Intro to CSS

Intro to CSS


Slides from my Intro to CSS class. More info at

Transcript of Intro to CSS

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Intro to


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Randy Oest Manager of Digital Design Williams Randall Marketing



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Why Learn CSS?

1. Running a blog on a CMS and want to tweak things

2. Working with a developer and want to understand how to talk with them

3. Web designer looking to understand how things get built

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What We’ll Learn

1. What is CSS

2. How to speak CSS

3. How to apply it

4. Where to find out more info

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If HTML is the Skeleton of Web pages…

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CSS is the muscle and skin.

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CSS is used to style elements, giving them form.

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HTML Elements

<p>Paragraph …</p>  

<div  class=“nav”>…</div>  

<h1  id=“title”>Headline</h1>  

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Selectors are used to target styles.

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Examples of Selectors

<p>Paragraph …</p>  

p  {  …  }  

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Examples of Selectors

<div  class=“nav”>…</div>  

.nav  {  …  }  

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Class names always start with a period. .class

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IDs always start with a hash. There can only be one on a page.


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Think of classes as your name and nicknames, e.g. Randy, Amazing Rando, Hey You…

Think of IDs as your unique social security or credit card numbers.

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Multiple Selectors

<h1  id=“title”>Headline</h1>  

h1#title  {  …  }  

No spaces!

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When there is a style conflict, IDs trump classes, and classes trump HTML elements

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Nested Elements

<div  id=“feature”>  

  <img  src=“…”  />  

  Some Text …


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Nested Elements

<div  id=“feature”>  

  <img  src=“…”  />

#feature  img  {  …  }

Now there is a space.

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.class  {     color:  #fff;     padding:  10px;  }

Properties & Values

Property Value

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PX: Pixels

%: Percentage

EM: Relative unit, equal to the current font size

Common Size Units

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EMs, being relative units, can get complicated quickly when you nest them.

Warning about EMs

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1. External File

2. Internal, using the <style> tag

3. Inline styles

Getting CSS into the HTML

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Put this inside the <head>

<link  rel="stylesheet"  href="file.css">

External File

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Put this inside the <head>

<style  type="text/css">     …  your  styles  …  </style>


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<h1  style=“color:#fff;”>    Headline  </h1>

Inline HTML

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Obligatory Baby Pictures

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Box Model

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Elements of the Box

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An element’s size is equal to:

Width (or Height) + Padding + Border + Margin = Total Size

The Box Model is Tricky

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.box  {    width:  200px;    padding:  10px;    border:  5px;    margin:  15px;  }

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So if we plug in values:

Width (200px) + Padding (10px * 2 sides)+ Border (5px * 2 sides) + Margin (15 px * 2 sides) = Total Size (260px)

The Box Model is Tricky

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There is a Better Way

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Use a Different

Box Model

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*,  *:before,  *:after  {  -­‐webkit-­‐box-­‐sizing:  border-­‐box;  -­‐moz-­‐box-­‐sizing:  border-­‐box;  box-­‐sizing:  border-­‐box;  }

Magic Bullet

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selector  {  -­‐webkit-­‐box-­‐sizing:  border-­‐box;  -­‐moz-­‐box-­‐sizing:  border-­‐box;  box-­‐sizing:  border-­‐box;  }

Fixing A Single Item

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An element’s size is equal to the width size.

Border Box is NOT Tricky

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Content-Box (Default)

Border-Box (Good!)

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padding-­‐top:  10px;  padding-­‐right:  5px;  padding-­‐bottom:  10px;  padding-­‐left:  5px;  

OR padding:  10px  5px  10px  5px;


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Starts at NOON and goes clockwise. padding:  top  right  bottom  left;


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padding:  top+bottom  right+left;  padding:  10px  5px;

Even More Shorthand

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The Display Property

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Block: <h1>,  <p>,  <div>  

Inline: <a>,  <span>,  <b>,  <strong>

The Display Property

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a  {    display:  block;  }  

The Display Property

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There are many more exotic display types, such as inline-­‐block, none, etc.

The Display Property

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img  {    float:  left;  }  

The Display Property

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Positioning can change an element in the flow.

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position:  static

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img  {    position:  static;  }  


This is the default, no need to write it

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position:  fixed

Fixed in relation to the browser.

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img  {    position:  fixed;    top:  0px;      left:  0px;  }  


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top:  0px;    right:  0px;  bottom:  0px;  left:  0px;  


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position:  relative

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img  {    position:  relative;    top:  -­‐10px;      left:  -­‐200px;  }  


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position:  absolute

position:  static

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img  {    position:  absolute;    top:  0px;      left:  0px;  }  


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Absolute positioning looks for the parent with a position other than static.

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position:  absolute

position:  relative

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img  {    position:  absolute;    top:  0px;      left:  0px;  }  


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A Quick Note About Mobile

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Most CSS that you write for mobile is just CSS.

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Percentages and relative units, like EMs are better than pixels, which are static width.

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@media  all  and  (max-­‐width:  699px){       …  styles  }

Media Query

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Further Learning