Introduction Metaphyseal Flaring as a Potential Indicator ... · PDF fileMetaphyseal Flaring...

Introduction In the 17th century a new epidemic was reported in contemporary records to be widespread among the people of London. It was referred to as ruckets, rekets, the ‘English disease’ or rickets, and caused the “whole structure of their body …not to grow or prosper eyther in height, strength or alacrity” in children (O’Riordan 2006:1506). Rickets is a vitamin D deficiency, caused by a lack of sun exposure or inadequate nutrition. Without vitamin D there is no absorption of calcium or phosphorous in the body. This leads to inadequate mineralization of new bone in children and breakdown of bone by osteoclasts in adults (Ortner and Mays 1998). Infants and children can incur deformities that persist into adulthood as residual rickets, and the weakened skeleton can be prone to fractures and further trauma (Brickley, Mays and Ives 2010). These indicators can be a useful tool for better interpreting past lifestyles and health when used with environmental, archaeological and historical evidence. This examination focuses on residual rickets in adults, consisting of the accrued deformities of childhood vitamin D deficiency. To gauge the extent of the occurrence of rickets in this era, a new method for residual rickets is proposed and tested, and all the evidence is reassessed given this new information. In order to create more nuanced interpretations of the early modern period in London, more accurate methods of diagnosis are required to better understand health conditions. Urban Environment In the early modern period there was dramatic change in the environment of greater London. Due to the population of London tripling over 150 years, there was drastic overcrowding. This caused growth of buildings upwards and conversion of all free space into living accommodation. Tall, densely packed buildings, constricted alleys and lack of open space severely restricted access to sunlight. Overcrowding and urbanization also led to pollution. The reliance on coal for fuel produced a toxic smog across the city that blackened buildings and caused an increase in sinus and respiratory problems (Roberts and Cox 2003: 299). William Farrer , argued in his 1773 medical account that “particles of the smoke, arising from fossile coal, is very fit, not only for producing, but also for supporting the Rickets” (1773:19). This level of pollution would have filtered UV rays and restricted vitamin D production. Natural Environment From the 16 th to 18 th centuries there was also change in the natural environment that had a major impact on health and lifestyle in London: the Little Ice Age. From the mid-15th century to the mid-19th century the European climate became more unpredictable, and shifted to a cooler weather pattern due to glacier expansion (Mann 2002: 504). This phase is known as the “Little Ice Age”, and its coldest segment occurred from 1680 to 1730 (Fagan 2000:113). Comparison of yearly weather patterns with the London Bills of Mortality shows that the worst winters coincide with the highest peaks in rickets mortality. The historical and environmental evidence argues for an epidemic of rickets during the 17th and 18th centuries. Therefore, we would expect skeletal material from this time period to show a similarly high amount of residual rickets, indicative of vitamin D deficiency in childhood. Historical Evidence The first medical exposition on rickets was written by Daniel Whistler in 1645; which describes symptoms such as swelling of the abdomen, ribs and joints, “flaccid and enervated legs” unable to support the body, late eruption of dentition, and a narrow chest (Smerdon 1950:402). Similar descriptions were made by Arnold Boote in 1649, Glisson and colleagues in 1651, and John Mayow in 1668 (O’Riordan 2006: 1507). With regard to the prevalence of the deficiency there are no medical accounts or census data that quantitatively record the exact numbers of affected individuals. In 1676, Graunt observed that “the rickets were never more numberous [sic] than now, and they are still increasing”, a sentiment echoed by other scholars of the period (Bollett 2004: 80). The only source of quantitative measurement available is the London Bills of Mortality, however it is only a record of death, and does not include prevalence of disease. Sub-Adult Rickets Indicators (Brickley and Ives 2008) Adult Residual Rickets Indicators (Brickley and Ives 2008) Deformation of the Long Bones Deformation of the Long Bones Metaphyseal Flaring Metaphyseal flaring not examined Deformation and Flaring of the Ribs Deformation and Flaring of Ribs not examined Coxa Vara (Decreased Angle of Femoral Neck) Coxa Vara is noted but not attributed to rickets Secondary indicators: cranial deformation, scoliosis, and kyphosis. Sans bending, subadult indicators are secondary, not examined Using material from the Museum of London’s Centre for Bioarchaeology, prevalence of rickets in early modern London can be compared against the historical evidence. Diagnosis of rickets, in both its subadult and residual adult forms had already been made for seven early modern cemeteries in London based on indicators listed above (MOL 2010). Overall the prevalence in the skeletal material does not correlate the reported epidemic. There is a notable lack of the residual form of rickets, which would be expected to be fairly high due to rickets being nonfatal. There are a number of reason for the discrepancy between the proposed prevalence in historical evidence and that found within the skeletal material. These include the subjectivity of the historical record, poor preservation of skeletal material, children dying before manifestations can remineralize, or adult healing and remodeling of bone to remove evidence of childhood deficiency. However, this examination argues that reliance on bending as the only indicator is causing cases to be overlooked. Assessing metaphyseal flaring as a potential indicator of residual rickets could aid in resolving this discrepancy. Materials Skeletal material was taken from four sites excavated and housed by the Museum of London’s Centre for Bioarchaeology. The sample selected included individuals from St. Bride’s Lower (FAO90), St. Benet Sherehog (LSS85), Broadgate (ONE94) and Chelsea Old Church (OCU00). A total of 24 rachitic individuals and 11 control non-rachitic individuals were selected based on their preservation and lack of other diseases which may have obscured the analysis. Results Exploratory data analysis showed that there was a bimodal distribution for the epiphysis and metaphysis for all measurements on the femur, but only a unimodal distribution on the radius. This suggests that within the femur sample there are two populations, however this division was not statistically significant when addressed using logistic regression in SPSS to determine correlation of epiphysis or metaphysis with previous rickets diagnosis. Age, sex and site had discernable effect on the analysis. The distributions for femur are displayed below. However, it was noted that all individuals displaying coxa vara were uppermost measurements for both epiphysis and metaphysis on the femur. The control individuals with measurements above 0.057 for the epiphysis and 0.05 for the metaphysis, all displayed coxa vara as well as other secondary traits of rickets. Therefore, it is probable that these individuals had rickets as children, but did not incur the diaphyseal bending that is used for diagnosis due to the age of onset. When the circumferential ratio of the femur exceeds 0.057 at the epiphysis or 0.05 at the metaphysis there is a high probability of residual rickets. Metaphyseal flaring can be used as a secondary indicator of residual rickets when bending is not severe enough for diagnosis. Discussion and Conclusion From this preliminary analysis, there is a potential for the use of measurements in diagnosing residual rickets. While the method does not allow for all individuals with rickets to be diagnosed, it appears to diagnose a population of individuals who may have suffered rickets at a different developmental stage, causing deformation in the distal ends rather than the diaphysis. The study itself is limited due to the small sample size, but this does not negate the findings. Future analyses should address the role of metaphyseal flaring in the diagnose of residual rickets, especially the connection to coxa vara. The presence of the residual form of rickets is important in interpreting the quality of life in the early modern period. Better understanding the biological prevalence of rickets can also help create more nuanced interpretations of the historical evidence, determining the validity of text and the true effects of urban and natural change in this period. References Bollet, Alfred J. 2004 Plagues & poxes: the impact of human history on epidemic disease. New York: Demos Medical Publishing. Brickley, Megan and Rachel Ives 2008 The Bioarchaeology of Metabolic Disease. Oxford: Academic Press. Brickley, Megan, Simon Mays, and Rachel Ives 2007 An Investigation of Skeletal Indicators of Vitamin D Deficiency in Adults. In American Journal of Physical Anthropology 132:67-79. 2010 Evaluation and Interpretation of Residual Rickets Deformities in Adults. In International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 20:54-66. Fagan, Brian 2000 The Little Ice Age: How Climate Made History 1300-1850. New York: Basic Books. Farrer, William 1773 A particular account, of the rickets in children. Electronic Document. ECCO. Accessed 02/19/10. Mankin, Henry J. 1974 Rickets, Osteomalacia, and Renal Osteodystrophy: Part I. In Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 56:101-128. Mays, Simon 2003 The rise and fall of rickets in England. In The Environmental Archaeology of Industry. P. Murphy and P. Wiltshire, eds. Michigan: Oxbow. Pp. 144-153. Mays, Simon, Megan Brickley, and Rachel Ives 2006 Skeletal Manifestations of Rickets in Infants and Young Children in a Historic Population From England. In American Journal of Physical Anthropology 129:362-374. 2009 Growth and Vitamin D Deficiency in a Population from 19th Century Birmingham, England. In International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 19:406-415. MOL: Museum of London 2010 Centre for Human Bioarchaeology Research Database. Electronic Document. Accessed 01/18/10. O’Riordan, Jeffrey L.H. 2006 Perspective: Rickets in the 17th Century. In Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 21(10):1506-1510. Ortner, Donald 2003 Identification of Pathological Conditions in Human Skeletal Remains. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press. Ortner, Donald and Simon Mays 1998 Dry-Bone Manifestations of Rickets in Infancy and Early Childhood. In International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 8:45-55. Roberts, Charlotte and Margaret Cox 2003 Health and Disease in Great Britain. England: Sutton Publishing Ltd. Roberts, Charlotte and Keith Manchester 2005 The Archaeology of Disease, Second Edition. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Smerdon, G.T. 2007 Daniel Whistler and the English Disease. In Journal of the History of Medicine 5:397-415. Measurements Taken OCU00 LSS85 FAO90 ONE94 Site Date Class Residual Rickets Control Male Female Young Adult Adult Old Adult St. Brides Lower (FAO90) 17-18 th Lower 6 5 7 4 4 3 4 St. Benet Sherehog (ONE94) 16-17 th Middle 7 3 5 5 2 3 5 Broadgate (LSS85) 16 th -18 th Lower 2 1 0 3 1 1 1 Chelsea Old Church (OCU00) 18th Upper 9 2 4 7 2 6 3 Methods Measurements were taken of the distal ends of the femorae and radii of circumference, anterior-posterior diameter and medial-lateral diameter. All measurements were taken in centimeters. The measurements were then divided by the total length of each bone in order to create a ratio that would allow for comparison regardless of overall size. Measurements were then assessed through exploratory data analysis and logistic regression in SPSS to test for correlations between distal dimensions and prevalence of rickets, as well as other variables such as class, age, and sex. Metaphyseal Flaring as a Potential Indicator of Residual Rickets Vitamin D deficiency causes cessation of calcium absorption in the intestines, which causes calcium to be leeched from the bone in order to be used in soft tissue functions (Mankin 1974:108). Prolonged and acute deficiency causes deformation in the skeletal system due to this loss of calcium. In sub-adults this leads to the interruption of development, demineralization, and deformation of the bones, commonly known as rickets (Roberts and Manchester 2005:237). If the individual recovers from the deficiency, the deformation in the bone can become re-mineralized and deformities can persist into adulthood. In an archaeological context, the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency throughout history can be quantified by the deformation of skeletal material. Ortner and Mays (1998) noted that a pathognomic feature of rickets in children was flaring of the metaphyses, therefore this indicator was chosen to be further explored as an indicator of residual rickets in adults. The distal femur and distal radius were selected to be examined based on their increased weight carrying and likelihood of maintaining deformation. For News and Commentary on Mortuary and Bioarchaeology visit Bones Don’t Lie ( For more info on the historical context of rickets in Early Modern London For more info on the bioarchaeology of rickets in Early Modern London Langlume Museum of London Museum of London Wellcome Trust Museum of London ECCO Cary 1795

Transcript of Introduction Metaphyseal Flaring as a Potential Indicator ... · PDF fileMetaphyseal Flaring...

Page 1: Introduction Metaphyseal Flaring as a Potential Indicator ... · PDF fileMetaphyseal Flaring as a Potential Indicator of Residual Rickets Vitamin D deficiency causes cessation of calcium

IntroductionIn the 17th century a new epidemic was reported in contemporary records to be widespread among the people of London. It was referred to as ruckets, rekets, the ‘English disease’ or rickets, and caused the “whole structure of their body …not to grow or prosper eyther in height, strength or alacrity” in children (O’Riordan 2006:1506). Rickets is a vitamin D deficiency, caused by a lack of sun exposure or inadequate nutrition. Without vitamin D there is no absorption of calcium or phosphorous in the body. This leads to inadequate mineralization of new bone in children and breakdown of bone by osteoclasts in adults (Ortner and Mays 1998). Infants and children can incur deformities that persist into adulthood as residual rickets, and the weakened skeleton can be prone to fractures and further trauma (Brickley, Mays and Ives 2010). These indicators can be a useful tool for better interpreting past lifestyles and health when used with environmental, archaeological and historical evidence.

This examination focuses on residual rickets in adults, consisting of the accrued deformities of childhood vitamin D deficiency. To gauge the extent of the occurrence of rickets in this era, a new method for residual rickets is proposed and tested, and all the evidence is reassessed given this new information. In order to create more nuanced interpretations of theearly modern period in London, more accurate methods of diagnosis are required to better understand health conditions.

Urban EnvironmentIn the early modern period there was dramatic change in the environment of greater London. Due to the population of London tripling over 150 years, there was drastic overcrowding. This caused growth of buildings upwards and conversion of all free space into living accommodation. Tall, densely packed buildings, constricted alleys and lack of open space severely restricted access to sunlight. Overcrowding and urbanization also led to pollution. The reliance on coal for fuel produced a toxic smog across the city that blackened buildings and caused an increase in sinus and respiratory problems (Roberts and Cox 2003: 299). William Farrer, argued in his 1773 medical account that “particles of the smoke, arising from fossile coal, is very fit, not only for producing, but also for supporting the Rickets” (1773:19). This level of pollution would have filtered UV rays and restricted vitamin D production.

Natural EnvironmentFrom the 16th to 18th centuries there was also change in the natural environment that had a major impact on health and lifestyle in London: the Little Ice Age. From the mid-15th century to the mid-19th century the European climate became more unpredictable, and shifted to a cooler weather pattern due to glacier expansion (Mann 2002: 504). This phase is known as the “Little Ice Age”, and its coldest segment occurred from 1680 to 1730 (Fagan 2000:113). Comparison of yearly weather patterns with the London Bills of Mortality shows that the worst winters coincide with the highest peaks in rickets mortality.

The historical and environmental evidence argues for an epidemic of rickets during the 17th and 18th centuries. Therefore, we would expect skeletal material from this time period to show a similarly high amount of residual rickets, indicative of vitamin D deficiency in childhood.

Historical EvidenceThe first medical exposition on rickets was written by Daniel Whistler in 1645; which describes symptoms such as swelling of the abdomen, ribs and joints, “flaccid and enervated legs” unable to support the body, late eruption of dentition, and a narrow chest (Smerdon 1950:402). Similar descriptions were made by Arnold Boote in 1649, Glisson and colleagues in 1651, and John Mayow in 1668 (O’Riordan 2006: 1507). With regard to the prevalence of the deficiency there are no medical accounts or census data that quantitatively record the exact numbers of affected individuals. In 1676, Graunt observed that “the rickets were never more numberous [sic] than now, and they are still increasing”, a sentiment echoed by other scholars of the period (Bollett 2004: 80). The only source of quantitative measurement available is the London Bills of Mortality, however it is only a record of death, and does not include prevalence of disease.

Sub-Adult Rickets Indicators (Brickley and Ives 2008) Adult Residual Rickets Indicators (Brickley and Ives 2008)

Deformation of the Long Bones Deformation of the Long Bones

Metaphyseal Flaring Metaphyseal flaring not examined

Deformation and Flaring of the Ribs Deformation and Flaring of Ribs not examined

Coxa Vara (Decreased Angle of Femoral Neck) Coxa Vara is noted but not attributed to rickets

Secondary indicators: cranial deformation, scoliosis, and kyphosis. Sans bending, subadult indicators are secondary, not examined

Using material from the Museum of London’s Centre for Bioarchaeology, prevalence of rickets in early modern London can be compared against the historical evidence. Diagnosis of rickets, in both its subadult and residual adult forms had already been made for seven early modern cemeteries in London based on indicators listed above (MOL 2010). Overall the prevalence in the skeletal material does not correlate the reported epidemic. There is a notable lack of the residual form of rickets, which would be expected to be fairly high due to rickets being nonfatal.

There are a number of reason for the discrepancy between the proposed prevalence in historical evidence and that found within the skeletal material. These include the subjectivity of the historical record, poor preservation of skeletal material, children dying before manifestations can remineralize, or adult healing and remodeling of bone to remove evidence of childhood deficiency. However, this examination argues that reliance on bending as the only indicator is causing cases to be overlooked. Assessing metaphyseal flaring as a potential indicator of residual rickets could aid in resolving this discrepancy.

MaterialsSkeletal material was taken from four sites excavated and housed by the Museum of London’s Centre for Bioarchaeology. The sample selected included individuals from St. Bride’s Lower (FAO90), St. Benet Sherehog(LSS85), Broadgate (ONE94) and Chelsea Old Church (OCU00). A total of 24 rachitic individuals and 11 control non-rachitic individuals were selected based on their preservation and lack of other diseases which may have obscured the analysis.

ResultsExploratory data analysis showed that there was a bimodal distribution for the epiphysis and metaphysis for all measurements on the femur, but only a unimodal distribution on the radius. This suggests that within the femur sample there are two populations, however this division was not statistically significant when addressed using logistic regression in SPSS to determine correlation of epiphysis or metaphysis with previous rickets diagnosis. Age, sex and site had discernable effect on the analysis. The distributions for femur are displayed below.

However, it was noted that all individuals displaying coxa vara were uppermost measurements for both epiphysis and metaphysis on the femur. The control individuals with measurements above 0.057 for the epiphysis and 0.05 for the metaphysis, all displayed coxa vara as well as other secondary traits of rickets. Therefore, it is probable that these individuals had rickets as children, but did not incur the diaphyseal bending that is used for diagnosis due to the age of onset.

When the circumferential ratio of the femur exceeds 0.057 at the epiphysis or 0.05 at the metaphysis there is a high probability of residual rickets. Metaphyseal flaring can be used as a secondary indicator of residual rickets when bending is not severe enough for diagnosis.

Discussion and ConclusionFrom this preliminary analysis, there is a potential for the use of measurements in diagnosing residual rickets. While the method does not allow for all individuals with rickets to be diagnosed, it appears to diagnose a population of individuals who may have suffered rickets at a different developmental stage, causing deformation in the distal ends rather than the diaphysis. The study itself is limited due to the small sample size, but this does not negate the findings.

Future analyses should address the role of metaphyseal flaring in the diagnose of residual rickets, especially the connection to coxavara. The presence of the residual form of rickets is important in interpreting the quality of life in the early modern period. Better understanding the biological prevalence of rickets can also help create more nuanced interpretations of the historical evidence, determining the validity of text and the true effects of urban and natural change in this period.

ReferencesBollet, Alfred J.

2004 Plagues & poxes: the impact of human history on epidemic disease. New York: Demos Medical Publishing.Brickley, Megan and Rachel Ives

2008 The Bioarchaeology of Metabolic Disease. Oxford: Academic Press.Brickley, Megan, Simon Mays, and Rachel Ives

2007 An Investigation of Skeletal Indicators of Vitamin D Deficiency in Adults. In American Journal of Physical Anthropology 132:67-79.2010 Evaluation and Interpretation of Residual Rickets Deformities in Adults. In International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 20:54-66.

Fagan, Brian2000 The Little Ice Age: How Climate Made History 1300-1850. New York: Basic Books.

Farrer, William1773 A particular account, of the rickets in children. Electronic Document. ECCO. Accessed 02/19/10.

Mankin, Henry J.1974 Rickets, Osteomalacia, and Renal Osteodystrophy: Part I. In Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 56:101-128.

Mays, Simon2003 The rise and fall of rickets in England. In The Environmental Archaeology of Industry. P. Murphy and P. Wiltshire, eds. Michigan: Oxbow. Pp. 144-153.

Mays, Simon, Megan Brickley, and Rachel Ives2006 Skeletal Manifestations of Rickets in Infants and Young Children in a Historic Population From England. In American Journal of Physical Anthropology 129:362-374.2009 Growth and Vitamin D Deficiency in a Population from 19th Century Birmingham, England. In International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 19:406-415.

MOL: Museum of London2010 Centre for Human Bioarchaeology Research Database. Electronic Document. Accessed 01/18/10.

O’Riordan, Jeffrey L.H.2006 Perspective: Rickets in the 17th Century. In Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 21(10):1506-1510.

Ortner, Donald2003 Identification of Pathological Conditions in Human Skeletal Remains. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press.

Ortner, Donald and Simon Mays1998 Dry-Bone Manifestations of Rickets in Infancy and Early Childhood. In International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 8:45-55.

Roberts, Charlotte and Margaret Cox2003 Health and Disease in Great Britain. England: Sutton Publishing Ltd.

Roberts, Charlotte and Keith Manchester2005 The Archaeology of Disease, Second Edition. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Smerdon, G.T.2007 Daniel Whistler and the English Disease. In Journal of the History of Medicine 5:397-415.

Measurements TakenOCU00




Site Date Class Residual Rickets Control Male Female Young Adult Adult Old Adult

St. Brides Lower (FAO90) 17-18th Lower 6 5 7 4 4 3 4

St. Benet Sherehog (ONE94) 16-17th Middle 7 3 5 5 2 3 5

Broadgate (LSS85) 16th-18th Lower 2 1 0 3 1 1 1

Chelsea Old Church (OCU00) 18th Upper 9 2 4 7 2 6 3

MethodsMeasurements were taken of the distal ends of the femorae and radii of circumference, anterior-posterior diameter and medial-lateral diameter. All measurements were taken in centimeters. The measurements were then divided by the total length of each bone in order to create a ratio that would allow for comparison regardless of overall size. Measurements were then assessed through exploratory data analysis and logistic regression in SPSS to test for correlations between distal dimensions and prevalence of rickets, as well as other variables such as class, age, and sex.

Metaphyseal Flaring as a Potential Indicator of Residual RicketsVitamin D deficiency causes cessation of calcium absorption in the intestines, which causes calcium to be leeched from the bone in order to be used in soft tissue functions (Mankin 1974:108). Prolonged and acute deficiency causes deformation in the skeletal system due to this loss of calcium. In sub-adults this leads to the interruption of development, demineralization, and deformation of the bones, commonly known as rickets (Roberts and Manchester 2005:237). If the individual recovers from the deficiency, the deformation in the bone can become re-mineralized and deformities can persist into adulthood. In an archaeological context, the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency throughout history can be quantified by the deformation of skeletal material.

Ortner and Mays (1998) noted that a pathognomic feature of rickets in children was flaring of the metaphyses, therefore this indicator was chosen to be further explored as an indicator of residual rickets in adults. The distal femur and distal radius were selected to be examined based on their increased weight carrying and likelihood of maintaining deformation.

For News and Commentary on Mortuary and Bioarchaeology

visit Bones Don’t Lie (

For more info on the historical context of

rickets in Early Modern London

For more info on the bioarchaeology of

rickets in Early Modern London


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Cary 1795