· introducere danskere til...

24 ISSN: 1902-8660 Newsletter No: 46, December 2015 1 News from the DLN Again, the DLN newsletter is ready to be read. You can look forward to reading about all the activities done since the last newsletter came out. Igen udkommer, DLNs nyhedsbrev. Glæd dig til at læse om alle de aktiviteter, der har været siden sidste nyhedsbrev udkom. The next text in Danish is an announcement of the Annual General Meeting in DLN taking place in April 2016. I 2016 vil generalforsamlingen i Denmark Lesotho Network blive afholdt søndag den 10. april. Lørdag den 9. april er der planlagt en visionsdag. Begge dage vil foregå i Nyborg. Der vil blive arrangeret overnatning for dem, der vil deltage i begge dages arrangementer. Sæt kryds i kalenderen og glæd dig til en weekend, hvor der også bliver tid til hygge. Tsepiso ready for the catwalk In this issue: Page 1: News from the DLN Page 2: News from the board / Nyt fra bestyrelsen Page 3: DLN participated in the World Mirror Festival / DLN med I Verdensspejl Festival Page 7: A bush-mechanic can fix anything / En bush- mechanic klarer alt Page 13: In ‘Periphery Lesotho’ / I “Udkants Lesotho” Page 17: BAG-DLN meeting 7 th of Oktober 2015 at Assumption High School, Teyateyaneng, Lesotho / Page 20: U.N. Launches App to Feed Hungry With a Simple Tap Page 20: News from Lesotho Storm brews in Hlotse as town goes three months without portable water Page 22: Budget delay subdues economic activity Page 23: What is Denmark Lesotho Network? Page 24: Membership of DLN

Transcript of · introducere danskere til...

Page 1: · introducere danskere til Lesothos natur, kultur og befolkning, for at de kan møde DLNs partnere. Bestyrelsen

ISSN: 1902-8660 Newsletter No: 46, December 2015


News from the DLN

Again, the DLN newsletter is ready to be read. You can

look forward to reading about all the activities done since the last

newsletter came out.

Igen udkommer, DLNs nyhedsbrev. Glæd dig til at læse

om alle de aktiviteter, der har været siden sidste nyhedsbrev


The next text in Danish is an announcement of the Annual General

Meeting in DLN taking place in April 2016.

I 2016 vil generalforsamlingen i Denmark Lesotho Network blive

afholdt søndag den 10. april.

Lørdag den 9. april er der planlagt en visionsdag. Begge dage vil

foregå i Nyborg. Der vil blive arrangeret overnatning for dem, der

vil deltage i begge dages arrangementer. Sæt kryds i kalenderen

og glæd dig til en weekend, hvor der også bliver tid til hygge.

Tsepiso ready for the catwalk

In this issue: Page 1: News from the DLN Page 2: News from the board / Nyt fra bestyrelsen Page 3: DLN participated in the World Mirror Festival / DLN med I Verdensspejl Festival Page 7: A bush-mechanic can fix anything / En bush-mechanic klarer alt

Page 13: In ‘Periphery Lesotho’ / I “Udkants Lesotho” Page 17: BAG-DLN meeting 7th of Oktober 2015 at Assumption High School, Teyateyaneng, Lesotho / Page 20: U.N. Launches App to Feed Hungry With a Simple Tap Page 20: News from Lesotho Storm brews in Hlotse as town goes three months without portable water Page 22: Budget delay subdues economic activity Page 23: What is Denmark Lesotho Network?

Page 24: Membership of DLN

Page 2: · introducere danskere til Lesothos natur, kultur og befolkning, for at de kan møde DLNs partnere. Bestyrelsen

ISSN: 1902-8660 Newsletter No: 46, December 2015


News from the Board By: Marie Villumsen

It is with great anxiety that DLN has watched

the Danish negotiations for next year’s annual

budget, where massive cutback in international

development aid will be made. The cuts will

hit Danish civil society hard and lead to a

decline in the Danish endeavours to reduce

poverty and strengthening of independent civil

society in other countries. However in the short

term the reductions will not affect DLN’s work

in Lesotho.

The Rural Self Help Development Association

project is progressing as planned, but the latest

project visit has been postponed. Louise and

Lisbet have been on a short visit at

Development for Peace Education in

connection with the tourist tour. DLN and DPE

are in the process of consolidating the project

planning in order to ensure that the project will

be adjusted to the political realities in Lesotho

after the election earlier this year.

Karen and Vibeke have visited Berea

Agricultural Group.

Heard boy at work

DLN’s new initiative ‘working kids’ focuses

on children who have to work to contribute to

the family income. A working group has been

established, which is analysing the situation for

working kids and identifying partners in

Lesotho. If you are interested in learning more

about the group or if you have good ideas or

specific knowledge in this field you are

welcome to contact Carsten Brønden at

Nyt fra bestyrelsen Af Marie Villumsen

DLN har med stor bekymring fulgt med i de

danske finanslovsforhandlinger, hvor der vil

blive foretaget massive besparelser på

ulandsbistanden. Besparelserne rammer det

danske civilsamfund hårdt og kommer til at

betyde en forringelse af den danske indsats for

at reducere fattigdom og styrke et uafhængigt

civilsamfund i andre lande. Besparelserne

kommer dog ikke til at påvirke DLN’s arbejde

i Lesotho på kort sigt.

Projektet med Rural Self Help Development

Association skrider frem som planlagt, men det

seneste projektbesøg er blevet udskudt.

PowerPoint show fra RSDA visit

Louise og Lisbet har været på et kort besøg hos

Development for Peace Education i forbindelse

med turistrejsen og DLN, og DPE er i gang

med at konsolidere projektplanlægningen for at

sikre, at projektet bliver tilpasset den politiske

situation i Lesotho efter valget tidligere på året.

Karen og Vibeke har været på besøg hos Berea

Agricultural Group.

DLNs nye initiativ ’working kids’ har fokus på

børn, der er nødsaget til at arbejde for at

understøtte familiens indtægter. Der er nu

etableret en arbejdsgruppe, der er i gang med at

analysere situationen for arbejdende børn og

identificere samarbejdspartnere i Lesotho. Hvis

du gerne vil høre mere om gruppens arbejde,

eller har gode ideer og viden på området, kan

du kontakte Carsten Brønden på

[email protected].

Page 3: · introducere danskere til Lesothos natur, kultur og befolkning, for at de kan møde DLNs partnere. Bestyrelsen

ISSN: 1902-8660 Newsletter No: 46, December 2015


[email protected]

In October DLN organised the third tourist tour

to Lesotho for 16 participants. These tours are

excellent opportunities for introducing Danish

people to Lesotho’s nature, culture and people,

and also for meeting DLN’s partners. The

Board has decided to organise a new tour in


The information work is an important part of

DLN’s work, and our association has

implemented a lot of activities to increase our

visibility in Denmark. In August DLN had a

stall at the World Mirror festival, which is part

of the annual Aarhus Festival (i.e. a famous

annually recurring cultural festival in the city

of Aarhus). We sold various artefacts made in

Lesotho, conducted children games and

showed the film ‘The Forgotten Kingdom’

from Lesotho.

People viewing the film

I oktober gennemførte DLN den tredje

turistrejse til Lesotho med 16 deltagere.

Turistrejserne er en god mulighed for at

introducere danskere til Lesothos natur, kultur

og befolkning, for at de kan møde DLNs

partnere. Bestyrelsen har besluttet at

gennemføre en ny rejse i 2017.

Traditionelt måltid i Lesotho

Informationsarbejdet i Danmark er en vigtig

del af DLNs arbejde, og foreningen har taget

en række tiltag for at øge synligheden i

Danmark. I august havde DLN en bod i

Verdensspejl festivallen, der er en del af Århus

Festuge. Vi solgte forskellige ting, som var

fremstillet i Lesotho, havde legeaktiviteter for

børn og viste filmen ’The Forgotten Kingdom’

fra Lesotho.

DLN participated in the World

Mirror Festival

By Karina Ruby

During the Aarhus Festival in the beginning of

September DLN participated in the World

Mirror Festival. We had a little sales stall, we

participated in the global fashion show, and we

showed a movie from Lesotho. This was a

great opportunity to share information about

Lesotho with those interested and to inform

about our work to support development

initiatives in the country.

DLN med i Verdensspejl Festival

Af Karina Ruby

Under Aarhus Festuge i starten af september

deltog DLN i det globale indslag Verdensspejl

Festival med en lille salgsbod, deltagelse i det

globale modeshow og en spillefilm fra

Lesotho. Det gav god mulighed for at oplyse

interesserede om Lesotho og vores arbejde med

at støtte udviklingsinitiativer i landet.

Verdensspejl Festival foregik i to store telte og

den omgivende plads i Mølleparken med

madboder, oplysningsstande, salgsboder og

Page 4: · introducere danskere til Lesothos natur, kultur og befolkning, for at de kan møde DLNs partnere. Bestyrelsen

ISSN: 1902-8660 Newsletter No: 46, December 2015


The World Mirror Festival was hosted in two

large tents and the surrounding ‘Mølleparken’

with food stalls, sales stands and music for 4-5


World Mirror Festival tents

The Festival mirrored the global diversity and

the cultural richness of the entire world – many

spectacular and positive entries from parts of

the world that are otherwise normally regarded

as poor. DLN participated for three days with

various activities.

Children’s corner

musik i 4-5 dage. Festivalen afspejlede verdens

mangfoldighed af kulturel rigdom fra hele

verden – mange flotte og positive indslag fra

dele af verden, som ellers mest bliver beskrevet

og set på som fattige. DLN deltog i 3 dage med

forskellige aktiviteter.

Lørdag kl. 11-21 og søndag kl. 15-21

bemandede Anne-Marie og Lisbet DLN’s stand

og solgte lidt smykker, koste, vægtæpper og

biltong. Biltong er tørret, krydret oksekød, som

spises som snack.

Anne-Marie og Lisbet i boden

I Lesotho og Sydafrika guffes der meget

biltong som snack til en drink eller som

mellemmåltid under transport etc. Mange

smagte på de fremlagte smagsprøver, men ikke

ret mange købte en pose biltong. Det er

åbenbart ikke noget, der falder så godt i danske

maver. Lidt overraskende for os, der har boet i

Lesotho og finder det meget lækkert.

Det gav dog anledning til en masse snak og

oplysning til de besøgende om Lesotho og

DLN, hvilket jo var det vigtigste formål med

vores stand.

Børnehjørnet var lørdag og søndag eftermiddag

bemandet af DLN’s nye frivillige Tsepiso i to

timer. Vi havde fyldt en del trådbiler og andet

legetøj fra Lesotho i Børnehjørnet, og Tsepiso

hjalp børnene i gang med at lege med dem. Det

var populært at køre udenfor med trådbilerne,

som suste rundt i hele Mølleparken.

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ISSN: 1902-8660 Newsletter No: 46, December 2015


Saturday from 11 am to 9 pm and Sunday from

3 to 9 pm Anne-Marie and Lisbeth manned the

DLN stall where jewellery, brooms, wall-

carpets and biltong was sold. The latter is

dried, spicy beef that is taken as a snack. In

Lesotho and South Africa a lot of biltong is

devoured as a snack with a drink, as an ‘in

between’ meal, during transport, etc. A lot of

visitors tried the free tastings, but not many

bought a bag of biltong. Apparently, it does not

appeal to Danish stomachs. A bit surprising for

those of us who have lived in Lesotho and find

it very delicious. However it gave us the

opportunity to talk and provide information to

many visitors about Lesotho and DLN, which

was actually the main purpose of our stall.

The children’s corner

The children’s corner was manned for two

hours both Saturday and Sunday by Tsepiso,

our new DLN volunteer.

Interesting car

Så kører det

Det Globale Modeshow fandt sted på en rød

løber midt i Mølleparken søndag eftermiddag,

og det var igen Tsepiso, der stillede op.

Iført et typisk danseskørt med kapsler og

Basotho-hat gik hun catwalk sammen med

mange andre smukke modeller i tøj fra

alverdens lande. Det var et flot og festligt syn.


The Forgotten Kingdom, den første spillefilm

produceret i Lesotho, blev vist af DLN mandag

aften i teltet for 25-30 fremmødte. Det må vel

siges at være et pænt fremmøde, når man tager

det massive regnvejr i betragtning, som

uafbrudt trommede på teltdugen hele aftenen.

Heldigvis var filmen på sesotho, og der var

engelske undertekster. Det var heldigt, da man

ikke kunne høre ret meget pga. regnen. Folk

var generelt enige om, at det er en fantastisk

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ISSN: 1902-8660 Newsletter No: 46, December 2015


We had filled the corner with wire cars and

other toys from Lesotho, and Tsepiso helped

the children get started with playing. It was

very popular and the wire cars were racing

round the entire park.

The global fashion show took place on a red

carpet in the middle of the park on Sunday

afternoon, and again Tsepiso was our key

actor. Dressed in a typical dance skirt with

bottle caps and Basotho hat she did the catwalk

together with plenty of other beautiful models

in clothes from all over the world. It was a

beautiful and lovely show.

The Forgotten Kingdom, the first ever movie

produced in Lesotho, was shown by DLN for

Watching film

25-30 people on Monday evening. This should

be considered an acceptable attendance

considering the heavy rain that kept drumming

on the tent roof throughout the entire evening.

Film and rain

The film’s medium was Sesotho but

god film. Den handler om en ung mand fra

Lesotho, som bor i Sydafrika og kommer hjem

til sit fædreland for at begrave sin far. Her

støder han på alle facetter af kultursammenstød

mellem land og by, nyt og gammelt, tradition

og modernitet, egoisme og moral sideløbende

med en kærlighedshistorie.

Danmarkspremiere på filmen – og eneste forestilling

Der vises mange smukke billeder og autentiske

stemninger af bjerglandets folk og landskaber.

Filmen er produceret i 2012 af Andrew Mudge,

læs mere her:


Verdensspejl i Aarhus

En halv times film om TFK Roadshow blev

vist tirsdag, som opfølgning på den 90 min.

lange spillefilm. Den handler om den tur rundt

i Lesotho, som filmholdet gennemførte i 2014,

til bl.a. de steder, hvor filmen blev optaget.

Filmen blev vist udendørs på storskæm i

landsbyer, og folk stimlede sammen og så

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ISSN: 1902-8660 Newsletter No: 46, December 2015


fortunately it had English subtitles. That was

lucky, because the film was hardly audible due

to the rains. The audience generally agreed that

it was a really excellent film. It is about a

young man from Lesotho, who lives in South

Africa and returns to his fatherland to bury his


He meets all facets of culture clashes in terms

of rural vs. urban, new vs. old, tradition vs.

modern, selfishness vs. moral, while a love

story is unfolding. Plenty of beautiful scenes

and authentic atmosphere depicting the

mountainous country’s people and scenery.

The film was produced in 2012 by Andrew

Mudge. Read more here:


As a follow up to the 90 minute long movie, a

half an hour long film about the TFK

Roadshow was shown Tuesday. It shows the

tour around Lesotho that the film crew made in

2014, visiting amongst others the locations

where the film was shot. The film was shown

on large outdoor screens in the villages and

people crowded to watch. During the tour it

often rained, and that was a major challenge to

the film crew. It seems as if that film is

persecuted by rains, so our experience in

Aarhus was very authentic. It is also likely that

the film will be shown in relation to DLN’s

Annual General Meeting.

filmen. På den turné var det også ofte regnvejr,

som udfordrede filmholdet gevaldigt. Det er

som om den film er forfulgt af regnvejr, så

vores oplevelse i Aarhus var meget autentisk.

Det er i øvrigt sandsynligt, at filmen vil blive

vist i forbindelse med DLN’s


Anne-Marie passer boden

A bush-mechanic can fix


By: Christian Linnemann

Impressions from a journey to Lesotho 3rd -

17th October, including two days in Durban.

Friend: Whats’s up. Do you have any travel

plans for the future.

Me: Yes, I’m going to Lesotho in October

Friend: Where about is that?

Me: Down near South Africa

Friend: What does one do there? Are you

En bush-mechanic klarer alt

Af Christian Linnemann

Indtryk fra en rejse til Lesotho 3. – 17.

oktober 2015 - med to dage i Durban

Ven: Hva’ så, Har du nogen rejseplaner


Mig: Ja, jeg skal til Lesotho i oktober

Ven: Hvor er det lige, det ligger?

Mig: Nede ved Sydafrika.

Ven: Hva’ laver man der? Skal I på safari? Og

kan man bade?

Page 8: · introducere danskere til Lesothos natur, kultur og befolkning, for at de kan møde DLNs partnere. Bestyrelsen

ISSN: 1902-8660 Newsletter No: 46, December 2015


going on safari? It is possible to swim?

Me: No, no wild animals and no beaches

either. It is more of a nature and nature/culture-


And it turned out to be a very exciting and

eventful tour with a lot of experiences. Partly

because Anne and Lisbet, who had planned the

tour, have been there more than once before

and had good, helpful contacts. Surely there

are no wild animals and no beautiful ocean in

Lesotho, but there is incredible natural beauty

and culture worth experiencing.

Below I will describe some of the highlights of

the tour as I experienced them:

We stayed in the capital Maseru for three days

and for me the visit to a private kindergarten

was the best experience. There were 60 kids

who entertained us in English, made plays,

songs etc. They displayed a remarkable degree

of discipline that seemed unforced.

Happy days and the children seemed to thrive.

And incidentally, six free places were reserved

for poor kids.

The visit to a farmer who showed us how to

harrow and sow with two oxen in front was

also very interesting. No doubt we were in a

developing country.

One evening we visited a private home where

we learned a little Sesotho – quite difficult,

tried real, local food – opinions differed and a

dance performance by a group of ladies from

the village. Vey authentic and none-touristic.

Mig: Nej, der er ingen vilde dyr og heller ingen

strande. Det er mere en natur/kultur-tur …

Og det blev en meget spændende og

indholdsrig tur med masser af oplevelser. Bl.a.

fordi Anne og Lisbet, som havde planlagt

rejsen, havde været i landet flere gange og

derfor havde nogle kontakter, som de kunne

trække på. Og vel er der ingen vilde dyr og

intet smukt hav i Lesotho, men der er en utrolig

flot natur og en kultur, der er værd at opleve.

I det følgende har jeg valgt at beskrive nogle af

”mine” højdepunkter på turen:

Vi boede i hovedstaden Maseru i tre dage, og

for mig var besøget i en privat børnehave den

bedste oplevelse.

Her var der 60 børn, som underholdt os på

engelsk, lavede lege, sang m.m. De udviste en

bemærkelsesværdig disciplin, uden at det

virkede påtaget. Der var bare liv og glade dage,

og børnene så bare ud til at trives. I øvrigt var

der 6 fripladser til fattige børn.

Besøget hos en landmand, som viste os,

hvordan man harver og sår med to okser foran,

var også meget interessant. Ingen tvivl om, at

vi var i et u-land.

En aften var vi på privat besøg, hvor vi fik lært

lidt sesotho - ret svært, fik rigtig lokal mad -

der var lidt delte meninger om det - og en

danseoptræden af nogle damer fra landsbyen.

Meget autentisk og ikke spor turistet.

Næste stop var Roma. Her var vi på vandring i

landsbyen og endte på et fritidshjem. Det var

fortrinsvis børn fra fattige hjem. Også et skønt

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ISSN: 1902-8660 Newsletter No: 46, December 2015


Next stop was Roma. Here we went for a walk

in the village, which ended at a recreation

centre. They were primarily children from poor

homes. Also a lovely place, where they tried to

teach the kids some of the things they would

normally not learn at home. There was

teaching, TV, a small wood workshop, a

sewing workshop… and at the back a small

‘greenhouse’ built in an old automobile. With

limited means I think they were able to make a

difference for those kids.

Later, some of the kids came to the lodge and

performed songs and dances for us. To me this

was a little ray of sunshine in a country where

life is not always easy.

To me Semonkong was the nicest of the places

we visited. Spectacular travel to get there.

Gorgeous lodge, situated in beautiful, beautiful

surroundings. Morning coffee delivered on the

doorstep at 7 am, the fireplace lit at 7 pm..,

delicious food.

sted, hvor man prøvede at lære børnene noget

af det, de ofte ikke får med hjemmefra. Der var

undervisning, tv, et lille træværksted, et


og bagude var der et lille ”drivhus” bygget i en

gammel bil. Jeg tror, de med få midler gjorde

en forskel for disse børn. Senere kom nogle af

børnene og optrådte på lodgen med danse og

sang. For mig en lille solstrålehistorie i et land,

hvor livet ikke altid er så let.

Semonkong står for mig som det dejligste sted

på turen. Flot tur derhen. Lækker lodge,

beliggende i smukke, smukke omgivelser.

Morgenkaffen stillet foran døren kl. 7 om

morgenen, Pejsen tændt kl. 7 om aftenen….

Dejlig mad.

Foran lodgen var der en sand valfart af

mennesker, heste og æsler, der transporterede

dagligvarer - også øl - op og ned fra bjergene.

Meget spændende at følge.

Målet for dem var byen Semonkong, hvor man

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ISSN: 1902-8660 Newsletter No: 46, December 2015


In front of the lodge an intense traffic of

people, horses and donkeys transporting daily

goods, including beer, up and down the

mountains. Very interesting to monitor. The

goal was Semonkong, the town where one can

purchace all necessities: nails, chicken, boots,

aircraft, bananas – and also have the maize

ground to mielies. After trading, many people

had to go up the mountains again and past our

lodge. For most of them a very long journey.

On the second day in Semonkong we went for

a long walk up to the highest waterfall in

southern Africa. There was a strong wind

blowing and the sand flying all around us. But

it was a beautiful trip. A bit like a smaller

version of Grand Canyon. At the side of the

waterfall it was possible to abseil. The highest

in the world – 204 metres down. Three people

signed up and made it. Impressive! But it had

been hard. We could watch them like little dots

ascending from the side of the rift.

kunne købe alle fornødenheder - søm, høns,

støvler, flyvemaskiner, bananer … - og bl.a. få

malet sin majs. Der var et voldsomt leben i


Når der var handlet, skulle mange op i bjergene

igen og dermed forbi vores lodge. For de fleste

en meget lang tur.

Anden dag i Semonkong skulle vi på en

længere vandretur ud til det sydlige Afrikas

højeste vandfald. Der blæste en meget frisk

kuling, så sandet føg omkring os. Men det var

en flot tur. Lidt som Grand Canyon i


Ved siden af vandfaldet var der mulighed for

rappelling. Verdens højeste – 204 m ned. Tre

meldte sig og klarede det. Sejt!! Men det havde

været hårdt. Vi kunne stå og se dem som små

prikker på vej ned fra den anden side af


Sidste stop på turen var Sehlabathebe

Nationalpark. Helt derude hvor kragerne for

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ISSN: 1902-8660 Newsletter No: 46, December 2015


Last stop on the tour was Sehlabathebe

National Park. Out there at the back of

beyond where even the crows would not

consider going. But it was a really scenic tour,

though long and tough. We travelled on stony

dirt roads, and a 20-person bus was perhaps not

the most suitable means of transport in these

surroundings. Two hours before reaching our

destination the trailor with our luggage started

to fall apart. First a mudguard, then a broken

spring and a wheel that lopsided on the axle ..

When we lost the mudguard our excellent

driver, Barry, frowned. When we lost the

spring his comment was: “Oh- now we really

got problems - serious, serious, serious


And we were stuck at Ramtselitso Gate - a

God-forsaken place with gale-force winds


Nonetheless, Barry succeeded in somehow

luring the trailer and bus to the lodge where we

were going to stay and they go hold of a bush-

mechanic. After some tug-of-war he

succeeded in securing a new spring. And while

Barry frowned again, the bush-mechanic

smiled warmly and said: ”You don’t know me,

but you can trust me. I’ll fix it..…

During the night he drove for six hours to get

the spring and from 6 am he and a couple of

assistants spent three hours fixing it. That was

really impressive! We continued the journey as

scheduled at 9 am. In hindsight we should

perhaps not have made the trip to

Sehlabathebe. But that can be changed next

længst har opgivet at komme. Men der var

rigtig flot. Turen dertil var lang og hård. Vi

kørte og kørte på stenede grusveje. Måske var

en 20 personers bus ikke det mest velegnede

transportmiddel i disse omgivelser, og to timer

før vi nåede vores mål, begyndte traileren med

bagagen på det nærmeste at falde fra hinanden.

Først en skærm, så en knækket fjeder og et

hjul, der begyndte at stå skævt på akslen….

Ved tabet af skærmen rynkede vores i øvrigt

super chauffør, Barry, brynene. Ved tabet af

fjederen var hans kommentar: ”Oh - now we

really got problems - serious, serious, serious

problems”. Hertil kom, at vi stod ved

Ramtselitso Gate - et gudsforladt sted, i nok en

stiv kuling…

Det lykkedes dog Barry at få listet trailer og bil

frem til den lodge, vi skulle bo på.

Her fik de fat i en bush-mechanic. Efter

diverse tovtrækkerier lykkedes det ham at

skaffe en ny fjeder. Og mens Barry nok engang

rynkede brynene, sagde bush-mechaniceren

med et lunt smil: ”You don’t know me, but you

can trust me. I’ll fix it..…

Om natten kørte han 6 timer efter fjerderen og

fra klokken 6, brugte han og et par hjælpere tre

timer på at fixe den. Det var sejt gjort! Vi

fortsatte turen planmæssigt kl. 9.

Set i bakspejlet skulle vi måske ikke have gjort

turen til Sehlabathebe. Men det kan der jo

ændres på en anden gang.

Så gik det mod Durban, igen nogle timer på

grusveje. Undervejs overnattede vi på Ingeli

Forest Lodge. Et stort, men hyggeligt sted. Om

aftenen barbeque.

De sidste to dage var vi i Durban. En lidt

blandet oplevelse. Vejret var ikke alt for godt,

så det blev ikke til megen badning. Stranden

var i øvrigt meget lækker.

Vi blev flere gange advaret mod at gå op i byen

bag hotellet om aftenen. Alt for farligt. Det var

en lidt frustrerende fornemmelse, som tog lidt

af glæden ved opholdet.

Vi besøgte Det indiske Marked, hvor man

kunne købe alt fra krydderier til tasker og

linoleumstryk. Spændende sted.

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The tour then continued towards Durban.

Again a few hours on dirt roads. On the way

we stopped for the night at Ingeli Forest

Lodge. A large but cosy place. Braai in the


The last two days were spent in Durban. A bit

of a mixed experience. The weather was not

too good, so there was no bathing. The beach

was nonetheless quite attractive.

We were warned a few times against going into

town behind the hotel in the evenings. Far too

dangerous. That was a somewhat frustrating

feeling that reduced the pleasure of the stay a


We visited the Indian market, where you can

buy everything from spices to handbags and

linoleum prints. Interesting place.

A ‘must’ in Durban is Ushaka Marine World

that is built into an old shipwreck. Here you

could find everything from sharks to tortoise,

live corals and small colourful fish. I have

never seen anything quite like it.

An exciting journey was drawing towards its

end. What a lot we had experienced – and

something quite different.

But a tour like this can only be truly successful

in the company of good travel mates. I have

not tried this before, but it was a pleasure.

Everyone was travelling with the purpose of

seeing and experiencing as much as possible

and during the two weeks I talked to a lot of

nice and interesting people. And it was not

easy to spend a lot of money, so the pocket

money went far.

And finally, all that remains is to say thank you

to Lisbet and Anne for a good and rich travel

experience in Lesotho.

P.S. Next time I am going to fly that far I hope

it will not be with Egypt Air.

Et ”must” i Durban er Ushaka Marine World

bygget ind i et gammelt skibsskrog. Her var alt

lige fra hajer til skildpadder, levende koraler og

små farverige fisk. Jeg har aldrig set noget


En spændende tur nærmede sig sin afslutning.

Hvor havde vi oplevet meget – og noget helt


Men en sådan tur bliver kun rigtig vellykket

med gode rejsefæller. Jeg har ikke prøvet det

før, men det var en fornøjelse. Alle rejste med

det mål at se og opleve mest muligt og i løbet

af de to uger, fik man snakket med en masse

søde og spændende mennesker.

Det var i øvrigt ikke nemt at bruge ret mange

penge dernede, så lommepengene rakte rigtig


Og så er der vel kun tilbage at sige tak til

Lisbet og Anne for en god og oplevelsesrig tur

til Lesotho.

P.S. Næste gang jeg skal flyve så langt, bliver

det forhåbentlig ikke med Egyptair.

Fra besøget hos en farmer

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In ‘Periphery Lesotho’

By: Arne Pedersen

I worked as a volunteer in Lesotho for Danish

Volunteer Service/Action Aid about 35 years

ago (1980-1982).

After having spent two interesting years in

Lesotho I returned home, where I have had

plenty to do with family and job. During the

first couple of years after returning I

maintained letter contact with my colleagues

and friends, Dorthe and Mogens Byberg.

Dorthe and Mogens had chosen to continue

working in Lesotho, and later they established

themselves with a farm in South Africa.

The contact gradually simmered out and it was

not until around the year 2000 that the contact

was re-established by sheer coincidence. Since

then we have had nice visits/holidays in

Lesotho and South Africa with friends and

family in 2006, 2009 and 2013.

About two years ago I ‘discovered’ the

organisation Denmark Lesotho Network. And

frankly speaking, it was the upcoming Culture-

and Nature Tour that caught my interest in


More than two weeks of exciting experiences

are successfully completed. I left two days

before the rest of the group in order to visit

Dorthe and Mogens. On Sunday October 4th

we drove from the farm in Ladybrand to

Maseru to join the rest of the group of 15

Danes and have dinner with them.

During the first three days we explored Maseru

and its surroundings. We had a wonderful bus

and a driver from Durban. Our driver, Barry,

was very ‘talkative’, but also an interesting

acquaintance. As a young man of 18 he had

become a police officer during the apartheid

era. He explained how he and other young

policemen were put in the front row when they

were ordered to go and disrupt demonstrations

during the many years of revolt against the


I ”udkants Lesotho”

Af: Arne Pedersen

Jeg var udsendt som u-landsfrivillig gennem

Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke i Lesotho for ca. 35

år siden (1980-1982). Efter at jeg i 1982 vendte

hjem efter 2 spændende år, har jeg haft rigeligt

at se til med familie og arbejde. De første par

år efter, at jeg vendte hjem, havde jeg en del

brevveksling med mine gode venner og

arbejdskolleger fra dengang, Dorthe og

Mogens Byberg. Dorthe og Mogens valgte

fortsat at arbejde i Lesotho og senere etablere

sig med farm i Sydafrika. Kontakten ebbede

ud, og først omkring år 2000 fik jeg ved

tilfældigheder reetableret kontakten til Dorthe

og Mogens. Derefter er det sammen med

venner og familie blevet til spændende besøg /

ferie i Lesotho og Sydafrika i 2006, 2009 og


For ca. 2 år siden ”opdagede” jeg foreningen

Denmark-Lesotho Network. Og helt ærligt, det

var især den kommende Kultur- og naturrejse,

som fængede min interesse.

Godt og vel 2 ugers spændende oplevelser er

veloverstået. Jeg rejste 2 dage før resten af

gruppen for at besøge Dorthe og Mogens.

Søndag 04. oktober kørte vi fra farmen i

Ladybrand til Maseru for at spise aftensmad

sammen med gruppen og for, at jeg kunne

slutte mig til gruppen med de 15 øvrige


De første 3 dage skulle vi opleve Maseru og

omegn. Vi havde en dejlig bus med chauffør

fra Durban. Vores chauffør Barry var ”meget

talende”, men også et spændende bekendtskab.

Som ung 18-års knægt blev han politimand i

Sydafrika under apartheid styret. Han fortalte,

hvordan han og andre unge politifolk blev

placeret i forreste række, når de blev

udkommanderet for at splitte demonstrationer

under de mange års oprør mod systemet. I dag

er Barry en glad mand og meget tilfreds med

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Today Barry is a happy man and very satisfied

with the democracy in South Africa.

I have noticed great differences between

Maseru anno 1981 and 2015. About 35 years

ago nearly all cars were in a bad condition.

Today it seems that all cars are at the same

level as here in Denmark. Maseru has grown

considerably. Modern villas and detached

houses are seen everywhere, while ‘decent’

housing was only found in Maseru West back

then. A lot of people are well dressed, which

was not the case earlier on.

Monday October 5th we visited Rural Selfhelp

Development Association (RSDA), which has

received support from Denmark and Denmark-

Lesotho Network (DLN). We visited a small

dairy RSDA has advised on establishment and

operation and marketing.

The dairy had been running for some years in

the following way: Local farmers delivered the

milk in jugs, the milk was processed in the

dairy and then sent off in jugs to the local

schools. These in turn received government

support to purchase the milk. However this aid

has now ceased and hence the financial basis of

the dairy. From the dairy we drove out to visit

one of the former dairy farmers. Now we had

really entered the countryside and it was

obvious that here time stood still- quite

contrary to Maseru. And it became very

obvious as we travelled the countryside: There

is a tremendous difference between

countryside and city – ‘Periphery Lesotho’.

demokratiet i Sydafrika.

Jeg kan se store forskelligheder på Maseru

anno 1981 og 2015. For ca. 35 år siden var

næsten alle biler i en elendig stand. I dag synes

bilerne at være på niveau med biler her i

Danmark. Maseru er vokset betydeligt.

Moderne parcelhuse ses overalt. Dengang

fandtes kun ”pæn” bebyggelse i Maseru Vest.

Mange mennesker i Maseru er i dag velklædte,

dette var ikke tilfældet tidligere.

Mandag den 5. oktober besøgte vi Rural

Selfhelp Development Association (RSDA),

som har fået donationer fra Danmark og

Denmark-Lesotho Network (DLN). Vi besøgte

et lille mejeri, som RSDA havde rådgivet i

forbindelse med etableringen, drift og

markedsføring. Mejeriet havde virket i nogle år

på følgende måde: Lokale mælkebønder

leverede mælken i junger, mælken blev

bearbejdet på mejeriet og derfra transporteret

til lokale skoler i junger. Skolerne fik offentligt

tilskud til køb af mælken. Dette tilskud er nu

fjernet og dermed eksistens grundlaget for

mejeriet. Vi kørte fra mejeriet til én af de

tidligere mælkebønder. Nu var vi kommet ud

på landet. Det er helt tydeligt, at her har tiden

stået stille – ganske modsat Maseru. Og det

skulle også vise sig efterhånden, som vi kom

rundt i landet – der er kæmpe forskel på land

og by - ”Udkants Lesotho”.

Mælkebonden, som vi besøgte var bestemt en

betydelig mand. Nu havde han solgt sine

malkekøer, for de gjorde jo ingen nytte mere.

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The dairy farmer that we visited was certainly

an important man. Now he had sold his dairy

cows, as they were of no use any longer.

Beside the dairy farmer poor families were

living in simple huts. Four kids are watching us

with interest. The dairy farmer is telling us that

the kids don’t go to school because the parents

cannot afford school uniforms. The price of

one uniform is 200 Rand (100 DKK). Just

imagine how many kids in Lesotho could go to

school instead of a closed dairy! – Well, that

was only a thought. The dairy was there for a

good purpose.

Tuesday October 6th we visited Morija. A very

knowledgeable female guide gave us a tour of

the town’s museum. She informed us about

Lesotho’s history and culture in a very lively


For example, when marrying it is very

important the groom has the cattle necessary to

obtain a bride. The price is 21 cows, i.e.

210.000 Rand (app. 100.000 DKK). So, if I

were a Mosotho I would really appreciate to

have many daughters!

I simple hytter ved siden af mælkebonden bor

fattige familier. Fire børn i den skolepligtige

alder kigger interesseret på os. Mælkebonden

fortæller os, at disse børn ikke går i skole, fordi

forældrene ikke har råd til at købe

skoleuniformer. Pris pr. skoleuniform Rand

200,00 = Kr. 100,00! - tænk hvor mange børn i

Lesotho, som kunne gå i skole i stedet for et

nedlagt mejeri! - Nå det var bare lige en tanke,

mejeriet havde jo også et godt formål.

Meget tørt. Her skulle have været vand

Tirsdag 06. oktober besøgte vi Morija. På

museet i byen fik vi en spændende rundvisning

af en dygtig kvindelig guide. På levende vis

fortalte hun om Lesothos historie og kultur.

Ved giftermål er det vigtigt, at gommen har det

kvæg, der skal bruges for at sikre sig en brud.

Pris for bruden er 21 køer. Dvs. 210.000 Rand

= Ca. Kr. 100.000. Så hvis jeg var Mosotho,

ville jeg sætte stor pris på at have mange


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ISSN: 1902-8660 Newsletter No: 46, December 2015


BAG-DLN meeting 7th of Oktober

2015 at Assumption High School,

Teyateyaneng, Lesotho By: Karen Steffensen

Vibeke Kjeldsholm and Karen Steffensen

visited Berea Agricultural Group. The purpose

of the visit was to see the water tanks build by

BAG, funded by the Lauritzen-Fonden, and to

meet the BAG committee and hear from them,

how BAG is doing.

Participants From Berea Agricultural Group (BAG):

Chairman Alphonce Kausi, treasurer Justina

Raseeke, secretary Maboitelo Ramoseme,

committee member Matsepo Thamae.

From Denmark Lesotho Network (DLN):

Treasurer Karen Steffensen, substitute Vibeke

Kjeldsholm, contractor Tim Kjeldsholm,

member Birgit Steffensen.

Justina Raseeke said:

Since 1986, when BAG was founded, member

BAG-DLN møde 7. oktober 2015

Assumption High School,

Teyateyaneng, Lesotho

Af: Karen Steffensen

Vibeke Kjeldsholm og Karen Steffensen

besøgte i forbindelse med turistrejsen Berea

Agricultural Group. Formålet med besøget var

at se, hvordan det går med det

vandtankbyggeri, som DLN med penge fra

Lauritzen-Fonden, støtter, og at høre fra BAG's

bestyrelse, hvordan det går med BAG, generelt.

Deltagere: Fra Berea Agricultural Group (BAG): Formand

Alphonce Kausi, kasserer Justina Raseeke,

sekretær Maboitelo Ramoseme,

bestyrelsesmedlem Matsepo Thamae.

Fra Denmark Lesotho Network (DLN):

Kasserer Karen Steffensen, suppleant Vibeke

Kjeldsholm, entreprenør Tim Kjeldsholm,

medlem Birgit Steffensen.

Justina Raseeke fortalte: Siden 1986, da BAG startede, har

medlemsskolerne produceret grønsager og æg

til et dagligt måltid mad til skolebørnene. BAG

blev meget populær og havde på et tidspunkt

75 medlemmer

Siden 2001 har staten betalt skolemaden, og

opfordret skolerne til at lade catere uden for

skolen producere maden. Denne praksis har

resulteret i at skolehaverne i mange tilfælde

ikke har kunnet afsætte deres produktion til

skolen, som det var meningen. Derfor har der

været en faldende interesse for Berea

Agricultural Group, og medlemstallet er faldet

til 30.

I 2015 har regeringen ændret sine anbefalinger.

Skolerne opfordres nu til igen at købe

grønsagerne, som skolerne producerer, og det

forventes at give BAG ny opbakning. BAG har

igennem flere år modtaget støtte fra DLN til

bygning af vandtanke, som bruges til

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schools have produced vegetables and eggs for

a daily meal for the school children. BAG

became very popular, and in 2000 the

association counted 75 members.

Since 2001 the government has paid for the

food in the schools, and recommended the

schools to buy the food from caterers outside

the school. Because of this new way of doing

things, the school gardens were not able to sell

their production to the schools, as was their

purpose. For that reason the interest in BAG

has decreased, and the number of members is

now only 30.

In 2015 the government has changed the

recommendations. The schools are now

encouraged to buy the vegetables produced in

the school gardens, and this is expected to raise

the interest in BAG.

BAG has over the years received funds through

DLN for building water tanks. The tanks

collect rain water from the roofs of the school

buildings. The water is used for consumption,

watering the gardens and cleaning purposes. In

2015 BAG has roofed 3 water tanks. The water

tank building project is funded by Lauritsen-


BAG's ideas

New ideas for developing BAG's garden

project were presented by Maboitela

Ramoseme: BAG wish to create more interest

for BAG and the school gardens by starting a

production of pigs as a demonstration project

at one of the schools. This project will need

some funding, and we offered our help with

writing the proposal.

Other ideas were chicken production and

fundraising by selling seedlings.

We had lunch with the BAG board, hosted by

Molly Letela, BAG's Grand old Lady and

former chairperson. In the afternoon we went

out to visit 3 schools and see their water tanks

and school gardens. It was dry, windy and


opsamling og opbevaring af regnvand. I 2015

har BAG lagt tag på 3 vandtanke.

DLN har søgt og fået 40.000kr fra Lauritsen-

Fonden til BAG's vandtanke.

Vi spiste frokost sammen med BAG's

bestyrelse. Det foregik hos Molly Letela,

BAG's Grand old Lady og tidligere formand.


Om eftermiddagen kørte vi ud til tre skoler for

at se på vandtanke. Det var meget tørt og

støvet. Der var endnu ikke faldet regn, og

tankene var tomme, men de havde tag på, og de

var forbundet til tagrender og nedløbsrør, klar

til at modtage regnvandet, som bruges til

rengøring, madlavning og skolehaverne. Der

var intet grønt at skimte i havernes højbede, alt

råbte på vand.

Tekniske forbedringer, såsom at have en ekstra

aftapningshane over bundhanen for at undgå

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No rain had fallen, and the garden plots had no

crops. The tanks were empty, but they were

roofed and connected to gutters, ready to

receive rainwater.

Technical improvements such as an extra tap

over the bottom tap, in order to avoid deposit

in the drinking water. Whitewashing of the

tanks in order to lover the temperature in the

tanks, were suggested by Tim.

slam og kalkning af tankene for at holde

temperaturen lavest mulig, blev foreslået af

Tim Kjeldsholm

Nye ideer til udvikling af BAG's

haveprojekt blev fremlagt af Maboitela

Ramoseme: BAG vil gerne skabe mere interesse for

foreningen og skolehaverne ved at lave en

svineproduktion, som et demonstrationsprojekt

på én af skolerne. Dette projekt ville kræve

funding, og vi gjorde opmærkom på, at

ansøgning om funding, ville kræve en god

beskrivelse af projektet, og at vi kunne hjælpe

med det.

En ide til kyllingeproduktion blev beskrevet,

og produktion af småplanter til salg var en ide

til fundraising,

Den videre kommunikation med BAG, ser ud

til at blive nemmere i fremtiden, da det nu viser

sig at Ramoseme har en e-mail adresse.

U.N. Launches App to Feed Hungry With a Simple Tap

Nov 12, 2015

Tove Danovich is a journalist based in New York City.

A donation of 50 cents a day sounds a lot

more palatable than roughly $150 a year, or

$12 a month. Who doesn’t have two spare

quarters? That pocket change could help to

end world hunger—but the traditional model

of soliciting donations by mail means that

what amounts to a daily donation of 50 cents

is barely enough to cover the cost of stamps

and paper.

Instead of costly mailers, return envelopes,

and stamps, a new app called Share the Meal

is billing itself as the first mobile

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crowdfunding app to end global hunger. U.N. leaders hope to use this low-overhead means to help

Syrians fleeing the current conflict and other refugees in the future. The free app is available for iOS

and Android starting Thursday.

As the app mentions upon login, “Smartphone users outnumber hungry children by 20 to 1,” and its

goal isn’t just to get people to help feed hungry children via the World Food Programme—first in

Lesotho and, once the funding goal is met there, other hunger-ravaged countries—but to get people to

give and keep giving.

“We don’t want you to donate on one day,” said Massimiliano Costa, the app’s growth manager. “The

biggest potential for such a product is to make a habit of donating.”

More than 64 percent of Americans own smartphones, and those people check their phones an

average of 100 times a day. Nonprofits are hoping they can harness app and mobile-Web addictions to

make giving as easy as checking another push notification on your lock screen.

Test runs in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland gathered 120,000 users to donate the equivalent of

1.7 million daily rations to children in Lesotho.

The app was developed by two former business consultants to the U.N.’s antihunger program during a

sabbatical and took one year from inception to launch. The time it takes to actually develop an app

like this is the biggest obstacle for nonprofits, many of whom don’t have the resources of a large

organization such as the U.N. They had to test the app in a few markets before the global launch,

make it available in eight different languages, and make other time-consuming efforts.

News from Lesotho:

From Lesotho Times:

Storm brews in Hlotse as town goes three months without

portable water

Posted by :Lestimes Posted date : November 19, 2015

Pascalinah Kabi

HLOTSE-Frail, thirsty and walking slowly and with great difficulty, 80-year-old ‘Malemea Makepe

looks at the clear sky and shakes her head in resignation.

It is only 8am, but Hlotse is already under intense heat, and Ms Makepe trudges along —her

destination an unprotected well five kilometres away from her residence.

Sweat streams down the elderly woman’s haggard face as if mocking her predicament, but Ms

Makepe shuffles on, her empty five-litre container a grim reminder of why she has to make this

particular 10-kilometre journey each and every day.

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In fact, Ms Makepe has been making this journey since Hlotse taps ran dry three months ago due to

Lesotho’s worst drought in 43 years.

Unwell and with no choice but to undertake the arduous voyage since the granddaughter she lives

with is too young for the chore, Ms Makepe says she cannot remember the last time her town,

situated 96-kiolemtres from Maseru, was this desperate for water.

“It is so painful to watch her make this long journey to and from Motse-Mocha well, as she

constantly falls along the way because even this five-litre container is too heavy for her once she

fills it with water,” a fellow villager, ‘MaAlice Matla, told a Lesotho Times crew on a visit to the

town last Saturday.

Only last month, the Ministry of

Water Affairs Principal

Secretary, Khomoatsana Tau,

said government had transferred

water from LWHP dams into

Mohokare River at the request

of the South African

government. Just like Lesotho,

South Africa is in the grip of its

worst drought in almost half a

century and has since turned to

the Mountain Kingdom for


“Lesotho is not the only country hit by severe drought; South Africa is worse than us and we have

transferred water from LWHP dams into Mohokare for the South Africans,” Mr Tau said.

Mr Tau was speaking at a press briefing in Maseru during which he said due to the effects of El

Niño, the country was experiencing its worst drought in 43 years.

El Niño is a periodic climatic phenomenon characterised by inadequate rain in some parts of the

world and floods in others.

Under El Niño, parts of South America experience heavy rainfall, while dry conditions prevail in

Australia, south-east Asia and southern Africa.

El Niño used to occur in varying degrees of severity after every five years, but since the 1990s, has

become more frequent due to global warming.

This time around, weather experts forecast the phenomenon to peak between October and March,

warning it could turn into one of the most severe on record.

Speaking with the Lesotho Times this week, WASCO public relations officer, Lineo Moqasa, said

the whole country had been hit by water-shortage, and not just Hlotse district.

“It is not Hlotse’s problem alone, but the country as a whole. This is due to the current weather

conditions,” Ms Moqasa said.

“However, Hlotse is one of the worst-hit by the current dry conditions, but each of the country’s 10

districts has its own unique problems.

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“We prioritised places like the hospital and correctional service as they are not supposed to run out

of water under any circumstances.”

Ms Moqasa said beginning last Sunday, WASCO had started supplying villagers with clean water.

“We are working closely with the District Water Committee to identify strategic places where we

can place our tankers for the villagers to have access to clean water,” she said.

Ms Moqasa noted areas supplied by Metolong Dam (Mazenod, Morija, Roma and Teyateyaneng)

still had access to clean water.

Asked if there were other measures in place to address the water problem, Ms Moqasa said there

were ongoing executive discussions on how best the country could address the situation.

Budget delay subdues economic activity

Posted by :Lestimes Posted date : November 12, 2015

ECONOMIC activity in Lesotho declined by 10.2 percent in the second quarter of 2015 owing to

the delay in the presentation of the budget.

This is according to a Central Bank of Lesotho (CBL) Quarterly Review of monetary and financial

activity for the period March to June 2015. The review notes that the subdued economic activity

was a result of the late execution of the budget which was presented by Finance

Minister,’Mamphono Khaketla on 22 May 2015.

This was unlike the preceding fiscal years when it was presented in February, resulting in a marked

delay in the implementation of the government’s capital projects.

“The index for government activities declined by 29.4 percent in the second quarter of 2015

compared with an increase of 18.6 percent in the previous quarter,” the CBL said.

“The budget speech was only read in May 2015 while the Appropriation Bill was released in June

2015. Similarly, the receipts from SACU (Southern African Customs Union) revenue pool declined

by 5.2 percent in June, 2015 as per the approved budget for the new fiscal year, 2015/2016.”

The review also stated that all components of revenue – tax revenue, grants, other revenue sources

and SACU receipts – declined in the quarter under review.

“Tax revenue declined by 13.9 percent in June, 2015 relative to an increase of 21.3 percentage

points in March, 2015. Taxes on income went down by 11.8 percent while value-added tax fell by

15.2 percent, a reflection of underperformance of government expenditure (the main contributor to

the national economy),” it said.

According to the review, Lesotho’s inflation rate took the cue of the subdued South African

economy during the period.

“SA’s inflation rate measured 4.7 percent in June 2015 from 4.0 percent in March 2015,” the CBL


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“Lesotho’s inflation rate, measured as a percentage change in the Consumer Price Index was 2.9

percent in June 2015 from 2.1 percent in March 2015. Food and non-alcoholic beverages, furniture,

household equipment and routine maintenance, transport, leisure, entertainment and culture, well as

miscellaneous goods and services were the major drivers to the upward trend.”

The apex bank further noted that the construction index declined by 61.6 percent in the quarter

ending in June 2015 following a decline of 9.8 percent in the first quarter of 2015.

“The decline was in line with reduced government capital expenditure during the review quarter.

The weak performance was a result of unsatisfactory performance by the government and

construction subsectors,” the CBL said.

The trade index, which comprises of motor trade, wholesale and retail trade in fuel, and wholesale

and retail trade was also subdued during the period under review. It declined by 2.8 percent in the

quarter ending in June 2015 compared with a decline of 10.6 percent in the previous quarter.

“This is an indication of lower demand for goods and services in the economy during the review

period,” the apex bank observed.

However, it was not all doom and gloom, with the mining and manufacturing sectors remaining

resilient during the quarter and registering significant positive growth rates.

“The mining and quarrying index increased significantly by 28.0 percent in the second quarter of

2015 compared with a decline of 12.9 percent in the first quarter of 2015,” the review stated.

“The increase in diamond production was attributed to increased production by both Letšeng and

Storm Mountain Diamond mines. Mining operations at Letšeng diamond mine returned back to

normal during the review quarter following disruptions due to maintenance works in the last


The total manufacturing index increased by 9.7 percent in the second quarter of 2015 compared

with a decline of 31.5 percent in the previous quarter.

Said the review: “The increase was attributed to 26.7 percent and 9.7 percent increases in the

manufacturing of textiles and clothing, and manufacturing of food and beverages indices,


The CBL, however, noted that the performance of the textile and clothing firms usually increased in

the second quarter following a dip in the first quarter.

“Thus, the review period’s performance is largely seasonal while there are also indications that the

sector grew as a new firm started operations in the category of knit garments,” it added.

What is Denmark Lesotho Network? The NGO Denmark Lesotho Network (DLN) was founded in 2002 by former Danish development

workers in Lesotho and other good friends of the tiny mountain kingdom in Southern Africa. DLN

aims at supporting NGO’s in Lesotho in their work to develop civil society. DLN uses its network

of people and organisations in Lesotho to pinpoint beneficiaries of DLN’s support – and to keep an

eye on that funding is used according to agreements made. DLN wishes to enhance knowledge of

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the living conditions in Lesotho and to seek funding from foundations, business enterprises and

organisations for actual projects in Lesotho.

Membership of DLN Anyone, who can support the aims of DLN, can achieve a membership. Members contribute to support initiatives in Lesotho that develop and better living conditions in the country. Members will receive an electronic newsletter four times a year and be invited to DLN’s annual general assembly. The cost of a membership is 100 Danish kroner yearly. For membership contact cashier Karen Steffensen, tel.: +45 98677185, cell: +45 23880099, e-mail: [email protected] DLN’s address is: Denmark Lesotho Network, C/O Anne Andersen, Hjembækvej 32, DK 8500, Grenaa, Denmark. E-mail: [email protected]



Responsible Editor: Anne Andersen Edited by: Anne Andersen, Karina Ryby. Translation by Carsten Brønden (submission of articles to [email protected] or any board member)