Introducing Assetic (NYPHP)

Introducing Assetic Asset Management for PHP 5.3 March 1, 2011



Transcript of Introducing Assetic (NYPHP)

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Introducing AsseticAsset Management for PHP 5.3

March 1, 2011

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• Symfony Guru at

• Symfony core team member

• Doctrine contributor

• 10+ years experience with PHP and web development

• Open source evangelist and international speaker

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OpenSky connects you with innovators, trendsetters and tastemakers. You choose

the ones you like and each week they invite you to their private online sales.

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OpenSky connects you with innovators, trendsetters and tastemakers. You choose

the ones you like and each week they invite you to their private online sales.

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• PHP 5.3 + Symfony2

• MongoDB + Doctrine MongoDB ODM

• MySQL + Doctrine2 ORM

• Less CSS

• jQuery

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• !(straw man)

• Assetic

• Twig, Symfony2 integration

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If you haven’t optimized your frontend, you haven’t optimized

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A poorly optimized frontendcan destroy UX

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…and SEO

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Get your assets in line.

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Asset Management

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Lots of awesome tools:

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Lots of awesome tools:• CoffeeScript

• Compass Framework

• CSSEmbed

• Google Closure Compiler

• JSMin


• Packer


• Sprockets

• Stylus

• YUI Compressor

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The ones written in PHP…

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The ones written in PHP…

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This is a difficult problem

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Assetic makes it easy

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Enough talk

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# /path/to/web/js/core.php

$core = new FileAsset('/path/to/jquery.js');$core->load();

header('Content-Type: text/javascript');echo $core->dump();

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# /path/to/web/js/core.php

$core = new AssetCollection(array( new FileAsset('/path/to/jquery.js'), new GlobAsset('/path/to/js/core/*.js'),));$core->load();

header('Content-Type: text/javascript');echo $core->dump();

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# /path/to/web/js/core.php

$core = new AssetCollection(array( new FileAsset('/path/to/jquery.js'), new GlobAsset('/path/to/js/core/*.js'),));$core->load();

header('Content-Type: text/javascript');echo $core->dump();

Merge many files into one == fewer HTTP requests

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# /path/to/web/js/core.php

$core = new AssetCollection(array( new FileAsset('/path/to/jquery.js'), new GlobAsset('/path/to/js/core/*.js'),), array( new YuiCompressorJsFilter('/path/to/yui.jar'),));$core->load();

header('Content-Type: text/javascript');echo $core->dump();

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# /path/to/web/js/core.php

$core = new AssetCollection(array( new FileAsset('/path/to/jquery.js'), new GlobAsset('/path/to/js/core/*.js'),), array( new YuiCompressorJsFilter('/path/to/yui.jar'),));$core->load();

header('Content-Type: text/javascript');echo $core->dump();

Compress the merged asset == less data over the wire

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<script src="js/core.php"></script>

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Assetic isAssets & Filters

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Inspired by Python’s webassets

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Assets have lazy, mutable content

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Filters act on asset contents during “load” and “dump”

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Assets can be gathered in collections

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A collection is an asset

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Asset Collection





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Asset Collection

Asset Collection









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# /path/to/web/css/styles.php

$styles = new AssetCollection( array(new FileAsset('/path/to/main.sass')), array(new SassFilter()));

header('Content-Type: text/css');echo $styles->dump();

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# /path/to/web/css/styles.php

$styles = new AssetCollection(array( new AssetCollection( array(new FileAsset('/path/to/main.sass')), array(new SassFilter()) ), new FileAsset('/path/to/more.css'),));

header('Content-Type: text/css');echo $styles->dump();

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# /path/to/web/css/styles.php

$styles = new AssetCollection(array( new AssetCollection( array(new FileAsset('/path/to/main.sass')), array(new SassFilter()) ), new FileAsset('/path/to/more.css'),), array( new YuiCompressorCss('/path/to/yui.jar'),));

header('Content-Type: text/css');echo $styles->dump();

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# /path/to/web/css/styles.php

$styles = new AssetCollection(array( new AssetCollection( array(new FileAsset('/path/to/main.sass')), array(new SassFilter()) ), new FileAsset('/path/to/more.css'),), array( new YuiCompressorCss('/path/to/yui.jar'),));

header('Content-Type: text/css');echo $styles->dump();

Lazy! The filesystem isn't touched until now

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Basic Asset Classes

• AssetCollection

• AssetReference

• FileAsset

• GlobAsset

• StringAsset

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Core Filter Classes• CallablesFilter

• CoffeeScriptFilter

• CssRewriteFilter

• GoogleClosure\CompilerApiFilter

• GoogleClosure\CompilerJarFilter

• LessFilter

• Sass\SassFilter

• Sass\ScssFilter

• SprocketsFilter

• StylusFilter

• Yui\CssCompressorFilter

• Yui\JsCompressorFilter

• More to come…

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Asset Manager

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$am = new AssetManager();$am->set('jquery', new FileAsset('/path/to/jquery.js'));

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$plugin = new AssetCollection(array( new AssetReference($am, 'jquery'), new FileAsset('/path/to/jquery.plugin.js'),));

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$core = new AssetCollection(array( $jquery, $plugin1, $plugin2,));

header('text/javascript');echo $core->dump();

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$core = new AssetCollection(array( $jquery, $plugin1, $plugin2,));

header('text/javascript');echo $core->dump();

jQuery will only be included once

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Filter Manager

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$yui = new YuiCompressorJs();$yui->setNomunge(true);

$fm = new FilterManager();$fm->set('yui_js', $yui);

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$jquery = new FileAsset('/path/to/core.js');$jquery->ensureFilter($fm->get('yui_js'));

$core = new AssetCollection(array( $jquery, new GlobAsset('/path/to/js/core/*.js'),));$core->ensureFilter($fm->get('yui_js'));

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$jquery = new FileAsset('/path/to/core.js');$jquery->ensureFilter($fm->get('yui_js'));

$core = new AssetCollection(array( $jquery, new GlobAsset('/path/to/js/core/*.js'),));$core->ensureFilter($fm->get('yui_js'));

jQuery will only be compressed once

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Asset Factory

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# /path/to/asset_factory.php

$fm = new FilterManager();$fm->set('coffee', new CoffeeScriptFilter());$fm->set('closure', new GoogleClosure\CompilerApi());

$factory = new AssetFactory('/path/to/web');$factory->setFilterManager($fm);

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include '/path/to/asset_factory.php';

$asset = $factory->createAsset( array('js/src/*.coffee'), array('coffee', 'closure'));

header('Content-Type: text/javascript');echo $asset->dump();

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Debug Mode

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Debugging compressedJavascript sucks

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Mark filters for omissionin debug mode using a “?”

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// new AssetFactory('/path/to/web', true);

include '/path/to/asset_factory.php';

$asset = $factory->createAsset( array('js/src/*.coffee'), array('coffee', 'closure'));

header('Content-Type: text/javascript');echo $asset->dump();

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// new AssetFactory('/path/to/web', true);

include '/path/to/asset_factory.php';

$asset = $factory->createAsset( array('js/src/*.coffee'), array('coffee', '?closure'));

header('Content-Type: text/javascript');echo $asset->dump();

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// new AssetFactory('/path/to/web', false);

include '/path/to/asset_factory.php';

$asset = $factory->createAsset( array('js/src/*.coffee'), array('coffee', '?closure'), array('debug' => true));

header('Content-Type: text/javascript');echo $asset->dump();

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Factory Workers

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Everything passes through the workers’ hands

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$worker = new EnsureFilterWorker( '/\.css$/', // the output pattern $fm->get('yui_css') // the filter);

$factory = new AssetFactory('/path/to/web');$factory->addWorker($worker);

// compressed$factory->createAsset('css/sass/*', 'sass', array( 'output' => 'css/*.css',));

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Good: Basic Caching

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# /path/to/web/css/styles.php

$styles = new AssetCollection( array(new FileAsset('/path/to/main.sass')), array(new SassFilter()));

echo $styles->dump();

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# /path/to/web/css/styles.php

$styles = new AssetCache(new AssetCollection( array(new FileAsset('/path/to/main.sass')), array(new SassFilter())), new FilesystemCache('/path/to/cache'));

echo $styles->dump();

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# /path/to/web/css/styles.php

$styles = new AssetCache(new AssetCollection( array(new FileAsset('/path/to/main.sass')), array(new SassFilter())), new FilesystemCache('/path/to/cache'));

echo $styles->dump();

Run the filters once and cache the content

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Better: HTTP Caching

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// $core = new AssetCache(...

$mtime = gmdate('D, d M y H:i:s', $core->getLastModified()).' GMT';

if ($mtime == $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) { header('HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified'); exit();}

header('Content-Type: text/javascript');header('Last-Modified: '.$mtime);echo $core->dump();

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Best: Static Assets

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# /path/to/scripts/dump_assets.php

$am = new AssetManager();$am->set('foo', $foo);// etc...

$writer = new AssetWriter('/path/to/web');$writer->writeManagerAssets($am);

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Best-est:Content Distribution Network

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new AssetWriter('s3://my-bucket')

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new AssetWriter('s3://my-bucket')

A CloudFront S3 bucket

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Not Lazy Enough?

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Asset Formulae and theLazy Asset Manager

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$asset = $factory->createAsset( array('js/src/*.coffee'), array('coffee', '?closure'), array('output' => 'js/*.js'));

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$formula = array( array('js/src/*.coffee'), array('coffee', '?closure'), array('output' => 'js/*.js'));

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$am = new LazyAssetManager($factory);$am->setFormula('core_js', $formula);

header('Content-Type: text/javascript');echo $am->get('core_js')->dump();

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This will make more sensein a few minutes…

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Thought…Assets are a part of the view layer

and should be defined there.

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<!-- header.php -->

<?php foreach (assetic_javascripts( array('js/core.js', 'js/more.js'), array('?yui_js')) as $url): ?>

<script src="<?php echo $url ?>"></script>

<?php endforeach; ?>

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# config/assetic.php

require_once '/path/to/assetic/functions.php';assetic_init($factory);

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Issue…Assets defined in the view layer must actually exist somewhere

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Option Bad...Lazily dump assets to the

web directory

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Option Good…Eagerly dump assets to the

web directory

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Formula Loaders

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$loader = new FunctionCallsFormulaLoader();$resource = new DirectoryResource( '/path/to/templates', '/\.php$/');

$formulae = $loader->load($resource);

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$am = new LazyAssetManager($factory);$am->setLoader('php', $loader);$am->addResource($resource, 'php');

$writer = new AssetWriter('/path/to/web');$writer->writeManagerAssets($am);

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$am = new LazyAssetManager($factory);$am->setLoader('php', $loader);$am->addResource($resource, 'php');

$writer = new AssetWriter('/path/to/web');$writer->writeManagerAssets($am);

Expensive every time

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$cache = new ConfigCache('/path/to/cache');

$loader = new CachedFormulaLoader( $loader, $cache, $debug);

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Twig Integration

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$twig->addExtension(new AsseticExtension($factory));

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{% assetic 'js/*.coffee', filter='coffee' %}<script src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>{% endassetic %}

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<script src="assets/92429d8"></script>

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{% assetic 'js/*.coffee', filter='coffee' %}<script src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>{% endassetic %}

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{% assetic 'js/*.coffee', filter='coffee', output='js/*.js' %}<script src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>{% endassetic %}

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<script src="js/92429d8.js"></script>

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{% assetic 'js/*.coffee', filter='coffee', output='js/*.js' %}<script src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>{% endassetic %}

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{% assetic 'js/*.coffee', filter='coffee,?closure', output='js/*.js', name='core_js' %}<script src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>{% endassetic %}

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AsseticBundleSymfony2 integration

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{% assetic filter='scss,?yui_css', output='css/all.css', '@MainBundle/Resources/sass/main.scss', '@AnotherBundle/Resources/sass/more.scss' %}<link href="{{ asset_url }}" rel="stylesheet" />{% endassetic %}

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<link href="css/all.css" rel="stylesheet" />

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{% assetic filter='scss,?yui_css', output='css/all.css', '@MainBundle/Resources/sass/main.scss', '@AnotherBundle/Resources/sass/more.scss' %}<link href="{{ asset_url }}" rel="stylesheet" />{% endassetic %}

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{% assetic filter='scss,?yui_css', output='css/all.css', '@MainBundle/Resources/sass/main.scss', debug=true, '@AnotherBundle/Resources/sass/more.scss' %}<link href="{{ asset_url }}" rel="stylesheet" />{% endassetic %}

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<link href="css/all_part1.css" rel="stylesheet" /><link href="css/all_part2.css" rel="stylesheet" />

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<link href="css/all_part1.css" rel="stylesheet" /><link href="css/all_part2.css" rel="stylesheet" />

Each "leaf" asset is referenced individually

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assetic: debug: %kernel.debug% use_controller: %kernel.debug% read_from: %kernel.root_dir%/../web write_to: s3://mybucket

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{# when use_controller=true #}

<script src="{{ path('assetic_foo') }}"...

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# routing_dev.yml_assetic: resource: . type: assetic

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{# when use_controller=false #}

<script src="{{ asset('js/core.js') }}"></script>

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{# when use_controller=false #}

<script src="{{ asset('js/core.js') }}"></script>

Lots for free

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The Symfony2 Assets Helper

• Multiple asset domains

• Cache buster

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framework: templating: assets_version: 1.2.3 assets_base_urls: - - - -

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{% assetic filter='scss,?yui_css', output='css/all.css', '@MainBundle/Resources/sass/main.scss', '@AnotherBundle/Resources/sass/more.scss' %}<link href="{{ asset_url }}" rel="stylesheet" />{% endassetic %}

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<link href="" ...

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$ php app/console assetic:dump web/

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$ php app/console assetic:dump s3://my-bucket

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assetic:dump --watchDump static assets in the background as you develop

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