Inthe Heart of the Rockies - Montana State University

·!C , 1901 COLD SPRINGS RANCH FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ADDRESS P. F. KA,RST Salesville, Montana rfUATE:D in the very heart of tn,e Rocky /Iountains in the beau- tiful Gallatin Canyon, the natural gateway to the Yellowstone Nationa;l Park. KARST'S is 35 miles from Bozeman and is easily reached by auto and is midway from Bozeman, Mon- tana to the Yellowstone Park. KARlST'S KAMP on the Gallatin; the Scenic Route to the Yellowstone Park KARST iirHROUGH the beautiful Gallatin Val'ey 'CJ, and up the far 4 famecl: Gallatin Canyon, winding along the river through the pines and under towering rocks. Thi is the most popular entrance to Yellowstone National Park. If this is your first trip to thel "Golden \71/ est." the drive will be one of your most de- lightful memories. 1961 KARST' CO,LD SPRINGS RANCH .. 'Write or telegraph Karst's Cold Springs R.esort, Salesville, fontana. Arrangements may be made for a trip to Yellow tone through the west entrance on the Gallatin Way. You will see mountain peaks with their eternal snow a blaze of silver in the nOQnday Ull. You wLill see them with their tops pierc- ing the blue of the skie and shrouding their sides like a veil. Breakfast from 7 a. m. to 9 a. m. Dinner from 12 m. to 1 p. m. Dinner from 6 p. m. to 7 p. m. MEA:L HOURS, KARST'S RATES Board and cabin, per Iellay .. __ __ $4.00 Board and cabin, per week .. __ .... __ $20.00 Special rates for children. Furnished cabins, ingle, with kitchenette per week __ .... __ .. 15.00 Furnished cabins double with kitchenet;e per ' week - $15.00 Furnished cabin, 2 beds, with kitchenette per week .... __ .... $20.00 Furnished cabins, 3 bed's, with kitchenette per -- .. ---- __ $25.00 Furnished cabll1s, 4 beds, with kitchenette per week $30.00 All- cabins electric lighted KAMP x Make Reservations Early I KARST' YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK THROUGH THE FAMOUS GALLATIN CANYON TRANSPORTATION Lv. Bozeman Hotel 3 p. m., ar. Karst's 5 p. m.; KARSTS table is sup- plied with milk and cream. ,pure tain spring" water, fruit, vegetables, potiltry, fresh eggs and home cured ham and bacon. In the Heart of the Rockies on the Way to the Lv. Karst's 9 a. m., ar. Bozeman Hotel 11 a. m. Sunday din ners at KARST'S ale a special feature. Auto stage fare, one way $3.00; round trip, $5.00 Trips may be arranged for to Yellowstone. Extra trip from Boze- man to KA'RST'S KAMiP are made by arrangements Address P. F. KAiRST, Salesville, Mont.

Transcript of Inthe Heart of the Rockies - Montana State University

Page 1: Inthe Heart of the Rockies - Montana State University

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Salesville, Montana

~ rfUATE:D in the very heart of~ tn,e Rocky /Iountains in the beau-

tiful Gallatin Canyon, the naturalgateway to the Yellowstone Nationa;lPark. KARST'S is 35 miles fromBozeman and is easily reached by autoand is midway from Bozeman, Mon­tana to the Yellowstone Park.

KARlST'S KAMP on the Gallatin; the Scenic

Route to the Yellowstone Park


iirHROUGH the beautiful Gallatin Val'ey'CJ, and up the far 4 famecl: Gallatin Canyon,

winding along the river through the pinesand under towering rocks. Thi is the mostpopular entrance to Yellowstone NationalPark. If this is your first trip to thel "Golden\71/est." the drive will be one of your most de­lightful memories.




'Write or telegraph Karst's Cold SpringsR.esort, Salesville, fontana.

Arrangements may be made for a trip toYellow tone through the west entrance on theGallatin Way.

You will see mountain peaks with theireternal snow a blaze of silver in the nOQnday

Ull. You wLill see them with their tops pierc­ing the blue of the skie and shrouding theirsides like a veil.

Breakfast from 7 a. m. to9 a. m.

Dinner from 12 m. to 1p. m.

Dinner from 6 p. m. to7 p. m.



Board and cabin, perIellay .. __ __$4.00

Board and cabin, perweek .. __ .... __$20.00

Special rates for children.

Furnished cabins, ingle,with kitchenette perweek __ .... __ .. 15.00

Furnished cabins doublewith kitchenet;e per 'week - $15.00

Furnished cabin, 2 beds,with kitchenette perweek .... __ .... $20.00

Furnished cabins, 3 bed's,with kitchenette per~e.ek -- .. ----__$25.00

Furnished cabll1s, 4 beds,with kitchenette perweek $30.00

All- cabins electric lighted



Make Reservations EarlyI




Lv. Bozeman Hotel 3 p.m., ar. Karst's 5 p. m.;

KARSTS table is sup­plied with fres~1.CO:wsmilkand cream. ,pure mOt~l1­

tain spring" water, fruit,vegetables, potiltry, fresheggs and home cured hamand bacon.

In the Heart of the Rockies

on the Way to the

Lv. Karst's 9 a. m., ar.Bozeman Hotel 11 a. m.

Sunday din n e r s atKARST'S ale a specialfeature.

Auto stage fare, one way$3.00; round trip, $5.00

Trips may be arrangedfor to Yellowstone.

Extra trip from Boze­man to KA'RST'S KAMiPare made by arrangements

Address P. F. KAiRST,Salesville, Mont.

Page 2: Inthe Heart of the Rockies - Montana State University


In the very heart of all this natural wildmountain grandeur one is surprised to finduch elaborate accommoda.tions as can be had

at KARST' ,large number of electric lighted cabins

completely furnished are at your dispo al.These cabin are variou ize and arranged toaccommodate from one person upl to an entirefami'y. If ,desired arrangement can be madeto do your own housekieeping. upplies canbe had at KAIR T'S STORE!, In fact all youhave t do i to come here for your outing.Your wants are all taken care of. It is notnecessary to own an automobile to be ableto enjoy the pleasure of this KAMP­KARST' AUTQI TAGE makes one tripdaily from the Bozeman Hotel at Bozeman,:,[C:ltana. Extra trips are made by arrange­ment.

After a long days hike in the mountainviewing or kodaking the beautiful sccwery,ca ting for the wily trout or upon returningfrom a long horseback ride .you may not c~re

to prepare your own meal 111 your home-ltkecabin; you can enjoy the plea ure of KAJRI T'SDINING ROO f where excellent meals areserved.

The KAMP i equipped with long 'di tanceteiephone connection , electric lights, gasstation and gentle, surefooted saddle horsesare to be had a w'ell a a reliable guide whois capab'e of leading you to all the points ofintere t and where you can view the wonderfulsights or climb the rugged mountain whichrival the Mps,

For the man or woman w,ho wishe to kill abear, April to June is the time. A huntinglodge is maintained up the canyon near Yel­lowstone Park wlhere big game i abundant.

The Gallatin i famous for its mountaintrout, and whitefi h. Other nearby streamsare easily reached by hOl'seback or hiking.

A vacation spent here will not only contri­bute much toward health and happine s, btltwill leave a ·trong desire to retmn; you wi11never C1uite get away from the lure of this de­lightful spot.


KARST'S is truly nature's playground.Fr m the porch of your cabin you can catchrainbov and native trout from the well stock­ed Gallatin.

VVe invite you from the sweltering heat ofthe city to come up to KARST' KAMP, asafe place for your wife and children, a cleanplace morally and phy ica,:ly.

ar HE scenery is e~tremel~ w~ld, Ma sive~ towering peaks fringed wIth evergreen ap-

pear at every turn. Through thi , wonder­ful rack-rimmed gorge the Gallatin River withits thousand of roaring cataracts and shadedenticing trout pools come leaping and surging.and then in the very heart of it all you comeupon the beautiful KARST'S KAMP with itsnumerous electric lighted cottage. a sigJhltthat will always remain dear to your memoryof the mountains.

;\fo p'ace in all the world will you find amore beautiful, more inviting ill1cl advantage­ous sp t for recreation and rest than K RS(f'SCOLD SIPRI G R ,NCR.


On the Beautiful Gallatin Wayto the

Yellowstone Park

An Ideal S_ ot for Outdoor Life and Recre3tion

il" HE KAl\1JP proper comprises a com1110­~ dious dining room, lobby and lounging

room with spacious open fire-p/ace aJ1dporch, dance hall, swimminO" pool and wellfurni hed electric lighted cabins. Exhileratingmountain air and ice cold spring water arealways yours at KARST'. Tothing has beenspared that will add to the comfort and pleas­ure of our O"uest ,

If you. wish for more information than iscontained in this folder a letter or telegramto the Bozeman Hotel, Bozeman, ?\Iontana, Orto P. F. Kar t, _alesville. :\Iontana witl bepromptly attended to.

il" HE scenic and social attractions are 50

~ many and 0 varied that we lack space totell of the many pleasures awaiting ~':O!.l

at KARST' KAl\IP. l\IlJuntain climhing,hor. eback riding. fislling, hunting, tennis anddancing; are ~Iways popular pastimes.

In ea y access from camp is the wi,'cl life inthe m untains that tand today as they werefashioned by our Creator. untouched by man. aye '01' the winding trails that lead fromKARST' Among these primeval cenes wefind wild life in all it natural glory; elk, deer,m00se. bear and other aninmls are all at homehel'e. !\umerous beayer are' here at work andthe famous mountain ram makes his abodeamong the cliffs. Jany species of birds andrarest ",j'd Rowers in great variety add to thechann of thi wonderful spot.