Introduction (Bel)

1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of study This research is about introducing a new plastic based product in order to overcome the problems involving excessive use of non-biodegradable plastics in nursery and houses. The new biodegradable poly-bag that will be introduced has its advantages as it is friendlier to environment compared to the existing poly-bag. The difference between these two type of poly- bag will be discussed in the findings. The first man-made plastic was created by Alexander Parkes who publicly demonstrated it at the 1962 Great International Exhibition in London. The material called Parkesine was organic material derived from cellulose that once heated could be mold and retained its shape when cooled. After the First World War, improvements in chemical technology led to an explosion in new forms of plastics; mass production began around 1940s and 1950s. Polypropylene was found in 1954 by Giulio Natta and began to be manufactured in 1957. Among the earliest examples in the wave of new polymers were polystyrene (PS), first produced in 1930s and polyvinyl chloride in the late 1920s. The plastics bag was only introduced in the 1970s but its use has expanded due to its high versatility. The plastic bag is an efficient way to carry goods. It is hygienic, light in weight yet considerable strong. Plastic bag are made from both natural gas and petroleum. If the plastic is incinerated, it increases carbon emission and if it placed in a landfill, it becomes a carbon sink. In terms of its energy, it takes 0.48 mega joules to produce one high density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic bag. Taking into account its energy consumption, about 1 square meter of natural land is required to absorb the greenhouse gases generated from the production of about 14 HDPE bags. Each year, over 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide. We would need to set aside a natural area almost the size of the state of Sabah just to absorb the greenhouse gases generated from the production of these entire plastics bag. Petroleum-based plastics accumulation in landfills takes up valuable space and threatens the environment. Moreover, the amount of


the assignment was on biodegradable plastic which was suggest to replace the existing plastics. some respondent were found and answer the questions about their knowledge on the plastic bag

Transcript of Introduction (Bel)

Page 1: Introduction (Bel)



1.1 Background of study

This research is about introducing a new plastic – based product in order to overcome the

problems involving excessive use of non-biodegradable plastics in nursery and houses. The new

biodegradable poly-bag that will be introduced has its advantages as it is friendlier to

environment compared to the existing poly-bag. The difference between these two type of poly-

bag will be discussed in the findings.

The first man-made plastic was created by Alexander Parkes who publicly demonstrated it at the

1962 Great International Exhibition in London. The material called Parkesine was organic

material derived from cellulose that once heated could be mold and retained its shape when

cooled. After the First World War, improvements in chemical technology led to an explosion in

new forms of plastics; mass production began around 1940s and 1950s. Polypropylene was

found in 1954 by Giulio Natta and began to be manufactured in 1957. Among the earliest

examples in the wave of new polymers were polystyrene (PS), first produced in 1930s and

polyvinyl chloride in the late 1920s. The plastics bag was only introduced in the 1970s but its use

has expanded due to its high versatility. The plastic bag is an efficient way to carry goods. It is

hygienic, light in weight yet considerable strong.

Plastic bag are made from both natural gas and petroleum. If the plastic is incinerated, it

increases carbon emission and if it placed in a landfill, it becomes a carbon sink. In terms of its

energy, it takes 0.48 mega joules to produce one high density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic bag.

Taking into account its energy consumption, about 1 square meter of natural land is required to

absorb the greenhouse gases generated from the production of about 14 HDPE bags. Each year,

over 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide. We would need to set aside a

natural area almost the size of the state of Sabah just to absorb the greenhouse gases generated

from the production of these entire plastics bag. Petroleum-based plastics accumulation in

landfills takes up valuable space and threatens the environment. Moreover, the amount of

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petroleum used to make a plastic bag would drive a car about 115 meters. It would take only 14

plastic bags to drive one mile.

Although plastics can be recycled and reused again, the facilities that are required to sort and

process the various types of plastics separately are neither available and nor economical. At such,

the process recycling of plastic bags is still very low and not yet a practical option in Malaysia.

Plastic bags that are disposed in garbage end up in dumps and landfills. It can take up to 1000

years for plastic bags to degrade and breakdown completely. Plastic bag that improperly

disposed can clog waterways and contribute toward floods. Bag that make it to the ocean are

harmful to marine life. At least 267 different species are known to have suffered from

entanglement or ingestion of plastic marine debris for example turtles often choke on plastics

after mistaking the floating debris for food. Plastics constitute 24% of landfill volume, the

second highest after food waste.

Table 1: plastic statistic source by Smart Green Tips, Earth 911

Plastic Statistics

Total number of plastic bags used worldwide annually 1 trillion

Total number of plastic bags China consumes everyday 3 billion

Total number of plastic bags used every minute 1 million

Total number of years it takes for a plastic bag to degrade 1,000 years

Total amount of plastic bags that were discarded in 2008 3.5 million tons

Total amount of plastic floating in every square mile of ocean 46,000 pieces

Average amount of plastic bags consumed per family in 4 trips to the grocery



Percent of plastic made every year that will end up in the ocean 10%

Total amount of plastic bags used by U.S. citizens every year 100 billion

Average amount of plastic bottles a U.S. household will use each year 500 plastic bottles

Percent of household waste that is plastic 11%

Several countries have banned the use of plastic bags or charge a tax on them. China which uses

3 billion plastic bags a day banned the production of ultra-thin plastic bags. In 2002, Ireland

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introduced a tax on plastic bags, reducing their use by 90%. San Francisco became the first

American city to ban plastic bags from large supermarkets in 2007 and the state of California

requires large stores to take back plastic bags and encourage their reuse. In Malaysian, the call to

ban its use has been mooted now and then with little success. The latest is the Subang Jaya

Municipal Council’s plastic free campaign launched last August with a declared aim of turning

the Selangor municipality into the first place in the country to eliminate the use of plastic bags by

2010. The public is encouraged to switch to paper bags, biodegradable carries or their own

shopping bag.

During the 1920s, Maurice Lemoigne, a French researcher, discovered the first biodegradable

plastics from his work with the bacterium Bacillus megaterium. Decades later, microbiologists in

the United States and Great Britain independently discovered PHB (polyhydroxyalkanoate) in

1957 and 1958, respectively.

Biodegradable plastic those made from organic material like corn starch, and those that use

petroleum like the normal plastics but with an additive that speed up disintegration. These types

of plastics would be biodegradable and better for environment. According to the Malaysian

Plastic manufacturer Association (MPMA) the use of bidegradable plastics will reduce the

proportion on non-biodegradable and non-ozone depleting plastics bags.

Biodegradable broadly means that an object can be biologically broken down. Under proper

conditions biodegradable plastics capable of being decomposed by bacteria or other living

organism. Starch powder has been mixed with plastic as a filler to allow it to degrade more

easily. It has potential to be disposed of in a way that is less damaging to the environment.

Biodegradable plastics have a variety of applications, from agriculture and food packaging to

biomedical devices and tableware.

Example of bidegradable plastics.

1. Polyanhydrides.

2. Polyvinyl alcohol

3. Most of the starch derivatives

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1.2 Statement of problems

The excessive use of non-biodegradable plastic n nursery and houses has affected the

environment such as the increases of the waste.

1.3 Terms of reference

1.4 Objectives of the study

1. To promote the biodegradable poly-bag to nurseries and houses.

2. To identify the problem at the nurseries and houses when using the chemical-based

plastic for their plants.

1.5 Research questions

Objective 1

To promote the biodegradable poly-bag to nurseries and houses.

Research Question 1

What are the level of knowledge of people who work at the nurseries and housewives or

gardener at houses about current poly-bag plastics and biodegradable plastic?

Objective 2

To identify the problem at the nurseries and houses when using the chemical-based plastic for

their plants.

Research Question 2

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What are the related problems or disadvantages of using the current poly-bag to nurseries and


1.6 Significance of study

The statistic number shows that the plastics contribute about 500 million to 1 trillion wastes

every year. The findings of this study are important to help the people to reduce the number of

waste and to acknowledge them with the information about this friendly environment to reduce

the waste and at the same time they can make the environment greener.

1.7 Scope of the study

The scope of this research was about the uses of poly-bag or plastic used at the nurseries and

houses. In this research, the biodegradable plastic will be introduced as a replacement for the

current poly-bag existed as it is not environmental friendly. This research is also about the

biodegradable plastic produced acts as organic manure which will supply the organic needed by

the plant. The organic manure that supplied to the plant is based on the substance used to make

the biodegradable plastic.


2.1 Definition of plastic

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Based on Tooling University, plastic can be defined as a material consisting of very large

molecules characterized by light weight, high corrosion resistance, high strength-to-weight

ratios, and low melting points. Most plastics are easily shaped or formed.

Plastic also can be known as a synthetic material made from a wide range of organic polymers

such as polyethylene, PVC, nylon, etc., that can be molded into shape while soft, and then set

into a rigid or slightly elastic form according to the Oxford Dictionary.

Whereas, the science dictionary stated that plastic as any of numerous substances that can be

shaped and molded when subjected to heat or pressure. Plastics are easily shaped because they

consist of long-chain molecules known as polymers, which do not break apart when flexed.

Plastics are usually artificial resins but can also be natural substances, as in certain cellular

derivatives and shellac. Plastics can be pressed into thin layers, formed into objects, or drawn

into fibers for use in textiles. Most do not conduct electricity well, are low in density, and are

often very tough. Polyvinyl chloride, methyl methacrylate, and polystyrene are plastics

2.1 History of plastic

2.2.1 The First Man-Made Plastic – Parkesine

The first man-made plastic was created by Alexander Parkes who publicly demonstrated it at the

1862 Great International Exhibition in London. The material called Parkesine was an organic

material derived from cellulose that once heated could be molded, and retained its shape when


2.2.2 Timeline – Precursors

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2.2.3 Timeline - Beginning of the Plastic Era with Semi Synthetics

2.2.4 Timeline - Thermosetting Plastics and Thermoplastics

1839 - Natural Rubber - method of processing invented by Charles Goodyear

1843 - Vulcanite - Thomas Hancock

1843 - Gutta-Percha - William Montgomerie

1856 - Shellac - Alfred Critchlow, Samuel Peck

1856 - Bois Durci - Francois Charles Lepag

1839 - Polystyrene or PS

discovered - Eduard Simon

1862 - Parkesine - Alexander


1863 - Cellulose Nitrate or

Celluloid - John Wesley Hyatt

1872 - Polyvinyl Chloride or PVC - first created by

Eugen Baumann

1894 - Viscose Rayon - Charles Frederick

Cross, Edward John Bevan

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1908 - Cellophane ® - Jacques E. Brandenberger

1909 - First true plastic Phenol-Formaldehyde tradenamed Bakelite Leo Hendrik


1926 - Vinyl or PVC - Walter Semon invented a plasticized PVC.

1927 - Cellulose Acetate

1933 - Polyvinylidene chloride or Saran also called PVDC - accidentally discovered

by Ralph Wiley, a Dow Chemical lab worker.

1935 - Low-density polyethylene or LDPE - Reginald Gibson and Eric Fawcett

1936 - Acrylic or Polymethyl Methacrylate

1937 - Polyurethanes tradenamed Igamid for plastics materials and Perlon for fibers.

- Otto Bayer and co-workers discovered and patented the chemistry of polyurethanes

1938 - Polystyrene made practical

1938 - Polytetrafluoroethylene or PTFE tradenamed Teflon - Roy Plunkett

1939 - Nylon and Neoprene considered a replacement for silk and a synthetic rubber

respectively Wallace Hume Carothers

1941 - Polyethylene Terephthalate or Pet - Whinfield and Dickson

1942 - Low Density Polyethylene

1942 - Unsaturated Polyester also called PET patented by John Rex Whinfield and

James Tennant Dickson

1951 - High-density polyethylene or HDPE tradenamed Marlex - Paul Hogan and

Robert Banks

1951 - Polypropylene or PP - Paul Hogan and Robert Banks

1953 - Saran Wrap introduced by Dow Chemicals.

1954 - Styrofoam a type of foamed polystyrene foam was invented by Ray McIntire

for Dow Chemicals

1964 – Polyimide

1970 - Thermoplastic Polyester this includes trademarked Dacron, Mylar, Melinex,

Teijin, and Tetoron

1978 - Linear Low Density Polyethylene

1985 - Liquid Crystal Polymers

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2.3 Classification of plastic

Plastics, depending on their physical properties, may be classified as thermoplastic or

thermosetting materials. Thermoplastic materials can be formed into desired shapes under

heat and pressure and become solids on cooling. If they are subjected to the same conditions

of heat and pressure, they can be remolded. Thermosetting materials acquire infallibility

under heat and pressure and cannot be remolded.

Plastics may be classified also according to their chemical sources. The twenty or more

known basic types fall into four general groups:

Cellulose Plastics: Include the cellulose nitrates and cellulose acetates. The cellulose

nitrate plastics are the oldest in this group, and "Celluloid" is the oldest example. These

plastics are made from cotton or wood pulp.

Synthetic Resin Plastics: Include the phenol formaldehyde, phenolic furfural, urea

formaldehyde, vinyl, styrene, and acrylic plastics. These plastics are made from phenol,

formaldehyde, urea, acetylene, petroleum, glycerol, and phthalic anhydride.

Protein Plastics: Casein plastics are the most common type in the protein group. They

are made from milk. Other protein plastics are made from soy beans, coffee beans,

peanuts, and other agricultural products.

Natural Resins: Include shellac, asphalt, rosin, amber, and pitch. These materials with

fillers are usually cold moulded.


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3.1 Introduction

This section discusses the methodology of the research. In this research, there are two mainly

objectives which are to identify the problem at the nurseries and houses when using the

chemical-based plastic for their plants and at the same time to promote the biodegradable poly-

bag to nurseries and houses. In order to assess and evaluate the problem at the nurseries and

houses, some random people were chosen. Data for the research were collected by using some

method. They were questionnaire and also by using electronic resources such as e-journal,

internet, websites and other online materials.

3.2 Research instruments

This research used both the quantitative and qualitative research methodology. The method used

to collect the data were questionnaire for primary data and electronic resources for secondary

data. For the first method, a set of questionnaire consisting 11 questions was developed. It

contains closed-ended question-types such as yes-no and listing. The questionnaires then were

distributed to random people to get the results. The results also known as quantitative data where

the researcher need to make suitable analysis.

The qualitative as well as secondary data for the research were electronic resources. The sources

from electronic resources such as e-journal, internet and websites that were related to poly-bag

and biodegradable poly-bag were gathered and compiled to get the better picture of the research.

Comparison can be made if other researcher already done the same topics. So in the end, this

new carry out research can proof the validity of the other research before this.

3.3 Respondent of the study

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Search for informations

Questionnaire developed

Distributed to respondents


The respondent of the study were several people who related fully with nurseries and some

random people who researcher saw fit to this research. In May 2013, a total 20 questionnaires

were distributed to people at different age and places. Of this numbers, three were male

respondents while the rest were female respondents.

3.4 Research procedure

Before the data collections, the problems regarding the using of plastic poly-bag and some search

about biodegradable poly-bag were done. From the data collected, a set questionnaire was set up

and distributed to the random people. The questionnaires were distributed at various places.

Respondents were approached with initial question whether they had done some planting at

home or before this before the questionnaire was given to them.

Figure 3.1: The summary of the procedures for questionnaire and interview

3.5 Data analysis

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After getting the results, to analyze the data, all the questions asked in the questionnaire was

inserted into Microsoft Excel to do the analysis. The results were presented through a bar chart,

pie chart, tables and other descriptive statistics. Interview data provided a way to support the data

from questionnaire. The analysis interview went through the coding technique using

identification of questions, which that can be relate with questionnaire questions that emerged

from the analysis.


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The aims of this research are to promote the biodegradable poly-bag to nurseries and

houses and to identify the problem at the nurseries and houses when using the chemical-based

plastic for their plants. In order to achieve these objectives, the data was collected randomly from

different average of gender and age by using questionnaire. The questionnaire is about the usage

of poly-bag instead of biodegradable bag for gardening and their opinion about the replacement

of poly-bag into the biodegradable bag. However, in this analysis and findings, the most critical

and important issues will be identified and selected that need to be tackled and resolved to be

further elaborate in our conclusion and recommendation. The analysis of data revealed the


4.1.1 Gender of respondents

Table 1.0: Gender of respondent that answer the questionnaires.

Male Female Total

Number 3 17 20

Percentage (%) 15 85 100

From the table above, 15% (3 number of respondent) is male and 85% (17 number of

respondent) is female. The difference between the male and female is large which is 70%.

This is because, female respondents tends to gardening as their hobby during their free

time and male does not gardening because their probably working.

4.1.2 Average age of the respondents

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Chart 2.0: Average age of respondent that answers the questionnaires.

Chart above shows the average age of respondent that answers the questionnaires. The average

age between 20-30 is the highest with 55% while the average age between 41-50 is the lowest

with 5% only. The average age between 50 and above was approximately half the percentage

between 20-30 with 25%. At early age, peoples usually have high energy to done the gardening.

Besides that, at this average age, they always have hire desired in order to make their house

beautiful by planting a beautiful flowers. Besides planting beautiful flowers, they also plant for

vegetables and herbs. Usually they used a poly-bag before transfer it into pots. At average age

between 41-50 seems to be the lowest with 5% because at this age, they do not have enough

energy to o the gardening. Maybe at this average age, this people do not interest to do the


4.1.3 Average amount of poly-bag that respondent used per month








20-30 31-40 41-50 50 and above

Chart of average age versus percentage%

Chart of average age versuspercentage%

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Chart 3.0: Average amount of poly-bag used by the respondent per month.

The pie chart above shows the average amount of poly-bag used by the respondent per month.

The higher percentage is 90% (18 number of respondent) for average amount of poly-bag used

between 0-10. The remaining was 5% (1 number of respondents) for both average amount of

poly-bag used between 11-21 and 21-30. From this information, we can conclude that, the entire

respondent used between 0-10 of poly-bag was come from the average age 20-30. The

respondent that comes from this average age does not have enough time at home for done the

gardening. Maybe some of the respondent was continued their study, working and they tend have

others hobby besides gardening.

4.1.4 Different methods of poly-bag disposal

Average amount of poly-bag used by the respondent per month




Page 16: Introduction (Bel)


Chart 4.0: The different methods of poly-bag disposal by the respondent.

From the table above, the method of poly-bag disposal by throwing into the rubbish bin is the

highest with the percentage of 61%. In addition, it also can be concluded that the method of

poly-bag disposal by dumping into the ground was the lowest with 0%. Respondent did choose

this method because they do not have enough ground space around their house to dumping the

poly-bag into the ground; therefore they choose to throw the poly-bag into the rubbish bin with

the hope that the poly-bag can be easily recycled. Besides that, the entire respondent was lived at

resident area. As we can see, there is 26% choose to disposed the poly-bag by open burning. In

our opinion, open burning is not the suitable method to dispose the poly-bag because burning

process will released carbon dioxide and may affect the environment for example greenhouse

effect. The remaining percentage which is 13% choose the recycle method without knowing that

the poly-bag is difficult to recycle because the component of poly-bag is made up of natural gas

and petroleum and it take 1000 years to decompose.

0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

Dumping into the ground


Open burning

Throw into rubbish bin

The Percentage of Different Method of Poly-bag Disposal Choose by the Respondent

The Percentage of DifferentMethod of Poly-bag DisposalChoose by the Respondent

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4.1.5 Opinion of respondent about the marketable of biodegradable bag

Chart 5.0: Opinion of respondent about the marketable of biodegradable bag.

From the chart above, we can easily conclude that all the respondent have an interest

about the production of biodegradable bag in order to replace the poly-bag after they are

provided about the advantages of biodegradable bag in the questionnaire which are low cost,

environment friendly, easy to dispose and produce organic manure while dispose. Showing their

interest make the biodegradable can be marketable. Besides that, with the usage of biodegradable

bag, we can save the environment.

Opinion of Respondent About the Marketable of Biodegradable Bag


Not Interested

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This research was conducted in order to introduce the environmental friendly plastic bag to the

public. The idea was come after there are some environmental problem occurred during the

disposal of plastic bag. For example, greenhouse effect due to the open burning of plastic bag

and lack of disposal space of plastic bag where plastic bag that was made up of natural gas and

petroleum will take a 1000 years to dispose completely. There is no fast disposal method

introduce. Therefore we must overcome this problem by replacing the plastic bag with the

biodegradable bag. The objectives of this research are to promote the biodegradable poly-bag to

nurseries and houses and to identify the problem at the nurseries and houses when using the

chemical-based plastic for their plants. In order to get the information, questionnaire was

randomly provided to the 20 respondents at different gender and age.

From the data collected through the questionnaire, we can conclude that every respondent

tend to do a gardening. Some of them used the poly-bag before transfer it into the pot. It is

acceptable because there is no suitable place to implant the plant besides the poly-bag. But the

respondent does not know how to dispose the poly-bag correctly. Many of them make an easy

move by throwing them into the rubbish bin, open burning, and recycle. Many of the respondent

lack of knowledge about the disposal of poly-bag thus make them as the higher percentage to

contribute to the environment problem. Therefore, to overcome this problem, public must be

provided the information about the disadvantages of poly-bag and invention a new product

which is biodegradable bag.

After realizing the facts by using the poly-bag, all the respondents have agree and get

interested with biodegradable bag which provide them a low cost, environmental friendly, easy

to dispose and produce organic manure while dispose compared to poly-bag. Therefore,

biodegradable bag seems to have higher marketable. Furthermore, the environmental problem

such as greenhouse effect due to the open burning can be reduce and soil can get a nutrients from

the disposal of biodegradable bag because during disposal, the biodegrable bag may act as the

organic manure to the soil.

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At the end of this research, the objectives were successfully achieved. Some

recommendations were provided to overcome the problem that we are facing when conducting

this research. Limitations while conducting this experiment are the small number of respondent,

data collection method and time. For further research, the number of respondent must large

therefore a lot of information can be obtained. Besides questionnaire, interview also can be

conducted to collect the data from the experience person to get more rational answer. Lastly, if

more time was given, there are a lot of respondent can be made and more relevant data can be

collected smooth out the findings and discussion.

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6.1 Recommendation based on findings

Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, here are several recommendations to be


1. The lack of knowledge about biodegradable plastic among community can be

overcomes through promotion and campaign. The campaign and the promotion should

cover all the aspects of the knowledge that the people should know and care.

2. The government should support the works and the research about the biodegradable

plastic bag so that many companies can start to work on it and can make it commercial.

3. The teen should be highlighted to know more about this knowledge regarding

biodegradable plastics so that they will support it and continue the research to make it


4. The awareness about the environment, how to secure and to take care of it should have

known by all people, but still many people such as certain respondents chose to burn

the plastics instead of recycle it. The authorities should increase the efforts regarding


5. More publicity about this biodegradable friendly plastic bag should be done in order to

let the people become familiar and the children to grow with it so that it will become

part of their lives as much as the plastics all this time.

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6.2 Recommendations for future research

1. The researcher can used this biodegradable plastic as alternative to replace plastic bags

used at hypermarket and groceries. Further research can be done to make this

environmental friendly plastic to last longer and strong enough to hold all the


2. The researcher also can used other raw materials come from agricultural waste to be

process and make this biodegradable plastic. They are such as wood dust, coconut

husk, banana fiber and rice ask instead of corn starch. This will make the agricultural

and plastic wastes become lower and the profit can be increase.

3. On future research, the questionnaires need to be distributed to more people so that the

potential of this research to become true are huge. From recent research, almost all 20

respondents agreed that this biodegradable plastic can be market.

4. Future researcher also can make the sample of the biodegradable plastics bag to obtain

people interests in this project. The researcher can give it to the respondents and let

they try to use it at home. Then the researcher can collect the true results about what

they think about it.

5. Lastly, the other researcher that interested to carry on this research can corporate with

the company that makes the plastics bag. The researcher can get benefits from that as

the research can be improved more and the corporation with the company will make

the research come true.

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