Interpretation of formal proof for Cryptographic Protocols

Abstract Cryptography is the spinal cord for all security measures involved in computing field so a lot of emphasis is required to be given to make it strong enough to deal all the transition of the security industry. We present a general method to prove security properties of multiple cryptographic protocols in an execution model where clients exchange messages using multiple protocols against active adversaries. The method discussed here allows to interpret the logical formal proofs of cryptographic systems into their computational equivalent. The security properties are expressed in terms of logics, which are then interpreted in a computational setup. Also, we further show that if the statement is true for any symbolic execution then the corresponding computational interpretation is widely accepted in all forms. The messages between clients are expressed in syntax form and do not require dealing with asymptotic notations and probability distribution. This paper provides a basic framework and edifice for extending the protocol specification language with other cryptographic primitives. Keywords: Cryptographic protocols, Symbolic analysis, Protocol logic, formal methods for security protocols. I. Introduction Cryptographic protocols are fundamental tool in the design of secure distributed computing systems [3][4][7], but they are also extremely hard to design and validate. The difficulty of designing valid cryptographic protocols[1][5] stems mostly from the fact that security properties[2] should remain valid even when the protocol is executed in an unpredictable adversarial environment, where some of the clients (or an external entity) are maliciously attempting to make the protocol deviate from its prescribed behavior. Basically, Cryptographic protocols are coined in one of two ways: [9][11][15] A. Computational Model: The computational model consists of following models: Messages are considered as bit-strings[17]; The encryption operation[19] of message is a concrete arithmetic; Security is defined in terms of that a computationally bounded[20][23] adversary can only attack successfully with negligible probability; Analysis of security is done by reduction. B. Formal Model (“Dolev-Yao model”): The formal model comprises of: Abstracts cryptographic concepts into an algebra of symbolic messages[9][12]; Messages are considered as formal expressions; The encryption operation is only an abstract function; Security is modeled by formal formulas[14]; Analysis of security is done by formal reasoning. This paper is divided into six parts. Starting with introduction (Section-I), next section covers theoretical experiment (Section-II). Moving ahead analysis model (Section-III), related work has been described in (Section-IV) and finally conclusion & future work has been described in (Section-V & VI). II. Theoretical Experiment Example: A→B: e = {xˋ k }x k , mac(e, x mk ) k fresh A sends to B a fresh key xk encrypted under authenticated encryption [22][23], implemented as encrypt-then-MAC. xk should remain secret. Step 1: Initialization: A→B: e = {xˋ k }x k , mac(e, x mk ) k fresh Q 0 = start(); new x r : keyseed; let x k : key= kgen(x r ) in new xˋ r : mkeyseed; let x mk : mkey = mkgen(xˋ r ) in α(); (Q A | Q B ) Initialization of keys: The process Q 0 waits for a message on channel start. The adversary triggers this process. Interpretation of formal proof for Cryptographic Protocols into Computational Model Sanjay Kumar Sonkar 1 , Darmendra Lal Gupta 2 , Dr. Anil Kumar Malviya 3 , Ganesh Chandra 4 , Vinod Kumar Yadav 5 1,4,5 M. Tech. Student, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur, (U.P.) India 2 Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur, (U.P.) India 3 Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur, (U.P.) India E-mail: { 1 [email protected] , 2 [email protected] , 3 [email protected] , 4 [email protected] , 5 [email protected] } Sanjay Kumar Sonkar et al ,Int.J.Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 3 (2), 525-531 525 ISSN:2229-6093

Transcript of Interpretation of formal proof for Cryptographic Protocols

Page 1: Interpretation of formal proof for Cryptographic Protocols


Cryptography is the spinal cord for all security measures

involved in computing field so a lot of emphasis is required

to be given to make it strong enough to deal all the

transition of the security industry. We present a general

method to prove security properties of multiple

cryptographic protocols in an execution model where clients

exchange messages using multiple protocols against active

adversaries. The method discussed here allows to interpret

the logical formal proofs of cryptographic systems into their

computational equivalent. The security properties are

expressed in terms of logics, which are then interpreted in a

computational setup. Also, we further show that if the

statement is true for any symbolic execution then the

corresponding computational interpretation is widely

accepted in all forms. The messages between clients are

expressed in syntax form and do not require dealing with

asymptotic notations and probability distribution. This

paper provides a basic framework and edifice for extending

the protocol specification language with other

cryptographic primitives.

Keywords: Cryptographic protocols, Symbolic analysis,

Protocol logic, formal methods for security protocols.

I. Introduction

Cryptographic protocols are fundamental tool in the design

of secure distributed computing systems [3][4][7], but they

are also extremely hard to design and validate. The

difficulty of designing valid cryptographic protocols[1][5]

stems mostly from the fact that security properties[2] should

remain valid even when the protocol is executed in an

unpredictable adversarial environment, where some of the

clients (or an external entity) are maliciously attempting to

make the protocol deviate from its prescribed behavior.

Basically, Cryptographic protocols are coined in one of two

ways: [9][11][15]

A. Computational Model:

The computational model consists of following models:

Messages are considered as bit-strings[17];

The encryption operation[19] of message is a

concrete arithmetic;

Security is defined in terms of that a

computationally bounded[20][23] adversary can

only attack successfully with negligible probability;

Analysis of security is done by reduction.

B. Formal Model (“Dolev-Yao model”):

The formal model comprises of:

Abstracts cryptographic concepts into an algebra of

symbolic messages[9][12];

Messages are considered as formal expressions;

The encryption operation is only an abstract


Security is modeled by formal formulas[14];

Analysis of security is done by formal reasoning.

This paper is divided into six parts. Starting with

introduction (Section-I), next section covers theoretical

experiment (Section-II). Moving ahead analysis model

(Section-III), related work has been described in

(Section-IV) and finally conclusion & future work has

been described in (Section-V & VI).

II. Theoretical Experiment


A→B: e = {xˋk}xk , mac(e, xmk) xˋk fresh

A sends to B a fresh key x′k encrypted under authenticated

encryption [22][23], implemented as encrypt-then-MAC.

x′k should remain secret.

Step 1: Initialization:

A→B: e = {xˋk}xk , mac(e, xmk) xˋk fresh

Q0= start(); new xr : keyseed; let xk : key= kgen(xr) in

new xˋr : mkeyseed; let xmk : mkey = mkgen(xˋr) in α(); (QA | QB)

Initialization of keys:

The process Q0 waits for a message on channel

start. The adversary triggers this process.

Interpretation of formal proof for Cryptographic Protocols into

Computational Model

Sanjay Kumar Sonkar1, Darmendra Lal Gupta

2, Dr. Anil Kumar Malviya

3, Ganesh Chandra

4, Vinod Kumar Yadav


1,4,5M. Tech. Student, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur, (U.P.) India 2Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur, (U.P.) India 3Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur, (U.P.) India

E-mail: {[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] }

Sanjay Kumar Sonkar et al ,Int.J.Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 3 (2), 525-531



Page 2: Interpretation of formal proof for Cryptographic Protocols

Q0 generates encryption and MAC keys, xk and xmk

[2][6] respectively, using the key generation

algorithms kgen and mkgen.

Q0 returns control to the adversary by the output


QA and QB represent the actions of A and B.

Step 2:

a) Role of A:

A→B: e = {xˋk}xk , mac(e, xmk) xˋk fresh

QA = βi ≤ n

CA(); new xˋk : key; new x″r :coins;

Let xm : bitstring = enc(k2b(xˋk), xk, x″r) in

CA<xm, mac(xm, xmk)>

βi ≤ n

represents n copies, indexes by i ϵ [1,n]

The protocol can be run n times (polynomial in the

security parameter [4]).

The process is triggered when a message is sent on

CA by the adversary.

The process chooses a fresh key xˋk and sends the

message on channel CA.

b) Role of B:

A→B: e = {xˋk}xk , mac(e, xmk) xˋk fresh

QB = βi ≤ n

CB(xˋm : bitstring, xma : macstring);

if veriry (xˋm , xmk , xma) than

let i ⊥ (k2b(x″k)) = dec (xˋm, xk) in CB()

n copies, as for QA.

The process QB waits for the message on channel


It verifies the MAC, decrypts and stores the key in


Step 3: Indistinguishability as observational equivalence:

Two processes Q1, Q2 are observationally equivalent where

the adversary has a negligible probability of distinguishing


Q1 ≈ Q2

In the formal definition, the adversary is represented by an

acceptable evaluation context C:: = C|Q & Q|C new

Channel c; C.

Observation equivalence is an equivalence relation.

It is contextual: Q1 ≈ Q2 implies C[Q] ≈ C[Q]

where C is any acceptable evaluation context.

Step 4: Proof Technique:

We transform a Game G0 into an observationally equivalent

[27][28] on using:

Observational equivalences: L ≈ R given as

axioms and that come from security assumptions

on primitives. These equivalences are used inside a


G1 ≈ C[L] C[R] ≈ G2

Syntactic transformations: Simplification,

expansion of assignments,

We obtain a sequence of games G0 ≈ G1 ≈ … ≈ Gm, which

implies G0 ≈ Gm.

If some equivalence or trace property hold with

overwhelming probability in Gm, then it also hold with

overwhelming probability in G0.

Step 5: Security definition [1][2][9]:

A MAC scheme:

(Randomized) key generation function mkgen.

MAC function mac (m, k) takes as input a message

m and a key k.

Verification function verify(m, k, t) such that

Verify (m, k, mac (m, k)) = true.

A MAC guarantees the integrity and authenticity [26] of the

message because only someone who knows the secret key

can build the mac.

More formally, an adversary A that has oracle access to mac

and verify has a negligible probability to forge a MAC:

max Pr[verify (m, k, t) | k ← mkgen; (m, t) ← Amac (. , k), verify(. , k, .) ]


is negligible, when the adversary A has not called the mac

oracle on message m.

Step 6: Intuitive Implementation:

By the previous definition, up to neglible probability,

The adversary cannot forge a correct MAC.

So when verifying a MAC with verify (m, k, t) and

k ← mkgen is used only for generating and

verifying MACs, the verification can succeed only

if m is in the list (array) of message whose mac has

been computed by the protocol.

So we can replace a call to verify with an array


If the call to mac is mac (x, k), we replace verify

(m, k, t) with find j ≤ N such that defined (x[j]) ˄

(m = x[j]) ˄ verify (m, k, t) then true else false.

Step 7: Formal implementation (1) [15]:

Verify (m, mkgen(r), mac(m, mkgen(r))) = true


new r : mkeyseed; (βN(x : bitstring) → mac(x, mkgen(r)),


(m : bitstring, t : macstring) → verify(m, mkgen(r), t))


new r : mkeyseed; (βN(x : bitstring) → mac(x, mkgen(r)),


(m : bitstring, t : macstring) →

find j ≤ N such that defined(x[j]) ˄ (m = x[j]) ˄ verify(m,

mkgen(r), t) then true else false.

Formal implementation (2):

Verify (m, mkgen(r), mac(m, mkgen(r))) = true


new r : mkeyseed; (βN(x : bitstring) → mac(x, mkgen(r)),


(m : bitstring, t : macstring) → verify(m, mkgen(r), t))

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Page 3: Interpretation of formal proof for Cryptographic Protocols


new r : mkeyseed; (βN(x : bitstring) → macˋ(x, mkgenˋ(r)),


(m : bitstring, t : macstring) →

find j ≤ N such that defined(x[j]) ˄ (m = x[j]) ˄ verifyˋ(m,

mkgenˋ(r), t) then true else false.

The prover applies the previous rule automatically in any

(polynomial-time) context, perhaps containing several

occurrences of mac and verify following:

Each occurrence of mac is replaced with macˋ.

Each occurrence of verify is replaced with a

message key and find that looks in all arrays of

computed MACs.

Step 8: Proof of security properties:

a. One-session secrecy:

The adversary cannot distinguish any of the

secretes from a random number with one test query.

Criterion for proving one-session secrecy [19][21] of x:

X is defined by new x[i] : T and there is a set of

variables S such that only variables in S depend on x.

The output messages and the control-flow do not

depend on x.

b. Secrecy:

The adversary cannot distinguish the secrets from

independent random numbers with several test queries.

Criterion for proving secrecy of x:

Same as one-session secrecy, plus x[i] and x[iˋ] do

not come from the same copy of the same restriction when

i ≠ iˋ.

Step 9: Result:

In most cases, the prover succeeds in proving the

desired properties when they hold and obviously it always

fails to prove them when they do not hold.

Only cases in which the prover fails although the property


Needham-Schroeder [9][11] public-key when the

exchanged key is the nonce NA.

Needham-Schroeder shared-key: fails to prove that

NB [i] ≠ NB[iˋ]-1 with overwhelming probability,

where NB is a nonce.

III. Analysis Model

Deniable authentication protocols allow a Sender to

authenticate a message for a receiver, in a way that the

receiver cannot convince a third party that such

authentication (or any authentication) ever took place.

Deniable authentication has two characteristics that differ

from traditional authentication: One is that only the intended

receiver can authenticate the true source of a given message;

the other is that the receiver cannot provide the evidences to

prove the source of the message to a third party. A practical

secure deniable authentication protocol should have the

following properties: Completeness or authentication, strong

deniability, weak deniability, security of forgery attack,

security of impersonate attack, security of compromising

session secret attack, security of man-in-the-middle attack.

Figure 1: Analysis model of deniable authentication protocols with

Blanchet calculus

Generally deniable authentication protocol includes three

roles, Sender which is initiator, receiver which is responder

and third party, represented by Sender, Receiver and Third

party, respectively. We assume that Sender plays only on the

role of the initiator; Receiver plays only the role of

responder, Third party play only on the prover. The deniable

authentication protocol consists of a sequence of messages

exchanged between the Sender and the Receiver & the

Receiver and Third party. In deniable authentication

protocol Sender can authenticate a message for Receiver, in

a way that they cannot Receiver convince a Third party that

such authentication (or any authentication) ever took place.

Deniable authentication protocol has two characteristics that

differ from traditional authentication protocol. One is that

only the intended Receiver can authenticate the true source

of a given message. The other is that the Sender cannot

provide the evidences to prove the source of the message to

a third party at some condition and the Receiver can provide

the evidences to prove the source of the message to a third

party. The ability of adversary is defined in the previous

section. It can control the channel SR between Sender and

Receiver. It cannot control the channels: Channel ST and

channel RT. At the same time the adversary is a

probabilistic polynomial-time attacker.

Strong deniability:

The purpose of strong deniability is to protect the privacy of

Sender. After execution of the deniable authentication

protocol the Sender can deny to have ever authenticated

anything to Receiver. If the prover (Receiver or the any

other party) wants to prove that the Sender have

authenticated messages to Receiver, they must provide all

the relevant evidence. The Sender can provide his secret

information to the Third party. A adversary model in strong

deniability: we suppose that the Sender and the Receiver

cooperate with the judge or the prover or the any other party

Sanjay Kumar Sonkar et al ,Int.J.Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 3 (2), 525-531



Page 4: Interpretation of formal proof for Cryptographic Protocols

which means that the Sender and the Receiver provide all

the transcripts of the message in the deniable authentication

protocol to them.

If DAP satisfies the condition one and four in:

Inj-event (wholesender(Receiver, x)) = inj-event(wholeReceiver(Sender, x) )

Inj-event (wholeThirdparty(Receiver, x)) = inj-event(wholeThirdparty(Sender, x) )

Definition DAP and DAP’ satisfies the correspondence and

with public variables V = φ, then DAP is a secure deniable

authentication protocol with session in a adversary model in

strong deniability. In the above definition of DAP the

injective correspondence can be instead by non-injective


Weak deniability:

The purpose of weak deniability is to protect the privacy of

Sender. After execution of the deniable authentication

protocol the Receiver can prove to have spoken to Sender

but not the content of what the Sender authenticated in a

way that the Receiver cannot convince a third party.

Deniable Authentication Protocol

Security Properties

Active Adversary Model

Balnchet Calculus

Computational Model

Meng & Shao

Mechnized Model

Crypto Verification



Figure 2: Model of automatic verification of deniable authentication


If the Receiver want to prove that the Sender have

authenticated messages to Receiver, he must provide the

evidence related to the thing. An adversary model in weak

deniability: When discussing the weak deniability, in

addition the adversary has the ability in previous section; we

always suppose that only the Receiver generates the

evidence that the Sender have authenticated messages to

Receiver. Receiver cannot get the secret information of the

Sender, for example the private key of Sender. Receiver can

provide his secret information to the Third party.

If DAP’ satisfies the condition one in definition DAP and

DAP’ satisfies the correspondence:

Inj-event (wholesender(Receiver, x)) = inj-event(wholeReceiver(Sender, x) )

Inj-event (wholeThirdparty(Receiver, x)) = inj-event(wholeThirdparty(Sender, x) )

and with public variables V = φ, then DAP is a secure

deniable authentication protocol with session functions in a

adversary model in weak deniability. In the above definition

of DAP the injective correspondence can be instead by non-

injective correspondence.

Relating the Two Models:

In order to prove any relationship between the formal and

computational worlds, we need to define the interpretation

of expressions [8] and patterns. Once an encryption scheme

is depicted, we can define the interpretation function α,

which assigns to each expression or pattern M a family of

random variables {αη(M)}η∈N such that each αη(M) takes

values in strings. For expressions:

Blocks are interpreted as strings,

Each key is interpreted by running the key

generation algorithm,

Pairs are translated into computational pairs,

Formal encryptions terms are interpreted by

running the encryption algorithm.

Difference between Formal approach and

Computational approach [15]:

Our Contribution:

The primary contribution of this paper is that it tried to bring

about various concepts which are requisite for concrete

development in proofs of cryptography protocols and

remove the bottleneck reason for its failure. In particular, we

define the equivalence between formal messages in the

presence of both key cycles and secret shares, and then

prove the computational soundness [13][16] about formal

encryption in this setting.

1. First computational analysis of an industrial protocol:

Consider authentication[29] and secrecy


Analyzed Basic Kerberos 5 and public-key


Kerberos is complex (e.g. PKINIT uses both

public-key and symmetric).

Cryptographic primitives (Encryption, Signatures,


2. Proofs were carried out symbolically in the BPW


Proofs in Dolev-Yao style model are

cryptographically sound,

Proofs can be automated.

Formal approach Computational


Message Terms Bits-strings

Encryption Idealized Algorithm

Adversary Idealized Any polynomial




Reach ability-based



Guarantees Unclear Strong

Proof Automatic By hand and error-


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Page 5: Interpretation of formal proof for Cryptographic Protocols

IV. Related Work

Early work on linking Dolev-Yao models and cryptography

only considered passive attacks, and therefore cannot make

general statements about protocols. A Cryptographic

justification for a Dolev-Yao model in the sense of under

active attacks and within arbitrary surrounding interactive

protocols [29][30].

Diminishing the distance between the computational and

logic treatment of Cryptography has been the subject of

many recent research efforts. The works which are more

closely related to our paper, which present a simple logic for

reasoning about the security protocols written in a language

similar to ours, but only for the case of passive adversaries.

Other approaches to bridging the logic and computational

models of cryptography have also been considered in the

literature, but they all seem considerably more complex. The

notions of probability, polynomial bounded computation,

and computational in distinguish ability are incorporated in

a process calculus, and security is defined in terms of

observational equivalence on processes.

Work is in progress regarding formulation of mathematical

model for syntactic approach dealing with probability and

polynomial-time [14] considerations and encoding them into

proof tools, in particular. This is equivalent to the work of

justifying Dolev-Yao models, which offer a higher level of

abstractions and thus much simpler proofs where applicable,

so that proofs of larger systems can be automated.

V. Conclusion

On the macroscopic view, we come across the various

security measures involved in security protocol proofs. This

paper properly deals with all the computational technique

which can overcome all the day by day new developments

in cryptographic field.

This paper reflects logical formal proofs of security

protocols into the computational model. The formal proofs

are easy with respect to computational model as we don’t

have to consider the probabilistic distribution and

asymptotic notations. The security properties are expressed

in terms simple logic based language using syntactic

expressions and are then interpreted in a computational

setup. Also these formal proof are sound as any active

adversaries can extract information from messages if the

statement hold true for any symbolic execution. Therefore,

we need such a framework for the interpretation of formal

proof into cryptographic system so as to develop more and

more secure communication systems.

VI. Future Work

1. Considering execution models in which we can extend

instances not of a single but of a set of protocols if they

are developed in future.

2. Developing a more general execution model involving

reactive clients.

3. Generalize our abstract definition of security notions to

capture secrecy properties.

4. Augmenting the BPW model with tailored protocol

logics to further simplify modular reasoning.

5. Understanding the relation of correctness proofs of

(commercial) protocols in MSR and in the BPW


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Sanjay Kumar Sonkar was born at

Varanasi, (U.P.), in India. He received

the B. Tech degree in Computer Science

& Engineering in 2010 from Radha

Govind Engineering College, Meerut,

India. Presently, he is an M.Tech student

in Computer Science & Engineering from Kamla Nehru

Institute of Technology, Sultanpur, U.P., India.

Dharmendra Lal Gupta is currently

working as an Assistant Professor in the

Department of Computer Science &

Engineering at KNIT, Sultanpur (U.P.)

India. And he is also pursuing his Ph.D.

in Computer Science & Engineering

from Mewar University, Chittorgarh (Rajasthan). He

received B.Tech.(1999) from Kamla Nehru Institute of

Technology (KNIT) Sultanpur, in Computer Science &

Engineering, M.Tech. Hon’s (2003) in Digital Electronics

and Systems from Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology

(KNIT) Sultanpur. His research interests are Cryptography

and Network Security, Software Quality Engineering, and

Software Engineering.

Dr. Anil Kumar Malviya is an Associate

Professor in the Computer Science &

Engineeering. Department at Kamla

Nehru Institute of Technology, (KNIT),

Sultanpur. He received his B.Sc. &

M.Sc. both in Computer Science from

Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi respectively in 1991

and 1993 and Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from

Sanjay Kumar Sonkar et al ,Int.J.Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 3 (2), 525-531



Page 7: Interpretation of formal proof for Cryptographic Protocols

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University; Agra in 2006.He is Life

Member of CSI, India. He has published about 31papers in

International/National Journals, conferences and seminars.

His research interests are Data mining, Software

Engineering, Cryptography & Network Security.

Ganesh Chandra was born at Kanpur,

India. He received the B. Tech. Degree

in Computer Science and Engineering in

2009 from Dr. Ambedkar Institute of

Technology for Handicapped, Kanpur,

India. He is currently pursuing M. Tech

in Computer Science and Engineering

from Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur, U.P,


Vinod Kumar Yadav was born in

Jaunpur, India. He received the B.Tech.

Degree in Computer Science and

Information Technology in 2008 from

I.E.T., M.J.P. Rohilkhand University

Bareilly, India. He is currently pursuing

M.Tech in Computer Science and

Engineering from Kamla Nehru Institute

of Technology, Sultanpur, U.P., India.

Sanjay Kumar Sonkar et al ,Int.J.Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 3 (2), 525-531

