
Introduction. For my magazine I have chosen to base it on mixed genres. I have chosen to do this, due to there being nothing on market like this, its unique. My magazine in female based. I worked individually on my product and was achieved in a ten week period.

Transcript of Introduction

Page 1: Introduction


For my magazine I have chosen to base it on mixed genres. I have chosen to do this, due to

there being nothing on market like this, its unique. My magazine in female based.

I worked individually on my product and was achieved in a ten week period.

Page 2: Introduction

Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products.

I have used large mast head to attract female reader to pick up my magazine.

Medium close up shot. Direct address has been used to draw readers in.

Included other artists, to draw attention to more going on inside. Also due to the fact, it may be there favourite singers which makes them intrigued to read.

Small strap line at head of page, to express they are the best ‘Music and Fashion’ combined magazine.

I have included a barcode, price and the date to make my magazine look genuine and professional. Girls love fashion, so putting this on

my front cover may bring more people to read my magazine.

Keeping readers up to date with events and competitions.

Throughout my project, I have stuck to the same colour palette. The colours have come from the colours in the dress in which my model is wearing. I personally think it looks excellent and works well.

The fonts in which I have chosen are girlie, bold and sharp. I have avoided the ‘in your face’ look and I think its simple and chic.

For my main article I have used a few different fonts to make some things clear then others. I also made sure there was more information around to draw the reader in and want to keep reading.

Page 3: Introduction

Question 1 continued..(Contents Page)

Name of magazine in large font to make force onto magazine name, also included the issue date to make it look professional. At the side of the images I have

included the page number and brief information about what's going on and the artists.

I have included three main images on my contents page. I have chosen simple images so that they don't atract the reader off the actual information. I was also going for the more simple feel.

The main feature artist is in the large image so that she dominates the page, so you know its about her. I have used a image in which doesn't have a set colour so I could have a little variation then my front cover.

I have split my contents page into sections so that it is clear to read. I have also put it into Exclusive, Music and Fashion. This makes it evidence what is in the magazine and what are the favourite stories. In my audience feedback I got lots of good feedback saying it was easy to read an there was a lot to pick from.

I included a editors section to give me personal opinion and what to expect in this months issue, more of the exclusive magazines have this and that is what I aim for.

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Question 2 continued...(Feature article)I have done my

heading bold and straight to the point, so that the reader feels intrigued to read ahead and not just flick past the page.

I have included a brief introduction to set the scene then I have asked India-Rose several questions. I have highlighted the questions in a different colour, to make it clear. I have made the article simple, easy to read and readable so it appeals to the audience.

Like the front cover, I have stuck to the same colour palettes, which comes from the costumes. I have done this to continue the sharp and sophisticated look.

I have included two more images at the bottom as females enjoy lots of images throughout magazines and I want it to be appealing. I have photo shopped them together to make it look professional.

I have included quotes, as magazines always have quotations. I have put them into colour and completely different fonts so that they stand out compared to the main article and images.

I have dominated half of the double page spread with this image. I think it looks fantastic and words really well. I wanted a professional clean look to my article and this image has that feel. It is so glamorous and professional.

Page 5: Introduction

Q2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

In my media product I have represented young females, I have done this by using a young women as my artist. My product should interest young females with an interest in mixed genres and fashion. I have done this by using pretty colours, stylish clothing and a girlie font. In my images I have tried to capture laughter and fun to show normality to females. My magazine is aimed at all social status, it just depends on what people enjoy and love.

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Q3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product?

I think IPC would be great for my magazine institution to publish my media product. IPC is well known for producing NME, Marie Claire and Women Weekly. I think this is the most appropriate due to NME being multiple genres and they also produce fashion and lifestyle magazines. So due to my magazine being music and fashion combined I think is the most suitable.

My magazine is unique to thoses already on the market at the moment and it is aimed at hybrid genres, just like my magazine. My target audience is 16-25 years of age. It is aimed to females with an interest in fashion also, as its a music magazine with fashion within. There is not music magazines in the shops which target audiences looking for all genres and fashion combined.

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Q4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

Gender: FemaleNation: BritishEthnicity: Aimed at allSocio-Economic: E

Interests: Interested in finding out current and new coming artists, events, genres, gossip, stars and fashion.

Page 8: Introduction

Q5. How did you attract/address your audience?

The title of my magazine is ‘Melody’, i chose this due to it being placid, girlie and is a catch. I also tried to make it relevant and realistic. On the front cover i have used a female model in which is my artist, I have done this to attract women and to make it clear who my target audience is. I also stayed away from the airbrush fake lifestyle and stuck to normality as that is genially what females prefer. My model is wearing something fabulous and glitzy, the audience may see her as a fashion icon. There is a lot of lighting in the image due to wanting to avoid as much editing as possible. The colour palette has mainly come from the costumes used. Theses colours are quite vibrant but pretty. In my subheadings and story lines i have tried to include information that would benefit and attract the female audience. The information included is about new artists, top hits, gossip, up to date music, events, competitions and fashion fix’s. My layout is plain with girlie fonts to draw them in. I didn't want to over do it with it being too girlie or to much it hurts your head. The fonts in which i have used arnt too big yet are bold. I think every font is big enough to read from a far, i just didn't want the writing to dominate over the leading image.

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Question 5 continued...(Contents page and Feature article)

- Large heading of title of magazine and issue number to keep reader up to date on issues.

-Writing to a minimal, and in sections to make it easy to read and stop it looking cluttered

- three images to express there is more new artists involved and events going on. Page number on image to make it easy for reader to see what page it appears on.

- black, white and pink colour palette was chosen to keep it a minimal but still girlie and chic.

- all the sections and everything named and numbered so attracts the reader to read on and not just flick.

-Bold vibrant heading, getting straight to the point, attracting female audience

- structured simple and effortless so easy for reader to follow.

- quotations to draw reader in and want to read the article instead of just flicking through.

- pictures draw attention to females, as we enjoy seeing them in magazines, so I have used three professional-like images

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Q6. what have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During my project I have been using DTP software InDesign and Photoshop on the Apple IMacs.

I have had done a little work on both software's before, however throughout this ten week project I have learnt a lot. I have learnt how to produce my pieces on InDesign and how to professionally edit my images on Photoshop, even though my images didn't need a lot of editing.

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Q7. looking back on your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to be the full product?

- Image on front cover isn't shouting ‘wow factor’

-not much useful information and not making me read on.

-Primary colours are being used and they make the cover look really bland and boring.

- image isn't professional and you can tell it was a quick project.

-Front cover well titled and you can clearly see that title of the magazine.

- a lot of information, meaning there is a lot to read within the magazine.

- relaxed, cute image used. Image isn't to edited and doesn't look fake

- plain back ground and vibrant colours make it stand out. Not to cluttered.

Since my preliminary task I have made a lot of progress and found out many new techniques along the way. Each section of the magazines has been completely revamped. I have overall used professional language, images and sharp colours to make my magazine look very attractive.

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I am really proud of my end result, I think it has turned out better then expected. Even thought I don't think it looks extremely professional, that's probably because I know it isn't.

Advantages:-All the images I have used are fresh faced and professional. Each image is in extreme focus and has a high resolution. - The colours connect together extremely well and don’t rebel against one another.- Model is used is relaxed and realist- Loads of subheading drawing in readers attentions- Lots of artists and genres included so fits each persons tastes.- Interview is laid back and not like its just been made up#

Disadvantages:-Text on feature article could be a little bigger however I couldn't fit as much on the page if I did.- Could have put more information on Cover and Contents, but wanted to keep it de cluttered. - Writing on cover could be more bright to stand out more.