Intro to Cloud Computing and Sales force

Salesforce CRM Developer Session Speaker : Arun Chandran C Associate Software Developer Suyati Technologies Pvt Ltd
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This Presentation will give you a small view on Cloud computing. This will explain cloud computing based on wolrd leading CRM salesforce.Hope you guys enjoy

Transcript of Intro to Cloud Computing and Sales force

PowerPoint Presentation

Salesforce CRMDeveloper SessionSpeaker: Arun Chandran C Associate Software Developer Suyati Technologies Pvt LtdAgenda Cloud Computing Overview Winter 13 and previous version comparison Recruitment App Demo More emphasis on Security, Dashboards

Define cloud computing by NISTCloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.

IaasPaasSaasType of services offered

Internet And Clod ComputingInternet is a network of networks, which provides software/hardware infrastructure to establish and maintain connectivity of the computers around the word. while Cloud computing is a new technology that delivers many types of resources over the Internet. Therefore Cloud computing could be identified as a technology that uses the Internet as the communication medium to deliver its services. Cloud services can be offered within enterprises through LANs but in reality, Cloud computing cannot operate globally without the Internet.

IaaS Infrastructure as a ServiceInfrastructure as a Service provides infrastructure capabilities like processing, storage, networking, security, and other resources which allow consumers to deploy their applications and data. This is the lowest level provided by the Cloud Computing paradigm. Some examples of IaaS are: Amazon S3/EC2, Microsoft Windows Azure, and VMWare vCloud.DaaS Desktop as a ServiceCaaS Communications as a ServiceNaaS Network as a ServiceDaaS Desktop as a ServiceBased on application streaming and virtualization technology, provides desktop standardization, pay-per-use, management, and security.

CaaS Communications as a ServiceManagement of hardware and software required for delivering voice over IP, instant messaging, video conferencing, for both fixed and mobile devicesNaaS Network as a ServiceIt allows telecommunication operators to provide network communications, billing, and intelligent features as services to consumers.PaaS Platform as a ServicePlatform as a Service provides application infrastructure such as programming languages, database management systems, web servers, applications servers, etc. that allow applications to run. The consumer does not manage the underlying platform including, networking, operating system, storage, etc. Some examples of PaaS are: Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure Services Platform, and ORACLE/AWS.AIaaS Application Infrastructure as a ServiceAPaaS Application Platform as a Service AIaaS Application Infrastructure as a ServiceSome analysts consider this model to provide application middleware, including applications servers, ESB, and BPM (Business Process Management).APaaS Application Platform as a ServiceProvides application servers with added multitenant elasticity as a service. The model PaaS (Platform as a Service) mentioned before includes AIaaS and APaaS.

SaaS Software as a ServiceSoftware as a Service is the most sophisticated model hiding all the underlying details of networking, storage, operating system, database management systems, application servers, etc. from the consumer. It provides the consumers end-user software applications most commonly through a web browser (but could also be though a rich client). Some examples of SaaS are: Salesforce CRM, Oracle CRM On Demand, Microsoft Online Services, and Google Apps.BPaaS Business Process as a ServiceBPaaS Business Process as a ServiceProvides business processes such as billing, contract management, payroll, HR, advertising, etc. as a service.

Location of the cloudPublic cloud: In Public cloud the computing infrastructure is hosted by the cloud vendor at the vendors premises. The customer has no visibility and control over where the computing infrastructure is hosted. The computing infrastructure is shared between any organizations.

Private cloud: The computing infrastructure is dedicated to a particular organization and not shared with other organizations. Private clouds are more expensive and more secure when compared to public clouds. Community cloud : involves sharing of computing infrastructure in between organizations of the same community. For example all Government organizations within the state of Kerala may share computing infrastructure on the cloud to manage data related to citizens residing in California. Hybrid cloud : Organizations may host critical applications on private clouds and applications with relatively less security concerns on the public cloud. The usage of both private and public clouds together is called hybrid cloud.

Salesforce is SaaS company that distributes business software on a subscription basis. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) products.Ranked 27 inFortune's100 Best Companies to Work For in 2012.

Customer Relationship ManagementCRM, is a company-wide business strategy designed to reduce costs and increase profitability by solidifying customer satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy. True CRM brings together information from all data sources to give one, holistic view of each customer in real time. High reliability High performanceHigh security True CRM brings together information from all data sources within an organization (and where appropriate, from outside the organization) to give one, holistic view of each customer in real time. This allows customer facing employees in such areas as sales, customer support, and marketing to make quick yet informed decisions on everything from cross-selling and upselling opportunities to target marketing strategies to competitive positioning tacticsHigh reliability uptime that exceeds 99.9%High performance data access in less than 300 msHigh security industry certifications such as ISO27001 and SAS 70 Type II

CRM Cloud PlatformCRM cloud apps need to be easy to use for sales, marketing, and service professionals in any industry. Thats why smart companies rely on a CRM platform that gives them complete freedom to customize CRM for their business. Its the best way to boost adoption and make sure your CRM apps are working the way you do.SalesCloudServiceCloudSales CloudFor sales and marketing : For sales managers, CRM cloud apps provide real-time visibility into their teams activities so they can forecast sales with confidence. For sales reps, CRM cloud apps make it easy to manage customer information so reps spend less time handling data and more time with customers.

Service CloudFor customer service : To deliver stellar customer service, you need to connect all the conversations that happen on social networks with the internal knowledge your agents use every day. That way, your customers get answers fast and are happy. And it costs you less.For marketers, nothing is more important than tracking the sales that result from leads generated through marketing campaigns on your Web site, in email, or with Google AdWords. CRM cloud apps let marketers track leads and sources, route leads to the right salespeople in real time, and provide the analytics to see whats working and what can be improvedYour customers have questions about your products. Today, they might go to Google or Twitter to look for answers and only contact your call center if they cant find what they need.


ServiceBasic service and supportfor any size teamUS $ 65 /user/month


ServiceExtend service to the Web with customization and integrationUS $ 135 user/month


ServicePremier+ Success Plan optimizes your Service Cloud app for your businessUS $ 260 /user/month

EditionCloudDescriptionPrizeContact ManagerSalesContact management for up to 5 users

US $ 5 /user/month


SalesBasic sales & marketing for up to 5 users

US $ 15 /user/month


SalesComplete CRM for any size team

US $ 65 /user/month


SalesCustomize CRM for your entire business

US $ 125 /user/month


SalesPremier+ Success Plan optimizes CRM for your business

US $ 250 /user/month

New features the Winter '13

Developer Console Enhancements: Tools for unit testing, querying and performing DML operations on your data. New command line window and the flexibility to tailor the console layout. Visualforce Enhancements: Visualforce charting is now generally available. In addition to being available to all Visualforce customers, charting features such as new chart types, control over color schemes, and enhanced rendering control. Apex Code Enhancements: New interfaces to support testing callouts for both HTTP requests and for WSDL generated code, new string methods, additional JSON support, and non-primitive types in Map and Set keys. The new Canvas: In pilot for Winter '13, the canvas framework allows for integration of third party applications within Developer Console Enhancements: The Developer Console makes developing with Apex code even easier by adding tools for unit testing, querying and performing DML operations on your data. We'll also cover the new command line window and the flexibility to tailor the console layout. Visualforce Enhancements: Visualforce charting is now generally available. In addition to being available to all Visualforce customers, charting features such as new chart types, control over color schemes, and enhanced rendering control. Apex Code Enhancements: New interfaces to support testing callouts for both HTTP requests and for WSDL generated code, new string methods, additional JSON support, and non-primitive types in Map and Set keys. The new Canvas: In pilot for Winter '13, the canvas framework allows for integration of third party applications within Made up of a set of JavaScript APIs, the Canvas allows for embedding of an app inside the UI and provides support for authentication between apps, cross-domain XHR, and the context about the environment in which the app is running.

Thank you