Introducing Product Thinking

The changing shape of media in the digital age Case study: Introducing product thinking


Nic Newman explores a case study on bringing product management to the not-for-profit sector using his own experience.

Transcript of Introducing Product Thinking

Page 1: Introducing Product Thinking

The changing shape of media in the digital ageCase study: Introducing product thinking

Page 2: Introducing Product Thinking

The changing shape of media in the digital age

Henry Moore Old Flo

Rachel Whiteread - Whitechapel Gallery

Manet at Ashmolean Ship in a bottle Yinka Shonibare

National fundraising charity for art

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The changing shape of media in the digital age

National Art Pass

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The changing shape of media in the digital age

Nic Newman March 2011

- Little digital expertise - no team in place- Grand plans and divergent stakeholder expectations- Dead website with no utility- Imminent plans for a relaunch with marketing spend- 2 days a week to sort things

At the start

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The changing shape of media in the digital age

Nic Newman March 2011


Responsive design website

Visitors up 3x

Membership up 20% - most via digital

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The changing shape of media in the digital age

Nic Newman March 2011


App with almost 100,000 downloads

4.8 star average ratings

Active Facebook and Twitter channels

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The changing shape of media in the digital age

Nic Newman March 2011

1. Taking time to think

• Audit of current digital offer and performance• Full competitive analysis• Interview of existing members• Analysis of business objectives

Key learning: involve all the key stakeholders. Value was the process and the buy in …

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The changing shape of media in the digital age

Nic Newman March 2011

2. Articulating the vision

“One stop shop for exhibitions – ensuring you never miss the art you love”

Best art guide in the UK building on expertise of art fund and links with museums and galleries

•Easy to use•Cross platform•Learn from and involve audience

Key learning: Power of a vision …

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The changing shape of media in the digital age

3. Deliver something quickly

• Creates momentum

• Exposes the big issues

• Builds credibility for next stage

Web re-launch in 8 weeks Key learning: amazing how much you CAN do

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Key questions4. Start to introduce some LIGHT process

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4. Start to introduce some LIGHT process

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Key questions5. New skills will be required

Usability experts

Video skills

Key Lesson: need to flag up the need for these skills and the cost at the start

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6. Bring audience into the building

• lo-fi usability testing (Morae software)

• Gets stakeholders bound into the process

• Keeps cost down

Key learning: Best way to embed audience centred approach

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7. Measure, review, KPIs

• Important to measure the benefits

• set KPIs from the start

• Keep it simple

• Keep it visual

Key learning: Keeps the focus on the audience and the core objectives

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Key questionsConclusions

• Get strategic buy in at the start – toughest part

• Can’t do it all in one go – success will give you permission to move on

• Clear about objectives and measure

• Enlist help from outside – can’t change culture on your own (eg bring people in, audiences, evidence)