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Internship Placement Report

Prepared by

Dan Tang

April 4, 2014

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1. Finding and landing a placement…………………………………………Page 3

1.1 Desk research…………………………………………………………… Page 3

1.2 Friend’s recommendations…………………………………………………Page 3

1.3 Interviews………………………………………………………………… Page 4

1.4 F i n a l i s i n g p l a c e m e n t…………………………………………P a g e 5

2. Working at Sinofaith IP Group…………………………………………Page 6

2.1 The first day………………………………………………………………Page 6

2.2 Writing optimisation…………………………………………………… Page 6

2.3 Desk Research……………………………………………………………Page 7

2.4 Pure PR works……………………………………………………………Page 8

2.5 Acting as an in-house practitioner………………………………………Page 9

3. Final thoughts………………………………………………………………Page 10

4. Appendix I Student Evaluation

5. Appendix II Recommendation Letter and Time Sheet

6. Appendix III Recommended IP Associations and Conferences

7. Appendix IV Complete Corporate Introduction Revise 3

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1. Finding and landing a placement

1.1 Desk research

Since I planned to return to Shanghai at the end of trimester 2, 2013, the search for internship

placement was started in September via the internet. Job hunt websites were the first choice to

look into. I updated resume and wrote letter of interest for every submission. The research

presented more potential opportunities than I expected, therefore the research soon became studies

of various companies, organisations and correspondent positions offered. The submissions were

sent to Red Cross, Bosch, GLG Lehrman Group, Edelman, MSL Group, all of which offered

public relations / marketing recruitment at their Shanghai offices.

In about one week time, Bosch, GLG Lehrman Group and MSL Group replied my submission

email and the other two never did. As I learned from a college later, many companies advertise

their recruitment on the internet whether or not they actually desire new employees. This is

because it is inexpensive to renew their cost of membership at job hunt websites, meanwhile

establish a constant online existence.

Bosch and GLG Lehrman Group urged me to go for interview immediately since they were

currently short of staff. I replied to them that I would arrive in Shanghai no sooner than October,

when trimester 2 ended here in Australia. When I replied to MSL Group, I specifically requested

to reserve a face-to-face interview opportunity when I will be available. MSL Group human

resources agreed to see me in time, but he could not promise a vacant position in the future given

more than one month time span.

1.2 Friend’s recommendations

Fortunately I had a friend back in Shanghai who works as a team leader at MSL Group Shanghai

Office, a professional outsourcing public relations service provider. I learned from him that the

company of 200 staff is mainly classed by Corporate Department and Marketing Department. The

former is assigned to individual companies in the long run. The job include announce corporate

speaks on social media, organize public activities, and from time to time, draft articles on selected

magazines. The later department is more of a one-time-deal, provide single or small packaged

public relations services to occasional customer, and try to develop the partnership into long term

attachment. In both departments, all employees are divided into small groups of 5 to 8 people. I

was alerted by friend that there is furious competition among the groups because the company

does not allow separate groups handling one client. Whichever group produces the alter most, it

wins the ‘ownership’ of the client company.

Another friend recommended me to submit resume to an intellectual property consultant company

named Sinofaith IP Group, which I eventually worked at for 2 months. There was little

information to be shared with me because she had occasional business connection with this

company and also because this company has never been in favour of a bright public image. The

history of Sinofaith IP Group is a combination of ex-police officers, private investigators and

lawyers who fight counterfeits. Although the company gained support from client companies who

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suffer severe financial losses from fake products, the consequences of obtaining evidence,

exposing counterfeit productions and not always, resort to law solutions could be physical

retaliations and awful business competitions. Sinofaith IP Group used to discharge corrupted

investigators and encounter deliberate tax censors since a competitor had better connections with

the National Revenue Department. However the recent business development trace requires the

company to earn more clients therefore a marketing team is formed to present a proper public


Corporate backgrounds aside, I inclined to practice internship at MSL Group for it is a traditional

public relations agency.

1.3 Interviews

Before interviewing with MSL Group, I phoned to ask if formal dressing is required. It was

probably silly to ask, but I had not formal shirt prepared arriving in Shanghai. It was a relief when

I was told attire optional. At MSL Group Shanghai Office, the face-to-face interview did not start

until I took a writing test which I believed was assessed for quality. The test pictures a power

plant’s intention to initiate a campaign to advocate its considerations about environmental

protection. The description was given about 300 words in Chinese and I supposed to draft a media

release in English and a recommended media list to cope with the campaign. I completed the

media release easily however I had no idea about the media list because all of sudden I’m not

familiar with Chinese media anymore. To wrap up the writing, I put down a few well-known

newspapers and internet media, considering TV media would be too costly and less effective and

radio media is dying out in terms of publicity in China. About 20 minutes after I handed in the test

paper, I interviewed with Corporate Department Executive and a group leader from the Marketing

Department altogether. They briefly questioned my personality and especially whether or not I

would against long working hours. I thank for the opportunity for interviewing and expressed my

personal traits are careful, steady and less active. Regarding long working hours, I assured that it

is mindfully prepared as a future public relations practitioner. At the end they asked me to wait for

further notice and if everything goes right, they will assign me to one of the corporate groups.

While waiting for confirmation to commence internship at MSL Group. I made time for an

interview at Sinofaith IP Group. Sitting together with the Vice President, the marketing manager

frankly introduced the recent changes about the company, including the integration of previews

offices, the need for marketing strategies which had never been done before, and the marketing

team of 4 people was merely assembled for 1 month, there is yet systematic operations to be

established. The manager asked me about the units I had studied at university, my knowledge

about this company and a hypothetical question, if I was the marketing / PR manager of this

company, how would I plan to push the company into the market. I poured out everything I had

learned about the company’s background and its competitors. I said it is understandable that many

companies choose to possess a marketing team of its own instead of a public relations team.

Marketing and public relations blend each other however they are not the same. Marketing often

sets goals with figures, in other words, explicit return on investment. Public relations management

on the other hand is a long-term maintenance. Same as marketing, public relations operation

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require considerable investment in money. Its outcome cannot be solely measured by revenue but

self-evaluation and targeted public perception. I offered pressing suggestions of renovate the

company’s official website, establish adequate corporate image on popular social media platforms,

make appearances on tradition media whenever appropriate, all of which are little to none to an

outsider’s knowledge. Additional ideas will come through based on my further understanding of

the company by working with the staff. The interview took about half an hour of chatting, which I

was not sure if it is a good thing. To me, compared with MSL Group, Sinofaith IP Group showed

more desire for useful resource to come aboard. After the interview, again I was sent home to wait

for further notice.

Getting back from the talkative manager and poker face president, I assumed I had better chance

to enroll at MSL Group. I preferred MSL Group simply because it is much closer to home, while

travelling to Sinofaith takes 40 minutes on incredibly crowded subway.

1.4 Finalising placement

The very next day I received phone calls from MSL Group and Sinofaith IP Group. They both

welcomed me to go to work at the soonest. The human resources manager from Sinofaith asked

me if I was seeking for other jobs at the same time and how much I would like to get paid. I told

her honestly that MSL Group offered me 250 RMB (about 48 AUD) per day (8 hours plus), but

payment is not my primary concern, rather, to acquire experience. The HR manager said they

would offer 200 RMB per day (fixed 9 hours) and it could not be compromised.

After working at MSL Group for totally 5 days, I asked for 2 weeks leave because my mother

undergone an unexpected surgery. My father needed me to share the responsibility to take of her.

The actual leave became 3 weeks by my mother’s condition is stabilised. When I was ready to go

back to work, I was told by the group leader I was assigned to that there was no more position for

me because they already found replacement.

Now that I think it over, despite it is no one to blame coming down this situation, my friend’s

connection at MSL Group played a greater role than the company’s demand to recruit me. Given

such massive population in Shanghai, an internship student can be easily replaced.

I then turned to Sinofaith IP Group, at the same time prepared for rejection, submitting resume all

over again on the internet. A digital media company gave me feedback a couple of hours after my

submission. The company was looking for a campaign coordinator for strictly 4 weeks part time.

Without giving a definite answer, I visited Sinofaith IP Group in person, hoping to talk with the

marketing manager again to express my eagerness to join. The manager was on business trip to

Beijing office that day but he called me at night saying I could come on the nearest Monday. After

a series of ups and downs I signed a 2 month employment agreement and started working at

Sinofaith IP Group Shanghai Office on December 2, 2013.

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2. Working at Sinofaith IP Group

2.1 The first day

On the first day, Mrs. Joann Chen organised a seminar for the marketing team after regular staff

meeting. I’m not sure if the training was especially hosted for me the new comer, but I surely

appreciated the effort. At the 2 hours session, I took notes about everything she had to say, in

regards to the company’s organisational structure, key personals, business models, current clients

and future expectations.

After the seminar, the marketing team of 4 people, plus me and Joann went for lunch together.

There are many dining restaurants near the company, for it is located at the heart of Shanghai’s

business district. To make it an occasion, Joann treated the table to expression welcome to my


Over the table I learned about the team members I closely associated with: Joann as one of the two

vice presidents is leading at the newly founded marketing team. Since she is also responsible for

client relations, which takes up a lot of time, the marketing manager Harris, who interviewed me

is second in command. Joann used to work for Volkswagen China as marketing director. Harris,

from a similar background had been hopping between Japanese manufacturers in the previous

years, including Toyota, Honda, Panasonic and Mitsubishi, always performed his duties as

marketing manager. Dennis graduated from the management faculty of a famous business school

in Malaysia used to manage a cemetery with success. Lynn, a girl loves hip-pop dancing is a 4

years experienced sales woman at a local law firm. And Fiona, a newly graduated Japanese

specialist who happens to graduate from the same college of mine and Joann’s, Shanghai

International Studies University. Expect for Joann in her early 50s, the rest of us are all born in the

1980s. The coincidental closeness brought me a fine work environment.

In the afternoon Harris emailed a draft of 2014 yearly plan to my corporate email box, which

includes items to be done and corresponding budget counts. I was asked to suggest modifications

according to a proposal format and discuss with the entire team in 3 days. The plan is supposed be

a joint effort and general agreement among of us, and eventually handed to Joann for further

assessment. I was than given the first individual task by Joann, to censor the Chinese version of

new corporate introductions and translate them into professional English. Later in the afternoon

Dennis asked me to provided assistance to compose a list of international exhibitions and

conferences that is worthy for the company to participate, as one of the yearly plan. Because I

understand Japanese, Lynn asked me to review 4 contract proposals she was about to present to

clients. Surprisingly but gladly I accepted all the requests.

Joann kindly reminded me that it would be ok to say no – in case I’m overwhelmed by individual

tasks, reject additional work load and pass it onto someone else is always than stall team work

progress. Unlike the job tasks from MSL Group, most of the works here were not stringed to

definite deadlines. It seemed entirely self-manageable to decide what to do during work hours.

The notion of ‘not to fail a friend’ created a vain yet substantial pressure to hurry up with the work

at hand so that I could get onto the next one.

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I ended up leaving the office at 10:30 pm on the first day, with nothing completely finished. I had

to switch between tasks to catch up discussions with colleagues when they were available. I felt

serious challenge to my multi-tasking skills, yet the feeling of ‘no one is baby-sitting me’ and ‘I’m

not just a subordinate intern’ is satisfying and driving me to work harder the next day. I started to

praise myself to turn to Sinofaith because at MSL Group the feelings were just the opposite.

2.2 Writing optimisation

Upon translation of company’s introduction which would be printed on new brochures and official

images, I discussed and then was entitled to refine the original expressions, concluding the

company’s services into 5 areas:

a) Intellectual Property Protection and Outsourcing Rights Management

b) Internet intellectual property protection and rights protection platform

c) Intellectual property risk management and related information technological management

d) Managed services for SMEs (small and middle enterprises)

e) Development and operation of online software Electronic Governing Platform for

Convergent Laws

Up consultation with Joann and Harris, I added Service Target Groups into corporate description:


Clients Classification

Multilateral Corp. Domestic Enterprise SMEs Government


Outsourcing Rights

Management √ √

Internet IP Rights

Protection √ √

Managed IP Package √


Consultation and


Technological Service

√ √

I shifted the original expressions which tended to outline that the company had large human

resources to perform due diligence (private investigation), which is indeed the most distinctive

advantage over intellectual property business competitors, to strengthen the meaning of ‘one-stop’

services. The idea is to avoid the sneaky, stealthy impression, rather, to establish a brighter

company image which is closely tied with lawful judgment and righteous enforcement, meanwhile

clearly present target groups based on a long list of 286 current client companies. Please see

attached Appendix IV Complete Corporate Introduction Revise 3 for complete work piece.

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2.3 Desk Research

The work promised to Dennis took much longer time than I expected. The research over

associating organisations continued to expand when I dug deeper. The work is difficult not only

for the need to rule out already established connections, which involved frequent internal

communications especially the sales department and the lawyers department, but also for the

incomplete information accessible via the internet. In addition to take notes from what can be seen,

much more information was acquired by overseas phone calls that took global time difference into

work plan. Based on scattered information, I almost could not pick up strength to write assessment

of cost efficiency for each recommendation. However I understood the marketing people value

ROI as much as PR people value initial and closing evaluation, I offered a piece of opinion about

the value to attend or participate each international IP associations listed as long as they are

realistic and useful to elevate the company’s public image. Please see attached Appendix III

Recommended IP Associations and Conferences for the completion of work.

The research works never stopped in my 2 months internship. As I suggested to Harris, we ought

to think over and demonstrate what we wanted to express as much as what the target public targets

wanted to hear. By doing so, compose competitor analysis and client questionnaire are essential in

terms of deciding operation strategies. A 22 pages Market and Competitors Analysis was then

developed by Harris, Dennis and me. The document is tough not allowed to be disclosed here. To

cope with the need to bring closer relations with official law enforcement, we sought cooperation

with regional police stations, economic crime prevention specialists. Research into their

capabilities and values to the company were massive works. When approved by Joann for further

approach, I telephone them to express invitations coming to visit Sinofaith, and as the Chinese

tradition required, a welcome dining cost on the house, which varied from 1000 to 8000 RMB

depends on the number of persons.

As the marketing team sworn to uphold, that no opportunity passes unnoticed, no budget goes

wasted, every marketing or public relations activity is built upon sufficient background research.

2.4 Pure PR works

As I gradually realised, the marketing team had not even been entitled to be classified as a

department, which I presume well deserved, always worked on a supportive role to assist other

departments, such as the sales department, the investigators department and the lawyers

department. Our mission was to make their productions shine, because they were the real money

generators. As a result, the marketing team had little budget allocation comparing to others to

perform real marketing activities. For instance Harris’ idea to customise client gift, iPhone and

iPad chargers were denied, instead, given one quarter of the proposed budget to make paper

calendars. While Harris had a difficult struggle for more budget allowance and Lynn complained

begging for information from other department leaders, I insisted to do the least possible, rather

than totally give up planned marketing strategies. Keep the connections bridged was what I

thought, how much maintenance we could devote was, and would be off limits given time.

During the 2 months internship I had done only one thing that was pure public relations. The

company won the government official awarded Outstanding Investment Project 2013 and the 8th

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Zerio2IPO Ventures50 Awards 2013. I drafted the media release and news article for the occasion.

I then contacted several portal websites for publication. I’m not certain if all the Chinese media

work this way: if they find your news source valuable to their interests, the publication is free of

charge, otherwise the news has to be bought for publication.

I invited media journalists to take photo of the trophies, followed by a short interview with

president and vice president of the company for quotes. The news article I drafted was handed to

the journalists for reference to his own composition. The finalised version which both the media

editor and I agreed to, after several back and forth corrections were then published on the internet

under complex, law, economic, and educational channels. It was then copied to PR Newswire for

more distribution.

Out of a total 50 publishing sites, 3 of them firmed refused to change apparent typographical

errors – one of them got the company’s name wrong, the other two (Sina and Morning PR News,

both are renowned news sites) got the awards name wrong. Their excuses were that we did not

directly pay them for publication, and to revise the webpage would be ruining the alignment

therefore too costly. Although Joann and Harris were not happy about it, I had to let it go.

For this unhappy outcome, the sales lady at PR Newswire felt that she owe me one, since we paid

the highest grade on their menu. I met her weeks later at the client lunch treat hosted at PR

Newswire office. Through talking, we joked about the incident and the journalists we both know


Other than her, I kept contacts with the journalists I made friends with. Even though I knew

probably I could not get something news worthy to be published for free, for example, a lawyer at

Sinofaith honored by his mother school for his contribution – I asked the journalists anyway, to

continue the chat on the phone. Like anywhere else, I believed the smooth personal connections

would become fruitful someday to the company. For the least, it was a bridge built to future


2.5 Acting as an in-house practitioner

Although I was far from qualified as a professional in-house public relations practitioner, I always

enjoyed acting like one when meeting with other company representatives. The marketing team

organised frequent meetings with outsourced service providers. At the meetings with public

relations agencies, I could easily judge their level of professionalism.

The most important group tasks are innovate a new company logo - because the current one:

can be misread as sin faith; establish a better visual official

website; product a new broacher, plan a public relations campaign for the end of July 2014, to

advertise the new Sinofaith brand joint with a few big name clients, Hewlett-Packard, Louis

Vuitton, Nike and 3M.

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The 4 tasks are by principle, originated from the marketing teams’ guidance and carried out by

outsourced companies who we would select. Each task’s potential service providers were called-in

to offer their capabilities and work proposals. Some providers pledged to handle multiple tasks for

a reasonable price. However we carefully assessed their proposals and earlier accomplishments,

finding the truth were not always the same as they claimed.

For example, I denied one of the public relations agencies proposed to design and run the

campaign task. I investigated through telephone and found their questionnaire results published on

a fashion magazine were largely forged, besides the project presenter had little idea about how to

perform after-campaigned evaluation when I raised the question. Another public relations service

provider urged to make TV campaign merely because they have solid connections to TV stations,

regardless our target groups’ intake possibilities, and certainly, TV campaign are very profitable.

The encounter experience opened my eyes to unimaginable market dynamics. The candidates are

very competitive with each other in terms of pricing, but the individual qualities vary greatly. It

was also a refreshing experience to learn how to make a perfect presentation to clients, although

mostly learned from mistakes. I think how to nicely represent your company’s level of profession

is a challenging to, especially public relations practitioners.

3. Final thoughts

The Chinese market is extremely competitive, for almost every production, also for workplace

human resources. Seeing other’s hard work, whether or not favourable by my perspective, I’m

assured it is not easy to earn a good living in this market. It takes profound knowledge, like a

lawyer to be a professional. It takes more dedication to the profession, like a senior lawyer to be

respected. And it takes extensive experience and communication skills to fulfill a successful career

path. Every experience gained is valuable, perhaps not for instance repay, but for the beneficial


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Faculty of Arts and Education

Student Evaluation

This evaluation is compulsory. Upon completion, please forward to: Experiential Learning Officer Faculty of Arts and Education Deakin University

221 Burwood Hwy, BURWOOD VIC 3125 Email: [email protected] Phone: (03) 9244 6453

Student Dan Tang

Internship Unit ALR382

Dates of Placement December 2, 2013

Duration of Placement 2 months

Host Organisation Sinofaith IP Group

Host Supervisor Joann Chan

Position Business Operation Vice President

Email [email protected]

Provide a brief description of the project undertaken during the placement:

During the 2 month internship period, I was assigned a member of the marketing team at Sinofaith IP Group Shanghai Office. I was under instruction to provide assistance to marketing activities and take charge of public relations related routines

Please comment on your professional development during the placement:

I have developed substantial understanding of the Chinese intellectual properties market, which is highly progressing and competitive. I utilised marketing skills to help develop marketing plans, as well as communication skills to organize public relations events.

Did you feel that you possessed the skills and knowledge necessary to adequately perform the required duties? If not, what skills would have been useful?

The public relations knowledge learnt before are surely helpful in terms of perform assigned tasks and duties. Especially theories regarding internal and external communications guided through my line of work. What would add to the perks, which I should improve in the future is people skills.

Please describe how you found your Internship host organisation in the first instance, ie. assistance from the Experiential Learning Officer, academic staff, friends, etc

I had assistance from friends in terms of choosing the internship placement. They offered perspective of the companies they are working for and 2 interview opportunities. The final placement was though picked and decided by myself.

What aspect did you enjoy most about your Internship experience?

The marketing team as a whole had basic knowledge about public relations and its functions. I was glad to provide professional suggestions, integrating marketing and public relations efforts to establish a positive company image, and put them into practice.

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Was the Internship a valuable and worthy addition to your academic studies? Please comment:

Definitely yes. The internship deepened self-recognition, about my own strength and weakness at a workplace. Some of the contents of previous academic studies were particularly useful while some did not come handy giving the work conditions. Among those helpful contents, I felt the need to keep up with new ideas and knowledge.

Please provide any comments on the Internship program, which you feel may improve its value to future students:

The internship program is very practical getting to know an industry. Weighing one’s own work satisfaction against initial interests is a meaningful milestone of a career path. From the workplace, there is always something new to learn which is not provided on book. The first-hand approach may be a valuable collection fresh perspective and new capabilities.

You are welcome to provide further comments on an additional sheet. In light of your experience, would you recommend this organisation to other students seeking an Internship?

Yes √ No

Signature Dan Tang

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Appendix IV Complete Corporate Introduction Revise 3




上海 Shanghai

Add:上海市浦东新区浦东大道 555 号裕景国际商务广场 B 座 28 楼

28 F, Tower B, Eton Plaza, 555 Pudong Avenue, Shanghai

Tel:86-21-6168 2616

Fax:86-21-6168 2956

北京 Beijing

Add:北京市朝阳区北辰东路 8 号北京国际会议中心 7023 室

Rm. 7023, Beijing International Convention Center, No. 8 Beichendong Rd., Chaoyang Dist., Beijing

Tel:86-10-8498 9898

Fax:86-21-6499 1919

广州 Guangzhou

Add:广州市天河区珠江新城华夏路 28 号富力盈信大厦 1104 室

Suite 1104, Fuliyingxin Building., No. 28 Huaxia Rd., Pearl River New City, Tianhe Dist., Guangzhou

Tel:86-20-8520 9300

Fax:86-20-3787 3603

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公司简介 Corporate Profile

上海新诤信知识产权服务股份有限公司,成立于 2009 年,专注于提供知识产权保护领域的 “一

站式” 服务,作为高新技术服务业的典范,通过持续的产业链延伸和业务创新,已经发展为中国



Shanghai Sinofaith IP Group was founded in 2009, dedicated to provide clients with one-stop

services in the field of intellectual property protection. As a benchmarking, specialized high-tech

service organization, Sinofaith IP Group consolidates its leading position within the Chinese

industries of intellectual property protection, outsourced rights protection, and administration

consultation services thanks to continual service network expansion and business innovation. The

company is supported by over 300 employees, headquartered in Shanghai and branched in

Beijing and Guangzhou.


的政府和商业化股权投资基金的青睐,公司荣获“中国股权投资和风险投资协会”颁发的“2013 年

股权投资和风险投资优秀项目”奖,并入选 2013 年清科第八届“中国最具投资价值企业 50 强”。

Given the background that nationwide facilitation of industrial restructuring and upgrading, as

well as vigorous support for high-tech service industries, Sinofaith IP Group stood out to be

favored by the Beijing Government and commercial investment funds, by which proudly awarded

Chinese Equity Investment and Risk Investment Association’s Outstanding Investment Project

2013 meanwhile qualifying the 8th Zerio2IPO Ventures50 Awards 2013.

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行业内拥有最全面、最高规格资质认证的机构之一 One of the Most

Comprehensive and Professionally Certificated Organizations in IPR


国际认证 International Certification

国际商标协会 International Trademark Association

国际许可专业者协会 International Association of Professional Licenses

美国工业安全协会 American Society for Industrial Security

世界竞争性情报专业人员协会 Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals

国际品牌保护与反假冒委员会 International Brand Protection& Anti-counterfeiting Committee

美国市场营销协会 American Marketing Association

欧洲医药市场研究协会 European Pharmaceutical Marketing Research Association



Ministry of Commerce and Industry SASAC Authorized Certification of The Credit Union System


Quality Brands Protection Committee China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment (Client



IP Protection Committee of China Intellectual Property Society

上海医药质量安全协会 China Quality Association for Pharmaceuticals

浙江省知识产权研究会 Zhejiang Intellectual Property Society

中国科技情报协会 China Technological Intelligence Association


Shanghai Association for Science & Technology’s Technological Intelligence Association


Marketing Research Committee of China Information Association

发起成立由国内主要知识产权保护专业机构组成的联盟——中国商务安全专业企业联盟 CAISP

Sinofaith IP Group Initiated major domestic IPR organizations’ coalition: China Association of IP

Protection Service Providers.

批注 [DT1]: 国际许可贸易工作者协


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A Leading "one-stop" Service Organization within the Chinese Industries of Intellectual

Property Protection, Outsourced Rights Protection, and Administration Consultation Services





得到了国务院和全国人大有关领导赞誉,并作为知识产权执法的创新举措由“国办 57 号文”在全


Sinofaith IP Group specializes in providing service solutions by means of outsourced service,

management consultation and information technological intelligence for intellectual property

protection. Over time Sinofaith IP Group has provided customized one-stop solutions for more

than 200 renowned domestic brands and multilateral corporates in serving and protecting their

intellectual property rights. The company’s prestigious clients include General Electric Company,

Philips Electronic N.V, Hewlett-Packard, and Samsung Electronics. The services also reach to

non-commercial associations and government sectors for example, The World Bank, The Ministry

of Commerce of China, The Supreme People’s Procuratorate of China, and The Ministry of Public

Security of China. The company’s self-developed operational online system “Electronic Governing

Platform for Convergent Laws” was highly appreciated by Congress leaders, for which had been

documented into State Council of China’s No.57 Release, thereby promoted nationwide as an

exemplary innovative measurement for intellectual property protection.

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产品和服务 Products and Services

Sinofaith has been a key partner in the HP ACF program for many years. We share the same

mission and vision in IP protection though the journey to perfection is still far. We trust the strong

partnership will continuously help us work over obstacles and challenges ahead.

——Hewlett-Packard Development Company


来 HP 与新诤信秉持着相同的使命感与远见。我们相信坚实稳定的合作关系能帮助双方克服困难,



一、知识产权维权外包服务 Outsourced Intellectual Property Rights Protection Service

服务对象:跨国企业、国内大型企业 Service Target Groups: Multilateral Corporations and Large

Domestic Enterprises






The services meet clients’ needs to protect their intellectual properties and reserved rights in

various applications and regions. The services are guaranteed by thorough research on the abuse

and/or infringement of clients’ intellectual properties and reserved rights in diversified markets;

as well as extensive and effective collaboration with varying levels of central and local

government sectors. Sinofaith IP Group establishes one-stop service networks beyond

geographical limitations, providing far-reaching business solutions to brand protection,

trademark protection, copy rights protection and patent rights protection. Over the majority of

China Mainland regions, the business solutions may be customized to suit clients’ needs by

assembling risk assessment, market research, early warning report, enforcement coordination,

government relations and legal proceeding.


SaaS”模式的“互联网知识产权保护维权平台 IPRSEE”、“互联网版权保护监测平台”等系统,针



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The services are based on the utilization of the company’s self-developed operational online

systems: SaaS based IPRSEE, Online Copyright Protection and Monitoring Platform to suit clients’

needs to safeguard their intellectual properties and reserved rights on the internet. Through

in-depth search and data mining processes, Sinofaith IP Group investigates the abuse and/or

infringement of clients’ trademark, copy right, patent and technical documentation, thereby

provide services for intellectual properties information retrieval, mining, monitoring, analysis,

comparison, follow-up and online legal proceeding.



The data collected via online measures that constitute internet intellectual property protection

advices can be integrated with the company’s offline resources that eventually converge into an

all-around packaged solution.

二、知识产权风险管理咨询与信息化服务 Intellectual Property Risk Management and Related

Information Technological Management

服务对象:国内大型企业、政府部门/行业组织 Service Target Groups: Large Domestic Enterprises,

Government Sectors and Industrial Associations




The Intellectual Property Risk Management services help clients establish systematic intellectual

properties risk management through diagnosis, analysis, proposal and use of information

technology. The primary purpose is to advise and to incorporate information technological

management system into client’s daily operation. The secondary purpose is to improve the

management of internal innovation activities, risk alerts and quick-response systems.



The Related Information Technological Management is comprised of Business Intellectual

Properties Life Circle Management System, and Business Intellectual Properties Rights Protection


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Sinofaith IP Group meets local government sectors’ varying needs to apply upgrades and

maintenance of the Electronic Governing Platform. “Electronic Governing Platform for the

Convergent Laws” refers to the internet software system that merges enforcement actions in

accordance with China’s Administrative Laws and Criminal Laws to secure the protection of

intellectual property rights. This self-developed and copyrighted online platform is especially

designed for local government administrations to share case information and to coordinate legal

proceedings that may involve multiple supervision departments, enforcement departments

and/or judicial departments.

三、知识产权托管服务 Intellectual Properties Managed Services

服务对象:中小型企业 Service Target Groups: Small and Middle Enterprises



The services provide small and middle enterprises with entrusted intellectual property protection

packages in which consists of establishment of intellectual property management, dispatch of

specialist, professional training, patent registration consultant, industrial intelligence, legal advice,


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Outstanding Management Philosophy


公司创始团队是国内知识产权服务行业开拓者,个人从业资历逾 15 年,拥有丰富的管理经验、







(1) Management Advantage

The company’s Board Chairman Mr. Changxu Li, CEO Mr. Kai Sun, Board Member Mr. Jun Wang

are pioneers of the domestic IPR service industry. Having been professional practitioners over 15

years, the three gentlemen accumulated rich management experience, resourceful client

relations and high influences in the industry.

The company is operated with a team of professional managers in which each member is

equipped with interdisciplinary professional background. The management team and key

executives have been working in the industry over 10 years. Their skills and experience ensure

the company staying on top of market trends and effective execution of management decisions.

The company is supported by an internationalized marketing and sales team and an allegiant

execution team. Two teams, through close cooperation and mutual reliance have developed into

a reliable insurance that propels fast business growth in recent years. The outstanding

management and operation system sustains the company on top of rapid market changes and

intensive market competitions.



之建立了稳定、长期、互信的合作关系。公司现有客户 200 余家,多为跨国公司、国内外机构及


·世界 500 强企业:如飞利浦、爱普生、惠普、三星、泰科电子、思科等;




(2) Client Advantage

The outstanding products and services, execution capabilities and industrial experience have

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earned the company appreciation and sustainable, mutual trust partnerships with clients. The

current 200 clients are multilateral corporates, international and domestic institutions, and

leading organizations in various industries:

·Fortune 500 companies: Philips, Epson, Hewlett-Packard, Samsung, Tyco Electronics, Cisco, etc.

·Large law firms and patent and trademark agencies.

·Government and international organizations : the World Bank, the State Intellectual Property

Office , Ministry of Commerce , General Administration of Customs , Ministry of Public

Security , etc.

·Domestic enterprises: Joyoung, Oppo, Fotile, Foxconn, etc.





SaaS 的“咨询顾问+维权外包+信息化产品”的服务外包模式。

·公司凭借自身的技术优势和执行能力,真正实现了 O2O (Online to Offline) 线上线下“一站式”





(3) Innovation Advantage

As a modern service organization, the company regards innovation of business models as the

main driving force for development and sustainable competitive advantage.

· The company is the first to provide clients with online and electronics intellectual property

rights maintenance and administration service, transitioning from the traditional “single case

consultant” model to SaaS based “consultant + IP rights maintenance + information

technological products” service package model.

· The company utilizes its technical and execution advantages to realize O2O (Online to Offline)

“one-stop” service which greatly enhances clients’ level of satisfaction and reliance to the


· Through new business models such as geographic replication, new disciplinary replication,

membership client replication, together with innovative operational means such as incubator

station project, the International Criminal Police Organization Partnership Cooperation

Project, the company has seen rapid growth in areas of professional personnel, business

scope, service clients and governmental resources.



百余家,业务网点遍及北京、上海、广州、杭州等全国 30 多个城市和地区,2013 年营业收入突

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破 1 亿元。


(4) Rapid Growth Advantage

Sinofaith IP Group has experienced continuous rapid growth since its establishment. The

company currently has over 300 employees and over 200 client organizations. The business

networks cover more than 30 regions and cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and

Hangzhou. For the first time in 2013, Sinofaith IP Group’s operating income exceeds 100 million


In the outsourced service industry of Chinese intellectual property rights protection, Sinofaith IP

Group has grown into a highly competitive leading organization.

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Code of Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibilities


Sinofaith IP Group with all its employees commit to follow the following code of ethics when

serving clients at work:





·Conduct all work with integrity. Be honest in all professional interactions and always act

responsibly and ethically while acquiring case facts and evidence. Continuously study to

improve job performance. Use the knowledge and improved techniques to be the “best in

class” performers.

·Always maintain the confidentiality of our clients.

·Always respect the law and legal authorities.



The core of our social responsibility is the wellbeing of our employees, consideration of clients

and involvement of societal activities.

We will always do our utmost to promote ethical codes of conduct among intellectual property

protection service providers and to the greater social recognition.


用人理念 Employment Strategy



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Professionalism and creativity are the driving force to a firm’s future development. To this end,

Sinofaith IP Group believes that specialization and innovation are the key references to the firm’s

employment strategies including selection of candidate, training of recruit, and use of specialist.




Sinofaith IP Group is dedicated to provide clients with highly specialized services. The services

require sophisticated business elites, as well as promising young talents within designated





Sinofaith IP Group builds innovation paths to the future upon thorough understanding of market

dynamics and industrial prosperity. Please join us, if you are a pioneer among the peer, a

challenger to the future!

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新诤信使命 Mission Statement



To serve corporations and social organizations as their long-term intellectual property protection

partner and to provide with innovative and effective one-stop solutions.