InThe Mafter Of= - · rpl thc National Policy Forum) m...

InThe Mafter Of= Senate Committee on GovernmentalAffairs Spedal Investigation Deposition of ScoH Reed CONFIDEATUX: July 11,1997 " MiZler Repofling Company, Inc. 507 C Street, NE. Washington, DC 20002 (202) 54GG666 FM: (202) 5461502 #ginal File 071 ln?ed.asc. 225 Pages Min-W&@t@ Fite ID:03C%l3%14

Transcript of InThe Mafter Of= - · rpl thc National Policy Forum) m...

InThe Mafter Of=

Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs Spedal Investigation

Deposition of ScoH Reed

CONFIDEATUX: July 11,1997 "

MiZler Repofling Company, Inc. 507 C Street, NE.

Washington, DC 20002 (202) 54GG666 F M : (202) 5461502

#ginal File 071 ln?ed.asc. 225 Pages Min-W&@t@ Fite ID:03C%l3%14

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.--- [ti UR WEINSTEN But, for uample, he may have a

client that he hu to makc a phone all to fa&yrboutaa m imporepnt roamer. and the dicnt aays.WeU I'm going to 141 call YOU in vourof6ce.Hc sawl'mnot mins to k in my

[ti covcrcd by the attomeycllmt privikge. m YR. ROBB(ISS: You m?Lc whatever insauction you

p, Forum) tin A About the Nariorvl eolln Forum medfid~?


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[I] m Y W .

141 [a Chemical ,Huluhcturcrs. rn 0 HchadamleatNPF?

I: I think I saw him at a reception earlier in the

pi 0 Who (VZI Kip Howlcn? A Kip is a lobbyist hcrc in town. He works for thc


[I] money already in exi$CenCC? rn k Idan'tbelicvcso.Ihiswusomcthingwtdid. ~sl a : S o , w h e n p u ~ y = t w w t ~ d i 4 s o m c ~ 14 either dom at your direction or somebody who .vaM for m you.thac wwe loan dscumcnu wluch were crated to pnresu

t k ~ ~ f l o w a i m o n + y ?

. . pa 0 WeUwouldyoucalkrohimnuytimcthcNPF (931 spoke to somcone at the RNC about inlusion of money? [q A He would knowcprcy lime &ere was goifg to be a 1151 loan that was made to the NPli]hs,bcmuse~orc i did iL pq I talked with him about it. [in 0 So. before you approved infusion of money into the

[ig A U I could find him.lhere may have bcen one M llol hvo insunces where I did it without his knowledge bemuse nil he was incommunicado. bur 1 would almvs tell him before

ICY NPfiyOu would speak to him?

;4 think it ultimatdygof to thehepoint where bodyw would m d J a y B u m i r y , w h o w a s o u r ~ ' dircctor.aYl [q explained cyUa.and hc would come across and tell me. (R 0 : u D h o ~ I h e w ~ ' who would call you?

A: usualby, tiley wouli l .~t ' r CMfCE1. 0: Burd on the NPF vlliho YOU why L e y needed money

[q don't belicw M gave them 100 percent of wtat they -ked m rvvytimc. [(I 0 Now. Mr. Weinsldn nix, inadvcrtu, fly a good (R point, which is are any of Lese form. to you knowledgc-

' [ I d and for wtut & i i d mvir a isrrmruuon a i io 1 [iq whcrchcr or not the RNC would go ahad and-

(4 Was thm ever any t h e when the Nalronal P o k y Irm Forum ~ k t d the RWC Cor mom money when YOU dedincd?

A: Makc chat Loncorrcct. 1; a: -nukc rhat additrod la.

. - MR. ROBBM: okay MawuNSIEIw: d n that.


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[SI writicn q u e s t that the Na&nal Policy Forua~ w& oblycd rn w send over to the RNC for cash? m AIdonotrrmcmkr. [si pi and your approval of it prior to its bclng sznt lor

iim Droccuinr would all occur wilhout mv D a m IS rhat fair

0: So the National Policy Forum's rcquert br money

& Q : N & m o r e m o ~ . mi You would ralk to the &ahnun?

I- -- . - [ti Rcpublian National Comminrr. right? m Acorrcer,

. . [2q Q: B docummtion. I mean any kind ofdcraipuon 0 Would you tell him in your conversation onch fwn

at all o l k a t the money was goinn to go for. riht? m how much the loan was to k*

l r i t q A: Ya. . iiii 0: I'm -.With Mr. Dtnninn? ERUS me.

- pwn

(11 subsidiaries of foreign corporations who wanted to give m money to the Sational Policy Forum?

h 1 don't rcmcmbcr. I don't remember if somebody p] brought it to my attention or if it was just a common-sensc [q political isrue that ought to be bmught p his atuntioh (e which is what I did *lot of. m 0: Was it your understanding that~mcrican [e] subsidiaries of foreign corponcronS would be an Amcrian 14 source of money or foreign source of money?

(iq MR. WEINSTEW. I think rhis calls for a legal (11 ) conclurion. [la MA. ROBEINS: I uI1 not asking any question about 1131 thelaw. 1141 MR. WEINSTEU(. But you arc. in a scnx. I corm. (is if you want to try to rcphMc Uut,anybc wcclnhorlbout ItW this? u p u mrLc moor three I1Mltaqucrriont.unybc sae i t? can get to whae you want a way fhat doan't ask (14 him to become a lawyer. 11s MR ROBBIW): lrs in such a conciliatory spirit Rcq thatlcannottumthatdown. bel w WEUIISIEM: well, we ale herc volunruily. lpl MR ROBBIWS. But undcr mth. 12~i MR.WElNSTEMMoscdc6nitc&

p Q So let me ask you. was it your understanding-rm

111 not asking you to give me a legal opinion becluse you're not a lawyer, I take it, and you're not hue Y an cxpcn.Your

pi wrderrundlneaytharonlyAmcrkvlsubsidiariesoffomim



(41 corpora ti^^ m corporations thanxh? rn MR. WEINSTUW. I don't think this is rclernnt 1 m am going 10 direct the witness not to answer that question. pi IWI. ROBBPIJ: Au [email protected]'s creative, uld M it's appmprle. then, undcr the circumstulcc.

[lq M u . w u " : pkrsc. 1 1 v BY YR RoBBIN9: eta 0: Did you have an understanding. sir. lhat foreign (t39 cotpcm?i#ts could contribute ro the Nuional poucV Forum? 1141 MU. WEINSTEW Go ahead. Go ahead and answer [Is thatquestion. Ita THEWITNESS:Yer. 117) BY MR. ROBBINS: trlS 0: what was your understanding? (iol m (4) and they could legally accept contributions. 1211 OFmmwhom? m m subsidiuics.

contribite. as distinct from f-

A That the National Policy Fwum was a Ml(c)C3) or

A From foreign companies with U N t d Scaca

' w 70 Ill a: Any legal couhxl any lawyer. m A Well 1 was under the impression that the National m Poky Forum had counsel, atad I lolcw the XNC had counsel. NI 0 My quution was. do you luve knowledge-or at m I c u t I think it wu. at kart I hope it wu-ofany m occasion in which legal counsel was utilized in C O M C C ~ ~ O ~ m with the activities of the National Policy Forum? iq MR. WEINSTEW: That's different rhan the &st iq one.You're saying did NPF ever get legal couR(LI with (cq KRyd to an-. or did NPF get 1 4 counsel with regard 1111 to an opinion on thir aped& kwe?This question is (la diffemt than the previous one. It* BY Mu. ROBBW: 1141 (cq cound,to your Imowledgc,withrespcct to its fund.nising 119 rtivitie&priod) (in I W 0p-M. et* a: who? m A: I'mm-LindaLorywasthccod.I'mnotsurc ~ 1 1 what Brm she's with. I think h a mame is tin& Long. rn rn M

[ii NPF at 4 7 m A 1don'tbelkrcso.lmayhrvcsKnha ~1 XuIYwhen. but I don't was a couple of yews

a: Did the National Policy Forum cva utilized

A: They upilizcd courwd in mpcct to how they

a: Did you ever communiace wirh Linda Long? A: Not regar- NPF, 3 p e 6 6 d y . She was somebody

0: Well. did you eyer communicate with h a re- I241 1 m.

pap. 77

(41 ago. 14 0 Didyouevascckkgdcounrclotherchan,for m today's pllqxsc. with rrspscl to fumkwng . . m the National Policy Forum? m &No. p! a: So,whcnyouwmccchismuwto,w.\(r.Bubour,did

119 you do so with the kncfit of legal c o d or without it? 1111 h N0lelplcolsl.w. cca 114 ATharrcomct. 1141 0: And ovlureva un&mtmdmg . you hpd about what i r q sources could and could not contribute to the National cia Policy Forum, wharcpa infornution you had c?mc &om tin yoursell! It didn't come &om any COnsultatiOn with a 114 llwya.corrcct?

m 0 Atanytime,didan$mdyniscwithyouthe e11 subject o€ somcbody who m i d d abroad contributing money to rpl thc National Policy Forum) m A N o .


0: This was justa memo that you didon your own?

A: marscorrect

. . V4] Q: Did you hor an understanding that the NaIianl 0: At any tiw.did anytmdynw with you the m Policy Forum could r r c p t moneyhm forriM atizcns? -1: subject of whether or not a foreign corpontion could -

75 ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

p.oli 111 m fomgaciritcnr. [sl 141 cq 0 W a s i t y o u r w j m m d h $ d m o n l y ~ f l c o m p v l i c l a r t r i c h h r d A m a l a n ~ could contribute m IO the N~tionrl Policy Forum? [si w

[iq unduscmding) (111 A: MygencnlundusPnQingofpolifiuandthehey ita this town works. the way a lot of nompmfit organizations [in rakmonev.

A: I didn't know if it could rccpt money &om

0: Did the sub- MI c o m ~ up? A: Not-it wam't bmught up come.

A: That was my understanding. 0: From what source dw you dcrrvc that i

pi] interest in convlbuting to the Policy Forum, md I thought [ia the chairman needed to give rhc Poky FoNm leadcrdup

11131 direction on how to deal with that.

A: I don't r+mcmkr anyUung beyond the fact chat ,ctq somebody had wnrioncd to me IJUt TOyoP may have an

Pap. 78 (el contributemoney! m k W~Ibclievesomebadybroughtthcspecitir [g issue ofloyota to my amtion.

m to write Ibis -*

m I can rcmcmbcr about it.

MI a: whowas uut? A: I do not runumber. but that's what spurred mc on

Q: Tell me what the communiation was. everything you

. . 114 j pi a: was it your undcrspnding that ~oyoo. the foreipp

'19 corporation, wanted to contribute money or one of iu (iq Forum's activities? 119 Awrican subsidiaries? 117) /:VI A: 1 @urd it wa$ one of theAwrian subsidiaries.

few 0: AnnAmeriacorporntion?

r?R MR. WEINSTEW I don't think the St. Louis Im 0: SovouwouldhaverCpydCdthatasanAmmcan

0 Was here legal counsel that wu acitized for the purpose of rendering advice about the National Policy

MR. wuNsTE#: Legal counsel of NPF or RNC? UR ROES#& Legal counsl of che St. Louis

119 -. u ncearuy. 1119 A: Yeah.

Mlllrr R m d n o Cnmnanv. Inc. (15) pyrc 73 - Pane 78

.. [SI Did y6u participate in it? ~

161 A Not to mvncolkcfionna.

.. m r: Monik had tok.prosidcd to dvt up mc

PI UlCRiiC? [ai A: Well. I'm not fully knowIcdgeable on all the money [si that the NPF was spending. but I klicvprhat rhe bulk of [a the money was supplied by the RNC to get the thing suure* m and how it operated, I'm not 1Wperccnt sure. 1 wu [Ill focusscdon rn Q: sure. M z n . though, is. 1 guess. ttmt in [IO] '93, '94, until Febnwy of '95. to your Lnoarlfdee,mcMt of [ i t ] the NPF's money was supplied by the Rcpublian National [la Committee! 1111 A Yes. [r41 0: kfom appmving the infusion of molt money born [IS the RNC to the NPF over the course of '93, '94, and OVQ

records? [IS] '95. did you ever ask the NPF for its 1111 MR WEINSTEIN I Wcve you --don. [iq Counrclor. [q MR. ROBBINS I'm not sure I did. but in any m CVULL I don't fullcmbcf the answer. 1211 THE WITNESS: I don't rcmcmk uking for their rn fundmising records. no. (nl BY MR. ROBBINS

0 Did you seck to get information about how they fzq were doing on r i l ~ r a i r i n g . spccifially?

[q m they were going to pay it back. PI a: WY? (41 A: Yes. m a: Did you ever ask to looknt any documents they had [SI which would reflect either what money they had niKd or m what their prospects were for wing money? [q A Not that I rcmembcr. no.That doesn't mea I 19 didn't. but I don't remember.

[iq Ill] A NO. 1 1 1 Q: So rhis money would be loaned by the RNC to the (14 NationaI Policy Forum without m y request that you're aware [iri of for actual dauwncption of their balance rhecu. what

. .

A: I would seck Y they would ask for money, how

a. You have no memory of d o i so?

Itol sir. rn BY MR ROBENS: all a n e vuwcr to that is?


m mmcrs?

m [at Ih* h llate+sumpcd no56377 thmugh79. Of m course. I'm also the othu one-you and I llso am thc Mlly 14 pcople in the room who don't h o w how to work a compuw. m lirrdngto~cria.whatwuIh;lc?

[tal A moAwria WIS the rhcmc that was [I I] CLVrloped by the National Poiicy Forum to ti& the forums 114 that wtlc hcld on the rod. which was going to culminate [rq with the publication of a rbcumcnt. as I mentioned de, [ r q at the end of Ulc p~ocur alled Lirturing to Amcria. which [tq 1 klicrr was Ulrinntdy pubIishcd into a book [ieq 0: Did you have any rok in the dcvclopmcnt of chat (111 idea) Don't be mcdcst. [fq A: Not d y . b&du a strategic advice mk with [tq ?e duirmnn.~ I did- day on cvcryrhiry.but I wasn't

vi] 0: What was your rok? What was the stntcgic advice

im~ A: On the dircction that the p v ~ y ought M be caking wr] and rhc type of issues we ought to be calking about. Rs) Q: well, did you s p a k with the chairman about the

A: No" I Qn't.Whose documcnt is it? Q: 1 don't brow. I personally don't know.

mvolved in IJU building of it. no.


Psp. ((1 listening toor(mcria idea? tz: &WWell.I'msureIdid 19 Q: Didyouspaktohimaboutrhedesirabdityof [d] having it? [si A About having it?- book?'TBe forums? what? [e) a: WWell.any0fchmL m A: W4Irhinlritwzrmorehcanrspalrinlltomof p) hirdainbilivtohaveit. [sl Q:Hirdesirctohaveit?

[rei A: Yes. [ I I ] 0: Sothcchaimnnwouldindiutcloyouthathc lrq ihou&t chc National Poky Forum shouId havc a Utening to Ita Amcria program, for lack of a better word? [14] A: corrm. [is 0: WhthamuldinvohcfontmsMundthecounWand

. . 12q A: That'rcomt. mi pa] Forum whctha they had any mitten hubmis i i pian of

Q: Did you m r ask m y bcdy at the National policy

e51 thdrOWll? - p a a n 7

r i q then 1111 A RighI. iiq (rq lzq loopcrccntsurc.

r2q you-you remrsnkr him s p a l d n s to you about his desire to n havethis?

u~tiumu pu~ia t ion ora book?

Q: So did he come up with the idea? A: I'm not sure who came up with the idea. I'm not

0: But in any event. Mr. Barbow would spak to

I241 YC5. 0 Did you play any role in i n m ~ t i n g if?

Pam 90 .- - . - - -. 111 pj for granted that they did

A: I don't rem+mbcr if I ever asked. but S took it I ['I k No, buida what l k told you about today with the lending the money. I didn't have any daytoday role

PI 141

0: Did you ever & one? A: I don't lcmembQ ever seeins one.

[q with it, 110. I was nmmging the committe~. J (41 0: WhethaitanrcbytodayornoSdidyouspakto .~ m 0: Soat no time that you can rehKmba prior to thcv 1 :st an- at the NPF, even from cimc to time. about the [q RW: approvals of more and more a s h to thc NPF did you at m kw ~eanyhm- plan for the NPR : m not bc &e right word. (81 A: Not that I rcmcmbu. no. mi A I'msureIdidaboutmaInngsurc~araegoing 19 4: Orevrruktosecone.concct? on. I'm M I did. '

[iq A: That's correct. [iq 1111 [I II Listening to Awria f o w ailable to COP candidates?

(19 1r# of UK co~~lllywl-. So I don't know if it was necessary I141 m k e d for idcnti6cation.l 1141 for w to haw that discussion. [iq MR. ROBBINS Now, may I show him the lcNIf '119 0: Was it rommon sense that one of,& purposu of

1111 chc document which was muM as -bit I? (111 A: L. It wasn't vi- u an q=v to assist Itat MR. WNNSIEW: Is that the actual dorummt? l[ra] COP candidates. E v e n if I'm not mistaken. DemOcnts were [IQI M E WilNE55: Do you want this one> ,i:q utritcd 10 k involved in the forums on the road and to

311 0. Yes.You arc rtuaUy looking at Exhibit 1. Can 'pq 0: Fair mough. W m there divuuions at RVC staff Inl p u identify this dter you have had a chvrcc to rcad i!? I rzzj mcclngr about the Zlationai Policy Forum?

progress of rhc Liswdng toNouM program? -PrOmlIl' may

0. Did you taIk to anybody at the XPF about arakmg MR. ROBBINS Let's have the first Qcumcnt &cd

(Reed Ocpaurion Exhibit No. I 119 as an cxhiblt. '[la A: I don't rrmcmba Speaking4 -. tlut WU kind

[iq exhibit? Is there any reason why I can't, ~IM to show him

R4 BY NR ROBBINS: 'm speak.

I [iq these was to U t GOP s?

sing d0cument.l p j A: Yes. RVC staff mcctmgs.

PI BY MR. ROBBIN& - RroCnlures for staff -.

UL. -7 C 4 - H (1 71 Paor RS - P a w on ...**--..---A _--..__. .-..

~epor thg Compmy, Inc.


01 141 never covered it back then. [q ((11 information that a foreign corpomtion could contribute to m the National Policy F o m ? (81 A: Yes. (91 0 Fromwhom?

A: 1 have since understood that they can. 0: Did you understand back then that they could? A I had never-rhis is new w a e for me. I had

a. At any limc in '93 or '94. did you I)?w

. . (141 [iq money to rhc N P E W s comct. iiq 0: Andyoulvlewchtitcouldn'! [tr] A Yes.

A: A COrrign-fOrrign cOrpo&on could Ieay@ve . . 1'41 ~ ~ ~ w h r t t i m e p c n o d ! [tq U R A O ~ F ~ ~ n I h c y a r o C o u r L a r b (14 MLwlTMEss No. ltrl u F L A o ~ - u n t i i c h c p r c M r i n l . c x ~ -

[is don't think it's fair, sir. [i!] [la [tq MR. R08BIW Oby. it41 BY MR. R Q E B a i t 9 [is) with anybody in '93. '94 about the hct that foreign lrq corporations could contribute to the National Pori FOI [iq lie) conversations that he's alrady identitied for you or

MR. ROBEINS: Arc you all set? MR. WIEINSTEIN I am W m.

0: My quation is. did you have any coma~unicarion

MR. WEI- Arc you saying in addition to rhr

-w Ill Ft. m pj going tosay that I don't thinkchir i* fair to the witness 141 because you &him chc same quahoncrriy half hour in a 19 bit of a different way. lq He spoke to you aboutToyota. He spoke to you

MR. WEWlEIN Well. I'm interjecting. and I'm 101 [rl [21 k Yes. [* w k IVejustrzadrboutMr.YounginIhepapa.u,a 19 campanyLmmTaiwan,lbrlicPr.orHoyKrmg. I 0: Didpuevrrhivcanycommuniarionahikpu-

0: I W e you c v u hard of the Young Bmchm?

0 What b Young Bmlhas?


[ill A Idon'trrmcmkr. [ra 0: DidyouundrnMdhimtobcrdrizcnofa 1'31 diffaWltCMmtry? ![cy It9 withanything. ita (in A: Irtmemkrit~wdloOrramiUiondollur. 114 ((4 relatively @piEant conmibution.

A: I didn't know who he was. I didn't understand it

0: Do you rravmkr how much he contributed?

0: Now, thu, by most of our standards, would bc a

BY MR. RQBBINS 811 rn p31 ~ 4 1

0 Do you undcrsund my quation? A: Lct'r har your question again. a Did you have any commdcarion with an- in the


rn mi site or a contribution to the NPF of that size?

Ck And can wc agmr that a contribution of chat rizc ' attheRiiC?

MR. ROBBIW: A contribution to Ihc RiiC of that (pl w o u l d h a w ~ m w e d i r e w s l M l

(141 M E WITMESS. At last until lunch time. BY MR. ROBBINS

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is &ne 0: And inasmuch Y rclepirlon adpernuns . . .. n [el intensively in the Iw couple of months of the election, the nced to get chlt money. to get money that's available to

110) spend on that becomes more acute during that period of time?

[ta 0: And was it in the context of conversations that

It41 campaigns dl over the place, or help- to nm these (19 campaigm al! ovcr the plre, that you had thesc discuuions Itel with him about g- the NFF Ioan Irpiid? 11n A N o . l w o u l Q 1 ' t ~ t h a t s o t e w n l I v u 114 brie6ng him cmy day on the sums of chc dtkrent MI, 11.q whowu\lp,nhowudown.~Ptwtracdoing,wharwes~d l z ~ l be doing.Amt 1 don't rhink it's hir to say that every day 1211 we were tllltinn about the outrpndirulloln owed to the RNC

I'll A'Rut'Sconcct

119 you huf with Mr.Hr.Bubour about the demand of running the%


131 w constant, was it in the c o n e of discusionr about the 141 need fm money for they races that you spoke to Mr. Barbour 19 about the nccd to get the NPF loan repaid? [ ~ l m r d y isn't a dirat ronten ktwccn the money that we WM IW owed and chcmomy that wearercpuning out tomes. L4 a:whynot?

itol A Because most of the money we were putting out to [ t i l n c a was fedarl money wich a 35 parent match of soft 1 ' 1 money.

[iq A And this loan was a complctc soft money loan. its) 0 Do you h o w what was Qne-aRcr &.Yo iiq Y q u y B r o w 1171 d k n ~ . M lhcrr repapent of part of rhe debt? IlOl *: To IheRNC? 1'4 0 Yeh. rn AI'rnsurethacvu. 1211 a 01- I4

k No. ii i d l y m ' t kcpusc it d y - t h a e

1131 0: DO j'W h W -

hir contribution in -Xs9'

A I don't rtmcmkr when or how much, but I'm sure it ,m M C L", I-.

124 0: OfanamQuntinuccssofS1 million? fg~ A I would imaine-and I do not rcmembcr-that thev

PagD 112 It) k p t some tO Operate so they wouldn't have to come back for m alovlaweeklaccr. m CP: But part of the money came back to the W C? HI A sum. 1s) 0 And would have been used for what pufposcs? Wou!d a have gone into what xcount? 81 A If arouldhnegone to whatever account it vu b i t m bi~, and it- ~sl 0: What account wu it h t framl t q A: It was lent Irom the RNSEC account. It vu u d i 11 for gene4 open- pmcedws. RcpubliM National SLOGC 12) Ekction Grmrtincc rcount, or iq 0 Sochemoncythat~tIrornthe-tlmwasptovidcd tq by the RNC to National Policy Forum amc born an account 19 which is called RNSEC?

iq 0: And what is that again? r q amwEIIvsTEIM.sEc. 14 TM YIIITISULS: Republican NationaI Sutc Election zq commiaec.1 believe h . ' S what the acronym scudr for. 2 0 BYuRROBB111s: ZIJ 0 Andalutankpaidforbymoniafmnthat zq account! Cul you put that in a diffcrcnt,in a nom 241 gcrarmnic- zq ALclllly?l.egaloany building acfivitiu.

[I! m A: S&, hadquarum, overhcadAnyWng that haa rjl to do with the elsttion of a Fcdcnladidatc hr to be

paid with a portion out of that account. I bclicpc it m rn 35 pcrcme out of that account and 65 percent out of the

hudaccount. m 0. S a n d you're talkina to somcbody who is not a iq ampaign Fmance prpa I'm nathcr vhamcd nor proud to (q admit thatThat account, the RNSEC account, the account iq that w used to provide money to the National Policy Fon~a, til and into which some of the monies came back kom the 14 Nariotul P Q U ~ F o m , can be used to help candidates for 19 congerp? iq A: A percentage of it can.A s d percentage of it 15) can. IQ 0: What percentage? in A I believe it '1~1s 35 ocrccnt in a Fedaal clecuon

wrc mat.

7 q A: R-NshG. I kliore. 113 0: lmhding what kind8 of

t q yar; 6535 is the split 181 0: And in addition to the 35 DQcQlt of thur monies 4 that can k UKd fo hclp an&&m for Congress, chis fund i t ] can be used for what? 4 ZJJ ar S U c h U ? sy sj directly affect the election of a cand~date.There arc very

(11 straight laws un chis. We have a vuy rophisticltcd group m of lawyers and accountants that, kforc any check is sent 01 out to anybody, it's reviewed and properly broken down. 141 a You used the mrd "dircct."Will you agree with 19 me that monies Irosn-cvcn thor monies from this account [q which cannot be used to directly assist candidates for m Congress can k in-uc W y to be of indirect benetit to @I theca? w IOI benetitorhathan- 111 IS

141 MR. ROBBINS: mt'S the Of letting 1)K

1: G e n d party building activities.

A: Which include overhad, sPa,.chings that do nol

Pap 114

MR. WEINSKIN What is likely to be an indirect

MR. WEINSTEM We're at aou-ybu're saying the

MR.WEIUSl&: But I want a clcv record. I

THE WITNESS me pecentage of the account.

l3l puoenlage to be u&

14 witness U U W ~ ucstiOns.,w.wonstcin. iq in rccognizc that you're not partiahfly knddgabk in the 1q campaign h c e area, but I want a dcv record of exaCnty 1s whir's- q MR. ROBBIUS: Okay. !it B BY MR. ROBBIW.

MR. WEINSTEIN -kcaux it is a technical mea. ~. n~ MI 151

0: Do you unJerrtand my question? A: No.Wh don't you say your question- MR.ROB& : Would you ask mv question?


Page 115 -Page 120 (22)

(11 pi it wrong-and I may very well have it wrong-chat you all 131 are not entitled to utilize documents that you obtained &om

[$.! clearly: that it would k improper for yoy to utilizc-let [q me ask the question this way- m MR. ROBBINS: No, I'm not going t e - [SI MR. WEINSTEW Is it proper for you to utilize

[iq Reprcrntativ*l in your investigation? [ill MR. ROBBINS: I'm not anrwetity the quwrion 1121 k c a u r I'm not hac: to answer questions. as you pointed llJl out. 114 BY MR. ROBBINS: 114 0: Are you going to answer the question or nor? [iq MR. WEINSTEIN Hold on one second. He may vcry [in wdl vwwer the question, but I am ral ly concerned a u t [lq chis. [is] MR. ROBENS I gather chat. so jllst put on che lzol record whatmr concerns you have, and then let's get goins. rail ' MR. WEINSTEIN Well, my concern i s threefold. I 14 will proffer for the record that RB is indicative of the

preh that the Republican National Committee u r d in mi providing the document8 to the Houhose of Representatives. My =understanding is that there are certain rules of discovery

['I that involve the Senate Committee on G o v a n m e n t a l ~ s . And my view is that you, sir. arc using a daumcnc that was

p~ not produced to your committee, hhar it anr. in f a q 141 pmduccd to another commiKee.And 1 unc*rstmd uu( them [SI yc con&dcntllity rules and rcguhtims which apply to

production, 10 the House of Repnsurtatives.And it is my m opinion, sir, that you are improperly using a dwmcnr that fdl was not providd IO your comtnittce.And I have put (tat on

MR. WEINSTEIN But my concern is, unless I have

PI other sources. I mean. Ict me put it a little bit mre

documents that have kar produced to the House of

P?g. 1P

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. . .. . . .. . ..

. .. . . . . . .

($1 he knows about any of these facts? iq w that I asked which was obscure in any way? 31 151 19 BY M R ROBBINS n [q lq this 1etter.That's the first rimc 1 knew anything about

[iq it. 11 e1 119 A: No. 17aJ 1141 A: NO. 115) 0 Did Mr. Bubour ever speak to you about any [is) efforts he was ra;ildng to obtain money that would repay a I?? loan by the RNC to the National Policy Forum? [cq MR. WEINSEIN You's already asked him this [ rq quer(lon.lhir ir wJnr I don't d y think is fair, is

pi1 alredy u k d him rhis question, and he W W aa sow m length about it.cmd now you're W i d y asking him the IZSI same question again. IUI MR ROBBIW. ALL x t ? (29 MR. WEINSTEN: ~m r all SCC?

ti] MR. ROBBINS: Yeah. m MR WEINtiTUW: I don't know what that meuu. w What I'm saying b you asked him rhe same question. I'm @I objecting. arlced and answd. I will allow the wimess to

pj UR mews: That's p a r . m @I comlmtabIe 4tll rhis.

MR. ROBBINS: Was them some word in the question

MR WEMISTEIN 1 don't know. MR. ROBBIN& I didn't think so, either.

0: Could you answer my question. plare? A I r a d in the papm a couple of weeks ago about

0: Okay. So do you know FredVolanrelrl

a Have you e?a met him?

that you've asked him-1 h o w the record reflects you'vc

Pas9 125

m a , but 5-

MR. WElNSlEINI: I ?m not4 ~n not altogeth~~

a PI irl p u h w - 151 ;SI m appears thcre. I got Y) 8ood at wurking on that fmm the


A: I've &vu 3cu1 thiJ documcnt before. 0 ALL right.WdL take a look at Exhibit 2. Do

MR. WEINSTEIN: On page 2? MR. ROBBIWS: Exhibir 2, beausc thac's the 2 I)ut

[Cl colloquy that we had before.

iiq a: Exhibit 2 says in its third and fourth pangraph ['ti -Just prior to the election, of 1994. I was asM by Fred 114 b'olcanwk to help facilitau a loan in exceu of $2 million [is1 to a ~ i 5 t you in replacing hard money at the Focvm with sooh ['a] money 50 that the hard dollars could be used to hdp ick up 119 (io rugetcd House scats.& a result of FWs rcqu-q f [iq contacted .W.Ambmus Young and asked him if he was (in interested in Iha kind of WiJcYlce for the puty. You [la and I then had x y d discussioru concerning a loan [I¶ nuanntec bv .HrYounn.'

[rq my-if you Would IW to make UW Of thir impropatv ii r l obtained doruwnt, you may ask the w i t n c ~ any queniOn

[ill MR. ROBBINS: I can't agree with, I thhk, any of [tri your rcaisa, but I will. IW d' WEINSTEIN: wcu. you can agm that thc [mi document here b RB 014591 and that all of the tuw of [in thousands of documents produced to your commitfee do nor,

[iq MR. ROBBIN& I tell you, I will agree with 50

1211 numbers. I absolutely agree that thohose letters and those [a numbers appear therc.You'w got my agreuDcnt on h t ?

p41 m A: what's the quation?

[iq wouldlikc.

[tal unless thcre is some clerical error. conrain the RB prc6x.

m much of your speech as it relates to the letters and thc

[nl BY MR. ROBBINS 0 Could you answer the question. please?

0 Can YOU identify the document? Pa@ 1 8

ill I m A: i k l i ~ r c he i?ldicatcd somebody w going 10 k

PI making a contribution or a loan to the NPF of over S 1 I [4) million, and Ehcn that some of Chat would k coming back j m Q:cnmingbnrv

A: To the RNC to repay the loan. m MR. WEMS2EIN: Could M have a break for just one m sxond? We will k vay brief hem.

MR. ROBBIW Could I 6nish my questioning? [eq MR. WEINSTEIN 1s the line of questioning dealing 1111 with Ihis clocumcnt [!a MR. ROBBIN% ft's dcaling with not the document (131 but the conversation that he just ourtined clut he [iy mncubm. I'm not asking about the document at all, sir.

[lq uncomforrrblc. I just want an answer to my question. [l 11

119 1111 with Mr. Barbour about efforts he was making to help [e4 spcci6c efforts he was making to help get the NPF to rcpay [lq the loan to the National Poliey-spiiLc thatdo get the 1171 National Policy Forum to repay the loan to the RNC? [I@ A Mr. Barbour notitied me-the c-chat k e [ e @ would bc some money coming back h m the NPF to the RNC. rn Yes. pi) Q: 0kay.When did he do so? pn) A: I don't remember, Somerime in the fall. Ipl 4: Of1994? WI A Of'94. (29 a: h d did he indicate to you approximately how mu&-_-

111 money wu corninn back?

ME WlTNESS: And the U W W C I - ~ ~ C question is?

0: Do you have any-did you hrve any communication ('0 BY MR. R O B ~ S :

Pa@ 126

. ... [?ai pi1 at a1~o9the ~ a c u identiti-r the hcu assated in [a rhorfwo ulgraphs?

pal not saying Lhat Mr. Reed is rdcttnccd in rh* Icncr. He pn saw he hasn't seen the 1elcer.You'rc asking him whether

My UedOn to you&: Do you have any knowledge Is kA don't remember him idcntirvlng rhe person. I've lpil now I d to understand fmm news reports &at it was .W. IIP) Young. 1 don't remember a spcci6c conversation where he rn wntioned s(r.Young. MR. WEIislEIN We're alaking dear that you arc

4: Do you remember a general description of how he lgwas going to arrange the money? ~ . - _ _

(ti *: Na @ Ft obtain that money! w &NO.

mmaYcywrrgOingtobecomiMin? . Q: Did he say to you what he had done in order to

0: YouIcmcmbcrituhcsimplynocikdyouthatthe

ti him.

. . - -. - (cy ai comct. I ~ R a: Andwuavlilabk?

.. .. .

? ...

.. 1

p) A Yes. [iq 0 Did that ever occur while you were there. to your fltJ h O W k % C ? [IZ] A I can't remember. 1 don't rcmunba. 113) 0: Were U W C any criteria in place for determining itdl when a contribution should be regarded as quationable and [IS] therefore, sent up to the legal beagles? [tq A WeU,asIsaiaitwasaninforroalthing. [in 0: I t w u a n a d h o c ~ ; c o m t ? [tal 119 & i i used. ~1

[4 requirement that donors 6ll out a atd identifying where mi they lived. whetha they were a citizen of the United States ~ 4 1 and so forth?

*: I believe. but I don't reme& it spcahally

0: But the only procedure that you rroKmbQ bcQ in PSI place for scrcdng contributions to the RNC was the

.. ::

.. . . . ,

iq RB. [cq MR ROBEMIS: 'That's hciphrl but we probably [ i i j could have gathered that from the compuiron, but it's 114 always- [tq MR. WEINSTEIN I chinlr it's always useful to [tal point out whnc drxumcnu arc propcrIy m d improperly [lq ulilizcd. [tq [in MR !HAW I was just a claritication. [in1 [ tq automatically thc w t i o n s that you're making. but bc that pq Y it may.

[tq pq A: No.

ROBBINS Oh, now, now, now. I somchow-

MR. ROBBINS: -feel disinclined ?o rcept

PI1 BY MR. AoeBiHs. 0 You've neva seen this documatr before?

(1: Therr w a monthly television show, liim to

-. -. . .. .> .- . .. . ..

. ... ..

. , . . .~

111 m they were a cifi?.cn of Us United States? m Aldon'trcmcmber. 141 a: Arc the ardc lsj *:Thatdoern'tmcvlthcrcwacn'tOl)lQp~in [q place down in Firunce. 1 just may not have ken aware d m it. la) 0 wru. you u the-you were *e chid openting ~1 officer of the RNC for two ycus; nght?

[tq A Yes* I h o w that. [i I] Q: Are you, as that, as the person who saved that

[tal for donation to the RNC while you were at the RNC?

0 And thcir occupation. W a c they asked w h d t a

ita function, arc you aware of any other screening pFocedurn

P u p $36 [ti A Not to my knowledge. but I Weve thee may have m k e n an infoanal vrocess that if somethim mne in it would

markatfor iden~cation.] m MR. R0BBINS:Therc's 3 blue line to the left of

8 Ii] A: This memo says it was the National policy Forum's. A 4: I'mrorry.WhileyouarueatthcRNCwuchnca pj t e I ~ n s h o w - I41 A:Ycl. Is; 0: -litten@ cohmaica? [si k Y a . t h a c v u m Q: 'And did you-aru it your view at the time you were 181 at the RNC that it had the potential to be an cffcctivcpart ~1 of Rcpublian viccorica in '94?

A Yer.Ycs. that's lair to say. :in ( i t1 0 Andwhyisthat?

,119 promoting Republican policies and icky. (la k: Bmuitwupartofouroneoingin~t in

I .

m go up to the Lc@-Office to be reviewed. gut I don't I4 -*.

airwhat-in? r R k. If a contribution came in that was for some rrason m questioned. it would go up to the legal beagles. [ai a: 0kav.That's your understandinn!

[tq strike thatwere you aware ofany foreign trips ctvt Mr.

tiel busy aRer that. Sometime in-I believe it was 94.1 think rn he took a trip rhrough the IDU. which was Ihc International nil Democratic Union, which I believe he wxs the vice chairmyl 122) of. [ai (241 A IdOfl'tN3DCWIbCC DSI

111 like a new name for a bunch of formerly Soviet republics, n the IDU, k c a u r he took a trip to the IDU. I'm thinlin(F

[in Barbour took during '93. '94. or '95? [!ai A Wd. I I& in February of '95, so I was pretry

Q: A trip to where?

0: I was like frantically trying to think if that was - $35 pj A Through it. It's an organization. bur I don't 1.1 remember where they -. [q Q: Did he ever take a trip to Asia when you were at [q theRNC? m A I do not believe so. [s] 0 Did he have communications with an- in Hatg pl Kong?

the first p&&ph on &it 3, which &as not pu t of the @J Of@hldCXhibit. :Q Witness perusing documcnt.1 w MR, SHAW Mr. Robbii. it I could just point out rn that this documart hu the Bates number R 021495 to 021497. m which is diffcmt thm the ~rcvious exhibit Bats vrebx of

' [ i m a:what~yowPOIC?

[lei s h o a n o f f t h e ~ .

Bil A RNcempioyecs. [pl pq than?

itn A: 1supavirdthctamtharmanrgcdduigningthe ltq studio and building the sNdio and getting the lirst few

Q: hndtheWate-

0 These were RNC cmployces.And you supervised

A Yes. 0 In putting togetha the television show. -

prp. 138 111 "Lismling toAmerica'? m AConrct. 14 w k Na.ltwxsputoutbythehe. PJ m say in m t 3 WaLional Policy Forum's moniNy

(q shc incorrect thu it was a National Policy Forum show?

Q: Which was put out by National Policy Forum?

rl: When ,Ms. Wcstna-suikc that.whu, h h k y Buron

m- 3hUW,'LirtCning mAmricl'--1 may be v m n g - i s


[q talking about. but I would note that the third page ofthis m dxument. sir. is signed by Scott Reed on behalf of the [q Republiccn National Committee. Now, if there is some w reason-

[to) lri1 M R ROBBINS YES. [iq [Ql BY MR. ROBBINS [fq [iq [q 0: And Michael H a who, sir? 1'1 A The general counscl. itat 0: Ofwtut? irq [201 9:lrndhe-authoriEedtosignon~ofIhe @I] Republican National Commiffcc! iq Altappeurso. rn 9: Didyouknowthathewassigningonbchalfofthe IN1 Republican Nafional Comminee? rn *: Imusthave.

((1 0: Now, tlpc next pagt- RI TJI PI MR WEINS= The one rlut is marked RB 015332? Is1 MR. ROBBW That's right. isl BYMRWBBIWS: (? a DoyousccYlybaYsjrgnanuethatloohbmiliY (q them? E4 A Yes.

ICP) 9: WhOsCicthat? [lll A: tlaroody's. (11) 0: whoelc's? [la A Mine.

THE me me first Page?

THE WITNESS: That's not my signature.

Q: Sicd on your belulf by Michael Heu. A Y u h m d thuc's a big diffaence.

A: The Republican National cornminee.

PaOI 146

UR WEIWSTEPI: which pa& is this, sir? MR. Row@& The fourth pageor this document.

I (SI 0. DidthcRNCin1993-94malreloYutocntitier m other h n the National policy Forum? ,q A: Not to myrccoUcction.

0: So when we said before that+r when you said [ im M o r e that the National Policy Forum - rhc RXCs largest [rrj debtor- [(a A Right. 1131 0. -you w m being quite prtdu; it was also its it41 Only &bKOr. c4XfCCt? [iq Ilr Ibelicvcso.Wemaylnwkntlwney&ooMsutc 114 party, and I don't rcmcdxr which one, kcausc of a problem. [in We tried to not k in the businas of do- that, 90 l don't 118 Mnt to say dc6nitriy thae wasn't any orhu loan. irw 0 You have no recollection of my loan that the RNC p9 ever provided to anvbody while you were iu uerutive 1211 director other than the National Policy Forum? 04 A: With the possible exception of one safe party w whichIdon'trrmemkrwikhoneitwu. M Q: One sate Republican kty?

0. But you're not c a 9 i n - A I'm not ccrtrin but I-

p4 kYeah. Pagw 149


I4 0: -&outthat? PI 14:As~msiningherc.IlhinLwcmayhavebaiIed 10 soomcbody out on something. p~ m Party? (SI AYeh.stateputy. w [rq [ rq Q: okay. so- Ira

,fW b-J&yez

Q By bahg them out, you mean the state Republican

0: wae you p d bacw A 1 don't rewmba if we cvu did.

A If we did, I would have hoped to have ken paid

mi 0: Hasthisdocummrbeenproducedbyyou? 1211 rm nowatall. 1211 MR. ROEEP(S: Oh, okay. R41 BV MR. Roeem m

[ri itncvertheless. m A Fueaway

M R WEWEIN: We're not g w to talk a b u t that

Q: Well, I'm going to ask you sow questions h u t 147

[iq 114 (4 ~ f o r i d c n r i 6 c a t i o n . l

lp) MR. ROBBIN5 It's a- tzq YR.SHAW,Ur.Robbins,doer~haveaBatcr pq number on it?

($1 documcnt-Focll. you know that it doesn't because this rn doesn't have it.

MR. RQBBW. Irt us mark the n u f document. LRctd Deposition Exhibit No. 5

PCl WIUM pawine -rl

pq MR ROBB*(s: It doun't. It's a 1 % ~ -- P r p 150

[ i q THEWITNEWI'Vcradit [SI BYuRRoBBINsk Irq 113 signed it?

0: Did you discuss lhis with Hvey Bubolar before you

;(.I looklike they should bcmacJ~edto thac orhu two pages. [cq MR. RoBBtNS That's a pafmly hir point. I (re don't know, 1111 YIRWEWSTEIN: W~onedocumcntisduedJ~ne

[q [q the answer is. 1% MR. ROBEIW Oluy- [q

MR. WEINSTEIN Si, the record will rdect what

MR.WEINSTEIN But I do h o w he &astied it.

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-. r. : !

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. . . .. . . ... . . . -

m the National Poticy Fonurp could accept? 141 (51 [SI

A Yes. I hul that undastanding. 0: Wut wu y01u understanding of the diffcralce? A That the Repubtican National Committee IcgaUy

-a- 111 a: Andwasiadi3CUSMdWithBiuocdyandW? w A Idon'tIcnow.ldon'trummkrifIwasinclus R mceting.1 ofta~wmcc mcmos to the duinnan for hir Ir) mcetings.1 diwt sit incwry wering. [9 m subpct of foreign money was discussed with moody and I m Hill?

I14 recoucction of any convmsation with Mr. Barbour about any

a: Did you CVQ rrceiw any information that this

A: No, I don't rancdcr. 1 m

lit] limitations at dl on any ford@ money that could legally [la go into the lvItionnl Policy Forum? Ita A I don't have any rpccisC mokctionr. but I do It41 rrmemkt chat ncdircursal thehctand ht told M that 119 foreign companiu with U.S. subsidivies could legally give (1s) b a nonpdt like the NPE [tn tt@ corporationr-uWAmaian Jubridiyies-oh, I see. kt mc lis] sc+ if I can undcrspnd this better. m pcl in 1993.94,~ityourundaspndingclutAmcricvl lpl !~bsidiarics of foreign corpontions could contribute to the W RNC? ,IN A N o . rn

[ol a.AndsoIundcnwdit,doyouhaveany

a: Was it pur w d c n m that foreign

In your apacily as amrt ive director of the Riic

a: You didn't know they could? Pag. 162

111 A I d i d n ' t l m o W t h c y E o u l d a t t h C h c . m m 141 he's given you what he thOU&I. [sl BYklRAoBBw: I~I

a: You didn't think thatAmaian companies- MR. WE#IIEp(: You u&d him W quean, and

a: You didn't think that Awrian companies-

114 take money from foreign SUUICCS without limitation? It 11 MR. WlNSTEBII. Aside &om the duirman? t i $ MR. ROEBINS Anybody. 1131 THE WITNESS: I don't ccmember havin# that [trl conversation. no.

[in at ulc time &at you wrote thismaoo.sir,sugpting that

ltq ucu~mccould n o t t a k e ~ f m m h r c i g n sourcxs? @q A Aslsaidarlier,Wwasbmughttomy @I] attention bmuw of a spa36c issue trSrrdiryToyo0. rzzj a: 1 apprrdrte that, but Wt's not my question- tzy MRwEIwB":No, [ai question. Let him give you the answer.

115) BYuRRoBBUs8: llsl a: wanybodymrprwidrdyouwilhanyinformrrion

loo] you could not take m e y from foreign mme-that the NPE

M1 EYm.AoQBRIs: ___

jiqs m lair

[toi subsidiaries. [ t i l 0: And only foreign corporations from American [la m&bsidiai'ies? 114 It41 premise chrt phir was diruucd. it mlwd YOundTopta. [SI 0 Did you talk to anybody fromToyota? [iw k No. 117) (I: Who t a h d to you aboutToyop1 lltl kldon'trrmmkr. [is] 0 Somebody at the RNC or somebody at the NPF? rn A: I don't nmtmbQ if anybody talked to M h u t it. pi1 I just rmvmbcr hara that it was anirsue and I thought 14 it needed to be ?ddruscdAnd 1s my role Y an advisor to m the duirmpn. I thou&t it w sowthin8 he should be aware 1241 OFanddiscusI with Bvmdyand Hill to auke ir policy ~rr;l W i c m .

h Ihu's what I thouJ3ht at the time. because in the

p.aa 161

(29) pane 157 - Page 162 ~~

.. . . . _ ..

!I] your recollection as to whether or not you mer had any such n conversation with Chairman Bubour? (11 [41 he didn't have a recollection to start with. I believe in [q themorningsessionhcuuwerrb , [Q MR. ROBBINS Oh. I'm- m MR WEINSTEPI: -the WI m t Of h& (81 discussion. so I don't think he needs to have his R recollection refreshed if he didn't have a lack of

[io) ncoUcction to start with. ( t t i MR. ROBBINS: We& let's just JCC about-let's [is xc. [tq WE WITNESS: What's p u r question? it41 BY MR. ROBBINS: [iq 0 Do you have a mollccfion of conwrvtions you [tq had with Chairman Barbour about raising *considable mone)r [ tq from foreign sowrcs? 118 A I nevu had a conversation with him about raising [itq considerable moncy from foreign sourca. no. [zol Q: Did you ever have any conversation with Cluirman

MR.WEINSTEIN: Wait a xcond.That assumes that

. . . ... . ~ .

. .. i . . . .. . . . . . .

[ii n around it. I mean, there were periodic meetings. If 1 was pi availabk and had Lesser things to do, I would k in the 141 mceting. I BY MR. ROBBINS [q 0: Well. I don't really know what that tells us. I m guess my question is: Can you give w an estimate on how 101 frequmcly you mct with *Mr. BaIuody? 14 MR. WElNSlElN During what period?

[tq MR ROBBINS At any period. 11 91 THE WIlNESs: I probably had I2 meetings. maw IS 114 wcringrovcr the mmpperiod with Buoody lhnt I was in ita the mom with Bamody 1141 BY MR. ROEBIWS: i t 9 0: And what wen the purpoxs of thac-what %is the [tq purpose or what wue the purposes of chw meetings? [rn A Well. they had 10 do with the NPF and the t i q direction it was going. [lei a: Inwhattwpcct? 99 A: Sowtimesinmpccttohowitwasrunninguan

THE WITNESS: I can't put a direct time h e

. .

mi A

pq about nisi money &om foreign sources?

111 A Not tlut I p.or lm m

0: Did you ever have a conversation with .%. Woody

4: Did you ever have a conversation with an- i f

speclal Investigation JW 11,1997 -.- ,- --I

~ s l accomplishcd.They were general meetings. I was not i%l managing the National Policy Fonrm and so I didn't- ~ s l a. And I didn't ask you if you wuc muraging. I'm

it1 just asking you *ut whether you pmticipaM in the w mcrting. So I'm nor interested in what you didn't do. I'm

Ppp 173

[a1 A: No. 1% a: Now. the next paragnph says, quote. ysp"g,other i6l IhingS. my SUOng Vim that O W 501(CX4) applratron m requirt that we nor respond to ptesaure from parry [e] organizations either to cancd the event, referring to the p~ Freano Forum or move an invited listener from the panel who

[icn wcrc unequivocally shard by ouuide counsel to ule NPF and [ r i ) communicated by both of us directly to you."hcse concema (izj were dismissed by you and by one of your staff as so much 1131 legal D.S. Do you know what that refers to?

[rsi place where they were having a forum. its) 0: YerDid- [tn A: There w m hundreds of thwc things, if I'm not [iq misrakn. and i didn't redly follow them that closely. [iq a: Well. was there anybody other than yoursdfat thc

RNC who was d e s i t a l as the person or a person t o w pi) withtheNPF?

W] pal

[ia] A: I don't remember. Frcsno forum sounds like a

A: No. but I wasn't designated to deal with the N E a You Wcren't cithff.waa anybody? k Not to my knowlcd~~e. no.

iiq 0: The n u t page. che paragraph chat k g u u . ~ i t 1 exampk.' it says. 'Under other uomplu, UndaMlr q rw con2ern that mamte bclrrren NF'F and RNC h a bction.Thc

I41 a Yes? ln A: flemuatbe. iq m m oniy pawn lhat o p t e d like a chief of s W , but chat (4 wasn't my title.

[ tq BY MR. ROBBINS: [ri] a: But ifthereirachiefofsllffatthcRNC.'93. cia '94, it's you. right? [rq A: N o w called mc the chief of s w a t the RNC. I

Ita 0: Did you ew td l Mr. B;iroody. Mr. R e d that you [tq and he had met mutincly over the previous 18 months? [VI A: No. [iq 0 You had met at least once cyery four to six weeks, rim correct? m k WeU. m1 said. I thought it was about 12 to 15 Ell rimes. f4 a over the course of- ~zrf A Over the course of a yur. WI a. Over the course of the year or the two years?

MR. WEINSTEIN Do you know? WE Wm(E95: WdJ. YIhcfc wa5 nu-I was the

1141 WaS IhC eXWlltiVC dirrCtOK.

i?i cim;:oncdchc-~-mcn~taorkcddoaninour iq publication Divi*on ah0 was rrry competent, pdunlmcd to w go help lhcm pull thir projccc cogerner. IC was a pmjccr

tiq with a lot of aaoving parts. with getting copy a p p d and [ill to a printer. so chat a pmduct could actually come out at a [la datecerrain. 113 (ir) rrn

0: Did the dutmvr have a chief of r t d ? A Nobody by UK tide of chief of sW. no. a. Who k t i o n c d h t M V ~

a: okay. so your pn* when you got faxes that I d i d R C t t O Y O U w w l d k t o & r h c m c o n c r t !

-. . : : * , . . ~. .. .. . .. . j .. . ... . . i...

i.. . . , .. . . .. . .. . . i -: . .

.. .,_. - . .. . .. . . . . ...

- .; . . . . . ~. , -

. ~ . . ..

[ t i 0 You're right.You'rc absolutely right about that. m What I meant was a n w g in addition to that. w A: Not IO my knowledge. no. [rl MR. WAW He's referring (0 Exhibit 4. [sl EY MR. ROEEIN: ~sl 0 Did you e v c ~ have any discussion abouf m fundraising pals for the NPF? 181 A: Not to my mUcction. w MR. ROEEINS: Off the record.

[cq [Discussion off chc rcc0rd.l [ t i ) MR.WEINSl'ENWhere were M now? 1'21 EY MR. ROBEINS: (131 1141 fundraising goJI for r)K NPF? [tq [iq question now. the fourth or Mh timc? [iq 1181 [I91 he hasakUlyuuwmd to in the past? ~9

0: Did you ever parUapatc in any conversation about

MR. WEINSIUN: W h y arc arr adting lhir same

MR. ROEEIWS: You're a more Urn-.

MR. ROEBINS Acnully. I am j u t ukmg the

MR. WUNSIERI: Arc you vruyl him ocher chur what

@*I qucrrion. R11 BY MR ROEEINS mi 0 50. ifvou'd answer iL that muld be meat.

[ i t m have gone to one of rhe ar ly ones, but I jus don't mmnanbcr. pi (51 or chc NPF oaid for that?

A: Nobady on the staff that I'm a- of. He may

0 Do you h o w whetha or not the RNC paid for that

i i built MIO my cash flow. iq I* Bmthcrs? iq til met .Hc.VoIMck and never met Mr.Young.Jr. rq 0 Dldyw~vertpclLtothcm?

0 You new mct Mr.Young or any one of the Young

*: I ~ c v c l ms ,W.Young. Never met Mr.Young. nma

i i z i ~ ~ I M J . G U S I ~ R mps On W U U ~ I J K .SPP BY r)u rhunnur . I 118 mean Mr. Bubour. :tri A Hcdrdalolofvndingandalotof [*si fundmsmg. I don't rcmcmkl any ban# spralicl l lv for I** NPF llrl rw for by R X funds? icn mi item for the chwnun's mvd. mi 14 A I'mnotsurt. In] 0: DUyw? V.1

!;id I R c c w l . 1 WI MR. R0BBNS:Them is a large M of inquiry '[I&) which. in Merence 10 pur rcquclr that eounwl-additi~ :[q FoullyI be pmarsurare not t o w #odry.un :liq UIC condition, obn&& that you md Mr. Rccdchrt .Mr. i[q Reed. in my event, will return to compkGc his depourion !1*4 rcrrOruMy pmm UY. iicq YR.WEINSTE&: our position is r a ~ y c k ~ . a m ~ 1- I don't lhink that pu will be upset by it.Mr. Rced is : RII here voluntarily. Hc is p ~ c d to answer all qutslons. Im Cwnrcl for Dole for Prmdenr could not k h e . We wvl 1" calk to lhun about the rescheduling of W. I don't know @&I .Mr. Reefs schedule. I don't know .Mr. Cross' schcduk. but 1 m when this is done. M will sit down and M will get out a

0 Whenever he did Inveling, wclc Ihe apmvr p u l

A Ybh. to my knowlcdge.We had a wpantc budget

a. Did he ever attend any of l e NPF forum?

A: Yo. I defmildy dicln'l. ;?si **:*#..- n ..... .- :..., r ...... .-.... I..,- I- ELL:..*- ( ? e \ reer... ?ni n..,... V O P

0 Did rnrbodr c lc at the RVC ever do so)

,fa4 srillfhere. rn MR. SKWIBERG: Mv umr is as IO dtcn Nr. m 0: How wcie L e heads of UK awriliuv 0- . lion5

~ b m o d &IS liut tuey &rbwr aitaukd? m MR.WEINSTEIN Wair.Whoa,who* whoa. Durmg

its sourcc of rlus documcnci [I#) wrtncu not to answer mi queruon. Y It not beulg ti4 L(R SKIAMBERG: I do nor. 111m authorucdb law n ~ l rnl Mapnty' 'Ptl qucruon rm MR. SKUUBERG I do not know m BY MR. SKIAMBERG PI p j MR. SKUBERG: Yes psi MR. WEINSTEIN T)us nofauon or obxunuon. A No

MS. SHAW ILr clur document been produced to the

MR. WEINSTEIN Cur I ask a qucsuon~

,,m MR. S K d B E R G Okay I wdl ask the followmg

0 Are vou fanuIur wrth any Repubhcms Abroul [11[ events Uut tMey Barbour attended m 1995 and 1%'

OI BY MR. SKIAMBERG: .~. [iq 11 11 other auxiliuia. [I11 A: Yes. 114 0: Them were d i d - ? 19.1 A: Yes. [isl a: callyouclabonlc? [tq A: We did an audit of the Republicans. I kline it p7J MI Ihc Colle8e Republicans- !I*[ 0: okay.

A: -to ICC whnr Ihcy were spending thcir money. 14 a: And why did you do Uut audit? ntj A: &cruse if I’m not misrrkm. they were havin8 14 fuuncirl difGculrW and for us IO help them get on thar

feet fuunnrlly..uc mud to see if they had a plan

MR WEINSTEW. Can I ask you to explain IO me

0: Republican auxiliaries or Republicans Abtord or

. . : ... .. . .

. . . .= . .

12.1 0 Finlncirl QilGCultieS mMing they didn’t- . . .. : . .. 1 R p z t a

i .’<, I

.~ I...


iii what an audit of chc College Republicuu in 1993 or 1994 has w to do vlth the 19% Fedcnl election a m p q n ? m pi u k l e qucsclocu. m m notauardm with your duw. but can yw not makc a

. ~ . . .

MR. SKUYBERG: I vim Uut. sir. as my duty a to

MR. WEVISEIN: I nxo@-+c you view Uul as pur dury.but ifpt-how dou Uus relate lo Uut? I am& I’m

~~ .. .. . .

m a: Your list of what?

m muuhrrlshoGg* . iq

II 91

MR. SKUYBERG I e l M ~Llng why it i s pu

MR WEINSTEIN WeU. I’m nat nomi lo Jlow tum would au41.

vq A: Donors. 111 9: Your list of donors. okay. tq Did you make your last of donors available to q other auxiliuy orguwruons? 141 A: No. $5) Iq Iena. m A: Okay. tq

a: I direct your l t tCndOf l to the k t page of Uus

0: Paragraph one-have you rcrd pvrgnph One? iq A: Yes. iq 0 Okay. Did the RNC oversee *e FEC reports of any zrl of iu auxiliay orguuutrons? 4 m.wElNsEw Durrngarhrtpcrid? 9 BV MR SKULIBERG: MI z!g A: I don‘t remember.


9 During the period rhac you were at the 1zuC.

0: Did xhchev ever UnJ lhosc FEC rem to anyone at Paga 221

PluKRi? ~

m UR WEINSTEIN Who is thcv? .. PI m m m m m ‘4 “I

~~~ ~~

BY MR.SKIAWEER6 Q: The a u x i h y orguliutionr. kldon‘traamba. B: Did you C.Q see any oflhoac FEC rrporu? lylR WEINSTEM From che a u x h r y orgniucionr!

0 Fmm the aauiliuy orgmizstionr. A: I Ihink it’s safe to say I nem saw any of them. 0 Did the RUC communicate with or have any rdvicc of


. -

. . . .. . .~ . . . .. . , , . .

. .. . . . . . - . -

.. . ... . > > .

>;> .. ?i.

5 . I ,. ...

_,_ - .- _. .... . . i"' I/..

_ _ . . ?/ .i'

j -: .. . i i : . . .

9583:21;8S:I. 10.16;

snuKCo~onG0Vernmentr)Affab CONFrDErVnAL

8 169:5; 17817.20; 21 1 2 1 218:l

$1 111:16.24;115:10; 1263; 1292 s100,m 204:5 $2 123:12 s25pOo 201:20.21 050,000 115:11

0 014591 1184; 11923; 1203; 122:16 015329 14439 015332 14439; 1464 021495 1367 021497 1367

1 1 813; 37%. 20;38:12, I4.I):39:5;4010.18.1S, 24;41:21;429.15,19.21. 25; 43:18;4724; 8743. 17.21; I'W):19,24;1521 10 190:25 10p.w 1492'1; lW6 100 54:6; 216:12 17.22 1OO-parcent 8&14;85:7; 89: 20 1030 ?9:L 12 172:ll; L M l ; 1W.20; 18'1:8.9.18. I 9 l imonth 18S:lf 1215 186:16 12:28 166:4 15 172:11; 1IY):I; l(W:10: 185:8.9.18. 19;#)6:17 17 118:l 18 I84:16.214:18 1978 68 1962 6.6 lB83 6.21; 74.8 1004 7.9 101?:18 19#?:18.18 19871.20 l@M 7:tl. 24 19828:2 19838.?.11;24:18;45:3;

19: 151:25.152:1,6; 1S9I5;112:11.12.16: L85:2I; 186:15;211:2; 218:l 1993-1994211:22 1@@&w 148:6; 161:21 1994 83:18;98:25; 10210; 105:14; 10637; 107:l I; IW5.17; 109:Z 13; 116:2.21; 123:lI; l25:23; 127:18; 16716;

83:18;98:2s. iw.7, ta

19% 8:14: 208:19.23; ' ~)9:13;21O:24;214:i8; 219:8 c 1996 118:1:206:12: 210:12.24; 2182.14; 21935 19913720.20;38:IZ:I. 15; 39:5;40:10. It). 18.24; 41:22;4210.16,19.22, 25;43:19;47:24 1:30 166:s 1:41 1672 1st 3716; 38:13.22,23


2 117:22.25;123:3.5,6, 6. IO; 1%7, 18, 24; 151:25: 1526 17017 10:2 20M6:18:=19

8 19O:25; 207: 12 82 617 847:14 063-8773 187:4

9 ~~

9 21323;214:13 92 120:3 9385:1.10.15;975.13; 9$:16; 1203; 134:17;

18S:J. 4.11; 187:2.11 93-94 21017;21219 94 8S:lO. IS; 88:2;97S, I3;98:16; 1023; 105:7; 106:14,21; 12524; 12719: 134:17.19; 13?% 141:9; 164:l; 1M:lt 185:5,11;1872,11

1419; 143:24; lM11;

, .boul70u912 1 . b r o a d 7 7 2 1 . ~ 1 5 .

18.19. mi 4

I 215 3.8.20; 216:l. 217.7. 430 191:14.21 . 10,218:18.219:8,9: - 221 21.222:1?. 19. M;

C 223 1.2 A b w a 7106.23; m e 211 I 2

6 14*1%1524 Abroad4p.n m18;

Wl(eX4 175:a 181:6 &sontam 222:21

M - bol (C~74 IP .1607 2093.12.19

AbrcrIutely6l; 11:18; 18 14,22.?.2918;31:19; I 2 0 I; 122 21; 193:l; 21 2 16.24

6 616716.19: l e 1 ebum 17.9 W I23:IS abusive 177.7

8535 11318 : ~ c . p t 7 4 . ~ , 2 5 ; 7 9 : 1 ; 65 113% 91513 w c m 205:22

I 3 6 18; 156 15.20; 1m:2. I 3.7.9 , KcoII@iih 153:ZO

#somplish.d 70:l; 7 185:24 ~ lf2:23 79 88:6 accordance I 1523


. - Dcpbsition of s c ~ t t Rrrct JuIy 11,1997'

acc&ding 168:23; 185:l atcount 112:6.7.9. IO. 12. 14.23 113:, 9; 114:5.11; 115:7.21.55; X 1 6 I O ; 1174 accountants I14:2 accounting61:1. 5; a 1 1 .ccounta 221:19.23; 222:l acronym k t 2 2 0 K I O * S 51:8 action 18914 actively 105:2 #With 9:2; 16:3; 75:16;767.16:81:8; 91:25; 9233; 93:2; 112:25; 113:22; 201:16: 2074; 2W4.9.11; 21 120; 21 5:8.11 a d i v i i 10218,19; 211:lO actual 20:24; 86:1(;87:15.18 actually 21:21; 351; 36:3;5210;#21: 1045. 11; 1436; 176:2; 178:l; 183:Il; 19320; 2239 .ctU~lly-Wdl21:15 =ut. 110:10 ad 133:17 addendum 1474 .ddiiin98:18; 11319; 13023; 15933; 193:2; 22317 addkknal5321;61:23; 148:l; 1 W 9 address 132:17 addres.-l16:25 . d d d 7 1 : 2 2 : 152:1'1; 153:1.4; l a 2 2 administer 192:lO dministrstbn 14:l I; 424; 5217;66:8; 192.11. 12 administrative 51:7 rdmirrionr M:4 admit Il3:9 admined 20710 advertently a 1 9 advertising 110:7; 18220 a&ke 75:15;88:18.21; 207:2; 219:21;221:12; 22223 edvire49:19; 163:12.15. 21; 1773. I8 dvisad 159:s advisor 160:22; 163:4; 177:1 advisers 153:lO Affairs 45.8; I 19:ll. 12; 1209; L22:l; 16713; 224:8 dwt 11325

AFTERNOON 1671 afterwards 5713 again913; 104;26:18; 3 9 6 98.23; 10922; 112:17; 12423; 132:21; 159:4; 168:9; 177:Il; 193:24;207:14:211:9. 16: 21325;2245 rgendm 60:21; 69:19; 70Z924; 15214 agendas 69:13.14,17. 18.20; 70:9 aggnaaiva 13218 ego zB:9; 36:13; 379, IO; 38:6 44:7.16; 48:17; n 4 ; 124:s; 140:24; 179:24 agree 50:25; S6:4; 6918; 83:9;84:5. IS;%§; IOI:21; 109:7; 1144; 115:21; 1229.13.15.19. 2L; I50:21; 205:7 .praad 2M):8.9 agreement 5S:8.16 11922; 12222: 1475 ahead 33:15; 53:19; 74:14.14;86:18; 13810: 191:16: 1972 .id 11s7 a h 4 7 1 6 aided 65:20. 22 aim 139:9 alrplane 4t5.7 AI 187:12; 20221 Albert 14:10 Ali 20512 all-have 118:25 allcgatiin 219:7 Allison 15:16.17;36:11. 12.14;36:1.10;383.5.9. 21; 57:25 ellocated 128:17 allow 125:4;218:11; 219:4 allows 201:15 dong 19419 already 37:22;521: 98~19; 124:18.21; 158.20; 16922; 17018; 189:3.8; 193:19 1%:17; 208:14; 211:15 although 55:20 altogather 1257; 199:l always 5021; 1074; 116:l I ; 13612.13; 165:lO; 18917 am-l218:9 ambil55:l Ambrour 123:16 America 88:9.10.14; 891.13;90:6.1l;136:25 1375; 19.1.24; 139A.6. 16; 14019.23; 142:2.6.9. 10, 11; 183:l America"-l138:7 American 72: I I , 25;

( t ) SI - Amrrirsn

m.7.8 74:3;756; m16. 17, ia2o,96:21:1w:i2 23; 155:IO 15617.21; I58:L):o; 1~11:161:18, 21; 162:26.13,18; 2095 krrriclnr a 2 4 mm m4 211:lo; ~ 2 0 IhpngSzYk 1m:5 y1#n( w:i.i;p1:23:

UmIySis IklO

IOlklk11124; 115:II; 1162% 203:IO. 23

.M)(HIIKd IpI:l7. 20. 24 .I)(Iowyym( I S Z . ..

;::.195:3.5.5; _. 20937 ; c- i.nnucrl201:14 r.., 22139 i;-:ansm!r-the I25:ll "";answord 3722; Y:IR . . . ... 4720;94:5.25; 125:4; .. 'sl3O:l; 155:21; 1563.7, 6F23.24; 1591; 1695; $:173:4; 178:s; 1893; 'i 193:19; =:25; 21 l:15

.i,,answering 575; 121:11 &any-dii l25:13;223:5 '?inv-then 144:lI

... .

~. - ... :anybody 1221; 13:7. $215:14; 16:25; 19:ll; rij28:I 1.1 I. 19; 33:17; 343.

6; 39:19.23:45:18.21; 59:20;60:25;63:8; 7214; 77:20,24;80:10.19;82:2; 90:5.10;93:14.l?.24. 94:1;95:23;%.12.14.17; 97:21;98:16.24: 100.1 I , 23. 10,:IO. 15; 115.3;

pplirwd 1075; 128.1 gproch 153:22 .pplowhd 9923.23; 154:l. 1; 194:14, I5 *

1685 29m;

35: 14; S 2 4 ; 74% 9(:24

appfWd21:8Z629 l a 1 7

awrovda 876 62.25;63:10;

21539 gprovd 21:4,5,7; m17; 6317; l83:lO; 202:9 mpploving 85:14 mppmximtdy 1917; 70:6; 125:25; 180:); 186:16 ~ril194:25;214:l8 M w k t l a 2 3 WO-WN 186:14 8- 5521; 114:18.21; 190:21.21;19&13 mrgue ~ : 1 5 mrrn22:21;23:6.& 11.13 mrms I5:IO mmse 1712 Around 71:1;8223. Bll:2;89:15; 160.14; 1722; 173:s; 175:7; 180:22; 185:l; 1%16 nrranm I 26:25

24:17; W24; LO26

119; 131.15; 135 8.12: 148.20; 15% 12.16.IW 1.4; 1595. 1W15.20; 1691; 170~2. ,rticul.ting81:19 5.i2.12.174.9.lB. I75 IJ.iBI.19.23.25. me*ln53:5.7

Brtkuhta 82:1083:1. 180:4 Irticu).1.d23:ll, 16

1 189 1.10.192.l7.1%.1. , u h a m d 113:LI

1S2:3. 157.21; 1%7; 209:L 214.25.22315. 221:.11 .tpomytli.nt 35:s #:237:1.5 W d k 2173,16. D, 2181.10.17.18;21920 audiled 219.21 audhing 213:1.2 mudits 2168. IO, #I ; 21911.19 August ln:1%2ae:ls; 209.23 ~ . p k 0 ~ 9 1 : 2 0 A ~ t h I3 19; 14:20; 2okl1.18 suthcsr iM.23 luckow 31.8.13;%19. 25.206 3.4.212:l4 lunhotlrrd l45:20; 210:19 I p n k o W M I 4 mucO~*.l!y 136:19 muxilbri.. 203:18.21; 2l1:25.212:2;21311; 215.2Z217:8.1O.I1; 221:1-. 25 muxllhy Tt:):20.24: ZO1:I. 11;; L:10;203:22; 20425.21: ~1;219:18; 220.I3.21. Y.t:5.8. IO.

3; 1121.3; I13:I I ; I i k l ; lI79,%12S:Et 1263.4. 5; Izst306; I31:28.17; 13219; 1199.13; 154* 1902% 213:6 bukpWldF . I3 :6k 1 : % 6 ; ~ . 1 1

b9d MR4 1495

w e l l ; 11623

bdprkg 1 %& 177:7

wyrk 19922 m 22221

88nning 1411;41:21; b.nk U1:19.23;222:1

422; 517; 5216; 9.25; 63:1266:f;68:9; 165:); 1925.7 Banning's 64:7; 676; 19217 B.nning-wh.166:6 ber 5534 Rahm 47:19; 48:7. & 9, 1% 1828;204:21;22210 B.rbmn'8 4719 Barbour 820; 1k6; 1216; 19:24;203.5; 2218; 232.3,4;24:9; 254.6,7.7; 2616; ml0. 12;42:9.15; 4S23; 49:23; S1:2; 6317; 64:3.4; T7.9; 7921; 80:15.16;8217; 09:21;93:15; :Oa:18,to, 11013; 111:4; 116:20; 124:15; 125:14,18; im16; l28:6; 129:9; l3l:l4; 134:15.17; 143:21; 147:16; 150:8; i52:5; 153:6,12; 161:lO; 163~25; 169:2,16,21; 173:24; 174:lO. 19; 1W8; 1822; 1876.9. IO. 10; 195:13; 1%13.14:

1 anyplace 28 14.164 6 h a r t 34 12.63 14. 6liv.92 10.106- apokgim 223 I I I 20 8. I22 22. IYY IO. I?, 200 2 O p p c i d 12 13, 143 12 appearing 5 19.109 21 appears I23 ?, 145 22;

a p p k a b b 162.23 153 24

uk-ha 899:ii I 172.3. IQ? 16.220 $ 2 i l e 2 4 uking4org.l I ~ I O i awa~2122.23:45 22. I ~ r a o d y 4 2 l s ; 5 l : l I ; uklng-or 177:s i 922.69SZ.lUk22 i 5224;u):18;67:18.20; "wwo:14;17622; 0 8320.86 13.91 2% I?8:3; 179:20; 180:) I 106 13.16.107 18. 82:1.9;92:8; 143:12;

, 119 14. I 3 4; 14725; 1508; 1525; : 135.10. lPj0 23.1% 1.20; I 160:W: 16P1.6: 167:17;

assert 35:Il ' 215.21.21' I.2I8.22. 16924; 170:21; 171:ll. arrerhd 123:21 ' 212.25.23 4 1 13.14.17 lf2:8. 12.13:

1 68: 19; 71:9.21; 80: 12.24;


usertkns 136:19 ' my 22 25.147.2 ! iYi:19,20; 174:io. Kii, u8bt83:6,7;90:16.17. ' ! 22; 175:3,14: 1sO:IO;

applicmtion 181:6 I 159:16; 165:4 I3 I 17; 1%15.16; 1975.6 114:6:11514;123:13; '

*PPhd94:10;95:25 oriaaMa 123:37: i I 8 . m S 81:8.21; apply 1225 1 IY43 I Ber.22 118611 ippraired I @ : I ~ I usistent 6:2EB:1;42:7; a p p a h 1017;95:18; i 4716; 174:5;212:4

1 181:2; 184:lS. 25; 18512,

14:9 j &rron 13e:f; 14214 I Based 53:17;94:5

b.rit 153:21.2223; 197: 15; 224: I3

124:22; 19915 bsi# e 2 4 ; %& 1077; Im13; l S 6

I172Q 118:4.17; 11%22;1225k136.7.& IMIL 14923; I%:& 16&¶3; 1W.3; m l 5 ; 2141; 22339 M:6 k.gln 1337.15 kur l5t318 kwy 11414 kurm, 24: IO. 13; 47:m lW.4 h a U M l u y 109:7 k k e r 4221.23 b m O 2125; 2218; 23:19; 73:1& 175:24; 17818 becomes 11010 klorryou 220:2 begmn 1224 begin 19835 beginning 177,8.9.9. 81;81:15; 153:22; 171:21; 19413 begins 17020; 182:16 begun 49:9

1614; 17:5.

k h d 5:5.9; 127;475; 77:6; 145:7.14,20.23; 14614; 1473; 195:12 bOlM 22:25; 143:2; l e 2 4 bOIkv. 25:9; 31:25; 34:22; 35:s; 38:lO; 41:10. 12;43:5;45:12,16; 522; 53:24: 545.6; 56: 19: 59:18;60.6.1&68:24; 71:l. 21; 72:16; 7 7 2 78:2; 81:20; 822.683:l l;84:4; 85:5.17; 86: 18; 88: I 5; 92:4;99:22; 1015; 11216.20;113:4.17; 120:6; 1M.2: Im.5; 133:I. 18; 134:19.21; lW7.21; 138.9;139:3; 143:l. 12; 14815; I50:19; 15213; 153:2.19; IW:19; 155:l. 16; 1591; 16520;

183:3.5,6; 187:22; 190:22; 192:9 194:17.24. 25; 1975; 200:19; 101:13. 15.20;202:3.18.21; 204:2.21; 205:5; 2075;

175:lj; 17810;

211:15.214:i2;215:16; 217:16; 220~4.6; 222:21; 223:9 bdkvad 23:23 &.l#v.d-l78:22 belong 150:24 benef&77:10;94:12.21; 111:7.10; 116:2 Benton 4221.23

B.rtocck 14:6 beridat 2423;79:6; 88:1&90:1: 1826;;201:16 best 148;63:4; 1188; 145:3;22414 4813 bsttor 83:1;=13; 161:19; 21921 k(mm-rrhan 91:3

1323 blg7014; 14S15; 175:Il; 210:7 bigger 205:20 biggest 103:4 Bill 4 I :8 bit 10:8;25:11;985; 10724; 121:4; 154:lO Blalock 39:15;40:19; 4 7 I1 BMock-John 42:25 blue I362 board 41: IO. 12; 8220; 195:l Bob815 body 23:9; 81:23; 21 I :9 Bolton 4225 book88:15;895.16; l?3:1 I bookkt 142:7 boss 10~13

153:13; IG5:9; 17518; 181:ll bounce 14722 box m16 boxes 5I.240; 119:23.23; IM:M: l90:24 8- 43:2 bmmk I P I Z IS .? . 313 I

6 f U S 1264.1268

-6 19. I4 19 &i@ IS I-.M 24. 48 13.213 I


b d 224~10 B m k W . 8 Bro~k'~J1:9 broken 114~3 Brothers 1Ol:1.3.?; I02:I I. 24; 106.8; I I l:16; 135.20; 19?:19 brought 72:3;73:4,5; 754: %:2; 92321; 15720; 156- Brown 4 3 4 5

ayond789; 108:ll;

both 96:19: I42:lO

BcldsIPo(17 I.7

bwing 110 IO

Mgmkmwo lS:25



buWng67:l ElbzO; 91:% 11225; l f3 :2 i 13718 krFlt 1161; 1 9 1 7 bulk 8515 bunch 3% 135:l; 20736 buried 1m4 burning 61 :6 Burton 120:17 Bush711 business 2214.23; 235. 17; 28.21; 3224.25; 44:16; 148:17; 153:23; 1648.15; 199:12 busy 12711: 13419 bylaws 2052



105:22 107:23; llJ&l& 1W7.25; I 1 2 2 2 23; l l3:I2.14.15,20.21; 114;7;115: 24; 116:lO; 118:9: 1?0:2Z 12215; 1231; 12732;

1431: 1'557; 1%11: 161:19; 163;6; 1619; 168:4; 169:23; 1706.7.8. 11; 172:7; 173:5; 174:20; 17515; 177:IO. 12; l W 3 ; 1M:IO; 1895; 191:21; 198~9; 199.4.21; 201:ll; 20723; 20&9. 12. 14; 212:19.22;213:1.4; 214:20.2% 21715.25; 2167.25;2196 can't-Mr 21213 can-how73:IS cancel 181:8 candidate 5:lO; 23:3,4; 113:3.25 candidatas 1425; 1610; 4615;90:11,16.18; IOZIS. 21; 103:8; 104:24; 105:4.16; 1W9.20; I I 3: 12.20; 114:6; 115:4, 14.17.23; 1163 candid.P.rkl'8 115:8 up.city6:13.21;922. 24.24; 11:lZ 1215; 46:22;664;68:2.6.1(; 161:20

131x21; 13a.7.azo;

J- Pa. 1997

95klW.10.11.1223; 1kS. 12-21,'23; 12:2.5.6, 9.13.16 138: 2k25.25; t2:15,19:23:%19;241. 10:27:l(;4610, I& 19. 22.25;476;49:19,19; 56:21;60:18; 6213,23; 63% 61.23; 65:9.9.19. 25;69:4.9,25;7018 71:lO. 20; 72:4; 7 8 12; 7920.21;80:15.16,19, 23; 8k21.25; 829.17; M:IL 21;88:19,25; 83:11;W:5.8,14.15; 10716; l W . 6 109:lO; 128:21; 1291; 131:13; 13421; 143:20; 147:21; 15215.16.24; 153:l. 6.7; 15614; 15711; 1S8:Il; 160:23; 161:3; 163:4,12, 16.21; 16717,18; 16823; 169:2.16.20; l71:13,14; 173:18 17615; 1773.18 17810; 180:8.8.19; B81:2 1824; 183:13; 18921; 1925; 1943.7, 22; 195:ll. 12;202:22; 2W17 cbairmn's 195; 4713; 51:22; 6522; 69d; 7k7; IW14; 19520 ch.lrmmn-th.1125:18 C l d m t a n 13:18 c- $722 c h n y 2205 cRub@en S24; 141:6 ChB#Uld l4%2 3 ehrrcIiidlc 215:) thrqd 414; 1097 ckrMI.2225 ehrlrs92;m10;1142;

drclt4f 1611.13 tkockout 6623 S b k S 13219 Chrmkd49:l C u b 817 rhd8:1;91,3;164; 20:14;2622353:12; 134:s; 15310; 183:13.14. 22;1@4:8,11,13;M216 choke 205:4 shosen m 2 2 ; MSl Chris 4816 Chuck 141; 143:16,17 circulated 255; 26:16 circumstance 74:9 CircumrtPnca 2614; 27:2; 364 citiien 101:12; 133:23; 134:2 cltbens 7217; 7425; 75:2; 100:24 claritication 13617; 151:6


17619 clenr):i& t i : 1 8 ; ~ z i t 94:1&9713; 103.16.18 11416.18; 123:23; 138:22; 14914; 151:21; 15425; 1W14; 17613; 1892; 198:19; 20O:l clearly 29:8:30.931:12;~ 118:16; 1215; 211:4 clerkrl12218 clknt 332.3 Clients 29:3;32:4.16,19. PO; 199.21 close 845; 1977 closely i81:18 closer 8420 club 70:14,14.15; 20020 clue 141:6; 150:22; 18716; 19215;2223 co 13:17 cochair 204:13.15; 207:5 cochair's 204:14 cochairman 1316.17; 14:20;488 co-cheirmn's 4812; 2139;221:16 cochalrmn 822P. 23; I n 2 1 c o c o u d 35:4.6 cod. 175:22 SOlk.011.r 1459 colbg. 69; 201:s; m2; 21147; 217:17r2ltl cdbquy 123:8 comehabn 1 w 2 1 10525

%:I; I b B 1619;3916;

=:I% IQI:I% I25:lP. llb:1.4.5; ln.6; 12!43, 6; 131:1.8.16; 144:SG 159:8,12;2173; 2243 C O M n d 1%.18 commence 378 commencement 3733 commenting 589 comments 17823: 1W11; K)o.14 commercially 143:) commercials 223:5 commitrmnts 9023; 199:21 cornmilled 64:23 Cornrnittee4:4.8,11; 56 6 2 0 7 19; 88.9.10. 14;9:; 1O:lO.l~. 24; I1:5.16; 1220.2t: 13:1*3,12; 14:21; 15:1,7, 11: 1615; 19:23; 2014, 15. 19; 21: I I; 2219. 23:5.12,14;262;273; 34:7; 35:13;40:9;421; 43:9;469.1l.13.23; 47:7; 49: 17; 503; 5418, -

( 3 ) Bertoccio - Commlttes Miller Reporting Company. Inc. .Win-U-Sm'pts

I%S511; % % 59:12: 60:4;&.1.15;6711;69:5 7220;81:13,14; M2.3. 6.10,1222:85:12;90.3; 91:22,2S;92:2.6,7.12; 932,17,19;95.25;%2, 13. IS, 18;97:21; 103:5; 1OS:1;112:12,20; 118.9. 20; 11910.12; 1%9; 121:23; 1221.3,4,8,17; 32822; 130:9; 131:3,14, le; 1327; 1351% 141:10, I2,14.18; 1424; 14424, 2%1454,8,19.21,2& 14615.16; 1474,6; ISk14; 156:lt; 1&6; 161:lk 18714 199:3.10;

-~;i700..3;201:3.4.1(:2029. , * i2&13,2S;203:1.X3. IO.

17;;106:3;212:23; ~'~~21):l3,1% ~ .. 224:8.16.24 ~ ~ ~ m m m n ' . 30:10,11; m2a 13;5s5; 56:19;


;;,common 9 0 : n 15 ' +b~unon.smnso 73:4 mi.4 communiut. 7621.2%

wmnunkad 642 ?'. i =' cammunkatod 181:ii;

"'coimnunkatbn 3831%

:E:> ?. i-$OlIMldNWS ! 15:8

=; 2QI.3;213:8;221:12; czm& 24

. .. :18211;0'76;2123

13516 19; 144:1.4; IS7& 163:25; 1-24: m 7 eommunkrtbns 1 3 : a

3):7;#.9; 107:13.13):(k 143:16; l82:l; 180.25; 1~1,1~213:12.16 . I 7 comnunlque 93:6 COmp.nirr 7 2 I ; 74.22 756lsO.9; 16l:lS; l622,6 comp.ny 8:18.99 22; 101:s; M : I ? ; 158 8 comp.rbon i56.11 COmP.ant I83:8 COmpbl05719;W.Iff 111:14; 19&1? COfl@hRCO 16.4.5?.18

I 24;155,6;172;33:11;


conpllcrad 128 conplylng 16222 computw 5 ~ 9 ; w:za 2 4 559.13.20: %8: 573, 1%7012,13;M:8 corn**- U:24 conputofs54:lI concorn 102:20; 1213. 21; 179s; 18218; 18320 con#m-l31:24

concerning 123:18 concerns 31:25; 121:20; 181:11; 18211 c o n c i l i i y 73:19 concludes223:9 c conclusion 73:11;94:6, 24;103:15;1165;15521; 179:22 condkkn 1 ~ 1 6 conditbns 19221.24 conductod 57:2 confer 31:17 conference 194:25; 1%2 confess 186:12 COnl#.nti.l@ 122:5 confirm m.941:2& 118:9,11 contur 139:9; 15S:2 confused 1151% iY:;L(I confusing 2519: 139.5. 21 contusbn 139.9 Congnrr 1021% 113:13,~1147;11523; 13030 congnubml11 s:a I 2 7 m 129:20.23; 17424.2% 17S1 bngrm8nmn6:12 conmct 14411 con- 2322 Concm(lcul7:2.8 conmtbn S5.0: 236; S924;766 IcI:12; 165:12 considomblo 1162% IW.24; 169A6.19 cOnrlr(ing6i5l7, I& i s m Conrrtrnt I-; 110.25; 111:3 mnrtlhl(. IS24 conrtllullng 1474 eof idn lmdt22 canrUll lS9m consullltbn V.17 eonrulld6k3 c a n r u ~ k). s. 6; 3 z 4 C O ~ 4 1 : 1 & ~ 2 2 , 2 4 , 9$21;621L lo6a I#:2

contwtr 107:s conbin IIR24;12238 ~ l I f k 4 ; 1 1 9 2 2 contqt I1GIS; 111:3.7 mtlnum in:12 co~Ut.72:12,14.17. m, 22; 74:d.n; 756; ~.15;7tk1.15;93:12; &I& 21;97:6,2ZBB:17; W.I.16.14; 10211.21; 158:24; 161:22; 162:8.14.


17 contributed 101:16 contributing ~ 7 2 1 ; 7811;158:8 contribution 19:4,8. IO: 78:21; 101:9,19,21,23. 24; 1023; 10522; 106:2; 111:16; 126:3; lm8; 129:18; 131:16; 1336. I 4 contributions 74:20; 10720; 128:Il; 1328.12 14.3; 133:21; 1546; 1S&2 1a7.9; 163:22; 221:14 Contributors 13215.23 cantmnid 165:8 106:18; 151:22 tom~Wbn 28:19; 33:21; W3.4; 5719; 38:25;397.15;4213; 442;4723;48:666:2& ZZ : 18.20; 9 2 a ; 97:N; m4.5.7; 100:4.10: 1 W 1 0 126:13,2Z 129.15.2225; 13O:l; I 3 l : IL 13; 144:13; 1%:f4,16; 157:14; 161:lO; 169:; 1 ~ 2 . 5 , 9 , 1 1 ; 1 ~ 3 , 1 1 ; 193: 13; 20% 19 commulkno 2416; m5.7.12.M;m4;32:9: 13:11.36.1; 38:5;4923; ma 90: 19; 99: 14; l ~ l 9 ; I W 6 . 1 0 . 1 7 ; 110.12,116:20; 128.25; 16915. I fOI5; 19325; 194:16.~3:14 mnmutiona-and 12:15

2tk18.23; 30:5; 33~23; 35:22;401;4925; 5217: 66:21:676. IO. 10;75:14. 17.18.23,23;76:1,3,3,6 9. IO, 15,17,20f7:5, IO, I I; 92:16,24; rm19; 131:22; 145:17; 159:15, 18.20; 165:17.19.22; 166:2; 167:l.Z; 181:lO; 18210; 19815.22; 20717; 2142: 2247

mtat.lion - 25. lS: -tdans72:12.16. Bl. 8.-4 4.5. I).% 25. W 7 . W I. 16.1m.l. IW.11.20.155 18.


counsel's 1817; 19:l. 11.15;21:10.14;51:22; 64:5 counul-edditional 19614 Counselor 85:18 ceuntrb221:20 country 14:23: 15:3,8; 8223;89:15; 101:13; 128:14; 973:8; 1557; 16022 coupb 5 2 23:l; 444; 53:24;75":3; 1108; 1162; 1248; 222:11 COUW 14:15;27:?; 58:8; 671;BSI5;=.7; 103.1% 108:25;1161;118:19.23; 1M.22 23.24 court 223:13 courthouses 10216 cOVw79:4; 186:18;206:5 cowngo 194:23 c o d 2924;371,5; 9Y:4 covering 138:2 Crawford 43:6 crute 22:21;23:4;24:1, 15; 103:17; 206:25 c- 182; 246; 525; 84:9.11.21; 1m16 cnil(ing2311.20; 24: 17; 258,lO crwciV. 74:s 177:24 crcldilor 61:13; 103:4; i04:l. 2 3.9 crlhci.d0:2,4: 133:13 crosyou'n 114:12 C ~ ~ O 4 3 1 8 . 2 0

156.21: 16011.161 22. 16213. I' wpomtbns-could #:22 mpamtbns-not %:21 mpomtbns-that ,61:18 ~U8d-bfObn 99: 16 SUldn'td9 Il:I%:4; '2:m.% 14.23;97:16: .%:Id muldn't-no % 16 mUounrl4:d.?; 14:l. 2:


Cuban-Amrkan 1m21 culmin.to80:12 eunnnt 324 custom35:19;53:4 Cut7825

II7:l; 210:13; 218:15; 21915

cycb8225; 1028.10;

D daily 128:22; 129:i D8n 4321 data 190:12

date 127:23; 183:n; 214:15,23 dated 118:l; 1507.17; 151:25; 2Mk18.23; 209:13; 214:lI; 219:s David 188:8 DWOS 1214 dw 14:25;41:24.25.25: 472; 509;88:19;90:4.4; 105:4; 109A.5; 11018.

129:2; 1478; 1&5; Isx):20.20 daptoday 9 2 ; %I2 days 3222; 1532 IW:3 d d 78.13; I%:% 158:12; 181:20.22 dealing 12610,12; 189:23 deab 206:12;21213 dMk68:24; 164:4 h a p 208.19 d&t111:17 d&t0?61:14; 104:5,8, 18; 148:ll. 14 D.cemb.r 816 194:23

decw 18922; 203s decision 99:21; 158:12; 1&25; 17S:21; 1%18

M; m22; 1286.9;

d .cmm18. 19

dacisbns 169.14; 109:); 117.6 1554 d.ehMd 53.23 doom 608 dofonse 35:6 d.1.r r n 8 d.1.ronce 1 9 8 : ~ M i n o 5 0 3 ; 94:9; 103:9; 171:12

definitely 73~23; 148:lB; 19524 drlinitkns 1 1 520 dagmo 1011 dagfm-43213 Dakrrrre 7 10 d e b p t b n 17424

hmmnd 11013 Democratk 12:lO. 11. 11; I34:21 D.mMr.C.90:18 Dennin@43:21;51:11; 5224;58:17;6&11;71:9 deny 118:9.12 D.p.rtmont 7:25 depending 1165 dopositbn 42% u):6 29:1;39:17;40:3.5; 5?8; 58:3.5;79:2;87: 13; 1a3:14; 117:22; 119:i; 13525; 14d:21; 149:19; 161:J; 1G719: 185.24; 191 :6; 196: 17; 207: 12:

delikfate 175:21

MiUcr Reponing Company, Inc.

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discrete 2005 discuss 4 I :8; S8:2* 109:l; 14716; 160:24;

194:9.13; 205:lb 222:16

. i ;: - . . ~ . ...

21323;223:15.17.23; 224:3,6 depositions 79%; 9433. 19 dcputy622;7:12 derive 759 deacrib. 200:17; 208:17 ducrikd 1477 description 25:s 593.

126~24 designated 181:20. 22 designed 17811 designing 137: 17 desirability 89:3.8 desirable 65:i. 3.4 desim 89:9.22 destroy 190:16 determinetion 53:18:

determine 572.20 determined 65: 19 determining 133:13 devekp 56:25; 154:8



d8vekrp.d 51 : 16; BB: 1 I; 1652: M6:2 . ~ . _ _ ~ ~ ~

devebping 61 :25 Qevekpmnt 72% 88:16 dkl-it 19?:10 didnI-l19710 d(hmnce 140:3; 14225: 145:15; 160:5;2107 dilhmnt 168.10; 18:I. 3.25.14;49:mn:m;;8221. 21; 96:2.3,96:5.8. IOI:I3; 109.15.18; 110 18; 112.23, 128 13; I 3 6 8. I 3 9 18,155:2.16 15J36.I602.16J.17; 1-3.9.176 13.15.17:22; 190 11.212.?.8.216:18 diflemntiate 32.2;46:24; 4?1;91~3,109.15.18 di(tjculI 46.24.47:I; 115.3; 1?5.24; 108.18 dt(*ul(i 21?:22.21 d a ) k U h y I91:8 direct 16:lt. 18.3023; 31 3.6. I 1.3? 1; 74:7; I I I .?. I I 4 4; 115.19; 143.21; 152.3; 154:24: I 7 2 L m92.211.6; 212:21.22015. 221:18 dimeled 213.10 diroctlon 16.15; 3 2 3 52.4:64:8; 7I:13.21; ?24. 6.24; 781 3; 88~23; 99: 13. 21; 154:5; 172:18,22 directions Gk5.7 directly 10:12; 123.4; 36:18:19:18; 109:20; 11j.25;1IJ:6;115:~.14, 22;141:11. 181.11:

215:25 director 710,12. IS; 813,19;13:20,20.21.24; 145.9. I O 15:2.5; 2624. 25; 27:8;41:14;42:4;45:4; 4711; 51:T 5813;66:8; 1025; 129:ZO. 22; 132:6. 22; 13825; 139:3; 14017; 143:16.20: 148:21; 14916; 1535 161:M; 18316; 184:14; 187:12; 192 11; 201:23; 202 I; 205:14.17:224:14.24 director-strika 138 directof8 1312; 14:12 8220 dis8gf.a 359; 5519; 58:2; 212:18.20 disagreeing 35:21 disagmement 56.7 disappointment 183:20 discovered 56.1; 11819 diseovey 11820: 121:25

136:5.7.22; 1406; 144:18,24; 1497; 146:3. 16.19.20; 1473.7.11. 12.13,18.21; 149:18.21; lm4.7. I?; 151:7,19.19. 25; 167:15.21.24; 168:13, 17: 185:20;186: 2 0 188.13.23; 2079.15. 16.tO:K)(I:; 2W3.13. 16.16; 214:l. 22.23;215:1.4;219:8.14, 16;223:15 document--do 9219 documnt-mll15o:l documentation 25:2Q; 55:s; 633.2Q. 24; 646; 86:14 documents 181 1.2s; 28:2. 4.12.16; M:16,20, 22.24; %:I?, 19.23.25; 52:5.8; 54:21; 553; %12.

21;64:966. 15. XX67281:17;&S 1 18:25; I 194 1.23.24; IK):I0.20; 121:3.9,2* 122:17; 136:14; 148:2.3; 186:14; 190:16.20.23; 192:23; 223:18,18.21,21. 24 documnu-othor l e 1 6 d o l n w l n g m:25 b k 8 : I S ; D.21;83:24 IW:22 dollmr 1175 dollur885:16.23. 101:17; 102:12.25; 10924: 1166. I?, I23:14 Oon41:4;43 23.25;44:1; L29:13. 15.19.20; 1?4:21. 23 don’t4h.r 515 dsn‘t-l 81 22; 82: 13.16 donmen 134: I3 done 5.9;24.1?;44:21; 52.4. )6 3.56 9;62:2; 66 2 2 . X 12.82.10: 93:9; 107.25, I IO.?. I1?:14;

, IT 2. II I?. 1325; ~ 1J2 23> 16ll6.8.10: , 1’3 13;1836.191:19 1 191 9.198 25.213:K):

, done-alIor111:15

i’l; 5 7 : ~ ; 58:7.25;63:12.

219 23; 220 2

donof 21J.l?;2169 ’ &Mr5 92:13; 10719 ’ 135 22.2zU:IO. 11. I 2 ; door 130:13, 191:IJ down 7.11; 19:8: 4 7 2 , 6921.?3:20; 10217;

I 11019;114~3.lZbl.I0; i 134:6.160:15; 183:7; i 18(.3.198:25

dri*ed 2225 ’ d~ly4.5: 16710

J e 11,1997 during 11:15; 122; 163; 231; 24:24; 277: 39:2: 6720;68:5,17;71:4; 83:18; 84:Z. 25; 97 11. I 2 1 W 1 4 103:I; 105:19; 106.14; 11010; 1161; 12710; 1282; 13417; 13514; 16211; 172:9; W:7; 210:6; 21 k22.23; 21210.11; 21819.21; 21915; 220:22.24 duty 218:3.6,7

E *m8il%8 €ah 1922; m.1.13.18; 21:;50:25;68:S. 13; 223:14

216:22 mrliir 30:ls 43:7; 49:l; 51:8;61:24;68.23; 6833; 1059; 1477.10. 22; 1484; 154:3; 15720: l73:IT 17% 200.7 aarlbr-I 38:4 aarlikst 106:18 Early 6:2479; 02.7; (50.22; 92:22; 99:l I; 1§3:2; 1767.7; 194:3; 196.2; 19712 aan 1510 easier 11610 Economk 12:14 Ed 44:5 editorial 1632 178:23 educate 7 6 duc8tbnal5:13;65 afhct 144:14; 1703 .t(cctivO 1378 &fl91:24; 1056; 10624; 1552. 3; 168.25 efforts 27:9; 1W5.8. I t . 24; lO6:20; lW21.22; 10959: 124:16; 125:14. I 5 oight 151:20 202:18.18: 215:l Elher 20:5; 51:22; 5 2 4 24; 55:19;60:18;67:6; 723; 75:22; 86.6 99:23; 115:22; 1245; 153:ZI; 162:25; 17011; 181:8.23; 1%15.19; 19725 ebbomW217:15 ebborating 2W4 elact 109:9 115:16 r k s t d 8 1 2 ; 1421; 2216;24:1; 10215.21: 103:8; 105:3.16 eketing IM:23 election 617; 714.18. 21.24;8:16; 165;253; 26:15; 102:I. I O 105:7.

(5) depositions - event

llZ:l2. 19; 113:3.17.25; 1171; 127:10;205:3: to6.12; 21013; 2182; 219:15 ek tbns 15:1; 117~7; 123:ll eb39:18.19.23;41:6; 4521; 59:20; 79~5; 131:lf; 148:5; l?3:22. 175:13; 177:23; 192:17; 195125; I%:20; M3:13 aise’8 14612 empbyed45:12 emgkyn 33:22.24; 37:19; 36:16; 39% 8 408. 16; 135:11 employees 13721.22; 139:ll; 173:24; 1%10 end 32:22: 82:25; 88:14; 16212,16; 164:l; 2!4:22 ended8:15 engega 22220: 223:2. 5 engaged 107:6; 188:14; 222:21 engqpd-h8d219:11 England715 enough 14:lS;2O:lO; 21:2; 222.5;4014;62:17; 90:21;95:24;%5: 109:7; 110:23; 16517; 185:7; 223:s ensurm 1328.11; 16221; 16322: 170:13 ensuring 162 anuil81:22;82:4 entered 223: 17 Enterprises 8: l? mlhusiarm 206.25 ~ntirsI3:11;71:4;199:10 entirety 94:15: 118:22 mtitiis 9217.148:6; 178:21 ontitla 201:iO entitbd 29:25; 121:3; 211:5;215:1 entitks 201:13 entily 127; 24: 12; 92: 18. 14914; 1707 q u a t 109:17 error 122:18 Espaeidy 175:23; 178:17; 1%:14 essential 140~3 established 1795 esteIm 8.6 estirruU 17217; 199:22 Evens6: wen 55:23.24; 562% 70125; 90:5. 18; 92:7; 9k?: 15616.20: 173:23; 188:23;206.12

85.20;89:21; 118:12: 1193: 181:8: 198:17;

event 48:18;83:25;

d 4 r 21418 events 2105.12 17.24; 211:1.2;215:23.24 war-wm 13415 way 918; 1714; 184; 1 9 4; 201.13,18;21:4.5.6.% 30A4;W:lZ 14.25; 51: 17; W:7; 69:6 8829; W.4.8; 1054; 1094. S;

1m.6.9; 161:4; 1m6; 178:3; 1M:UJ .Wyw 827; 91:4; 9217; 2241 1 mrylhing 9:6.22; 121;

ilo:1a 20.25; 1175;

7 : ~ ; l5:Il; 1622,24;?75; :.i

. . . ' -: 58:11;787; 88:19 "c' widonce 1 ~ : i ~ '. .I euc1 1529; I n.6

. . n

y exactly 49:s; 105:o; -' 11418 .- + examination 44.7;

< = 16712;2247 .< t e x " d 4:6; 167:l I

example 33:1;93:20: =*. 1786; 16224 si r . . s? 8X8mpk. 182:17,17; - .. '1 2013 ~~, exced212:16 .. 1" _. : UcOpt lOl:8: 1823 :ii exception 14822; 165:s

exception4 143:12 excess 1 I1:16.24; 123:12 exchmngad 826.S excludd 35. I I excluding I 00: 17 exclusion I3:l4 EXCUU &:8. 66: I I; 1OY 23; 151.19; 1862

. . . ~ ~

rim 362 ! few 13711; 14024; expected 100:7 ' 17.6: 197:5;223:ll.W ; folbwing 210:m

execute 22 I?, 2f:l executed 52:12;66.22 executing 18.10: 27.5 exrutive-:io;ai. 13. 19.26 L i . 25.21 8.41:13, 454.4?:10. lS;53:13,13: 101; 1L:ZS; I 3 9 3. IiO I?. 148.20. 149 I5.153.5.161:20; 1-4 21.9; l83:l6; lB(.l~.2O1:23.202l;

i61:it: 16214, 22; 164:s; 16512; 167:18 17224; 173:8; 1M:Zt; 181:9,14, 15; 186:15;224:16

explain 821; 9332; 58:20;93:1;99:6; 212:23; 217:25 exphimd51:8 c expressly 241 I exto* 73

5k21; 115:25; 1179; 153:ll; 169:7 we8 1510; 1mn

F hcilit.1.12312 hciliikr 93:4 hCil& 141:18; 143:9; 144:2.15.17: 190:23: . . . . . 191:1,3; 192:2,6.8-- hcsilnik IM:18; 186314. 18 ha 5:2*5513;%3,7 67:9; 729;78%9&14; 9721;9&16.b;~19; 108:11; 109:1.22;11622 lmll; 1223; 130%; 1437; 161:14; 17410; 1 ~ 1 7 . 2 0 ; 21924 hctr 123:21.21; 124:l; 143:13 Factwl214:lO Fehrenkopf t5:17 Fmlr 20:10;21:2;22f.5; 4014;6210,12.17; 9O:21:95:24; 96:s; 9 :3 . 1 0 10524.25; 1W7; 11020.23; 1241% I3?:lO; 1W15.24; 15221: 1539; 1897. zaO:9; 21815;223:8 bkly W17; 117:l Mu, 1324

183:19 ; h n 1 2 5 : a lrn.18.

' h d b r 146:7;2O!Nl. j 20;210.4.23;211:1 ' h r 7 4 : hr?4Ould 01:24 , h a 151:2% l*l%

' *om l8%16,17.i8 j lW:3 ' FI$N.n7:19:t8. 11.

l87:4; 1W:l

fictbn l75:24; 17818; 18218: 183:) field 153; 190:13,13 Fircc 43:23.25; 441; 129:13.16,19..20; 130:13, 24; 131:8,13; 87.4:21.23; 1753 fMh 193:16 tisure 79:3; 2026 figumd 7817; 16S17 tik -1 3.23; 70A6.17. 19: 1%6 fikd%:2.3 fib n : 2 1 ; 3 m z m , ~ , 9;%10:8216; $#):E, lo. 19; 19214.18 filing 190:21 Pill 83:4; 13220.23; 133:22 fill4 13215 find 175:9 HMIKO 14:%91.% l06:16; 107% 113:6; 114:18; lM:& l(n:lZ 203:lO f h n e a 2176;219:18. 20.21 flMdd 165% 1W.3; 2151.2;21722.2& 219:12 finensimlly 5023; 21723 find50 19;$1:4;n:iz; 120 A) Fi-65 8.95A.7; 11721; 169 II.2u6.lI;213:2; 21916 tlnbh 1269 Rnbhd 97.25.176:17.

Fkr 147.2 firm8 3.76.21; 143:18


! (hn 4 5. I? 8; 1016.20. 122.23.21 19.20.21; I2612.366.25.38:lO.

47.1q, 499.12768; ?9 14.80 11.124.9;

, 1J6.3.13' IS. 142.1.

, l6.20,1913. 18925. ~ 1% 6.209 -. 22325

! 14% IO. 151 6. IO. IS. 16.

! h 37 9.10- IO; l a . % , 17.150 19 .. . .

1NI I.lfo:l7;185:23.24: , 111:11;113:3,17;175~~ . - 2 O I I 18-.19; 193.4;207:12; . ~.lZ;211):2;219:15 k#. 153 24.191:7 213 22.23;214:l3 j t..l136:18 Sollow59 1.72:21;

. .I....

tor-tha 1 m 1 fora 242s fordU@ 183:23 Wmf@n71:19.25;729. If 16.17.22;73uZ& 74:3.4.1222.25;752.5; 77.25;7814.8;93:20; %20.21.24;97:622; 98:16.25;W.l%lml. 11,24;lH:16;lW:6,11, 17.19; 155:5,13,17,25; 1%1&20; lS~lO,l8,19; 1~2.5.7,22;1598.11. 14;160:7.9.11;i61:6.11. 15,17.22; 1628.13.17; l e 2 5 ; 169d7.19.21.25; 221:39.20,23; 2221; 22429 fodgn-fodgn 97:14 ftIrg.t-lh.ll4219 (om, 598 b M l 1 4 7 8 ; 1%3; #H:6 foomrlly lW:24203:1.7 tom*tkn 21:16 tomlfw 3391; 38:25; 39:l. 7;,23; 41:9 fo- 1351 f o r m 549,11;%3 FOrmUbP. 21221.24 forth 59:s. 23; 65:25; 133:24 Forum 1617.19.20; 23:8.%246.14;27:10; 38:17:399.10.12;4422; 452,19.24.25;46:28. 17.20: 499 1; 53:23; -5.

16.22;7'.ll. 12;79:15; 0:21;81:12. 19;8219; 83:6; 84: 19; 86:13.24; la& 1 1; m.12; mu; 91:11.14.18;921.3.14; 93:3. It. 14,24;94:l; 95:; 97:7;98:1'139%1.18; 1OO:lt; 101:9; 1022% lOt:17; 100.8; 11214; 113:lO. 12; 117:8; 123:13; 124:lf; 125:17; l31:1,6; 11329; 135:lL 17; 138:3, 8; 1429.12.21: 14310; t44:2.6.25; 147:6; I4&7. 10.21; 14916; 15210.16; 1%:15; 157.54 158:25; 159?. IZ 17.1% 1-3;

FaMlm's 62s; 7916; 1371; 138:6 Foruml165:8 hUm 88:ll; 895. IS; Wll, 19; 1423.10; 175:7; 180:Zl; 19521 brrrrd 16:19;72:3.3 Foundation 188:21; 201:8 tour 52;379;44:16; 7&7; 98:8; 107:lO; 10%:5. 16; 184:18; 21422 foulth 123:IO; 1463; 187.19; 19316 fmm 228; 201:23.25; 210:7,9;218:19.2I.25 fmrmwny 21821 Frmn 14216 fmdcdty 13425 hd 123311; 12d:ll F ~ s 12315 h.qU.ntly 1659.11; P71:19; 1728 F w n o 181:9.14 M.fld441.20 Frknd.'-mnd 208:19 tronmen 114:5 &?#St-, 13.16.18; 18O:lO. 20; 181:3 (rurimtivn 17921; 180:14 tUll4:lO; W:1; %lo; 1&7; 17020; m : 2 fulbtim 1925; 161 fully 85:4 tunctkn 25:23; 3 3 ~ 8 ; 134:12; lT9.7 fumlkMd 183:lS functbns 1214.15; 14:19; 181; 24:13 fund83:17.18; 109:5.6; 113:~.20:1:20 fund-raiser 44:20; 4 8 IO funbmi..rr 14:24 tunddsing 415;44:21; 491.7. 10, 19.24;46:7. 14 .17; f l : t4 ;76l5 ;~6 85: 16.22.25; 86:24 87:7; 1076153:16.18.21; 163:17.19; 164:Z; 170:6; l73:14,18 17511; 189:l. 11.14; 193:Y. 14; 194:1.7. 9,12;1%12.15;209:8; 21 1:IZ 20.25; 212:4.5; 213:9; 2158. IO. 25 fund.d84:2.13.L4 funding 1610 175:lO; 201:18;ZO3:18.23 tVnds84:24; 1W8; 148:s; 191:18

-9 15223; 167:ll;

. .. .. . . ,. ._ L . ,.i; .. .~ . . f i. - i . i' ... I_.

:. -. . .. ... .. . . . ._ . . . . . : . :

:.: -. -. ... .... . . !,&

. .. . . ,. .. .. ~ . . . ... . . .. . ...

G garbage 189:24 Garrity 143:I9 gather 12139 gathered 136.11 glM 546; 119:24; 13215; I V : ~ ; 2 2 ~ 1 3 G o a 51:5 k inkr44:13.14 g c m d 141; 159; 18:17; 193, II.l5;20:19; 2 I: 10.13; 4025; 4 I: I; 50:24,25; 6(:5; 71~12 726;75:11;'19:16; 107% 112:11;113:22;12&24; 14 5: 17; 17223; Mo: 18; 206:23.21; 216:s genanbthe 679 general-wen 2167 gonmlly 16:2: 4 7 6 170:9 generated 81:IR 20; 101:22 G.orgim m2:21 g o m n k 11224 got-go 9 2 I?

GilIospio44:9 given 423.24; 54.8: 36.4; 588:IO; 1%:); 155:8; 1G2:4 giving 5 15.19:8;9923; 224.3

gets 139'6

glad '9 5 goal RI.19.62:24 goals65; 85 1.1.194 1.3.7 gOeS209I8

123'. 140 II .Ic16.1; 1111 1.1 COP90 11.16 .1~ IO5 15.18. lob.15.22; 1098. I I I . 141.4. 182 3 GO% iub 1 I GOP-rV 139 6.13.15,

1.1 18; 5+8.101:25; EL22 Govemmmnt 8 2 Governmnt.Ir:5.8. 119.lI.I2;1~.9;122:1. IO'. 13.224 8 governors 1 0 ~ 1 6 Graduetad 6 G.? graduating 6.9 gnnt 129:). 1W:25. 131:5, I6 granted87:2: 165:14.16 areat 125:6; 193:23:

GrWh 4471 Gross 198:24 ground 13799 Group64.7; 12:ii:


114: l ;B l :S . io. 11; 21938.20

group5 3210;83:15. IS; 17?22; 202:10; 204:6; 2169 gr0upr-i. M.21 guanntee 12319 guinntees i s m Ouosnkr 1 ~ 3 . 4 . 5 gU.U 5213; 85:9 119:19; 150:24; 172% 185: 19: 205:3 guessing 2 ~ 2 2 gUO8rtiWWo I85:9 Gunn 4723.25

H Hiky 812. to; 19:24; 203.5.8; 2S:1;42:9.11; 4520.23;51:1; 130:ZO. 23; 14716; IM:? 152~5; 1536: 1742; 1625; 187:6.6: 189:13; 194:25; 209:ll;2105.12.16.24; 211:l Haky's 22:13; 174.4.9 h8M98:4; 106.14.21; 109:2.11 half-hour 96.9 Hampshlm 7.23 hand 3910 hindlull71.13 hand- 94:22 hmndk 72:?. 8; 99d3.22 h8ndy 109:Z happen 17820.19949 happened P 21;49:13. n:5;82: i5; 1)s. 15; 141:5; 219:14 happenlng 63 2 168:8; 191.7. 2L4:4

he@d69:21;80.21; 1 15913.14; 1W15; 184:3; 1 185:8; 188.21 j hud.d204:19 1 h-mors 1139 i h&2M:25 1 h d t h 18219 ! hear 104; 171; 24:25; 1 98:23; 1W7 ! h e d 2424; 2 5 2 1Ol:l; I 141:24; 18211;2227,9 1 huring 160:21 1 hearing882:22

hemling in:M heck3220 hdd 26:15;6%8;822Z M:12 holb42:n h ~ l p 11:2.8; 12:6.12; 103:7; II3:1220; 1151% 16.22: 11917;123:12.14, 121:14.15; 1495; 17619; 1$3:9; 18:s; 217:22; 2 N 5 helped 14219; 22@8 hdphrl 10:8; 31:20; 109:14.18; 1%10; 143:7 helping 76; W24; 12:L 3.4.4;110I4 H8nnkk4816.17 Heny4219; 1878.8.9. 10. IO ~.

k(.n'S 10:14;2913 h o d I19:8

, H.rk8g@201:8.8 H@SS 14:4.15:25; 14514.

' 16 Righart 203:23

' HIll6:7.10;4621; lW:8 152 5; 160:24; 161:1.7 Hill's I92:8

i him-)124:20 Himml8tmin 48.23 hind6 I9:109.9;II:9; 196 16.16.19 1975 hlring I% 14.21.197:6.

hts-.(9cr 138.19


hard113:6; 1166. hoc I33 I'

t Harri848:5 holds 151 I i Harrison 48:7,8,9. IO j haS-WS 118:16

' hat46:25.25

1 123:13,14 Hold 121 16,187.7

Hong 101 5.135:8, I 3 honorary 1 z . ~ ~ 1 7 i

: hunl123:25 hop.-6'6)

j havo-end 223 I8 hour 98.4 1 hwe-dii 37183

j h8v0-w~~ I 56: I 9

! 19 , housekeeping 224:l

h0p.d I49 12. 179.23

' hours 197.6.10

i 120 ll.121:9.24;122:6; ! lrwo-thy 2203

i h.~ant9:22;44:12;~l:7, I 123 1% 1300:s; 14425

HOUS@ 118.5; I L91. IO;

h u m n 2822 hundredac:i3 hundreds 181:17 hypotheikd 219:22

I I-I 2123 I-why 28:25 1.0 186:19 is 1N17 idea 1~11;18:1;22:11. 13; 2311.16;6L:17.19; 88:11;89:1.18.19; 1065% 118:12; 119:14; 159:21, 24; 17%:24; 1&6; 196:6; 113:13;214:2 !dMS 1424; 23:24; 65:24;6925; 13713; 153:18: 1739; ITI:20; 1782 kkntmcfk.tkn m14: 11723; 1363; 14422; 14920; 16720; 18S:25; ZO713; 21324 id.ntiliad S7:23; 98:19; 18B:n idenlitkbar 123:21 idenlily i4:19;87:22; 123:l; 15222; 1m.4.5; 179:17 idantwing 12618.20; I33:22 IOU 134:20; 135:2.2 i f40 115:25 w-yas 11512 Ignorant 13:14. I 5 llle@93:21; 21216 Imglnm 45:3; 192:16 ihegine-and ll l:25 ikqhmenting 89:25 implications 4:20 important 2597; 333; 52:16;93:8; 119:s; 18920 lmpcse 19221 Impmssion 7 6 2 106.4 Improper 120:8; 121:5; ITP:II;tl2:t7 improperly 1227.10;

improving 180.24 in-am i 14:7 in-I 134:19 in-since 1%:2 in-house67:lO inadvertently 54:8; 55:25;60:19 inasmuch I107 incident 71:17;722 mnclined 118:ll; 119:18 include 27A5;%:10;


include+ 55:6 included 70:3; 1u:16 includes 557; 223:18 including98:rn. 113:l; 155:18; 163:19 incommunicado w:21 incomplete 219:12.19 i n c o m r IuI:8 incrauingiy 17524; 17818 incramant W.9 i n d w 89:i I; 100:7; 108:tO. 22,23; 12525; 1 S8:I. I : 179:13.20; 180:s; 186:14;214:19.22 indk.kd30:lS; 116:19; 1262; 129:2.4; Im19; 1812; 181:20 indkdng 118:s; 147:25 Indk.tlve 121:22 indirect 114:7.9; ll9:20 indirectly 115:4,11.22 indiVidCul1525; 32:4; 4018 individud8 17:2; 292; 304.18.25;6%25;91:9; 188:12; 19k14 indviduals-thet 15:24 inform1 133:2.16 inbrnmtion 54:24.25; 557;TI:1685:24;976 13224; 157:16; 158:22; 161:5; 180:9; 191:5 intormd 3220; 10223; 1832 informing 92:12 intuskn 50.13.19:

lnklina I05:21 63:lO. 17;US:ll; 16(:1

- input 8224; 2077; 22224 inquire 131:25; l32:3; 200:5 inquired 132:2 inquiry 29:16; 198:13; - 2W.6 Inside 35:5;6710 instance63:l) instances w:20; I W I O Instead 171:lO instituted 13625; 139:2 institution 19714 institutionalized 921 I instruct 132:7; 15522; 156:2.5.22;210:17 instruction 29:IO; 3016; 377:2:95:2; 155~7.8; 223:12 instructions 51:19 insuit 17:20 insulting 1721 intend 58:11;208:13 intensively I 10:s interest 78: I I: 1032 3.

25; lM&, 105:18; 11624; 1~9.12,14,19; 1371% 154:l; 1588; 192:25; 194:18; 22441 i n t o w 1018; uI.7; 12317; ln.2; 1781.3; 194:19;209.5;213:18 intetiem 103:14; 18220 interim 18249 interjecting 9&2 intorn614

12; IW.20 interpose 2066 i n t e r p d 206s

.. ? . inre- 168:is

... . I" .~ intenri.w80:7; I%IO '.I i~0363;41:4,7;4211: cG 44:6; 4 8 ~ 7 ; M:17; 88:1 k ' 103:2~1126;113:11;

~ ~ d O M ~ 1 2 1 O . f l .

il interrupt 25:21

ih . ._ 1M:lO; l59:8.12; 161:IZ T?. 197:17;206:1 2 i n t r o d u d 22315.23 . ,; h u m 1162


I ( :

imostigatkn 121:10; =' 224:12

90:!9:923; 10915. 1325; 18222; 1952 211 24;213:17;215:1% I JuM-kcwcMn37m 14.25.224:ll i

I J U M 1597

w involves Mi:l7 Involving 919; 175.2 j

J-f-kk 15:23 Jack720 Janury719;8:16; 37M; 38:14;39:5;40:10. 18,2~41:21;429.15.18, 21.25;43:18;4724; 194:23 J.p.n211:10 JW 14:11:41:21.23,24; 426; 51:7; 165:5; 1925.7 Jeannie 13:19; 14% uW:17.18 Jeff 1862 j.opudind 17014 jeopardizing 18212 Joan 2228 Bb7221; 106:17; 12&12; 130:3; 16224.25; 163:4.12. 15 jobs 190:9; 19210 Join 7OA4 joint 35:6; 1953.5 JOW 1M:l8 Josdimk 15:16.18.21 Jr 19f:21 July l85:20; 186:15 jump 514 JUM 3716.20; 38:12. 13.15,22,23; 40: 18; Mk2; I50:7.17; 151:25; 1526; 159:15; 16716; I@:$; 17816; 185:1.3,4,5

b M - 2 3

219 I2

*-I 212.15


irnkwnt pI:22

is-this 9? 24 is-when 199.14 isn't-I'm I? 24 isohtn) 17 25

.ZZ !


I i

! !

issue 55 4.15. 36 I;J3:6; 58 Z. 10. 12;72:7,a2Z -3 5.-6 11;78.3.97;10; 9'3 15. IJO:?. 157.21. 160 21.1?5:11; 182:211 issues 8.f.16.19; 509; 71 22.82:21;88.24, I63 1'. 19; 175:6.7 VS-f 17.6

KUep I3:23;f7:17; 32:16. 19.19;4?~6'1:2 70:17;

21 Kirk3915.19.22;42:24; 4 7 16 kriew43:16;45:13; 46:IZ 49:8;6(:22;7214, 19. ?I; 763.24; W.2% 9713.16; 1249 I3O:x); 165:16; I%:l6; 203:5 knowing 8214 knowledge 161;45:2k 46: IO; 47:4; 5020; W.9; 55:19; 59~20. 23; &(:20: 675.7; 76:: 5; 8510; 109:11; 1188; l23:ZO; 133:l. 11; 14k21, 23; 14218.22.24; 143% 145:3; 151:6; 15919.22; 1749.18; 181:24 192:8. 18; 1W3; 19519; 209:8; 213:11;2123;214% 2163.6 22219; 223:3 224:15. 23 ItnowMgo-nr 764 knowbdgo-your

knowhdQmbIa a*(; 114 I7

11417; 14315 knOrn 2917;8&25; 124:l; 140:&9 Koch lM8.9 Kong lOl:% 13S% 13

L l l a 1 6

labor l r . 2 2 &kO.IJ; 169.9 bdyaa:rs hid &?5.6.178:9 h w 4421 I i.ardmr2s.11 brg.11613.1W13 btpct 1034; 104:1,2.3. 1% 148.10

kWpn 15:19; 263: 355.6; 114:2; 1324; 165: hying 1 9 1 3

leaden 17310 kwkrship 51:10,13; 78:12;152:11; 17310; 175:9; 1TI:2l; tm4; 2M:5 barn 135:Il; 162:lO; 165:15; 18210 lurned 126:21; 15(.18 b r n i n g 9 7 : i O h s t 181; 594; 765.5; 877; 1W14; 18438 lsrrve 5710; sa:* 190.14; 191:21 Leu 434.5 #t 71; n.20;41:25; 4513; 1362 1407; 1415

bgd M2: 15:10; 1625;

31:8. 13;321;554;%.5. 619.25;SS):Z65:15.17; &:I& n.10; 741;7514, 17.18;76:1,6,9.10;77:5, IO, 1l;Jw.S. 24; 100:3; 11225; 116:4; 1329.12 17; 1333.7.15; 1546.18; 1553.21; I%(; 1!56:9. 10; 15915.IS.20; 163:22; 181:13; 206:3,4;21214; 22420



m 3 ; m 4 . a 16; 19:6;

lqplly 1x11; 1622; 71:25;72:9.12;74:20; 93:14;94:1: 9516.22: 914439:rnki i7.25; 106.1; 112:25; 115:16; 1166; 132:5; 15k15.16; 160:6.8;161:11.15; 16220: h)6:14; 211:s

L.n 78; l4:6 1W.9

knd 1945; 19713 W i n # 1620;4921; %22;90:2 kngth 124:Za knl 112:7.9.10,148:15; 149:15; 215:16

8 [ b.t.d 1'1 23 1 k.8 1m22 1<.nmdy 222:5 i lasung 1-1 22 ! bssm1723

lika-mindade3:11;(1(:1 likeiy 114:7.9 liking 158:15 limitation 1314; 15710 timitetins 94:3;95:12. 20: 155:ZS; 16O:l; 161:11 '

L i d 76:41.22; 16520 line 126:lO IM:2; 1721: 2005; 2 W 3 linea Mo:8 bt 329. IO; 153:22; I56:IO; 1652 211:24.25; 2162,5;2N). I*talwr 181:9 Listening 88% 10.14; 89:l. 1%90:6.11; 136:24; 137:5;138:1.7.24; 1394, 6.16; 140:18,22; 1422.6. 8. IO. I I; 1831 ibts 192:13;21517 Litonlly 120:22 Nnk 10:7; 291 I; 3925; 823; 1072rl; 1w.22; 121:4; l54:9; 179:4; 186.13; 191:12;Mo:19 ltue 7024.25 lhml132:16; 133:23 Ituing 22220 ban 178; 1810.23; 1914.22: m25; 2t6.9; 50:15; 51:16.18,25; 525; 5320.21; 63:11;64:6.9; 6635.19.25;81:17; 103:5;106:; 10711; 108:12,21.23; 110l6,21;111:5,14.14; 1122; 11621; 1179; 12312.18 124:17; 125:16.17; 1263.6; 1278; 129:5.18; 130:7. 25; 131:s. 16: 14619; 147:s; iis:ie. 19: 19716 b a n d 20:14;86.12; 1479 bans 182; 19:18;62:1; 108:8; 14":6; 192:22 Lobbying 8:6 bbbyist 49:4 kutd 191:l k c a t k n 52A5 bgistkd 7 9 I kgo M1:16 bng 5:20;616;76:20. 21.22; 11921; 138:19; 16219; 16520; 171:22. 23; 200.13; 20%5: 209.13 kok 35:24;86:5; 1293; 14712; l50:14; 175:16 I85:M; 192:3 k0M 19:21 kokfng 3225;52:14; 5725; 8721 kob 1461; 150:13; I S2:7; 189: 12 kop 60.23

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I?; 110:8; 116.2.21;

looser 25:12 Lord 100:15 bt 12:17:46:14.14;73:6; 75:IZ: 12713; 1768.13. 15: 183:lO; 190:7; 19438: 19514,M Loub 25:3; 2613.18; 75:18.20 lunch 104:14; 1662; 167:I

._......- ~ .--.. 80:21;81:; 82: 19; 83.6; 84: 12. 19.22; 85: 1 I: sb: 13.

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50:24;71:8.11; 1173; 1 20.25;69: 13221;224:1 I 8;71:9.15.21:90:22.24; mttsr-the M:25 j 91: 19;

88:3;165:4 , ~ 92:16.22;97:18.19;

Nttan3225;41:14; 1 142:5; !44:10; 151:14 161:4: 17kl6.23; 1722, 11.?2.16.23;173:3.6.& 175:12; 201:14; 2032

M M 18715.17 Mur IWl8 mil 1612; 164:24 main 31:24; 32~14 nuintain 94:LI; 175:24; 178:18; 219:21; 221:23. 25 major 14:12; 1614:216:9 Majority94:16; 151:7.10; Isl.8.l1;20721;214:6;; 224:7.12 mlras 1&l:16; 210:7; 224: 19 mking 1615.21;80.1; Yo 8.10; 101:9; 10719; lW5.123:23; 124:16; 125'1.1. 15: 1263; 1278; 128. I I ; 129 4. 18; 136:17. 19;; 18s I4.192:22 mnage 4':2 Managed IS:3.6; 137:17; 1925; -W:l2; 213:13; 221 1'. 224.21 manager 8 15 - mnaging 5912;90:3; 1'2.21.25 mandate 50 IO, 12; 3 1 2; 2108.211.4.211:16; 2196 Manutmuram495 . mny 5 I . 1Y.I:. 18; 30 16.25.365.8.9: 50 lO.'O6.22S 5 march -2X~I h r k; 149:18.

markcd8' 11.14. 17; I I' 3.25.135 24; t36:l:

16- 16.20. I85 22.25. 20'13.21324 Martin 213.1

Maryland 191:2; 192:2 nu(chIIl.11 matching I165 mmteriml60:22 nvdhJB:II Mall J3:18.20

213 22


h y ,43 6

mansr ZS:ZZ;

nmy921.23;208.24. 25; 2l:Z3; 22:); 25:14; 28: 16: 31:m 325; 33: I, 11;35:%37:17,17;38:4. 20,20;4l:23:43:7; H):19; 51:11.11;61:22, 24: 63:11,14.14;65:3;~2: 7810; 8735; W6 91:2; 95:2;109:14.18; 1166.6; 120:19; 121:2.16; 12211; 133:l; 134:6; 136:20: 138:7; 13922.24; 142:18; 143:2,5; 14815; 149:4; 1SO:V 164:9.9.10; 168.11; 170:18,22; 173:16; 17810; 1795; 18o:Il; 182:4; 183:19; 189:8; 195:l; 196.1; 204:13

Wings- the 151:16 mmbar 14:5;91:21 mamkrs 91:24;92:2 12: 130:10;19):1;202:18. 19; 2W:3 mmo 51:w 7.9.12; 78:6 1371; 14010 141.25: 1524.4.24; 155:17; 15717; 158:Il; 162:25; 16717; 17816; 189:13 mamomndum 15212. 13; 155:5; 1685 memory 25:14;86:10; 92.25; 1T):lS; 13024; 189:z.n

k A I l ~ 4 7 : 1 5 ; 174:Z 21; 1827; 169.7 mbthe 125 19 Mud 43:6 mean 179;24.1%29.21; 31:25; 3213; 33:23; 35:24;4712; 91.21; 52.9. 10; 55:2.8; 58 3,63:24; 67:9.13; 73- 1475.23; W8; W:IL 91 :4.4; 92:15, lOS:23; 110.23.115:4, 119:8.8. I t . 121 4; 134:s. 138:18; 1496.lW3. 168:4; I72:L 1769.10. 12, 15;; W7:m 195:13.199 19. m i i ; zat3:7.21~6 Meaning 11614.16. 15332 217:3.24 m a n s 7923.12) 2; 17613.15 m n t 155:4; 193 2 nmhanlm 153 21

53:14. I(;& 5.16. 171:ll matlng21:19.10.21. 25:3;3B:10;499,lZ 60:22; 68: 1.2.6: 69 6. 701;71:23; 4; W.2; 91:8.12; 92.5. 989; 11025; I52:14; 1597,10.11,14;1~1:3.4; 171:14.16; 1724; 173:2; 174:13.20,175:2.4; 183:19;201:15 meetings 21:!6.24; 22:3.4: 24: 16;67 17; 68 9.

mnlbnad 4224; 78:10; 88 13.91:9; 126:23; 1289; 130:21.22; 83216; 14- 22; 848.4. If3 14: 194 16

mmly-tha 151:i m(6a.13; 124:13; 13s 22. 171:IO. 12. 1 2 8 ; ll3.22.23; 174.10.18;

ISI 1% I5. 19.21; 197 18.20. 9. IO. I I M i d l(uI 22 WChrl I4 4.42 111. 1 0 14.16.16~ I' middlr#l.102'.9.1J. 25. 1056. 10. I 3 might 12 12.25 19. IY 1'. 1598. IPC 15 Yika 150 8. IS2 5.187:17 Y i l l i 18- 15 million 8( 16.23.101:17; 102 I I I 1'. 24.115.10; 125 12.1264.129:2 millions l ib 16 Yillr Xi5 I 2 mind 11: 14; 82: 19; 8 3 ~ 4 . 16. 1'3.13.21 minr 29.3;44: 1; 51:22; I 2 9 24, 146.13; 171:l minimal 2188 MINORITY 4:7: 119:17:

mdy-nmy 151:l

115 14. 180: 1.183 24.

I20 6.16' 12.207 17.

\li!lw Rrrrortinc Compmv. Inc. Win-l'-Scrip,Cs?

minute 5 7 ~ 2 ; 13813 minutes 69:11;79:3.10; 206. I 8 miskeding 921 mirsed6212;16&7.11 mission 144:lO mistake I 11:2 mistaken 90:lE 178:9; 181:18; 184:25; 19223; 1977; 21721 Mitchler 14:10: 187:12 modest88:17; 178~2 Molly 47:20 moment 10:18; 1 7 6 24:9;31:17,21;34:3; 5714;60:2; 104:12; ll5:8; 11920 mon&ty 221:19 money 16:20; 19:9; 2014;b8:9: 49:21.22; 50:13.17.22;51:1.4; 521.6.22; S3:Z.S. 14.17. 23.25; 54:4; 58:21; 59:s. 9. 17.24.25; 60:10;61:2. 6. 15.18.23;62:8,18.21, 22;63:10.17.25;64:12. 15.17;65:1.7.10,16.20; 66.20; 69:1;71:19.24.25; 752.9.9 74:25; 751.13; n : 2 1 ; 78:i. I 5; 81 :7; 84:14.23; 85: 14; 86:; 90:2: 93:ll. 17,20.24;94:1; 95:16.23:%:7;97:15; 99:15.25; 1oO:I. 5.11.24; 103:G.10,10; 104:23.25; 105:5.19.20; 106.9.14, 17.21; 109: 19. 19.20;110:9.9; 111:4. 7.8.10. 11.12. 14; 112:3. 13; 113:1~115:11.14; 116:11.13.25; I17:9; 123:13.14; 121:16; 125:19; 1261.19.25; 1273.6.9; 1202.6.13. 17; 129:5; 130%; 131:2. 25; 13215; 147:8; 148:15; 149~15; 154:ll. 15.16.19; 155: 17.25; 15616.20; 157:lO. 18. 19: 158:5: . ~~

n39:8. I I , 14.16; 1 6 i 6 I I; 1bJ:l: 165:6; 168:24; 169:; 188:5. 9.12. 15; 194:). 15; I Y?: 14; 203: IO; 217: 19; 2203; 221:20; 224:25 money-Ihe 103:6 Monks 81:9. I I; 6635; 112:22. 113:11,19; 114:5. 5; 115:7,21; 148:l monitor 128:12 month 171:ZO monthly 13624; 1386 months7:11;28:10.20 29: i 3.30:6: 33: 18; 3424; 44:6. 16; 107:l I ; 108:5.

1407.24; 175:23; 17817: 184.16 mom 1017;309:31:12: 53:23; 5624; 58.21; 62:18.21,22;63:10,17; 82:4:85:14;87:6.689:7; 102:12. 24; 110:10: 117:7; 1214; 12822: 129:2; 167:5; 171:7; 191:7: 193:17: %I9 morning 169:5; 176:g: 177.4.13: 19224 Morris 39:16 most 61:6; 64:17: 73:23; 852.2.10; 101:18; 111:lO; 143:14;177:24; 1927 mostly 86 2024 move 181:9 moved 7:9. L4;71.7 moving 117:l; 153:21; 179:23; 183:10 much 35:25;66:25; 101:16; 111:22; 122:20; 125:25; 129.7; 181:12; 183:18.21: 194:5 must W2; 145:25; 151:3. 24; I53:25; 158:14; 163:3; 184:1.5; 186.12 W-fi 11919 m y s d 7920; 15014; 186:13 mystified 186:13

N noma 4:lO; 323; 4720; 48: 12; 6%: 19: 76:21; 135:l; 188:18:201:12 named 23: 10; 41: 17; 48:lO; 132:3 names 68:22.153:25 narrow 10723 Nstbnal6 19; 7: 19; 88. 9. IO. 14t97.9. IO; 1O:lO; 11:16; 12:20.21; I~:I.P. 11;14:21.15?.16:16.18. 20; 1923.20:13, 15. 19; 21:11;22:L9.20;23:4.8. 9.12. 14;24:6.13;27:1.9 34:6 38: 16; 39:s. 1O.Iz; 408;41 25;43:8:44:21:; 4 6 1.8.9.;47:7; 49: 11.16; 502; 53:22; m4.7.9. 13.16.25;61:3. 13. 17.20;62:5.8.17; 6319.15; 64:22; 65: 1.6. 10. 13. 14.21;&1,15; 67:10;68:3.7.14. 1 6 69: I . 5.8; 703; 72: 10.13.;73:2;74:13. 19.24;75:7. 15,762.7. l A . 7 7 7 IC. 22.?9.!5.

(9) looser - National


23; 8d:X 1;89:IL W22; 91:ll.;921. 3.6.7,12,13;93:2,3,10.;95:13. l6.21.25;%:, lS.25;97:7,21.23;98:11; 993.18; 100:12; 10225; 1W4; 104:17,17,25; 108:8; 112:Il. 14.19; 113:lO. 12; 1178; 12123; 12417; 125:16.17; 1a13.22; 1M:L 131:l.; 1327.8; 135:12. 15.17: 1371; rw.3.6.e; i4i:io. 11.14. 1 8 1424.9.12.21; 143.1q 1442.5. IS; i45:d.a 19.21.21;

' - 14615.18;147:4.5.6; 5.:: 148:7.10.21; 149:16;

1973.18 203:S; 204:lO; 115:16.18;2M:18; 223:12; 224:lO

mer Rcportlng


P- 152:10,16;156:15;1579; a; 1W25 lW9.12.16.19; k ' 160.3.6: 161:12;162:18.

ought 73:5;88:23.24; 119:9.13; 1a11; 151:19;

Company, Inc.

' 22; i&:5; 1657; 11; . _. 167:la 17224; 186:lk .=e. 107:14;2013,4.1I; :< ... . 215:12 15;224:16.16.24

st nmum&t0 <.:? n a c d f y ml3 ;

a 64:lS; 130:12 i.. I = ~ __ n.Caurily-l206:17 < < : =. : nluemrry @1;65:6.9.

need 2S:24; 29:3; 54:M.

n m b n d i k m s ; = 211:ll

I2.ILl4;75:19;9a.13: 128 16; 190:s

71 :23%83:4; 103:9: lO~~ll . l2; l lO9;l l l :4 , 5; 128.1:13217; 148.1.5; 153.23: 154:7; 188.1; 197: 16; 200:21; 215.19 n a d d 2Zria: 2a.16

no-l1&(:7 Nobody 183:1(; 184:13; 1%: I nodding678.12;6921; 180:lS; 1W3 B non 11223 n0nuuXili.y 216:9 nongrofit75:12 none 4820; 18223; m:20;2122 nonprofit 16136 nor 113:8 nornml118:19 nodb 192:3 N O r t h r r t 7 1 3 not-doponding 2937 n o t 4 1251; 171:15;

not-I'm 2W23 not-l'm-mir 97:25 Not4 75:4 not-lind. 7620 Not-no 1W7 not- e 2 3 n0c.y 4 6 netation 150:18;~.25 notm9:m; ll(k3.L 145:6; 168:12; 18224; 186:2; 2l3:2S motem 165:13;;207:16 Ndhing 108.11; 213:t9; 218:14; 2236 notico 1W12 22324 ndlficmbn 163:25 n0lili.d 101:a. 10; l25:18; 1m5.7; lb:6 not& 5825; 1484 Hovemkr617


--._ _. __. __. NPFI7:12;18:Z2.18: 25.62: 21.2L '1 : 22; f2:4. , 19: 15.23; 20.14; 2 I :7.10. 6.23.78:lL 92~22; 99: 12. , 16.22:12; n:l~; 28: 1.3.

152.22.23;154:4:1@U; 1 19,2Is2Z24;3@5. I f , 20; 103.6.6. Io;l48:5; ).12.17.19;~1.6.14.

I 9 4 1; 197:14;220.3 ~ I4.19;31:S.10.16;32:9. nndm 1O:I. I j. 1 6 9 a j 33.19.22;36:10;37:21; 189 3 : 39:5.25;40.lf,24.25. negmth I44:U I 41:49.11.14,18;42:13.

! 43:& I3.1%44:3,9;45:7. . 11.13, IS, l7;462%47S, naptistad 8.23

! I;463.9.10.19;4R47. neither 4 I :8; I l3:8 never-thia 97.3 1 IS.18,20,24;~10.I2. nwerthnkrr 1471 ' 15,i8;~1:1,4;~221: New 6.7; 7:15.23.48:& 58 25.93:8;97:3;135:1; : IZ.l8;%I6;~1.&15. 114 12 I 23:66:16.23;60.24;

53: 17; 54:ZS: 55:4; 16.6.

23; 12):15,19: 1263 lm8; 129:5; 1W7;

143:4.5: 1479; 15223; 153:i. 3.6.14; 0W:Z 5.5, 11; 155:17; 1%1,20;

13i:n; 141:6,1a22;

157:ia; is:1.4. IO; 160:s. 19; 161:16; 163:16. 22.1642.8; 165:l. 4; 17056.12; 17217; 175:21; 176:1.6.23; lW.19; lm2.S; 18094; 181:10.21.22 182:l. 10. 18; l85:8.17; 188:9,13. 15; l89:l. IO; 19222; 193:7.14; l94:l. 10; 195:4.12.1&21; 1%). 11.22.23; 197:s NPFs85:Z 11; 14410: 165:21; 17033; 180:5; 182:12 NPF-an 22417 NPF-nim8dZWO NPF-RNC 198:3 number 1518; 168; 181; W).9;71:22;82Z 83:10;922; 11721: lt84.17; 11922; 1a9; 136:7; 14924; 151:e lS5:l; 16918; 16&13; 1W4; 187:4; -15; 214:1.2% 223:19 nu- 12221.22; 2 o x s numroam 50:s; 164M

0 a h 1 18.21; 5:25; 25 2 5 . 3 22 1676.7; 224 4 omh-thm 106:19 oqeet )o.x 31:i; WAIA 20;9(.1.1Zlk4.S; 19520 211:3. I4 O b l r h d 18323

I30 I3.13S23; 146.1. 14Y 18; 175:16; 111.5. 162.16; I13l7.22; 185 22; 1%9; m6:7

N*W..41: 1 nico 104:ll I

.".9..".#.IY.,..". 94.IO:%.l8;97:IS; 9 9 : l t 21.25; 101:24; '

102:Z.I. 12; 103:2$,: 104:4 106.4 13.11; I 107:6.11.21; 10&21" 11016.22; 1115; 11621. ~

296.65 l5.ll5:l& 132 21. l51:4; 163:Il; 173.21.118:16; 189:14; I98.16,223.25 occamion 54:3;766

natlodcks - ought (IO) wo.u.scriptQ

a19.20; t07:8,18 occambnm 36:5.9 ecceriunm-l'rn 368 accugatbn 13325; 1341 occUt6210; 13910 0 C C U d 19317;20:18; 21:4;6314; 21S23

1521 Of-I 179

October 127:lO; 350:18;

off 1613; 19:12,15.20. 23;2r):2.3,,16. 20.21.23; 31:22.23; 579: 68:23; 13719; 147:2t; 193:9.10; m:10 ott-out.of-the.building 190:22 &ended 25:p OM 222:23 olfkO614;1316; 1817; 19:1.11.1%2l:Il,~I; 27:18.20; 32% 33:4. I; 3920,22;41:23.2(; 1713; 5218; 61:6,7; 673, 6.7; 69~3. 71:lO; lt9:24 1-13; 133:3; 143:24; 16432; 199:15. 15;202rl;?oI:12,14; 2075; 21310: 221:16 DHCU 91.3; 166; m15; 2622; 5313; 134% 202:17 men 14:19 ~nic# 1182; 130:6 ~Itichl1210;33:22; 3 7 19; %:I6 39 1.8; 408, 16.23.23;611:27. I(; l35:11;Mo:50.24 mslicbb 68:16;69:8 mfflng 105:22 dlen 1613; 173:17; 205:s m# 190:23.24 mnem41:1;437.10;54:5; 143.13; 171:M; 164:lS; 1975.12:205:10.13; 22213.14 B i W 18:l. I; 23:18.25; 24:ii;38:5;42i 1;46:16; 50:l9;51:12;5213; 59:25;60:22;71:21.23; 169.12;78:15.17;84:18:

21;99:10; 10211; 104:10; lI5:8; 121:16 1267; 1211:25; 139:1% l43:4.23, 24; 1464; 14815.16.22, I3.24: 1506 17.19; l51:18; 153:9; 17420; 181:IZ 182:24; 183:7; 186.20; 187:20; 191:12; 19210; 194:lT. 21; 196%

n3.9.9. i9;90:15;924.

one-have 2m18 ontyou 88:7 onemy 1065 onom I%:% 1%.2 ongoing 13712; 175:7 onty63:13;72:11;74:3; 75:5;8325;88:7; 10620. 24; 118:24; 13222; 133:20; 14614; 149:14; 155:15;160:11;175:20; 181:8;186:10;199:11.12; 205:19; zOe:9; 209:4; 211:lO; 213:17;215:12. 23; 218:25 only-did 16324 open M9:4

Op.rOb61:25; 104:25; 112:l; 175:19 o p e d 76:18;85:7; 183:lL 1M:8 cp.nclng 91.3; 164; m15;26:U; 1lZ:lI;

o p e d o n 151.7; 16435; 17523; 1W5 o p m t k n m -24; 222A6 opinion 29:25; 5§2; 741;7611; 1227

opened 211:lO


opportunity %I7 35:15.17:

o p p o d 26:) or-) 28:16 Of- 15218 or-you'm 21617 om1 18825 Orally 86.3 onbr 1272 1903; 1W20; -4

8d0.22;83251 l%:3; 163:12 172:Zl; 175:17; 176:; 1n19; 178:4; 182:25; 190:& 201:2;203:15 o rg~ i t l t kno 46: I 5.16; 7512; 83: 10: 84:7, I O 1433; 181:8; 195:lO; 201:19;203:17; 204:2% 215:ll. 14;216:9.24; 220:13,21;221:5.8.10. 14; 224:17.21.22 orglnim 175:21 0rg.n- I762 1921% 16 o r n i z i n g 178:6 original 1364; 151:24; m.3 originally 0tk.n 175:). 20 olhmrb. 1021; 103:lZ; 194:l4;m0:7

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153:1.3 out 1G:lO: 1722; 252; 3:8;321%42:1; 5k4; 54:12,21.22;55:21; 70:11;79:3;81:21;83:1.3; 90:25;9224;93:6 111:8. IO; 113:4.5.5; 1143; 121:13; 131:9: 13215.20, 23; 133:22: 136:6,14; 138:3.4; 139:15.22; 14L3.3; 1495.6: I%% 175:6; 1789: 183:ll; 1M:l. 21; 1895; 1W17; 191:13; 192:6; 1%:20; 19713; 198:25; 199:3.15; 204:12;215:19 outline 1333 outlind I 26: 13 outlining 82:Io outset I75:I7 outsik 11:s; 224: 29:lE: 31;32:1; 181:IO: 210:s; 211:4,20; 212:11.219:5 OUtsid+-lh.('8 m15 outside-what 11:9 outstanding 5?18 108:o. 12; 110:21; 11622 over 8 8.15:8; u1:19; 3O:5.35:15.I6.51.10.14; 58.16.62,16; ~1:7;85.l5.15.101:17; 11014. 15;125:3.127:14; 1N:lO. 12; 152:9; 172:12; 1~6:14;1?:l1.l1;1~1. 16.22.23, 21.215?.22.224:5.5 over-probably i r : I4 overall 15 b overhead I I3 L 24. 202 4 overseas 21 I . I 3 over- 220 hi oversight 215.. 10.22 O W d I10 21. I 1 I 8. I I 6 23. lr 9.1308 own8 1-.61 4." 12. Mr 25.90 25.165 10.I2. 315 2

P ~~

p.m 16b.1.5.16-2 poem IW 12.21 p a p 123 5.1456.10;

1-0.10; 182.16. ISfilf. 18.18.18? 19.21; 214:17. 21.22015

151:l). 17.20.21; 1524

1461.2.3.163 18.

1M:L. 14; .

215:23 Pam 4717 panel 181:9 P80bm 7:8 pIp.r 28:15; 56.9; 6210; 826.8; 101:4; 1741 p.p.n81:18; 124:8 p.p.nrork 132:tO; 1478 paragraph 123:IO: 136:3; 168.22; 17020; 175:16 181:5; 18216; 18311:214:22,25; 220:18.I8;221:IR paragraphs 123:22 peralbI144:8 parentheses 18322 parents 1628 part 161 I,; 187; 21:24; 22A5.19; 23:2;4717; V:?; 105:14; 111:2.17;1123;128:1Z I36:3; 1378. IZ 147.9; 163:lO. 11. 15; 178:9; 19212; 19.(:22;201:3 participnb 80: 17. 20; 81:s; 171:16; 176:4. I. 2Z 188:8.II; 193:l j. 25

103313; 13218: 1532. 25; 175:8 fTT.21; 1823. 6 190:9; 194:18; 1976 peopk-thars 91:lO prcentW:6; 111:11; 113:5.5.~7.19;115:7.10 13 p.mntlg. 11314.14. 16;11411.13

perlUpa 1753 p.rjod 737: 9:6; 11:I E 122; 163; 3 9 2 497.25; 50:5;6?:21.22 24:68:6, 17;7616; 83:3;&(:2: %11:9711.11100:14; 103:l; 10S:19; 11O:lO; I28:L 13L6.21: 13835; 171:M. 24; 172:9.10.12; 180:2;TO2!6;21417; 41 I :22.23; 212PO.11. I4 2m2f 24 period-well 209:7 periodic 1722 poriod*.lty 2621; 2x4, I2 prlphml219:6 p.rmiUibly93:12


Mrtki0IP.d 1?3:1; PERW 9:i; 32:24; 35:9, . .. .a. .".e.. I.. *. .".-a, 1 w : L

partkular 95.)0.132:7; ! 79 1%:l t t porson 43 9;4814;

' 79 17.22.2+24; 119:19. perticularly 119.13; 178:3 parti- IZlL14.25. 1610;4615


22; 23:16.19.2?. 24:l. 10; ZS:lO;33:22.24.699; ?0:19: 71:2; &I 20.24. 81:12:621.9.18.83 2.6.

parts 128.1 j.183.10;

11.12; 198;22:13.

19.126:18.h; l k l l ; 1111 to. 20, IM:L 1927 p e n 0 ~ l 9 2 4 ; 11:6; . 32 25;47:16; 132:24 personalty 20. i6; W5: I51 I 1 personnel 42:l -in 191:) pertmining 55.4: 2 I 0: I 2; 219 15

' -ne 210 16 j perusing 83 23; 1x55;

r 10661 . 14?13.14921; 167 21;

Philip 3916 phone 32.:. 33 ;9.58:17

, p m o 26 I' , ph-2j:M.M:I : Physblly 161:20

p*k 123 14;2006 pkce 44 16. %.9 plrce 36 12.7@16; 82 14.92'11.99:7: 110 l4.15,132:13; 833 13.21;134:6;1661; I6- IS. 173:9, IZ 181:15; 190 19.24;211:20;216:8. 10 ' p k d 1195, I5

c T 12.86:24;87:7; * 153.23; 1548; I U S ;

' Pbn 25:6.?.7;26:12;

108.9; 194:9.12: 19713;


phk21:25;25:1.4; 2711; 194:22 planks 23:18 pbm 16415; 199~7 pWrm22:15 phy 17:11;89:25; 14018.21.24; 17310; 1~21.180:24 played 173.13; 184.8. 17; 1784 pfaying 1821; 175:8 pbS84:11;65; 10:21; 18:13; 33:15; 4424; 53: 10; 7410; 1169; 12224: 124:T 128:s 177:16; I896 191:24: 20711; 21322 pbasum 1023,25; 11:4, 5 pbusure-l11:4 pledged 2710 PoicJovani 202:21.23.24 point 189;33:8; 51:6; w.9; 7014; 101:2); 102:18; l?h6.14; 1?9:5; lM:I5.23; 151:5; 154:3: 15811; 183:2(; l a 2 1

polnting 17:22 points 2246 polkm 1424; 2323; 83:lZ 137:13 Porky 1616,19.20; 22:14.21,23;23:6.8,9, 11.13.17;246.14;25:8; 27:10;38:17;39:8.10.12; 44:21;45:; 46:Z. 8.17.19; 49:11; 53:22;60:5.9,13.16; 61: I , 3, 13. 17.20; 62:5.8. 17;63:9.15;64:22;65:2. 6. IO. 13.14.21;68:3.7, 14.17;69:1.8704; 71:24;7210,13. 15. 17. 23; 73:2;74:13.19.25; 75:7.15;763.7.14; 777. 16.22; 781 1.12; 79:ls So.5.21;81:12. 198219. 21:83:684:19;86:13.23: 88: I I ; 89:12; 90:22; 91:11.14.18;92:1.3.14; 93:;9S:13. 16.21.22;96:8.25;97:7; 9817;99:; 100:lt; 101:9: 10225; 104:17; 108.8; 11214; 113:lO. 12; 117:s; 124:II; 125:17; 131:1,6 132:9 135:12.17; 137:l; 1383, 6.8; 1429.12.21; 143:lO; 144:2.5.15; 147:6; 1487. IO, 21; 149:lG 152:lO. 16; 1!34:4; 156:15;1579: 158:I 2.25; 159:9. 12.16.

p0int.d 121:12

19; 160:3.24; 161:12; 162 18.22; 164:); 165:7. 11; 167:18: 172:24: ~.

(1 1) out - Price

177:22; 186.15;224:16 policy-choore 23:ZO Policy-strike 125:16 political 5:5.97:15; 12:12;13:19,21;15:2; 73:5:78:23; 17221; 2093 polttiially 153: io polks 15:495:11; 80:) polling 190:12; 223:2 pOOf 219:ll poorly l e 1 9 portion 9 1 5 ; 105; 268;

positiin 7:22:6720: llO3; 113:4; 115:1;213:6

82:3;94:13.15; 152:8 153:9; 190:9; 19819 positiw 144:17 possession IZO:!O; 14617 possibility 106:9 possible 1 ~ 1 8 ; I j8:14; 148:22; 223:14 possibly 52:1% 1767 potential 44:16;%.7; 1378 182:ll; LW.10 Pottatown 68 power 833 practice 32:4; 534; 189:16; 1m3 practkbhow 192.3 practices 4:IS; 1%:21; 211:25 precautions 22420 precise l09:22; 148:13 prcler 199:2 prefii 119:25; 120:21; 121:23; 122:m; m:8; premise 160:lB premises 122: 14 prepamtion 3& 15 prepare646.9;6632. 20; W24.25; 706 prepered 51~20: 152:17. LE. 20; 19821 preparing 28:6 present%:r3; 156:lI; 198:IS presentelion 203:2 presenting 100:17 Presiden17:20; 198:22 ~ W S S L5:6;43:8.9; 194:23.25; 195:2 pressure 181:7 presuppose 15O:ll. I2 pff!SUp$OSb8~d 1%:9 pletty I32:18; 134:IE; Mo. 23 previous 26:6;76:12; 1368; 184:16 213:4 previously 5:22;95:1;; 16710 Price2173


prhrrrlly 103:7 principk. 8312 printor 18311 prbr 21:24; 22:I; 37:19; 62:9;71:20;80:24;87:5; 123:11;1472k 178:13; 22323 prioritha 827;83:2 priority 128:10;2078 prkrlkg. 371.6 Privikord 35:7 p m 71:lB; 21315 plobaly 88 1GII; n.10 211:21;36:13; 44: 15; 5 2 16.24; 6621; 70:11;mn. la12 Ci:. 1w.m; 1322; 136:io;

;t; *;.: 14619;164:15;17E11; e . 175:6; 177.21; 1828; 11 19O:ll; 1%15.19; k 2 197:1&~6;203:15; ' 201:23; 205:lO

~2 pmb. 1W17 <? probkm79:i.6; 14816; ?! . . . 183:5; 1119.1

- - ;;: procdurr-md 132:21 %.: procodurn m25;

i. 1 1 2 I 1; 134: 12; 2168;

PROMEDINGS 41; 32% 199:lO p t # W 16: 11.13; 1:9; 51.:2% 525;5&1661:24, 25;64.3;90:13.17.20; L18:14.9211;%4;W:I I; 103.14.loS:l6; 13213, 14; 133:2,14?:9; 177% M1:13.M9:6 p r a c r d 165.6 prom#. 134:) I 4 p m d d 22.1rO.II;I;P1.9;II22:3. 4.1'.; 2(r 8.214 produrn 143.19 pmducina 82.24

r...: . -. 221:13 :=;: 3 _. pmcdlng m 2

product 65.9; 179.25; 183 I 1 produdon 55:14; 182 25 produccbna 122:6; 141 I9.11212 Products I 4 2 I 3 proffer 32:15; I21:22 p m g n m ~ 1 3 ; # t 6 . 6 prognmW:16: 22222. 24 p r o g m 90~6; 173:7; 175-7.1W12 pmi.ct183:9.9 pmmiaaory 165:13

promoting 13713 promptly 19810 proper 121:8 pmporly 1143; 13634; 20S6 c pmpri.ror iw:i 1 pmapacts 86:7. 15; 164:z pmtocol 211:19 pmfoda 221:13 pmud 11338 pmvid. 13:2;24:13; 59:15; 61:l; 63:16 65:l. 10.16; 113:Ia 131:2 p m v W M17; 61:215; 81:;&(:22: 112:13; 122:& 148:20; 151:7.10; 15716; 1UI:l8, 22 pmuiding 6520; I&.% 11911;121:24; I26:la

18224 I83:!7

R R 1%7; 188.2;223:16 R-N-SEC 11216 ROW77 88:6 mea 109.5.6; ll&l% I11:4,& 11; 12EE:lO; 19o:ll nh 48:9;71:24,2); 75: 13; 77% 24; 93:ll. 14,17.20.24;W:1;95:16. 23; 100:1, Y l . 24; 106.17; 191:6; 205:20 AM s6:6; l a 2 4 ab.. %:e 18225 N&hg 693; 71:m 86.7; ~~;188:9. 12.15 ~7:8;92;21:25;22:15. 15; 27:6; 4 I ~4.7; 42: 1 1;

1464 -. .- .. . pUrpowM;11:2.24: , - 1099 33:lS 65:20.22:75: 15. n:6;81:1a:83:5; 192.12 1 t ~1mion7 .9 13.22; 17216 i -ha 4,147:23 pUrporr(t I52:2l

18;59:16.25;60:9;3+10; 90:15. 1026; 1125; 168:5; 17215.16 put 25:1;83~1;921l. 24; 93:6; 11223; 115:s. 1199; 120:22; 121.4.19; 122:8; l38:3,4; 639:15. 141~3; 152:lO; 153.23.

1721; 173:12;1TI:& 199:6; 2OtRl4

13725; 13912.13

purposes 11:20;s3:.

IW:2:*: l55:15; 156.10,

pucclng 6o.p. i I i:a io.

puplrd i w o

f d 9 14.1% 10:s; 26.8; : a 23.87.2l; l01:4; i I IO 2.3. I 15: 1.124.8. ! 14'. I 1901.2.4. I3 .~:21; I 2136.220 IO ! -2u8.20 ' 167 4 I I RwOur'~0 i Roqmn-bah1.13 1 m 1 8 6

I ~ m . ~ - - . ~ i a w i ~ . -4 I 4 bJ.2I.sU.

' 22. I I I 6:. I19 20. ' 121 1'. 114 19. lr 20.

received 5418; 1 6 4 : ~ ; 1821; 186:14; 194:23; 20322; 2124 meahring 15816; 164:11; 16825 recent 17523; 198:17; 206A nrmtly 153:19 recoptbn 4211;491 R.~osm79:12: 11713; 198: 12; 2133

mognke 25:17;55:3; 114:17; 119:6; 2185 facognitad 2012 racollect 1595 m o l W i n 602.3; 62:2:63:4.7.15,18.19; 81:6;88:1;92:19; 1OO:lO; 106:20; 13120. 23; 135:18.21; 141:20; 1488. 19; 15533; 16130; 165:3; 165:2,31; 169: 15; 18221; 1833; 18625; 188:6.10.24; 189% 193:8; 198:6 ncolkabns 161:13 recommsnd 15225; 153:20; 206:20 reeommndationa 1176 ncQnvene 166:) m o d 4:lO; 5A7.20; 9 1 6 106; 269: 30:l. H); 3122.23; %:5; 57:9.11; 61:9;9222; 103:!7; 110:4; 114:16.18; 115:2; 118:3; 119:9 IZO:5.23; 121:20.22; 122:9; 124:20; 144:23; 149:14: 15124; 155:1,10;156:11;157:1. 3.1673: 17613: l n 8 ;

1 JM;l9; 186:s; 191:9.20; , $93:9.10; 19!9:7; 200:lO;


207~14; ZM1:14. 17; 213:7. 25;214:9 ~ords421;57:3.19; 8%16. 2 2 l4(s:l7; 19024. 25; 1923

mkt lona 20716 REED 4:3.12; 5:19 1 2 12.25; UI: 15: 87: 13; 11722.25; 123:24;

' Ncruh79:17

135:ZJ; 144:21: 145:7; 14919; 150:7; 154:9; 1579; 1674.9.19; l84:l5; 185:24.191:6; !98:17.20; 1999: 201:23; i!021;207:12:2oB:20; 214:23;223:11;224:3 R W O 5 8 5 ; 191:lO; 1W.24 Reed-that 19(1:16

retennee48:19 rofamncd 12324 referrad 2621 retterfing 15515; 173:20; 178:24; 181:8; 184:l. 1; i m o . 1 ~ 1 5 ; 193:4 refRn 168:22; 181:13 raIkct3713;86:6 14423; 1573; 1673; 207 14 tdbW 1481 mtk t ing l a 2 3 rdbcls 5:20; 12420; 1571 reform 83: 1 5 refraining 144:) refresh 168:25; 1a24; 189:9.12 m h d 1699 189:3 regard 29:11;45:6; 7610. IO; 215:23 m r d d 78:20; 133:14 G r d i n g 7623.25; 79:15; 144:16; 157:21; 191:5;211:20; 221:14 15623 mgarda 29:l; 1483 Regkn 7::3 fegiond7:1% 15 registration 2164; 22220 mguhr 49:24; 50.8; 52:6; 9o:24; 107:7; 108:13 regularly 60:23; 181.2% ?Sk6 mgu).cmna%2: 122:); 205:6 relate 5 ? 3 218:6 rdnad u). 1.2.12; 39: 12; 44:3;49.10.15;54:25 nhtma 122:20 mt.ling 28:); 127:25 rolnkns l4:5; 129:21. 23; 143.18; 174~25; 175 I dotionship 355.6. 66:18;84.6.19; 180.5. 198:) m).cio 200: I2 mhtiidy 13:13. 101:19: Mo:6 mkaaod 182:19 rekvancy 206: 18 rokvant 29 1.6746; 1m21 nnmining 1 15: I 3 -5:2; 15~19; 1624; 1&19,20. 22.24. 25; 1918.1% 21:19.20. 22; 27: 18. 22; 28:9.16; 37.17; 39:19.23;43:9. 17; 45:3;4719;498.10.12 50:9; 51: 12,16.21; 53 24; 54;1;W.;60:1.


. . . . . . . .

.. . ,. . . .. . . . , .

.. .

. .

. ..


ii8:6. 119 1. IO; 120:IZ mp.St :&IO 197. IO. 21.lO7.22: I0g: l i : ~ ~ . ~ ~. 121.10.14. I22:6; 14S:l 14;31:16;41:18;44:8; 110 2L. 111.18; 112:3.14. 114:; llS:5;

69:2, 17.18; 70:7.7.17; 71:8. 11.16.1?;7Z:2;

79:14. 16;80:3.3;81:23; 8212.13.13,14;85:20, 21;86:8.9:81:; 89:2290:12;9215.21. 23;9719;99:4, 20;100:9.2S;101:11.16, 17; 105:8; 108:10. IS. 16; 111:22; 12S22; 126.17. 20.22.24: 127:5.7,10. 14; 129:6; 133:4.12,12. 18. M. 134:3.24; 13S:4; 1427; 1443.7. 1 6 14720; 148l16.23; 149:lO: 1S29; 1%1& 157:13; 15910.13,18; 160:18.20.21; 161:2,8. 14; 162:Il; 163:23: 1%3.; 16S:25; 16W.3; 16923; 1'10:1.4. 67.8.15; 17916; 174:20; 17S:S. 11. IS; I n 1 2 1788.14; 1793; 1803; 181:14: I87:1.3.5; l88:14,24: 190:7; 191:6,

I%:% 197:9; 20219.22 203:7.8.14; ZU49, 20519; 220.21; 221:6 rWIomkf40 116:17 --thm 111:2s mmomkn 126:14 mnkrlng7S:15 nntrl190:24 nnted 1392L 143:2,3; 21 I: I6.220:6 fWtting 21 S 24 mid 10) 19.20, ltX;24.110 16.111:S; 116.21. l r - 9 npy 103 5.106:9; 124:16.125 IS, 17; 1%6; I30:8 npymftl lm.7; 111:17. I92:29 fiopnt6l. lP. lW:12

c r p h m -3.1)

Mply 213 4

733.3;77:3; 785.8.9:

a 11.i6.21; IH:IS;


crplwlng 123:13

ropbnishd 1 1 6 1 npon 13 -. 182:19: 183.1.213 10;221:14 mp0rt.d 13-10; 14:13, IS. I5:IT reporter 9 15; 10% 26:s: 1103.l15.1.213:6; 22313 mp0N 12621; 1m13; 22020; 221 :I. 7.10

172.20; 194 4

rmpnmtmtkn 3714;

repmentatboa 91:16; 5 7 I7

m p ~ l & 3 4 : 1 6 . 2 1 . 1 48:3:7615.17;776; 23 : 1?2:19.20.22: I n 1 9 ; w m n t i n g 34:14; I 179:17; 1809 3S:ZL 378; 16512 R.publican $19; 89.10; ' rerponsibiiii &22. 9:7.8.9;1010;11:12.16; I 25:14:22;1W4

1 respond 181:7

1220.21: 13:1.2.11; 1424; 19:2% 20:13.15. 19: 21:11: 22:19.20: 23:4.

! I;24:10;~:1; j 33:22.24; 34:6; 408; 468. i 23;47:6;4916; 50:2;603; , 6%~3;66:1: 6710;69:9; 70:19;71:Z72Lo; 8020. ' 24;81:12.13.14;821,?. ; 1&83:; I 8(:Z3.6.9.l% 13.15.22; ! 851 1; 9I:ZS; 926.7.12 13:93:2.16, IR95:ZS; %.;

I -.


mponsibilii 132:lO nut 132:20; 150:23.25; 213:19 m u h 12335 mum 5: 12: 6 4 m u d 16710 rmtfbV8 1926 rmturn 131; 198:17 rmturnd 1674 Retumlng2119 rcnrkrr 1011;*20.22, 24; %3; 197:s 21920

r#lgmd718;8:2.7. I 1852.5


4S 1. 15. 18.462% 4" 11.4913.I4;50:13: 51 1.~4.52.21;53:13,19. 23 , .u l l . % : l 8 ; ~ 2 l ; 604.;63:8; 65 I . IO. IZlS , 18.20; 66+W.6? 20.24;71:5; -5 I?. 24;76:3;79:lS; 81 19.20.2S.85:3.6.15; 86 12.87:6;8%:1; 90:21. tl.91.l8;9218;93:12; %8.22;9716; 101:7.22. 3. IO2:2.6: 10%6: 104:s.

i1620.22; 124:17; 125:17.19; 1266; 127:9 131:9,9; 13212; 133:21; 134:9.13.13; 135:6; 13625; 137:; 138:4.25; 1393.11; 140:17; 14212; 143:14; 1486.19; 149:lS; 15218. 20: 153:5.7,13; 1586; 15922; 1a2.19; 161:20. 23; 16214; 16S:4.13; 170:12 171:lO; 17322. 24; 174:13.19; 175:13.18; 1761; 179:2; 180:6; 181:20.2$; 182:ll. 18; 183:2.19; 184:11,13; 187:2; 190:19.22; 192:21; 195:18.25; 1%:4. 10.20; 201:18; 204:I. 1s.20; 20S:4.8;2072;209:18; 261:12, to, 24; 2123.4; 213~9; 215:7.22.2% 2161.; 218:17; 21920: 22020.24; 221:Z. 12.22.222:23;224.l5.25 RNC's 1W1; 108:8; 14810 R N o l l n y b d y 1%12 RNGl24:18 RNC-NPF 19W RNSEC 11210.1% 11W; 11$:21; 11615.16; I17:4 rod 88: 12; 90:) 9;

ROBBINS 4:9; S:l6,23; 6:2.3;7169:11.14.17. 25; 1014.19; 129.18; 17S.6.11.15;185.9.14. 15; 204.10.12;21:2.3;;24:21; 2~:13.22;26:1.6.11; 29:; 303. PI. 15, 17.24;31:4. 9,;32:11. 17.21; 33:7, 34:2.18.20;3S:1.8.10.,

24;39:4;4011.14. IS. 20. 22; 424.8; 44~18; 47:14. 22;48:15;50:1.6,11; 5210.13.19;W:IO. 14. 23; 51:6.9.12. IS. 17.22; 56: I; 5 7 1.6. 10,14. 17. 23; W6.13. 14;6723;73:12,19.22. 24;74:8. I f . 17;7518.22.

m 1 3 ; 142)

21; 37:2,7.24; w:i. 20.

25;7613;795,11.13; 8 1 2 8S:I9.23;86:20; 87: I I . 15.20.25; 91:s; ~ ~. ~~. 94:7. I I . 20; 9S:2,9.8. IO. 17;97:2S;98:11.13.14. 21; 100:; 101:23.25; I02:I; 103:Il. 19.23; 104:7.10.15; 105:25: lC611, 25; 107:14; 1W2.4; 109:12.13.I4, 23.24: I10:2.6 11221:

1168, la; 11712.15.17. 19.24; 118: 119:2.4,14.18:1201,5. 13,16.18.22;121:7.11. 14.19; 12213.19.23; 123:6.9; 124: 125: 1269.12. 161n:IS;128:7;129:ll. 14; 130:16; 131:21,24; 135:23; 1362.6.10.16. 18.21; 138:Il . 16.21.23; 139:7. IO. 20.23; 14U1.9. 13, 16; 14I:7; 143:7.8; 145:Z.S. 11. 13; 1463.5.. G.23,24; 14715.19.24; 14918.22.23.21; 1W6. 11. 15.21; l51:3. 5.9.13. 16.23; 1522; 15422; 155:; 1%:5. IO. 13.25;1572.5.7.I2.15. 21; 158:17.21; 159:3,6, 25; 162:s 163:; 166.3; 1676.14.22:; 169:6. I I. 14; 170:24; 171:1.4,7.9. 2% 172:). IO. 14; 174:7. 1.(;1766.; 177:14. IS; 179:ll. 12; 16d:lO: 18'3: 186:; 187:22. 2% 1895.7; 191:8.12.15.; 193:S.9, 12.17. to. 22; I%:24; 198:Il . 13; 1992. 13.16. 23; Mo:4 Robin 13:22 rok 1616.18; 17:3.14, 16.17.18; l8:4,8.17. SO. 22; 31 :IS; 33: 18; 4 I :9. I I ; 4618.19;49:6.7;88:16. 18.2 I, 22; 89:25; 90: 2; 1313; 132:IO: 137:14.16; 139:Il; 14018.21.25; 1521% lS3:l; Im22; 177321; 1784; 179:4: 1W.24 rols-tell l7:16 r o b 140:3; 173:lO; 171:s Ron 188:i room SS:2S: 88.8; 172:13; 174:21.22 rough 6k5.9; 64: 17.19 roughly 3711.16 mutlnely P71:IO. 11.12; 173:22; 174:13; 183:25; 184:16; 190:17 ruks 26:2;%:2; 121:25; 122s; 20S:t. S; 21 1:19 ruling 73; 95:6 run 35:lS. 16:79:18: 11014; 17810; 2235 running 29:2; 27: 14: 65:7; 83124; I IO: 13;

(13) remember--do - n i n n i n g Wllcr Rrmcmlng Componv. Inr. Win-U-Scripm

S S-E4 112:18 Uh221:ll

amW:20,83:12; 95:25;98:4.8; 12423; 1253; 129:17; 1665; 177:6.10; 183:22; 19315; 2245 S.n(brd4715; i74:1,20; 182:8; 1876.7 s a t i r M b n 180:4 U1m4.7; 49:l; 69.13; 81:21; 164A9;221:11

,,uying 5:1&98;20:2; . ' ~ 2 1 : n:z4;76:9;g4:b; ~'96:18;99:20; 103:17;

:2123:24; 1253; 165:s;

2:. . ,coys-.nd 173:19 i Zscene i. I ~ S I ;~+ch.duk I : . 198:Zd. 24 . kchedukr 47:17,18;


!.L-114:12; 11615; 1186;


;?I .? :&hml67 .. ~ - . Lt.cOm29:12.15;31:2.7;

~ m:i;33: ikn: is i5~:4. ~~--10.22;%:2;5721;211:4;

, '~'~COll4:3.12;47:23,25; 1 1491; 1W7; 167:9;

18'. I. 7 screenin@ 132.25; 333 21.134:12

S r E h 56.2; 57.2.19

SUtS 123.15 S W n d 109 168 22.169:3.18(5.18. 18-n. i9t.10; 2 1 4 : ~ . 21; 224 2 SC0nd.v 31.23 secretory-0 21.3 4; LA2 v Section 1'3 21 s a d 65 - seeing 21 16:69 I?. 18. 81 11. 14.m4; 168 2. Isn 2.1 M k; 8223.8524;W.I. 159 I5.162:31 srk4id 16221 seem 103:13; ij8.11 swmentina 25.19

1 "2r9, =l I 3 .

scruggs 4t:18;?022

searchad 191.3

Senate 10216; 11511; 120:9;1221; 1505; 144:Zk 206:13 ~nator41:4.9.11,16; 206.3.13 t md 51:14:62:6; 1926; 2161.4;221:1 mbr 91:s; 197:6 rsnrn:14;78:23; 5W13.15; 199:18 ~ n s i b i l i l k . 2S23 msilhm 33:9 sent 193; 28:11;629; 114:2; 133:15; 1525.24; 153:5,8,12 untenco 18322 .mlimnt183:17 ~ n h 9 2 1 7 . 1 8 ; 175:18.23; 1m2; 18218. 25; 195:lO. 19; 224:17.21. 22 sepomtbn 931; 175:25; 17619.21

l m 1 9 s e r a 142:3 rrn9:4;11:2,2;123 Hivd91; 1023.25; 11:4;1216;~8;134:11 sew.. 12:9 wwke 97; 10:11 Mnric.. 131 sowlng ll:ii.20;66 3 SESSION 1671: 1695

SeptaInbW 1161:

HI #:2); 59:& 23; 65.2%

9222; 9335; 98: 1 1.12. 124:24.25; 14k4.9; 142:19: 143:Zl; 160:s; 21 1: 19; 22421


m-up I n 2 .mtng 137:14;14018; I42M. 1532 163:13 mn 16W7.19 k e d Iw: 16.23; I16:W; 11923; 123:18. 1 a 1 ; 177:lO O h m b k r 219A9 a h g . I S 4 3 0 h . d 181:1l% 196:7,10

16.19; 136.6.17; 14923. IM.3; 15I:I. 12; 16&12; ls6:2,6; 1934 199:L 2(n:I4.20.213:25: 2145.

SHAWI:%.c 11613.

Sh 21).10.19;29:13;)0:5; 33: 18; 54.23.379; 140:7; 1% 19.184.18

S k k m #); M1:22. 25.202:1.15;

! 203:25.209:25; 2063% 15. 1 21.2Z201.; ! 20&2.5.9,I2.16.24; i ~1.25.2103.9.14~20, I 22.21 I :7.1. 16.18,23; !; I 213~4. lI.21;214:4.7.9, i 12.~4.!6.21,24;215:5.

, r i a lOI~ZI.24.24

6.21611.14.19.21; Zlf4.

' 16.20.2l92t.ll.If. ZzO.23.221 4.P.222.4. 223 9 r(0r In0 I 2 s b n m s lW22

; S l d 113 14 ; Smr( 165 17 I -1137

a. i3;zmii;im UICW4808 Oh..c 20:24 ' 8Oft I I I 11.14.1166. S h r r r W. I4 123 I3 2228 80k9 4. I 9 9 I 1

13634; 1373,14.25; 138:7.8.24; 1392.25; t4018.22; 141:4; 143:13; 144:18: 16517; 1WI; 206:18; 207:9 showad 1202 1412% 19224 showing 1406: 194:19; 21&&219:6 .horn 13719;139:15 s#. 16:21.2; 115S sides 165:9 sign 19:ll. 15;M.19.23; 1 4 5 3 sign-off 195. 5; 2024; m21

SiBMd 1920.23;20:23. S W N 145:12; 116:7; 591; 1457.14; 1473 17. 31; 17924 signiiicmnt iOk i9 ; 115:11 signing 16.13; 14523 SilmiI8P 20210 rimph 11613 sinply 18:s; 2523; 563: Im4; l P . 5 ringk 28.22; 104:Z 3 Si( 63:7; 161:4; 198:25 oMing 1494 ritumbn 1 ~ 2 5



se&gate i7:4. I) 1 Sh&192:17 ' Wkly91 18 r e k t m9.10 : short 1534; Mo.6.12; ~ dicit 224.25 sckcted~. i i . t t .1Z 2 a 3 ! 8Ombodkt851:9 IS. I6 , sh0rt.r 73: 16 ! .ombody 51:5.6.10. sekcting BO:M i show87:IS. 16; 11725; 1 21.23.524.24;63:12;

SE-C * slated (14) MIll.U-SUip(0

10; 795;~&91:21; 1022.2.4; lo6:g.4.7.13; 113:7; 1M.2; 1m.7; 129:4.17; 1323; 13922; 1407; 1495; 1543; 16059.19; 165:1.23; 1926; 1%18 219:14

.omhorr 136:16 W m l W W13; 14414; 203:9, sofriaplm 81:7; 190:6 somathing 127; 1723. 25; 1920; 22:14.16;24:3; 28.17; 52Z3,3; 56% 61:23; 94:ll; 1 1212; 119:9.13; 1332 149:s; 160:23; 17315.17; le6.12; 18925; 1924; 199:22;201:7.9; -1 .omdm 453; 1029; 103:l; 105% 1N:22; ln.19; 134:19; 16211 romotimn W6.18; 172:20.21 wrfNWhM n:19;TI:3; 13121; 19023; 191:2 sophir(bt@d 114:l sorry 1323.25;3921; 66:9; 6713.13; 68: 11; 7825; 10021; 1372; 17125 SQfl32:2.6.12; 5214. 14; #:3; 79:3; 1071; 1S9:19; 224:l sough893:l; 159:18 Sou& 181:14 M U W 28.1;73:9.9; 75:9; 131%; 1322; lY:5; 20718 source0 71:19; n l 5 ; 93: I l , I4 ; 95: 12.20; %7; 12l:4; 1%16.20; 15710. 19; IM:Z 23; 1598; 160:25; 169:lf. 19.21.25; 224:25 wurce8-thd15718


- SwM 135:l speak 3O:19; 5018; 51% 52:25;66:13;88:25;83,

; 21;90.4.20; 124:15; 12821; 138:14: 192P8; lW:22;205:8. I2 spaking 89:7.22 .p..kin@ 90: 12 .p..k 5214; 208.25; 2154 SpUa 53:15;61:4.14. 18; 6420; 66: 19; 71: I 1. 17; 76:ll; 762; 1)6:15; 1291% 12622; 14718, 21; 2483; 15721; 16133; 144:f; 194:8.14; 203:14 sp.cli-l61:8 .p.cifii.lly Blo; 39:lO. ll;54:1;722;

7623; 852% 13918: 170:?,8; 1755; 195:IS: 197:9

s$uUq 218:23 spaculra 25:18 yucubting 179:lO spouh 1ZZ:M SpdIhg 147; 15:M; 81:21


spend 109:s; 11010 rp.ndkrg85:k 217:19 SpWlt61:7; 11516; l83:21 spiril73: 19 splh 113:18 Spoke 44: IS; W 13; 928; W6.6; 111:4; 12836.9; 203:12; m 1 3 ; 22212 spoken 36:9; 40:9.11. 13.17,23;41:21;429. 15. 18,21.24;43: 21.23;44:8. I2 spokesperson 43:15 spokeswoman 43:lL. 13 spurrad 785 ~6625:2;26:13.18; 75:18.20 Stdf622;61; 13:lI; 153.15; 16:25;88.1; 90:21.24.2);91: 17.18; 9216.21; 93:6,8; 99.12; 106:16; 1072; 113:2.24: 119:16; 120:9; 141:15: 154:s; 171:ll; 173:22; 174:13; 17614; 181:IZ; 1823.6 183:Z. 13.14.18,23;1M:8.11. 13; 1%:1

14:15 stage 199:9 St8gOS 1768; 17:Z s t a p 151:s stampd 144:18 mnd 16710 s t a d r d 51 :I?. 25; 11623; 189:13 otandmrdr 101:18 stands iiz:m; im:i6 nclph 1M:ZS; 15I:l -Id IM:M, I51:ZI M 4S:l;65:23;81:9. 11; 169:4.10 otalrt-up 4921 m A 8 : 1 7 ; 38:9.22; 85:6: 197:12. 14;M8:8 SWftiflg 17.6; 7925. 127:22 r(utrm2; l64:18 ltrrtup84:14.24 8Ut@4:10; 1%8; 1610; 19:8;46:15; 112:ll. 19; 120:); 140:s; 148:15.22. 24: 149:6.8 rt.(.d24:11

Muller rep^ Company, Inc.

stmenrrmt 1 m 2 4 I10:13; 163:2; 183:23 .1.t.mM(r 581 St.l.r 721; 7422; 78:24; 12031; 133:23; 1342; 21121 stating 132:24 .1.lkWfY 1182 15217; 208:18 tt.lus93:15; 11O:lS 17013; 18212; 189:13; 190:11 .tly.d8:13 step 17:14;31:21;33:25, 25;6212.16 .t.pt63:2; 1328.11; 153:21; 16321; I m l 2 still 43:12;71:2; 1428; 20424 stipulate 1m2

stop 1Gb. I stops 164:18

stom 5523

stongm 5525; 1-21 stored 19023

straight-out 195~4 stmightformrd 117:2 stra&gkM:18.21 stratogb8 170:6

StNighl9223: 114:l

s t m t 44:6 stmtch 198:9 strike 134:16 strong 181:6 structurally 167 structure 13.15 Studio 13?:18.18. 139 22; I41A; 143.2.5; ... ..

substantive 32:8 success 80:l suggSrt67:13; 110~23

17820 suggesttJd I m2):

r u g w i n g 157:lf summary 183:1 summer 924; 2O1:15 Summit 1214 supH"Chl219:12.19 s u p e ~ u o u s 151:2 s u p e w ~ 139:ll; 14220 supervised 13717.22 ~uppIW65:7;8S:Z.(i. I 1

8UppOSd 57:4 supposition 130:1i Sum 5:16.22;6:2; 1016; 1621; 17:9: 163; 19:19; 2 3 ~ 0 ; 2 5 : ~ ~ ; 27:4;31:2z 33:1035:10.12;3712 45:16; 5024; 521& 55:1220;5&6;76rO; 795.11;80.14;81:4;82:5; 85:7.9.19; W2.19.20;

supporld 8222

90:8.8.9; 1024; 103:16. 24;111:20.ZL 112:4; 11711; 12&l7;13&21; 1403; 1663: i73.7.9.11; 174:12; 185:14: 169:1& 191:18; l'u.2.12.16; 195:; 1974; 198:ll; 199:3.6.-23. 24;224:19.20 sun-l'm 54.19 surplus 116 11.13; 1173.4

113:7; l45:6; P73:25; 174:6; 21617 tank 23:21.22 23; 25:8. 10;6523;7y:25 targot 165:2 targated m : i 5 tmak 7925 tu 83:lS; 8(:2O;%15; 17522 Du-oxenlpt 110:13; 1787; 18212 team 26:17;66:1?;921& 1~717;21611,I7,22 technical 114:21 ~ h o n O 4 7 2 1 ; ln : l4 t d w b b n 1 IO:% 13624; 1373.21; 1W7; 13925.; 141:4 tolling 53:17 tolls 1726 tens 12216 tanurn 26% term 153:4; 2ao:12 romp 2 ~ 9 , zo; 109:14; 143.5: 2oo.lI); 206:23.25 tmati(i.d 46; 12421; la:% 16711; 16922; 1098 tutlty4:17; 1015; 140:5 tatitylng 421; Y:2 C..tim0~4:13.2&5:4. 6.25. 1018; 2524; %%6:

stuff49:13 subject 404;71:8,11. IJ.?5.3; 7.21.25;88:2; 97; 161.6. 1-3.5 sub* 82.22 submit 13220; 2026. 204.6 submitted m2:8. IO. 2054.6.205.6 submitting m:9 subpoono 54:18 subpoenaad 5:20 subsequent 3892 subsoauentk 141-22 subsidbries~2:1.9.1i. 22.'). 1.8.-4:3.23;?5:6; 78 16. I-?, 24;%.21; 154:6.12; 155:19; 1%17; 160.10.I2;161:15.22; 16213.19 s u b s i d i w i i h 161:18 subsidiiry 154:17.23: 158.8


suspmnd 200.' Bumnno 47.itk10:Zt sworn 4: 25; 167:lO

T tabkt 55~23 Tmimn 101:) Tabhnhl222 6


that-unckr 106.19 thehe 6s.22 oh04 16.12.92 4 thO-th.ll12.13 -31 15 t h c y g u 134 8 (kcyour 69 7 ttlomrM10.ld2:5 thenus8221 th.nUoIUO8 74.5.16217

trlk 31:I 5; 40.4.4 I 24; 50: 12; 51:14; 57.12. 6213.2%9O.IQ. 146.21. theu-wh8t I7215

thambm 96 5m 133Z1 ohmot lo9 21

isi:ii. 19; 153:16. 160:15; 191.7; 191) 23; 218:25;2193 trlksd 2214; 28:24; 325. 3821; 42:6,6;43.10; )0:16;81:17; 129:ll; 13014; 14523; 160:17. 20 lrlking I l:9; 17:4; 18:?; 22:23; 23:17;69:M; 88:24:91:2 IlO:2L:


t W d 205:2 1h.y" 1533; 16723; 1.025; 171:1.2 think-u i99:S think-I'm 5:18 thinking 54: 19; 67:15; 91.7; 135:2; 182:6; 187:23 third 123:IO; 145:6; l?O.Zo this-lhme 1 4 8 2

though 85:9; 103:13; 115:20; 175:lS 192:16 thought 45:19;67:14; 701;71:22;724;761 I; 80:4;83:9;%9:12;%23; W:1& 138:17; 15214.22, 25; 154:7,10.14, 15; 160:13.21.23; 1624.16; 1639,ll; 1&6; 18220; 184:M thought8 I53:3 thousands 12217 th- 5:2;82; 15:24; 44:lS; 4017; %:19; 7O:7; ?3:16;98:8; 108:S,16; 173:13; 221:18 threefold 121:21 throughout 15:3.11; 2621.22; 509; 10637; 108:13; 194:22 throw 70:ll; 189:24 throwing 190:17 thrust 222:22 tkk.110217 thne-88 50:25 time8 W.3; 19:17;W16; 4920,50:10; 533, 25; WE; 1293; 1552; lS:20; 171:13; 180:l; 1&(:21; 185:8.9.18,19; 22231 title 88:ll; 1W3; 141:5; 1529; 183:,11: 18(:9 ticl.d 21410 to-ho 184:l to-kt 155:15 to-they 1543 tv-you 4224 Cdiny 15:l today 15:1'7; 1719:28:6; 3223; 332; s 1 4 ; 3615; W:l;198:15;2M):7: 223:15.23; 224:3 t&yL n 6 towhor 13725; 139312, 13:141:4; ISo~20.25; 151:1;153:23; 183:9.21 toogather-they 1m13 Tokyo 209:18 told 2220;23:4.25;401; 42:1;90:1; 1023.10; 127:16; 131:4; 1322; 1589; 161:l4; 163:lO; 165:Zj; 17317; 17520 T01~612;83; 15:16,18 took 213:2;82:14;87:1; 134:17.M; 135:2; 16514, I 6 224~20 top 2078 topic 29:18 Totally 229;55:16;%3; 2128 touch 48~3; 135:12

touchad 443 tom 81849:4;75:12; 143:18; 144:lO; 1%16 Tovat. 722,23;783,10. 14.22;98:6;99:22; 15721; 164:14.15,17 traditional 1 n:22 tnnrrctbn 165:lO; 215:18 1nnrf.r 6623 tronsfws 221:19 transmitted 2 ~ 0 tnnspimd 13:s mpSe:9 tmvel4614; 19520 tmvobd 14:23 t m d i n g 4716; 1%14. 17 bkk 140:4 t?W 14817 trip 13k20.23; 1352,s trips 134:16; 19912 trotting -7 True 104:7 try 534;73:15;79.17; 989; 1404; I n 1 2 trying 10215.20: 103:14,17; 1052, 15; 106:13; 134325; 15320; 17619; 20520 TU 188:I turn 7 3 : ~ . 14Q10.1I; 17017; 21425 turnod 13218; 183:l turning 1741 N 13714; 138:24; 139% 140:18.22; 141:s twice 54:5; 171:m. 2O5:13; 22213.14 trro5:2;711; 18:l;n.R 3 2 2 36:ll. 13; 385.6; 50:20; 73: 16; 79:2 9: 9217; 123:22; 1349; 150:13.14;151:15.1617. 20: 1523: 17821: 184:24:

~ ~

201:13; 205:15 rwoy..r 12.2; 505: 68:17;82:25; 17212 Cyp. 51: 16; 79:17.23,24; '

88:24; 93:5; 9425; lH:& 2053 typos 109:15.18; 171.20 typkolly 58: 17.23; 59Z 69: 15 typist 4720

U u.s 154:6,17; 158:s; 160:9; 161:15 ultinuto 89:16 ukim8toly 24:13; 51:k @:I5 uncbar 186%)

(1 5) statement - unclear

umolnforbbl. 12510 ~ Uml.r4:18.21;5:25; 1 2525; 272; 323; 36:3;

~~. ~~ .. i %921;71: ii; 753.4;

ma 19;91:18.20; i 792k61:9.11~82#);

SZ21; 93: IS; 95:s; !YP 18. 19; 10217; 11019; 1163; 1171; l B l 4 ; l n 2 1 ; 12&lQ133:3,7.15; 13E14; 14OA8; 141:4.9; 14EI9.20; 143:21: 14416 153:Z 160:1); 16313; 17335. 15.16.17, 1603% 164:3; 18?.21;

202A* 2tt:U:

upon 94:5 uprr 1*:20 upff.c 6.7

~ ulbn2n ~ uWS1:17;M:I; IW23.

21; 1w.22; I l8:25; ~ l ~ l Q l 4 l : l 4 ; 14w;

201:II. 16 UUd6c:13.16.I8; 112% IO; 113: IO. I 2. 20. 21;114:4.6.13; 115.14. l%ZZ 121:23; 12334; I%& 131:I. 13319; 1 3 m 2 24; l41:18. 22; 14k.10; 143:l. 5; 190:20 UWfd SRI; 117lG. 136:13; 1%18 UShg lU12.7;22221:20 u w 53; 6%%71:12;91:20; 17133

' tS23; 194:4; 198:9;

~ 22421

utilt.-kt 121:s utiiiad75:14;766.14, 17; 13635; 1439

V ' V8gua 109:22 mlm 1w11 ~ d M C 8 9 4 : I S m.rMy 1213 mrbw 18:3 m l f y #:20;6218 I396 vi# 134:21 V m 1379 V h 553;%22;94:2S; 1222: 1377; 1816; 2183.5 ViaWmd%1~90:11: 163:3 Wmdb 17021 vbkn 8k21 VOW 183:20 wid 834 vdUn8Ok 123:12; 12411; 197:21 VOktnUdly 5:19,2l; 73:21; 16x4 1#):21; 1W6.11.17;~2;224:~ volun(wr 4 0 2 18:2 wtun(nnd 1a3:8 w(.r 2164; 22220.21

W uscoa 1m:o w 5712; 169% 1%Ms 110.6 d k b Q 1S1:13 m(r# 1-3 W 1m3 *r-h. 131t20 -763 I V M f n ( p n 7 : I E M L- IU:7 W 191:lO nlr 9T:3

2123 IW.17M3m

591 I; 4 4 3 474;4WQ 56A2;6OA&7337; Wll. 12-90.24; B:lk%A6;3(1:5; 1&4

143:lO: 152IQ 1Sl:IC Im.10; 163:lS; 1%:l9. a 2 1 2 1 6 mY. 171:7

124:s; 1422Q

ming 16:2s m 1122 lmldy 91:s

w d c s 36:13;379.9;

WEINSTEIN 5:14.17; 6:1;7:5:98; 107; 128; 17:1,4.8,13.24; 1612; 202.8.23; 21:23;223.6; 24:19;25:11.16,25;26:5; ~.1&~4, 23; 30:7.13,22; 31:l. 6, 11,17.20, 2& 3212.18. ZZ33:1.l3,15,23;34:~7, 25; 35:3.24; 36:6, la 25; 324.6.22; 38:18; 392; 402,11.19;42Z44:14 CI:I2;49.2%~5;52$.

IQI3 .~6 . I~24; S P 4 . IS. 21.24; 574.9.12.16, tL 2s; M:9:61:8,1+ n; 7310.14, 2l.23;74:6.10, l4;75:17.20; 768; 797; 6&25;85:1?;116:18 ~18;91:2;94:4.8.12.

9s:f 12. 11); 1m14; 103:9.1216;1~5.8,!~ I& 101:24; l e 2 3 1m12.2); lo&% l W 1 2 112:llk 114: 21;116:4.I5;11714.16,

16.21; 12a:4.15,17.19; 121:I.6.16.21; 122:lS; 123:s. 23; 124:4.18.25; IZW.7; l26:7. IO. 15; Im1L: 1264; 129:lO; 1~11.131:19; 136i13; 130:10.lLI3.18139:5. 1621.23.24; l40:1.6. 11.1% 141.1; 14235:

~:6;48:17; itwin

i z w . i z 1 7 ; ~ 5 : z a

iaa ;w:4 .7 .14;97~;

ia a li 163. 21; 1197,


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