Introduction PostGIS HCK

Introduction to uDig 2/13/05 Refractions Research 1 d d GS GS Introduction to Introduction to PostGIS PostGIS Dr. Harish Karnatak, Scientist, NRSC, ISRO Hyderabad Source of Contents: Spatial Objects for Spatial Objects for PostgreSQL PostgreSQL • Adds support for geographic objects to the P t SQL bj t l ti l dtb PostgreSQL object-relational database • PostgreSQL already has “geometric types” but native geometries are too limited for GIS data and analysis. [email protected]



Transcript of Introduction PostGIS HCK

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 1

    d d G SG SIntroduction to Introduction to PostGISPostGIS

    Dr. Harish Karnatak, Scientist, NRSC, ISRO Hyderabad

    Source of Contents:

    Spatial Objects for Spatial Objects for PostgreSQLPostgreSQL

    Adds support for geographic objects to theP t SQL bj t l ti l d t bPostgreSQL object-relational database

    PostgreSQL already has geometric typesbut native geometries are too limited for GISdata and analysis.

    [email protected]

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 2

    PostGIS Overview / HistoryPostGIS Overview / History

    June 2001 Version 0.1 Spatial types tied to GiSTp yp

    July 2001 Version 0.5 Tie-in to UMN MapServer Wider ability to visualize data

    May 2007 Version 1.2 Full support for OpenGIS SF-SQL Performance increases

    [email protected]

    Performance increases Analysis and transformation functions

    - Latest: 15.2

    Why PostGIS?Why PostGIS?

    Because databases are better than files

    Unified Storage, Management, Access SQL Everywhere

    Transactional Integrity

    [email protected]

    g y Multiple Users, Multiple Edits

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 3


    PostGIS in the Spatial StackPostGIS in the Spatial Stack











    A GIS


    [email protected]


    PostgreSQLPostgreSQL Installation Installation

    Windows Installer PostgreSQL 8.2.4 PgAdmin III

    Install as Service to allow automatic database start on boot

    [email protected]

    Demonstrate Installation

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 4

    PostgreSQLPostgreSQL InstallationInstallation

    [email protected]

    PostgreSQLPostgreSQL InstallationInstallation

    Directories created during installation: \bin - Executables \include - Include files for compilation \lib - DLL shared library files \share - Extensions

    [email protected]

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 5

    2.1 2.1 PostgreSQL InstallationPostgreSQL Installation

    Tools included with the install: PgAdmin III psql Command Line

    [email protected]

    PostGISPostGIS InstallationInstallation

    [email protected]

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 6

    PostGISPostGIS InstallationInstallation

    A PostgreSQL instance has one software version and one network port (5432)one network port (5432)

    An instance contains many databases Connection string specifies a database

    -h host U user d database p password

    A database contains many schemas public

    A h t i t bl

    [email protected]

    A schema contains many tables public.geometry_columns

    A table contains many tuples

    Spatially Spatially Enable Enable PostgreSQLPostgreSQL

    Connect to the instance User postgres, password postgres

    Create a new database in our local instance Select template_postgis as the template

    Connect to the database

    [email protected]

    Check for the spatial system tables spatial_ref_sys geometry_columns

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 7

    2.3 2.3 Spatially Enable PostgreSQLSpatially Enable PostgreSQL

    [email protected]

    Without Without template_postgistemplate_postgis

    Create a new database Select template1 as the template

    Connect to the database Load/run the PostGIS extension


    [email protected]

    Load/run the PostGIS spatial reference systems (spatial_ref_sys.sql)

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 8

    2.3.1 2.3.1 Without template_postgis Without template_postgis

    Run PG Admin III

    [email protected]

    UNIX UNIX Installation NoteInstallation Note

    PostGIS requires PL/PgSQLcreatelang plpgsql d postgis U postgrespsql -f lwpostgis.sql d postgis U

    postgrespsql -f spatial_ref_sys.sql d postgis U

    [email protected]


  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 9

    Simple Simple Spatial SQLSpatial SQL

    Manually create geometries

    create table points (pt geometry, name varchar);insert into points values ('POINT(0 0)', 'Origin');insert into points values ('POINT(5 0)', 'X Axis');insert into points values ('POINT(0 5)', 'Y Axis');

    [email protected]

    p ( ( ) )

    select name, ST_AsText(pt), ST_Distance(pt, 'POINT(5 5)') from points;

    Simple Simple Spatial SQLSpatial SQL

    | | name | astext | distance --------- + -------------- + -----


    Origin | POINT(0 0) | 7.071067 X Axis | POINT(5 0) | 5

    [email protected]

    Y Axis | POINT(0 5) | 5

    (3 rows)

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 10

    OGC OGC Metadata TablesMetadata Tables



    [email protected]


    OGC OGC Metadata TablesMetadata Tables


    PROJ4TEXT = +proj=aea

    [email protected]

    PROJ4TEXT = +proj=aea

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 11

    Loading Loading Shape FilesShape Files

    Shape File (Misnomer! 3+ Files!) .shp = geometry .dbf = attributes (string, number, date) .shx = utility index

    PostGIS/PostgreSQL TableCol mns can be geometr

    [email protected]

    Columns can be geometry Columns can be attributes

    One Shape File = One PostGIS Table

    Loading Loading Shape FilesShape Files

    Run cmd.exe

    [email protected]


  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 12

    Loading Loading Shape FilesShape Files

    shp2pgsql [opts] shapefile tablename shp2pgsql i s 3005 D bc_pubs.shp bc_pubs > bc_pubs.sql

    Read in .shp file Write out sql file

    [email protected]

    Write out .sql file Load .sql file into PostgreSQL

    using psql using PgAdmin

    Loading Loading Shape Files Shape Files shp2pgsqlshp2pgsql

    [email protected]

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 13

    Loading Loading Shape FilesShape Files

    shp2pgsql -s 3005 bc pubs.shp shp2pgsql s 3005 bc_pubs.shp public.bc_pubs > bc_pubs.sql

    [email protected]

    Loading Loading Shape FilesShape Files

    notepad bc_pubs.sql

    [email protected]

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 14

    Command Command Line OptionsLine Options

    -D = Use dump format-i = Do not use bigint, even for long

    numbers-s = Use this SRID-W = Use this character


    [email protected]

    encoding-a = Run in append mode

    Loading Loading Shape FilesShape Files


    shp2pgsql -i -D -s 3005 bc_hospitals.shp bc_hospitals > bc_data.sql

    shp2pgsql -i -D -s 3005 bc_municipality.shp bc_municipality >> bc_data.sql

    shp2pgsql -i -D -s 3005 bc_voting_areas.shp bc voting areas >> bc data sql

    [email protected]

    bc_voting_areas >> bc_data.sql shp2pgsql -i -D -s 3005 bc_pubs.shp bc_pubs

    >> bc_data.sql shp2pgsql -i -D -s 3005 bc_roads.shp

    bc_roads >> bc_data.sql

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 15

    Loading Loading Shape FilesShape Files

    psql d postgis U postgres f bc_data.sql

    [email protected]

    Viewing Viewing Data in Data in PostGISPostGIS

    Quick desktop viewing options uDig QGIS gvSIG CadCorp SIS* FME Viewer*

    W b b d li ti ti

    [email protected]

    Web based application options MapGuide Mapserver Geoserver

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 16

    Viewing Viewing Data in Data in PostGISPostGIS

    Program Files uDig 1.1-RC11 uDig

    [email protected]

    Viewing Viewing Data in Data in PostGISPostGIS

    File New Layer

    [email protected]

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 17

    Viewing Viewing Data in Data in PostGISPostGIS

    [email protected]

    Viewing Viewing Data in Data in PostGISPostGIS

    [email protected]

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 18

    3.4 Viewing Data in PostGIS3.4 Viewing Data in PostGIS

    [email protected]

    Creating Creating Spatial IndexesSpatial Indexes

    - PostGIS implements R-Tree indexes on top of the GiST indexing system

    - Organizes data into nesting rectangles for fast searching

    [email protected]

    CREATE INDEX bc_roads_gidx ON bc_roads USING GIST (the_geom);

    (now create indexes on the other tables too)

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 19

    Using Using Spatial IndexesSpatial Indexes

    - Indexes are brought into play when PostgreSQL recognizes an operator in the SQL statement. For example:

    - SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE myname = Paul

    i t

    [email protected]

    = is an operator

    - SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE age < 2< is an operator

    Using Using Spatial IndexesSpatial Indexes

    Spatial index operator is && Bounding Boxes Interact

    [email protected]

    A && B = TRUEA && B = FALSE

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 20

    Using Using Spatial IndexesSpatial Indexes

    Bounding Boxes are not enough!

    A && B = TRUE_ST_Intersects(A && B) = FALSE

    [email protected]

    Two pass system required Use bounding boxes to reduce candidates Use real topological test to get final answer

    Using Using Spatial IndexesSpatial Indexes

    [email protected]

    ST_Intersects(A,B)A && B AND _ST_Intersects(A,B)

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 21

    Using Using Spatial IndexesSpatial Indexes

    [email protected]

    A && B

    Using Using Spatial IndexesSpatial Indexes

    [email protected]

    A && B

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 22

    Using Using Spatial IndexesSpatial Indexes

    [email protected]


    Using Using Spatial IndexesSpatial Indexes

    Index operations (&&) are built into common f ti f t ti b t functions for automatic use, but you can use them separately if you like. ST_Intersects(G1,G2)

    G1 && G2 AND _ST_Intersects(G1,G2)

    ST_Contains(G1,G2) ST Within(G1 G2)

    [email protected]

    ST_Within(G1,G2) ST_Touches(G1,G2) ST_DWithin(G1,G2,D)

    G1 && ST_Expand(G2,D) AND ST_Distance(G1,G2) > D

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 23

    Spatial Spatial Index TestIndex Test

    Run query with un-indexed function SELECT gid, name FROM bc_roads

    WHERE _ST_Crosses( the_geom, ST_GeomFromText(.., 3005) );

    Run query with indexed function SELECT gid, name FROM bc_roads

    [email protected]

    WHERE ST_Crosses( the_geom, ST_GeomFromText(.., 3005) );

    Note speed difference

    Indexes Indexes and Query Plansand Query Plans

    Run queries using the Explain b tt i t d f th R button instead of the Run button

    Note the graphical display of how the database is using indexes

    Click on the icons to get more information b t h t f th

    [email protected]

    about each step of the query Remember to try this later when we start

    performing more complicated queries

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 24

    Indexes Indexes and Query Plansand Query Plans

    [email protected]

    Indexes Indexes and Query Plansand Query Plans

    [email protected]

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 25

    When When Query Plans go BadQuery Plans go Bad

    The database builds plans based on t ti ti b t d t di t ib ti l d statistics about data distribution sampled

    from the tables Always tries to be selective, to pull the fewest

    number of records necessary to move on to the next step

    The database builds bad plans when it has

    [email protected]

    The database builds bad plans when it has bad statistics

    Make sure your database has up-to-date statistics by running ANALYZE

    PostgreSQLPostgreSQL OptimizationOptimization

    PostgreSQL settings are controlled by th tg l f filthe postgresql.conf file

    Programs => PostgreSQL 8.2 => Configuration Files => Edit postgresql.conf

    [email protected]

    Some settings require a restart Some can be changed at run-time using

    the SET command!

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 26

    PostgreSQLPostgreSQL OptimizationOptimization

    PostgreSQL ships with conservative tti gsettings

    Uses very little memory

    Runs on very limited hardware

    Disk access is slow, so higher performance can be gained by using

    [email protected]

    performance can be gained by using more memory to cache data! Increase shared_buffers Physical RAM - OS needs * 75%

    PostgreSQLPostgreSQL OptimizationOptimization

    Sorting is faster in memoryI Increase work_mem

    Disk clean-up is faster with more memory Increase maintenance_work_mem

    Allocated per connection


    [email protected]

    Also Increase wal_buffers Increase checkpoint_segments Decrease random_page_cost

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 27

    Spatial Spatial Analysis in SQLAnalysis in SQL

    Get out the data dictionary, flip to the back:

    ST_Length(geometry) returns Float

    ST_Area(geometry) returns Float

    ST AsText(geometry) returns Text

    [email protected]

    ST_AsText(geometry) returns Text

    ST_GeomFromText(text) returns Geometry

    Spatial Spatial Analysis in SQLAnalysis in SQL

    ST_Intersects(A, B)( , )

    [email protected]

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 28

    Spatial Spatial Analysis in SQLAnalysis in SQL

    ST_Contains(A, B) ST_Within(B, A)

    [email protected]

    Spatial Spatial Analysis in SQLAnalysis in SQL

    ST_Touches(A, B)( , )

    [email protected]

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 29

    Spatial Spatial Analysis in SQLAnalysis in SQL

    ST_Crosses(A, B)( , )

    [email protected]

    Spatial Spatial Analysis in SQLAnalysis in SQL

    ST_DWithin(A, B, D)( , , )


    [email protected]

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 30

    Spatial Spatial Analysis in SQLAnalysis in SQL

    What is the total length of all roads in the province of BC, in kilometers?

    SELECTSum( ST_Length( the_geom ) ) / 1000

    AS km_roads FROM bc roads;

    [email protected]

    FROM bc_roads;

    Spatial Spatial Analysis in SQLAnalysis in SQL

    How large is the city of g yPRINCE GEORGE, in hectares?


    AS hectares

    [email protected]

    FROM bc_municipality WHEREname = PRINCE GEORGE;

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 31

    Spatial Spatial Analysis in SQLAnalysis in SQL

    What is the largest municipality in the i b ?province, by area?

    SELECTname, ST_Area(the_geom)/10000

    AS hectares

    [email protected]

    FROM bc_municipality ORDER BY hectares DESCLIMIT 1;

    Basic Basic ExercisesExercises

    What is the perimeter of the municipality of VANCOUVER?

    Hint name = VANCOUVER SELECT ST_Perimeter(the_geom)

    FROM bc_municipality WHERE name 'VANCOUVER';

    [email protected]

    WHERE name = VANCOUVER ;

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 32

    Basic Basic ExercisesExercises

    What is the total area of all voting areas in hectares?

    Hint 1 hectare = 10,000 m2

    SELECTSum(ST_Area(the_geom))/10000 AS hectares

    [email protected]

    AS hectares FROM bc_voting_areas;

    Basic Basic ExercisesExercises

    What is the total area of all voting areas with more than 100 voters in them?

    SELECTSum(ST_Area(the_geom))/10000 AShectares

    [email protected]

    hectares FROM bc_voting_areas WHERE vtotal > 100;

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 33

    Basic Basic ExercisesExercises

    What is the length in kilometers of all roads named Douglas St?

    SELECTSum(ST_Length(the_geom))/1000 ASkilometers FROM bc roads

    [email protected]

    FROM bc_roads WHERE name = 'Douglas St';

    Data Data IntegrityIntegrity

    Spatial data algorithms embed t ti f t t expectations of structure

    PostGIS expects data to conform to the OGC Simple Features for SQL standard Polygon rings dont cross other rings

    or self-intersectM l i l l i

    [email protected]

    Multi-polygons are non-overlapping Interior rings can touch exteriors, but only

    at one point Ring orientation is unimportant

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 34

    Data Data IntegrityIntegrity

    Valid Invalid

    [email protected]

    SELECT gid FROM bc_voting_areas WHERENOT ST_IsValid(the_geom);

    Data Data IntegrityIntegrity

    4897 is INVALID! SELECT

    ST_IsValid(ST_Buffer(the_geom, 0.0))FROM bc_voting_areas WHERE gid = 4897;UPDATE bc voting areas

    [email protected]

    UPDATE bc_voting_areas SETthe_geom = ST_Buffer(the_geom, 0.0)

    WHERE gid = 4897;

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 35

    Distance Distance QueriesQueries

    How many BC Unity Party supporters live within 2 kilometers of the Tabor Arms pub?

    SELECT ST_AsText(the_geom)FROM bc_pubs WHERE name ILIKE Tabor Arms%;

    [email protected]

    WHERE name ILIKE Tabor Arms% ;

    Distance Distance QueriesQueries

    SELECT Sum(unity) AS unity_voters bFROM bc_voting_areas


    the_geom, ST_GeomFromText(POINT(), 3005),

    ) < 2000;

    [email protected]

    ) < 2000;

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 36

    Distance Distance QueriesQueries

    SELECT Sum(unity) AS unity_voters bFROM bc_voting_areas


    the_geom, ST_GeomFromText(POINT(), 3005),2000

    [email protected]


    Distance Distance QueriesQueries

    ST_DWithin(geometry, geometry, float) SELECT

    $1 && ST_Expand($2, $3) AND$2 && ST_Expand($1, $3) ANDST_Distance($1, $2) < $3

    [email protected]

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 37

    Distance Distance Not BufferNot Buffer

    What pubs fall within a 1km buffer of the d ?roads?

    You do not need to buffer to answer this question, because the return value is not a buffered road geometry, it is the pub.

    SELECT FROM b b b d

    [email protected]

    FROM bc_pubs p, bc_roads rWHEREST_DWithin(p.the_geom, r.the_geom, 1000)

    Distance Distance Not BufferNot Buffer

    This is the WRONG way to do it: SELECT

    FROM bc_pubs p, bc_roads rWHEREST_Contains(

    ST Buffer(r the geom 1000)

    [email protected]

    ST_Buffer(r.the_geom, 1000),p.the_geom


  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 38

    Spatial Spatial JoinsJoins

    Standard joins use a common keyStandard joins use a common key SELECT a.var1, b.var2

    FROM a, b WHERE =

    Spatial joins use the universal key, location

    [email protected]

    location SELECT a.var1, b.var2

    FROM a, b WHERE ST_Intersects(a.geom, b.geom)

    Spatial Spatial JoinsJoins

    Tabor Arms Pub distance query as joinTabor Arms Pub distance query as join SELECT Sum(v.unity) AS unity_voters

    FROMbc_voting_areas v,bc_pubs p


    [email protected]

    ST_DWithin(v.the_geom, p.the_geom, 2000) ILIKE 'Tabor Arms%';

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 39

    Spatial Spatial JoinsJoins

    Where are all of the pubs located within 250 t f h it l?meters of a hospital?

    SELECT, FROMbc_hospitals, bc_pubs


    [email protected]

    ST_DWithin(bc_hospitals.the_geom, bc_pubs.the_geom, 250


    Spatial Spatial JoinsJoins

    Summarize the 2000 provincial election by municipality, Sum(v.ndp) AS ndp Sum(v.vtotal) AS total

    FROMbc_voting_areas v,

    [email protected]

    g ,bc_municipality m

    WHERE ST_Intersects(v.the_geom, m.the_geom)GROUP BY m.nameORDER BY;

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 40


    Table-on-table overlays are possible ith th ST I t ti () f tiwith the ST_Intersection() function

    ST_Intersects(a,b) returns BOOLEAN ST_Intersection(a,b) returns GEOMETRY

    ST I t t () TRUE

    [email protected]

    ST_Intersects() = TRUE

    ST_Intersection() =


    Create a new table containing all ti g th t f ll ithi voting areas that fall within

    PRINCE GEORGE clipped to that municipalitys bounds

    [email protected]

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 41


    [email protected]

    4.4 4.4 -- OverlaysOverlays CREATE TABLE pg_voting_areas ASSELECTST_Intersection(v.the_geom, m.the_geom)AS intersection_geom,

    ST_Area(v.the_geom) AS va_area, v.*,

    FROMbc_voting_areas v, bc municipality m

    [email protected]

    bc_municipality m WHEREST_Intersects(v.the_geom, m.the_geom) = PRINCE GEORGE;

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 42

    A quick check


    Area of overlay should be same as area of clipping polygon

    SELECT Sum(ST_Area(intersection_geom))FROM pg_voting_areas;

    SELECT ST_Area(the_geom)

    [email protected]

    _ ( _g )FROM bc_municipality WHERE name = PRINCE GEORGE;

    Coordinate Coordinate ProjectionProjection

    View the SRID of geometries using the ST_SRID() function

    SELECT ST_SRID(the_geom)FROM bc_roads LIMIT 1;

    Whats 3005?

    [email protected]

    SELECT srtext FROM spatial_ref_sys WHERE srid = 3005;

    Ah, its BC Albers

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 43

    Coordinate Coordinate ProjectionProjection

    PROJCS[NAD83 / BC Albers",GEOGCS["NAD83",DATUM["North_American_Datum_1983",SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101]],


    PROJECTION["Albers_Conic_Equal_Area"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_center",45],PARAMETER["longitude of center" -126]

    [email protected]

    PARAMETER[ longitude_of_center ,-126],PARAMETER["standard_parallel_1",50],PARAMETER["standard_parallel_2",58.5],PARAMETER["false_easting",1000000],PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["metre",1],AUTHORITY["EPSG","3005"]]

    Coordinate Coordinate ProjectionProjection

    Whats 3005 again? SELECT proj4text

    FROM spatial_ref_sys WHERE srid = 3005;

    +proj=aea +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +lat_0=45.0 +lon_0=-126.0

    [email protected]

    +lat_1=50.0 +lat_2=58.5 +x_0=1000000 +y_0=0

    PROJ4 is coordinate re-projection library used by PostGIS

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

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    Coordinate Coordinate ProjectionProjection

    Coordinate Re-projection is done using the p j gST_Transform() function

    SELECT ST_AsText(the_geom) FROM bc_roads LIMIT 1;


    [email protected]

    ST_AsText(ST_Transform(the_geom, 4326) )

    FROM bc_roads LIMIT 1;

    Coordinate Coordinate ProjectionProjection

    MULTILINESTRING((MULTILINESTRING((1004687.04355194 594291.053764096,1004729.74799931 594258.821943696))


    [email protected]

    MULTILINESTRING((-125.9341 50.3640700000001,

    -125.9335 50.36378))

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 45

    Advanced Advanced ExercisesExercises

    What is the length in kilometers of Douglas St in VICTORIA?Douglas St in VICTORIA ?

    SELECTSum(ST_Length(r.the_geom))/1000AS kilometers

    FROMbc_roads r, b i i lit

    [email protected]

    bc_municipality m WHEREST_Contains(m.the_geom, r.the_geom) = 'Douglas St' = 'VICTORIA';

    Advanced Advanced ExercisesExercises

    What two pubs have the most Green Party supporters within 500 meters of them?supporters within 500 meters of them?,, Sum( AS greens

    FROMbc_pubs p, b ti

    [email protected]

    bc_voting_areas v WHEREST_DWithin(v.the_geom, p.the_geom, 500)


  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 46

    Advanced Advanced ExercisesExercises

    What is the latitude of the most southerly hospital in the province?

    Hint The SRID of lat/lon is 4326 SELECT

    ST_Y(ST_Transform(the_geom,4326))AS latitude

    [email protected]

    AS latitude FROM bc_hospitals ORDER BY latitude ASCLIMIT 1;

    Advanced Advanced ExercisesExercises

    What were the percentage NDP and Liberal vote within the city limits of Prince George in vote within the city limits of Prince George in the 2000 provincial election?

    SELECT100*Sum(v.ndp)/Sum(v.vtotal) AS ndp, 100*Sum(v.liberal)/Sum(v.vtotal) AS liberal

    FROMb ti

    [email protected]

    bc_voting_areas v, bc_municipality m

    WHEREST_Contains(m.the_geom, v.the_geom) = 'PRINCE GEORGE';

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 47

    Advanced Advanced ExercisesExercises

    What is the largest voting area polygon that has a hole?has a hole?

    Hint A hole implies more than one ring SELECT

    gid, id, ST_Area(the_geom) AS area

    [email protected]

    ( )FROM bc_voting_areas WHERE ST_NRings(the_geom) > 1 ORDER BY area DESCLIMIT 1;

    Advanced Advanced ExercisesExercises

    How many NDP voters live within 50 meters of Simcoe St in Victoria?Simcoe St in Victoria?

    SELECTSum(v.ndp) AS ndp

    FROMbc_voting_areas v, bc_municipality m, bc_roads r


    [email protected]

    WHEREST_DWithin(r.the_geom, v.the_geom, 50) ANDST_Contains(m.the_geom, r.the_geom) = 'Simcoe St' = 'VICTORIA';

  • Introduction to uDig 2/13/05

    Refractions Research 48

    Thank YouThank You

    For any further information you may contact me- [email protected]

    [email protected]: Paul Ramsey