Introducing Assistive Technology in Inpatient Services to Modernise NHS Mental Health Service...

Introducing Assistive Technology in Inpatient Services to Modernise NHS Mental Health Service Delivery Debbie Moores Allied Health Professions Lead South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Jim Ellam Commissioning Manager & Assistive Technology Project Lead Public Health Improvement and Wellbeing Staffordshire County Council,

Transcript of Introducing Assistive Technology in Inpatient Services to Modernise NHS Mental Health Service...

Page 1: Introducing Assistive Technology in Inpatient Services to Modernise NHS Mental Health Service Delivery Debbie Moores Allied Health Professions Lead South.

Introducing Assistive Technology in Inpatient Services to Modernise NHS

Mental Health Service Delivery

Debbie Moores Allied Health Professions Lead

South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Jim EllamCommissioning Manager & Assistive Technology Project Lead

Public Health Improvement and WellbeingStaffordshire County Council,

Page 2: Introducing Assistive Technology in Inpatient Services to Modernise NHS Mental Health Service Delivery Debbie Moores Allied Health Professions Lead South.

Introducing Assistive Technology to Inpatient Services to Modernise NHS

Mental Health Service Delivery

• The Context

• The Plan

• The Reality

• The Progress to Date

Page 3: Introducing Assistive Technology in Inpatient Services to Modernise NHS Mental Health Service Delivery Debbie Moores Allied Health Professions Lead South.

The Context

• Many Drivers – National drivers– Increasing stakeholder

expectations – Increasing cost – Local Digital Programme


• Our background – Demand and capacity– Low AT knowledge base– Local Authority expertise – Trust Board commitment

Page 4: Introducing Assistive Technology in Inpatient Services to Modernise NHS Mental Health Service Delivery Debbie Moores Allied Health Professions Lead South.

So What is MyAmego?

Page 5: Introducing Assistive Technology in Inpatient Services to Modernise NHS Mental Health Service Delivery Debbie Moores Allied Health Professions Lead South.

So What is MyAmego?

Page 6: Introducing Assistive Technology in Inpatient Services to Modernise NHS Mental Health Service Delivery Debbie Moores Allied Health Professions Lead South.

The Plan Improve service users experience

• Identify the service users who would benefit

• Evaluate tools and methodology

• Identify, pilot and evaluate the use of the tool

• Recommendations /Trajectory for roll out across SSSFT

Page 7: Introducing Assistive Technology in Inpatient Services to Modernise NHS Mental Health Service Delivery Debbie Moores Allied Health Professions Lead South.

The Reality …. The Hard Work Begins!

• Organisational start point

• Local expertise - Local Authority

• Engagement

• Installation

• Staff training

“in my experience, technology can go haywire

which would cause mayhem on the ward”

Page 8: Introducing Assistive Technology in Inpatient Services to Modernise NHS Mental Health Service Delivery Debbie Moores Allied Health Professions Lead South.

Progress to Date

Life before the pilot

•Staff sitting outside bedroom doors

•Staff following service users around

•High number of incidents

Life during the pilot

•Benefits to service users

•Strong leadership


Life after the pilot

•Delivering personalised packages of care

•Appropriate discharge

•Reduced duplication of effort

Sustainability• Improved service user outcomes • Staff confidence• Staff skills• Part of the job

Page 9: Introducing Assistive Technology in Inpatient Services to Modernise NHS Mental Health Service Delivery Debbie Moores Allied Health Professions Lead South.

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