Intro to Rails Give Camp Atlanta

Intro to Ruby on Rails Jason Noble Alan Hecht

Transcript of Intro to Rails Give Camp Atlanta

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Intro to Ruby on Rails

Jason Noble

Alan Hecht

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Slides are available

•– Intro to Rails Give Camp Atlanta

• Finished code is also available–

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• Initial Release July 2004

• Written by David Heinemeier Hansson

• Rails 3.0 released August 29, 2010

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Technical Overview

• Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture• Includes scaffolding to automatically construct

the models and views needed for a basic site• Includes WEBrick, a simple Ruby web server• Includes Prototype and

JavaScript libraries for Ajax• RESTful web services used instead of SOAP• Handles HTML and XML output out of the box

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Framework Structure

• ActiveRecord – Object relational mapping system for database access

• ActiveResource -- Web Services• ActionPack• ActiveSupport• ActionMailer• Lots of plugins available

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• Convention over Configuration– Decreases decisions that developers need to make– By doing things the “standard” way it just works

• Don’t Repeat yourself (DRY)– Every piece of code has a single, unambiguous

authoritative representation within a system– Modifying any single element does not change other

logically-unrelated elements– Use methods and subroutines to abstract out pieces of

code called in multiple places

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• Install Ruby and RubyGems– Gems are a Ruby package format

• gem install rails

• Rails works with SQLite out of the box– MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MS SQL gems


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Let’s build a shopping cart

• rails new demo_app• vi demo_app/.rvmrc– rvm –create use 1.9.2@rails3

• cd demo_app• rails server• http://localhost:3000• git init .• git add .• git commit –m ‘Initial rails app’

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Push App to Heroku

• vi Gemfile– Add “gem heroku” line

• bundle install• heroku create• git push –u heroku master• heroku open

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Product Scaffolding

• Add a CRUD (create, read, update, delete) interface

• rails generate scaffold Product title:string description:text image_url:string price:decimal

• creates db/migrate/20110108190442_create_products.rb

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• Filename is date/time specific, so yours may differ• Adding precision and scale to price field

• rake db:migrate

• http://localhost:3000/products

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Modifying the view

• app/views/products/_form.html.erb

• Views are dynamically rendered, so reloading in your browser will show your updates

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Seeding your DB with data

• db/seeds.rb– Executes Ruby code to pre-populate your

database– Good way to start with sample data

• rake db:seed– Runs the ruby code

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Update Products View• app/views/products/index.html.erb

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Push to Heroku

• git add .• git commit –m ‘Products scaffold’• git push heroku• heroku rake db:migrate• heroku rake db:seed• heroku open– add a /products to the URL

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Data Validation

• Rails has data validation built into the model• app/models/product.rb

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Data Validation (cont.)

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Rails Testing

• rake test– Runs all the built in Rails tests– Prints Failures as it finds them, but continues

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Functional Tests

• Tests Controller actions• test/functional/products_controller_test.rb

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Unit Tests

• Tests Model methods/attributes/validations• test/unit/product_test.rb

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Push to Heroku

• git add .• git commit –m ‘Added validation’• git push heroku

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Store Front

• rails generate controller store index• http://localhost:3000/store/index• git rm public/index.html• config/routes.rb

• http://localhost:3000/

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Store Controller

• Modify store controller to pull products from the database

• app/controllers/store_controller.rb

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View file changes

• app/views/store/index.html.erb

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Application Layout

• app/views/layouts/application.html.erb

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Updated view

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Customer wants books alphabatized

• app/models/product.rb

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Store Functional Test

• test/functional/store_controller_test.rb

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Push to Heroku

• git add .• git commit –m ‘Store scaffold’• git push heroku• heroku open

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Cart Scaffold

• rails generate scaffold cart• rake db:migrate

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Modify Application Controller

• app/controller/application_controller.rb

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LineItems scaffold

• rails generate scaffold line_item product_id:integer cart_id:integer quantity:integer

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Update Cart model

• app/models/cart.rb

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Update LineItem Model

• app/models/line_item.rb

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Update Product model

• app/models/product.rb

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Add to Cart button

• app/views/store/index.html.erb

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LineItems controller

• app/controllers/line_items_controller.rb

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Carts View

• app/views/carts/show.html.erb

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Carts Controller

• app/controller/carts_controller.rb

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Update Heroku

• git add .• git commit –m ‘Cart updated’• git push heroku• heroku open

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Further Reading

• Agile Web Development with Rails–
