Introducing Infinity E brochure

introducing infinity financial solutions *The possibilities are endless

Transcript of Introducing Infinity E brochure

introducing infinity financial solutions

*The possibilities are endless


The possibilities are endless.

Success in life often comes down to making the right decisions at the right times. And choosing Infinity Financial Solutions could be one of the best decisions you will ever make.

Infinity is here to protect, build and maximise your wealth for thefuture security of you and your family.

We’re one of the leading financial services companies in Asia, and provide a unique brand of personalised financial solutions to clients across the region.

With our extensive regional experience and impressive network of global partners, Infinity can cater for the financial planning needs of private individuals, corporations or non-governmentalorganisations alike.

Infinity’s financial planning can help you achieve your hopes andobjectives, whatever they may be.

These comments, together with those from a wide rangeof other clients, are reproduced in full on our website.

Throughout this brochure, we’ve reproducedsome of the many positive comments we havereceived from our satisfied clients. We hope thatthey support our own words about Infinity.



The value of independence.

Infinity Financial Solutions offers you the peace of mind of having your personal wealth managed securely, professionally and expertly.

What’s more, Infinity is completely independent. In short, the advice we give is both impartial and unbiased.

We are never dictated to by a parent company, so we are always free to access and select from an extensive range of thoroughlyresearched investment options and potential solutions.

The combination of carefully tailored financial planning and a wealth of opportunity is at the heart of what makes Infinity different from other financial advisers.

“With the Infinity team, I feel I have a competentpartner to whom I can turn for financial advice,who offers a wide range of options, and who actspromptly when needed.”

“Having received inappropriate financialadvice in the past I was glad to meet thepeople at Infinity who have since guidedme in the right direction.”

“Important for me are regular reviews andupdates. Infinity provided this service as routinewhich was a contrast to other financialcompanies that I have experienced.”


A relationship we take seriously.

Because we realise that everyone is different, we take the time tounderstand your particular financial objectives. We work with you to develop an individually tailored plan that will suit you and yourlifestyle – now and in the future.

Once we have agreed on the way forward, we remain with you every step of the way. The strong, long-term relationship we aim to develop with you is not taken for granted. We will work hard toensure that you receive a superior level of service, with regularcontact that keeps you informed on the progress of your portfolio as well as online access to important information.

Of course, all of our business with you is always conducted in an environment that respects your privacy and confidence.

We see our relationships with our clients as paramount, so serviceand integrity are firmly at the centre of everything we do.

“Wherever I move, I know that Infinity will be there for me. A very secure feelingbased on trust, wherever in the world you are.”

“I have found a company that I cantrust with Infinity Financial Solutions...the team have helped me to betterprepare for my family’s future.”

“Over the years, I’ve used a number of financial and investment advisers, often with limitedsatisfaction. However, that has fortunatelychanged with the team at Infinity.”




A focus on security and stability.

Naturally, the desire to make your money work harder must alwaysbe balanced with the need for security, so Infinity provides you withthe highest level of investor protection available.

We recommend solutions based in the most secure and stable of theworld’s international financial centres – like the Isle of Man, ChannelIslands, Switzerland and Hong Kong.

As well as ensuring that your assets are held securely, Infinity canalso help you to structure your assets to mitigate the impact oftaxation and probate.

Some of our most frequently used services are listed overleaf.

“I have had excellent service over the yearsfrom Infinity. An important feature, for me,in a financial service provider is regularreviews and updates of my portfolio.”

“Switching to Infinity was the best financialmove we ever made. Infinity provides us withexcellent support services and we highlyrecommend them to other investors.”

“I can sleep soundly in the knowledge that I amreceiving good, impartial financial advice whichhas helped me realise substantial returns on my earnings.“


SAVINGSRegular monthly savings plans are one of themost effective ways to achieve your financialobjectives – whether you’re planning for acomfortable and secure retirement, purchasingproperty, or ensuring sufficient funds areavailable for your children’s education costs. We are confident that we can source the mosteffective savings vehicles for all of our clients.

INVESTMENTSWe can develop a thoroughly researchedinvestment portfolio to suit your objectives aswell as your personal outlook.

Those with an appetite for risk – and a toleranceof volatility – can select investments that arefocused on delivering impressive returns.Whereas those with less of an appetite for risk,but a desire for growth nonetheless, can enjoycapital guaranteed investments where theirmoney can never be lost.

WEALTH MANAGEMENTInfinity offers a wealth management service toclients with accounts typically in excess ofUS$200,000, or equivalent. By working closely withprivate banks and wealth management companies,we can provide tailor-made investmentmanagement services that will maximise thepotential of your portfolio and ensure your specificrequirements are being directly addressed.

WEALTH PROTECTIONWe offer advice on life insurance policies, trusts,foundations and international companies –which can all be useful tools in providing for yourfamily’s future financial welfare and protectingyour assets against unforeseen events.

We can provide a range of services that ensurethat your accumulated wealth is protected andpassed on – with minimal cost and loss.

PROPERTYAs property can play an important role in a well-balanced and diversified portfolio, we offerour clients access to an impressive portfolio ofinvestment properties throughout Asia, Europeand Australia. You can therefore benefit from our contacts, regional knowledge and in-depth research.

A comprehensive range of services.


INTERNATIONAL MORTGAGESInfinity can help our clients to raise capitalagainst properties in the United Kingdom, theUnited States, Australia, New Zealand, France,Dubai, Portugal and other countries.

In those countries where mortgages are difficult to secure, we can even assist clients in raising loans against investment portfoliosand other assets.

INSURANCEWe also work closely with leading insurers to offer our clients a wide range of insuranceproducts.

Insurance solutions include international andlocal medical care, income protection, accidentand disability insurance, professional indemnityinsurance, life cover and critical illness cover.

In Thailand and Cambodia we have been able to extend this cover to include generalinsurance – covering personal possessions suchas property, vehicles and belongings.

CORPORATE BENEFITSBy working hard to understand our corporateclients’ unique needs, we are well-placed toadvise companies and organisations on the mosteffective group pension plans, provident funds,medical insurance and life insurance schemes.

We can help businesses to protect their mostvaluable resource – their employees.

TRAINING AND EDUCATIONDealing with financial matters can be acomplicated and often confusing business. We therefore offer our clients complimentaryseminars, workshops and training courses which are designed to provide a better workingknowledge of the world of finance and thesolutions available.

“They understand my investmentobjectives and have given good advicein line with my risk/reward objectives.Their service is excellent.”

“One year ago I faced the daunting task of restructuring myentire investment portfolio ...I would recommend InfinityFinancial Solutions without reservation to anyone looking for superior financial advice.”

“Infinity are not just a serviceprovider, they are a true partner inemployee benefits. They genuinelycare about what is best for us.”



The people behind Infinity.

Trevor KeidanBorn in South Africa and resident in London for many years, Trevor now lives in Hong Kongwith his wife and young son. Trevor holds the Financial Advisers International Qualificationand is a member of The Chartered Insurance Institute as well as having the relevantqualifications in financial planning in both Hong Kong and Singapore. Trevor specialises infinancial planning and, as Chief Executive, has responsibility for the overall operations of

the business. He also has the daunting responsibility for the IT infrastructure across Infinity’s offices.With a career in the international financial services industry spanning almost a decade Trevor brings awealth of business management and financial planning experience. Trevor’s main driver is afundamental belief that good financial planning makes people’s lives better!

Ben BennettBen has worked in the international insurance industry for 25 years in Guernsey, UnitedArab Emirates, South Africa and Malaysia. He spent 13 years working for a FTSE 100 listedinsurer and thereafter worked for a Dutch private bank. Ben manages the Malaysian officeand is also responsible for Infinity’s finance, regulatory and compliance functions. He holdsthe International Certificate for Financial Advisers and the London Securities Institute

International Capital Markets Qualification.

Trevor and Ben are supported by a network of experienced financial planning consultants and a dedicated team of professionals working from our offices throughout Asia.


A global network of partners.We carefully select and monitor each one of our service providers. Over the yearsInfinity has built a significant network of partners and currently works with over 100global institutions to provide the most efficient solutions for our clients. We areconstantly researching and updating our range of solutions so that we can be sure ofproviding the very best for our clients.

To ensure that our clients are only offered providers with proven track records ourcompany has its own in-house compliance department.

Doing business with Infinity.Infinity receives its remuneration directly from product providers and, occasionally, viafees from our clients. We do not charge a fee for initial consultations and will onlyapply charges with prior agreement.

Malaysia - Infinity Financial Solutions Ltd is licensed and regulated by the LabuanFinancial Services Authority (Labuan FSA) and is subject to legislation as defined in theLabuan Financial Services and Securities Act 2010. (Licence Number BS200548)

Hong Kong – Infinity Financial Solutions Ltd is a member of the Hong KongConfederation of Insurance Brokers and is permitted to conduct long term (includingunit linked long term) insurance business. (Membership number # 0462)

“I wouldn’t hesitate in recommendingthe Infinity team to anyone looking for a real financial adviser who actually delivers.”

“Infinity has been such a help to me –taking me through all of the stages ofplanning financial goals, linked to goalsthat I have for my family and life.”

“When the solutions were selected, Infinitytook care of everything and it was all setup in no time at all, and surprisinglyenough, very cost effectively.”

Infinity Financial Solutions Ltd(Unit 19) Level 3,Three Pacific Place,1 Queen’s Road EastHong Kong

Telephone +852 2855 6961

Infinity Financial Solutions LtdS06A2, 6th Floor, South BlockWisma Selangor Dredging142-A Jalan AmpangKuala Lumpur50450Malaysia

Telephone +60 3 2164 6585

Infinity Financial Solutions LtdRegistered OfficeU0195, Jalan MerdekaPO Box 8193387007 Federal Territory of LabuanMalaysia

Company No.LL04446Labuan FSA Licence No. BS200548 [email protected]

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