Interviews in IB

Interviews in IB 1.Kamran rabbani As almighty GOD(aka MHA, at least temporarily) has decided not to publish results anytime soon and let us dread infinitely I am sharing my interview experience. We were 5 guys waiting in the hallway for interview with me being the last. Interviews seemed to be getting over pretty quickly, maximum 4-5 mins. First time facing interview since college days( 3 Years ago). Finally my turn comes and I step in. Me: Good Morning Sir. G2/G3: Good Morning Mr X, please have a seat. Me: Thank you Sir. G2: So can you tell us about your graduation? Me: Sir I studied engineering from ABC Institute of Technology and passed out in 2xxx. G1: Which branch? Me: Chemical engineering Sir. G2: And what are you doing now? Me: I work for my father. I help him in his business. G3: What is your father’s business? Me: Photography. G3: (Cheerfully)So are you interested in photography? Me: Yes Sir, but it is my father’s hobby, he was quite interested in it since his college days. G2: Why no job after college? Me: I had an offer but I did not join. G3: Why? Me: I was not interested. I did not see myself working


experience in interview for ACIO

Transcript of Interviews in IB

Interviews in IB1. Kamran rabbaniAs almighty GOD(aka MHA, at least temporarily) has decided not to publish results anytime soon and let us dread infinitely I am sharing my interview experience.We were 5 guys waiting in the hallway for interview with me being the last. Interviews seemed to be getting over pretty quickly, maximum 4-5 mins. First time facing interview since college days( 3 Years ago). Finally my turn comes and I step in.Me: Good Morning Sir.G2/G3: Good Morning Mr X, please have a seat.Me: Thank you Sir.G2: So can you tell us about your graduation?Me: Sir I studied engineering from ABC Institute of Technology and passed out in 2xxx.G1: Which branch?Me: Chemical engineering Sir.G2: And what are you doing now?Me: I work for my father. I help him in his business.G3: What is your fathers business?Me: Photography.G3: (Cheerfully)So are you interested in photography?Me: Yes Sir, but it is my fathers hobby, he was quite interested in it since his college days.G2: Why no job after college?Me: I had an offer but I did not join.G3: Why?Me: I was not interested. I did not see myself working there for very long and I didnt want to work just for the sake of little more money or chasing promotions.G2: Why did you study engineering then?Me: It was not my choice. It was a decision my family took for me.G2: What do you want to do then?Me: Sir, my father worked for xxx company for more than 20 years. I saw him working day in and day out even when it did not provide him much satisfaction. So I decided I would do something that is important for both me and my community.G2:(Seemingly surprised and then looks straight into my eyes) Okay I am going to ask you a question listen very carefully. Imagine its very important for you to go to chennai tomorrow and all you have is a waiting ticket with you. You dont have any cash and the train does not have any general compartment. You have no other means to travel other than train. What will you do?Me: I will get on the train and look for the TTE. I will explain him how important it is for me to go to chennai. I will request him to confirm my waiting ticket if at all possible. Worst case scenario I will request him to let me stay on the train even if I have to stand for the whole journey.G2 So you will wait for the train to come and then do something?Me: No Sir I would also contact Station master or any other official who help me get a seat on the train.G3 Okay.(All the three gentlemen look at each other)G3: Do you know how to drive?Me: Yes Sir, I drive a motorcycle and I have learned how to drive a car.G3: You have learned?Me Yes Sir.G3: Okay. Thank you for coming Mr X. You can go now.Me:(Standing up) Thank you very much Sir.Interview was entirely in English, my first language is Hindi.

2. Saurab prasanthThey asked me for my favourite subject I said physics and they shoted questions like what is bernoulis law.. how is it helpful in take off.. which slv was recently launched by india, why was so much of hullabaloo about it..what books do you read apart from study books author of to kill a mocking bird..male or female..why is she so famous.. what is cryogenic engine.. its principle.. do you know how to you must be having working knowlwdge of computers.. what can do you for IB..thats a very blunt answer all smiles and then thank youBtw today in ranchi I met one of the candidates from our batch..he said he got call letter for the previous batch..maybe theyll finalise our results after the completion of last yr recruitment.

3. Abc ( Chennai)@kamran bhai i was interviewed at chennai on jan13th There were 3 ppl on d panel The interview was in english.. The seniormost person went thru my marklist, asked me if i knew hindi as i studied in school. He told me 2 answer in hindi tat i knw 2 read, write, speak, asked me to speak few sentences.. Another panelist asked my pay in current job, asked my dads occupation, whr i was born and raised.Then seniormost person asked me questions 4m electromagnetic fields, as i had tat subject in 2nd yr of grad(ECE).. 3rd panelist askd me y i wanted to join IB, if my family and frnds wont knw whr i am, wat am dng etc Towards d end of 40mins, the seniormost panelist asked me a qstn, wen i told him, he jst smiled and said think on it That was it4. Maverick intruderQuestions were amusing its fun to share light moments with interview board some questions they asked are as under-1. you are a criminal Advocate or civil2. Difference between common intention and criminal conspiracy3. major difference between section 498 A IPC and Domestic Violence Act4. How much you earn?5. you earn more than an ACIO and in future it will increase far more then why you want to join IB?6. Cant you serve the nation as an Advocate?7. you did diploma in software engineering can you create software related to salaries of our department8. your physique is good which sport do you play?9. Other than gyming which sport?10. Oh You play cricket,, You must not be a pace bowler?(with a cunning smile)11. (With an Hearty Laugh) yeah i know you are a pace bowler your body says so12. What are the unconventional ways to get out in cricket?13. How many languages do you know?

5. AjayMy Interview took place on 23rd Jan;2014 at SIB,Chandigarh. Overall experience was good. The process began with checking of documents, staff was very cordial in it.My interview began at 6 pm in the evening since my number was last. Jumping to the interview, as usual 3 members.P1- To which district you belong? when did you complete your degree and what did you do after that?next question was from the same person: What meaning do you draw from word INTELLIGENCE in IB?P2 ( chairman)- What is the difference between Intelligence and Information? What is commercial intelligence?P3- Should AFSPA be removed from J&K? (since i belonged to J&K)P2- Do you know about G.Parthasarthi Shome and Sheikh accord?P2- What tools would you suggest to remove disparities in the regions of j&k?P2- Thankyou, you may go.

6. Rakesh - Interview over at Chandigarhevery question of my interview was based on Literature as I am a student of English Literature.questions are following:1. Name the novels penned down by Shakespeare?2. What kind of writer was he?3. who was Brutus? they asked me around twice about this character.4. what kind of genre you like to read? fiction, novel, poetry,dramas?5. the films based on Shakespearean plays?7. Adithya - @SIB sector 19 CHANDIGARH on 24th.Questions-by Member 31- regarding gap aftr engg.2- why we shuld choose u?3. History of lokpal.4. Janlokpal vs lokpal provisions.5. Other anti graft bills.6. Which is better in ur view.7. Why kejri is not happy and whether his concerns have any solid foundation.8. Can we eliminate corruption from public life with these bills.M2asked me about headlines of todays news paper. I said didnt read it.Chairman got a bit angry with my reply and advised me to atleast get a newspaper because available in every street. (so guys do read that days news paper)problems of j&k and initiatives taken by govt.While i was replying and quoting some schemes chairman again interrupted me and asked about a scheme wholly funded and implemented by jk govt which i was not aware of and said didnt heard about any such scheme. Then he said the name of a scheme and said that it is an age old scheme so you must be aware of it. I smiled and said never heard of it.Finished.All in all it was good cm tried to pin me down but every time i replied with a smile and kept my composure. Nice experience although. Now back to my occupation my dream work of beini IAS. Best of luck to all.8. I was asked to choose a political party that Id vote and I was forced to choose one without taking sides.They gave me options of Congress,BJP or AAP.Even though Im not political at all I still gave an answer and I defended that this party is secular , promotes peace and harmonyEven before I finished defending my choice,they asked me to leave.There goes my interview in thin airProbably,I was not supposed to give in no matter how much they forcedBut theyve mentioned not to misbehave with the interview panel so when I was forced to choose a party I had to go with one of the choice after allBefore this question there were lots of other factual questions and I answered everything..But I think the last question was meant to trick me.Probably,I wasnt supposed to choose any political party no matter how much they forced meYour opinion guys ?9. Interviewed at chd sec 19 on 23 rdJUST basic questions about punjab political and economic scenariovc name of ptuNd 2 3 trivial onesI dont know what kind of interview it wasbut the question is can u a judge a person within 5 minutes10. had interview at ib office in chandigarh on 25th jan..general questions frm profileabout social set up sex ratio n literacy rate of ma home state haryana..about left wing extremism..maoist ideology n wat is being done by d govt dere..i dnt knw y d chairman was hell bent on proving to me dat i m a girl so i shouldnt b here..spent 5 mints on griiling me fr dat..gud xprience overall11. ame question regarding maoist ideology were asked from on 22nd in SIB, CHANDIGARH.They started from my biodata .Gap after studiesThen to common problems in my own field.Then about reservation in promotion. My viewsthen another person asked me about indias foreign policy. Q. Is indias foreign policy on the right path.Then naxalism.I started but he interrupted and said directly come to point, tell me whats their ideology?I started with marxist leninist to maoist. Again he interrupted directly cm to point.After i answerd bout that , he asked what cn b done for that ?I replied wid govt has already done a lot. Again he interrupted, forget it, what should now govt do ?I replied.That ws the last ques.It went for 12-15 mins.Dun knw hw ws tht but there wer too many interruptions. So m worried a bit.Fingers crossed until the result cmes12. My interview was in bangalore on 25th of January. They asked me to introduce myself..then asked me about PFI (Popular Front of India- an extremist group much popular in Kerala, since I am from Kerala), on Abdul Nazar Maadani and Bangalore blasts, on carbon credits, carbon dating, many questions on nuclear reactors ( coz they found that I am little weak in that area:)). after that on who Narendra Modi.A comparison question was on who will the best PM- Modi, Mayavathi or Jayalalitha. and the last one was what you will do if you become the Home minister of kerala for the improved security in the state.Thankyou13. My interview ws on 13th at lko: 3 panel team, 2 male n 1 female;p1:Asked about my graduation,work ex n what i was doing currently??p2:Asked about what diff. i feel working at my company and working at family i am doing sales again there??p2:Why i left my job?i told uncertanity and monotonous work..oh boy.. he grilled me over monotonous work as acoording to him evry job is monotonous..n sales work is gud..p2:tell about coal scam?? ans-no proper bidding and few private companies where favoured..he again corrected me there.. :-(..(first cum first serve basis ws a strong point in his view ,I dont know why he didnt notice tht evn my answer was a lil satisfactory.. )p2:Inquired if i hav given any other exam n what I score?p1:Why chinese m/c are they copy technology??why cant we do same in india??p3:Asked why huge people attended modi rally at my native place?local m.p.?it was a congress strong hold thn why so many people came at his rally?p3:Distance of nepal border from my native place?p3?Its a porous border,what are the items smuggled eg..fake notes.?I dont have much here as i am not a continual native there but still i said one or two silly thing (food items..I was not sure about drugs..)..thn i said i dont know much n they gave a cordial adieu!!7 min interview..I DONT KNOW WHT HAPPENED THERE..NOT WHAT I EXPECTED FROM IB PEOPLE..THOUGH p2 was a lil hostile n was not satisfied with me..boy..u dont know how sales peopl r one want to c them..n work is not tht gud.:-( coal scam answer was not tht vague..other two p1,p3 were cordial..they evn develop a lil interest at my answers..Fingers crossed.50% chance..i could hav done better but i freaked a lil bitbest of luck to others..Overall they r cordial n just dont feel its IB take it as another interview!!14. my interview was on 15th Jan-At Mumbai [Bandra Kurla Complex] office there was three member panel[possibly IPS officers]question came from my education background [engineer ENTC]why IB and Why not PSI and any other uniform jobwhat you are doing since your graduation[working for an NGO]what hat NGO does and likesome of my friends had question from their family background their hometown-problems associated with their region and so on thanks15. Hello friendsIve been constantly following this update and i should appreciate the efforts put in by all of you.My interview was okay and one of the panelists asked me to name the best book Ive read so far apart from study books. I named to kill a mocking Bird he asked me for the name of author I fumbled and finally i said sorry I dont remember at this moment. He named Harper Lee and then asked the gender of author.I again gave the wrong answer and said male he said female though I like your choice.In between one of the member asked me if i can drive vehicles I said all light vehicles apart from trucks and trailer. Then that north eastern fellow wearing a tiger suit asked what I can offer to ib initially I answered for what I expect then after other members intervention I answered i can give 100%dedication and a short speech.The only thing I want to ask from you all that if they ask if drive vehicles shall I be hopeful?Thanks in advance16. I had my interview on 13 jan 2014.venue: HYDERABADDetails of the interview below:Asked permission to enter room and waited for their permission to sit. they offered me seat.Total 3 members in the panel (all male- M1, M2, M3)M1 (Senior most) tell me how do you increase rural employment (my topic in essay) ?me: answeredAsked m2 to ask the questionM2 (in his 30s) what is condition of naxalism in india and in andhra ?answered (other two guys are busy in their work not looking at me)why do you think they indulge in naxalismanswered (one of them looked at me for a while)did you hear about recent chinese incursions ? why are they doing it ?answered ( couldnt make out if they are satisfied or not .. no change in face expression)what are other methods they are adopting to do the same ?me : told economic reasons and all ..what about northeast region ?me : told somethg about chinese trying to make their presence in arunachal pradesh (not sure about if i am right)what is cross border incursion and terrorism ?me : told incursionok that is incursion. what is specific name for cross border terrorism ?me : dono wat he was refering to . i said i dont knowtell me about situation in northeastern region .. are there any clashes in northeast region ?me: told about nagaland & manipur and their ethnic clashes and demands for separate state (he asked me seperate state or country). i said separate country.did you hear about rohingya ?me: yes sir. but ihave little idea about it. it is clashes between buddhist and muslim in bangladesh (it should me myanmar)while m2 was asking questions sometimes my hands were raised and m3 was observing it. i quickly restored it to original place.m2 asked m3(in 40s) to take forwardm3: what is happening in assembly in last 15 days ?me: sir is it ap state assembly ? he said explained few things and he asked some subsidiary questions .. answered some of them and finally i said i dont know for the lastquestionFinally they all looked at each other and said u can leave.conclusion >No background questions, no experience related quest, no family quests, nothing .. only violence in India related questions ..I think they dont want to waste time in all those because they will anyways be doing background check and all.As far as questions are concerned ive done reasonably well but I could not judge them if they were satisfied with my answers as they did not change their face expressions and they did not disagree with my answers (except for once) and no counter questions. So it is difficult to predict how was my interview. I am not sure what are they expecting from a candidate.PS: Readers can provide with their comments. Thanks.17. @Saurabh, I called it horrible as that day was not good for me.My interview was on 13th jan though I am not suffering from Triskaidekaphobia but that day has changed my mind-set.MY ORDEALWhen I was going to reach SIB, an auto rickshaw hit me from behind and splashed muddy water on my trousers, I came from outside patna and didnt had pair of trousers so wore black jeans to give interview. ( I dont know what impact it will bring on my interview).About interviewThere were 3 members in panelM1.(Middle)..Had intimidating lookM2,(Left side)..Quite friendlyM3,(N.E member riht side) face.(I am briefing my interview as it would too long to write in both aspect (time and space).1)M1.asked question from my graduation background.(Electrical Engg.) last for 4 mins but he doesnt seemed much satisfied.2)M2 asked questions from wireless telecommunication, Computer appl.,political scenario of India, IB..and the same question DRIVING it took 7-8min.3)M3 (strange look) gave me lect. abt leh- ladakh ,Arunachal Pradesh (mostly on terrain, harsh life, etc.) for almost 1.5 mins and then asked If U R posted in this border areas would U like to workNow everyone knows what ans. I would. have given.END of interviewI have briefed my interview as there were too many questions from Electrical engg. Wireless telcomm.., computers. apart from this my belief in science and religion etc18. my interview in december 2012 venue lucknow . Got selected too but didnt joinmember1 : what were you doing after college ( civils prep ). why here you nt confident of clearing it or what .why ib ?member2 : full form of adidas , height of badminton net , tell the position in a cricket ground like fine leg ,mid on etc (since my hobby playing badminton n captain of cricket team in college )member3 : why should we take you . If you are send to an interior area and without telling your identity how will you extract information from the local peoplemember4 : do you think for a country like india large expenditure on space etc is justified (since similar essay i wrote and he was reading it ). If we dont take you , what will you do .19. Hi friends,i have read nice conversations so fari also want to join with you. Verification may be happened after final results.My doubt is when will bee the medical test!!!, I was interviewed on 15th of Jan at Hyderabad,my interview was last for 20-25 min.I was only the person who got that much time to be interviewed.My interview:panel of three members were there.While i entered into the room the middle man(main person) was in mobile conversation with somebody in Hindi.I greeted them and sat in front of them. One of the members said that are you santosh?, then i said yes and also i said my full name(even Ive prepared about the meaning of my name, but they didnt asked me)Later person to my right asked me to sit comfortably as i was looking like a bit tense(Its because my first interview in English)Then i managed myself to sit.The middle man asked about my educational qualifications, then i said about them!Left mem : How can you support yourself for this job?(Your answer should be specific)me: Sir,I feel that i can easily adopt myself up to the situation, and having the attitude of come what may@,and i am very curious to join in challenging jobs like this!Right mem : Like this means, what else you want to join?me: After completion of my MBA i was started preparation for different competitive examsLeft mem: what are those?me: Bank PO(IBPS), NICL(Insurance), RRB etc. sir!middle mem: so you did your MBA in 2011,what are you doing for these 2 years?me: Ive been working as a lecturer sirleft mem: as (i mean which sub.)me: as Physics lecturer!right mem: What being a MBA holder, how can you teach physics?me: I think for teaching a subject one must have strong command over it, master degree in that particular subject is just an optional, even i have physics as main subject in my graduation sir.Left mem: Ok, then answer my questionswhat is nuclear fission and fusion, and what are the principle behind them?me: i answered them correctly but they objected me for the definition they want, but somehow i managed the situationright mem: asked me about chlorophyll,photosynthesis,carotene like 10th std. stuff and i answered them in cool accent.left mem :again asked me Why you want to join IB?me: this time i gave spontaneous but good answer up to the question, Sir i was almost unaware of IB by the time of Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad Blasts.i know only IB is an agency that deals with domestic intelligence part.But after that i felt very sad. I read and heard a news in news papers and electronic media that AP state government neglected the IB report about blasts, and the result was the blasts.A small mis management between state govt. and IB is the cost of victim lives@@@,how one can bare this thing sir,even there are several things in this sensitive issue, but this thing would not have happened,and probably no blame game at all,there should be proper framework for i want to join in this profession to contribute myself for effective functioning of IB, and i may do it.middle man: how can you measure this room?me: sorry sir, i am not getting youmiddle man: i mean in which units you can measure this room(in sq. mts or sq. fts)me: but i said a stupid answer, by saying that in sq. mts!middle man: is that your favorite unit?me: i just smiled and said yes sir, i am bothering about this question now(will i get short listed or not)left man: explain about north-east insurgency?me: i would have prepared for these type of questions, but i wasnt prepared enough, so i said sir NE states are buffer states b/w india and china such as assam,arunachal pradesh etc.,and even i would have told about ethnic clashes prevailing there(Being a reader one must familiar with these type of topics), but again i showed my true pale color here,by saying Nepal name in the name of NE state list.left mem. :is nepal a NE state?me: no, sir but there is some problem with boundaries of nepal also (They felt that i was diverting the question deliberately), but in fact i was not!left mem. :Tell me the list of all NE states?me: i said entire list correctly, then they stopped the question there(I am feeling guilty for this question)middle man: asked about time taken by sun light to come to the ground, and moon light, i answered them correctlyright man: Explain about God particle?me: I answered it correctly,its Higgs Bosan,and by naming the scientist names(Peter Higgs and S.N.Bose)and said what the exact theory of Bosan!right man: again asked me about it by saying assume that i am a layman and dont no about any thing about proton, and neutron etc. then tell me in simple words?me: Sir, Bosans are also have the properties as elementary particles of matter has, but these Bosans are causative agents for an atom to have some weight, till now all scientists dont know about Why atoms are possessing weight@, but by this theory they found out the factright man: again asking something, but the middle man(main person) stopped him, and said OK Santosh Perali your interview is overme: I said Thank you to all the three of them and came out of the room in a brisk walk.Friends, and Mrunal sir, please tell me how was my interview, because for me it was the first English Interview,and i am thinking that i will be short listed for final merit list.Please say some suggestions for me, so that i will improve for further.Thank and RegardsSantosh Perali

20. i had my interview on 15 jan at bapu dham new delhi, it was exhausting and frustating to wait for ur turn , most candidates started sharing their experiences of civil services mains 2013 , after much await i was called for the interview and made to sit in bitter cold outside the interview room in open .i was shivering when my name was called out , entered the room shivering , wished the panel afternoon but was really confused whether it was past 12. as i was called at 11.59 am , anyways the interview startedm1 keep scrolling my papers after much hassle he asked.. u did ur graduation in 2011 from manipal in in i joined him and said yes sir from manipal in karnatakam1 that means u would be employed somewhere ?me no sir , after my graduation i started to prepare for civil servicesm1 so wats ur status vis a via examsme sir , i wrote my third mains exams in december and i could not clear mains in my previous two attemptsm1 but u must be hopeful this time?me yes sir , { but to suggest my seriousness in job } i added .. sir with changing pattern almost year its becoming more unpredictable every yearm1 wat changes ?me i told him the new patternm1 while looking in my papers he complimented.. u have a nice handwriting shashank, i thanked himm2 to m1 show me his papersback to m1 so shashank wat are the internal security threats india is facing ?me sir , militancy in jandk , left wing extreamism,naxalism,insurgency , religious fundamentalism,and cyber security which is going to big problem in future and apart from these anything which is against the national interest is a problem to indiam1.., ok tell me wat role does ib plays in public service because if i will ask u why u want to join ib , u will say public service so just tell how ib serves?me.. {confused i bit , did have much points} sir ib job is to collect data and extract information useful for national interestm1 u mentioned naxalism as a problem .. wat is it?meexplained him in short, reasons behind etcm1but why naxalism is concentrated in few pockets ?me sir , its due to lack of proper police control and other govt. agencies, gave him the example of andhra grey hound force and their success in controlling naxalismm1shashank u must be aware of the demand for smaller states , wats the recent demandme yes sir , telanganam1 wats ur opinion on it ?me sir if we look at uttarakhand , jharkhand and chattisgarh, all these states are doing fine in some respect and falling on others , so creating smaller states is good uptill they are economically viable and administratively controlable and not just going with popular demand. gave example of how uttarakhand response in disaster and how jharkhand and chattisgarh are politically unstablem1 chattisgarh is politically stable ?me sorry sir , yes it is but it has not grown well the it should have.m1. wat are other similar demandsme .. they are demanding a separate state in sikkimm1 sikkim?me oh sorry sir , in assam , in nagaland ,in vidharbha region . in uttar pradesh {interepted in between}m3.. suppose u know just the name of person and rough idea about his locality how would u gather information about him ?me sir , myself as an official or normal individual?m3 u have all athourity .me sir first of all , i will check the police station if he has some records , than electrol office , other government agencies later i will use local policing {fumbled a bit}m1 ,, thanku shashank , u may go21. i was interviewed today at hyd.totally very cool and cordial.around 7-10 min interviewquns are->tell us about ur self->y should IB select u?->what is the diff between j&k issue and telangana?->about article 371 D-> traditional dances of andhra pradesh ?-> about constitutional amendments?-> ap bifurcaton need which majority in parliament?-> some thing will be added to ghee products to make dalda what is that? And what business is that?-> can we mix kerosene with diesel ?-> global warming ?-> whats impact if the sea level rises ?.thats iti am very happy as they didnt ask any qun regarding my electrical engg back groundi m satisfied with my performance as even though i didnt prepare much for interview.22. i was interviewed today at hyd.totally very cool and cordial.around 7-10 min interviewquns are->tell us about ur self->y should IB select u?->what is the diff between j&k issue and telangana?->about article 371 D-> traditional dances of andhra pradesh ?-> about constitutional amendments?-> ap bifurcaton need which majority in parliament?-> some thing will be added to ghee products to make dalda what is that? And what business is that?-> can we mix kerosene with diesel ?-> global warming ?-> whats impact if the sea level rises ?.thats iti am very happy as they didnt ask any qun regarding my electrical engg back groundi m satisfied with my performance as even though i didnt prepare much for interview.23. 10 min interview in which they askd- (I am a Petroleum Engineer)* Why are you not working in petroleum industry?* How will you use your petroleum engg knowledge in IB?* Why is Oil important in International diplomacy?* Where is Oil produced in India? Which rank Rajasthan has?* Which places in Assam produce oil ?* where was Indias 1st oil well drilled?* What do u knw abt IB?* What is Naxalite Movement?* How is it concerned to our country in present context and how to take care of it?* Does govt always listen to citizens?* How to make govt listen?* What have you done apart from studying?* Have you taken any other competetive exams? (I said Yes which i think i shudnt hv said )I was able to answer all the questions and satisfy them. I think they were reserved about candidates taking other exams but still if I had said NO they would know i was lying.24. Interview went on for 10 minutes. Cordial, calm panel, mostly. 3 gentlemen and a lady of which 2 male members were responsive. The Panel head (I suppose) seemed annoyed somehow, despite being calm.Note Im an advocate.Questions1. Contributions of Ambedkar to Indian freedom struggle I concentrated on the Constitution drafting part and threw light on social justice, mentioning that he came to the freedom struggle scene at a later stage.2. November 2008 incident in the Madras law college conceded the existence of communalism and caste based violence in the society in general.3. Vishaka judgment, why is the SC backtracking on its own judgments essence? Mentioned the Ganguly J Swatanter Kumar J issue and said SC is making amends.4. The female member asked about NLSA which I heard as NELSA and said I am not aware. I should have clarified on that. My bad5. I was asked about my plans twice once even insisted on taking law as my career as the panel found me *so good at law* (meh) I knew they were trolling me said my aim is CSE both the times and that Im interested in policy level research. (the panel head didnt like my answer, I suppose)Overall the interview went well with many nods and smiles. I hope the result isnt the case of operation success but patient is no more kind!Good luck to the aspirants!i faced my lifes first interview today [16/01/14] at Bapu dham Delhi.I faced problem with provisional certificate. they said bring the original one by 7 days.the document verification at the ground floor.Interview in different upper floors.Mine in 3rd one.25. Here the interview. there were three members. one person who was sitting in the middle[P3] was ditto of Mr. Rakesh Maria of mumbai ATC, he never asked question only penned down something and the at the end he abruptly terminated the my right was an official belonging to the NEP1to my right was the best person in the panel he was cool, cooperative and encouragingP2P3 which college are u from i saidP2 why long gap between garduation and interview - i said Civil serviceP2 then which optional i said geographyP2 ask to say all the mountain ranges from north to south with states. - i said leaving satpura range along with some north eastern ones. he seems satisfiedP2- wanted six fundamental rights - i started with article numbers he stoped me politely and said to only describe in words only.P2-whats ur hobby- i said cookingP2- he asked by choice or compulsion i said choiceP2 - then he says then you can cook for urself during rural postingi said yesP2 then he said that u have been in cities , how i will cope with rural areas- i said i have been to rural areas due to fathers postingP2 says to P3 to ask somethingP3 which political party rule nagaland i badly guessed and said the NSCN a terrorist group he said it is a terror group, this is my biggest blunderP3 where is tawang i after thinking saif north Arunachal he said only say arunachalP2 geographical significance of word LOHIT i said about the river and district.P1 - yes thats all you may leave.I left.thanx for reading such a lengthy note26. at last interview over today in chennai for me. verification over by 11 am. then upto 12:30 it was very slow.then started like express ony 2-3min for candidates after 12:45. my tur 12:59 to 1:02 just 3 min.1. WHAT IS UR NAME?2. WHAT IS PUB AD{MY DEGREE}3. WHAT U KNOW ABOUT IB?4. WHY U WANT TO JOIN IB?THEN MEMBER SAID U CAN GO. not satisfied. but somewhat k.27. Hi,my interview was on 16th jan in chennai. My interview lasted for 5-7mins. The question that was posed to me was on my stream ie biomedical engg.1.The first question was my name & where do i hail from and why in chennai (as i am a north indiand and residing in chennai)2.then they asked what is biomedical all about. and also about my cgpa3.after which they asked the companies produce all equipment then wat is the role of a biomedical engg.4.then they asked why dont i work in my own field5.They asked me wat wer the latest developments that took place in this field.6.then one of the panel members had asked about the area in which ccmb pioneered (butt eventually related to biotechnology)7.After which they asked whether i got placed in the campus and why i didnt take up the job8.then they asked whether i was writing any other examsand after which they winded up my sessionoverall i did not find the board very friendly28. This is what I toldU may or may not agree and have your own answerWhy IB?Partly because it offers a decent salary and social reputation and partly because I am an adventurous person and like the thrill and challenges this job offers.Why should we select u?I personally like and am passionate about the kind of things one gets to do or is capable of doing in this job which makes this job suitable to me. I believe only half truth remains in what we see and the rest has to be analyzed and determined, I always have this kind of an attitude and eye towards the situations which makes me suitable for this job.Hi friendsMy interview today 17 Jan 2014 Bapu dham (near race course).They dont allowed any one to enter into the campus before timewhere 4 boards (3 membersin each) are conducting interviews)All board members are IPS officers (age 50)At 8.40 Am a person came outside and allot us various boards in serial no + wished a good luck to all of us.Then we went to all were documents verification started at 9 AmRequired- SSQ + AFQ form > properly filled + 3 copiesNo field should be left as blank > write NA (not applicable), Today there are 48*4= 192 candidates.Approx 40 candidates were absent from total 192.Today all candidates were from OBC community + No girlsThey distributed a OBC declartion + paper sheet (to write same essay that u have written in exam)> just to verify that u r the same person or not .Unfortunately one person of my board did not able to able to convence them that he is the same person> handwritng not matched (they have xerox copy of our answer sheets.)They r actually very cooperative.They called every candidates by serial no and checked their documents .(no compromise on caste certificate+ NOC + Gradution final year marksheet )> if problem arise> they took undertaking + candidate should submit doc within 7 days.29. Now My no came at 10.30 Am > No problem in document checkingI was sent to third floor of next building at 12.30 PM .Heart beat increases> i ate 2 apples > felt more energetic like SINGHAM.My interview starts at 1 Pm .With warm welcome they allowed me to come.M- They say Hi > NE person was writing something > not replied.M1> Take ur seat pleaseM1- Your name ********* , am i pronouncing it right ?M1-> what r u doing , gap ?M1 Why u resigned from ur job?M1 other than Hindi / english what languages u know (asked in Hindi)M2- your name meaning?M2- have u changed ur name bc u have not given u this name ?? (they all smiled )M1- About ur extra curricular activities??M2- U have done ur engineering in electrical tell me about how transformer works.M2 Ok Ok Now tell me how electrons generatedM2- Tell me the mechanism-M2 What r the different rights given by our constitutionM2 Okk tell me about Right to education in DPSP + FRM1 asked with M3 and M2 > any more QM2 + M3> NoM1- Yes u can go nowtotal time pata nahi chala dostonOther Q they were asking- (input from others)NE satates capitals (dont confused with Manipur, mizoram and meghalaya)Name 7 sistersChief ministers of NEfrom UP people- Muzzafarnagar riot ?Who will be PM (i dont know why they r asking such political Q)Now No Q Why this job ? or strengh or weakness etc.Any Queries post it , i will try to reply .All the BEST to all !!!30. Interview in Mumbai on 17th was something weird.mostly lasted for 2-3 min..i didnt understood was it just a formality or they were studying the body language.most common question for all was their current salary if they were working and if salary was more then 27k the direct ans was GET OUT !!!!!!!even though the staff was of coordinating nature, interview panel was supportive but didnt got a feeling of interview.N that was the last interview at Mumbai location its over now.31. Interviw date- 18/1/2014, panel-3,time 10.25M1- u hv done in ECE branch.ME: yes sir.M1: which college?M1: is it pvt. or Govt?M1: how u get the admission?M1: in which yr u passed out.ME: 2012M1: where r u working?ME: i m not working. i got selected in Wipro tech. but i leaved(instead of leaved i shud use i didnt joined)M1: WIPRO?? through college placement?ME: yes sirM1: as a s/w engineer?ME: no sir, as project engineer.M1: how much time u worked there?ME: sir, i didnt joined.M1: why?ME: interested in administrative services.M1: why?ME: inspired by ANTI corruption movement. want to(forgot the word contribute). YOGDAAN DENA CHAHTA HU. (i loss my momentum here)M1:YOGDAAN dena chahte hain.. do you think IB plays any role in anti-corruption?ME: (just tried to advocate my statement)sir, IB is responsible for monitoring all governance activities. if governance is there den corruption is automatically associated with it.M1:ok, what are the major security challenges for India?ME: insurgency, communal violance in present scenario.M1: communal violence (little thought process for him) and..ME: and insugency. (i forgot all other things like cyber attack, terrorism etc.)M1: where are insurgent groups active?ME: Manipur, Nagalandand.. red corridor (i wanted to say North East but god knows where my mind was, i totally forgot J& K)M1: insurgency in red corridor?Me: no sir, they are Naxals but they are helped by insurgent groups. (i think inspite of saying NO SIR I should say yes. bcoz i think naxalism is an insurgency activity.M1: ok, u can go now.ME: thank u sir.(be balanced.. control ur nervousness.. questions are very common.. no need of RATTAFICATION..)32. interview on 18th at bapu dhamthere are 4 boards mine was 3rd board.where did you do you studywhat is your take on telengana(i am from andhra pradesh)what are your doing nowwhat are the present internal security challenges faced by indiain which regions we are facing seperatist issuses what do you meanby seperatist do find a persons location and details regarding him by knowing his name and not exact locationwhy should we first of all conduct a secret enquiry instead of asking the details directly to the person33. my friends:Board:1;Bapu Dham:1.Tell me an issue of recent development in which you are well aware?I told him about the developments regarding AAP.2.What is your opinion on Kejriwal and AAP govt,I told that i was disillusioned by their decision on FDI3.What is FDI?4.what is FDI in multi brand?5.What is todays headlines in the news paper?(told about RG speech at AICC)6.What is AICC?7.why his speech was rated high?8.what else was todays news?(actually they were expecting the death news of sunanda puskar)9.Till what time your were surfing net yesterday night?(i finally told them about the death of puskar)10.what all you can do with computer? science question:what happens when a charge enters a magnetic field?12.what are the 6 fundamental rights?13.when,where and who were the founders of Reebok?(i was wearing a Reebok jacket)14.There is a terrorist named xyz living greater kailash, do gather info secretively about this guy? more practical question..34. I attended interview today from Guwahati***they took computer test also before the interview*** unexpectedQuestions asked:1. what is other name of Chanakya? what is his views on state?2. India- china issue with reference to Arunachal (as im from Arunachal) How to deal ?3. Is decentralising helping women? Do we need decentralisation at all?4. why do you want to join IB? and tell me about IB5. Aam Admi Party and its influence on arunachal politics.6. Some issues related to Arunachal- chakma-hajong, naga insurgent in some districts..7. Some other issues about corruption, other social problems etc.8So, basically they are asking question related to the candidate only!!Best of Luck guys35. 16/1/2013 interview at chennaimost of the questions are from techninal(iam from ECE dept and aiam currently pursuing is difference between half duplex and full duplex?what is vlsi?how many transistors can be fabricated?advantages of vlsi?difference between electronics and electrical and their voltage ranges?threats for cyber security?as a university graduate you can get good opportunities but why IB?did u attended for campus interviews?(isaid im preparing for civil services)how many attempts you have given?whether if you cleared IB whether you will stick on to it or not?36. Hyderabad.Took only one copy of AF and SSQ, they didnt ask for extra.I was the first candidate post lunch. The board was cordial, they made the candidate feel comfortable (at least i felt that).The panel had 4 members (3 men and one woman member)They started the interview by asking the following questions:1.He asked me if he was pronouncing my name correctly, smiled.2.Name ur home district, its area.3.Asked about my fathers profession and related questions.4.Fundamental rights.5.Can you directly approach high court and supreme court regarding ur grievance. (article 32 & 226)6.Name any three schedules of Indian constitution.7.Prime Minister of U.K during Indian Independence and World War II. Also Heads of USA and USSR during the same time.8.Name 10 Presidents of India.9.Dimensions of the room and its volume.10.Muzzaffar Nagar riots.11.Modi, Rahul and Aravind, who makes a better P.M12.Who would make a better C.M from the four coloured parties of A.P.13.Security threats India is facing today.They did not ask me about my IT background, gap (2011 graduate), why IB, and other competitive exams. North eastern states. How to collect information?Over all it was a nice experience and the way it was carried out was interesting.37. my interview was on 18th jan 2014 , hyderabadi am a mechanical engineerso the first question :Tell me about yourself?what is the volume of the room which we sit?next he asked to calculate the volume of glass before me?i worked in bankingso what is crr ?rr ?rrr ? liquidity ?what is the relation between all these?what is the difference between maoism and naxalism?no difference , both are same i saidThen why we call these with different names?naxalbariwest bengal and Mao (china)do you know about grey houndsthen as i told them my uncles(my father brothers) were police. he asked did any one worked in that?how to control it?i said force and through development(jayram ramesh)next question is about hacking, U S A snooping and abut computer issues , as i worked for 1 year as programmerand last fellow who asked me some stupid questions (in my opinion)?capital of manipur ,mizoram.arunachal pradesh and CM of arunachal pradeshi had answered only two in the above onehe asked about 11th schedulearticle 368article 38article 41i said i dont knowthey told thank you, you can leavethe interview was approx., 10 minavg time for all is 6 min(18th jan)i didnt expect that these silly questions they will ask .they can ask so many things on present security related and lot of social issuesstupidly what is what(fact based ) silly they have already asked these stupid question inexam? why for an officer post why all these(facts) required? fact based what they can infer who answers thesequestions? i dont understand whether they were frustrated from morning on-wards or they havent been intouch with current issues. Bank officers(interview) were more better than these people while accessing our personality.(sorry i havent maintained any punctuation and even for the language)1. REPLYGolden Eye01.23.2014 AT 7:35 PMDude on the other hand they seemed to ask you pretty good questions. Candidates who attend this interview mostly are preparing for other competitive exams as well and these are basic polity questions like368-allows amendments in laws38-social welfare41-right to work,education and public assistanceeven some were asked article 370 (j&k),377(lgbt), 73rd amendment (gram sabha and panchayat) and so on. Rest were standard questions which everyone was asked.