Introduction into Agile & Scrum

agility accelerates ... About Agile Overview


This Slideshow has been presented at the Scrum Breakfast Basel in April 2011. It contains an introduction into Agile and Scrum.

Transcript of Introduction into Agile & Scrum

  • 1. agility accelerates ... About Agile Overview

2. About Agile Backlog Introduc:on 2 About Agile 5 About Scrum 8 Cost & Benet 2 Q & A 3 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 2 3. agility accelerates ... Agile Coach & Consultant So;ware Engineer Cer:ed Scrum Professional Cer:ed Enterprise Architect Member of the Lean, Agile & Java Enterprise Edi:on (JEE) Scrum Group, SwissICT Performance Engineer YOUR HOST MISCHA RAMSEYER 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 3 4. Project Leader, Manager, Developer 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 4 5. agility accelerates ... ABOUT AGILE 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 5 6. What is Agile? 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 6 7. Waterfall heavyweight Analysis Design Implementa:on Verica:on Month to Years 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 7 8. What happend? 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 8 9. Agile - lightweigt Implementa:on Design Verica:on Analysis Days to Weeks 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 9 10. Agile vs. Tradi:onal Waterfall Agile Big Bang Incremental delivery Failing badly Fail fast Leaps Baby Steps Managing Change Responding to Change Comand & Control Mission Control Big Design up front Incremental Design Integra:on last Con:nuous Integra:on Verica:on last Test rst 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 10 11. History Tales 2001: Manifesto for Agile Soiware 1999: Extreme Development Programming Explained Embrace 1995: Ken Change by Kent Beck Schwaber & Je Sutherland presented Scrum 1990s: Complexity- at OOPSLA95 driven evolvement of XP & Scrum 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 11 12. Manifesto for Agile Soiware Development Individuals & Processes & To ols Interac:ons e Comprehensiv are Working Soiw documenta:on over :a:on Customer Contract negocollabora:on n Following a pla change Responding to rtan t Impo More Im portant 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 12 13. Agile Toolbox Management Lean Top Agile Worker Project & Middle Management Scrum XP Kanban Development Opera:ons 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 13 14. agility accelerates ... SCRUM WHAT TO DO! 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 14 15. What is Scrum? 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 15 16. agility accelerates ... PRINCIPLES 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 16 17. Timebox 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 17 18. Deliver early & oien 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 18 19. Inspect & Adapt 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 19 20. Empower the Team 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 20 21. agility accelerates ... PROCESS 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 21 22. Scrum is simple... 3 Roles 3 Artefacts 4 Mee:ngs 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 22 23. ... but hard ... 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 23 24. .... because changing is hard! 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 24 25. agility accelerates ... COST-BENEFIT 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 25 26. Discipline 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 26 27. Trust & Commitment 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 27 28. Mo:vated Employees 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 28 29. Transperency 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 29 30. Hard Facts 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 30 31. Why does the revolu:on con:nue? 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 31 32. Ques:ons & Answers 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 32 33. agility accelerates ... BACKUP 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 33 34. Members of the Agile Manifesto Kent Beck Brian Marick Mike Beedle Robert C. Mar:n Arie van Bennekum Steve Mellor Alistair Cockburn Ken Schwaber Ward Cunningham Je Sutherland Mar:n Fowler Dave Thomas James Grenning Jim Highsmith Andrew Hunt Ron Jeries Jon Kern 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 34 35. Principles behind the Agile Manifesto Our highest priority is to sa:sfy the customer through early and con:nuous delivery of valuable soiware. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customers compe::ve advantage. Deliver working soiware frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter :mescale. 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 35 36. Principles behind the Agile Manifesto Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project. Build projects around mo:vated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done. The most ecient and eec:ve method of conveying informa:on to and within a development team is face-to-face conversa:on. 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 36 37. Principles behind the Agile Manifesto Working soiware is the primary measure of progress. Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indenitely. Con:nuous aoen:on to technical excellence and good design enhances agility. 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 37 38. Principles behind the Agile Manifesto Simplicity the art of maximizing the amount of work not done is essen:al. The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams. At regular intervals, the team reects on how to become more eec:ve, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly. 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 38 39. Deming Cycle 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 39 40. agility accelerates ... XP HOW TO DO IT! 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 40 41. 13 Primary Prac:ces Sit Together short tracks, easy communica:on Whole Team There are no winners in a loosing team Informa:ve Workspace Status informa:on up front Energized Work Sustainable pace Pair Programming Work together Stories Make cost-benet visible Ten-Minute Build get immediate feedback Con:nuous Integra:on prevents you from integra:on hell Test-First Programming Write your tests rst Incremental Design Design as much as necessary for TODAY Project Managment Weekly Cycle, Quarterly Cycle, Slack 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 41 42. Con:nuous Integra:on Feedback Check for Check-In Change Developer CI-System SCM Worksta:on Ceck-Out Feedback Manual Deploy Test- Tes:ng Customer Build Server Environment Worksta:on Build Automated Tes:ng Feedback 20.04.2011 About Agile, pragma:c solu:ons gmbh 42