Introduction and opening story from Absence of the Hero

Hnfrigs @umlwsme f`sgohg L N ngrl WOHLIIGHTGD XTLPEGX   GXXFUX, SLIWBG 0: 6543‘6550 [ N PL L U Dfved Xtgpngo Hfiloog U KN : P L

Transcript of Introduction and opening story from Absence of the Hero

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Hnfrigs @umlwsme f`sgohg





GXXFUX, SLIWBG 0: 6543‘6550


Dfved Xtgpngo HfiloogU KN : PL

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Hlpyreknt © 0161 `y Tng Gstftg lc Hnfrigs @umlwsme

Eotrlduhtelo hlpyreknt © 0161 `y Dfved Xtgpngo Hfiloog

 Fii reknts rgsgrvgd

Hlvgr dgseko: Jgfi Bgiieo www.`ek`iuglx.ogt

Ie`rfry lc Hlokrgss Hftfilkeok-eo-Qu`iehftelo Dftf 

@umlwsme, Hnfrigs.

 F`sgohg lc tng ngrl : uohliightgd stlregs fod gssfys, vliubg 0: 6543‘6550 /

`y Hnfrigs @umlwsme = gdetgd, wetn fo eotrlduhtelo, `y Dfved Xtgpngo Hfiloog.

  p. hb.

 Eohiudgs `e`ielkrfpnehfi rgcgrgohgs.

 EX@O 5;>-1->;0>3-786-1

 E. Hfiloog, Dfved Xtgpngo, 6578— EE. Tetig.

 QX877⒅W4F3 0161



Seset lur wg`setg: www.hetyieknts.hlb

Hety Ieknts @llms frg pu`iesngd

ft tng Hety Ieknts @llmstlrg

036 Hliub`us Fvgoug

Xfo Crfoheshl, HF 54688

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Hnfrigs @umlwsme hlbplsgd f sgqugohg lc sex stlregs `gtwggo

6544 fod 654>, eohiudeok ’Fgrbftn lc f Igoktny Pgjghtelo Xiep‒

(6544) eo Xtlry, ’01 Tfoms lb Mfssgidlwo‒ (6543) eo Qlrtcliel EEE ,

fod tng qufrtgt fppgfreok eo Bftrex: ’Tng Pgfslo @gneod Pgf-

slo‒ (6543), ’Ilvg, Ilvg, Ilvg‒ (6543‘4;), ’Hfhlgtngs Xhre`gode‒

(654;), fod ’Nfrd [etnlut Buseh‒ (654>).6 ’Tng Pgfslo @gneod

Pgfslo‒—fitnlukn dghlrftgd wetn @umlwsme―s strst pu`iesngd drfw-

eok, dgpehteok f `fsg`fii pifygr hlbehfiiy rgfhneok lut tl hfthn f ffy`fii—es pgrvfdgd `y fo ggreg sgosg lc desquegt. Tng bfeo hnfrfhtgr

Hngifsme es puzzigd, goekbfteh, butgd, wetndrfwo= ng sggs ol rgfslo

tl pgrclrb nes fppleotgd rlig eo tng kfbg `ghfusg, iemg tng kfbg

lc iecg, et es fo f`surd log. @umlwsme pfys hilsg fttgotelo tl tng

lddiy-l`sgrvgd deshlooghtgd sbfii dgtfei fod dgblostrftgs nes gfriy

bfstgry lc sthtelofi hrf: ’strg lo tneoks stehmeok eo blutns‒ lc tng

spghtftlrs= ’tng tnehm vgeos eo tng rgd oghm‒ lc Jfbeslo= f rnytnbe-hfi, iyrehfi fffsn lc grlteh bystgry lb tng keri eo tng krfodstfod

wetn ’f krggo smert, fod f pigft eo f krggo smert, snfdlw-iemg, fod


Iemg Plqugoteo eo Jgfo-Qfui Xfrtrg―s If Ofusåg  (658>), wnl gx-

pgregohgs tng wlrid fs ’lut tngrg‒ fod es bfdg eii `y tng hngstout

trgg―s nlrre`ig queddety, sl tll Hngifsme cggis ’defigrgot,‒ fdre eo

fo eodefigrgot uoevgrsg wngrg ’tneoks dlo―t sgt reknt‒ fod ’gvgo tngsuo illmgd f iettig sehm, tng krggo lc tng cgohgs tll krggo, tng smy

buhn tll nekn‒ fod f wgerd rghurreok `erd ’smeppgd tnrlukn tng

fer, up fod dlwo, slbgwngrg, vgry cfst.‒ Tng tetig ’Tng Pgfslo

@gneod Pgfslo‒ sukkgsts fo eoshrutf`ig reddig lhhiudgd `gneod tng

rgfslos wg eovgot tl eotgrprgt lur gxpgregohg. [nftgvgr bgfoeoks

tngrg beknt `g frg sl uorgfslof`ig tnft tngy frg `gst pfssgd lvgr

eo seigohg. Et es tng eodevedufi, qugsteloeok plgt wnl es ilst, wneig

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xee / eotrlduhtelo

tng hrlwd ’fii nuok tlkgtngr eo f strfokg uodgrstfodeok.‒ Tnes es

tng slietfry bystehfi zlog wngrg oltneok fod ol`ldy hlooght= wg

snluid rgbgb`gr tnft log lc @umlwsme―s cfvlretg olvgis wfs Hfrslo

BhHuiigrs― Tng Ngfrt es f Ilogiy Nuotgr .0

’Hfhlgtngs Xhre`gode‒ hlohgros fo gdetlr/wretgr wnl sggms fo

fssestfot clr nes ietgrfry bfkfzeog. Fkfeo tng blld es uohfooy, wetn

strfokg pgrtur`ftelos eo tng ftblspngrg, tng f`strusg wlrd hnlehg

purplsgiy jfrreok: ’suzgrfeo,‒ ’defhreteh,‒ ’fhgpnfilus,‒ ’zg`u,‒ ’fr-

kutg.‒ Tng tetig es tfmgo crlb Juvgofi―s Xfterg  SEE fod bfy `g trfos-

iftgd fs ’fo eohurf`ig godgbeh wretgr―s ethn,‒ wnehn prghesgiy dg-

shre`gs @umlwsme nebsgic seohg ng wfs f nfrd-wlrmeok, hgfsgigssiyprlduhtevg wretgr, hlostfotiy su`betteok plgbs, stlregs, fod gssfys

tl vertufiiy gvgry ietgrfry bfkfzeog eo tng Woetgd Xtftgs (fod sgvgrfi

eo Gurlpg).8 Eodggd, hlotrfry tl tng bytn clstgrgd `y tng futnlr

nebsgic, ng ded olt cfii seigot fgr 654>, tng pgreld lc nes eocfblus

’tgo-ygfr druom‒ wngo ng hifebgd tl nfvg wrettgo oltneok. Eo cfht,

ng su`bettgd plgbs tl Qlgtry (Hnehfkl) ̀ gtwggo 6578 fod 6573 fod

pu`iesngd tng plgbs ’Tng Illm‒ eo Bftrex eo 6576, ’Ify Lvgr‒ eoOfmgd Gfr  eo 6573, ’Tngsg Tneoks‒ fod ’Ulu Xblmg f Hekfrgttg‒

eo Vuexltg  6573, ’Qlgb clr Qgrsloogi Bfofkgrs‒ fod ’Fs tng Xpfr-

rlw‒ eo Vuexltg  657;, fod ’Beog‒ eo [fiifhg @grbfo―s Xgbeof 0  

eo 657⒏4 

’>1 Ferpifogs Dlo―t Qut Ulu eo tng Higfr‒ (657;) es oltgwlrtny

fs tng strst wlrm eo wnehn tng ofrrftlr es ofbgd ’Nfom,‒ wneig

eo ’Ilvg, Ilvg, Ilvg‒ tng bfeo hnfrfhtgr es ’Hnuhm‒ fod eo ’TngPgfslo @gneod Pgfslo‒ ng es ’Hngifsme.‒ @umlwsme wluid stofiiy

sgttig lo Ngory (’Nfom‒) Hneofsme (dgrevgd lb nes kevgo ofbg

Ngory Hnfrigs @umlwsme, Jr.) fs nes ietgrfry fitgr gkl. Tnes stlry

bfrms f rgturo tl tng blrg wnebsehfi tlog lc ’Fgrbftn‒ fod tng

tfig es `ueit frluod D.N. Ifwrgohg―s `elkrfpny: nes cfeigd fttgbpt

tl cluod tng hliloy lc Pfofoeb wetn nes egods, nes wecg Cregdf vlo

Pehntnlcgo, fod ngr meosnep wetn ’Tng Pgd @frlo,‒ Bfogd vlo

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eotrlduhtelo / xeee

Pehntnlcgo. Tng fiiuselo tl tng Pgd @frlo rgturos us tl @umlwsme―s

ietgrfry `gkeooeoks= log lc tng strst stlregs ng eovgotgd fs f hneid

hlohgrogd tng Kgrbfo [lrid [fr E stkntgr peilt.7 Pehnfrd Fideok-

tlo, Nlbgr, Xnfmgspgfrg, Twfeo, Xtgvgoslo, Nuxigy, Hlocuheus,

fod @ggtnlvgo frg fii eovlmgd dureok f oeknt lc pifycui dreomeok fod

wlbfoezeok. [geo, [ge`, uod Kgsfok —weog, wlbgo, fod slok, lr

fihlnli, sgx, fod plgtry/buseh—wluid `ghlbg @umlwsme―s l`sgs-

sevg tngbfteh nliy treoety= ec log gxests eo nes ofrrftevgs, tng ltngr

twl weii surgiy `g prgsgot.

@umlwsme―s trfoskrgssevg sgxufi wreteok `gkeos wetn ’Tng Pfpest―s

Xtlry.‒ Tnlukn et wfs pu`iesngd eo Nfrigqueo  eo 657;, @umlwsmenfd fhtufiiy su`bettgd et tl Xtlry eo 6570, tnus prgdfteok Sifdeber

Of`lmlv―s Ilietf (6577) `y tnrgg ygfrs.3 Et es higfr lb f psyhnl-

fofiyteh pgrspghtevg tnft tng hyhig lc stlregs f`lut veliftelo (’Tng

Cegod‒ lb 65;1 es f iftgr gxfbpig) frg rgpifyeoks lc @umlwsme―s

lwo tgrrlrezgd hneidnlld ft tng nfods lc nes veligot cftngr. Nes

uopu`iesngd gssfy ’Fn, Ie`grftelo, Ie`grty, Ieiegs lo tng Bllo!‒

eiiustrftgs nes hlbpfsselo clr tng vehtebs lc hneid f`usg fs wgii fsnes sgosetevety tl foebfi hrugity. Iftgr, eo nes ’Oltgs lc f Derty Lid

Bfo‒ hliubos, ng wluid hloteoug tl gxpgrebgot wetn gxpiehet grlteh

tngbgs, fod wngo ng quet nes plsetelo eo tng Ils Fokgigs Qlst Lc-

sthg eo 65;1 tl `gkeo nes hfrggr fs prlcgsselofi wretgr, ng `gkfo tl

hloshelusiy hrgftg eohrgfseokiy sgxufi fod veligot ofrrftevgs eo lrdgr

tl suhhgsscuiiy bfrmgt nes wlrm tl fduit bfkfzeogs.

@umlwsme fitgroftgd `gtwggo hlbplseok sthtelo fod plgtry, `utwngo ng wrltg gssfys, tngy wgrg blst gqugotiy dgvltgd tl ietgr-

fry pligbehs. Ng lgo sggbgd pfrtehuifriy hlohgrogd tl desteokuesn

nebsgic fs f slietfry hrgftlr sgpfrftg lb tng vfrelus ’shnllis‒ lc

 Fbgrehfo plgtry: Ebfkest, Hlocgsselofi, L`jghtevest, @ifhm Bluo-

tfeo, Dggp Ebfkg, Ogw Ulrm, @gft. Eo ’Bfoecgstl,‒ ng tfmgs feb

ft tng ’uoevgrsety plgts,‒ f cfbeiefr tfrkgt tnrluknlut nes hfrggr.

Tng gssfy es pgrnfps f pfrldy (tng vlhf`uifry—’olslkrfpny,‒

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xev / eotrlduhtelo

’hgoslrelus dehtub,‒ ’nguresteh,‒ ’stgftlpyklus,‒ ’negrlpnfots‒—es

l`velusiy lutrfkglus) lc tng kgotggi ietgrfry hretehesb lc nes dfy,

wnehn ng gljlygd rgfdeok eo tng Mgoylo Pgvegw lr tng Xgwfogg Pg-

vegw. Eo lpplsetelo tl tng pfbpgrgd evlry tlwgr `lys, @umlwsme es

ft pfeos tl rgbeod us tnft ng ievgd `y tng Fgshnyigfo dehtub pftnge

bftnls : tnrlukn sufigreok hlbgs wesdlb, eosperftelo, hrgftevety. Eo

’Ng @gfts Nes [lbgo,‒ ng fssgrtgd: ’Tng klds wgrg klld tl bg.

Tngy mgpt bg uodgr. Tngy bfdg bg ievg tng iecg. Et wfs vgry dec-

sthuit clr bg tl wfim lut lc f sifukntgrnlusg lr f cfhtlry fod hlbg

nlbg fod wretg f plgb E dedo―t quetg bgfo. Fod bfoy pglpig wretg

plgbs tngy dlo―t quetg bgfo. E dl tll, slbgtebgs. Tng nfrd iecghrgftgd tng nfrd ieog fod `y tng nfrd ieog E bgfo tng trug ieog dg-

vled lc lrofbgot.‒ F blrg hlohesg stftgbgot lc @umlwsme―s plgtehs

wluid `g dehuit tl stod.

Eo foltngr lc nes gssfys lo tng wreteok iecg, ’Tng Nlusg lc Nlr-

rlrs,‒ ng bfmgs sfrhfsteh l`sgrvftelos f`lut plgts wnl ’frg quetg

hlbclrtf`ig wetn sgts, fer hlligrs, ilfdgd rgekgrftlrs, fod fpfrt-

bgots fod nlusgs `y tng sgf—blstiy ft Sgoehg fod Xfotf Bloehf,fod tngy suo tngbsgivgs eo tng dfy, cggieok fod illmeok trfkeh, tngsg

bfig egods (<) lc beog fod tngo ft oeknt, il, pgrnfps tngy nfvg

f `lttig lc weog fod f wftgrhrgss sfodwehn, cliilwgd `y f wfeieok

igttgr lc tnger pgoury fod krgftogss tl slbg`ldy slbgwngrg.‒ Et es

f Plbfoteh hlohget, `ut clr @umlwsme bfoy plgts wgrg beid-bfo-

ogrgd rgplrtgrs wnl ded olt nlolr Oegtzshng―s beknty fpltngkb

eo Fisl Xprfhn Zfrftnustrf: ’Lc fii tnft es wrettgo E ilvg loiy wnft fbfo nfs wrettgo wetn nes `illd.‒; Fod ng wluid fkrgg wetn Hnfrigs

Qåkuy, wnl rgbfrmgd: ’Wo blt o―gst pfs ig bêbg dfos uo åhrevfeo

gt dfos uo futrg. I―uo sg i―frrfhng du vgotrg. I―futrg ig terg dg if

plhng dg slo pfrdgsssus.‒ ’F wlrd es olt tng sfbg wetn log wretgr

fs wetn foltngr. Log tgfrs et lb nes kuts. Tng ltngr puiis et lut

lc nes lvgrhlft plhmgt.‒

Tng su`jght bfttgr lc @umlwsme―s wreteok es vgry gqugotiy

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eotrlduhtelo / xv

wreteok etsgic: nes hlostfot gfilrt tl dgstog tng fht lc hlbplseok eo

rgiftelosnep tl fo futngotehfiiy ievgd iecg, nes tnglregs lc hrgftevety

fod plgtehs, nes fdberftelo clr ltngr wretgrs, fs wgii fs nes hlo-

oghtelos tl gdetlrs. Nes gssfy ’Tng Lutsedgr,‒ wnehn fppgfrgd eo

65;0 eo Tng [lrbwlld Pgvegw, es nes tre`utg tl Jlo Gdkfr fod

Kypsy Ilu [g``. Bfrveo Bfilog―s [lrbwlld Pgvegw, Dlukifs

@ifzgm―s Lig , fod eo Kgrbfoy Hfri [gessogr―s Mifhtlvgdsgdstggo—fii

wgrg hgotrfi eo silwiy gstf`iesneok tng rgfdgrsnep tnft wluid ifuohn

@umlwsme tl wlrid cfbg.> Ugt blst ebplrtfot lc fii wluid `g Jlno

Bfrteo―s @ifhm Xpfrrlw Qrgss= log lc @umlwsme―s sgvgrfi plrtrfets lc

Bfrteo fppgfrs eo nes 65>6 stlry ’Gfst Nliiywlld: Tng Ogw Qfres.‒ Fod @umlwsme nebsgic gdetgd twl iettig bfkfzeogs: Nfrigqueo, wetn

nes strst wecg @fr`frf Cryg fod iftgr, `regffy, Ifukn Ietgrfry fod Bfo

tng Nubpeok Kuos , wetn Oggie Hngrmlvsme.

Eodggd, @umlwsme―s eovlivgbgot wetn tng uodgrkrluod prgss

`ltn fs hlotre`utlr fod gdetlr put neb eo tng derght ieog lc hlb`ft

dureok tng hlotgotelus strukkig clr gg spgghn dureok tng ―71s, ―31s,

fod ―;1s. Fs gfriy fs 657;, [fiifhg @grbfo wfs rfedgd `y tng Ils Fokgigs vehg squfd.5 Eo 6533, Xtgvg Pehnblod, wnl nfd pu`iesngd

@umlwsme eo nes bfkfzeogs Gfrtn fod Gfrtn Plsg , nfd wreteoks lb

nes `llmsnlp eo Xfotf Bloehf hlostshftgd.61 d.f. igvy, tng dyofbl

lc tng ’bebgl rgvliutelo,‒ pu`iesngd @umlwsme―s plgb Tng Kgoeus

lc tng Hrlwd , wnehn wfs sgezgd `y tng pliehg: ’igvy wfs frrgstgd

fod jfeigd filok wetn Jeb Ilwgii (prlpregtlr lc tng krgft Fspnl-

dgi @llmsnlp, f wgihlbeok nlbg clr ogw plgtry clr lvgr tnerty ygfrs) lo hnfrkgs lc destre`uteok l`shgog bftgrefi eo Higvgifod.‒66 

[ngo Jlno @ryfo fsmgd @umlwsme tl gdet Pgofessfohg 0   eo Xgp-

tgb`gr 653>, ng sliehetgd f stlry `y Jfhm Behngieog tetigd ’Xmeooy

Dyofbetg,‒ f`lut ’f rgd-nfergd Ogw Ulrm keri wnl iemgd tl cuhm,‒

wnehn rgsuitgd eo @ryfo―s frrgst.60

Tnus fs f hrgfturg lc tng uodgrkrluod fod fs fo fdvlhftg lc

ggdlb lc spgghn, @umlwsme nfd fiwfys `ggo eo sybpftny wetn

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xve / eotrlduhtelo

tng edgfis lc tng hluotgrhuiturg. Fod fs wg sgg crlb nes fote-wfr

gssfy, ’Qgfhg, @f`y, Es Nfrd Xgii‒ (6530), ft tng `gkeooeok lc tng

Xextegs @umlwsme wfs eo fhhlrd wetn pfhestsb fod ilvg, fitnlukn

ng put lo tng lutgr bfsm lc tng tlukn kuy besfotnrlpg tl nedg

nes gssgotefi tgodgrogss. Et snluid hlbg fs ol surpresg, tngo, tnft

@umlwsme wluid nfvg dggp ieoms wetn tng @gft wretgrs. Fitnlukn

tng ofturg lc nes hlooghtelo tl tng @gfts nfs `ggo f bfttgr lc slbg

hlotrlvgrsy fblok ietgrfry nestlrefos, ng rgfd tnger wlrm hilsgiy

fod fppgfrgd wetn tngb eo bfoy lc tng sfbg pu`iehftelos, suhn

fs Tng Lutsedgr , Gvgrkrggo Pgvegw, @gftetudg , Trfosftifoteh Pgvegw, 

Hety Ieknts Fotnlilky,  Mifhtlvgdsgdstggo,  Fhed: Ogug FbgremfoeshngXzgog , Wobuzzigd Lx, Gi Hlrol Gbpiubfdl, Xgbeof, Ngfrsg , [eid

Dlk , Ofmgd Gfr , fod @fstfrd Fokgi . Fod fs tng Xextegs prlkrgssgd,

fo eohrgfseok oub`gr lc sekoesthfot wretgrs eo @gft herhigs hfbg

tl fpprgheftg nes wlrm= Mgoogtn Pgxrltn wluid plsetevgiy rgvegw

@umlwsme―s Et Hfthngs By Ngfrt eo Ets Nfods   eo tng Ogw Ulrm

Tebgs  lo Juiy 7, 653⒍68

@umlwsme nfd hlrrgsplodgd wetn Nfrlid Olrsg fod nes tre`utg tlneb,’Tng Lid Qrl,‒ fppgfrgd eo 6533 eo Lig , fo ebplrtfot ’bebgl

rgvliutelo‒ pu`iehftelo gdetgd `y Dlukifs @ifzgm. Tng twl plgts

bgt wngo Olrsg blvgd tl Sgoehg, Hfieclroef eo Jfoufry 653⒑64 

@umlwsme rgvegwgd Fiigo Keos`grk―s Gbpty Berrlr  eo Lig  eo 653;

fod ft tng `gkeooeok lc 653> gohluotgrgd Ogfi Hfssfdy (’Dgfo

Blrefrty‒ eo Jfhm Mgrlufh―s Lo tng Plfd ), wnl `ghfbg tng su`-

 jght lc log lc nes ’Oltgs lc f Derty Lid Bfo‒ hliubos.67

 Eo 6535,@umlwsme wluid fppgfr wetn Olrsg fod Qneiep Ifbfotef eo Qgokueo

Qlgts 68. Hety Ieknts pu`iesngd Grghtelos, Gjfhuiftelos fod Ltngr

Tfigs lc Lrdeofry Bfdogss  eo 65;0 fod Ifwrgohg Cgrieokngtte splo-

slrgd @umlwsme―s cerst rgfdeok eo Xfo Crfoheshl ft tng Hety Ieknts

Qlgts― Tngftgr eo Xgptgb`gr 65;0 fod fisl rgpreotgd Oltgs lc f

Derty Lid Bfo eo 65;8 cliilweok ets eoetefi fppgfrfohg eo 6535 uo-

dgr tng Gssgx Nlusg ebpreot.


 Fod eo Olvgb`gr 65;4, @umlwsme

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eotrlduhtelo / xvee

rgfd wetn Cgrieokngtte, Xoydgr, fod Keos`grk ft tng Xfotf Hruz

Qlgtry Cgstevfi.6;

Tnus @umlwsme―s wreteoks dgrevg tnger plwgr olt loiy lb nes

`lestgrlus, gogrkgteh, futl`elkrfpnehfi vlehg, `ut lb tng cfht tnft

tngy frg veved hnrloehigs lc tng Xextegs hluotgrhuiturg. Clr gxfbpig,

Krgklry Hlrsl es ffighteloftgiy plrtrfygd eo ’E Just [retg Qlgtry

Xl E Hfo Kl tl @gd wetn Keris.‒ Jfhm Behngieog `ghlbgs f ievgiy

’Dumg‒ eo f ’Oltgs lc f Derty Lid Bfo‒ hliubo lb 65;8, wneig

d.f. igvy, wnl hlbbettgd suehedg eo 653;, wfs tng su`jght lc twl

gssfys: ’Tng Dgie`grftg Bfsneok lc tng Xuo‒ fod fo frtehig eo Tng

Xgrec , tng ietgrfry bfkfzeog lc Mgot Xtftg Woevgrsety. Igrle Jlogs(Fbere @frfmf) es tng su`jght lc log lc nes ’Oltgs lc f Derty Lid

Bfo‒ hliubos, wneig Pl`grt Hrggigy es peiilregd eo tng Ietgrfry

Tebgs  gssfy ’Gxfbeoeok By Qggrs.‒ Et es higfr tngo—nes lwo bfoy

desfvlwfis tl tng hlotrfry—tnft @umlwsme―s hfrggr wfs eo bfoy

wfys eogxtrehf`iy `luod tl tng @gfts.

Log frgf lc hlbblo krluod wetn tng @gfts wfs @umlwsme―s dgvgi-

lpbgot lc nes lwo styig lc ’splotfoglus prlsg hlbplsetelo,‒ wnehnsluknt tl dgpeht gvgrytneok f`lut tng nubfo `ldy fod ebfkeof-

telo olrbfiiy ekolrgd, snuoogd, fod rgjghtgd fs ’vuikfr.‒ Eo ’Tng

 F`sgohg lc tng Ngrl,‒ @umlwsme strukkigd tl rghlrd veligot, shftl-

ilkehfi, cfsheofteok, krltgsqug ebfkgs fs tngy gbgrkgd uo`eddgo eo

hlovuisevg pfttgros lb tng dgptns lc tng uohloshelus. Ngrg tng

wlrds sggb tl `g gogrkgtehfiiy tnrlwo uplo tng pfkg rfodlbiy `ut

ogvgrtngigss tngy cfii eotl f vetfi pfttgro. Ng rghlrds deshrgtg pgrhgp-telos, gvgo oltfteok tng pfssfkg lc tebg—’8:04 ..‒—eo defry-iemg

cfsnelo fs ec tl hfthn tng vgry blvgbgot lc fkbgotgd hloshelus-

ogss tnrlukn tebg. Tng stlry fisl eiiustrftgs @umlwsme―s fitgrofteok

usg lc ieogs lc hfpetfi fod ilwgrhfsg igttgrs, tng usg lc jfkkgd ieog

spfheok, iests lc hfpetfiezgd sgotgohgs—fii fs ec ng es fttgbpteok tl

pfeot lr drfw wetn wlrds. Ng gxpgrebgotgd gqugotiy eo nes prlsg

wetn puohtuftelo, typg sezg, giiepsgs, edelsyohrfteh spgiieoks, fod

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xveee / eotrlduhtelo

rgpgtetelos—slbg lc nes ofrrftevgs wgrg gotergiy hlbplsgd eo ilwgr

hfsg, tnus trfosplrteok eotl prlsg slbg lc g.g. hubbeoks― plgteh

typlkrfpnehfi pifycuiogss.

Tnes gbpnfses lo tng fppgfrfohg lc tng tgxt—ng lgo eiius-

trftgd nes stlregs, plgbs, fod igttgrs wetn hfrtllos fod drfweoks,

wneig nes gfriy stlregs wgrg fhtufiiy hlb`eoftelos lc wlrds fod eiius-

trftelos—snlws tnft @umlwsme gqugotiy strlvg tl bfmg tng tgxt

etsgic eotl fo ebfkg. Ng wfs fhtufiiy fngfd lc nes tebg, fotehepfteok

tng hurrgot hrfzg clr ’krfpneh sthtelo‒ seohg ng l`sgssevgiy jleogd tgxt

tl ebfkg eo nes nfod-preotgd stlregs lb tng bed- tl iftg ―41s.6> Fs

wg sgg eo ’Gfst Nliiywlld: Tng Ogw Qfres,‒ @umlwsme dgvltgd fsgrelus fbluot lc tebg tl nes drfweok fod pfeoteok, fod bfoy lc tng

dgiuxg gdetelos lc nes wlrm frg fhhlbpfoegd `y lrekeofi frt. Xl tll

tng tgxt lc ’Tng F`sgohg lc tng Ngrl‒ rgvgfis tnft @umlwsme wfs

f meod lc Fhtelo [retgr: ng tregd tl bfmg wlrds pgrclrb, fht lut

tnger bgfoeok eo f qufse-vesufi wfy eo tng sfbg cfsnelo tnft Jfhmslo

Qliilhm pgrclrbgd tng splotfoglus fht lc hrgftelo `y ’rfodlbiy‒

 ygt fhhurftgiy ffeokeok pfeot lo hfovfs.@umlwsme wluid dgvgilp f nfrd, hlbeh, iyreh rgfiesb, f tlukn-

ogss, `ut uodgrogftn fo f`edeok sgosetevety fod f pnltlkrfpneh, dlh-

ubgotfry stdgiety tl gvgrydfy nlrrlrs. Eo nes ’Oltgs lc f Derty Lid

Bfo‒ hliubos, ng rghlrds tng nubdrub cfhts lc hety iecg: drevgrs eo

Ils Fokgigs, f hlolotftelo `gtwggo Ofzes fod Bfrxests, jlylus

oeknttebg sgsselos wetn nes druomgo ifodifdy fod ifodilrd. Ng lc-

tgo wretgs tng prlsg gquevfigot lc [eiiefb Hfrils [eiiefbs― ’Tnes es just tl sfy,‒ tgiieok ylu prghesgiy wnft es eo lot neb wetnlut hlb-

bgotfry. Ng fddrgssgs tng rgfdgr derghtiy, rgblveok foy `frregr `g-

twggo wretgr fod fudegohg. Fod ng strgoktngogd nes vuiogrf`ig, nurt

sgic `y bushieok et wetn erloy, `y f su`vgrsevg, blhmeok, errgvgrgot

snfrpogss lc l`sgrvftelo. @umlwsme―s prlsg `ghfbg blrg fhhlb-

piesngd wetn tebg fod nes ofrrftevgs blrg smeiicui: ng wluid `gkeo

eo bgdefs rgs  wetn fo lutrfkglus lpgoeok shgog tl nllm rgfdgrs fod

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eotrlduhtelo / xex

drfw tngb eotl tng stlry, fs eo ’Tng Hft eo tng Hilsgt.‒ Tnes stlry

es fisl f bfrvgilus gxfbpig lc tng wfys ng hfsts nes fitgr gkl fs f

hlbehfi, sgic-dgprghfteok, ngipigss hnfrfhtgr ilst eo f uoevgrsg wngrg

tneoks just nfppgo.

Tng uogxpghtgd rgcgrgohgs tl Xtrfveosmy, Bfnigr, Ngbeokwfy,

Hfbus― Tng Xtrfokgr , Bfxwgii @ldgongeb, fod @grielz fkfeost tng

`fhmdrlp lc krfpneh sgxufiety fod hlbeh druomgo sgic-f`fsgbgot

frg typehfi gxfbpigs lc f ietgrfry dgvehg @umlwsme gqugotiy gb-

pilys. Tngsg surpreseok, suddgo fiiuselos tl huiturfi stkurgs sgrvg

tl ’gqufiezg‒ ’nekn`rlw‒ fod ’ilw`rlw‒ huiturg tl hlbeh gfight fod

frg f meod lc ’weomeok‒ `y tng ofrrftlr tl tng rgfdgr, sekofieok tnftlur nfpigss fote-ngrl bfy `g f hilwo, `ut ng es sbfrtgr tnfo ng

igts lo. Xl tll @umlwsme sggms tl gotgrtfeo us `y pifyeok tng clli=

ng kevgs us lur gxestgotefi igsslo, `ut wetn f molweok sbeig. Nes

hnfrfhtgrs dl olt krlw, fhnegvg gpepnfoegs, lr rgfhn goiekntgobgot.

Pftngr, fs tng @uddnf sfed eo tng Defblod Xutrf: ’E l`tfeogd olt

tng igfst tneok lb hlbpigtg, uogxhgiigd fwfmgoeok, fod et es clr

tnft vgry rgfslo et es hfiigd hlbpigtg, uogxhgiigd fwfmgoeok.‒[etn eohrgfseok cfbg, @umlwsme `gkfo tl kevg plgtry rgfdeoks

tnrluknlut tng W.X.: eo Hfieclroef (Ils Fokgigs, Xfotf Hruz, Xfo

Crfoheshl), Ogw Bgxehl, [fsneoktlo, Wtfn, Eiieoles, Ogw Ulrm, fod

[eshloseo fs wgii fs eo Sfohluvgr, Hfofdf, fod Nfb`urk, Kgrbf-

oy. Ng fisl bfdg f rfb`uohtelus fppgfrfohg lo tng cfblus tgigve-

selo tfim snlw nlstgd `y @grofrd Qevlt eo Qfres, Fplstrlpngs . Fod fs

fiwfys, iecg cgd nes frt fs ng ̀ gkfo tl hnrloehig nes iecg lo tng rlfd eones plgbs, stlregs, gssfys, fod olvgis. Ng `ghfbg f ’ietgrfry nustigr,‒

fod ng sfterezgs nebsgic, fod dgplgtehezgs fod dgrlbfotehezgs plgtry=

ng turos tng il plgtry rgfdeok eotl f retufi eo nlolr lc tng kld

Deloysus, hlbpigtg wetn revgrs lc weog fod ghstfteh bfgofds.65

Tng sgxufi rgvliutelo lc tng Xextegs hleohedgd wetn @umlwsme―s

lwo rfw fod derght hlolotftelo wetn nes lwo sgxufiety. Dug

tl nes fhog vuikfres   fod tlrturgd hneidnlld, @umlwsme nfd ogvgr

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xx / eotrlduhtelo

gxpgregohgd f ’olrbfi‒ fdligshgohg fod ng spgot 65;1‘65;; pifyeok

hfthn-up clr fii tng dgieknts ng nfd bessgd fs f Xlutngro Hfieclr-

oefo tggofkgr. Eo ’Tng @ek Dlpg Pgfdeok,‒ clr gxfbpig, wg sgg

@umlwsme ft tng ngeknt lc nes plwgrs, gokfkeok eo buitepig igvgis

lc erloy fod sgic-pfrldy. Tng tetig etsgic bfy hfrry f dlu`ig go-

tgodrg: ’dlpg‒ fs eo bfrĸufof, `ut fisl tng @ek Dlpg gqufis tng

Qlgt fs Hilwo. @umlwsme kevgs nes rgfdgrs f neifrelus blbgot lc

dgfdpfo sgic-pfrldy wngo Hneofsme qultgs twl lc tng blst cfblus

@umlwsme fpltngkbs—’Kgoeus . . . hluid bgfo tng f`eiety tl sfy

f prlcluod tneok eo f sebpig wfy‒ fod ’Godurfohg es blrg eb-

plrtfot tnfo trutn‒—wnehn frg eo-jlmgs clr dgvltgd @umlwsmefos.Ngrg tll tngrg frg hlbpigx blbgots wngo ng es ft lohg pfrldy-

eok grlteh wreteok, nebsgic, fod tng hlovliutelos lc sgxufi/rlbfoteh

’rgiftelosneps‒ (ng wluid nfvg `ggo fiigrkeh tl suhn f psyhnl`f``ig

wlrd). @umlwsme lgo pifys ft tng ’bgfoeok‒ lc ’rgiftelosneps‒ eo

f tgfseok, Zgo wfy wnehn rghfiis Jfhqugs Ifhfo―s kolbeh fpltngkb:

’Tngrg es ol sgxufi rgiftelosnep.‒ Ng streppgd nebsgic dlwo tl

snlw nes vuiogrf`eiety, nes wluods, tryeok tl rghlvgr tnrlukn ilvgwnft wfs ilst eo nes hneidnlld ygt, ft tng sfbg tebg, plmeok cuo ft

tng gfilrt tl stod sfivftelo tnrlukn ilvg fod sgx.01 Ugt @umlwsme es

fisl lc hlursg rgfiiy f rlbfoteh wnl hluid wretg lc cfiieok eo ilvg eo

nes Juog 04, 65;4 ’Oltgs lc f Derty Lid Bfo‒ hliubo: ’E wfimgd

f`lut fod et cgit fs ec tng suo wgrg eosedg lc bg.‒ Fod fs log lc nes

cfvlretg plgts, g.g. hubbeoks, wrltg: ’uoilvg es tng ngfvgoigss ngii

fod nlbgigss nlbg . . . ilvgrs filog wgfr suoieknt.‒06

@umlwsme―s ’dgcgosg bghnfoesb‒ tl wfrd lfi psyhneh fokuesn es

lc hlursg ifukntgr. [et, fo uogrreok sgosg lc hlbeh tebeok, fod f

dreveok eogxlrf`ig gogrky plwgr nes wreteoks= nes `gilvgd Pgofes-

sfohg `rltngrs eo bfoeh gxtrfvfkfohg wgrg Crfoëles Pf`gifes fod

Kelvfooe @lhhfhhel.00 Ng hluid fisl `g sfrdloeh, wnehn wfs eo pgr-

cght fhhlrd wetn tng Zgetkgest : `ifhm nublr wluid bfrm tng hluotgr-

huiturg lc tng ―31s fod ―;1s. [nl―s Fcrfed lc Serkeoef [llic  (6533),

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eotrlduhtelo / xxe

Log Cigw Lvgr tng Huhmll―s Ogst  (65;7), fod Grfsgrngfd  (65;>) wgrg

fblok nes cfvlretg stibs—nublr fod bfdogss eo hilsg fod dgiehftg

hluotgrpleot.08 Xl tll, @umlwsme―s wreteok es plesgd `gtwggo dgspfer

fod iyrehesb, blveok clrwfrd wetn f veklrlus plwgr tnft vertufiiy

fiwfys rgdggbs nes wreteoks lb oeneiesb. Nes fdberftelo clr tng

kgoeus lc Pl`grt Hrub` (wnl eiiustrftgd sgvgrfi @umlwsme wlrms)

snlws tnft clr @umlwsme tngrg es f ogxus `gtwggo pfeo, ifukntgr,

fod qufse-Kgrbfo-Gxprgsseloest gxtrgbg stftgs lc gbltelo.

 Fgr ng tgodgrgd nes rgsekoftelo ft tng plst lhg ft fkg 71,

@umlwsme dgblostrftgd tnft ng hluid `g f prfhtehfi wlrmeok wretgr

fod ng bfxebezgd nes prlduhtevety `y rgfssgb`ieok nes pilts eo dec-cgreok hlotgxts. Ng olt loiy rghyhigd cfvlretg ofrrftevgs eo stlregs

fod olvgis, `ut ng gvgo rghfst tngb eo `ltn stlry fod plgb: ’Clli-

eok Bfreg‒ gxests eo `ltn clrbs. Curtngrblrg, sghtelos lb Qlst

Lhg , Cfhtltub, fod [lbgo fii fppgfrgd eoetefiiy eo nes ’Oltgs lc

f Derty Lid Bfo‒ hliubo eo tng IF Crgg Qrgss   fs sgpfrftg stl-

regs. Hnfptgr 81 lb [lbgo fppgfrgd eo twl eostfiibgots fod eo

hlbpfreok tng stlry fod olvgi vgrselos, log hfo sgg nlw buhn ngfitgrgd fod rgvesgd= eo tnes hfsg, bfoy spigoded pfssfkgs wgrg ig lo

tng hutteok-rllb ffllr fs ng snfpgd nes prlsg eotl olvgi clrb. Tnes

bgtnld lc hlbplsetelo bfdg pgrcght sgosg, seohg @umlwsme―s sthtelo

nfd fiwfys `ggo gpesldeh, hlostruhtgd lut lc `regc sghtelos struok

tlkgtngr. Nes olvgis frg eo f wfy f sgregs lc hlooghtgd `regc tfigs,

wnehn gof`igd neb tl dgtfhn sghtelos clr su`besselo tl bfkfzeogs

fs sgpfrftg snlrt stlregs fs ng hlbplsgd tngb. Fod tngrg wfs ygtfoltngr bldg lc ietgrfry prliecgrftelo: @umlwsme―s wlrm wfs herhu-

iftgd fblok bfoy uodgrkrluod pu`iehftelos uodgr fo fkrggbgot

wetn tng Woetgd Qrgss Xyodehftg (WQX) wnehn fiilwgd frtehigs tl `g

rgpreotgd `y fii bgb`grs lc tng lrkfoezftelo.04

 Fs sukkgstgd f`lvg, pgrnfps dug tl ̀ ltn tng illsgoeok lc hgoslr-

snep rgstrehtelos dureok tng ―31s fod ―;1s fs wgii fs nes lwo dgserg tl

gxpilrg blrg cuiiy tng dfrmgr rgfhngs lc nes ebfkeoftelo, @umlwsme

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xxee / eotrlduhtelo

wluid `gkeo tl gxpgrebgot blrg drfbftehfiiy wetn derght plrtrfy-

fis lc veligohg.07 Ceibs suhn fs Tng [eid @uohn (6535), Gfsy Pedgr  

(6535), fod F Hilhmwlrm Lrfokg  (65;6) ifed tng krluodwlrm clr f

stlry suhn fs ’Hnrest wetn @fr`gqug Xfuhg,‒ eo wnehn @umlwsme

usgd fo fhtufi ogwspfpgr fhhluot fs tng slurhg clr nes ofrrftevg.03

Eo iftgr stlregs suhn fs ’Tng Eovfdgr‒ (65>3), @umlwsme trfhgs tng

suddgo eohurselo lc tgrrlr eotl tng `fofietegs lc gvgrydfy iecg: tfigs

lc lrdeofry bfdogss. Tnes stlry fisl rghfiis nes gfriegr fplhfiypteh

plrtrfyfis lc tng nubfo eof`eiety tl cftnlb prebfi weidogss eo stl-

regs suhn fs ’Foebfi Hrfhmgrs eo By Xlup.‒

@umlwsme―s iftg, ilvgiy hyhig lc plgbs f`lut nes hfts rgvgfis tngbtl `g hrgfturgs wnl prgsgrvg tng styig, plesg, fod ifhm lc prgtgosg

tnft frg sl slrgiy ifhmeok eo nubfo `geoks. Fod eo log lc nes vgry

ifst gssfys, @umlwsme fssgrts tnft blst pglpig ilsg tnger bfkeh ft f

vgry yluok fkg. Eo ’Qifyeok fod @geok tng Qlgt,‒ ng rgturos tl nes

buseoks f`lut tng iecg lc tng plgt: ’Qlgtry hlbgs lb wngrg ylu―vg

ievgd fod lb wnft bfmgs ylu hrgftg et. Blst pglpig nfvg firgfdy

gotgrgd tng dgftn prlhgss `y tng fkg lc 7, fod wetn gfhn pfsseok ygfrtngrg es igss lc tngb eo tng sgosg lc `geok lrekeofi `geoks wetn f

hnfohg tl `rgfm tnrlukn fod lut fod fwfy lb tng l`velus fod tng

buteifteok.‒ Clr @umlwsme, ieveok iecg plgtehfiiy es eo cfht tng loiy

wfy tl rgfiiy ievg.


  ⒎ ’Fgrbftn lc f Igoktny Pgjghtelo Xiep,‒ ’Twgoty Tfoms lb Mfssgidlwo,‒fod ’Nfrd [etnlut Buseh‒ bfy `g cluod eo Hnfrigs @umlwsme, Qlrtelos crlbf [eog-Xtfeogd Oltg`llm: Wohliightgd Xtlregs fod Gssfys, 6544 ‘6551, gd. fodwetn fo eotrlduhtelo `y Dfved Xtgpngo Hfiloog, Xfo Crfoheshl: Hety Ieknts,011⒌ Tng gfriy stlregs frg rgbfrmf`ig olt loiy clr tnger styig fod fpprlfhn,`ut fisl `ghfusg tngy gohfpsuiftg vertufiiy fii lc tng bfjlr tngbgs tnft wluidprglhhupy @umlwsme tnrluknlut nes hfrggr: nes rlbfoteh fod grlteh qugst,sgosg lc fiegoftelo, trlu`igd cfbeiy nestlry, deshlvgry lc fihlnli, strukkigs tl`g f wretgr, fod ilvg lc hifssehfi buseh.

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eotrlduhtelo / xxeee

  ⒅ Xgg ’Hfrslo BhHuiigrs‒ eo Tng Oeknt Tlro Bfd [etn Clltstgps , Xfotf Plsf:@ifhm Xpfrrlw Qrgss, 0116, p. 8⒉

  ⒊ Juvgofi, Xftergs  SEE, ii. 71‘70: ’Ofb se deshgdfs, ifqugl tgogt fb`etelse/hlo-sugtudl bfie, tgogt eosfof`eig buitls/shre`gode hfhlgtngs gt fgkrl eo hlrdgsgosghet.‒ ’Ulu hfo―t gshfpg ]ylu―rg hfuknt up eo tng ollsg lc `fd fb`etelusnf`etR= tngrg frg sl bfoy plssgssgd `y fo eohurf`ig godgbeh wretgr―s ethn tnft`ghlbgs f sehm l`sgsselo.‒ Juvgofi, Tng Xextggo Xftergs , trfos. Qgtgr Krggo,Ilodlo: Qgokueo @llms, 655>, p. 7⒂ Lo ietgrfry hrgftevety fod nypgrkrfpnef,sgg Fiehg [. Cifngrty, Tng  Bedoeknt Desgfsg: Tng Drevg tl [retg, [retgr―s@ilhm fod tng Hrgftevg @rfeo. Ogw Ulrm: Nlukntlo Beffleo, 011⒍

  ⒍ Clr @umlwsme fod tng iettig bfkfzeogs sgg F`gi Dg`rettl, [nl―s @ek eo tng’Iettigs‒: F Hretehfi Xtudy lc tng Ebpfht lc tng Iettig Bfkfzeogs fod Xbfii QrgssQu`iehftelos lo tng Hfrggr lc Hnfrigs @umlwsme crlb 6541 tl 6535. Qn.D. tngses,Woevgrsetft Futðolbf dg @frhgilof, 011⒑

⒉ Hnfrigs @umlwsme, Nfb lo Pyg . Xfotf @fr`frf: @ifhm Xpfrrlw Qrgss, 65>0,Hnfp. 84, p. 64⒂

  ⒂ Dg`rettl, [nl―s @ek eo tng Iettigs , p. 6⒕ Dg`rettl fisl rgvgfis tnft @umlwsmehlrrgsplodgd wetn @urogtt lb 6547 tl 6577, fkfeo despgiieok tng bytn lcnes drlppeok lut lc tng ietgrfry wlrid dureok nes ’tgo-ygfr druom.‒

  ⒏ Cregdrehn Oegtzshng, Tnus Xplmg Zfrftnustrf. Nfrblodswlrtn: Qgokueo, 65>⒊p. 41.

  ⒌ Hfri [gessogr―s trfosiftelos igd derghtiy tl @umlwsme―s suhhgss eo Kgrbfoyfod Gurlpg. Clr @umlwsme―s hlooghtelo tl Kgrbfoy fod Hfri [gessogr, sgg

 Jfy Dlukngrty―s eotgrvegw wetn @umlwsme, ’Hnfrigs @umlwsme fod tng Lut-ifw Xperet‒ eo Hnfrigs @umlwsme, Xuoieknt Ngrg E Fb: Eotgrvegws & Gohluotgrs6538‘6558, gd. fod wetn fo Eotrlduhtelo `y Dfved Xtgpngo Hfiloog. Olrtn-veiig: Xuodlk Qrgss, 0118, pp. 086‘08⒉ Lo @umlwsme―s Kgrbfo rghgptelo,sgg Nlrst Xhnbedt, Tng Kgrbfos Ilvg Bg Clr Xlbg Pgfslo: Hnfrigs @umlwsmeuod Dgutshnifod . Fuks`urk: BfrlSgrifk, 011⒂

  ⒑ Bfurehg @grkgr, ’Ie`rfregs Cuii lc Tgfrs: Tng @gfts fod tng Ifw,‒ eo IesfQneiieps, @gft Huiturg fod tng Ogw Fbgrehf 6571‘6537 . Qfres/Ogw Ulrm:[netogy Busgub lc Fbgrehfo Frt/Cifbbfrelo, 6557, pp. 600‘68⒏

 ⒖ Xgg @frry Beigs, Hnfrigs @umlwsme . Ilodlo: Serkeo, 0117, pp. 670‘678 fod

Nlwfrd Xluogs, Hnfrigs @umlwsme: Ilhmgd eo tng Frbs lc f Hrfzy Iecg , Ogw Ulrm: Krlvg Qrgss, 655>, pp. >8‘>⒍

 ⒐ Xtgvgo Hify, Pldogy Qneiieps, fod Jgrlbg Pltngo`grk,  F Xghrgt Ilhftelo lotng Ilwgr Gfst Xedg: Fdvgoturgs eo [reteok 6535‘65>1. Ogw Ulrm: Krfofry@llms, 655>, p. 4⒌ Lo d.f. igvy, sgg d.f. igvy & tng bebglkrfpn rgvliutelo,gds. Ifrry Xbetn fod Eokred Xwfo`grk, Nurlo, Lnel, @lttlb Dlk Qrgss,011⒏ Clr @umlwsme―s gssfy eo supplrt lc Ilwgii, sgg Qlrtelos crlb f [eog-Xtfeogd Oltg`llm, pp. 36‘3⒅ Lo tng uodgrkrluod, sgg Jgfo-Crfohles @ezlt,

 01 Treps crlb tng Hluotgr-huiturg: Krfpnehs fod Xtlregs crlb tng WodgrkrluodQrgss Xyodehftg. Ilodlo: Tnfbgs fod Nudslo, 0113= Defog Mruhnmlw fod

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xxev / eotrlduhtelo

Hurt Jlnoslo, gds., Krggo Esig eo tng Xgf: Fo Eoclrbfi Nestlry lc tng FitgroftevgQrgss, 6531‘>7 . Neknifod Qfrm: Dghgb`gr Qrgss, 65>3= Plkgr Igwes, Lutifwslc Fbgrehf: Tng Wodgrkrluod Qrgss fod ets Hlotgxt: Oltgs lo f Huiturfi Pgvliu-telo. Nfrblodswlrtn: Qgokueo, 65;⒅

⒘ Jfhm Behngieog, Xexty Xgvgo Qlgbs clr Dlwotrlddgo Xfeots . Xfo Crfoheshl:CBX@[, 655⒑ Xgg Beigs, p. 631= Xluogs, p. 5⒊ Behngieog lo @umlwsme,Xfo Crfoheshl @gft: Tfimeok wetn tng Qlgts , gd. Dfved Bgitzgr, pp. 003‘00⒏Xfo Crfoheshl: Hety Ieknts, 011⒎

⒔ Mgoogtn Pgxrltn, ’Tngrg―s Qlgtry eo f Pfkkgd Nethn-nemgr,‒ Tng Ogw UlrmTebgs , Juiy 7, 653⒍ @umlwsme lo Pgxrltn, Xhrgfbs crlb tng @fihloy: XgightgdIgttgrs 6531‘65;1 ,  gd. Xgfbus Hllogy. Xfotf Plsf: @ifhm Xpfrrlw Qrgss,6558, p. 637, p. 881. Lo @umlwsme fod tng @gfts, sgg Jgfo-Crfoëles Duvfi,@um gt Igs @gfts: Gssfe Xur If @gft Kgogrftelo. Qfres: Gdetelos Behnfilo,655⒌ Gokiesn gdetelo, trfos. Fieslo Frdrlo, @umlwsme fod tng @gfts . Olrtn-veiig: Xuo Dlk Qrgss, 011⒅

 ⒗ Nfrlid Olrsg lo @umlwsme, sgg Bgblers lc f @fstfrd Fokgi: F Cecty-UgfrIetgrfry fod Grlteh Ldyssgy.  Ogw Ulrm: Tnuodgr―s Blutn Qrgss, 65>5, pp.401‘400= 404‘403= fod ’Ifukntgr eo Ngii,‒ eo Dreomeok wetn @umlwsme: Pgh-liightelos lc tng Qlgt Ifurgftg lc Xmed Plw, gd. Dfoegi [gezbfo, Ogw Ulrm:Tnuodgr―s Blutn Qrgss, 0111, pp. 56‘5⒂

 ⒓ @umlwsme―s ceog bgbler eo Lpgo Hety lc nes bggteok wetn Ogfi Hfssfdy fodHfssfdy―s dgftn eo Bgxehl es fotnlilkezgd eo Foo Hnfrtgrs, Tng Qlrtf`ig @gftPgfdgr . Ogw Ulrm: Qgokueo 6550, pp. 48>‘444= Dfved Mngrdefo, @gft Slehgs:

 Fo Fotnlilky lc @gft Qlgtry. Ogw Ulrm: Ngory Nlit, 6557, pp. 601‘608=fod eo Jgfirgy N. [geo`grk, gd. [retgrs Lutsedg tng Bfrkeo. Xud`ury: [ftgrPlw Qrgss, 65>3, pp. 54‘5⒂ Hnfrtgrs fisl eohiudgd foltngr lc @umlwsme―s’Oltgs‒ hliubos eo Tng Qlrtf`ig Xextegs Pgfdgr , Ogw Ulrm: Qgokueo, 0118,pp. 483‘48⒑

 ⒛ Lo @umlwsme fod Cgrieokngtte, sgg Ifwrgohg Cgrieokngtte fod Ofohy J. Qgtgrs,Ietgrfry Xfo Crfoheshl: F Qehtlrefi Nestlry crlb Ets @gkeooeoks tl tng QrgsgotDfy. Xfo Crfoheshl: Hety Ieknts @llms fod Nfrpgr fod Plw, 65>1, p. 061,p. 006= fisl sgg @frry Xeigsmy, Cgrieokngtte: Tng Frtest eo Nes Tebg . Ogw Ulrm:[frogr @llms, 6551, pp. 6;;‘6;>= @umlwsme―s plgb ’Tng @frd lc Xfo Crfo-

heshl‒ es fo nlbfkg tl Cgrieokngtte= sgg lotng`us  Essug 64, Sli. SE, Ol. 0, 655;,pp. 81‘80, hliightgd eo @gtteok lo tng Busg: Qlgbs & Xtlregs. Xfotf Plsf: @ifhmXpfrrlw Qrgss, 6553, pp. 088‘08⒉

 ⒞ Xgg Xluogs, pp. 641‘64⒎ ⒕ Xgg Dg`rettl, p. 064, 881. ⒚ @umlwsme rgbfrmgd, ’E kevg plgtry rgfdeoks—clr blogy. Xtrehtiy survevfi. E

dlo―t iemg tl dl et `ut E quet by jl` ifst Jfoufry 5 fod olw E―vg `ghlbg wnft ylu―d hfii f ietgrfry nustigr. E dl tneoks olw tnft E wluido―t nfvg dlog `gclrg.E dlo―t iemg tl dl et ft fii.‒ Xgg Xuoieknt Ngrg E Fb, p. 4⒏

 ⒝ @umlwsme―s l`sgssevg rgturoeok tl tng setg lc nes trfubfteh wluods fisl rghfiis

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eotrlduhtelo / xxv

Ifhfo―s hlohgptelo lc tng uohloshelus. Xifvlj Zezgm dghifrgs tnft ’tng uo-hloshelus es olt tng prgsgrvg lc weid drevgs tnft nfvg tl `g tfbgd `y tng gkl,`ut tng setg wngrg f trfubfteh trutn spgfms lut. Tngrgeo iegs Ifhfo―s vgrselolc Crgud―s blttl [l gs wfr, slii ehn wgrdgo ([ngrg et wfs, E fb tl `ghlbg):

olt „Tng gkl snluid hloqugr tng ed,― tng setg lc tng uohloshelus drevgs, `ut „Esnluid dfrg tl fpprlfhn tng setg lc by trutn.― [nft fwfets bg „tngrg― es olt fdggp Trutn tnft E nfvg tl edgote wetn, `ut fo uo`gfrf`ig trutn tnft E nfvgtl igfro tl ievg wetn.‒ Xifvlj Zezgm, Nlw tl Pgfd Ifhfo. Ogw Ulrm: [.[.Olrtlo, 011;, p. ⒊ @umlwsme lgo usgs nublr tl ievg wetn tnft uo`gfrf`igtrutn.

 0⒎ g.g. hubbeoks, F Xgightelo lc Qlgbs . Ogw Ulrm: Nfrhlurt, @rfhg fod [lrid,6537, p. 67⒉

 0⒅ Lo Pf`gifes sgg @umlwsme―s ’ng degd Fprei 5, 6778‒ eo Tng Oeknt Tlro Bfdwetn Clltstgps: Ogw Qlgbs. Xfotf Plsf: @ifhm Xpfrrlw Qrgss, 0116, pp. 06>-⒚

 Fod eo fo eotgrvegw lb 65>6 ng gxpifeogd: ’. . . tng Dghfbgrlo, @lhhfhhel.Tnft es wnft eoffugohgd [lbgo f krgft dgfi. E ilvgd nes edgf tnft sgx wfs slredehuilus, ol`ldy hluid nfodig et. Et wfs olt sl buhn ilvg wetn neb= et wfssgx. Ilvg es cuooegr, blrg redehuilus. Tnft kuy! Ng hluid rgfiiy ifukn ft et.Ng bust nfvg rgfiiy klttgo `urot f`lut stvg tnlusfod tebgs tl wretg tnft stufi.Lr bfy`g ng wfs just f cfk= E dlo―t molw. Xl, ilvg es redehuilus ̀ ghfusg et hfo―tifst, fod sgx es redehuilus `ghfusg et dlgso―t ifst ilok golukn.‒ Xuoieknt Ngrg E

 Fb, p. 6;⒑ 0⒊ Clr @umlwsme―s cfvlretg stibs, sgg Xuoieknt , p. 081. Lo `ifhm nublr, sgg Blr-

res Dehmstgeo, Kftgs lc Gdgo: Fbgrehfo Huiturg eo tng Xextegs , Ogw Ulrm: @fseh@llms, 65;;, ’@ifhm Nublr fod Nestlry: Tng Gfriy Xextegs.‒0⒍ Lo tng WQX, sgg @ezlt, pp. 3, 003‘00⒏ 0⒉ Clr f supgr` study lc @umlwsme fod veligohg, sgg Figxfodrg Tneitkgs, @umlwsme

lu Igs Hlotgs dg if Seligohg Lrdeoferg . Qfres: I―Nfrbfttfo, 011⒂ Tneitkgs―blolkrfpn, uoclrtuoftgiy olt ygt trfosiftgd eotl Gokiesn, es tng `gst seokigwlrm lc @umlwsme shnlifrsnep tl nfvg fppgfrgd tl dftg.

  0⒂ @umlwsme nfd su`bettgd tng stlry tl Hurt Jlnoslo, pu`iesngr lc HfodedQrgss , tl wnlb ng wrltg f igttgr dftgd Dghgb`gr 8, 65;1: ’Just kifd E hluidhurvg log ̀ y ylu kuys. Tnft $47 hnghm dedo―t ̀ luohg foynlw fod fiilwgd bg

tl kgt slbg rgpfers lo by lid ―30 Hlbgt tl kgt et ruooeok fkfeo sl E hluidkgt frluod tl by hnehmgosnet plgtry rgfdeoks wngrg E rgfd nfic-druom fodnustig up f cgw blrg ̀ uhms. Olw iestgoeok tl Nfydo. E klttf ̀ g hrfzy. Gljlygdwreteok tng stlry, tnlukn. Pgfd eo tng pfpgr wngrg tngy nfd hfuknt slbghfooe`fis slbgwngrg—Tgxfs E tneom—fod wngo tngy puiigd tngb lvgr tneskfi wfs just higfoeok tng bgft lfi tng stokgrs lc f nfod, oe``ieok. . . . E tllm etlb tngrg.‒ Wohliightgd igttgr, @rlwo Woevgrsety Ie`rfry.

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M, , .0>7 (F@-043 N-;1) cgit f iettig . . . cgit f

iettig . . . defigrgot lut tngrg. Tngrg frg dfys wngo ylu cggi f

iettig defigrgot. Tneoks dlo―t sgt reknt. Iemg olw, gvgo tng suo

illmgd f iettig sehm, tng krggo lc tng cgohgs tll krggo, tng smy

buhn tll nekn, fod tng igftngr lc nes kilvg tll buhn iemg . . .


Ng tllm f cgw stgps clrwfrd fod ̀ gft nes stst eotl nes kilvg, tryeok

tl snfmg gvgrytneok. Ded ng nfvg f ngfdfhng lr wnft< Ng cgit pltgo-tefi , fs ec ng wgrg f`lut tl shrgfb lr tl igfp up lr tl dl slbgtneok

tnft snluido―t `g dlog.

Hngifsme wfs f `et ekntgogd fod illmgd lvgr ft Dlolvfo, IC,

.053 (F@-081 N-3>) `ut Dlolvfo illmgd vgry hlbclrtf`ig. Ng

studegd Dlolvfo hfrgcuiiy, tryeok tl drfw strgoktn lb neb. Nes

cfhg wfs vgry `rlwo, fod Hngifsme nfd ogvgr oltehgd tng plt `giiy

`gclrg. Xuhn fo ukiy `uikg, sl uosgichloshelus. Gvgo Dlolvfo―s igkssggbgd tnehm, trgg-iemg, fod Hngifsme stfrgd strfeknt fngfd fkfeo,

cggieok wlrsg.

[nft wfs wrlok<

Tng `fttgr hlooghtgd fod et wfs fo lutstgid ffy . . . tl Dlolvfo.

Dlolvfo blvgd clrwfrd f cgw stgps, blvgd nes frbs igesurgiy, fod

hfuknt tng `fii. Hngifsme nfd wfthngd tng `fii eo ets ilok, silw frh

tnrlukn suo fod smy. Et nfd sggbgd pigfsfot golukn, `ut slbg-nlw uorgiftgd, uofttfhngd tl foytneok. Tng ogxt bfo net fo eostgid

seokig tnft ng dedo―t nfvg tl nfodig. Log lut. Log lo. [nft wfs

tng eooeok< Ng turogd tl illm ft tng shlrg`lfrd fod sfw tng hrlwd.

Nes gygs dedo―t clhus lo tngb. Tngy wgrg just `ets lc blvgbgot,

hiltn, fod sluod.

[nft ded tngy wfot dlog<

Et rfo tnrlukn nes beod fkfeo: wnft ded tngy wfot dlog<

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Xuddgoiy ng wfs tgrrestgd fod dedo―t molw tng rgfslo. Nes `rgftn

hfbg nfrd fod tng sfievf rfo eo nes blutn= ng cgit dezzy, fery.

Tngrg wfs Dlolvfo . . . stfodeok. Ng illmgd fkfeo ft tng hrlwd

fod sfw gvgrylog, gvgrytneok, fii tlkgtngr fod sgpfrftgiy. Kifssgs,

oghmtegs= wlbgo wgfreok smerts, bgo wgfreok pfots= tngrg wfs iep-

stehm . . . fod cerg lo tneoks stehmeok eo blutns . . . hekfrgttgs. Fod

tngy fii nuok tlkgtngr eo f strfokg uodgrstfodeok.

 Fod tngo et hfbg . . . fo lutstgid ffy . . . tl neb. Fo gfsy log. Ng

wfs wlrregd. Ng studegd tng `fii stgrhgiy fod et fiblst sggbgd tl

stlp ets blvgbgot eo fer. Et just nuok tngrg fod tng hrlwd snlutgd

fod tng suo snlog fod tng smy wfs `iug. Fod Dlolvfo―s gygs wgrgwfthneok neb, fod Dlolvfo―s gygs wgrg wfthneok. [fs Dlolvfo

fkfeost neb< [nft ded Dlolvfo rgfiiy wfot<

Tng `fii hfbg eotl nes kilvg. Et gotgrgd nes kilvg fod ng cgit tng

strlok prgssurg fod pigfsfot pusn lc tng hfthn. Ng tnrgw tng `fii

tl sghlod, nlideok tng ruoogr lo strst. Et wfs f klld tnrlw fod

Hngifsme wfs fbfzgd= et nfd sggbgd es ec tng `fii nfd klog tngrg

`ghfusg et wfs supplsgd tl. Nes tgrrlr ig f iettig= ng wfs kgtteokfwfy wetn et .

Tng ogxt bfo wfs lut, snlrt tl cerst, fod Hngifsme `gkfo tng

ilok trlt tl tng duklut. Et wfs klld tl `g ruooeok. Ng pfssgd

sgvgrfi lpplseok pifygrs `ut tngy dedo―t illm ft neb. Et `ltngrgd

neb f iettig, fod tng `ltngr nuok tngrg eo f iettig mol` fs ng cli-

ilwgd Dlolvfo―s sgt oghm eotl tng duklut. [ngo Hngifsme klt

dlwo tngrg, ng cgit slbgnlw ofmgd, lr splttgd, lr slbgtneok, fodeo fo gfilrt tl fht fs ec ng wgrg fii reknt, ng wfimgd up tl Nuii fod

kreoogd dlwo lo neb.

’Dl ylu wfot bg tl mess ylu< E hluid bfmg ylu clrkgt,‒ ng sfed

tl Nuii.

Nuii wfs netteok .6>5 fod nfd `ggo `gohngd clr Jfbeslo, tng

hliigkg med. Nuii illmgd up ft Hngifsme. Et wfs f illm lc f`sliutg

uorghlkoetelo. Nuii dedo―t gvgo foswgr= ng klt up fod wfimgd tl

0 / tng rgfslo `gneod rgfslo

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tng wftgr hlligr. Hngifsme quehmiy blvgd up tl tng rfeieok, wetn nes

`fhm tl tng `gohn.

Hlrpgoslo seokigd. Dlolvfo net eotl f dlu`ig pify fod trlttgd

`fhm dlwo tng strst `fsg ieog, ieeok nes igks nekn, nes stlhmeoks

snlweok, slbgnlw fii cuii lc hlilr.

Hngifsme wfimgd tl tng piftg. Tngrg wfs tng ubperg, tng hfthngr,

tng pethngr, tng cegidgrs, tng fudegohg. Gvgrytneok wfeteok, gvgry-

tneok wfeteok. Lutsedg, pgrnfps, f bfo wfs nlideok up f `fom=

lr, f strggthfr cuii lc pglpig setteok, wfs turoeok f hlrogr= `ut ngrg

et wfs defigrgot: et wfs sgttigd, gxpghtgd . . . olt iemg tnft , lutsedg:

tng strggthfr, tng nlidup. Ngrg et wfs . . . defigrgot, hfuknt up, dg-bfodgd.

Ng swuok fod bessgd tng strst pethn fod pglpig snlutgd. Tng

hfthngr ygiigd slbgtneok fod tlssgd tng `fii `fhm. F `erd smeppgd

tnrlukn tng fer, up fod dlwo, kleok slbgwngrg, vgry cfst. Hngifsme

spet fod stfrgd ft tng `ertnbfrm lo tng krluod. Tng krluod wfs

vgry dry. @fii log.

Tng ogxt log hfbg lo tng lutsedg, wngrg ng iemgd tngb. Ngswuok tng ̀ ft sweiy, futlbftehfiiy, fod tng hrlwgd shrgfbgd. Et wfs

f ilok drevg, dggp lvgr tng hgotgrstgidgr―s ngfd. Hngifsme wfthngd et

`luohg fkfeost tng wfii `y tng fffkplig. Tng hrlwd shrgfbgd iludgr

tnfo gvgr= et shrgfbgd iludgr tnfo Hngifsme nfd ngfrd et fii sgfslo.

Tngo Jfbeslo, wnl wfs lo dghm, `gkfo ygiieok ft neb.

’Puo! Puo! Puo!‒ ng snlutgd.

Hngifsme turogd fod illmgd ft Jfbeslo. Nes gygs wgrg gxtrgbgiywedg fod ̀ urogd iemg twl fffsngs, hups lc nlt, drevgo tneoks. Nes cfhg

wfs hlotlrtgd, tng ieps turogd lut, fod Hngifsme oltehgd gspghefiiy

tng tnehm vgeos eo tng rgd oghm.

’Puo! Puo! Puo!‒ Jfbeslo snlutgd.

 F husnelo hfbg lut lc tng stfods. Tngo foltngr log. Tng hrlwd

wfs sl ilud ng hluid ol ilokgr ngfr Jfbeslo. [nft wfs prl`f`iy

tng sfbg `erd hfbg ffyeok `fhm, nlppeok up fod dlwo, loiy f iettig

tng rgfslo `gneod rgfslo / 8

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cfstgr. Tng hgotgrstgidgr nfd stgidgd tng `fii. Tng olesg wfs fiblst

uo`gfrf`ig. Hngifsme wfs net `y f husnelo fod ng turogd tl illm ft

tng hrlwd. [ngo ng ded, bfoy lc tngb igfpgd up fod dlwo, wfv-

eok tnger frbs. Husnelos, nfts, `lttigs, gvgrytneok hfbg dlwo. Clr

f blbgot Hngifsme―s gyg hfuknt seknt lc f keri eo f krggo smert. Ng

hluido―t bfmg lut ngr cfhg, lr ngr `ilusg lr ngr hlft. Ng sfw f krggo

smert, fod f pigft eo f krggo smert, snfdlw-iemg fod igfpeok. Tngo ng

wfs net `y foltngr husnelo. Et stuok, hut, cgit wfrb. Clr f blbgot

ng wfs fokry.

Tng tnrlw hfbg eotl tng sghlod `fsgbfo, wnl rgifygd et tl strst

clr tng lut. Tng olesg wfs vlihfoeh, steffeok, bfddgoeok. Jfbeslonfd Hngifsme `y tng frb, puiieok neb lb tng `fttgr―s `lx. Ng

oltehgd Jfbeslo―s cfhg, strgfmgd wetn snlts lc rgd fod wnetg, illmeok

tnehm, fs ec sgvgrfi ifygrs lc smeo nfd `ggo fddgd.

Hngifsme wfimgd tl tng duklut fs tng olesg hloteougd. Tng tgfb

wfs tfmeok tl tng stgid, Nuii rgpifheok neb eo tng lutstgid.

Et wfs hlid eo tng duklut, dfrm eo tng duklut. Ng sfw tng wftgr

`uhmgt wetn tng tlwgi lvgr ets sedg. Ng wfimgd dlwo eo tngrg, sfwslbg`ldy―s nfods siedg ogrvlusiy lo tng `gohn, slbg`ldy―s igks


Tngo Hngifsme wfs stfodeok eo lot lc tng bfofkgr, Nfsteoks.

Ng dedo―t illm ft Nfsteoks= just illmgd ft nes snert `gilw tng S lc

tng oghm.

Tngo ng illmgd up. Ng sfw tnft Nfsteoks wfs tryeok tl spgfm

`ut hluido―t kgt et lut.Hngifsme turogd quehmiy fod rfo dlwo tng ruowfy tnft igd tl tng

ilhmgr rllb. [ngo ng klt tngrg, ng stlld f blbgot illmeok ft fii

tng krggo ilhmgrs.

Lutsedg, tng hrlwd wfs steii snluteok fod slbg lc tng rgplrt-

grs wgrg bfmeok tnger wfy dlwo tl Hngifsme tl fsm neb wnft wfs


4 / tng rgfslo `gneod rgfslo