Intro to europe book work filled in and hw


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Across 1. Many European countries rank among the world's top ___ centers. 3. What is the capital of Spain? 4. Some major seas around Europe are the North, Baltic, and the ___. 5. Characteristic of a people, sharing a common and distinctive culture, religion, language, or the like. 12. What is the capital of Germany? 14. What is the capital of Portugal? 15. Europe's ___ countries have longer, colder winters. 16. Europe spreads ___ from Asia. 19. Products of the earth that people use to meet their needs. 23. What greatly affects the temperature of Western Europe? 24. Vast reserves of oil and ___ lie offshore. 25. Some of the world's most productive ___ is found in Europe.

Down 2. From the ___, farmers grow many things. 6. What is the capital of Italy? 7. What is the capital of Russia? 8. All western cultures have their roots in the ___ periods. 9. Competition among European has led to two ___. 10. What ocean is located in the very far North of Europe? 11. What set of mountains form the border between France and Spain? 13. What is the capital of Greece? 14. What is the capital of the United Kingdom? 17. What is the capital of France? 18. Europe has rich cultural heritage that stretches back thousands of years. 20. What set of mountain are the largest in Europe? 21. Northwest Europe has mild temperatures and plenty of ___. 22. What is the main river of western Europe?