Interview Transcription II

Encik Roy Izwan - Maybank Saya takde background dalam Property Management. Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM Confirm ah. Encik Roy Izwan - Maybank Saya grad daripada UM. Business admin. Dalam Property Management Maybank kita ada 19 staff. Tapi because of sekarang ni, dia dah grow. Dia expect income pun grow. So, we try to cut the number of staff, so you try to optimise, satu orang buat more than, katakan lah sekarang you buat lima ke apa, kan. So, maybe dia expect, seven to nine. The expected 10 to 20% deduction. Encik Jalil - UTHM Akan buang orang ke? Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank Kita tak buang.



Transcript of Interview Transcription II

Page 1: Interview Transcription II

Encik Roy Izwan - Maybank

Saya takde background dalam Property Management.

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Confirm ah.

Encik Roy Izwan - Maybank

Saya grad daripada UM. Business admin. Dalam Property Management Maybank

kita ada 19 staff. Tapi because of sekarang ni, dia dah grow. Dia expect income

pun grow. So, we try to cut the number of staff, so you try to optimise, satu orang

buat more than, katakan lah sekarang you buat lima ke apa, kan. So, maybe dia

expect, seven to nine. The expected 10 to 20% deduction.

Encik Jalil - UTHM

Akan buang orang ke?

Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

Kita tak buang.

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Transfer lah.

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Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

Kita akan groom these people. Kita akan train untuk sales lah. Because banking

dia punya product, core business dia...

Encik Jalil-UTHM

Loan, lah. Loan.

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Credit card, all those things.

Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

Kita perlukan ramai sales people lah sebenarnya. Because these people, at the end

of the day, generate income lah. Macam property ni, just support je, just to

support business. Sebab tu kalau you tengok sekarang ni, sebenarnya even before

ni kalau you realise even kat Shell ataupun Petronas, ada MEPS punya machine.

Slowly, sebenarnya kita akan tarik balik. Because machine tu to us, service.

Encik Jalil-UTHM

Cost lah?

Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

So, cost to us. Takde generate income pun.

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Encik Jalil-UTHM

Really? Kan mudah kan orang banking.

Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

Maybe rental tu minimum lah kot. Dengan Shell pun tak banyak.

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM


Ms. Jolene - Shell

Ahh, ATM. Can we get one?

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM [2:08]

They want to withdraw, man.

Ms. Jolene - Shell

Haa? Withdraw? But we don’t have one in Shell.

Encik Mat Tawi-UTHM

Sebenarnya, kalau nak withdraw, senang je. Letak macam tu, so that orang nak

tarik, senang je.

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Encik Jalil - UTHM

Why you want to withdraw?

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Cost to them.

Encik Jalil - UTHM


Encik Roy Izwan - Maybank

Sebab sewa tak mahal lah. Ada setengah tu, between five to one thousand lah.

Tempat tu lah. Rental untuk because landlord akan absorb cost electricity and

everything, alright. But, maintenance tu mahal. Sebab kena employ untuk

outsource company to reload money and everything. Itu yang cost us easily, six

thousand to seven thousand per month.

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Including the security part, apa semua tu lah.

Encik Roy Izwan - Maybank

So, because of that, operation cost, banyak lah untuk that portion.

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Encik Jalil - UTHM

After this, less ATM machine lah, after this?

Encik Roy Izwan - Maybank

No, sekarang ni, consortium bank tu, MEPS, dia akan take over lah. But to

customer, they all tak happy lah because...

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Of course tak happy lah because they have to pay. Because the moment I saw

MEPS, I tak jadi nak withdraw duit.

Encik Roy Izwan - Maybank

Tapi we try to move because of that macam save modal lah macam Public Bank

lah. Public Bank pun takde...

Ms. Jolene - Shell

Don’t have ATM. Not much.

Encik Jalil-UTHM

MEPS. City Bank pun takde. City Bank.

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Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

So, everybody try right on Maybank punya, kan? So, itu kena smart jugak, kan?

Kalau you tengok trend, I think, supposed target, in five years, numbers of

machines tu dah reduce lah.

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM


Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

Boleh kata takde. Depends on like macam...

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Certain places.

Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

...relationship, between Maybank and the vendor. Let’s say, katakan dengan Shell


Ms. Jolene - Shell and Ms. Cheng Ni - Shell

Not good.

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Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

You’re banking with Maybank, so then maybe we will consider lah.

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM


Ms. Jolene - Shell

But, our salary all go to Maybank, you know.

Encik Faizal-Tabung Haji

Suggest lah to Bank Islam.

Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

Still not 100%. Because kita ada client coverage yang manage this ________________

itu semua sekali. From that, they know lah. Berapa banyak income. Because

certain companies still have two or three banks. So, everybody you tengok, kalau

katakan all of your business you can put Maybank, then can consider lah, install.

Based on relationship lah.

Encik Jalil-UTHM

So, Encik Roy punya job scope di Maybank?

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Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

So, kalau katakan I touch pasal tenureship tu, kita ada a few people yang handle.

Start negotiate lah with this landlord semua sekali. Team number dua, dia akan

buat renewal. So, how we handle untuk macam Shell, Petronas semua sekali kita

akan buat satu which I think I need to talk to you lah, Shell punya agreement.

Ms. Cheng Ni - Shell

Talk to our colleague from retail, retail stations ATM.

Encik Jalil-UTHM

Because they’re in link more towards office punya portfolio.

Ms. Cheng Ni - Shell

Haa, maybe you can negotiate one, put into retail station master agreement put

one into our office.

Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

Can ask. Because at the end of the day it’s not the decision doesn’t come from

mine. It’s from business.

Encik Jalil-UTHM

So, dia punya portfolio, type of property yang corporate real estate unit manage

ni apa dia punya type, ada office, ada land, ada building?

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Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

Semua pun ada.

Encik Jalil-UTHM

Semua, ea?

Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

Tapi, bank dia ada restriction lah. Maknanya, you tak boleh beli for the purpose of

investment. As long as you ada bukak branch...

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Pakai sendiri lah.

Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

So those yang excess place upper floor tu, dia kena rent out lah.

Ms. Cheng Ni - Shell

How about collaterals? You have collaterals, right? The hutang one.

Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

Hutang? Ya. We also manage. Because like, macam main building, menara


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Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Tadi kawan kita from Affin, kan, dia tengok juga, dia concerned juga on the asset

yang dijadikan collateral lah untuk peminjam. Jadi, so, macam mana you’re

managing all the collateral assets tu.

Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

Kita ada team lain.

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Oh, team lain. Bukan under you lah.

Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

Tapi kalau katakan, let’s say, ada potential, untuk yang asset tu, dilelong ke apa,

so, kita akan absorb. So, maknanya, kita akan buy back lah, purchase. So, dia akan

pass to my team, so that kita akan revalue balik, then kita akan market kan lah.

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Yang tu daripada bahagian loan section punya lah?

Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

Tapi kebanyakannya kita akan ambik macam shoplot lah.

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Encik Jalil-UTHM

Sebab, branches.

Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

Yang macam rumah ke, apartment, terlampau banyak sangat.

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Go for auction je lah.

Encik Jalil-UTHM

So, dalam team Encik Roy ni, dalam department tu, berapa percent orang

property, berapa percent orang daripada background lain?

Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

Actually, set up sebelum ni, team ni cuma unit je. So, tahun 2010, masa tu, dalam

10 orang lah tapi takde sorang pun yang background property. Bila kita recruit

untuk, tak salah INSPEN ea, start recruit, condition nya semua sekali, kena ada

background real estate lah.

Encik Jalil-UTHM

Sekarang, nak pakai lagi ke? Kita nak hantar students. Nak apply kerja.

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Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Hari tu yang kita pergi one Chinese guy tu?

Encik Jalil-UTHM

Dia ada boss Chinese, siapa nama? Saya jumpa Nasri.

Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

Chen. Mr. Chen lah.

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Dia still jaga property department ke?

Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

Dia manage tenancy lah.

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Oh, tenancy renewal. Mr. Chen.

Ms. Cheng Ni - Shell

Team B? Team two?

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Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

Haa, team two.

Encik Jalil-UTHM

Banyak sangat team.

Kita ada Encik Roy daripada Maybank. Bank dengan bank. Bankers dengan

bankers lah. Ini dia punya language sama lah.

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Kita borrower je.

Encik Mat Tawi-UTHM

Bukan borrower. Withdrawer je. Borrower okay lah jugak.

Encik Jalil-UTHM

So, KPI dalam Maybank ni, apa dia expectation management? Dia nak team Encik

Roy ni buat apa sebenarnya?

Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

Basically, kita manage asset yang __________________ dekat Maybank.

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Encik Jalil-UTHM

Itu aje lah?

Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

Itu saja. Investment part tu, kalau katakan ada opportunity, let’s say, touch about

strategy sikit lah kan. So, sekaran ni, moving forward lah ea, we try to own

especially shoplots. ‘cause, let’s say, kena move out pun, maybe because of area,

mungkin ada new, to shift. So, at least can __________________ of property tu.

Encik Jalil-UTHM

Macam ada negotiation dengan land owner ni group ni yang akan pergi negotiate


Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

Kita buat sendiri. Kita takde outsource pun.

Encik Zul - Affin Bank

Which department?

Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank


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Encik Zul - Affin Bank

Property. To those otherwise mention tadi lah, the property.

Encik Jalil-UTHM

So, biasanya Maybank they lease how many years? Fifteen years ke untuk


Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

Kita mula dari six. Ada option lah. Plus three plus three.

Encik Jalil-UTHM

You think, over ke below market value punya ni?

Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

Biasanya kita akan ask below market value lah.

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Itu biasalah.

Encik Mat Tawi-UTHM

Some ________________ Bank Negara regulation, takkan nak buat apa ni, acquisition

apa semua, kan?

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Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

Sebab tu kita kena dapatkan approval lah.

Encik Jalil-UTHM

Itu kalau big properties kot.

Encik Mat Tawi-UTHM

So, maknanya, bila nak beli tu, beli untuk bank lah? Dia tak boleh beli for the sake

of investment?

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Investment tak boleh

Encik Zul-Affin Bank

Oh, tak boleh. Kita beli sebagai pakai sendiri. Even everytime bila kita nak apply

for new site, makna dia, nak bukak new branch, we have got to obtain approval

from Bank Negara. So, benda-benda ni semua akan put on the table to Bank

Negara lah. Of course kita tak boleh beli for investment, kan?

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Pakai sendiri lah ea. Boleh lah ea.

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Encik Zul-Affin Bank

Maknanya, pakai sendiri your own premises. It’s either you rent or you acquire.

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

After some time, you nak jual balik, okay lah? Takde masalah lah?

Encik Zul-Affin Bank

Takde issue. It’s your property. Kita punya property lah. Your own property lah.

At anytime, you want to dispose...

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Bila you nak open a new site, you get Bank Negara approval, kan? Kalau you nak

close down, kena approval tak?

Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

Sama jugak.

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Oh, sama jugak, lah?

Encik Zul-Affin Bank

We have to notify Bank Negara lah.

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Ms. Cheng Ni - Shell

Also, from your team lah to notify Bank Negara or go through other?

Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

From business team.

Ms. Cheng Ni - Shell

Oh, business team lah. But, you mention you don’t outsource to service provider,

means, kalau you nak acquire a new shoplot, like a bank branch?

Encik Roy Izwan-Maybank

Process A to Z.

Ms. Jolene - Shell

From negotiation lah.

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Daripada awal, A to Z.

Ms. Cheng Ni - Shell

Even selection of the site? Like you go and do the site...

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Encik Jalil-UTHM

Study. Feasibility study.

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Maybank jimat cermat lah dia.

Encik Jalil-UTHM

Orang lain tak boleh carik makan lah.

Encik Zul-Affin Bank

Tapi, I think for that matter lah. You go to any banks, nak identify the new site for

you to open the branch ataupun business loan center ke, it is actually your call.

You tak boleh outsource. It is your own decision, why you want to open up a new

branch, a new business loan center, your own justification lah perhaps the

market, the surrounding, nampak ada potential business coming within this area.

Those are the justifications.

Encik Jalil-UTHM

Takut nanti bocor rahsia ni.

Encik Zul-Affin Bank


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Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Competition lah.

Ms. Cheng Ni - Shell

Just thinking, maybe you engage some brokers to help you to identified, like this

area you already identified, but they help you to select the...

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

The sourcing part.

...a few, source a few shops and then you and see...

Encik Zul-Affin Bank

There are cases yang macam tu lah. Kalau kita tak boleh nak dapat direct owner,

kan. Perhaps you go for third party, but the location itself, macam tadi lah, the

justification is the bank yang...

Encik Jalil-UTHM

Only the issue dengan the brokers ni, dengan kita dia mark up, dengan Maybank

dia ni, dia ni.

Encik Zul-Affin Bank

That’s another issue lah.

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Encik Jalil-UTHM

Itu dia pulak buat quote situ. Cuma ni saya nak come back to, ini as a whole lah.

Ini kita nak cuba tengok scenario di Malaysia ni, corporate real estate, trend dia,

anybody can share lah. The trend, acceptance level, moving forward ni, corporate

real estate ni macam mana agaknya? Sebab saya nak kena feed kepada INSPEN ni

bercakap, sekarang ni acceptance. Dulu masa saya require untuk proposal ni,

cakap acceptance increasing. So, dia nak tengok betul tak increasing and then

saya sit down in these whole of focus group meeting with experts in this area and

then we fit the information that – okay, there are increasing numbers in the real

estate department, real estate unit. There’s a demand. So the trend tu moving

forward, siapa yang can foresee what is happening? So, kita boleh pen down a bit

of info lah. They need more people, or what? Because I see the senior one and the

junior one, there’s quite a gap there. Macam Azan, Jolene is quite new. Mungkin

Encik Zul pun dah agak lama dalam bidang ni. Tengok macam mana, adakah

prospect ke dalam area corporate real estate ni di Malaysia?

Encik Zul - Affin Bank

Tu yang kita kata kalau nak propose, it is always a good proposal la. Tapi, the

issue here is whether or not all these corporations paham. Satu, you nak

implement ni, for any methods lah ea, any subjects ke apa, sebelum you nak

implement, you kena make sure that those people ni paham, okay. So, now ada ke

takde effort untuk make sure all these people understand the requirement on this

real estate. Kalau orang paham, they see the potential, then I believe that

everybody will do that. You private sector ke, even government sector pun,

nothing wrong for them to set up this real estate unit under the government.

Government asset berapa banyak. Now, who is looking over all this asset, kan?

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Tak payah pergi besar lah, you go one nursery sudah. Siapa yang actually taking

care of all this asset? Takkan kita nak harapkan bank for that matter? Only

property development, I mean, property section saja? Sebab macam earlier tadi I

highlight, you’re talking about real estate ni, my understanding ada dua tadi. Satu,

is our own property. The other one is the gross property that kita pegang as

cagaran kepada kita. Kan? Those are the asset yang kita nak kena tengok jugak.

So, makna dia, kalau lah kata, we have this section, in the bank ke or any

organisation for that matter, the role that this section will play ni sebenarnya

membantu the corporation itself. Yang lain, I pun tak sure sangat. Tapi, bank for

that matter lah ea. Katalah, kalaulah ada asset yang kita pegang for example, kita

hold, one (taken/beacon?) properties, ea? Yang, it is good for future development.

So, kalau kita properly manage this asset, kita nampak the potential, perhaps you

can go and discuss with the customer, tanah yang dicagar kepada bank ni, for

other purposes, perhaps can be developed, into something else yang boleh

generate income to the company and also the property akan appreciate the value.

So bila property the value appreciated, to the bank, kalau kata dulu 50 juta, now

dah jadik 70 juta, your loan is only 30 million, ada possibility of kita increase dia

punya facility.

Encik Jalil - UTHM

Profit-sharing ke.

Encik Zul-Affin Bank

Profit-sharing ke. Maknanya, banyak benda yang kita boleh buat lah and that is

why to me, if you’re talking about this real estate punya role, it is a good

suggestion, semua corporation needs to have this one, even a small section, yang

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doing this, apa nama, real estate punya ni, but again, the first thing yang you need

to do is to make them understand.

Encik Ahmad Kaseri - UTHM


Encik Jalil - UTHM

Cuma macam kalau macam Azan kan, kalau nak tambah. Trend dia kepada daily

routine ni hari-hari nak kena kejar site sana-sini, sempat tak nak tengok dari bird-

eye view punya ni, boss-boss paham ke tak real estate punya understanding ni?

Encik Azan - Axiata

So far, daripada saya punya pendapat lah, kalau saya, daripada golongan muda

lah ea, bagi saya, itu lah dia punya main problem itu lah. Sebab apa, even saya ni

baru dalam ni, tapi kita boleh nampak the whole lah, the whole kita punya

culture, culture business. Apa yang _____________ nya, apa yang dia punya main

problem. So, saya tengok dia punya knowledge lah situ. Kita punya main core

business kita on the property, normally saya punya top leader tu, bukanlah dalam

property, so bila datang issue macam ni, diorang tak berapa nampak lah. So,

maksudnya dalam kita sibuk setiap hari ni, kita nak manage site, kita nak carik

site-site yang baru, kita nak apa, kita nak maintain the rental semua. So, saya

nampak issue dia, itulah, kita ...

Encik Jalil - UTHM

Dia tak paham ke dia perlu dipahami dulu?

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Encik Azan - Axiata

Dia faham, faham. Dia nampak, nampak. Apa dia masalah tu. Maksudnya, untuk

long term punya problem tu, diorang nampak dan faham. Tapi, sebabkan bila

diorang ni memang bukan pure dalam bidang ni, so, untuk dia nak tackle tu, dia

perlukan dia punya step tu, A to Z.

Encik Jalil - UTHM

Mungkin knowledge tu, dia ada dia punya gap, tak paham the whole process. Ke

ataupun dia tak faham nature of property punya behaviour tu, dia kena long term,

kadang dia susah nak dispose, dia tak boleh nak liquid within short period?

Encik Azan - Axiata

Benda ni susah nak cakap lah sebab kita tengok pada kita punya target, kita

punya profit, macam mana. Yelah, kita business, kita target untuk untung lah,

untuk profit. Walaupun kita faham dia punya process, A sampai Z, kita try untuk

skip, A-D-Z. Kita cuba buat untuk medium pertengahan. Tapi, bagi saya yang kita

memang pure on property, kita memang tak boleh langkau semua tu. Kita mesti

go on process lah. So, bila benda ni saya nampak sebagai, contohnya lah ea. Saya

tunjukkanlah, even kita saya punya company sendiri, Celcom ni ea, benda ni

selalu lah kalau dalam seminar Celcom, saya selalu bangkitkan issue ni lah. First,

kita punya rental lah. Sekarang ni, Celcom kita masih apply on the rental yang

bagi saya dah lapuk lah, okay? So, bila kita come up lah dengan kita punya

research, kita tunjuk on how the market rental value sekarang sebab kita KPI, kita

punya property KPI is based on how much rental yang kita boleh bagi per each

site? So, bila dia punya KPI, dia punya max dengan dia punya rental terlalu

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rendah, and then, tapi kita rasa, dia punya market rental value tu sepatutnya

tidak pada takuk tu, so benda ni dia tidak, dalam masa yang sama dia kacau lah

kita punya KPI. So, bagi saya, benda ni sekarang ni, dalam golongan kami lah

maksudnya, golongan-golongan muda dalam bahagian property kita tengah come

up untuk tunjukkan pada kita punya top higher management untuk tunjukkan

pada dia yang, sebenarnya apa yang kita beri ni, dah terlalu rendah berbanding

apa yang ada di market sekarang. Itu the first dia punya problem lah. So, benda-

benda tu lah antara salah satu problem yang saya nampak, diorang sebenarnya

tahu, tapi atas dasar untung, dan atas dasar mungkin dia tak tahu macam mana


Encik Jalil - UTHM

Maksudnya, adakah Celcom bayar sewa tu rendah kepada owner?

Encik Azan - Axiata

Betul. Memang betul.

Encik Jalil - UTHM

Jadik, bila kita nak naikkan sewa untuk ke market value, jadik owner akan,

management akan attack lah, akan defend lah?

Encik Azan - Axiata

Yes. Sebab kita punya top bosses normally from the civil (engineering) ea. Sebab

kita on property, berapa rental kita bagi, how kita punya basis on how much kita

value tanah tu. So, kalau kata saya value tanah the parcel of the commercial land,

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saya kata 1,008 per month, dia on civil dia just tengok dia punya surface, haa, yes,

sub-sale value dia sahaja. Dia punya rental, 800 per month. So, bagi saya, sebab

kita punya rental, value, willing buyer-willing seller lah. So, bagi saya itu one of

the common, one of the major problem lah.

Encik Jalil - UTHM

Untuk convince kan senior management?

Encik Azan - Axiata

Yeah. So, bagi saya yang benda ni memang saya rasa perlu ada lah sebab Celcom

ni memang saya rasa memang perlu lah sebab walaupun kita punya major

business kita on the structure itself, tapi kita mula dengan landed. Basic kita is


Encik Jalil - UTHM

Sebab nak tower all the sort of thing lah.

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Ini macam saya tadi, Shell lah. Sebab saya from Celcom, dulu kan? Celcom

problem dia, contohnya macam bank lah ea, untuk nak sewa rumah kedai,

ataupun office, kita ada benchmark lah, market benchmark, area ni berapa,

berapa square feet, kan? Tapi macam Celcom ni, kita menyewa atas bumbung,

tepi bangunan, tanah pun kadang-kadang tanah sikit je. Kira tepi untuk erect

tower je. Jadi takde benchmark rental yang boleh digunapakai lah as a standard

benchmark yang kita boleh refer to lah.

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Encik Zul - Affin Bank

Kalau other operators? Benchmarking, I think, kalau macam ni lah issue, your

benchmarking is your competitors punya ni lah. Of course you have got to buat

kaji selidik lah untuk dapatkan all the information. That’s the benchmarking.

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Dia macam tu lah tapi the issue dia yang sama jugak. Company A, company B pun

dia akan tengok jugak. Normally, siapa yang masuk dulu area tu, that rate tu, itu

yang akan jadik...

Encik Jalil - UTHM

Site benchmark, lah?

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Jadik basis lah. Tapi scenario different. Masa saya masuk dulu, demand still not

there. Jadik mungkin rental is low. Tiba-tiba ada dua operator masuk, saya ingat,

attacking the same place ea. And that’s going to be different ballgame anymore

lah. Tak sama lah.

Encik Jalil - UTHM

Okay kalau coming to Shell, as an MNC company, big company, how do you

foresee the prospect of real estate area or career or whatever within this sort of

company lah because this is about Malaysian company and you’re and MNC

company. Is it a different scenario within Shell?

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Ms. Jolene - Shell

Yeah, I mean for Shell, all of the backgrounds of our department in real estate

department are all from real estate. So, we have joiners from service providers,

from CBRE, so, experience hired usually we have those from the service

providers. So, we already have the background of real estate. Even our head

management is all come with the real estate background. So, currently, I’d say we

are lucky to already at the top management has a seat in the ______________. So,

basically they can convince the management to be involved in the strategy. For

example, business is entering into a new country, new venture, so they’ll get real

estate to support them to create a new township to all those things. So, and then

business can concentrate on their own core business and all these things on

facility and stuff like that, they leave it to the real estate to do. So, it’s already in

that part of partnership maturity. So, I’d say, yeah. In terms of career, I think

you’re right in terms of local, we find quite difficult to find resources, I mean for

fresh grads. So, Jolene is the first graduate that we have employed. There has

been multiple interviews and stuff like that but it’s difficult to find a real estate

expert in this area. In fact, even we interview for the external hires, it take very

long time to get one.

Encik Jalil - UTHM

Or your hire is too high standards. Difficult to get in. Cuma yang saya nampak

these two scenario lah. Like, MNC company, they’re quite matured in their

understanding of the real estate and the Malaysian corporation, there’s still gap,

small gap there. I think the next question is that, what to do in order to increase

the acceptance of senior management level lah. I think maybe Encik Roy ada

experience nak share ke. Mungkin senior management from finance, accountancy.

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Dia, kita nak increase dia punya understanding towards real estate. Is there any

strategy yang dah guna ke, ataupun daripada unit naik ke department ke, macam

mana Maybank boleh upgrade? Adakah kesedaran senior management ke

ataupun push daripada...

Encik Roy Izwan - Maybank

Push daripada department head. Tapi, basically for the support sahaja. Sebab real

estate bukannya core business, kan? Kita focus kalau katakan you nak ____________

dengan bank tu, you kena pergi service level lah. Why numbers kita besar because

branches kita banyak. Ada berapa orang kat property?

Encik Zul - Affin Bank

Property kita ada about thirty plus lah.

Encik Roy Izwan - Maybank

Maknanya, buat property management sahaja dengan facility?

Encik Zul - Affin Bank

Semua all-in.

Encik Roy Izwan - Maybank

Maknanya, kalau ikutkan numbers ea dengan Maybank, ten times tau. Kitorang

tiga ratus.

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Encik Zul - Affin Bank

Yelah, I mean, comparing our branches lah.

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Dia banyak lah.

Encik Roy Izwan - Maybank

So, maknanya benda tu dia sama je.

Encik Jalil - UTHM

To the ratio macam lagi besar company tu. How about the merger and acquisition

the latest yang rumours dengar Maybank nak merge dengan BIMB? Is it, nanti

needs more people ke?

Encik Roy Izwan - Maybank

Haa, itu tak tahu.

Encik Jalil - UTHM

Kalau getting bigger lah. Kalau expenses into the new country and the Malaysia

banyak akan pergi lah.

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Encik Roy Izwan - Maybank

Tak. Basically macam ni, kalau katakan dekat Maybank pun, head office kita akan

buat framework. Kalau setakat nak hantar people, satu, dua orang boleh lah. But

the man in power mesti local people lah.

Encik Jalil - UTHM

So, the framework...

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Policy office.

Encik Jalil - UTHM

Affin ada framework ke?

Encik Zul - Affin Bank

Dia basically sama, tapi bagi, to me lah, this issue kita kena tengok differently. Kita

kena tengok outside the box aa. Makna dia, sekarang, yes, property maintenance

ni dia punya role and function: dia maintain asset belongs to the bank. Tapi

macam I cakap tadi lah. Kalau kata kita paham betul-betul the requirement on

this real estate, bukan setakat nak maintain untuk those assets saja, banyak

benda lain lagi kita boleh buat. Even kita nak identify new site for branch, for that

matter, kadang-kadang ada assets charged to the bank, kita pun tak aware, “eh,

actually this property charged to us”, kan? And, owner mungkin dia tak pakai, dia

sewa kan kepada orang lain. So, instead of you go and search for the new site.

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Kalau you betul-betul ada a set of people yang look into all these thing, they can

just trigger the business side yang decide opening of the new branch look, they

have a go at the property charged to the bank within this area. Mungkin you boleh

negotiate with the owner for better price, better rental.

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Ye, ye. Betul.

Encik Zul - Affin Bank

Betul, tak? If you were to go for the rental for that matter, kan? Since you ada

facility dengan kita, you charge this property to us, okay takpa, now we want to

rent this property for our branch. You boleh negotiate for that, kan? Tapi, issue

dia adalah, kita kena kembangkan role and function of this property maintenance.

So, makna dia now, yes. Kerja you only maintain the property, but sekarang dah

kena kembangkan sikit. You kena look into the potential, lain from the property

yang kita ada and also those collaterals yang the bank pegang.

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Strategic sebenar tu.

Encik Jalil - UTHM

Strategic ke?

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Encik Zul - Affin Bank

Kena luaskan dia punya portfolio lah instead of...

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Day-to-day punya operation je.

Encik Zul - Affin Bank


Encik Jalil - UTHM

Tak sempat nak tengok. Saya rasa ni masalah ni, Tabung Haji mungkin ada lah

pengalaman, yang acquire lain, yang manage lain, yang nak dispose, unit lain-lain.

Jadik macam Encik Faizal ni, dia handle maintenance side. Sekarang orang lain

yang ambik pembangunan, kan? Serah tiba-tiba, mari bala kepada Encik Faizal

untuk uruskan. Jadik macam mana tu yang nampak trend dalam, kalau property

people ni tak communicate. Ada problem apa yang bermasalah nampak macam

Tabung Haji lah especially.

Encik Faizal - Tabung Haji

Dia projek wahyu je.

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Daripada langit lah, turun bawah projek ea.

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Encik Faizal - Tabung Haji

Aa. Yang kalau wahyu tu memang selalunya macam tu lah. Yang akan jadik impact

lah. Sebab kalau dia daripada mula kita involved untuk planning property kan,

okay. Takdak masalah. Macam yang terbaru dekat Cameron kan. Cameron, kita

develop banglo lot kan, kita involve daripada awal. So, yang tu kita jadik, kita tahu

tau apa dia projek punya sakit ke tak kan, jadik kita tahu. Kalau hat yang tiba-tiba,

haa yang itu beli, ini beli. Haa itu yang, maksudnya... Tapi, sekarang ni dah celik

sikit lah sebabnya, ye lah, kita bising, kan. Sebab kita bising. Apa you beli

bangunan macam ni, macam ni, macam ni. Kan? Kenapa tak involve kitorang,

maknanya, stage by stage lah daripada progress sampai siap involve kitorang,

lepas tu kita tengok lah apa yang kecacatan untuk outstanding yang patut dibuat,

dia tak buat, haa macam tu.

Encik Jalil - UTHM

Jadik, maknanya, property punya process ni macam Azan cakap A to Z tu kita

kena tahu dan kita kena monitor dia baru lah, kalau A-M-Q-Z.

Encik Faizal - Tabung Haji

Kalau dia pergi Z terus lagi sakit.

Encik Mat Tawi - UTHM

Dia terputus. Dia tak macam kalau kita tengok dia memang contrast dengan Shell,

ea. Sebab Shell ni dia ada strategic kat corporate property.

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Encik Jalil - UTHM

Framework dia tu lah kot.

Encik Mat Tawi - UTHM

So, Jolene dengan colleague dia ni kat sini, dekat tactical, baru lah dia pass dekat

orang yang operational. Whereas yang ni, dia memang terputus antara corporate

real estate dengan orang yang operational, tactical. Orang yang knew, maybe

politically motivated apa semua, kawan dia kata,”Kau boleh beli tak bangunan


Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Dia main beli je.

Encik Mat Tawi - UTHM

Kawan tu pun beli, lepas tu serah kat kawan ni.

Encik Faizal - Tabung Haji

Macam Hospital Colombia, PJ yang tengah progress kan, develop kan, tu pun saya

try turun, saya pergi tengok, ye lah, hospital punya dia design kan memang

confirm lah hospital tu dia akan sewa sampai bila-bila, kan. Tapi dari segi

maintenance, dia tak tengok untuk piping sempit-sempit semua, kat situ. Jadik

akan datang, kos tu bertambah lah. Nak kena pecah, besar kan. Impak impak tu

yang kata macam tak sepatutnya begini design kan. Selalu yang kami hadapi

macam tu. Tu yang saya cerita issue...

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Encik Jalil - UTHM

Tak communicate.

Ms. Jolene - Shell

That’s why we actually involve our team, for example, from strategic

_________________ this, I mean before we start the ______________________ projects, we’re

involved in their projects meeting. So, we know what they’re going to do in terms

of master plan, stuff like that. And then, they hand over to us. And after that, when

we develop project fit out, we will get our facilities team to get involved in our

project meetings. So they understand what are we...

Encik Jalil - UTHM

The problems

Ms. Jolene - Shell


Encik Faizal - Tabung Haji

Haa, itu sekarang berlaku. Baru sekarang berlaku yang tu. Setelah kami, kami

orang kata apa, kami tengok kelemahan-kelemahan tu, kami bincang balik dengan

GM. Lepas tu, GM pun berbincang dengan GM-GM.

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Encik Jalil - UTHM

Berapa banyak GM ada.

Encik Faizal - Tabung Haji

Yelah. Melampau banyak sangat nak ___________________

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Biasa lah tu.

Encik Faizal - Tabung Haji

Lepas tu baru lah, baru lah diorang apa ni, setuju lah, tarik kami untuk involve

apa-apa projek yang baru. Kalau tidak, sebelum ni, macam tu lah huru-hara lah

diorang. Tapi sekarang, Alhamdulillah lah, ada lah improve sikit, ______________

insaf lagi.

Encik Jalil - UTHM

Itu kena hantar pergi Haji dulu tu. Pergi Haji bagi insaf dulu.

Encik Faizal - Tabung Haji

Kalau pergi Haji tiap-tiap tahun pun jadik ____________________________________. Tapi

tulah, kita asset, orang kita kan, orang Islam kita, amanah tu, kat situ lah yang

kami boleh bagi, kan. Daripada situ pulak, yelah nak bagi deposit...

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Encik Jalil - UTHM

Withdrawal ea, withdrawal.

Encik Faizal - Tabung Haji

Aa. Betul lah. Macam dia bagi 8% tu, zakat dia kira besar, banyak, tolak-tolak

zakat lagi, kat situ lah. Tapi, untuk pelaburan hartanah ni memang banyak jugak

lah daripada pelaburan investment yang tu kan, saham ke apa.

Encik Mat Tawi - UTHM

Berapa percent?

Encik Faizal - Tabung Haji

Tak tahu lah. Yang saya dapat tahu, sekarang ni, nak ke 4 ke 5 billion lah dia


Encik Jalil - UTHM


Encik Faizal - Tabung Haji

Keuntungan. Asset dia, around 60 billion kot dia punya asset. Tapi, sekarang kita,

hat yang untuk sewa-sewa tu rasanya tak salah saya lah, dalam 2 billion macam

tu. 2 ke 4.

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Encik Jalil - UTHM

Setahun? Banyak nya. __________________6, 7%.

Encik Faizal - Tabung Haji

Tu lah. Penyumbang besar ni.

Encik Jalil - UTHM

Kena jaga Shell.

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Kena naikkan rental siap-siap lah.

Encik Faizal - Tabung Haji

Tu lah. Doa lah. Harap-harap Petronas pulak masuk kan.

Encik Jalil - UTHM

Okay, jadik sekarang kita pun dah dekat pukul 1. So, setakat ni, saya nak wrap up

sikit lah apa yang observation daripada apa saya nampak daripada discussion

kita ni dan jugak sebelum-sebelum ni yang saya pernah involve, company tu akan

lebih well-managed kalau dia punya structure tu ataupun framework real estate

tu daripada A to Z lah. So, sebab biasanya property ni sakit dia buat bangunan

cantik and then end up kita dapat, nak manage susah sebab benda dia, real estate

ni long term. Dia tak flexible macam, hari ni beli, esok boleh jual. Dia take years

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sebab tu banyak legal implication lah. Kalau kita nak case yang terdekat, kita

boleh tengok contoh dalam government punya projects, contoh macam; Putrajaya

– maintenance cost very high because of the design and all the sort of thing lah.

Itu pun mungkin antara isu dia, takde input yang complete tentang maintenance

side lah. Okay, another thing is that, macam Encik Zul cakap tadi, real estate ni

kita tak boleh stagnant, static, jumud sangat tengok daripada segi tengok

bangunan, maintain. So, I think, the way forward to go is, what the real estate can

do better lah. In terms of, proactive, strategies dia, investment side, and then,

project. Ataupun, dia generate profit jugak, land, how to develop. Because, there’s

a good will there, based on my experience. Contoh, di Australia, Testra dah buat.

Macam dia nak control cost, dia even, dia space charging. Dia charge whether

department ni, dia buat __________________berapa hundred k, you manage this place.

Kalau you ada kerugian, you penalty. That sort of lah, so nanti company tu,

dalaman sendiri dia akan manage macam company. So, itu partly lah. Lagi satu,

macam dia ada plan besar. Developer, apa potential income dia boleh dapat

daripada tu. JV lah, that sort of. Lepas tu kalau macam in terms of productivity

based on framework yang saya bagi tu, elemen-elemen tu, diorang dah basically

diorang touch hampir semua. Kita mungkin touch in terms of cost reduction.

Which is cost reduction is one of the seven elemen yang diorang ada: promote

marketing and sale. There are a lot of thing yang diorang dah touch which is

kalau, it’s a good, kalau kita boleh cover all the area lah. They increase of value,

macam mana. They promote marketing macam mana. They increase productivity

macam mana. Dia punya innovation macam mana dia design. Di sana, dia dah tak

pakai konsep macam dia panggil spaghetti management lah. Dah tak ada boss

duduk level satu-satu floor, dia punya dah tak ada. Meja boss, dua hari ni, kerani

duduk. So, dia dah very advanced level.

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Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Very organised lah.

Encik Jalil - UTHM

Organisation dia dah tak macam government lagi lah. Macam hierarki dia tu dah

ni... So, I think, the way forward kepada newcomers ataupun bosses yang dah ada

kat sini is to change a bit of paradigm in terms of how we look towards this real

estate lah. Saya pun nampak prospect yang besar untuk graduate real estate

instead of macam kat UTHM tu, masuk ke valuation company...

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Satu bidang aje lah.

Encik Jalil - UTHM

Aa. This corporate real estate yang I think kita ada dalam 900 companies dalam

listed companies. Itu dalam main market lah. Yang memerlukan dalam each

company perlukan sorang atau dua orang, itu dah thousands kita perlukan yang

grads untuk masuk. Macam yang ada kat sini ni, basically banyak yang muda-

muda lah macam saya tengok di Gas Malaysia ni Puan Noraizura ni pun baru grad.

Tapi dia lead untuk Gas Malaysia punya property division. Dulu kawan saya dulu,

Amanah Raya, dia setup REITs. Whole Amanah Raya punya, dia je dia punya

kepala. Baru grad, and then, boss suruh setup all those REITs. Haa, REITs tu pun

another area yang property people boleh venture lah. Tapi, itu different issues

lah. So, banyak lagi sebenarnya benda nak discuss tapi mungkin kita akan follow

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up dan keep up-to-date. Saya akan cuba come up dengan, mungkin lah kita akan

come up dengan regular meeting ke, once a year ke, in case orang real estate ni

boleh come up some sort of not society and whatsoever tapi kita nak ada

knowledge sharing tu supaya kita moving forward to same direction. In case

government, next time nak impose anything towards asset issue, kita boleh ada

one voice. So that, takde lah too secretive sangat nanti ada kerugian. Macam tadi,

Ms. Cheng Ni ada propose CoreNet Global, one of the platform yang kita boleh join

lah. Dia ada CoreNet ni, corporate real estate global network...

Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Mungkin boleh cuba cerita sikit

Encik Jalil - UTHM

Mungkin you dah nak initiate Malaysian chapter, boleh share sikit?

Ms. Ang Cheng Ni - Shell

Yeah, sure. Basically, we have approached by CoreNet, it’s a Corporate Real Estate

Network Global. They have requested us whether there are interested to set up a

chapter in Malaysia for all the professionals, corporate real estate professionals

as well as service providers. So, we’re thinking of getting an initial meeting set up.

I think it’s early October, you know, on how to discuss how do we set up this real

estate session. Basically is, a venue to discuss, to share about our knowledge

sharing about corporate real estate within Malaysia. So, it’s working out. We

already have a chapter in Singapore, in Australia. The nearest is Singapore. So, we

just think that it’s useful to have one in Malaysia. So, to get everyone to gather you

know. For the corporate to discuss.

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Encik Jalil - UTHM

Saya dah join dah CoreNet Global ni sebelum ni as a student member. Tapi dalam

tu dia ada chapter in each kita type ada mana Australia, UK semua, dia akan

keluar mana members yang ada kat situ and then kita boleh contact dia, dia ada

network dalam tu. Kita ada banyak knowledge, research yang diorang dah buat

paper everything is ada dalam knowledge session la untuk members. Jadi, dia ada

rank dia lah: corporate members, graduate members, academics. Jadik dekat situ

saya rasa bagus lah platform. So, dekat sini, saya ada jugak contact-contact, e-mail

apa semua. Nanti mungkin kita boleh come up dengan satu database ke and then

kita boleh meet together. Ye lah, pasal saya pun Batu Pahat kan. If once a while

boleh lah. Tapi kalau siapa yang ada di KL ni, mungkin boleh meet up sesekali.

Kalau nak turun Parit Raja, Batu Pahat pun, welcome. Sesekali keluar daripada


Encik Ahmad Kaseri-UTHM

Pergilah kampung.

Encik Mat Tawi - UTHM

Kita banyak kerepek.

Encik Jalil - UTHM.

Haa, kerepek, asam pedas ke, nasi briyani.