Internet Trader settles for selling high quality counterfeit

Continued overleaf Internet Trader settles for selling high quality counterfeit software on eBay On 14 October 2008, Microsoft ® filed proceedings in the Federal Magistrates Court against eBay trader Lisa Jane Chatman (trading as eBay alias “angel*software”) for selling high quality counterfeit Microsoft ® software. On 6 November 2008, the Court ordered that Ms Chatman pay Microsoft $16,500 in damages and costs for past infringement of Microsoft copyright and trademarks. Ms Chatman was permanently restrained from any future infringement of Microsoft’s copyright. Ms Chatman was to deliver up to Microsoft any infringing copies of Microsoft software in her possession. Microsoft files against Online Traders On 14 October 2008, Microsoft filed proceedings against eBay traders Calvin Knight (trading as eBay alias “4574criminal”) and Andrew Roe (trading as “australian_computer_parts_wholesaler” for infringing Microsoft’s copyright and trade marks by supplying counterfeit copies of Microsoft software through their aliases on eBay. Microsoft obtained a copy of Microsoft ® Windows XP ® Professional OEM software distributed by Calvin Knight and a copy of Microsoft ® Windows XP ® Professional OEM and Microsoft ® Office Professional Edition 2003 software distributed by Andrew Roe through eBay’s website. All copies were high quality counterfeit. Both matters are continuing before the Federal Magistrates Court in Sydney. South Australian dealer pays Microsoft for copyright infringement Tri Van Do operates a computer shop in Ottoway, South Australia under the name Dovan Computers. On 4 September 2008, Tri Van Do supplied a Microsoft investigator with a computer system loaded with an unlicensed copy of Microsoft ® Office Professional Plus 2007. In October 2008 Tri Van Do attended a settlement meeting with Microsoft’s Solicitor and acknowledged that he had infringed Microsoft’s copyright. Mr Tri Van Do signed Undertakings agreeing to refrain from infringing Microsoft’s copyright in the future and to pay the sum of AU$20,000 to Microsoft. South Australian businesses settle and apologise to Microsoft and to their customers Gary Rufnak operates a computer shop in Woodville, South Australia under the name NewLife Computers. On 11 November 2008, Microsoft settled its Federal Magistrates Court of Australia proceedings against Gary Rufnak t/as NewLife Computers. Mr Rufnak was ordered to pay Microsoft $35,000 in damages as well as Microsoft’s costs of the proceedings. The orders permanently restrained NewLife Computers from infringing Microsoft’s copyright. Gary Rufnak supplied a Microsoft investigator with a computer system loaded with an unlicensed copy of Microsoft ® Office Professional Edition 2003. Mark Lunn & Specta-G Pty Limited operates a computer shop in Hampstead Gardens, South Australia under the name Inspect-A-Gadget. On 15 October 2008, Microsoft commenced proceedings against Mark Lunn and Specta-G Pty Limited in the Federal Magistrates Court of Australia for selling a computer system to a Microsoft investigator loaded with an unlicensed copy of Microsoft ® Windows XP ® Home Edition and Microsoft ® Office Professional Edition 2003.

Transcript of Internet Trader settles for selling high quality counterfeit

Continued overleaf

Internet Trader settles for selling high quality counterfeit software on eBay

On 14 October 2008, Microsoft® filed proceedings in the Federal Magistrates Court against eBay trader Lisa Jane Chatman (trading as eBay alias “angel*software”) for selling high quality counterfeit Microsoft® software.

On 6 November 2008, the Court ordered that Ms Chatman pay Microsoft $16,500 in damages and costs for past infringement of Microsoft copyright and trademarks. Ms Chatman was permanently restrained from any future infringement of Microsoft’s copyright. Ms Chatman was to deliver up to Microsoft any infringing copies of Microsoft software in her possession.

Microsoft files against Online Traders

On 14 October 2008, Microsoft filed proceedings against eBay traders Calvin Knight (trading as eBay alias “4574criminal”) and Andrew Roe (trading as “australian_computer_parts_wholesaler” for infringing Microsoft’s copyright and trade marks by supplying counterfeit copies of Microsoft software through their aliases on eBay.

Microsoft obtained a copy of Microsoft® Windows XP® Professional OEM software distributed by Calvin Knight and a copy of Microsoft® Windows XP® Professional OEM and Microsoft® Office Professional Edition 2003 software distributed by Andrew Roe through eBay’s website. All copies were high quality counterfeit.

Both matters are continuing before the Federal Magistrates Court in Sydney.

South Australian dealer pays Microsoft for copyright infringement

Tri Van Do operates a computer shop in Ottoway, South Australia under the name Dovan Computers.

On 4 September 2008, Tri Van Do supplied a Microsoft investigator with a computer system loaded with an unlicensed copy of Microsoft® Office Professional Plus 2007. In October 2008 Tri Van Do attended a settlement meeting with Microsoft’s Solicitor and acknowledged that he had infringed Microsoft’s copyright.

Mr Tri Van Do signed Undertakings agreeing to refrain from infringing Microsoft’s copyright in the future and to pay the sum of AU$20,000 to Microsoft.

South Australian businesses settle and apologise to Microsoft and to their customers

Gary Rufnak operates a computer shop in Woodville, South Australia under the name NewLife Computers.

On 11 November 2008, Microsoft settled its Federal Magistrates Court of Australia proceedings against Gary Rufnak t/as NewLife Computers. Mr Rufnak was ordered to pay Microsoft $35,000 in damages as well as Microsoft’s costs of the proceedings. The orders permanently restrained NewLife Computers from infringing Microsoft’s copyright. Gary Rufnak supplied a Microsoft investigator with a computer system loaded with an unlicensed copy of Microsoft® Office Professional Edition 2003.

Mark Lunn & Specta-G Pty Limited operates a computer shop in Hampstead Gardens, South Australia under the name Inspect-A-Gadget.

On 15 October 2008, Microsoft commenced proceedings against Mark Lunn and Specta-G Pty Limited in the Federal Magistrates Court of Australia for selling a computer system to a Microsoft investigator loaded with an unlicensed copy of Microsoft® Windows XP® Home Edition and Microsoft® Office Professional Edition 2003.

On 6 November 2008 Microsoft settled its case against Mark Lunn & Specta-G Pty Limited. Mr Lunn & Specta-G Pty Limited were ordered to pay Microsoft the amount of $35,000 in damages, pay Microsoft’s costs of the proceedings and were restrained from infringing Microsoft’s copyright in the future.

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Don’t just Activate, Validate!

Make sure the Microsoft® Windows® software that you are selling is genuine by both activating and validating after installing it for your customers. Activation is an anti-piracy technology designed to verify that Microsoft software products are legitimately licensed. Completing the activation process allows you continued access to regular Microsoft software functionality while ensuring that your product key is not being misused. Validation is a quick and easy-to-use online process that verifies if the installed Microsoft® Windows® software is genuine. To validate a computer’s software visit and select one of the options underneath “Validate Now”.

Genuine Microsoft Software Site

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The Impact of Software Piracy on you!

Learn about IDC’s findings on The Impact of Software Piracy and License Misuse on the Channel by downloading the paper from our genuine press page:

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