Intro to CrunchBang / Linux Fest Northwest 2013

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This is my presentation for Linux Fest Northwest 2013.

Transcript of Intro to CrunchBang / Linux Fest Northwest 2013

  • 1. An Intro to #! CrunchBang Larry Cafiero Linux Fest Northwest 2013 April 28, 2013

2. An Intro to #! CrunchBang What is it? What's in it? Well, how did we get here? Why do I want to use it? 3. An Intro to #! CrunchBang CrunchBang is a Debian-based distro - Based on the Debian Live Project - OpenBox window manager CrunchBang provides a blank canvas - Wide range of install options - 'Welcome to CrunchBang' 4. An Intro to #! CrunchBang 5. An Intro to #! CrunchBang OpenBox - Simple - Highly configurable Fast on everything - Wide range of hardware - Fast on old hardware/faster on newer 6. An Intro to #! CrunchBang What's in it? - Built entirely from Debian repositories - Uses same package management/update tools Defaults of note - Iceweasel browser - VLC media player - Transmission BitTorrent client - Conky, and more 7. An Intro to #! CrunchBang What's in it? - Built entirely from Debian repositories - Uses same package management/update tools Defaults of note - Iceweasel browser - VLC media player - Transmission BitTorrent client - Conky, and more 8. An Intro to #! CrunchBang How did it get here? - Philip Newborough 'scratches an itch' - Started as a Ubuntu-based distro Changing the base - From Ubuntu to Debian - Brief Xfce availablility 9. An Intro to #! CrunchBang Naming convention - Parallels Debian's convention - Current version: Statler - Upcoming version: Waldorf Distrowatch rankings - Ranks from mid-20s to mid-40s Intangibles - A very deep wiki - A well-stocked forum with helpful people 10. An Intro to #! CrunchBang World domination? No, thank you. 'It is a common mistake to think that every developer wants their project to be widely popular.' Philip Newborough 11. An Intro to #! CrunchBang Why do you want to use it? - You might try it and like it - You might try it and not like it Distros are like ice cream - Pick a flavor(s) and eat to suit to your taste (wait a minute . . . ) Distros are like power tools - Use the right one for the job 12. An Intro to #! CrunchBang Questions? Comments? Rotten Tomatoes? lcafiero on IRC (#crunchbang among others) [email protected] for CrunchBang mail