Internet Marketing

Internet marketing Internet marketing means a type of marketing where all the activities related to marketing done thoroughly over the internet. Internet marketing uses various types of online advertise tools, banner add, pay per click etc. This marketing activity is gain huge popularity in present world. This type of marketing helps customers to collect their desirable product by sitting their own home without wasting of time, energy and money. 1.1 Elements of internet marketing It is not an easy way to gain efficiency in internet marketing within a short time. In internet marketing business people don’t communicate with the customer face to face it is through internet so, marketing manager should follow some elements to make effective marketing. Four key elements of successful internet marketing are given below: Create remarkable content. Optimize the content for search engine. Promote the content through social media. Analyze the data to see what is working and what is not. Without these, four key elements of a successful, the efficiency and effectiveness of internet marketing depends also some other key factors Try to use real photo of the company product. Tell the product story in a way that it helps to increase the credibility among the customers. Make higher payment to attract the good designer to design the marketing website. Collect testimonial from the customers that contains the experience of the customers about the company and its



Transcript of Internet Marketing

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Internet marketing

Internet marketing means a type of marketing where all the activities related to marketing done

thoroughly over the internet. Internet marketing uses various types of online advertise tools,

banner add, pay per click etc. This marketing activity is gain huge popularity in present world.

This type of marketing helps customers to collect their desirable product by sitting their own

home without wasting of time, energy and money.

1.1 Elements of internet marketing

It is not an easy way to gain efficiency in internet marketing within a short time. In internet

marketing business people don’t communicate with the customer face to face it is through

internet so, marketing manager should follow some elements to make effective marketing. Four

key elements of successful internet marketing are given below:

• Create remarkable content.

• Optimize the content for search engine.

• Promote the content through social media.

• Analyze the data to see what is working and what is not.

Without these, four key elements of a successful, the efficiency and effectiveness of internet

marketing depends also some other key factors

• Try to use real photo of the company product.

• Tell the product story in a way that it helps to increase the credibility among the


• Make higher payment to attract the good designer to design the marketing website.

• Collect testimonial from the customers that contains the experience of the customers

about the company and its services than post the testimonial on the testimonial page of

the company also include others sales pages.

• Provide a written guarantee of the company product to own the best credibility of the


• Use calls to action on the sell page to direct the customers about the next steps of the


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Management of the company should need to follow the above internet marketing elements to

make successful internet marketing in this present competitive internet world.

1.2 Internet marketing mix

The traditional marketing mix consists of four “P”. The 4 “P” consist of four different meaning

• Product

• Price

• Promotion

• Place

The internet marketing mix concept is also related with this traditional marketing mix.


The idea of the product is nearly same in traditional and internet marketing. Only differences

between these two idea is that in internet marketing products are sell via the internet and

consumer cannot touch it before purchasing. In internet marketing products not only include

shoe, milk or bread or etc. it also include hug, toenails etc. In internet product can be anything.


Price means charge of the product company demands for its product or services. Setting the

product price in internet marketing is very tricky job. Deciding on the right price of the product

company needs a large research on its customers. Know appropriately about the demands of the

customers, and set right price against the competitors so that customers can attract with the new

company products.


Defining promotion strategies for internet marketing is challenging but not an impossible task.

Here social media plays an important role. In internet, marketing company needs to build

relationship with the customers in a various ways. Make more advertisement through social

media such as Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, viber etc. also upload the product video through the

social media. That helps the customer to know about the company and its products.


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In internet, marketing place means the new companies that enter internet world to make business.

False description of goods, missing the delivery schedule and poor quality goods distract the

present customers from the company. So, retain the present place company should need to ensure

integrity crucially.

1.3 Internet marketing tools

Product development and promotional strategies and actions that a company uses to develop and

promote its products or services in the competitive marketing world are known as marketing

tools. Marketing tools helps the company to attract more customers.

Like traditional marketing systems internet marketing systems also needs marketing tools to

attract customers. Internet marketing tools include the following:

• Market research

• Social networking

• E mail marketing

• S earch engine marketing

• W ord of mouth: review sites

• M obile advertising

• M arketing with maps

• A ffiliate marketing

By using the above marketing tools online company market their product and services to attract a

huge number of customers and make benefit more than its competitors.

1.4 Examine interactive order processing

Interactive order processing is the opposite of batch processing. Interactive order processing

means the tasks on a computer system that involves continual exchange of information between

the computer and a user.

Internet Marketing is not just post new tweets about the product or uploading new videos to the

company site. It is also include creating an experience within the company customers that helps

move them down the purchase funnel. Interactive Order Processing is basic for e –commerce.

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Interactive order processing makes an easy relation between the customers and the company. It

helps to give instant reply. Before starting to stack piles of cash from E-commerce site, an

interactive order processing system need to process of purchasing online. The system explains


• Set up an internet merchant account or an account with the payment service provider.

• Set up an account with the payment processing companies such as PayPal, Google

Checkout. This system eliminates the needs of IMA or PSP. Before select one items one

must to consider the drawbacks and advantages of each types.

• Make the validation of the customer payment within 30 seconds to reduce the fraud.

• Appears order confirmation on the customer screen after the payment validation.

• Also send an email to the customer to confirm the order processing

• Take required steps to deliver the customer’s order within a very short time.

• Also collect feedback from the customers and post this item to the company site to

review the new customers and attract more customers on the company site.

When make purchase this steps include the above systems. By this way in every task of internet,

marketing interactive order processing system is very crucial.

2.1 Demonstrate the machine of search engine marketing

Search engine marketing is a specialized form of internet marketing. It involves the promotion

of the company websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages primarily

through paid advertising. SEM may incorporate search engine optimization, which adjusts or

rewrites website content to achieve a higher ranking in search engine results pages to

enhance pay per click listings. The largest search engine marketing (SEM) vendors were Google

AdWords , Bing Ads, and Baidu. As the number of sites on the Web increased in the mid-to-late

1990s, search engines started appearing to help people find information quickly. Search engines

developed business models to finance their services, such as pay per click programs offered by

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Open Text. Search engine marketing is now a core marketing activities.

As todays internet marketing world is very competitive search engine marketing takes high

importance to the internet marketing business people. Companies try hard to get success in this

process. The success of search engine marketing depends on some factors. These success factors

defined below:

• Search engine optimization.

• Pay per click

• Search analytics

• Cost per impression

• Display advertising

• Affiliate marketing

• Mobile advertising

• Adwords

By following the above way, company can make efficient search engine marketing. However, not

all the business people may be aware about all types of success factors. Therefore, it is very

important to understand about the factors. To understand the factors marketers can take help from

the following search engine members:

• Digital Marketing Agency Toolkit

• Ad Retargeting guide

• Affiliate marketing strategy guide

• Digital Branding Guide

• Competitor benchmarking guide

2.2 A suitable opt-in email newsletter

Opt-in email marketing has become the best practice for marketers to use in their email program.

If you want to keep growing your email list, you need a powerful email opt-in offer that stands

out and captures the attention of your audience. Using an open loop email opt-in technique is one

of the best ways to create a unique opt-in offer. To create a successful opt-in email newsletter

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What are the company goals?

Before telling potential readers what they expect from the company, it is a good idea to ask itself

what it expects out of them.  Understanding about the own goals will shape the way company

present and design its opt-in.

What are the peers and competitors?

Seeing what its peers offer helps the company to determine its unique place in the market. What

can it provide via email that others are not already giving away? Email service providers will not

spill the stats on which of its competitors get the best opt-in rate, but give the feel who is having

success with their content.

What does your audience already love about you?

One of the best places to look for copywriting advice is the company’s own successes. Look at

the Facebook and Twitter metrics. Which posts have garnered the most clicks, likes, favorites or

shares? This information can help the company management to decide what info to continue

sharing on Facebook or Twitter, but it also gives an insight into the company’s best offerings.

What do the analytics say?

This next tactic also comes from a similar place as the social media research instead of telling the

company site visitors why they should want to opt-in, why not use their behavior to “ask” what

content they’re interested in? Google Analytics gives you metrics to optimize for visitors new

and old. Another Google Analytics stat to help inform email opt-in copy can be found by looking

at return visitors’ page views.

Which benefits have resonated in your email marketing?

For a brand with existing email marketing campaigns, company can go a step further into

discovering its audience’s likes and dislikes by looking at the metrics from sent newsletters.

Understanding the most popular content tells the company which topics to tease in its opt-in

copy. Email campaign metrics to pay attention to the following topics:

• Which subject’s lines have drawn the highest open rate?

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• Which subject lines have drawn the best click-through rate?

If the management of the company should follow the above criteria, they could be able to write a

suitable opt-in email newsletter.

2.3 Guidelines for the best practice in online public relation

Public Relation is the act of maintaining communication between an organization, its key public

stakeholders and its customers with a focus on building and maintaining a positive image.

Typically, it involves the following elements:

• Evaluating customers opinions, and attitudes

• Developing policies for communicating with the company customers and stakeholders

• Implementing communication programs across media channels

• Integrating communications with Marketing programs and brand

• Creating goodwill by managing a two-way communication process

• Building a positive relationship

Like offline business, public relation is also important in online business to maintain relation

with the customers. To maintain effective relation with the online customers, online business or

marketing people should need to follow some guidelines for effective online public relations.

The guidelines are mention below:

• Building brand awareness

• Increasing website traffic

• Generating leads online

• Measuring marketing ROI

• Segment Various Target Audiences

• Build Media Source List for Each Segment

• Evaluate Distribution & Delivery Options

• Decide an Appropriate Time to Deliver

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• Monitoring websites, blogs, or other media outlets for mentions is a critical step in the PR


• Evaluate the total coverage, tonality (positive, negative, or neutral), sources, and how

your organization compares to the competition.

• Introduce training programed for the online business people

By following the above mention criteria, internet-marketing manager can make efficient online

public relationship with its customers and other stakeholders.

2.4 How business can use new digital media communities

Digital media are any media that are encoded in a machine-readable format. Digital media can be

created, viewed, distributed, modified and preserved on computers. Digital media

communication means to communicate via using various types of digital devices such as

computer, internet, mobile etc. Various types of digital media communities such as social media,

blog, instant messaging, online chatting and file sharing are available in present business world.

Within this file, sharing is a new concept also gains popularity in present time.

To share file via using online various types of sites are very easy task. To share a file first

company just needs an email address, a computer and internet connection, file sharing sites work

uploading a file to the data center, one file is upload in the datacenter manager can share the

same site by using their personal email in any of the required sites or person whom he wants to

share the file. To share File Company needs to mind some things such as:

• Share and access features: it includes the following elements

• Maximum bandwidth

• Maximum file size

• Digital workspace

• Windows phone app

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• E-signature

• Security: it includes the following elements

• Firewall protection

• Virus scanning

• File locking

• SSL encrypted transfer

• Help and support: it includes the following elements

• Ticket and email support

• Training and tutorial

• 24/7 phone support

• User forum

By following the above guidelines internet, marketing companies can use the new digital media

communities like file sharing. The same review process needs for the company to any types of

new media communities.

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3.1 Conduct secondary market research

Market research is a type of methodology that is use to collect information about the company

customers, its competitors and present market situation. Market research is of two types such as:

• Primary research

• Secondary research

Here secondary market research process described. Secondary research (or desk research)

gathers existing information through available sources. Secondary research examples include:

• Information on the internet

• Existing market research results

• Existing data from your own stock lists and customer database

• Information from agencies such as industry bodies, government agencies, libraries and

local councils.

Secondary market research allows collecting more existing information about the market. To

ensure the quality of secondary market research researcher needs to follow some things. These

are given below:

• Chose reliable sources to collect needed information

• Look more than one source or media

• Make sure that the information collect is accurate on my objectives

Secondary market research gives the following advantages to the company.

• Helps guide the focus of any subsequent primary research being conducted

• Internal secondary data uses categories and breakdowns that reflect a corporation’s

preferred way of structuring the world

• Secondary research may be the only available source of specific pieces of information 

Though it has some advantages, it is not free from error. The limitation of this research mention


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• The information lacks specificity or does not exactly address question of concern

• Some external secondary data may be of suspect quality or outdated

• Internal secondary data such as sales reports and customer databases may only describe

existing customers

Without the above limitations, secondary research is very powerful tool to conduct the market

research because it is less costly and give more authentic information than primary research. So,

for gaining the accurate result company need to make secondary research by keeping the above

information in mind and can get the best result from it.

3.2 Design an online survey

Survey means to collect data from the customers and the market participant. Online survey

means to collect the survey report via using online survey tools. Various types of online survey

tools are common in present online world such as Google survey, survey etc.

Online surveys are an effective way for businesses to gauge customer satisfaction or measure the

impact of a marketing campaign. To make an efficient online survey manager needs to consider

some factors such as:

• Ensure a clear introductory screen so that visitors can understand the matter effectively.

• Make sure that the survey is accessible and easy to read

• Include little but relevant question than so much question

• Write question with simple instruction

• Order the question in a logical way

• Keep your survey focused.

• Make sure that the survey is user friendly

• Thanks the respondent to respond the survey

• Remember to comply with Data Protection legislation.

• Check your survey will give you usable information.

After consider the above things then the company needs to launch its survey report within the

participant. At the launching stage, the surveyor needs to follow the given things:

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• Draft some introductory text (that will go in the email or other announcement of your


• Consider offering an incentive, which can help boost your response rate.

• Decide how long to leave your survey open for.

• Decide how you want people to complete your survey

• Make sure it goes to the right people

• Remember to close your survey on the day you decided on otherwise you might get late

responses trickling in and affecting your findings.

After launching the survey, company needs to use this data in practically in the company task. In

addition, when the company has finalized its findings, remember to put a summary up on its

website or somewhere where your respondents will be able to see it. It is important that people

feel that the time spent giving you their views were worthwhile.

By keeping the above mention item in mind an online or offline, companies can make an

efficient online survey.

3.3 Use of electronic customer relationship marketing

Customer relationship management is a common term for every types of business either it is

online or offline. Efficient CRM process helps the company to build a strong relationship with its

customers. Electronic customer relationship management (e-CRM) involves the integration of

Web channels into the overall enterprise CRM strategy with the goal of driving consistency

within all channels relative to sales, customer service and support (CSS) and marketing

initiatives. It encompasses all the CRM functions with the use of the net environment i.e.,

intranet, extranet and internet. Electronic CRM concerns all forms of managing relationships

with customers making use of information technology (IT). ECRM is enterprises using IT to

integrate internal organization resources and external "marketing" strategies to understand and

fulfill their customer’s needs.

As today is the age of internet and technology, it is very important at present to make ECRM for

every types of company like online or offline. To implement effective ECRM company needs to

follow the below things:

• Data collection: collect data about customer’s choice and preferences from the website.

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• Data aggregation: Aggregate the needed data to fulfill customer satisfaction.

• Customer interaction: According to customer’s need, company provides the proper

feedback to them.

ECRM can be defined as activities to manage customer relationships by using the Internet, web

browsers or other electronic touch points. The challenge hereby is to offer

communication and information on the right topic, in the right amount, and at the right time, that

fits the customer’s specific needs.

ECRM strategy also includes the three components. Such as:

• Operational

• Analytical

• Collaborative

By following the above strategy and component, companies can design efficient ECRM process

and make customer relation more effective than the traditional process.

4.1 Outline of internet marketing plan

A marketing plan is a guideline for the company. It define every step how a company market its

product or services to a specific target market. Behind every successful product or service is a

well-researched marketing plan. Without the creation a marketing plan leading a company failure

to its way. Therefore, marketing plan is very necessary for every types of business like small,

medium, large, online business, traditional physical store business etc. The primary topic of a

marketing plan includes:

• Market research

• Product/services

• Mission statements

• Product marketing strategies

• Pricing, promotion and branding

• Advertising budget

• Marketing goals

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• Monitor the result frequently

Without the above topic, online marketing plans should needs to follow some other topics. Such


Line up some goals

What company wants to achieve with its marketing campaign? What is/are the top-level goals? 

Develop specific objectives for each goal

Company must likely have multiple objectives for each goal.

List your tactics

Brainstorm and create a list of very specific tactics company needs to utilize to achieve its

marketing goal 

By following the above procedure, one can make an efficient marketing plan for any types of

online business.

4.2 A presentation on pay per click advertising

Pay per click also known as cost per click advertising tool. It is an internet-advertising model

used to direct traffic to websites, in which advertisers pay the publisher when the ad is clicked. It

is defined simply as the amount spent to get an advertisement clicked. Websites that utilize PPC

ads will display an advertisement when a keyword query matches an advertiser's keyword list, or

when a content site displays relevant content. PPC is of two types:

• Flat rate PPC

• Bid-based PPC

Before launching a pay per click account internationally internet-marketing people should need

to consider some things. In addition, the company should need to familiar with the culture where

it wants to introduce PPC.

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• Keywords

• Ads

• Landing pages/conversion process

Keywords: When selecting keyword for the website company needs to consider search query

report, also talk to the native speaker to understand them thoroughly and appoint someone to

make the account that have some understanding about the language and grew up in the culture.

Ads: Tailor Ad Experience to the country. Is the company price point in line with what the

competitors are offering? Review competitor ads to check own offer against theirs. Get Native

Speakers to Review the company Ads.

Landing pages/conversion process: Payment preferences differ by country.

launched with credit card payments and PayPal later. Then, the company needs to add geography

and maestro and conversion rate went up. Concern about privacy or security. It varies from

country to country. Be sure to abide by local laws Adapt to the local comfort level regarding


To consider the above elements properly it is possible for online company to create a pay per

click (PPC) or cost per click (CPP) advertising.
