Introduction to ab-initio lattice dynamics and vibrational...

Lattice dynamic of a solid: phonons Density functional perturbation theory Interatomic force constants Thermodynamics Introduction to ab-initio lattice dynamics and vibrational thermodynamics Andrea Dal Corso SISSA and DEMOCRITOS Trieste (Italy) Andrea Dal Corso Lattice dynamics

Transcript of Introduction to ab-initio lattice dynamics and vibrational...

Lattice dynamic of a solid: phononsDensity functional perturbation theory

Interatomic force constantsThermodynamics

Introduction to ab-initio lattice dynamics andvibrational thermodynamics

Andrea Dal Corso

SISSA and DEMOCRITOSTrieste (Italy)

Andrea Dal Corso Lattice dynamics

Lattice dynamic of a solid: phononsDensity functional perturbation theory

Interatomic force constantsThermodynamics

Outline1 Lattice dynamic of a solid: phonons

A solidEquations of motionThe phonon solution

2 Density functional perturbation theoryph.x

3 Interatomic force constantsq2r.xmatdyn.x

4 ThermodynamicsCanonical partition functionThermodynamic functions

Andrea Dal Corso Lattice dynamics

Lattice dynamic of a solid: phononsDensity functional perturbation theory

Interatomic force constantsThermodynamics

A solidEquations of motionThe phonon solution

Within the Born-Oppenheimer adiabatic approximation thenuclei move in a potential energy given by the total energy ofthe electron system calculated (for instance within DFT) at fixednuclei. We call

Etot(RI + uI)

this energy. The electrons are assumed to be in the groundstate for each nuclear configuration.If |uI | is small, we can expand Etot in a Taylor series withrespect to uI . Within the harmonic approximation:

Etot(RI+uI) = Etot(RI)+∑Iα







where the derivatives are calculated at uI = 0 and α and βindicate the three cartesian coordinates.

Andrea Dal Corso Lattice dynamics

Lattice dynamic of a solid: phononsDensity functional perturbation theory

Interatomic force constantsThermodynamics

A solidEquations of motionThe phonon solution

Equations of motionAt equilibrium ∂Etot

∂uIα= 0, so the Hamiltonian of the ions


H =∑Iα







where PI are the momenta of the nuclei and MI their masses.The classical motion of the nuclei is given by the N × 3× Natfunctions uIα(t). These functions are the solutions of theHamilton equations:

uIα =∂H∂PIα

PIα = − ∂H∂uIα

Andrea Dal Corso Lattice dynamics

Lattice dynamic of a solid: phononsDensity functional perturbation theory

Interatomic force constantsThermodynamics

A solidEquations of motionThe phonon solution

Equations of motion-II

With our Hamiltonian:

uIα =PIα


PIα = −∑Jβ




MIuIα = −∑Jβ



Andrea Dal Corso Lattice dynamics

Lattice dynamic of a solid: phononsDensity functional perturbation theory

Interatomic force constantsThermodynamics

A solidEquations of motionThe phonon solution

The phonon solution

We can search the solution in the form of a phonon. Let’sintroduce a vector q in the first Brillouin zone. For each q wecan write:

uµsα(t) =1√Ms


]where the time dependence is given by simple phase factorse±iωqt and the displacement of the atoms in each cell identifiedby the Bravais lattice Rµ can be obtained from thedisplacements of the atoms in one unit cell, for instance the onethat corresponds to Rµ = 0: 1√


Andrea Dal Corso Lattice dynamics

Lattice dynamic of a solid: phononsDensity functional perturbation theory

Interatomic force constantsThermodynamics

A solidEquations of motionThe phonon solution

Characteristic of a phonon in one dimension - IA phonon at q = 0 has the same displacements in all unit cells:

A zone border phonon with qZB = πa = G/2, where G = 2π

a is areciprocal lattice vector, has displacements which repeat everytwo unit cells:

Andrea Dal Corso Lattice dynamics

Lattice dynamic of a solid: phononsDensity functional perturbation theory

Interatomic force constantsThermodynamics

A solidEquations of motionThe phonon solution

Characteristic of a phonon in one dimension - IIA phonon with q = qZB/2 has displacements which repeatevery four unit cells:

A phonon at a general wavevector q could be incommensuratewith the underlying lattice:

Andrea Dal Corso Lattice dynamics

Lattice dynamic of a solid: phononsDensity functional perturbation theory

Interatomic force constantsThermodynamics

A solidEquations of motionThe phonon solution

The phonon solution

Inserting this solution in the equations of motion and writingI = (µ, s), J = (ν, s′) we obtain an eigenvalue problem for the3× Nat variables usα(q):

ω2qusα(q) =




Dsαs′β(q) =1√





is the dynamical matrix of the solid.

Andrea Dal Corso Lattice dynamics

Lattice dynamic of a solid: phononsDensity functional perturbation theory

Interatomic force constantsThermodynamics


Within DFT the ground state total energy of the solid, calculatedat fixed nuclei, is:

Etot =∑


〈ψi |−12∇2|ψi〉+

∫Vloc(r)ρ(r)d3r +EH [ρ]+Exc[ρ]+UII

where ρ(r) is the density of the electron gas:

ρ(r) =∑



and |ψi〉 are the solution of the Kohn and Sham equations. EHis the Hartree energy, Exc is the exchange and correlationenergy and UII is the ion-ion interaction. According to theHellmann-Feynman theorem, the first order derivative of theground state energy with respect to an external parameter is:




ρ(r)d3r +∂UII


Andrea Dal Corso Lattice dynamics

Lattice dynamic of a solid: phononsDensity functional perturbation theory

Interatomic force constantsThermodynamics


Deriving with respect to a second parameter µ:




ρ(r)d3r +∂2UII






So the new quantity that we need to calculate is the chargedensity induced, at first order, by the perturbation:




[∂ψ∗i (r)∂µ

ψi(r) + ψ∗i (r)∂ψi(r)∂µ

]To fix the ideas we can think that λ = uµsα and µ = uνs′β

Andrea Dal Corso Lattice dynamics

Lattice dynamic of a solid: phononsDensity functional perturbation theory

Interatomic force constantsThermodynamics


The wavefunctions obey the following equation:[−1

2∇2 + VKS(r)

]ψi(r) = εiψi(r)

where VKS = Vloc(r) + VH(r) + Vxc(r). VKS(r, µ) depends on µso that also ψi(r, µ), and εi(µ) depend on µ. We can expandthese quantities in a Taylor series:

VKS(r, µ) = VKS(r, µ = 0) + µ∂VKS(r)∂µ

+ . . .

ψi(r, µ) = ψi(r, µ = 0) + µ∂ψi(r)∂µ

+ . . .

εi(µ) = εi(µ = 0) + µ∂εi

∂µ+ . . .

Andrea Dal Corso Lattice dynamics

Lattice dynamic of a solid: phononsDensity functional perturbation theory

Interatomic force constantsThermodynamics


Inserting these equations and keeping only the first order in µwe obtain:[

−12∇2 + VKS(r)− εi


= −∂VKS

∂µψi(r) +



where: ∂VKS∂µ = ∂Vloc

∂µ + ∂VH∂µ + ∂Vxc

∂µ and




|r− r′|∂ρ(r′)∂µ

d3r ′





depend self-consistently on the charge density induced by theperturbation.

Andrea Dal Corso Lattice dynamics

Lattice dynamic of a solid: phononsDensity functional perturbation theory

Interatomic force constantsThermodynamics


The induced charge density depends only on Pc∂ψi∂µ where

Pc = 1− Pv is the projector on the conduction bands andPv =

∑i |ψi〉〈ψi | is the projector on the valence bands. In fact:




[Pc∂ψ∗i (r)∂µ

ψi(r) + ψ∗i (r)Pc∂ψi(r)∂µ



[Pv∂ψ∗i (r)∂µ

ψi(r) + ψ∗i (r)Pv∂ψi(r)∂µ





[Pc∂ψ∗i (r)∂µ

ψi(r) + ψ∗i (r)Pc∂ψi(r)∂µ



ψ∗j (r)ψi(r)(〈∂ψi

∂µ|ψj〉+ 〈ψi |



Andrea Dal Corso Lattice dynamics

Lattice dynamic of a solid: phononsDensity functional perturbation theory

Interatomic force constantsThermodynamics



Therefore we can solve the self-consistent linear system:[−1

2∇2 + VKS(r)− εi


= −Pc∂VKS










[Pc∂ψ∗i (r)∂µ

ψi(r) + ψ∗i (r)Pc∂ψi(r)∂µ


Andrea Dal Corso Lattice dynamics

Lattice dynamic of a solid: phononsDensity functional perturbation theory

Interatomic force constantsThermodynamics


Practical calculations

The program ph.x solves this self-consistent linear system for3× Nat perturbations at a fixed vector q. With ∂ρ(r)

∂µ for all theperturbations it calculates the dynamical matrix


at the given q. Diagonalizing this matrix we obtain 3× Natfrequencies ωq,ν . By repeating this procedure for several q wecould plot ωq,ν as a function of q and display the phonondispersions. However, it is more convenient to adopt a differentapproach that requires the calculation of the dynamical matrixin a small set of points q.

Andrea Dal Corso Lattice dynamics

Lattice dynamic of a solid: phononsDensity functional perturbation theory

Interatomic force constantsThermodynamics


The dynamical matrix of the solid:

Dsαs′β(q) =1√





is a periodic function of q with Dsαs′β(q + G) = Dsαs′β(q) forany reciprocal lattice vector G. Furthermore, due to thetranslational invariance of the solid it does not depend on µ.Eq.1 is a Fourier expansion of a three dimensional periodicfunction. We have Fourier components only at the discretevalues Rν of the Bravais lattice and we can write:






∫d3qDsαs′β(q)e−iq(Rν−Rµ) (1)

Andrea Dal Corso Lattice dynamics

Lattice dynamic of a solid: phononsDensity functional perturbation theory

Interatomic force constantsThermodynamics


We can use the properties of the discrete Fourier transform andsample the integral in a uniform mesh of points q. This will givethe interatomic force constants only for a certain range ofvalues of Rν neighbors of Rµ. The code q2r.x reads a set ofdynamical matrices calculated in a uniform mesh of q pointsand calculates, using Eq. 1, the interatomic force constants fora shell of neighbors of the point Rµ = 0.

Andrea Dal Corso Lattice dynamics

Lattice dynamic of a solid: phononsDensity functional perturbation theory

Interatomic force constantsThermodynamics


Therefore, if the dynamical matrix is a sufficiently smoothfunction of q and the interatomic force constants decaysufficiently rapidly in real space, we can use Eq. 1 to calculatethe dynamical matrix at arbitrary q, limiting the sum to a few Rν

neighbors of Rµ = 0. The program matdyn.x reads theinteratomic force constants calculated by q2r.x and calculatesthe dynamical matrices at an arbitrary q using Eq. 1.

Andrea Dal Corso Lattice dynamics

Lattice dynamic of a solid: phononsDensity functional perturbation theory

Interatomic force constantsThermodynamics

Canonical partition functionThermodynamic functions

The canonical partition function

The vibrational energy of a solid whose phonon modes havefrequencies ωq,ν depends on the number of phonons nq,ν ineach mode:

Ei =∑q,ν

(nq,ν +


)~ωq,ν ,

where i indicates the set of integer numbers nq,ν . At a giventemperature T the probability that the solid has a certainenergy Ei can be calculated by statistical methods and it is:



Andrea Dal Corso Lattice dynamics

Lattice dynamic of a solid: phononsDensity functional perturbation theory

Interatomic force constantsThermodynamics

Canonical partition functionThermodynamic functions

where Z is the canonical partition function defined as

Z =∑


e−βEi ,

the sum is over all the possible sets of integers nq,ν andβ = 1/KBT (KB is the Boltzmann constant). We can write

Z =∑


e−βEi =∏q,ν

( ∞∑n=0


)Making the sum over n and taking the logarithm gives:

ln Z =∑q,ν




1− e−β~ωq,ν

]= −


ln[2 sinh(



]= −β




ln[1− e−β~ωq,ν


Andrea Dal Corso Lattice dynamics

Lattice dynamic of a solid: phononsDensity functional perturbation theory

Interatomic force constantsThermodynamics

Canonical partition functionThermodynamic functions

The thermodynamic functionsThe energy per unit volume of the solid is:

u =1V

∑i Eie−βEi∑

i e−βEi= − 1

V∂ ln Z∂β


The Helmholtz free energy per unit volume (f = u − Ts where sis the entropy per unit volume), is given by:

f = − 1V

ln Z .

Using the expression of ln Z in terms of the phononfrequencies, we have:

u =1V







eβ~ωq,ν − 1.

Andrea Dal Corso Lattice dynamics

Lattice dynamic of a solid: phononsDensity functional perturbation theory

Interatomic force constantsThermodynamics

Canonical partition functionThermodynamic functions

The phonon density of statesIntroducing the phonon density of states:

g(ω) =1V


δ(ω − ωq,ν)

we can write the thermodynamic fuctions as one dimensionalintegrals over the frequencies:

f =

∫ ∞

0dω g(ω) ln

[2 sinh(




u =

∫ ∞

0dω g(ω)



∫ ∞

0dω g(ω)

~ωeβ~ω − 1


s =1T

(u − f ).

Andrea Dal Corso Lattice dynamics

Lattice dynamic of a solid: phononsDensity functional perturbation theory

Interatomic force constantsThermodynamics

Canonical partition functionThermodynamic functions

The thermodynamic functions

The small program print_thermo.x reads as input a file withthe phonon dos and gives as output f , u, and s as a function ofT . Moreover it writes the isochoric specific heat:

cv =∂u∂T

= KB

∫ ∞

0dω g(ω)


sinh(β~ω2 )


= KB

∫ ∞

0dω g(ω)eβ~ω


eβ~ω − 1



See also the QHA package in the QE distribution for a similarfunctionality.

Andrea Dal Corso Lattice dynamics

Lattice dynamic of a solid: phononsDensity functional perturbation theory

Interatomic force constantsThermodynamics

Canonical partition functionThermodynamic functions

The α-β structural transition in Tin - IThe structure of Tin in the α phase (T < 13C) is the diamondstructure (note a centered tetragonal unit cell with c =


The structure of Tin in the β phase (T > 13C) (c ≈ 0.55a):

Andrea Dal Corso Lattice dynamics

Lattice dynamic of a solid: phononsDensity functional perturbation theory

Interatomic force constantsThermodynamics

Canonical partition functionThermodynamic functions

The α-β structural transition in Tin - IIPhase stability is studied comparing the Helmholtz freeenergies at different temperatures:

P. Pavone, S. Baroni, and S. de Gironcoli, Phys. Rev. B 57,10421 (1998).

Andrea Dal Corso Lattice dynamics