shall not

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be bo!nd by any additional )rovisions that may a))ear in any comm!nication from /o!& This +icense may not bemodi,ed witho!t the m!t!al written agreement of the +icensor and /o!&

f%  The rights granted !nder* and the s!b;ect matter referenced* in this +icense were drafted !tiliKing the terminologyof the Berne Convention for the Protection of +iterary and "rtistic Wors 0as amended on $e)tember 8* 7V9V1* theRome Convention of 7VU7* the WIP4 Co)yright Treaty of 7VVU* the WIP4 Performances and Phonograms Treaty of 7VVUand the (niversal Co)yright Convention 0as revised on >!ly :* 7V971& These rights and s!b;ect matter tae eect inthe relevant ;!risdiction in which the +icense terms are so!ght to be enforced according to the corres)onding)rovisions of the im)lementation of those treaty )rovisions in the a))licable national law& If the standard s!ite of rightsgranted !nder a))licable co)yright law incl!des additional rights not granted !nder this +icense* s!ch additional rightsare deemed to be incl!ded in the +icense this +icense is not intended to restrict the license of any rights !ndera))licable law&

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 This license is the most restrictive of o!r six main licenses* only allowing others to download yo!r wors and sharethem with others as long as they credit yo!* b!t they cant change them in any way or !se them commercially&

 /o! are free.

• to $hare # to co)y* distrib!te and transmit the wor&

(nder the following conditions.

• "ttrib!tion # /o! m!st attrib!te the wor in the manner s)eci,ed by the a!thor or licensor 0b!t not in anyway that s!ggests that they endorse yo! or yo!r !se of the wor1&

• 6oncommercial # /o! may not !se this wor for commercial )!r)oses&

• 6o Derivative Wors # /o! may not alter* transform* or b!ild !)on this wor&

With the !nderstanding that.

• Waiver # "ny of the above conditions can be waived if yo! get )ermission from the co)yright holder&

• P!blic Domain # Where the wor or any of its elements is in the )!blic domain !nder a))licable law* thatstat!s is in no way aected by the license&

• 4ther Rights # In no way are any of the following rights aected by the license.

# /o!r fair dealing or fair !se rights* or other a))licable co)yright exce)tions and limitations

# The a!thors moral rights

  # Rights other )ersons may have either in the wor itself or in how the wor is !sed* s!ch as )!blicity or  )rivacy rights&

6otice # 2or any re!se or distrib!tion* yo! m!st mae clear to others the license terms of this wor&

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 T=E W4RF 0"$ DE2I6ED BE+4W1 I$ PR4IDED (6DER T=E TER<$ 42 T=I$ CRE"TIE C4<<46$ P(B+IC +ICE6$E0MCCP+M 4R M+ICE6$EM1& T=E W4RF I$ PR4TECTED B/ C4P/RIG=T "6D34R 4T=ER "PP+IC"B+E +"W& "6/ ($E 42 T=EW4RF 4T=ER T="6 "$ "(T=4RIQED (6DER T=I$ +ICE6$E 4R C4P/RIG=T +"W I$ PR4=IBITED&

B/ EERCI$I6G "6/ RIG=T$ T4 T=E W4RF PR4IDED =ERE* /4( "CCEPT "6D "GREE T4 BE B4(6D B/ T=E TER<$ 42 T=I$ +ICE6$E& T4 T=E ETE6T T=I$ +ICE6$E <"/ BE C46$IDERED T4 BE " C46TR"CT* T=E +ICE6$4R GR"6T$ /4( T=E RIG=T$ C46T"I6ED =ERE I6 C46$IDER"TI46 42 /4(R "CCEPT"6CE 42 $(C= TER<$ "6D C46DITI46$&

'% De(nitions 

a%  M"da)tationM means a wor based !)on the Wor* or !)on the Wor and other )re#existing wors* s!ch as atranslation* ada)tation* derivative wor* arrangement of m!sic or other alterations of a literary or artistic wor* or)honogram or )erformance and incl!des cinematogra)hic ada)tations or any other form in which the Wor may berecast* transformed* or ada)ted incl!ding in any form recogniKably derived from the original* exce)t that a wor thatconstit!tes a Collection will not be considered an "da)tation for the )!r)ose of this +icense& 2or the avoidance ofdo!bt* where the Wor is a m!sical wor* )erformance or )honogram* the synchroniKation of the Wor in timed#relation with a moving image 0MsynchingM1 will be considered an "da)tation for the )!r)ose of this +icense&

b%  MCollectionM means a collection of literary or artistic wors* s!ch as encyclo)edias and anthologies* or)erformances* )honograms or broadcasts* or other wors or s!b;ect matter other than wors listed in $ection 70f1below* which* by reason of the selection and arrangement of their contents* constit!te intellect!al creations* in whichthe Wor is incl!ded in its entirety in !nmodi,ed form along with one or more other contrib!tions* each constit!tingse)arate and inde)endent wors in themselves* which together are assembled into a collective whole& " wor thatconstit!tes a Collection will not be considered an "da)tation 0as de,ned above1 for the )!r)oses of this +icense&

c%  MDistrib!teM means to mae available to the )!blic the original and co)ies of the Wor thro!gh sale or other transfeof ownershi)&

d%  M+icensorM means the individ!al* individ!als* entity or entities that oer0s1 the Wor !nder the terms of this +icense

e%  M4riginal "!thorM means* in the case of a literary or artistic wor* the individ!al* individ!als* entity or entities whocreated the Wor or if no individ!al or entity can be identi,ed* the )!blisher and in addition 0i1 in the case of a)erformance the actors* singers* m!sicians* dancers* and other )ersons who act* sing* deliver* declaim* )lay in*inter)ret or otherwise )erform literary or artistic wors or ex)ressions of follore 0ii1 in the case of a )honogram the)rod!cer being the )erson or legal entity who ,rst ,xes the so!nds of a )erformance or other so!nds and* 0iii1 in thecase of broadcasts* the organiKation that transmits the broadcast&

f%  MWorM means the literary and3or artistic wor oered !nder the terms of this +icense incl!ding witho!t limitationany )rod!ction in the literary* scienti,c and artistic domain* whatever may be the mode or form of its ex)ression

incl!ding digital form* s!ch as a boo* )am)hlet and other writing a lect!re* address* sermon or other wor of thesame nat!re a dramatic or dramatico#m!sical wor a choreogra)hic wor or entertainment in d!mb show a m!sicalcom)osition with or witho!t words a cinematogra)hic wor to which are assimilated wors ex)ressed by a )rocessanalogo!s to cinematogra)hy a wor of drawing* )ainting* architect!re* sc!l)t!re* engraving or lithogra)hy a)hotogra)hic wor to which are assimilated wors ex)ressed by a )rocess analogo!s to )hotogra)hy a wor ofa))lied art an ill!stration* ma)* )lan* setch or three#dimensional wor relative to geogra)hy* to)ogra)hyarchitect!re or science a )erformance a broadcast a )honogram a com)ilation of data to the extent it is )rotectedas a co)yrightable wor or a wor )erformed by a variety or circ!s )erformer to the extent it is not otherwiseconsidered a literary or artistic wor&

g%  M/o!M means an individ!al or entity exercising rights !nder this +icense who has not )revio!sly violated the termsof this +icense with res)ect to the Wor* or who has received ex)ress )ermission from the +icensor to exercise rights!nder this +icense des)ite a )revio!s violation&

h%  MP!blicly PerformM means to )erform )!blic recitations of the Wor and to comm!nicate to the )!blic those )!blicrecitations* by any means or )rocess* incl!ding by wire or wireless means or )!blic digital )erformances to maeavailable to the )!blic Wors in s!ch a way that members of the )!blic may access these Wors from a )lace and at a)lace individ!ally chosen by them to )erform the Wor to the )!blic by any means or )rocess and the comm!nicationto the )!blic of the )erformances of the Wor* incl!ding by )!blic digital )erformance to broadcast and rebroadcastthe Wor by any means incl!ding signs* so!nds or images&

i%  MRe)rod!ceM means to mae co)ies of the Wor by any means incl!ding witho!t limitation by so!nd or vis!arecordings and the right of ,xation and re)rod!cing ,xations of the Wor* incl!ding storage of a )rotected)erformance or )honogram in digital form or other electronic medi!m&

)% Fair Dealing *ights% 6othing in this +icense is intended to red!ce* limit* or restrict any !ses free from co)yright orrights arising from limitations or exce)tions that are )rovided for in connection with the co)yright )rotection !nderco)yright law or other a))licable laws&

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+% License ,rant& $!b;ect to the terms and conditions of this +icense* +icensor hereby grants /o! a worldwide*royalty#free* non#excl!sive* )er)et!al 0for the d!ration of the a))licable co)yright1 license to exercise the rights in theWor as stated below.

a%  to Re)rod!ce the Wor* to incor)orate the Wor into one or more Collections* and to Re)rod!ce the Wor asincor)orated in the Collections and*

b%  to Distrib!te and P!blicly Perform the Wor incl!ding as incor)orated in Collections&

 The above rights may be exercised in all media and formats whether now nown or hereafter devised& The aboverights incl!de the right to mae s!ch modi,cations as are technically necessary to exercise the rights in other mediaand formats* b!t otherwise yo! have no rights to mae "da)tations& $!b;ect to 80f1* all rights not ex)ressly granted by+icensor are hereby reserved* incl!ding b!t not limited to the rights set forth in $ection :0d1&

-% *estrictions% The license granted in $ection % above is ex)ressly made s!b;ect to and limited by the followingrestrictions.

a%  /o! may Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform the Wor only !nder the terms of this +icense& /o! m!st incl!de a co)y of* orthe (niform Reso!rce Identi,er 0(RI1 for* this +icense with every co)y of the Wor /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform& /o! may not oer or im)ose any terms on the Wor that restrict the terms of this +icense or the ability of the reci)ientof the Wor to exercise the rights granted to that reci)ient !nder the terms of the +icense& /o! may not s!blicense theWor& /o! m!st ee) intact all notices that refer to this +icense and to the disclaimer of warranties with every co)y ofthe Wor /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform& When /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform the Wor* /o! may not im)ose anyeective technological meas!res on the Wor that restrict the ability of a reci)ient of the Wor from /o! to exercise the

rights granted to that reci)ient !nder the terms of the +icense& This $ection :0a1 a))lies to the Wor as incor)orated ina Collection* b!t this does not re-!ire the Collection a)art from the Wor itself to be made s!b;ect to the terms of this+icense& If /o! create a Collection* !)on notice from any +icensor /o! m!st* to the extent )racticable* remove from theCollection any credit as re-!ired by $ection :0c1* as re-!ested&

b%  /o! may not exercise any of the rights granted to /o! in $ection % above in any manner that is )rimarily intendedfor or directed toward commercial advantage or )rivate monetary com)ensation& The exchange of the Wor for otherco)yrighted wors by means of digital ,le#sharing or otherwise shall not be considered to be intended for or directedtoward commercial advantage or )rivate monetary com)ensation* )rovided there is no )ayment of any monetarycom)ensation in connection with the exchange of co)yrighted wors&

c%  If /o! Distrib!te* or P!blicly Perform the Wor or Collections* /o! m!st* !nless a re-!est has been made )!rs!ant to$ection :0a1* ee) intact all co)yright notices for the Wor and )rovide* reasonable to the medi!m or means /o! are!tiliKing. 0i1 the name of the 4riginal "!thor 0or )se!donym* if a))licable1 if s!))lied* and3or if the 4riginal "!thorand3or +icensor designate another )arty or )arties 0e&g&* a s)onsor instit!te* )!blishing entity* ;o!rnal1 for attrib!tion

0M"ttrib!tion PartiesM1 in +icensors co)yright notice* terms of service or by other reasonable means* the name of s!ch)arty or )arties 0ii1 the title of the Wor if s!))lied 0iii1 to the extent reasonably )racticable* the (RI* if any* that+icensor s)eci,es to be associated with the Wor* !nless s!ch (RI does not refer to the co)yright notice or licensinginformation for the Wor& The credit re-!ired by this $ection :0c1 may be im)lemented in any reasonable manner)rovided* however* that in the case of a Collection* at a minim!m s!ch credit will a))ear* if a credit for all contrib!tinga!thors of Collection a))ears* then as )art of these credits and in a manner at least as )rominent as the credits for theother contrib!ting a!thors& 2or the avoidance of do!bt* /o! may only !se the credit re-!ired by this $ection for the)!r)ose of attrib!tion in the manner set o!t above and* by exercising /o!r rights !nder this +icense* /o! may notim)licitly or ex)licitly assert or im)ly any connection with* s)onsorshi) or endorsement by the 4riginal "!thor+icensor and3or "ttrib!tion Parties* as a))ro)riate* of /o! or /o!r !se of the Wor* witho!t the se)arate* ex)ress )riorwritten )ermission of the 4riginal "!thor* +icensor and3or "ttrib!tion Parties&

d%  2or the avoidance of do!bt.

i  6on#waivable Com)!lsory +icense $chemes& In those ;!risdictions in which the right to collect royalties thro!gh anystat!tory or com)!lsory licensing scheme cannot be waived* the +icensor reserves the excl!sive right to collect s!chroyalties for any exercise by /o! of the rights granted !nder this +icense

ii  Waivable Com)!lsory +icense $chemes& In those ;!risdictions in which the right to collect royalties thro!gh anystat!tory or com)!lsory licensing scheme can be waived* the +icensor reserves the excl!sive right to collect s!chroyalties for any exercise by /o! of the rights granted !nder this +icense if /o!r exercise of s!ch rights is for a )!r)oseor !se which is otherwise than noncommercial as )ermitted !nder $ection :0b1 and otherwise waives the right tocollect royalties thro!gh any stat!tory or com)!lsory licensing scheme and*

iii  ol!ntary +icense $chemes& The +icensor reserves the right to collect royalties* whether individ!ally or* in the eventthat the +icensor is a member of a collecting society that administers vol!ntary licensing schemes* via that societyfrom any exercise by /o! of the rights granted !nder this +icense that is for a )!r)ose or !se which is otherwise thannoncommercial as )ermitted !nder $ection :0b1&

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e%  Exce)t as otherwise agreed in writing by the +icensor or as may be otherwise )ermitted by a))licable law* if /o!Re)rod!ce* Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform the Wor either by itself or as )art of any Collections* /o! m!st not distortm!tilate* modify or tae other derogatory action in relation to the Wor which wo!ld be )re;!dicial to the 4rigina"!thors honor or re)!tation&

.% *e!resentations/ 0arranties and Disclaimer 

(6+E$$ 4T=ERWI$E <(T("++/ "GREED B/ T=E P"RTIE$ I6 WRITI6G* +ICE6$4R 422ER$ T=E W4RF "$#I$ "6D <"FE$64 REPRE$E6T"TI46$ 4R W"RR"6TIE$ 42 "6/ FI6D C46CER6I6G T=E W4RF* EPRE$$* I<P+IED* $T"T(T4R/ 4R4T=ERWI$E* I6C+(DI6G* WIT=4(T +I<IT"TI46* W"RR"6TIE$ 42 TIT+E* <ERC="6TIBI+IT/* 2IT6E$$ 24R " P"RTIC(+"RP(RP4$E* 646I62RI6GE<E6T* 4R T=E "B$E6CE 42 +"TE6T 4R 4T=ER DE2ECT$* "CC(R"C/* 4R T=E PRE$E6CE 42"B$E6CE 42 ERR4R$* W=ET=ER 4R 64T DI$C4ER"B+E& $4<E >(RI$DICTI46$ D4 64T "++4W T=E EC+($I46 42I<P+IED W"RR"6TIE$* $4 $(C= EC+($I46 <"/ 64T "PP+/ T4 /4(&

1% Limitation on Liabilit"% ECEPT T4 T=E ETE6T RES(IRED B/ "PP+IC"B+E +"W* I6 64 EE6T WI++ +ICE6$4R BE+I"B+E T4 /4( 46 "6/ +EG"+ T=E4R/ 24R "6/ $PECI"+* I6CIDE6T"+* C46$ES(E6TI"+* P(6ITIE 4R EE<P+"R/D"<"GE$ "RI$I6G 4(T 42 T=I$ +ICE6$E 4R T=E ($E 42 T=E W4RF* EE6 I2 +ICE6$4R ="$ BEE6 "DI$ED 42 T=EP4$$IBI+IT/ 42 $(C= D"<"GE$&

2% Termination 

a%  This +icense and the rights granted here!nder will terminate a!tomatically !)on any breach by /o! of the terms ofthis +icense& Individ!als or entities who have received Collections from /o! !nder this +icense* however* will not havetheir licenses terminated )rovided s!ch individ!als or entities remain in f!ll com)liance with those licenses& $ections 7*

* * U* 9* and 8 will s!rvive any termination of this +icense&

b%  $!b;ect to the above terms and conditions* the license granted here is )er)et!al 0for the d!ration of the a))licableco)yright in the Wor1& 6otwithstanding the above* +icensor reserves the right to release the Wor !nder dierentlicense terms or to sto) distrib!ting the Wor at any time )rovided* however that any s!ch election will not serve towithdraw this +icense 0or any other license that has been* or is re-!ired to be* granted !nder the terms of this+icense1* and this +icense will contin!e in f!ll force and eect !nless terminated as stated above&

3% 4iscellaneous 

a%  Each time /o! Distrib!te or P!blicly Perform the Wor or a Collection* the +icensor oers to the reci)ient a licenseto the Wor on the same terms and conditions as the license granted to /o! !nder this +icense&

b%  If any )rovision of this +icense is invalid or !nenforceable !nder a))licable law* it shall not aect the validity orenforceability of the remainder of the terms of this +icense* and witho!t f!rther action by the )arties to this

agreement* s!ch )rovision shall be reformed to the minim!m extent necessary to mae s!ch )rovision valid andenforceable&

c%  6o term or )rovision of this +icense shall be deemed waived and no breach consented to !nless s!ch waiver orconsent shall be in writing and signed by the )arty to be charged with s!ch waiver or consent&

d%  This +icense constit!tes the entire agreement between the )arties with res)ect to the Wor licensed here& Thereare no !nderstandings* agreements or re)resentations with res)ect to the Wor not s)eci,ed here& +icensor shall notbe bo!nd by any additional )rovisions that may a))ear in any comm!nication from /o!& This +icense may not bemodi,ed witho!t the m!t!al written agreement of the +icensor and /o!&

e%  The rights granted !nder* and the s!b;ect matter referenced* in this +icense were drafted !tiliKing the terminologyof the Berne Convention for the Protection of +iterary and "rtistic Wors 0as amended on $e)tember 8* 7V9V1* theRome Convention of 7VU7* the WIP4 Co)yright Treaty of 7VVU* the WIP4 Performances and Phonograms Treaty of 7VVU

and the (niversal Co)yright Convention 0as revised on >!ly :* 7V971& These rights and s!b;ect matter tae eect inthe relevant ;!risdiction in which the +icense terms are so!ght to be enforced according to the corres)onding)rovisions of the im)lementation of those treaty )rovisions in the a))licable national law& If the standard s!ite of rightsgranted !nder a))licable co)yright law incl!des additional rights not granted !nder this +icense* s!ch additional rightsare deemed to be incl!ded in the +icense this +icense is not intended to restrict the license of any rights !ndera))licable law&