Introduction lecture premaster programme MSc Business Administration P.C. de Weerd-Nederhof...

Introduction lecture premaster programme MSc Business Administration P.C. de Weerd-Nederhof School of Management & Governance Welcome!

Transcript of Introduction lecture premaster programme MSc Business Administration P.C. de Weerd-Nederhof...

Page 1: Introduction lecture premaster programme MSc Business Administration P.C. de Weerd-Nederhof School of Management & Governance Welcome!

Introduction lecture premaster programme MSc Business Administration P.C. de Weerd-NederhofSchool of Management & Governance


Page 2: Introduction lecture premaster programme MSc Business Administration P.C. de Weerd-Nederhof School of Management & Governance Welcome!


- Welcome!

- Practicalities

- premaster MSc BA Programme-2nd semester MSc BA programme


- Q&A

Page 3: Introduction lecture premaster programme MSc Business Administration P.C. de Weerd-Nederhof School of Management & Governance Welcome!

Welcome!Introducing the programme director and the programme de Weerd-Nederhof

([email protected]; CAP E202; 3519)-Ir. A.A.R. Veenendaal

([email protected]; CAP C006; 3200)

Who’s in the room/who are your colleagues?-Dutch ‘HBO’ students with 30 EC premaster-UT students with 10-30 EC premaster-Saxion HBO students with ‘doorstroomminor’

Track preferences? INN&ENT; Service Mgt; FIN; INT; HRM; Information Mgt

Page 4: Introduction lecture premaster programme MSc Business Administration P.C. de Weerd-Nederhof School of Management & Governance Welcome!

Application; Admission; Registration• Upon Application you receive a student number &

welcome letter from UT. This does not mean that you are admitted!

• After consideration of your application, you receive an individual Admission Letter from us (School of Management and Governance) with your own personal premaster programme. Only finalising your own personal premaster programme will give you admission to the MSc BA programme!

• With the admission letter you need to Register, etc.

Page 5: Introduction lecture premaster programme MSc Business Administration P.C. de Weerd-Nederhof School of Management & Governance Welcome!

Practicalities: SMG Website!

- Schedule (‘rooster’)- Study guide (

- NOte: rules for ‘Academic Offence’

- Regulations: student charter and exam regulations

- News- … and more

Page 6: Introduction lecture premaster programme MSc Business Administration P.C. de Weerd-Nederhof School of Management & Governance Welcome!

Practical information

• Books: Student Association Stress

• Syllabi: Union Shop Bastille

• Campus map (

• Student number and UT e-mail address! E.g. [email protected]

Page 7: Introduction lecture premaster programme MSc Business Administration P.C. de Weerd-Nederhof School of Management & Governance Welcome!

Internet applications (see study guide)

• VIST (Course Information System)

• TAST (Enrollment Exams)

• TOST (Grades online)

• Teletop (Electronic Learning Environment)

Access: with student number and password (letter from ITBE within 2 weeks after registration)

Page 8: Introduction lecture premaster programme MSc Business Administration P.C. de Weerd-Nederhof School of Management & Governance Welcome!

Important announcements> left side-> Announcements regarding education

and UT-News (UT-Nieuws)

Also check regularly:-E-mail account-Teletop sites

Page 9: Introduction lecture premaster programme MSc Business Administration P.C. de Weerd-Nederhof School of Management & Governance Welcome!

How to find a Teacher or Student?

• Check subject info on VIST using the Check subject info on VIST using the course code or –course code or –


-> look under QUICKLINKS-> look under QUICKLINKS

-> -> Names and addresses of students and Names and addresses of students and staff at the UTstaff at the UT

Page 10: Introduction lecture premaster programme MSc Business Administration P.C. de Weerd-Nederhof School of Management & Governance Welcome!

Premaster schedule 1st semester• Data analysis• Concept and Observation• Track specific course most often: 412001 (Interne

organisatie) Organisation Theory and Design**************************• Research methodology• Design methodology• Track specific course

Alternatives: more track specific courses; less methodology courses

Page 11: Introduction lecture premaster programme MSc Business Administration P.C. de Weerd-Nederhof School of Management & Governance Welcome!

Finalise your premaster within 12 months!

• For each course you are entitled to 2 opportunities to do an exam. NOT MORE!

• If you cannot finish the whole premaster programme within 12 months, this means that you do not qualify for the MSc BA programme!

(Personal) Problems, such as illness in exam period etc.: contact study counselor in time. S/He can also guide you through to the Exam committee etc.

Page 12: Introduction lecture premaster programme MSc Business Administration P.C. de Weerd-Nederhof School of Management & Governance Welcome!

MSc BA programme2007/2008: pilot with 2 starting dates, limited number of tracks

• Feb 08: 3 tracks (INN&ENT, Service Mgt, Information Mgt (new). Only if you finish the full premaster programme by February, you can enter this programme

• If you signed up for one of the other tracks: FIN, HRM or International Mgt, you can either wait until Sept. 2008 or start with one of the general courses.

• If you finish all of your premaster courses in April, it may also be possible to already do one or two MSc BA courses.

In all cases were you do not follow the regular programme: ask advice and/or permission to avoid problems!

Page 13: Introduction lecture premaster programme MSc Business Administration P.C. de Weerd-Nederhof School of Management & Governance Welcome!

For these possibilities we will apply for general OK with Exam committee:

1st semester 2nd semester remarks

Organisation Theory & Operations Management


Management and Organization of Technological Innovation (MOTI)

For INN&ENT: MOTI 2nd semester cannot be combined with Organising Innovation (1st semester)

Accounting and Financial Management (AFM)

Financial Accounting Not for FIN track, AFM obligatory

Human Resource Management and Organizational Development (HRM & OD)

Leadership, Organisational Change and Consultancy

Not for HRM track, HRM & OD obligatory

Strategy and External Environment

Business Development in Networks

Special rules for ECIU-programme

Page 14: Introduction lecture premaster programme MSc Business Administration P.C. de Weerd-Nederhof School of Management & Governance Welcome!

Choosing your track

• Your premaster programme is based on your prior education as well as geared to the track of your preference.

• For those of you who want to know more about the content of the tracks, here’s some reading material (also on MSc BA website under Study Information)

Page 15: Introduction lecture premaster programme MSc Business Administration P.C. de Weerd-Nederhof School of Management & Governance Welcome!

Literature for INN & [email protected]/[email protected]

Bachelor level INN&ENT:Innovation and Entrepreneurship by John Bessant, Tanaka Business School,

Imperial College, London, Joe Tidd, (SPRU) University of Sussex, UK (ISBN: 978-0-470-03269-5, ©2007, 476 pages

MSc level INN: The Human Side of Managing Technological Innovation, A collection of Readings.

2nd ed. (2004) Ralph Katz, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-513531-8MSc level ENT:• Annual Review of Progress in Entrepreneurship Research: volume 2, 2002-

2003, edited by David Watkins, Southampton Business School, UK   (ISBN: 1-84544-047-1)

•  Eckhardt, J.T. & Shane, S.A. (2002) Opportunities and entrepreneurship. Journal of Management, 29 (3), 333 – 349.

• Baron, R.A. (2006) Opportunity recognition as pattern recognition. Academy of Management Perspectives, February, 104 – 119.

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Literature for INT [email protected]

core book for Bachelor phase:• Ball et al., International Business; the challenge of global competition,

McGraw-Hill, 2008, 11th edition, ISBN 9780071286671.

core books for Master phase:• Franklin D. Root, Entry Strategies for International Markets, Jossey-

Bass, 1998, ISBN 9780787945718.• Susan C. Schneider & Jean-Louis Barsoux, Managing across cultures,

2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 2003, ISBN 9780273646631.• S. Tamer Cavusgil et al., Doing Business in Emerging Markets, Sage,

2002, ISBN 0-7619-1375-0.   for Master Class International Management:•  Mark Saunders, P. Lewis & A. Thornhill, Research Methods for

Business Students, 4th edition, Prentice Hall, 2007, ISBN 9780273-701484

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Literature for Service Management [email protected]

Books    a. Services marketing management: A

strategic perspective, 2nd ed. 2006, H. Kasper, P.v. Helsdingen & M. Gabbott

    b. Services management: An integrated approach, B. v. Looy; R. v. Dierendonck & P. Gemmel

Journal"International Journal of Service Industry


Page 18: Introduction lecture premaster programme MSc Business Administration P.C. de Weerd-Nederhof School of Management & Governance Welcome!

Literature for FIN Mgt [email protected]/[email protected]

• Accounting in a business context" (4th Edition) by Aidan Berry and Robin Jarvis, Thomson, 978-1-84480-251-7 (introductory level)

• "Management and cost accounting" (6th Edition) by Colin Drury, Thomson, 1-84480-028-8 (intermediate level)

• "Principles of corporate finance" by Richard Brealey and Stewart Myers, McGraw-Hill, 0-07-246766-5 (intermediate level)

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Literature for HRM [email protected]

• BSc level: M. Beer, B. Spector, P.R. Lawrence, D. Quinn Mills and R.E. Walton (1984), Managing Human Assets, The Free Press, New York, ISBN 0-02-902390-4, 210 pp.

• MSc level: P. Boxall & J. Purcell (2003), Strategy and Human Resource Management. Palgrave Macmillan, Houndsmills/New York. ISBN 0-333-77820-0, 290 pp.

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Literature for Information Management [email protected]

Bachelor level:– Kroenke, David M. (2007), Experiencing

Management Information Systems. Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.

– Bouwman, H., Hooff, B. van den, Wijngaert, L. van de & Dijk, J. van (2005). ICT in Organisations: Adoption, Implementation, Use and Effects. London: Sage Publications.

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Useful Contact information• Student counselor

– Mr. Bert van Rein ([email protected]) Capt E006a

• Appointment: 053-489 3200

• Bureau Educational Affairs (BOZ): SP209• Programme director secretary

– Ms M.C. Predery, Capt E201, 053-4893519• Programme coordinator

– Mr. André Veenendaal ([email protected]) Capt C006

• Appointment: 053-489 3200

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• We need and value your feedback. Therefore we would like to form a 2007/2008 premaster student panel with ideally one student per track, to evaluate courses and the program with us on a regular basis (2-3 meetings during lunch break). Please step forward and contact Andre Veenendaal or Petra de Weerd-Nederhof!

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Questions or problems?

Please ask them now

Or you can always email, call or drop by!

Good Luck !
