Internet saftey

Internet Safety

Transcript of Internet saftey

Internet Safety

Remain as anonymous as possible on the internet. That means keeping all private information private. Do not show any of this info on the internet.

full name

home address

phone number


names of family members

credit card numbers

Most people will never ask for any of this online. So if someone does, it's a sign that they maybe up to no good.

Remain Anonymous

When you are on a social media sight such as Facebook you need to make sure you don’t share information with someone you don’t know. They may sell the info or share it with people you don’t want that person to share it with. Be careful who you befriend.

Social media

Cyber bully's are people who post cruel things on the internet. people can use social media such as Facebook or email as a source of cyber bullying. They may post things like insults, threats and incorrect rumors. This picture is a example of cyber bulling.

Cyber Bullying

You must be careful when you are downloading programs or going on certain websites. Some of them contain viruses that could put your computer in jeopardy. Some of the things that viruses do is: Steal private information and send it to someone else, crash your computer, and steal your money through computer banking. In one rare case a person was getting watched through her web cam without her knowing it. A guy on Skype said he couldn’t see her and told her to download a program. Then he could see her doing private stuff.



By Michael and Ryan


Special Effects-Ryan

Spelling Editor- Michael

Page 1-Ryan and Michael

Page 2-Michael

Page 3-Ryan

Page 4-Michael And Ryan

Page 5-Michael And Ryan

Page 6-Ryan

Page 7- Ryan

Upcoming picture- Michael And Ryan