Intriguing facts you probably didn’t know about classic wedding bands

Intriguing Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Classic Wedding Bands


Educate yourself on some factoids about classic wedding bands before you start your shopping adventure.

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Page 1: Intriguing facts you probably didn’t know about classic wedding bands

Intriguing Facts

You Probably Didn’t Know About Classic Wedding Bands

Page 2: Intriguing facts you probably didn’t know about classic wedding bands

The epistemology of classic wedding bands has been traced all the way back to the ancient Egyptian Empire, where the custom is thought to have been originated. Following the Egyptians, wedding rings become even more customary of a tradition during the Roman Empire, when men commonly wore simple jewelry like rings and signet rings. Such rings were offered as gifts of betrothal from the man to the woman, as a father’s blessing on the marriage was sought. Join us on this fact-filled adventure, as we discern some off kilter and less known facts about the most popular rings of the present day: wedding bands.

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The round shape has a meaning. Ever wonder why wedding rings are round? It’s generally contended that this has to do with the never ending circle of life. As opposed to featuring squares, or other odd settings, a wedding ring is round to represent unity and eternity. Some say that it’s also as homage to the shape of the sun and the moon, which were both worshiped by the ancient Egyptian culture.

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Wedding rings used to be a contract. You did not read this wrong. During medieval times, in Europe, wedding contracts were commonly initiated between noble families with betrothals. Both families exchanged valuable items as part of the wedding dowry, also inclusive of these rings.


Page 5: Intriguing facts you probably didn’t know about classic wedding bands

A wedding band is commonly worn on the right hand because that’s the same hand that you raise when swearing an oath or making a vow. However, some cultures actually believe that it should be worn on the left hand. That’s because the third finger of this hand represents the “vein of love” or the vena amoris. In India, some cultural traditions purport that the wedding ring be actually placed on a toe, called a bichiya.

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The gaudiest and most expensive wedding ring currently known to exist is the Chopard Blue Diamond Ring. It is currently valued at approximately $16 million dollars (USD), and features a brilliant blue diamond accented by large white diamonds.

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Wondering why both partners wear a wedding ring? This tradition actually began during the early 19th Century. It was created as an elaborate marketing campaign by national jewelry retailers, who were suffering from reduced sales. A similar campaign was also created at that time by DeBeers, which convinced women that a diamond engagement ring was necessary and should cost approximately “3 months of salary.”

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Some cultures share engagement rings before sharing wedding rings. Nordic traditions follow the view that both men and women share an engagement ring. What’s interesting is that they are not your traditional engagement rings, but rather consist of standard gold wedding bands.

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A rising tradition in America purports that there is actually a pre-engagement ring that can be offered. This ring has earmarked the nickname of “the promise ring.” It’s intended to be offered before proposing as a “promise” to the person that a marriage proposal will be offered in the near future.

Page 10: Intriguing facts you probably didn’t know about classic wedding bands

More people get engaged in December than in any other month in the U.S, according to a survey that was conducted by Steve Elliott Marketing Research. Interestingly enough, the survey indicated the women do indeed desire a more lavish ring as opposed to a more lavish engagement proposal. So be sure to take notes on this, ye’ proposing gents.

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