Interphex Presentation 2011



In the following Presentation we will briefly cover the ways in which you can control contamination: Essentially, there are two types of flooring systems available, the reusable and the disposable. Some companies still use disposable Peel off Mats, which come in set sizes and need to be peeled several times a day. •Performance •Cost effectiveness •Which product do I need?

Transcript of Interphex Presentation 2011

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Over 99%effective in

preventing floorcontamination

Senior Microbiologist, Caroline Clibbon , carried outtests which showed Dycem to be over 99%effective in preventing floor contaminationentering the clean areas. The tests alsorevealed that the peel-off mats in use in thefacility were only 27% effective.

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75% reductionIn the levelOf airborne


A major medical device manufacturer hasrecently revealed significant airborne reductioncounts. The facility based in the USA achievedthis result by evaluating their contaminationcontrol methods at floor level. The facility wasutilizing several hundred cases of tack mats per annum. By switching to ploymeric floor coverings they witnessed a reduction in costsand an improvement in contamination controlperformance. They measured a 75% reductionin the level of airborne contaminants.

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5Peel Off Mat Contamination Risks to Your

Critical Area

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Preventing Foot and Wheel borne Contamination

Its vital that food and wheel borne contamination is effectivelycontrolled. It is commonly thought that using disposable, adhesivepeel off mats is the answer. However, tests from GlaxoSmithKlineshow that peel-off mats are only 27% effective in preventing footand wheel borne contamination.

Peel-Off Mats Dycem CleanZones

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Peel-off Mats Don’t Work with Wheel Traffic

Peel-off mats cannot the three wheel rotations necessary todecontaminate wheeled traffic.Peel off mats are also prone to wrapping around wheels of trolleys and carts making it impossible to control crosscontamination in corridors.

Peel-Off Mats Dycem CleanZones

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Peel-off Mats Become Ineffective with Multiple Footfalls

The performance of peel-off mats is greatly reduced withoverstrikes. If used correctly i.e. each person stops and takes atLeast three steps with each foot, overstriking will occur.To achieve the peel off mat’s optimum 27% effectivenessthey need to be peeled after every use.

Peel-Off Mats Dycem CleanZones

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Peeling Mats Causes Atmospheric Recontamination

A study commissioned by a peel-off mat manufacturerhighlighted the problem of particle shedding during therip-up process of peel-off mats.

Peel-Off Mats Dycem CleanZones

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Peel-off Mats Harm Your Environmental and Health &Safety Compliance.Peel-off mats generate a 20cm (8”) ball of waste each time a mat is rippedup and generate enough waste to fill multiple dumpsters/skips in a singleyear. As the surface area of the Peel-off mat is exposed to contaminatedparticles, it should be treated as secondary waste which costs more todispose of safely.

Peel-Off Mats Dycem CleanZones

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PharmaceuticalIn the


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GlaxoSmithKline (UK)

Senior Microbiologist, Caroline Clibbon, carried out tests which showed Dycem to be over 99% effective in preventing floor contamination entering the clean areas.

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The tests also revealed that the peel-off mats in use in the facility were only 27% effective.

GlaxoSmithKline (UK)

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Dycem CleanZone has been installed at numerous entrances and exit ways to prevent contamination entering clean


Schering Plough (France)

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Lily (France)

Dycem was tested over period of two weeks. The result was a dramatic

reduction in particulate count.

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Lily (France)

The tests were so successful that Dycem’s CleanZone and WorkZone flooring systems

have since been installed outside a number of controlled environments at the


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As part of an integrated contamination control solution Dycem CleanZones have been installed prior to blending, coating

and sieving entrances.

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Dycem CleanZone was installed throughout the changing room to prevent foot borne contamination from entering

the critical area.

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Dycem CleanZone was installed throughout the building, in entrances and

exits to provide protection against incoming and cross contamination.

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Dycem CleanZone was installed throughout the corridor area ensuring that key production areas are protected from

foot and wheelborne contamination.