Introduction to Capital Adequacy Norms

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  • 8/3/2019 Introduction to Capital Adequacy Norms


    Introduction to Capital Adequacy Norms

    Along with profitability and safety, banks also give importance to Solvency. Solvency refers to

    the situation where assets are equal to or more than liabilities. A bank should select its assets in

    such a way that the shareholders and depositors' interest are protected.

    Image Credits light_breeze2010.

    1. Prudential Norms

    The norms which are to be followed while investing funds are called "Prudential Norms." They

    are formulated to protect the interests of the shareholders and depositors. Prudential Norms are

    generally prescribed and implemented by the central bank of the country. Commercial Banks

    have to follow these norms to protect the interests of the customers.

    For international banks, prudential norms were prescribed by the Bank for International

    Settlements popularly known as BIS. The BIS appointed a Basle Committee on Banking

    Supervision in 1988.
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    2. Basel Committee

    Basel committee appointed by BIS formulated rules and regulation for effective supervision of

    the central banks. For this it, also prescribed international norms to be followed by the central

    banks. This committee prescribed Capital Adequacy Norms in order to protect the interests of

    the customers.

    3. Definition of Capital Adequacy Ratio

    Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) is defined as the ratio of bank's capital to its risk assets. Capital

    Adequacy Ratio (CAR) is also known as Capital to Risk (Weighted) Assets Ratio (CRAR).

    India and Capital Adequacy Norms

    The Government of India (GOI) appointed the Narasimham Committee in 1991 to suggest

    reforms in the financial sector. In the year 1992-93 the Narasimhan Committee submitted its first

    report and recommended that all the banks are required to have a minimum capital of 8% to the

    risk weighted assets of the banks. The ratio is known as Capital to Risk Assets Ratio (CRAR).

    All the 27 Public Sector Banks in India (except UCO and Indian Bank) had achieved the Capital

    Adequacy Norm of 8% by March 1997.

    The Second Report of Narasimham Committee was submitted in the year 1998-99. It

    recommended that the CRAR to be raised to 10% in a phased manner. It recommended an

    intermediate minimum target of 9% to be achieved by the year 2000 and 10% by 2002.

    Concepts of Capital Adequacy Norms
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    Capital Adequacy Norms included different Concepts, explained as follows :-

    1. Tier-I Capital

    Capital which is first readily available to protect the unexpected losses is called as Tier-I Capital.

    It is also termed as Core Capital.

    Tier-I Capital consists of :-

    1. Paid-Up Capital.

    2. Statutory Reserves.

    3. Other Disclosed Free Reserves : Reserves which are not kept side for meeting any

    specific liability.

    4. Capital Reserves : Surplus generated from sale of Capital Assets.

    2. Tier-II Capital

    Capital which is second readily available to protect the unexpected losses is called as Tier-II


    Tier-II Capital consists of :-
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    1. Undisclosed Reserves and Paid-Up Capital Perpetual Preference Shares.

    2. Revaluation Reserves (at discount of 55%).

    3. Hybrid (Debt / Equity) Capital.

    4. Subordinated Debt.

    5. General Provisions and Loss Reserves.

    There is an important condition that Tier II Capital cannot exceed 50% of Tier-I Capital for

    arriving at the prescribed Capital Adequacy Ratio.

    3. Risk Weighted Assets

    Capital Adequacy Ratio is calculated based on the assets of the bank. The values of bank's

    assets are not taken according to the book value but according to the risk factor involved. The

    value of each asset is assigned with a risk factor in percentage terms.

    Suppose CRAR at 10% on Rs. 150 crores is to be maintained. This means the bank is expected

    to have a minimum capital of Rs. 15 crores which consists of Tier I and Tier II Capital items

    subject to a condition that Tier II value does not exceed 50% of Tier I Capital. Suppose the total

    value of items under Tier I Capital is Rs. 5 crores and total value of items under Tier II capital is

    Rs. 10 crores, the bank will not have requisite CRAR of Rs. 15 Crores. This is because a

    maximum of only Rs. 2.5 Crores under Tier II will be eligible for computation.

    4. Subordinated Debt
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    These are bonds issued by banks for raising Tier II Capital.

    They are as follows :-

    1. They should be fully paid up instruments.2. They should be unsecured debt.

    3. They should be subordinated to the claims of other creditors. This means that the bank's

    holder's claims for their money will be paid at last in order of preference as compared with

    the claims of other creditors of the bank.

    4. The bonds should not be redeemable at the option of the holders. This means the

    repayment of bond value will be decided only by the issuing bank.

    Capital Adequacy RatioThe Committee on Banking Regulations and SupervisoryPractices (Basel Committee) had released the guidelines oncapital measures and capital standards in July 1988 which werebeen accepted by Central Banks in various countries includingRBI. In India it has been implemented by RBI w.e.f. 1.4.92

    Objectives of CAR : The fundamental objective behind thenorms is to strengthen the soundness and stability of thebanking system.

    Capital Adequacy Ratio or CAR or CRAR : It is ratio of capitalfund to risk weighted assets expressed in percentage terms i.e.

    Minimum requirements of capital fund in India:* Existing Banks 09 %* New Private Sector Banks 10 %* Banks undertaking Insurance business 10 %* Local Area Banks 15%

    Tier I Capital should at no point of time be less than 50% of thetotal capital. This implies that Tier II cannot be more than 50%of the total capital.

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    Capital fund

    Capital Fund has two tiers - Tier I capital include*paid-up capital*statutory reserves*other disclosed free reserves*capital reserves representing surplus arising out of saleproceeds of assets.Minus*equity investments in subsidiaries,*intangible assets, and*losses in the current period and those brought forward fromprevious periods

    to work out the Tier I capital.

    Tier II capital consists of:*Un-disclosed reserves and cumulative perpetual preferenceshares:*Revaluation Reserves (at a discount of 55 percent whiledetermining their value for inclusion in Tier II capital)*General Provisions and Loss Reserves upto a maximum of1.25% of weighted risk assets:*Investment fluctuation reserve not subject to 1.25% restriction*Hybrid debt capital Instruments (say bonds):*Subordinated debt (long term unsecured loans:

    Risk weighted assets - Fund Based : Risk weighted assetsmean fund based assets such as cash, loans, investments andother assets. Degrees of credit risk expressed as percentageweights have been assigned by RBI to each such assets.

    Non-funded (Off-Balance sheet) Items : The credit risk

    exposure attached to off-balance sheet items has to be firstcalculated by multiplying the face amount of each of the off-balance sheet items by the credit conversion factor. This willthen have to be again multiplied by the relevant weightage.

    Reporting requirements :Banks are also required to disclose in their balance sheet the

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    quantum of Tier I and Tier II capital fund, under disclosurenorms.An annual return has to be submitted by each bank indicatingcapital funds, conversion of off-balance sheet/non-fundedexposures, calculation of risk -weighted assets, and calculationsof capital to risk assets ratio,