
Research paper On High accidents ratio in pakistan Submitted To: Prof.Abad Ali Submitted By: Genious Group Subject:Quantitative Techniques In Business Leader Tayyba Jameel Roll#MBAP-F13- 02 Members Zeeshan Ali Roll#MBAP-F13- 09 Muhammad Adnan Roll#MBAP-F13-20 M.Aamir Roll#MBAP-F13-03 Khurram Shahzad Roll#MBAP-F13-16



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Research paperOnHigh accidents ratio in pakistan

Submitted To: Prof.Abad Ali

Submitted By: Genious Group

Subject:Quantitative Techniques In BusinessLeaderTayyba Jameel Roll#MBAP-F13-02MembersZeeshan Ali Roll#MBAP-F13-09Muhammad Adnan Roll#MBAP-F13-20M.Aamir Roll#MBAP-F13-03Khurram Shahzad Roll#MBAP-F13-16Sajid Imran Roll#MBAP-F13-21

Superior University Okara Campus

REASONS FOR HIGH ACCIDENTS RATIO IN PAKISTANAbstract Every day many people are killed and injured on our roads. Men, women, children, biking or riding to school or work, playing in the streets or setting out on long trips, will never return home, leaving behind shattered families and communities. Road traffic injuries are a growing public health issue. Main causes which are found behind these road accidents are lack of training institutes, unskilled drivers, poor road conditions, use of cell phone during driving, use of intoxicants,break failure, over loading and poor performance of government in this regard. If these issues are tackled in a manner way then it can positively affect the social and economic conditions of the residents of developing countries.Key Words: Public Health ,Traffic Accidents, Road AccidentsObjectives To provide traffic rules knowledge To identify causes of accidents To reduce high speed drivingVariablesDependent variablesIndependent variables

AccidentTraffic rules

Road condition Infrastructure


Over loading Condition of vahicle


IntroductionAccident can be defined as "an unanticipated and detrimental event, a misfortune unexpectedand with no obvious cause." Exactingly speaking, a large amount of accidents are notaccidents by any means. They are clashes that might and must have been evaded. There are alot of diverse kinds of traffic accidents that consequence in severe personal damages andfatalities.A rear-impact car accident can take place while one car hits the car in face of it from back.Generally, these accidents come about when first car does not stop in time to avoid strikingthe second car. Insurance policies typically always put guilt on the car that bang into anothercar for issues of driving distance and rashness. A side-impact accident comprises any accidentwhere one car strikes the side of second car.A head-on accident is when one vehicle front strikes another vehicle front or a fixed entity.This occurs when one vehicle enters a lane on the opposite side . This canalso ensue when a car come into a thruway, driveway or one-way street from the wrong route.A rollover accident is when a car turns over on top of either the side or the top of the car. Thekey reason is turning harshly while speeding. Giant vehicles, like SUVs or trucks, are morepossibly to flip over than smaller cars.A runoff accident is when a car runs off of the street and generally just one car involves. Thiscomes about normally when the driver is not giving concentration or when veering isconcerned with the intention of avoids striking another car or animal in the path. However,there are many causes of these accidents. Traffic Accidents can be caused by equipment breakdown. The main referred forms ofequipment malfunction are brake fails, tire blowouts and steering or suspension breakdown.Thats why producers are requisite by regulation to plan and engineer vehicles that congregate aleast security benchmark.Roadway preservation may be the reason of some motor vehicle casualties, although not to theechelon that some drivers exploit it as a justification. Unluckily safeguarding agendas andmeasures differ to a great extent from town to town and area to area, so nationally principlesdon't subsist. Some mistakes happen when a driver becomes inattentive, maybe by a telephonecall or a drip cup of tea. Over speeding is surely a cause of mostly accidents as the faster thepace of a vehicle, the higher the hazard of a mishap.Literature ReviewAccording to Gulzar.S, Yahya F AT all2012rashness and in attentiveness and the increase in number of vehicales are the causes of road accidents.According to Khan1A Mand Tehreem22012 A lack of awerness and lover loading is the main and major cause of accidents in Pakistan

Agyemang B1, Dr . Abledu G K2013, Semevoh R they worked on the cause of road accident and find that population is the main cause of accidents in that area. Singh.H and Aghrawal A.D ,2014 says today increasing ratio of accidents is due to the under age driving. The children should be prevented from driving.They should be separated from high ways and should go to playgrounds rather than roads.According to Royal Society,2001 most of the accidents are occur due to the sleeping of drivers.When they are sleep or tired or may fatigued then the road accidents prevaile.Thousend road accidents are due to this major problem. Scafer .H.B and Lnger F.M,2008 says the most of accidents are due to the negligence and carelessness of the drivers. They shoul strictly follow the rules of roads and then drive.According to Taylor.M.C, Lynam D.A and Baruya.A421 the more accidents are occred due to the high speed driving in the urben areas and rural as well.The high speed is the cause of death and injuries also. Miller .F.D and Micheal .H.L,1962 says mostly accidents are takes place whaile crossing schools and colleges because there are many students at the roads whaile opening or ending time of institutions.According toVasconcellos, Eduardo Alcntara,1999the road accidents are the major cause of injuries and deaths because the accidents ratio is higher due to the illegle use of vhicles and cars .The accidents are due to the rash driving behavior of driver. Maelets. P,2009 says The road accidents are due to the rude behavior of people . The drivers often try to takeover the other one. In this way they often make accidents and cause of deaths .The accidents can only be reduse by measures.According toVasconcellos, Eduardo Alcntara de,2013 The expension use of motorcycles in country is the great cause of accidents, When the accident occurs the result may be death at the spot and many families may lose their loved ones. Young .B and Li .y,2006 says the road accidents are occurred due to the male drivers having age of 35 to 44 and in the age of 55 years old in night times.The traffic authorities should take measures to avoid from driving by old males.According to Garber,2002 and at all the mostly accidents are takes place in the activity areas or in working areas due to rush problems. Another problem is that which causes night time accidents is lake of lightings in the work zones.So these should be improve.Austrilian road safty department,2013says that mostly drivers think that they have high driving skills but there is a problem of lake of safty skills. So this overconfident in their skills makes accidents on roads and the result is death.According to Austrilian Transport department,2002 bad fuel is the cause is the cause of accidents because sometimes it make vhicles condition bad.Research MethodologyThe research design based on questionnaire method the sampling unit selected for this study are the male and female. The studies are based upon rural and urban area of district Okara. A simple random sampling technique is use to collect the date. The collection of data depends upon the groups involving 6 members. The entire member collects data individually and 40 random samples are included and there is no missing observation there.Data Analysis


Stress and depression is there a link?22.6000.000significant

There is a cause of death by late arrival in hospital?8.400a.038significant

Is blood availability is easy in hospital?27.000a0.000significant

Emergency tools are good?31.250b0.000significant

Is the attitude is good towards serious case?25.750b0.000significant

In case of injury facility to operate in small city?39.250b0.000significant

Is proper staff is available in hospital in time?14.000b0.007significant

Are all medicines available in hospital at the time of operation?34.200a0.000significant

Coordination between different specialists doctors in hospital during emergency?4.250b0.373insignificant

High cost operation facility is available?29.500b0.000significant

Coordination between emergency sevices and hospital?7.250b0.123significant

Is there energy or electricity problem in hospital?33.000b0.000significant

Accidents due to women driving?17.800a0.000significant

Usage of mobile during driving is the cause of accident?35.600a0.000significant

Do you found high speed is the cause of accidents?20.000a0.000significant

Break Failure is the cause of accident?26.600a0.000Significant

Negligence is the cause of accidents?16.850c0.000Significant

Usage of drugs is the cause of accidents?35.150c0.000Significant

Do you operate traffic system efficiently?30.200a0.000significant

Is the break failure is the cause of accidents?13.000a0.005significant

Overloading is the cause of accidents?27.000a0.000significant

Worst condition of vehicles is the cause of accidents?41.250b0.000Significant

Do you take good response from public after accidents?26.600c0.000Significant

Do you find difficulties for reaching at the place of accidents?8.400a0.038Significant

Is your communication is good in the area of operation?17.150c0.000Significant

Do you have proper equipment when reach at the place of accident?76.750b0.000Significant

Have you facility to take the patient in other city for treatment?36.000a0.000Significant

Is there facility to operate in ambulance?14.976d0.005Significant

Uder age driving is found at roads? 31.400a0.000Significant

InterpretitionThe above chi-square test shows that the pvalue is insignificant where we make research by putting questions first coordination between emergency services and hospital and where Pvalue is 0.123 which is insignificant. The second pvalu in this test is 0.373 where we make question Coordination between emergency staff and specialists doctors in hospital which results that insignificant.which shows no relationship but the others alls are significant which shows the strong relationship reasons discussed above for accidents.High accidents are due to these reasons which are shown by this test.

CONCLUSIONT O SUM UP ABOVE .The main reason of traffic accidents is due to lack of awareness about rules and regulation, so there is need of institutes for awareness about these rules. Government may create awareness in public by offering different courses in educational institutes and also distribute some material for drivers and for general public also. Government needs to make some core courses/ training before the provision of license and traffic police should keep strong check and balance in this regard.Another problem which causes road accidents is overloading, use of cell phone during driving and drugs addiction by majority of the drivers. These all issues can be solved by creating awareness and by applying some penalty to defaulters. These are not serious issues and easily solved by the strong system of check and balance by any administrative authority. By overcoming on these causes we can save a lot of benefits in the shape of monetary and non-monetary termsIn a nut shell, we say that road accidents are playing prominent role in the families of victims of traffic accidents which is the loss of property on one side while death of humanity is on the other hand. These both can through a family into a vicious circle of poverty and then it impacts on the overall economy. So need of the day is to take some encouraging steps by public side and individuals side also.REFERENCES Rescue 1122 Highway and motorway police Gulzar S, Yahya F, Mir Z, Zafar R VOL 3 NO 3 NOVEMBER 2012 Khan1.A.Mand Tehreem2 AJ. Asian Dev. Stud, Vol. 1, Issue 1, (March 2012) Agyemang, Boakye. "Regression Analysis of Road Traffic Accidents and Population Growth in Ghana."International Journal of Business and Social Research3.10 (2013): 41-47. Mamady, Keita, et al. "Fatality from Road Traffic Accident in Guinea: A Retrospective Descriptive Analysis."Open Journal of Preventive Medicine4.11 (2014): 809. Royal society for prevention of accidents Feb 2001 Schfer, Hans-Bernd, and Frank Mller-Langer. "Strict liability versus negligence."Available at SSRN 2062787(2008). TaylorM.C, Lynam D.A and Baruya.ATRL 421 Miller .F.D and Micheal .H.L September1962. . . No, 19 Vasconcellos, Eduardo Alcntara. "Urban development and traffic accidents in ."Accident Analysis & Prevention31.4 (1999): 319-328. Pego, Maeletso.Analysis of traffic accidents in Gaborone, Diss. Stellenbosch: University of Stellenbosch, 2009. Vasconcellos, Eduardo Alcntara de. "Road safety impacts of the motorcycle in ."International journal of injury control and safety promotion20.2 (2013): 144-151. Bai, Yong, and Yingfeng Li.Determining major causes of highway work zone accidents No. K-TRAN: KU-05-1. Kansas Department of Transportation, 2006. Garber, Nicholas J., and Ming Zhao. "Final report crash characteristics at work zones."Report No. VTRC(2002): 02-R12. Magableh, Faisal, R. Grzebieta, and R. F. S. Job. "The impact of culture on road safety in Jordan."Australasian Road Safety Research Policing Education Conference, 2013, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. 2013.

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