International · India-Singapore tax treaty under which capital gains tax will be levied at source...


Transcript of International · India-Singapore tax treaty under which capital gains tax will be levied at source...

Page 1: International · India-Singapore tax treaty under which capital gains tax will be levied at source of investments with effect from April 1, 2017. l India had amended the tax treaty
Page 2: International · India-Singapore tax treaty under which capital gains tax will be levied at source of investments with effect from April 1, 2017. l India had amended the tax treaty


Israel Approved First New West BankSettlement in Two Decadesl Israel’s government on March 30, 2017 approved the first

West Bank settlement in two decades, creating the firstserious test for US President Donald Trump’s new forayinto Middle East peacemaking.

l New settlement would be built near the existingsettlement of Shilo, which is nearby to the Amona site.

l The government had approved tenders to build 2000 newapartments from previously approved settlement projects.

l The Palestinians claim the West Bank and east Jerusalem,areas captured by Israel in 1967, as parts of a future State.

l Over 600000 Israelis now live in settlements in the WestBank and East Jerusalem. But, Israel has not built afull-fledged new settlement since the 1990s. Instead,construction during that period has expanded existingsettlements or taken place in unauthorised outpostslike Amona.

Myanmar became SASEC’sNewest Memberl Myanmar became the seventh member of the South Asia

Sub-regional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) partnership, opening up new markets and supply chain links for tradeand business between South Asia and South-East Asia on March 31, 2017.

l SASEC countries (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives,Myanmar, Nepal, and Sri Lanka) coordinate the planningof projects and activities to increase economic growth bybuilding transport connectivity, facilitating faster and more efficient trade, and promoting cross-border power trade.

l Myanmar’s membership in SASEC can offer a host ofopportunities for realising synergies from economiccooperation in the subregion. Road corridors in Myanmarprovide the key links between South Asia and South-East Asia, while ports in the country can provide alternateroutes and gateways to the landlocked northeasternregion of India.

Pakistan began Building Fence alongAfghan Borderl Pakistan began building a fence along the Afghan border in

territories where it says activists have propelled cross-borderassaults on security posts in recent weeks on March 27, 2017.

l The two nations share a 2400 km (1500 mi) border knownas the Durand Line, which was drawn amid frontier timesand is not perceived by the Afghan government.

l Building a fence along the debated border couldadditionally elevate pressures between the two countries,which have since a long time ago blamed each other forturning a visually impaired eye to Islamic militantsworking along the permeable wilderness.

Hawaii became First State to Sue overTrump’s New Travel Banl Attorneys for the State filed the lawsuit in Federal Court

in Honolulu on March 8, 2017. The State had previouslysued over US President Donald Trump’s initial travel ban, but that lawsuit was put on hold while other cases played out across the country.

l The revised executive order bars new visas for peoplefrom six predominantly Muslim countries andtemporarily shuts down the US refugee programme. Itdoesn’t apply to travelers who already have visas. Hawaiiis special in that it has always been non-discriminatory in both its history and Constitution.

Ukraine Reached Preliminary Agreementwith IMFl The International Monetary Fund (IMF) reached a

preliminary agreement with Ukraine that could see thewar-scarred and cashed-starved nation receive fresh aidin the first half of the year on March 5, 2017.

l This paves the way for consideration of the third review ofthe arrangement under the Extended Fund Facility (EFF)by the IMF’s Executive Board. The IMF’s board usuallyfollows through with such preliminary agreements anddisburses aid once all the details have been hashed out.


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Pakistan Government Approved Merger ofFATA with Khyber-Pakhtunkhwal Pakistan government approved the merger of Federally

Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) with theKhyber-Pakhtunkhwa province to bring the impoverishedand politically deprived tribal region at par with the rest ofthe country on March 3, 2017.

l The six-member committee headed by Prime Minister’sAdviser on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz recommended that FATA should be made part of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province.

l The FATA is a semi-autonomous tribal region in North-West Pakistan, bordering Afghanistan. It consist of seven tribalagencies (districts) and six frontier regions, and are directlygoverned by Pakistan’s federal government.

l According to the plan, colonial era draconian laws known as Frontier Crimes Regulation (FCR) will be replaced.

13th Economic Cooperation OrganisationSummit Heldl The 13th Economic Cooperation Organisation Summit held

in Islamabad (Pakistan) on March 2, 2017. The theme ofECO Summit is ‘Connectivity for Regional Prosperity’.

l The summit deliberated and decided on ways and means toaugment cooperation in the areas of connectivity, trade,energy, tourism, investment, industry, economic growth,productivity, social welfare and environment.

INDIA & WORLDIndia not Participating in UN Negotiationsfor Total Ban on Nuclear Weaponsl India is not participating in the conference on negotiations

for a total ban on nuclear weapons that began at the United Nations.

l The decision to not participate in the meeting was takenindependently by New Delhi on March 27, 2017 taking intoaccount the nation’s own interests and that the Indianmission was closely monitoring the developments atthe conference.

l India was expected later this week to issue a comprehensive statement outlining its stance on the meeting that isofficially called the Conference to Negotiate a LegallyBinding Instrument to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons, LeadingTowards their Total Elimination.

India-Nepal Renewed Fuel Supply Pactl India and Nepal have renewed the supply agreement

between IOCL and Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) foranother five years on March 27, 2017.

l The renewed agreement is an umbrella documentbetween the two parties which apart from detailing the supply of petroleum, oil and lubricant products andalso puts in place an institutional mechanism forcooperation in the areas of additional services andtechnical assistance between the two.

l Both the countries are at present working towardfurther deepening engagement in the oil and gassector, including construction of petroleum productMotihari-Amlekhganj Pipeline.

India become Third Largest DomesticAviation Market Globallyl The Indian aviation market is likely to overtake Japan

this year to become the world’s third largest domesticmarket after the USA and China on March 25, 2017.

l The Indian domestic market is on track to surpass100 million passengers in 2017. In fact, domestic airtraffic could grow by close to 25% in 2018 andapproach 130 million passengers.

l The reasons for the growth are primarily strongeconomic fundamentals, although traffic has beenover-stimulated by low fares.

India Signed Financing Agreement with World Bank for Uttarakhand HealthSystems Development Projectl A financing agreement for IDA credit of $ 100

(equivalent) for the ‘Uttarakhand Health SystemsDevelopment Project’ was signed with the World Bankon March 23, 2017.

l The project has two main components, (i) Innovationsof engaging the private sector; and (ii) Stewardshipand system improvement. Out of the total project sizeof $ 125 million, $ 25 million will be the counterpartcontribution of the State government.

l The objective of the project is to improve access toquality health services, particularly in the hilly districtsof the State, and to expand health financial riskprotection for residents of the State. The project willbenefit the residents of hilly districts in particular.

India became Associate Member of International Energy Agencyl India has joined the International Energy Agency (IEA) as an associate

member, on March 31, 2017. With India as a member, InternationalEnergy Agency now formally covers 70% of the world’senergy consumption.

l The International Energy Agency is a Paris-based autonomousintergovernmental organisation established in the framework of theOrganisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in1974 in the wake of the 1973 oil crisis.

l The IEA was initially dedicated to responding to physical disruptions inthe supply of oil, as well as serving as an information source onstatistics about the international oil market and other energy sectors.

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India Notified Amended TaxTreaty with Singaporel The government notified the amended

India-Singapore tax treaty under which capitalgains tax will be levied at source of investmentswith effect from April 1, 2017.

l India had amended the tax treaty withSingapore on December 30, 2016, under whichfor two years beginning April 1, 2017, capitalgains tax will be imposed at 50% of theprevailing domestic rate. Full rate will applyfrom April 1, 2019.

l The revision of tax treaty will help curb revenueloss, prevent double non-taxation andstreamline the flow of investments.

India and ADB Signed Loan forUpgrading District Roads inMadhya Pradeshl The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the

government of India signed a $ 350 million loanfor improving about 1500 km of major districtroads in Madhya Pradesh in line with the State’s Road Development Plan on March 21, 2017.

l The Project will involve upgrading roads withconcrete pavements, strengthening culverts andbridges, and maintaining the improved roadassets for a period of five years afterconstruction, on a performance basedpayment format.

l The project will also develop and introduce acashless accident victim treatment facility in the State, and improve the accidentresponse system.

Social Security Agreement between India and Brazil Finalisedl India and Brazil finalised the text of the Social

Security Agreement (SSA), which was signed inBrasilia on March 16, 2017.

l As per the agreement, detached workers of thetwo countries are exempted from making socialsecurity contributions in either country so longas they were making such contributions in theirrespective countries.

l It established the rights and obligations ofnationals of both countries and provides forequal treatment of the nationals of bothcountries and unrestricted payment of pensionseven in the case of residence in the othercontracting state (benefits export principle).

l India has signed and operationalised SocialSecurity Agreements (SSAs) with 18countries—Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada,Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France,Germany, Hungary, Japan, Luxembourg,Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden,Switzerland, and South Korea.

Australia Research Centre Entered intoAgreement with Indian Railwaysl A Railway research centre in Australia has entered into an

agreement with the Indian Railways to support future researchand technology development related to critical infrastructure inIndia on March 16, 2017.

l Institute of Railway Technology (IRT) with partners— BalajiRailroad Systems Limited (BARSYL), leading railway consultants inIndia, PwC, and Indian Institute of Bombay (IITB) were selected asthe preferred supplier from a competitive global selection process.

l They will provide guidance on the establishment of a new appliedresearch and development institute in India known as SpecialRailway Establishment for Strategic Technology & HolisticAdvancement (SRESTHA).

l SRESTHA will be locally engaged, but have a global reach with theaim to become a world leader in the advancement of rail.

Hyderabad Emerged as the City with the BestQuality of Livingl Hyderabad ranked as the top

Indian city in the quality of livingranking, for the third year in arow, as per Mercer’s Quality ofLiving rankings 2017 onMarch 13, 2017.

l For the second year in a row,according to the study, New Delhi continues to be ranked lowest,with scores remaining constant.

l Both Hyderabad and Pune citiesrank higher for quality of livingthan the country’s moretraditional business centres,Mumbai and New Delhi ranked at 154 and 161, respectively, as per the report.

l Globally, Vienna occupies first place for overall quality of living forthe 8th year running, with the rest of the top-ten list mostly filledby European cities—Zurich (2), Munich (4), Dusseldorf (6),Frankfurt (7), Geneva (8), Copenhagen (9), and Basel (10).

l The only non-European cities in the top ten are Auckland (3) andVancouver (5). The highest ranking cities in Asia and LatinAmerica are Singapore (25) and Montevideo (79), respectively.

India and Belgium Signed Protocol to AmendDouble Taxation Avoidance Agreementl India and Belgium have signed a Protocol to amend the double

taxation avoidance agreement to curb tax evasion on March 8, 2017.l The protocol will broaden the scope of the existing framework of

exchange of tax related information. This in turn will help curb tax evasion and tax avoidance between the two countries and will alsoenable mutual assistance in collection of taxes.

l To fight the menace of black money stashed in offshore accounts,India has either signed or amended international agreements,declarations or conventions for the avoidance of double taxationand prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on incomeand for the exchange of information with Switzerland, Mauritius,Cyprus, Japan, South Korea, Kazakhstan, Singapore and Austriaduring the financial year 2016-17.

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Japan Committed ¥ 371 Billion Assistancefor Infrastructure Projects in Indial Japan will provide ¥ 371 billion (` 21590 crore) as Official

Development Assistance (ODA) to India for variousinfrastructure projects, including the dedicated freight corridor on March 31, 2017.

l Total commitment of Japan International Cooperation AgencyODA during two financial years 2015-16 and 2016-17 is¥ 761.40 billion, which is 43.50% of the total target forfive years.

l The economic partnership between India and Japan hassteadily progressed, this further consolidates and strengthensthe Strategic and Global Partnership between India and Japan.

Lok Sabha Passed 4 GST Billsl Four Bills related to the Goods and Services Tax (GST) were

debated in the Lok Sabha or lower house of Parliament onMarch 29, 2017.

l Lok Sabha all four GST Bills—Central GST Bill, the IntegratedGST Bill, the Union Territories GST Bill and theCompensation law.

l Article-246 is there will be a GST which will be imposed byCentre and States.

Provisions of GST Billsl The CGST Bill makes provisions for levy and collection of tax

on intra-state supply of goods and services by the Uniongovernment.

l The IGST Bill makes provisions for levy and collection of taxon inter-State supply of goods or services or both by the Union government. IGST is charged when movement of goods andservices from one State to another.

l The UTGST Bill makes provisions for levy on collection of taxon intra-UT supply of goods and services in the UnionTerritories without legislature.

l Union Territory GST is similar to States Goods and ServicesTax (SGST), which shall be levied and collected by the Statesand Union Territories on intra-State supply of goods orservices or both.

India became Net Exporter ofElectricity for the First Timel As per Central Electricity Authority, the designated

authority of government of India for Cross BorderTrade of Electricity, first time India has turnedaround from a net importer of electricity to NetExporter of electricity on March 29, 2017.

l During the current year 2016-17 (April to February,2017), India has exported around 5798 Million Units to Nepal, Bangladesh and Myanmar which is 213Million units more than the import of around 5585Million units from Bhutan. Export to Nepal andBangladesh increased 2.5 and 2.8 times respectivelyin last three years.

l Ever since the cross border trade of electricity started in mid-Eighties, India has been importing powerfrom Bhutan and marginally exporting to Nepal inradial mode at 33 kV and 132 kV from Bihar andUttar Pradesh. On an average Bhutan has beensupplying around 5000-5500 Million units to India.

Union Government Imposed 10%Import Duty on Wheat, Turl The Centre has imposed an import duty of 10% on

wheat and tur in a bid to check falling domesticprices and support farmers and traders on March 29, 2017.

l The government estimating a record production of96.64 million tonnes in the 2016-17 crop year(July-June) against 92.29 million tonnes last year,availability is no more a concern.

l Tur dal production, too, is estimated to almostdouble to 4.23 million tonnes from 2.56 milliontonnes last year.

l The import duty will result in a slight firming ofprices. In the case of wheat, apart from helpingfarmers realise a higher price, it would also helpimports as landed prices would becomerelatively competitive.

Economy & Banking

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CBDT Constituted Committee to Review Media Policyl The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) constituted a new

committee to ‘review’ the existing media policy for communicatingthe activities of the board and the income tax department to thepublic on March 23, 2017.

l Under the current scheme of things, a commissioner rank officer ofthe department officiates as the spokesperson of the CBDT who istasked to interact with mediapersons.

l The CBDT has six members apart from the chairperson and isresponsible for framing policy and administrative issues related todirect taxes and the income tax department.

Five Indians Selected in WEF’s Young GlobalLeaders List 2017l Five Indians, including Paytm Founder and CEO Vijay Shekhar

Sharma and Shruti Shibulal of The Tamara Hospitality, have made itto the World Economic Forum’s 100 Young Global Leaders list.

l The other individuals who represented India in the list includeAmbarish Mitra Founder and CEO Blippar, a mobile phone appbusiness valued at $ 1.5 billion; Hindol Sengupta Editor-at largeFortune India and Rwitwika Bhattacharya— Agarwal Founder andCEO Swaniti Initiative.

l Each year, the World Economic Forum (WEF) selects 100 youngleaders, under the age of 40, who are tackling the world’s mostcomplex challenges with innovative approaches.

SEBI Reviewed Advertisement Guidelines ofMutual Fundsl While, reviewing the advertising guidelines for mutual funds the

Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has now permittedcelebrity endorsements at industry level, to increase awareness onMarch 15, 2017.

l As per the regulator, such celebrity endorsements should notpromote a scheme of a particular Mutual Fund or be used as abranding exercise of a Mutual Fund house. Prior approval of SEBIshall be required for issuance of any endorsement which featuresa celebrity.

l The SEBI has mandated mutual funds to set aside least 2 basis points on daily net assets for investor education and awareness initiatives.

l In order to provide ease of understanding to retail investors,point-to-point returns on a standard investment of ` 1,000 shall alsobe provided in addition to CAGR of the scheme.

CBDT Signed Bilateral Advance PricingAgreement with Subsidiary of aJapanese Companyl The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has entered into a bilateral

Advance Pricing Agreement (APA) with rollback provision with aJapanese subsidiary on March 6, 2017.

l The total number of APAs entered into by the CBDT has reached 141with this signing. The CBDT expects more APAs to be concluded andsigned before the end of the current fiscal.

l All these five bilateral APAs are with Japanese trading companies(Sogo Soshas). Certainty in tax treatment for Sogo Soshas has been a long standing demand of the Japanese industry. The bilateral signing of APAs in this sector provides tax certainty up to nine years in eachof these cases.

RBI’S ACTIVITYRBI Celebrated 82nd Anniversary

l The RBI celebrated its 82nd anniversary onApril 1, 2017.

l The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is India’scentral banking institution, which controlsthe monetary policy of the Indian rupee.

l It commenced its operations on April 1, 1935during the British Rule in accordance with the provisions of the Reserve Bank of IndiaAct, 1934.

l The original share capital was divided intoshares of 100 each fully paid, which wereinitially owned entirely by privateshareholders.

l Following India’s independence on August 15, 1947, the RBI was nationalised on January 1,1949.

l The RBI plays an important part in theDevelopment Strategy of the government ofIndia. It is a member bank of the AsianClearing Union.

Use of Bitcoin, Other VirtualCurrencies not Authorised by RBIl Use of virtual currencies like Bitcoins is not

authorised by the RBI and could result inbreach of anti-money laundering provisionson March 28, 2017.

l The absence of counter parties in usage ofvirtual currencies, including Bitcoins, for illicit and illegal activities inanonymous/pseudonymous systems couldsubject the users to unintentional breaches ofanti-money laundering and combating thefinancing of terrorism laws.

l Bitcoin is both a cryptocurrency and anelectronic payment system invented by anunidentified programmer, or group ofprogrammers, under the name ofSatoshi Nakamoto.

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BANKINGSBI Merged with Five Associate Banks and Bharatiya Mahila Bankl Five associate banks of SBI and Bharatiya Mahila Bank (BMB) were

merged with the State Bank of India on April 1, 2017.l With this merger, the SBI joined the league of top 50 banks globally in

terms of assets.l The five associate banks that were merged with the SBI are—State

Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur, State Bank of Hyderabad, State Bank ofMysore, State Bank of Patiala and State Bank of Travancore.

SBI Launched Unnati Credit Cardl SBI Card launched the Unnati Credit Card to spread credit inclusion

among masses on March 28, 2017.l The card was launched in the presence of SBI Chairman Arundhati

Bhattacharya and SBI Card CEO Vijay Jasuja.l Tailored for new users of credit cards, ‘Unnati’ would have no annual

fees for the initial four years and will be affered through the 20000 plusSBI branches.

India and NDB Inked $ 350 Million Loan Pactl India signed its first loan agreement with the New Development Bank

(NDB) for $ 350 million to be used in the development and upgradation of district roads in Madhya Pradesh on March 31, 2017.

l The objective of the project is the upgradation of major district roads inthe State of Madhya Pradesh to improve connectivity of the interiorareas of the State with the national and State highway networks.

l The project would include upgradation, rehabilitation or reconstructionof approximately 1500 km of district roads to intermediate lane,all-weather standards, with road safety features and improved roadasset maintenance and management.

ESAF Small Finance Bank Kicked-off Operationsl The newly-launched ESAF Small Finance Bank started its operations. It

will offer interest rates between 5.75 and 9% for term deposits ofvarying maturities on March 16, 2017.

l For savings deposits, the rates will vary from 6% to 7%, based on theoutstanding balance in the account. Senior citizens will be entitled to an additional 0.05% for term deposits.

l The bank’s ATM-cum-debit cards, official Web site and digital bankingchannels were also launched simultaneously.

l In accordance with the RBI guidelines, the bank is required to open25% of its branches in unbanked rural centres. In Kerala, it will opennot less than 10 branches in such places.

World Bank Approved $ 210 Million for BengalGram Panchayatsl The World Bank has approved a loan of

$ 210 million to strengthen GramPanchayats (GPs) across the State of WestBengal to better utilise the discretionaryfunds that are now available to them onMarch 16, 2017.

l The State’s support under the InstitutionalStrengthening of Gram PanchayatProgramme-Phase II (ISGPP-II), willsupport all 3342 GPs in the State toeffectively utilise these funds that is beingprovided to them under theinter-governmental fiscal transfer system.

l The World Bank support would strengthenlocal communities’ participation in theplanning, budgeting, and financialmanagement of projects undertaken inrural areas, where most of the poor in theState reside. The loan has a grace period ofeight years and a maturity of 15 years.

HDFC Bank Offered FirstDigital Loans against Securitiesl HDFC Bank Limited started offering Loan

Against Securities (LAS) digitally, reducingthe time to disburse a loan to a fewminutes from several days earlier onMarch 15, 2017.

l The customers can pledge shares directlythrough their demat accounts and givenecessary approvals while applying forthe loan.

l The bank approves it instantly and themoney is credited to their bank accounts,under this system. Once shares are pledged, a customer cannot sell them unless theloan against them has been cleared.

l The average interest rate on these loans will be 10.5% and the minimum loan amountwill be ` 1 lakh. The industry practice is togive out 50% of the value of pledged sharesas loan.

SBI Launched ‘Unnati Credit Card’l The State Bank of India (SBI) offered credit cards to every

account holder who has a balance of ` 20000-25000. The cardwill be offered through a network of 20000 plus SBI branches.

l The bank will not go into customers’ credit history and thecard, which will be issued in the name of ‘Unnati’, will remain free for four years.

l The SBI has approval to infuse ` 1160 crore in the twoJVs—SBI Cards and Payment Services Private Limited(SBICPSL) and GE Capital Business Processes Management Services Limited (GECBPMSL), through purchase ofequity shares from GE Capital so as to increase the bank’s stake in both the companies to 74%.

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APPOINTMENTSVanaja N. Sarnal Senior bureaucrat Vanaja N. Sarna was appointed as

chairperson of Central Board of Excise and Customs(CBEC) on March 31, 2017.

l She is, a 1980 batch officer of Indian Revenue Service(customs and central excise), is at present member in theCBEC, an apex policy making body for indirect taxes.

l She has also worked as Additional Director General,National Academy of Customs, Excise & Narcotics(NACEN), in Chennai.

l She was also Additional Director General in DirectorateGeneral of Revenue Intelligence, New Delhi

l She also served on deputation as Under Secretary,Legislative Department, Ministry of Law and as Director/Joint Secretary in the Rajya Sabha Secretariat

l The CBEC will be responsible for ensuring successful rollout and subsequent implementation of the GST, with thehelp of VAT officers of state governments and others.

Siddhartha Upadhyayl Siddhartha Upadhyay has been appointed to the governing

body of Sports Authority of India on March 30, 2017. He isthe founder of Society for Transformation, Inclusion, andRecognition through Sports (STAIRS).

l Siddhartha Upadhyay is a recipient of prestigious Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puruskar, from the President of India.

l As the founder and secretary general of STAIRS, he alsorepresents the organisation in Steering Committee forFIFA U-17 World Cup, BRICS U-17 Tournament, MissionXI Million Programme and a programme of SubrotoMukherjee Sports Education Society, formed by Ministryof Youth Affairs and Sports.

l STAIRS is a not-for-profit, Non-GovernmentalOrganisation (NGO) which aims to empower theunderprivileged youth of India through sports.

David Beasleyl Former South Carolina Governor David Beasley has been

formally appointed to lead the United Nation’s WorldFood Programme on March 30, 2017.

l He served as Governor from 1995-99, was among 23applications or nominations for the job.

l He won a seat in the South Carolina House ofRepresentatives. He later graduated from the Universityof South Carolina and the University of South CarolinaSchool of Law.

Dr. Randeep Gulerial All India Institute of Medical Sciences got a new

director with the appointment of Dr. Randeep Guleriaon March 28, 2017.

l He joined AIIMS as an assistant professor in 1992 andhas been the HoD of the department of pulmonarymedicine and sleep disorders since April, 2011, hastaken charge of his office.

l He has been appointed for five years from the date ofassumption of charge or till attaining the age of 65 untilfurther orders.

l He received Padma Shri award in 2015 and Dr. BC Royaward in the category ‘Eminent Medical Person’ in 2014.

Tanushree Pareekl Tanushree Pareek became the first woman combat

officer to be commissioned in the 51-year history of theBSF, the country’s largest border guarding force onMarch 24, 2017.

l She will now be posted to command a unit along theIndia-Pakistan border in Punjab.

l The BSF is primarily tasked to guard two of the mostsensitive Indian frontiers with Pakistan and Bangladeshwhile it is extensively deployed for conductinganti-Naxal operations and rendering other duties in theinternal security domain.


News Orbit

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TS Anantharamanl The Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

has accorded approval for theappointment of TS Anantharamanas part-time chairman of CatholicSyrian Bank on March 23, 2017.Anantharaman has been holdingthe position of non-executivedirector of the bank sinceAugust 28, 2009.

l Anantharaman is a senior chartered accountant with wide and variedexperience in practice, industry,teaching, consulting and service. He had served with United Nations forseven years.

l Anantharaman was the Presidentof Chamber of Commerce, Thrissur, Thrissur Management Associationand a number of other institutions.

Upendra Tripathyl The governments of India and

France jointly appointed UpendraTripathy, as the Interim DirectorGeneral (IDG) of the InternationalSolar Alliance (ISA) on a full timebasis on March 21, 2017.

l Upendra Tripathy was the FormerSecretary, Ministry of New andRenewable Energy from April 1,2014 until October 31, 2016.Tripathy is an IndianAdministrative Service (IAS) officer of Karnataka Cadre.

l He has worked with local,provincial and the Uniongovernments in India for the last36 years.

l The International Solar Alliance(ISA) was launched onNovember 30, 2015 as a coalition of the solar resource rich countriesjointly by Narendra Modi, Hon’blePrime Minister of India andFrançois Hollande.

PV Sindhul The 2016 Rio Olympics silver medal

shuttler PV Sindhu will be the BrandAmbassador for Gatorade, PepsiCo’ssports-based drink on March 21, 2017.

l Plans are that Gatorade Sports ScienceInsitute and Sindhu will work closely tobetter understand her training andmatch-day nutrition. Gatorade’s formulaclaims the right amount ofcarbohydrates, electrolytes and flavourthat will help athletes rehydrate,replenish and refuel while playing.

l The partnership is a reiteration ofPepsiCo India’s commitment topopularise the benefits of its healthierfood and beverage offeringsto consumers.

N. Biren Singhl BJP leader N. Biren Singh took oath as

the new Chief Minister of Manipur andformed the first ever BJP-ledgovernment in the State on March 14,2017.

l He joined politics in 2002 and waselected to the Legislative Assembly as acandidate from the DemocraticRevolutionary People’s Party fromHeinganag. He held the post of ageMinister of State of Vigilance in theManipur State government inMay, 2003.

l He contested elections in 2007 andretained his seat, fighting with a ticketfrom the Indian National Congress.

l He then took over the post of theMinister if Irrigation and Flood Controland Youth Affairs & Sports. He retainedhis Assembly seat for th thirdconsecutive term in 2012.

l In October, 2016, after the protestsaginst the then Chief Minister OkramIbobi Singh, Biren resigned from theManipur Legislative Assembly and theManipur Pradesh Congress Committee.

Yogi Adityanathl Yogi Adityanath, a five-time

parliamentarian was sworn-in asthe new Chief Minister of UttarPradesh on March 18, 2017.

l He has been winning theGorakhpur seat since 1998 and isthe head priest ofGorakhnath Math.

l His two deputies in KeshavPrasad Maurya, the party’s UttarPradesg Chief, and DineshSharma, Lucknow’s Mayor alsotook oath.

l He is also the founder of theHindu Yuva Vahini, a militantyouth organisation that has beeninvolved in communal violence.

Manohar Parrikarl Former Defence Minister Parrikar

took oath as the Chief Minister of Goa for the fourth time onMarch 13, 2017 after the BJPcobbled up a coalition with tworegional parties and someIndependent MLAs.

l Along with Parrikar, governorMridula Sinha administered oathof office to nine Ministers.

l Other than Parrikar, the BJP willhave only two members, FrancisD’Souza and PandurangMadkaikar, in the Councilof Minister.

l Three Ministers (Vijai Sardesai,Vinod Palienkar and JayeshSalgaonkar) are from the GoaForward Party.

l Two of the three Maharashtrawdi Gomantak Party MLAs, SudinDhavalikar and ManoharAzgaonkar, too, made the cutwith Independent legislatorsGovind Gawde andRohan Khaunte.


Chittaranjan Sharmal Justice (Retd.) Chittaranjan Sharma was sworn-in as Assam’s Upalokayukta by

Governor Banwarilal Purohit on March 14, 2017. Justice Sharma was a former Judgeof the Guwahati High Court. The Lokayukta is an anti-corruption ombudsmanorganisation in the Indian States.

l The Administrative Reforms Commission (ARC) headed by Morarji Desai submitted aspecial interim report on ‘Problems of Redressal of Citizen’s Grievances’ in 1966. Inthis report, the ARC recommended the setting-up of two special authorities designated as ‘Lokpal’ and ‘Lokayukta’ for the redressal of citizens’ grievances.

l The LokAyukta, along with the Income Tax Department and the Anti CorruptionBureau, mainly helps people publicise corruption among the Politicians and Government Officials. Many acts of theLokAyukta have resulted in criminal or other consequences for those charged.

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Narendra Kumarl An officer of Central Water

Engineering Service (1979-batch)Narendra Kumar has assumedthe charge of Chairman, CentralWater Commission (CWC) onMarch 12, 2017.

l He has served in various capacities in CWC as Assistant Director inDesign Organisation, DeputyDirector in Project AppraisalDirectorate and Director in DamSafety Organisation and ProjectMonitoring Directorate.

l He has also served as Senior JointCommissioner in Command AreaDevelopment wing of Ministry ofWater Resources, RiverDevelopment and GangaRejuvenation from 2002 to 2005.

l From 2009 to 2011, he served asChief Engineer, Brahmaputra andBarak Basin, Shillong. He has alsoworked as Commissioner of B&Bwing of Ministry of WaterResources, River Development andGanga Rejuvenation during 2011to 2014.

Donald Tuskl The leaders of the EU delivered a

withering snub to Poland’sright-wing government bydisregarding its objections andreappointing former Polish premier Donald Tusk as European CouncilPresident on March 9, 2017.

l Donald Tusk is a Polish politicianand historian. He has beenPresident of the European Council since December 1, 2014.Previously, he was Prime Ministerof Poland (2007-14) and aco-founder and chairman of theCivic Platform party.

l Tusk has been involved in Polishpolitics since the early 1990s, havingfounded several political parties andheld elected office almost continuously since 1991.

l He was elected Prime Minister in 2007and with his Civic Union party’svictory in the 2011 Polishparliamentary election, he became thefirst Prime Minister to be re-electedsince the fall of Communismin Poland.

l In 2014, he became President of theEuropean Council, and was re-electedto this position in 2017. He resigned as Polish Prime Minister to take the role,having been the longest-serving PrimeMinister of the Third Polish Republic.

RESIGNATIONPark Geun-hyel Park Geun-hye became the first

democratically elected South KoreanPresident to be forced from office, afterthe country’s Constitutional Courtupheld a Parliamentary vote to impeach her over a corruption and cronyismscandal that could see her face criminalcharges on March 9, 2017.

l She became the first woman to beelected as President of South Koreaserved the 18th Presidential term. Shewas the first female Presidentpopularly elected as head of State inEast Asia.

l Prior to her Presidency, Park was thechairwoman of the conservative GrandNational Party (GNP) from 2004 to2006 and from 2011 to 2012. She wasalso a member of the NationalAssembly, serving four completeconsecutive Parliamentary terms as aConstituency representative between1998 and 2012.

l In 2013 and 2014, Park was ranked11th on the Forbes list of theworld’s 100 most powerful womenand the most powerful woman inEast Asia.

l In 2014, she was ranked 46th on the Forbes list of the world’s mostpowerful people, the third-highestSouth Koreanon the list after LeeKun-hee and Lee Jae-yong.

Shashank Manoharl Shashank Manohar resigned as ICC

Chairman after merely eight months in office citing personal reasons onMarch 14, 2017.

l Shashank Vyankatesh Manohar is aprominent Indian lawyer and cricket administrator. He twice served asthe President of the Board of Control for Cricket in India, from 2008 to2011 and from November, 2015 toMay, 2016.

l He served as the chairman of theInternational Cricket Council (ICC)from November, 2015 toMarch, 2017.

PERSONS DIEDTR Andhyarujinal Eminent jurist and senior advocate

TR Andhyarujina passed away onMarch 28, 2017.

l He served as Solicitor General during 1996-98 was part of the team ofconstitutional law expert HMSeervai in his initial days as a lawyer and witnessed from close-quartersthe history-defining hearings in the‘The Kesavananda Bharati Case’.

l He was selected for Indian ForeignServices in 1958 securing third rankin the then ICS exam.

l He had also authored ‘JudicialActivism and ConstitutionalDemocracy in India’ in 1992 and‘Judges and Judicial Accountability’in 2002.

Gurdev Singh Badall Former Punjab Minister and senior

Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) leaderGurdev Singh Badal passed away onMarch 28, 2017.

l Gurdev Singh contested first election in 1977 and continued to win thenext Assembly elections in 1980and 1985.


Babul Supriyol Union Minister Babul Supriyo has been

appointed Vice-President of the FIFA U-17 World Cup organising committee onMarch 14, 2017.

l Currently, he is a Minister of State forHeavy Industries and Public Enterprises,in the government of India. He made acareer as singer in Hindi cinema, andcontributed to more than 70 films.

l He has also done playback singing in other Indian films including Bengaliand Odia. He entered politics in 2014 and joined NarendraModi’s government.

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l In 1992, Gurdev had boycotted theAssembly elections, along with theSAD. In 1997 and 2002, he again won the Panjgrain seat.

l He, however, lost in 2007, for the first time to Congress candidate JoginderSingh, a new face in active politics.

Dr. NM Nampothiril Indian historian and former college

professor Dr. NM Nampothiri wasdied on March 30, 2017 afterprolonged illness.

l He had worked at Christian CollegeChengannur (1964-66), GovernmentBrennen College, Tellicheri (1968-70), Government Arts and Science College, Calicut (1970-84), GovernmentEvening College, Calicut (1985-94),Government Sanskrit College,Pattambi.

l He has been guiding scholars doingPh.D., and supports manynon-academic scholars for doing local history and other researches. He hasvisited Germany in 1993 to attendHermann Gundert Conferenceheld there.

Arun Sarmal Renowned playwright and Sahitya

Akademi Award-winning novelistArun Sarma died on March 27, 2017.

l He has written more than 50 playsand books in his career.

l He also won a number of awards,including Padma Shri, SahityaAcademi award and Assam ValleyLiterary award.

Dev Raj Sikkal Former Indian Institute of Tropical

Meteorology (IITM) director Dev RajSikka, known as the ‘monsoon man’for his role in helping scientistsdevelop better prediction systemsfor India’s rainy season, died onMarch 20, 2017.

l He was honoured with the lifetimeachievement award by the IndianMeteorological Society (IMD) inDecember, 2016 in recognition of hiscontribution to Indian meteorologyspanning over six decade.

l He was also chairman of the CSIR’scommittee on climate change, andchairperson of the Research andAdvisory Council of the NationalCentre for Medium RangeWeather Forecast.

l Dev Raj Sikka was the force behindthe Monsoon Mission, an India-UKscientific collaboration that aimed atsetting up the infrastructure andman-power to improve the predictionat all-time scales.

M. Chandrakasul Former Agriculture Minister of

Puducherry M. Chandrakasu diedof renal failure in Chennai onMarch 10, 2017.

l Chandrakasu was first elected asCongress legislator from Neduncadureserved constituency in Karaikalin 1980.

l He retained the seat in the 1985 pollsand became Speaker of the Assembly.

l He was Minister in the CongressMinistry led by V. Vaithilingambetween 1991 and 1996 afterbeing elected for the thirdsuccessive termfrom Neduncadu.

l He was Agriculture Minister inthe AINRC government formedby Rangasamy in 2011.

Ronald Dreverl Ronald Drever passed away on

March 7, 2017.l He was one of the co-founders of

the Laser InterferometerGravitational wave Observatory(LIGO) detectors that detectedthe gravitational waves set-off by the merger of a binary black hole pair eighteen months ago.

l In 1984, the National ScienceFoundation signed an agreement for the construction of LIGO,with Drever, Thorne and Weissas leaders.

l They have also won many otherprizes for being the pioneers ofthe discovery of gravitationalwaves—The SpecialBreakthrough Prize for 2016, The Gruber Cosmology Prize, TheKavli prize for astrophysics andso on.

Dr. Thomas Starzll Dr. Thomas Starzl, who

pioneered liver transplantsurgery in the 1960s and was aleading researcher intoanti-rejection drugs, died onMarch 6, 2017.

l Dr. Starzl performed the world’sfirst liver transplant in 1963 andthe world’s first successful livertransplant in 1967, andpioneered kidney transplantation from cadavers. He later perfected the process by using identicaltwins and, eventually, otherblood relatives as donors.

l Dr. Starzl joined the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicinein 1981 as professor of surgery,where his studies on theanti-rejection drug cyclosporintransformed transplantationfrom an experimental procedureinto one that gave patients ahope they could survive anotherwise fatal organ failure.


Ashokmitranl Well-known Tamil writer Ashokamitran

passed away at Velachery, after a briefillness on March 23, 2017.

l He began his literary career with the prizewinning play Anbin Parisu, followed bymany short stories and novels. Adistinguished essayist and critic, he wasHonorary Editor of Kanaiyazhi, a Tamilliterary magazine during 1966-89.

l His work includes over 200 short stories,eight novels, some 15 novellas besidesprose. His short stories have been translated into English, Hindi, Malayalam,Telugu and other languages.

l He won Sahitya Akademi Award, Akshara Award, NTR National LiteraryAward, Lily Memorial Award and KK Birla Fellowship. He had received theTamil Nadu government award thrice and the University of Iowa CreativeWriting fellowship in 1973-74.

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1. Which system of firing is used by theUS developed electromagnetic rail gun?a. Purse firing b. Pulse firingc. Shell firing d. Rapid firing

2. Which INS fired the Barak missile onMarch 22, 2017?a. INS-Vikramaditya b. INS-Shardulc. INS-Kaveri d. None of these

3. Which regulator for modern medicineis National Medical Commission setto replace?a. Medical Council of Indiab. Central Council of Indian Medicinec. Central Council of Ayurvedad. Central Council of Unani Medicine

4. India has became the third largestaviation market beating which country?a. The USA b. Chinac. Japan d. The UK

5. How many chromosomes do peoplewith Down’s Syndrome have?a. 45 b. 46c. 47 d. 48

6. Who organised the World Conferenceon Environment on March 25, 2017?a. NGT b. MoEFc. WWF d. PETA

7. Who is Hong Kong’s first female Chiefexecutive w.e.f. March 26, 2017?a. Park Gyuen Hye b. Caroline Lamc. Carrie Lam d. None of these

8. NASA will launch a balloon-basedobservatory called GUSTO, whichstands for?a. Galactic/Extragalactic ULDB

Spectroscopic Terahertz Observatoryb. Galactic/Extragalactic UNDB

Spectroscopic Terahertz Observatoryc. Galactic/Extragalactic UMDB

Spectroscopic Terahertz Observatoryd. Galactic/Extragalactic UCDB

Spectroscopic Terahertz Observatory

9. What was the theme of the 23rdConference of Auditors General ofCommonwealth Countries and BritishOverseas Territories?a. Fostering Partnerships for Capacity


b. Fostering Partnerships for CapacityDevelopment in Public Audit

c. Fostering Partnerships for CapacityDevelopment in Private Audit

d. None of the above

10. Where was the 5th edition of theRashtriya Sanskriti Mahotsav 2017 held?a. Tawang (Arunachal Pradesh)b. Itanagar (Arunachal Pradesh)c. Dimapur (Nagaland)d. Dispur (Assam)

11. Where was the third edition of theInternational Conference on AlternateFuels and Raw Materials in the CementIndustry held?a. New Delhi b. New Bombayc. Kolkata d. Chennai

12. Who has won the Kuldip Nayarjournalism prize on March 26, 2017?a. Ravish Kumarb. Barkha Duttc. Rajdeep Sardesaid. Prannoy Roy

13. The CCEA approved North-East Road Network Connectivity Project coverswhich States?a. Meghalaya and Mizoramb. Mizoram and Manipurc. Manipur and Meghalayad. Meghalaya and Assam

14. Who has been awarded the EllisIsland Medal of Honour 2017?a. Indra Nooyi b. Farid Zakariac. Yashvant Patel d. All of these

15. What does the anti-EU British UKIPparty stand for?a. United Kingdom Independence Partyb. United Kingdom Initiative Partyc. United Kingdom Initiative Policyd. None of the above

16. Where is the National War Memorialbeing set-up?a. New Delhi b. Kochic. Mumbai d. Kolkata

17. Which of the following is the apexpolicy making body for indirect taxes?a. CBEC b. CBACc. CBUC d. CBIC

18. What is this year’s theme of World TB day on March 24, 2017?a. Unite to End TBb. Meet to End TBc. Join to End TBd. Work to End TB

19. Which well known photojournalistwas honoured with Lifetime Achievement Award by I&B Ministry?a. Raghu Rai b. Altaf Qadric. Rajan Devadas d. Dilip Mehta

20. Who has been awarded the AbelPrize 2017 by Norwegian Academy ofScience and Letters?a. John Nash b. Yves Meyerc. Andrew Wiles d. Jacob Sinai

21. Which of the following are provisions of the Finance Bill 2017?a. Aadhaar card mandatory for filing income

tax returns.b. Aadhaar card to be made compulsory for

applying for PAN.c. Cash transaction limit to be ` 2 lakh.d. All of the above

22. Who has been sworn-in as theKerala CJI?a. Justice Navanithi Prasad Singhb. Justice Bobdec. Justice CP Thakurd. None of the above

23. Which Bill aims at equal rights whileseeking treatment, education and job byHIV positive people?a. HIV and AIDS (Prevention and Control)

Bill 2014b. HIV Prevention and Control Bill 2014c. AIDS Prevention and Control Bill 2014d. None of the above

24. Which of the Rockerfeller familyserved in the US army?a. David Rockerfellerb. John D. Rockerfeller IIIc. Laurence Rockerfellerd. None of the above

25. Which river became the first in theworld to get same legal rights as ahuman being?a. River Amazon b. River Gangesc. River Whanganui d. River Nile


Current Affairs

10 MCQs

Page 13: International · India-Singapore tax treaty under which capital gains tax will be levied at source of investments with effect from April 1, 2017. l India had amended the tax treaty

26. With which country did India hold amilitary industrial conference?a. Russia b. The USAc. The UK d. Germany

27. The Union Ministry for textiles hasannounced a solar energy scheme forwhich units from April 1, 2017?a. Solar Energy Scheme for Small

Powerloom Unitsb. Solar Energy Scheme for Medium

Powerloom Unitsc. Solar Energy for Large Powerloom Unitsd. None of the above

28. Which province has its own law toregulate the marriage of Hindusin Pakistan?a. Khyber Pakhtunwalab. Sindhc. Peshaward. None of the above

29. Agricultural growth has risen to what value in 2017?a. 3% b. 4% c. 5% d. 6%

30. India and which country has signed a long term agreement for Sukhoi Su-30MKI combat aircraft fleet?a. Russia b. Siberiac. Tanzania d. None of these

31. World Bank Group approved $ 210million loan for strengthening grampanchayats in which State?a. West Bengal b. Biharc. Jharkhand d. None of these

32. Who has been named as the newUttar Pradesh Chief Minister onMarch 18, 2017?a. Yogi Adityanathb. Sakshi Maharajc. Keshav Prasad Mauryad. Manoj Sinha

33. What was the theme of 13thEconomic Cooperation OrganisationSummit held in Islamabad?a. Listening to Regional Voicesb. Connectivity for Regional Prosperityc. Connectivity for Regional Profitabilityd. None of the above

34. Which city in South India hasachieved 100% waste segregation?a. Tirunelveli b. Trivandrumc. Tuticorin d. None of these

35. Which is the world’s oldest aircraftcarrier in active service?a. INS-Shardul b. INS-Kaveric. INS-Viraat d. INS-Vikrant

36. IT major Symantec released anautomated solution to counter whichcloud bug?a. Cloudburst b. Cloudbleedc. Cloudbust d. None of these

37. Amrita University TBI and CCSNhave set-up India’s first startup hub for?a. Cybersecurity b. Online operationsc. e-Commerce d. Mobile banking

38. What is Udan?

a. Civil aviation/regional connectivityscheme

b. Defence procurement schemec. IAF schemed. None of the above

39. Which playback singer set a newworld record playing most songs on theGayathri veena?a. Vaikom Vijaylakshmib. Kavita Krishnamurthyc. Sunidhi Chauhand. Alka Yagnik

40. Where is Bhagoria festival held?

a. Jhabua b. Dharc. Chambal d. Both (a) and (b)

41. The scientists have developed a newbrain computer interface to read people’s thoughts and correct robotic errorsrelying on?a. Error related potentialsb. Brain signals that occur automaticallyc. Both of the aboved. None of the above

42. Which country has the highestbribery rate in the Asia Pacific region?a. Japan b. Chinac. Pakistan d. India

43. Which country is developing stealthmilitary drones to evade anti-aircraftweapons?a. China b. Japanc. North Korea d. None of these

44. ICC has appointed whom as theofficial ambassador of the Women’sCricket World Cup 2017?a. Sachin Tendulkarb. Anil Kumblec. Sunil Gavaskard. Rahul Dravid

45. Which bank has signed a loanagreement with EESL for energyefficiency in India?a. World Development Bankb. Asian Development Bankc. German Development Bankd. Japan Development Bank

46. Which country barred Turkey’sForeign Minister?a. The Netherlands b. Denmarkc. Finland d. Hungary

47. Eminent Konkani writerMahabaleshwar Sail has been honouredfor which work?a. Hawthan b. Pelthadcho Manisc. Kali Ganga d. None of these

48. The Ministry of Railways signed aletter of intent with the UNEPprogramme for?a. Environmental cooperationb. Joint cooperation mechanism in the field

of environment and sustainabilityc. Both of the aboved. None of the above

49. Indian researchers have found mole-cular evidence of the presence of whichspecies more than 25000 years ago?a. Ostrich b. Eagle c. Kite d. Peacock

50. Punjab Agricultural University hasdeveloped the country’s first GM varietyof cotton namely?a. PAU Bt 1 b. F1861c. Both of these d. None of these

51. Who won the Best Male Actor awardat the Zee Cine Awards 2017?a. Amitabh Bachchanb. Aamir Khanc. Salman Khand. Rishi Kapoor

52. ‘World Kidney Day 2017’ wasobserved with the themea. Kidney Disease and Obesity : Healthy

Lifestyle for Healthy Kidneysb. Chronic Kidney Disease and Agingc. Kidney Health for Alld. Kidney Disease and Children. Act Early to

Prevent It!

53. Senior officials from Bhutan andwhich Indian State will work on thehappiness model?a. Madhya Pradesh b. Chhattisgarhc. Jharkhand d. Bihar

54. Who has been appointed as the ChiefMinister of Goa following 2017 Stateelections?a. Manohar Parrikar b. Laxmikant Parsekarc. Sudin Dhavalikar d. None of these

55. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley hasbeen appointed as the Defence Ministerin Modi government fora. fourth time b. third timec. second time d. fifth time

56. Who has been appointed as theGroup Chairman of HSBC?a. Mark Tucker b. Simon Tucketc. Stuart Gulliver d. None of these

57. The US chipmaker Intel is to buywhich Israeli firm?a. Mobileye b. Mobilquickc. Mobilex d. None of these

58. What is Mission Fingerling for?

a. Holistic development and managementof fisheries

b. Initiating Blue Revolution c. Both of the aboved. None of the above


Page 14: International · India-Singapore tax treaty under which capital gains tax will be levied at source of investments with effect from April 1, 2017. l India had amended the tax treaty

59. TATA Sons has appointed whom tojoin its holding company?a. Ankur Verma b. Ankur Mehtac. Ankur Sharma d. None of these

60. LS passed the Enemy Property(Amendment and Validation) Bill 2016 fora. denial of inheritance rights for heirs whose

ancestors left India for Pakistanb. denial of inheritance rights for heirs whose

ancestors left India for Chinac. Both of the aboved. None of the above

61. Narendra Kumar was appointed asthe new Chairman ofa. CWC b. BMC c. NDMC d. MCD

62. AIADMK announced which first of akind women safety app in Tamil Nadu?a. Ammavin Jagran b. Ammavin Aranc. Ammavin Sharan d. None of these

63. Where was the first fluorescent frogin the world discovered?a. Santa Monica b. Santa Anac. Santa Barbara d. Santa Fe

64. Pakistan has suspended whichcricketers in a spot fixing case?a. Mohammad Irfan b. Shazaib Hassanc. Zulfiqar Babar d. All of these

65. Commonwealth Day 2017 wascelebrated on which date?a. March 12 b. March 14c. March 13 d. March 15

66. NTPC has installed India’s largestfloating solar photo voltaic plant ata. Kayamkulam (Kerala)b. Medak Andhra (Pradesh)c. Thrissur (Kerala)d. Salem (Tamil Nadu)

67. Joanna Rowsell Shand is an Olympicwinner associated with which sports?a. Cycling b. Swimmingc. Weightlifting d. Discus throw

68. MoU in shipping was approved bythe Union Cabinet on March 15, 2017witha. Bangladesh b. Pakistanc. Nepal d. Sri Lanka

69. Who has been sworn in as ManipurChief Minister?a. Okram Ibobi Singhb. Biren Singhc. Yumnan Joykumar Singhd. None of the above

70. Who has been appointed as theadministrator for medicare and medicaidservices in the USA?a. Seema Vermab. Nikki Haleyc. Sunita Williamsd. Priti Patel

71. Pakistan is planning to declare whichregion as its 5th province?a. Khyber Pakhtunwalab. Gilgit Baltistanc. Northern Aread. Both (b) and (c)

72. Which Asian vendor become the firstplatinum member of OpenStackFoundation?a. Xiaomi b. Honorc. Huawei d. Baidu

73. Clean Ganga mission saw 20 moreprojects launched in which States?a. Uttarakhand b. Uttar Pradeshc. Bihar d. All of these

74. The SEBI has allowed celebs toendorse which products?a. Stocks and shares b. Mutual fundsc. Dividends d. Insurance

75. Who has been sworn-in as the26th Chief Minister of Punjab?a. G. Badalb. Capt. Amarinder Singhc. Navjot Singh Sidhud. None of the above

76. FTII and Canon signed an MoUto promotea. film education b. film fundingc. film production d. None of these

77. What does TIES stand for?

a. Trade Infrastructure for Export Schemeb. Trade Investment for Export Schemec. Trade India for Export Schemed. None of the above

78. The Union Cabinet on March 15,2017 approved MoU for border haatswith which country?a. Bangladesh b. Burmac. Bhutan d. Borneo

79. Which singer turned Union Ministerhas been appointed as the Vice-Presidentof U-17 FIFA World Cup committee?a. Babul Supriyo b. Hema Malinic. Lata Mangeshkar d. None of these

80. Royal assent has been given to Brexit Bill to trigger which Article of the EULisbon Treaty?a. Article-50 b. Article-51c. Article-52 d. Article-53

81. The students of MIT-Pune and IBMhave developed which robot to assistsenior citizens in everyday tasks?a. Chintu b. Mintuc. Chintan d. None of these

82. What will be the impact of WorldBank approving $ 175 for India’sHydrology Project?a. Strengthening the capacity of existing

institutions to assess the water situation

b. Equipping them with real time floodforecast systems across the nation

c. Helping new states to better managewater flows from reservoirs

d. All of the above

83. The Union Cabinet on March 15, 2017approved the National Health Policy fora. increasing public healthcare expenditure

to 2.5% of GDPb. allocation of more than two-thirds of the

resources towards primary healthcarec. Both of the aboved. None of the above

84. Where is Asia’s first greenfieldtraining facility being set-up?a. Pakistan b. Indiac. Sri Lanka d. Bangladesh

85. Parliamentary panel has suggestedmerger of which two PSU firms for theirlong term survival?a. MNTL, SAIL b. BSNL, SAILc. MTNL, BSNL d. None of these

86. BJP has picked Trivendra SinghRawat as the new Chief Minister ofa. Manipur b. Goac. Uttar Pradesh d. Uttarakhand

87. Bandhan Bank has signed anagreement with which payment solutionsprovider to offer seamless access to PoS?a. Avenues India Private Limitedb. Paytmc. BillDeskd. DirecPay

88. Who has became the Chairperson ofthe National Commission for SafaiKaramcharis?a. Manhar Valji b. Manju Dilerc. Dalip Kallu Hathibed d. None of these

89. The Union Cabinet has approved anMoU between LBSNAA anda. Namibia Institute of Public Administration

and Managementb. Namibia Institute of Management and

Public Administrationc. Namibia Institute of Managementd. Namibia Institute of Public Administration

90. NITI Aayog will start a process tomake States prepare WMI. What doesWMI stand for?a. Water Management Indexb. Water Maximum Indexc. Water Mineral Indexd. None of the above

91. Modi government has initiated whichprison reform?a. Migrating to e-prisons, a software to

integrate prison data across the nation b. Attempt at long pending prison reformsc. Re lease of un der tri als booked for

petty crimesd. All of the above


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MAY 2017 M

Directions (Q.Nos. 1-4) Select the related word/letters/number from thegiven alternatives.

1. Tropic of Cancer : Latitude :: PrimeMeridian : ?a. Equi nox b. Con tour linec. Lon gi tude d. Cli ma tic zone


3. HNP : JPR :: QRS : ?a. KNO b. STUc. NQR d. TZA

4. 14 : 225 : : 17 : ?a. 225 b. 324 c. 342 d. 569

Directions (Q.Nos. 5-8) Select the odd word/letters/number/ number pairfrom the given alternatives.

5. a. Bridge b. Es ca la torc. Lad der d. Stair case

6. a. VTR b. JLOc. PNL d. HFD

7. a. 1256 b. 5397c. 8765 d. 9842

8. a. 1728 b. 5789c. 6088 d. 4321

Directions (Q.Nos. 9-12) A seriesis given with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the givenones that will complete the series.

9. Zoo, National Park, WildlifeSanctuary, ?a. Bio sphere Re serve b. For estc. Bo tan i cal Gar den d. Prai rie

10. LMN, NPP, PSR, ?a. QRS b. RQTc. PQR d. RVT

11. FD, HF, KH, OJ, ?a. GH b. EFc. RS d. TL

12. 1, 6, 21, 66, ?a. 250 b. 201 c. 310 d. 308

13. In the following question, twostatements are given each followed bytwo conclusions I and II. You have toconsider the statements to be true even ifthey seem to be at variance fromcommonly known facts. You have todecide which of the given conclusions, ifany, follows from the given statements.Statements

I. Demonetisation has evolved need forleaning Electronic Payment System(EPS).

II. EPS will enable people to go cashless and use plastic money for most of theirtransactions.

ConclusionsI. EPS is quick, safe, and easy way of

transaction of money from one accountto another.

II. Cashless transactions will further curbthe black marketing of money inupcoming time.

a. Only con clu sion II fol lowsb. Con clu sion I and II both fol lowc. Nei ther I nor II fol lowd. Only con clu sion I fol lows

14. If day before yesterday was Sunday,then which day of the week will the sixth day from today be?a. Wednes day b. Tues dayc. Mon day d. Thurs day

15. Arrange the given words in thesequence in which they occur in thedictionary.1. Regulate 2. Remedy3. Reassemble 4. Research

a. 3, 1, 2, 4 b. 1, 2, 3, 4c. 4, 2, 1, 3 d. 1, 3, 4, 2

16. In a certain code language,AUSTRALIA is written as @$!#^@*[email protected] is ‘STRAIT’ written in that codelanguage?a. !#^@?# b. !#@^?#c. !#^?@# d. !#^@#?

17. In the following question, select themissing number from the given series.



J J ?

a. R b. K c. L d. O

18. If + means ‘subtraction’, x means‘division’, ‘̧ ’ means ‘addition’ and ‘-’means ‘multiplication’, then

15 5 78 5 4´ + - ¸ = ?a. -391 b. -460 c. -475 d. -743

19. In the following question, which oneset of letters when sequentially placed atthe gaps in the given letter series shallcomplete it?


20. A boy leaves his home. He walks45 m in south-west direction and then145 m in North-East direction. Then, hemoves 60 m in South direction. How faris he now from his initial position?a. 100 m b. 80 m c. 40 m d. 60 m


Staff Selection Commission

Solved Paper

+SSC 10 2(TIER-1) Exam 2017

Exam Held on January 22, 2017

Maximum Marks 200Time Allotted 75 min

Part I General Intelligence

Page 16: International · India-Singapore tax treaty under which capital gains tax will be levied at source of investments with effect from April 1, 2017. l India had amended the tax treaty

MAY 2017M

21. A word is represented by only oneset of numbers as given in any one of thealternatives. The sets of numbers given in the altrnatives are represented by twoclasses of alphabets as shown in thegiven two matrices. The columns androws of Matrix I are numbered from 0 to4 and that of Matrix II are numberedfrom 5 to 9. A letter from these matricescan be represented first by its row andnext by its column, for example, ‘N’ canbe represented by 21, 43 etc. And ‘R’ canbe represented by 66, 57 etc. Similarly,you have to identify the set for the word‘GEAR’.

Matrix-I Matrix-II

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 A S E G A 5 E T R R F

1 Q D H L S 6 G R P L R

2 W N T K D 7 I O U R M

3 H D Y A F 8 D F R K Q

4 R G A N G 9 S R W D E

a. 03,99,57,77 b. 44,55,42,66c. 41,00,02,78 d. 65,02,00,43

22. Introducing a boy, a girl says, ‘He isthe son of the only sister of my mother'sbrother’. How is the boy related to thatgirl?a. Fa ther-in-law b. Brotherc. Cousin d. Niece

23. If a mirror is placed on the line MN,then which of the answer figures is theright image of the given figure?

24. Identify the diagram that bestrepresents the relationship among thegiven classes.

Society, Friends, Enemies

25. A piece of paper is folded andpunched as shown below in the questionfigures. From the given answer figures,indicate how it will appear when opened.

26. Who built the Buddhist monumentsat Sanchi?a. Mughal dy nasty b. Maurya dy nastyc. Gupta dy nasty d. Chola dy nasty

27. Gulzar won Oscars for the movie‘Slumdog Millionaire’ in the category ofa. Best sound mix ing b. Best orig i nal scorec. Best orig i nal songd. Best for eign lan guage film

28. Which of the following is a primaryfunction of haemoglobin?a. Uti li sa tion of en ergyb. Pre ven tion of anae miac. De struc tion of bac te riad. To trans port ox y gen

29. Vascular bundles are absent ina. Bryophyta b. Pteridophytac. Gym no sperms d. An gio sperms

30. Sauria lacertidae is the scientificname ofa. croc o dile b. hip po pot a musc. liz ard d. house fly

31. In chemistry, soap is a salt of aa. fatty acid b. gly colc. phos pho rusd. am mo nium car bon ate

32. A ........... is a pair of forces, equal inmagnitude, oppositely directed, anddisplaced by perpendicular distance ormoment.a. bond b. cou ple c. pair d. duo

33. Which of these is not an OperatingSystem?a. An droid b. iOSc. HTML d. Symbian

34. Chapchar Kut is a festival of whichState?a. Manipur b. Nagalandc. Mizoram d. Meghalaya

35. Find arc elasticity of demand, ifquantity demanded falls from 750 units to 650 units when price of the item isincreased from ̀ 15 to ̀ 20?a. 0.5 b. - 0.5 c. - 2 d. 2

36. In which stage of the business cyclethe inventory stock will be the highest?a. Boom b. De pres sionc. Re ces sion d. Re cov ery

37. Which type of pathogen causes thewater-borne disease SARS (Severe AcuteRespiratory Syndrome)?a. Vi ral b. Par a siticc. Pro to zoan d. Bac te rial

38. Excessive richness of nutrients in alake or other body of water is calleda. Bio mag ni fi cation b. Global Warm ingc. Salination d. Eutrophication

39. Which of the following is a Directtax?a. Ex cise duty b. Cus toms dutyc. Ser vice tax d. Wealth tax

40. The boundary line between India and Pakistan is calleda. McMahon line b. Maginot linec. Radcliffe line d. Sir Creek

41. Which city is located on the banks of the river Mahanadi?a. Bengaluru b. Cuttackc. Badrinath d. Kota

42. When was the battle of Haldighatifought?a. 1776 b. 1676 c. 1576 d. 1476

43. In 1498, which Portuguese explorerdiscovered a new sea route from Europeto India?a. Vasco da Gamab. Chris to pher Co lum busc. Sir Fran cis Draked. John Cabot

44. Who invented Aspirin?a. Ruth Han dler b. John Haringtonc. Rowland Hill d. Fe lix Hoffmann

45. A larger force on a rotating bodyresults in largera. mass b. torquec. axis of ro ta tion d. cen tre of mass

46. What is the unit of the physicalquantity, magnetic flux density?a. Siemens b. Weberc. Henry d. Tesla

47. Article-24 of the Indian Constitution‘Prohibition of employment of children in factories, etc’ deals with?a. fun da men tal rights of the In dian Cit i zenb. Un ion gov ern mentc. State gov ern mentd. Di rec tive prin ci ples of State pol icy

48. Article-134A of the IndianConstitution ‘Certificate for appeal to the Supreme Court’ deals with?a. State gov ern mentb. Un ion gov ern mentc. Fun da men tal rights of the In dian cit i zend. Di rec tive prin ci ples of State pol icy

49. Highest number of test hundreds isscored bya. Jacques Kallis b. Sachin Tendulkarc. Ricky Ponting d. Brian Lara

50. Who is the author of ‘Can LoveHappen Twice’?a. Keshav Aneel b. Ravinder Singhc. Sudeep Nagarkar d. Aravind Adiga




a. b. c. d.

a. b. c. d.

a. b. c. d.

Part II General Awareness

Page 17: International · India-Singapore tax treaty under which capital gains tax will be levied at source of investments with effect from April 1, 2017. l India had amended the tax treaty

51. The two numbers are 63 and 77, HCF is 7, Find the LCM.a. 668 b. 693 c. 674 d. 680

52. The total cost of a washing machinewith an electric chimney was ̀ 57750.The electric chimney was sold at a profitof 34% and the washing machine at a loss of 24%. If the sale price was the same inboth the items, then the cost price of thecheaper item wasa. ` 26850 b. ` 20900c. ` 28875 d. ` 25850

53. If ( ) ( )7 12 3 7 14- - - =x x , then thevalue of x isa. - 4 b. 0c. 5 d. 2

54. Find the roots of the quadraticequation 6 2 11 35 0´ - - =xa. 5/3, - 7/2 b. - 5/3, 7/2c. - 3/5, 2/7 d. 3/5, - 2/7

55. If 5 2 4 1x x+ < + and 2 4 2 4 1( )x x- - £ - ; then x can takewhich of the following values?a. 0 b. 2 c. 4 d. - 2

56. Two students appeared for anexamination. One of them secured 10marks more than the other and his marks were 75% of the sum of their marks. Themarks obtained by them area. 52 and 42 b. 68 and 58c. 63 and 53 d. 15 and 5

57. By increasing the price of entryticket to a fair in the ratio 3 : 7, thenumber of visitors to the fair hasdecreased in the ratio 16 : 13. In whatratio has the total collection increased ordecreased?a. de creased in the ra tio 91 : 48b. in creased in the ra tio 48 : 91c. in creased in the ra tio 39 : 112d. de creased in the ra tio 112 : 39

58. To cover a distance of 315 km in 2.8hours what should be the average speedof the car?a. 112.5 m/s b. 56.25 m/sc. 62.5 m/s d. 31.25 m/s

59. In an arithmetic progression, if 17 isthe 3rd term, - 25 is the 17th term, then -1 is which term?a. 10 b. 11c. 9 d. 12

60. The distance between the points (4,-8) and (k,0) is 10. Find k?a. k = 6 or - 2 b. k = 10 or - 2c. k = 10 or - 4 d. k = 6 or - 4

61. Praful has done 1/2 of a job in 30days, Sarabjit completes the rest of thejob in 10 days. In how many days canthey together do the job?a. 30 days b. 45 daysc. 15 days d. 60 days

62. Ticket for an adult is ̀ 500 and achild is ̀ 200. 1 child goes free with twoadults. If a group has 20 adults and 8children what will be the discount thegroup get?a. 53.43 % b. 13.79 %c. 32.2 % d. 35.06 %

63. A factory buys 8 machines.3 Machine A, 2 Machine B and restMachine C. Prices of the machines are ̀100000, ̀ 80000 and ̀ 45000 respectively.

Calculate the average cost of thesemachines?a. 74375 b. 75000 c. 75625 d. 72875

64. What is the equation of the linewhich passes through the points (2, 3)and (- 4, 1)?a. x y- = -3 7 b. x y+ =3 7c. x y- =3 7 d. x y+ = -3 7

65. In DABC, the angle bisector of ÐAcuts BC at E. Find length of AC, if lengths of AB, BE and EC are 9 cm, 3.6 cm and2.4 cm?a. 5.4 cm b. 8 cm c. 4.8 cm d. 6 cm

66. The effective annual rate of interestcorresponding to a nominal rate of 22%per annum payable half-yearly isa. 44% b. 23.21% c. 46.42% d. 22%

67. In a triangle, the length of theopposite side of the angle whichmeasures 45° is 8 2 cm, what is thelength of the side opposite to the anglewhich measures 90°?a. 16 cm b. 4v3 cm c. 8v3 cm d. 6v3 cm

68. If the volume of a cylinder is 2156cubic cm and height is 14 cm, find itsradius?a. 14 cm b. 21 cm c. 3.5 cm d. 7 cm

69. What is the value of cot4



a. 1

3b. - 3 c. - 1 d. 3

70. 22 2

cos( )

. cos( )C D C D+é




ûú is

equal to

a. cos cosC D- b. sin sinC D+c. cos cosC D+ d. sin sinC D-

71. cot sin2 2A A is equal toa. cot cos2 2A A+ b. tan cos2 2A A-

c. cot cos2 2A A- d. tan cos2 2A A+

72. Refer the below data table andanswer the following question.

Quantity ofStock

AverageCost (`)

Mobile Phones 70 9000

Cameras 70 9000

TVs 82 49000

Refrigerators 88 49000

ACs 37 27000

What is the value of the total stock (in lakh rupees)?a. 1058.9 b. 143 c. 347 d. 105.89

73. Refer the below data table andanswer the following question.

Year Ratio Import/Export

2011 0.7

2012 1.1

2013 0.9

2014 1.5

2015 1.2

If the imports in 2012 was ̀ 1000 croresand the total exports in the years 2012and 2013 together was ̀ 3200 crores, then the imports in 2013 was?a. 2062 b. 2291c. 909 d. 2545

74. Refer the below data table andanswer the following question

Measured onBirthday

Height of the child(in cm)

4 100

5 105

6 110

7 120

8 130

9 140

10 145

11 155

12 165

13 170

14 175

15 185

16 195

What was the increase in the height ofthe child from the 5th birthday to the14th birthday?a. 75 cm b. 80 cmc. 65 cm d. 70 cm

75. Refer the below data table andanswer the following question

Deep sleep 2.5

Dreaming 0.3

Light sleep 0.5

Extremely light sleep 2.5

Awake 3.5

Between 10 pm to 6 am, a fitness bandrecords the following data. How long was the user Dreaming or in Extremely lightsleep?a. 2.8 h b. 2.3 hc. 1.3 h d. 3.3 h

76. Select the word with the correctspelling.a. Isommetry b. Art fullyc. Mud dling d. Carkasses

77. Select the antonym of ‘Privy’.a. Ul te rior b. Ob scurec. Co vert d. Pub lic

Part IV English Language

Part III Quantitative Aptitude

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1. (c) Tropic of Cancer is a line on attitudewhereas prime meridian is a line on longitude.

2. (d) The alphabets of the words are writtenin reverse order

3. (b)

4. (b) ( ) ( )14 1 15 2252 2+ = =

( ) ( )17 1 18 3242 2+ = =

5. (a) Escalater, Ladder and staircass areused to climb to next floor, whereas bridge is used to join two mountains are cliffs.

6. (b)

7. (d)

Sum of middle two digit and extreme twodigits are same, but in 9842, they are notsame.

8. (a) 1728 is a perfect cube, but rest of thenumbers are not perfect cube ( )12 17283 = .

9. (a) 200, National park, wild life sanctuaryand biosphere reserve, all are used toconserve and protect wild life.

10. (d)

11. (d)

12. (b)

13. (c) Both of the conclusions can’t bedefinitely concluded from given statements

14. (c) If the day before yesterday wasSunday, then today is Tuesday,

Sixth day from Tuesday is Monday.

15. (a) Reassemble, Regulate, Remedy,Research.

16. (a)


! # ^ @ ? #

17. (b)

18. (a) 15 5 78 5 4´ + - ¸


578 5 4- ´ +

+ ® -, ´ ® ¸, ¸ ® + , - ® ´


5394- Þ 3 394-

Þ - 391

19. (a)

The pattern which follows is reversealphabetical order.

is C D E F « F E D C

20. (b)

Required distance, BE = -( ) ( )100 602 2

= 6400 = 80 m

21. (b) G ® 44 (Matrix I)

E ® 55 (Matrix II)

A ® 42 (Matrix I)

R ® 66 (Matrix II)

22. (b) Girl’s mother’s brother’s only sister is her mother and the son of her mother is her brother.

23. (c)

24. (b)

25. (b)

26. (b) The ‘Great Stupa’ at Sanchi is theoldest structure and was originallycommissioned by the emperor Ashokathe Great in the 3rd century BCE. Ashokabelonged to the Mauryan Empire andmost of the Buddhist monuments werebuild during this period only.

27. (c) Gulzar won Oscars in the categoryof Best Original Song for the song ‘Jai Ho’ in movie named Slumdog Millionaire.

28. (d) The major function of haemoglobin is to transport oxygen from the lungs tothe body’s tissues and then transportcarbon dioxide out of the tissue back tothe lungs.

29. (a) Bryophyte, traditional name for any nonvascular seedless plant. In contrast tovascular plants, the bryophyte sporophyte usually lacks a complex vascular systemand produces only one spore-containingorgan (sporangium) rather than many.

30. (c)

Scientific Name Animal

Sauria lacertidae Lizard

Crocodylus niloticus Crocodile

Hippopotamus amphibious Hippopotamus

Musca domestica House fly

31. (a) Soap is produced by a saponification or basic hydrolysis reaction of a fat or oil.Currently, sodium carbonate or sodiumhydroxide is used to neutralise the fatty acidand convert it to the salt.

32. (b)

33. (c) Operating System is the low-levelsoftware that supports a computer’s basicfunctions, such as scheduling tasks andcontrolling peripherals. Hypertext MarkupLanguage (HTML), a standardised system fortagging text files to achieve font, colour,graphic, and hyperlink effects on World WideWeb pages. All others are operating systems.

34. (c) The Chapchar Kut is a festival ofMizoram, India. It is celebrated during Marchafter completion of their most arduous task ofJhum operation i.e., jungle-clearing (clearing of the remnants of burning). It is a spring festivalcelebrated with great fervor and gaiety.

35. (b)

36. (b) In eco nom ics, a de pres sion is asus tained, long-term downturn in economicactivity in one or more economies. The value of money depreciates in this phase which leadsto increase in Inventory stock.

37. (a) SARS is caused by a member of thecoronavirus family of viruses (the same familythat can cause the common cold). It is believed the 2003 epidemic started when the virusspread from small mammals in China. Whensomeone with SARS coughs or sneezes,infected droplets spray into the air.

38. (d) Eutrophication refers to the excessiverichness of nutrients in a lake or other body ofwater, frequently due to run-off from the land,which causes a dense growth of plant life.

Biomagnification, also known asbioamplification or biological magnification, isthe increasing concentration of a substance,such as a toxic chemical, in the tissues oforganisms at successively higher levels in afood chain.

Global Warming is the increase of Earth’saverage surface temperature due to effect ofgreenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxideemissions from burning fossil fuels or fromdeforestation, which trap heat that wouldotherwise escape from Earth.

39. (d) A tax, such as income tax, which islevied on the income or profits of the personwho pays it, rather than on goods or services is called as direct tax.

Key examples of direct taxes are

Income tax, Wealth tax, Corporation tax

1 2 5 6



5 3 9 7



8 7 6 5



9 8 4 2



+2L N +2 P +2 R+3M P +3 S +3 V+2N P +2 R +2 T

+2F H +3 K +4 O +5 T+2D F +2 H +2 J +2 L

1 6

(1×3)+3 (6×3)+3


(21×3)+3 (66×3)+3

66 201


@ @$ ! # ^ * ? @


Hints Solutionsand










+2 +2+2







+2 +2+2 (N)











60 m





Starting point BEnd point E

Page 19: International · India-Singapore tax treaty under which capital gains tax will be levied at source of investments with effect from April 1, 2017. l India had amended the tax treaty

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40. (c) The Radcliffe Line was published onAugust 17, 1947 as a boundary demarcation line between India and Pakistan upon thePartition of India. It was name after itsarchitect, Sir Cyril Radcliffe, who, aschairman of the Border Commissions McMcMahon line is between India and China

Sir Creek is a 96 km tidal es tu ary on thebor der of In dia and Pa ki stan. The creek,which opens up into the Ara bian Sea,di vides the Gujarat State of In dia from theSindh prov ince of Pa ki stan.

The Maginot Line named after the FrenchMinister of War Andre Maginot, was a line ofconcrete fortifications, obstacles, andweapon installations built by France in the1930s to deter invasion by Germany.Constructed on the Fench side of its borders with Seitzerland, germany, and Luxembourg,

41. (b)

City River

Bengaluru Vrishabhavathi

Cuttack Mahanadi

Badrinath Alaknanda

Kota Chambal

42. (c) The Battle of Haldighati was fought in Haldighati, Rajasthan on June 18 or 21,1576 for around four hours between Rana of Mewar, Maharana Pratap and MughalEmperor Akbar’s forces led by Man Singh I.

43. (a) The discovery of the sea route toIndia is the description sometimes used inEurope and among the Portuguese for thefirst recorded trip made directly from Europe to India via the Atlantic Ocean. It wasundertaken under the command ofPortuguese explorer Vasco da Gama duringthe reign of King Manuel I in 1497-1499.

44. (d) Felix Hoffmann, a German chemist,produced a stable form of acetylsalicylicacid, more commonly known as aspirin, in1897. Aspiring is used to reduce fever andrelieve mild to moderate pain fromconditions such as muscle aches,toothaches, common cold, and headaches.Aspirin is known as a salicylate and anonsteroidal anti-inflammatory durg(NSAID).

45. (b)

46. (d)

Physical Quantity Unit

Electyrical Conductance Siemens

Magnetic flux Weber

Inductance Henry

Magnetic flux Density Tesla

47. (a) Article-24 mandates that No childbelow age of 14 years shall be employed towork any factory or mine or engaged in anyother hazardous employment.Article-(12-35) deals with the fundamentalrights of the citizen of India.

48. (b)

49. (b) Sachin Tendulkar has scored 100centuries (100 or more runs) in Test matches and One Day International (ODI) matches,organised by the International CricketCouncil. His total of 51 centuries in Test matches and 49 in ODIs is a world record for highest number of centuries by a batsman.

50. (b)

51. (b) LCM =´63 77

7 = 693

52. (b) Let, the CP of washing machine be ` x

Then the CP of the chimney will be ` ( )57750 - x

SP of washing machine = SP of Chimney( )100 24


-´ x =

( )( )

100 34


+´ - x




10057750´ = -x x( )

76 134 57750 134x x= ´ -

210 134 57750x = ´

x =´134 57750


x = ` 36850

So, the cheaper item will be chimney.

CP of chimney = ` ( )57750 36850-

= ` 20900

53. (b) ( ) ( )7 12 3 7 14- - - =x x

7 12 3 7 14- - + =x x

- + =15 14 14x

- =15 0x

x = 0

54. (b) 6 11 35 02x x- - =

6 21 10 35 02x x x- + - =

3 2 7 5 2 7 0x x x( ) ( )- + - =

( )( )3 5 2 7 0x x+ - =

x x=-





55. (d) Putting x = - 2

5 2 2 8( )- + = -

4 2 1 7( )- + = -

Þ 5 2 4 1x x+ < +

2 2 4 2 14( )- - - = -

4 2 1 9( )- - = -

Þ 2 4 2 4 1( )x x- - £ -

56. (d) Let, the marks of first students be x

Then marks of second students be ( )x + 10

According to the questions

( ) ( )x x+ = +1075

1002 10

x x+ = +103

42 10( )

x x+ = +103

25( )

2 20 3 15x x+ = +

x = 5 x + =10 15

57. (b) Total collection = Price of each entryticket x number of visitors

Increase in ratio = ´ ´16 3 13 7: = 48 91:

58. (d) Total distance = 315 km = 315000 m

Total time = ´ ´2 8 60 60. sec

Average speed = Total distance

Total time

=´ ´


2 8 60 60. = 3125. m/s

59. (c) a a d3 17 2= = + …(i)

a a d17 16 25= + = - …(ii)

From Eqs. (i) and (ii)

a d+ =2 17

a d+ = -16 25

- =14 42d

d = - 3 a = 23

Let, nth term of the given AP is - 1

then an = - 1

a n d+ - = -( )1 1

23 1 3 1+ - - = -( )( )n

23 3 3 1- + = -x

- = - -3 1 26n

- = -3 27n n = 9

60. (b) ( ) ( ) ( )K - + + =4 0 8 102 2 2

K K2 16 8 64 100+ - + =

K K2 8 20 0- - =

K K K2 10 2 20 0- + - =

K K K( ) ( )- + - =10 2 10 0

( )( )K K+ - =2 10 0

K = - 2, K = 10

61. (c) Praful complete full Job in

= ´ =30 2 60 days

Sarabjit completes full job in

= ´ =10 2 20 days

Their combined one day work

= +1



20 =


60 =



So, they both take 15 days to complete fullJob.

62. (b) Total Price of the ticket withoutdiscount = ´ + ´` ( )20 500 200 8 = ` 11600

Total Price of ticket with discount

= ´` ( )20 500 = ` 10000

Total discount % = ( )11600 10000


= 1379. %

63. (a) Average cost of all the machines

=´ + ´ + ´` ( )3 100000 2 80000 3 45000


= `595000

8 = ` 74375

64. (a) x y- = -3 7

(2, 3) (- 4, 1)( , )x x1 2 ( , )x y2 2

Equation of line is

( ) ( )y yy y

x xx x- =



2 1

2 11

( )( )

( )( )y x- =


- --3

1 3

4 22

y x- =-



62( )

Page 20: International · India-Singapore tax treaty under which capital gains tax will be levied at source of investments with effect from April 1, 2017. l India had amended the tax treaty

y x- = -31

32( )

3 9 2y x- = -

3 2 2 9y x t- -

3 7y x- =

x y- = -3 7

65. (d) In DABC At. is the angle bisector

then according to the angle bisect ortheorem





9 3 6

2 4AC=



AC =´9 2 4

3 6



AC = 6 cm

66. (b) Rate of interest half yearly

= =22

211% half yearly

effective annual rate = + +´

11 1111 11


= +22121


= +22 1.21 = 23.21%

67. (a) DABC is a right angle triangle

Ð = °B 90 , Ð = °C 45

\ Ð = °A 90 (Angle sum property of D)

\ AB BC= = 8 2 cm

By Pythagoras theorem,

AC = +( ) ( )8 2 8 22 2

= 256 = 16 cm

68. (d) h = 14 cm, r = ?

Volume = 2156 cm3

pr h2 2156=


714 21562´ ´ =r

r2 2156 7

22 14=



r2 49= r = 49

r = 7 cm

69. (a) cot cot4



öø÷ = °

cot cot ( )240 60 180° = ° + °

Þ cot 60° Þ 1

60tan ° Þ



70. (c) 22 2

cos cosC D C D+é





[ cos cos cos( ) cos( )]Q2 A B A B A B= + + -

cosC D C d+ + -é



++ - +é





cos cos2




C Dæèç

öø÷ + æ



cos cosC D+

71. (c) cot cos2 2A A






AA´ =







From option (c),

cot cos2 2A A-







Þcos sin cos


2 2 2





Þcos ( sin )


2 2


1A A



Þcos cos


2 2




´ Þ







Hence, cot cos cot cos2 2 2 2A A A A= -

72. (d) To tal value of stock

= ´ + ´` [( ) ( )70 9000 70 9000

+ ´ + ´( ) ( )82 49000 88 49000

+ ´( )]37 27000

= ` 10589000 = ` 105.89 Lakh

73. (a) Im port in 2012 = ` 1000 crore

In 2012 = Import

Export= 11. = Export =



export in 2012 = ` 1000

11. crore'

Total export in year 2013

= ` 320010000



öø÷ crore

= `35200 10000



öø÷ crore = `



Import in 2013 = 0 9. ´ export = ´0 925200


= ` 2060 crore

74. (d) In crease in height = ( )175 105- cm

= 70 cm

75. (a) Re quired time = +( . . )2 5 0 3 hr = 2 8. h

76. (b) Cor rect spell ing is ‘art fully’ whichweans clev erly or carefully. While otherwords are wrong as their correct spell ing is(a) isometry (c) mud dle (d) car cass

77. (d) Privy means pri vate, so ‘pub lic’ willbe its cor rect ant onym.

78. (a) ‘It is essential to clean thoroughlythe mixer after each batch’ will be thecorrect sentence because essential isalways followed by infinitive (to + verb).

79. (c) ‘Nikki told Jyoti that she could do that Job’. Will be correct indirect speech of thegiven sentence.

80. (a)

81. (c) Phrase ‘to bend over backwards’means ‘to make every effort to achievesomething, especially to be fair or helpful’.

She will bend over backwards to help you; you just have to ask.

82. (c) The given sentence is in simplepresent tense, so the Passive voice will beaccording to the following rule

Active —Subject + verb (1st form) + s/es +object.

Passive — Object + is/am/are + verb (3rdform) + by + Subject.

So, the correct passive of the givensentence will be

Every morning the office is vacuumed anddusted by the office boy.

83. (b) Reverent is the correct substitute ofgiven phrase (feeling or showing deep andsolemn respect)

84. (c) Right is the correct option to fill in the blanks, as we all have our voting right.

85. (c) Chuckle means to laugh in wardly and qui etly so, la ment will be its ant onym whichmeans to mourn aloud or to ex press sor row. While other op tions are syn onyms ofchuckle.

86. (b) ‘An nul’ will be the cor rect sub sti tuteof the given phrase to de clare in valid anof fi cial agree ment, de ci sion, or result.’

87. (b) This may sound like a lot, un til onelooks at the scale of the ac tual prob lem.

88. (a) Part (A) of the sen tence is wrong,de lete prep o si tion ‘on’

Correct sentence is ‘Ajay glanced at herlaughing and watched her intently.

89. (d) ex ten sive is the cor rect word to befilled in the blank as ex ten sive means huge.

I did not know he had such an extensivecollection of books.

90. (c) Caricature and cartoon both mean apicture, description, or imitation of a personthat create a comic effect.

91. (c)

92. (a) gondolas is the correct spelling out of the given options, as it means boat or avehicle for water travel.

93. (b) ‘Ought not to’ will re place ‘had n’tought to’ in the given sen tence as ‘had’ and‘ought to’ can not be used to gether be cause they both are help ing verbs.

Ravi ought not to have done that to Shaina.

94. (d) Predispose and incline both mean‘to make someone liable to a specificattitude, action, or condition.

95. (a) He actually announce a plan of action detailing how he intends to bring thebusinessman to book.

96. (d) 97. (a) 98. (a) 99. (b) 100. (b)



B E C 3.6 cm 2.4 cm

9 cm











Page 21: International · India-Singapore tax treaty under which capital gains tax will be levied at source of investments with effect from April 1, 2017. l India had amended the tax treaty

MAY 2017M

Directions (Q.Nos. 1-3) Choosethe word which is nearest in meaningto the bold typed words.

1. The officer was divested of all power.a. Bared b. Denuded c. Dispossessed d. Disrobed

2. He is liked by all for his candidbehaviour.a. Social b. Simple c. Frank d. Sociable

3. In his old age the man turned a fatalist.a. Disbeliever in Godb. Believer in Godc. Believer in fated. Non-believer in destiny

Directions (Q.Nos. 4-6) Choosethe best word or expression tocomplete the sentences.

4. He lives in the world of …………… .a. allusions b. illusions c. conclusions d. delusions

5. The husband was taken aback whenhis wife …………… to him that she…………… him for his money.a. revealed; had married b. declared; marriedc. revealed; married d. confirmed; has married

6. He informed ………… me to the police.a. about b. against c. for d. with

Directions (Q.Nos. 7-9) Choose the opposite meaning of the given words.

7. Transparenta. Obvious b. Distinct c. Opaque d. Consistent

8. Immensea. Insignificant b. Significant c. Huge d. Gigantic

9. Modesta. Lenient b. Reserved c. Humble d. Arrogant

Directions (Q.Nos. 10-12) In each of the following questions variouswords are given, one of which iswrongly spelt. Find out the wronglyspelt words.

10. a. Broch b. Bleak

c. Bouquet d. Baneful

11. a. Delusion b. Dovetail

c. Divercity d. Diffident

12. a. Doubtfull b. Awkward

c. Ponderous d. Distinct

Directions (Q.Nos. 13-15) Belowseveral disarranged words are given ineach question. Arrange them in properorder so that it makes a sense andindicate the index (a or b or c or d) ofthe word you have chosen to put last.

13. in of I money am need __ a. __ b. c. d.

14. acts care she with a. b. c. d.

15. me your pleased has news a. b. c. __ d.

16. The 2017 Island Tourism Festival has started in which State/Union territory?a. Andaman and Nicobar b. Gujaratc. Rajasthan d. Lakshadweep

17. The gas usually filled in the electricbulb isa. nitrogen b. hydrogen c. carbon dioxide d. oxygen

18. The Chardham highway project willcome up in which State of India?a. Jharkhand b. Sikkim c. Bihar d. Uttarakhand

19. The largest river of all the Westflowing rivers of the peninsular India isa. Tapti b. Kaveri c. Krishna d. Narmada

20. Which bollywood personality hasbeen conferred honorary doctorate by the Maulana Azad National Urdu University?a. Aamir Khanb. Nawazuddin Siddiquic. Shahrukh Khan d. Salman Khan

21. Rajiv Gandhi Environment Award isgiven for outstanding contributiona. to healthb. to tourismc. to agricultured. in the development of neat technology

22. Which of the following islands inIndia was once named ‘New Denmark’?a. Salsatte Islandb. Elephanta Islandc. Lakshadweepd. Andaman and Nicobar Islands

23. Veteran actor Om Puri, who passedaway recently, was belonged to whichState?a. Punjab b. Haryana c. Uttar Pradesh d. Madhya Pradesh

24. Which become the first cricket venue in India to have a roof top solar powerplant ?


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Page 22: International · India-Singapore tax treaty under which capital gains tax will be levied at source of investments with effect from April 1, 2017. l India had amended the tax treaty

MAY 2017 M

1. (c) ‘Di vested’ means ‘to dis pos sess’. Itmeans to make one’s power ceased byau thor ity.

2. (c) ‘Can did’ and ‘frank’ both are sim i larin mean ing . ‘Can did’ has an other mean ing ‘re li able’ which has the same con text as‘frank’.

3. (c) ‘Fa tal ist’ is some one who be lieves inthe fate.

4. (d) In the blank, ‘il lu sion’ and ‘de lu sion’both may be cor rect but the best pos si blechoice will be ‘de lu sion’ which gives thesense of ‘fan tasy’.

5. (a) In the sec ond blank, the re mote partis shown by the use of ‘had mar ried’ andthe first blank will be filled by ‘re vealed’which means to let the se cret be open.

6. (b) When a crim i nal act or any thing ofthis type is re ported, we should use ‘in form against’. So, (b) is cor rect.

7. (c) ‘Trans par ent’ means ‘to be seenthrough’ but ‘obague’ means ‘not to beseen through’.

8. (a) ‘Im mense’ has the con text of be ing‘sig nif i cant’. So, the op po site will be‘in sig nif i cant’.

9. (d) ‘Mod est’ means ‘hum ble’. So, theop po site word will be ‘ar ro gant’.

10. (a) All the words are cor rectly spelt. But, there are two district words ‘Broch’ and‘Broach’. Go ing this way the in cor rectspelling is ‘Broch’.

11. (c) ‘Divercity’ is the in cor rect spell ing.cor rect spell ing is ‘diversity’.

12. (a) ‘Doubt ful’ is incor rectly spelt as‘Doubtfull’.

13. (b) 14. (b) 15. (a)

16. (a) Is land Tour ism Fes ti val 2017 isfort night long fes ti val or ga nised by theAnadaman and Nicobar Ad min is tra tionev ery year (De cem ber-Jan u ary) gives afes tive look to the Is lands. Andaman andNicobar Is lands have an unique cul ture,where all re li gions, lan guages, eth nicgroups live in to tal peace and har monyand hence it is rightly called Mini India.

17. (a) Mod ern bulbs are usu ally filled witha mix ture of ar gon and ni tro gen. Morerarely, some bulbs are filled with purear gon, kryp ton or xe non. The ear li est bulbswere n’t filled with any gas, but had vac uum inside.

18. (d) The Char Dham high wayde vel op ment pro ject, is an am bi tiousini tia tive to im prove con nec tiv ity to the Char Dham pil grim age cen tres in the Hi ma la yas. The pro ject’s main ob jec tive is to de veloparound 900 km of na tional high ways.These high ways will be built in Uttarakhand at an ap prox i mate cost of ` 120000 crore.

19. (d) Largest West flowing river is Narmadariver, Tapti is smaller in comparison toNarmada and Kaveri and Krishna are Eastflowing rivers.

20. (c) Shahrukh Khan received an honorarydoctorate from Maulana Azad National UrduUniversity for promotion of Urdu language.

21. (d) Rajiv Gandhi Environment award isgiven to industrial units that make a significant contribution towards the development of new, or the innovative modification of existing,technologies or adoption and use of cleantechnologies and practices that substantiallyreduce or prevent environmental pollution.The award consist of a cash prize of ` 2 lakh,trophy and citation.

22. (d) In 1759, the Nicobar islands weremade a Danish colony, first named NewDenmark and later as Frederick’s Islands.

23. (b) Om Prakesh Puri OBE (October18,1950- January 6, 2017) was an Indianactor. who appeared in mainstreamcommercial Indian films, as well asindependent art films. He was born in Ambala(Haryana) in Punjabi family.

24. (b) Bengaluru’s Chinnaswamy Stadiumbecomes first cricket stadium to installRooftop Solar Plant.

25. (b) Italy is often referred to Italy as loStivate (the Boot) because it looks like a longshoe with a high heel on the map.

26. (b) Assam has taken a big step towardsthe no-cash economy that Prime MinisterNarendra Modi is trying popularise. Withdigital e-wallet Toka Paisa, which also has asmart-card version, Chief MinisterSarbananda Sonowal made Assam the firstState in Eastern India to have its own e-wallet. So far, only Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra have their own e-wallets.

27. (a) The lonoshpere is a region of Earth’supper atmosphere from about 60 km (37 mi)to 1000 km (620 mi) altitude. It is lonised bysolar radiation, plays an important part inatmospheric electricity and forms the inneredge of magnetosphere. It has practicalimportance because, among other functions,it influences radio propagation to distantplaces on the Earth.

28. (a) Cristiano Ronaldo won the best FIFAmen's players award for 2016. He is aPortugal football player and also plays forReal Madrid, a Spanish football club.

29. (a) Lord Curzon as Viceroy of India(1899-1905), credited for the creation ofEastern Bengal and Assam by partitioningBengal.

30. (d) Government of Gujarat moved furtherin its journey towards sustainable long-termgrowth and inclusive development byorganising the 8th edition of Vibrant GlobalSummit from January 10-13, 2017 at

Mahatma Mandir, Gandhinagar. The centralfocus of the 8th edition of the Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit was ‘Sustainable Economicand Social Development’.

31. (b) ? ( %= 43 of 2750 38) ( %- of 2990)

? = ´ - ´43




? =´

-´43 275


38 299


? = -11825




? =-11825 11362


? .= =463

1046 3

? .= 46 3

32. (d) Let, CP of typewriter = ` x

Then, SP of typewriter at 5% loss = `95



According to the question,95




x x+ =

Þ 105




x x- =

Þ 10



Þ x =´80 100


Þ x = ` 800

33. (b) Let, present age of father = F years

and present age of son = S years

According to the question,

F S+ = 100 …(i)

and F








Þ F S- = -5 2 10

Þ F S- = -2 5 …(ii)

Now, solving Eqs (i) and (ii), we have

F = 65 years and S = 35 years

\ Ratio of ages of them, after 10 years









65 10

35 10

= =75




= 5 3:

34. (d) 0 000064 0 0000643 1 3. ( . ) /=

= æèç

öø÷ =





1 3/

= =2

100 2.

35. (d) Capacity of rectangular box

= 10 cubic foot

i.e., l b h´ ´ = 10 …(i)

Now, according to the question,

Capacity of new box = Volume of new box

= ´ ´2 2 2l b h


Answers Explanations&

Page 23: International · India-Singapore tax treaty under which capital gains tax will be levied at source of investments with effect from April 1, 2017. l India had amended the tax treaty

MAY 2017M

þ Indian Historyn Under whose guidance was the

Congress policy of pray and petitionultimately come to an end?

Lala Lajpat Rai

n Which script of ancient India waswritten from right to left? Kharoshti

n At where an example of Cholaarchitecture can be seen? Tanjore

n Which treated as artificial currency?SDR

n Which queen enjoyed political poweralong with her husband? Noor Jahan

n Most of the people of the Middle Eastbelong to which group of people?


n Crusade for human rights is associatedwith which name? Jimmy Carter

n Between which the famous Battle ofTakkolam in South India was fought?

Cholas and Rashtrakutas

n Which music composer was deaf?Beethoven

n Which naturally occurring element inthe rice husk makes it termiteresistant? Silicon

n If you scored cannon,which gamewould you be playing? Billiards

n In which island of India is an activevolcano found? Barren Island

n Which Sultan founded a town wherenow stands Agra? Sikander Lodi

n When did the battle, which is the story of Mahabharata most probablytake place? Around 1000 BC

n Of which treaty was the third CarnaticWar ended? Treaty of Paris

n Who was the Sikh Guru to beslaughtered by Aurangzeb?

Teg Bahadur

n Where is the expression of earliestvolcanic activity in India found?

Dalmia Hill

n Who was known as ‘Andhra Bhoja’?Krishnadev Raya

n Where did the Indian National Army(INA) come into existence? Singapore

n With which period do we associate the ‘microlith’ implements? Mesolithic

n When is International Talk like a‘Pirate Day’ is observed? September 19

n Which is the largest river in the world?Amazon

n Who is the head of the NationalDefence Committee? Home Minister

n Which was the first woman Governorof a State in free India? Sarojini Naidu

þ Geography (India and World)

n The river Cauvery flows fromKarnataka to Tamil Nadu

n In which direction of flow of stream iscontrolled by rock structure?


n Which part of the Earth’s surfacereceives the highest amount ofinsolation? Tropical Deserts

n Which region has Mediterranean typeof climate?

Cape Town Region (South Africa)

n Which is the highest waterfall ofthe world? Saito Angel Falls

n In which country is Barailrange located? India

n Who was known as Tuti-e-Hindustan(the parrot of India)? Amir Khusrao

n On which date the Earth is at the leastdistance from the Sun (Perihelion)?

January 3

n The heavier silicates named ‘Sima’ orsilica+magnesium are most abundantin which layer? Crust

n By which amendment has the NationalCapital Territory of Delhi beenconstituted? 69th Amendment

n Which environment support thegrowth of Mangrove Swamp? Tidal Flat

n Equatorial forest of the Amazon basinis known as by which name? Selvas

n Thick stems and thorny wax coatedleaves are commonly found inwhich area? Deserts

n Which is the State having the largestpopulation of Scheduled Castes?

Uttar Pradesh

n Which is considered to cause anadverse of effect on Indian monsoon?


n Which region does not receives muchrainfall in the South-West monsoonseason? Tamil Nadu Coast

n In order of their distances from theSun, which planet lie between Marsand Uranus? Jupiter and Saturn

n Which layer of the Earth is believed tohave the heaviest mineral materials ofhighest density? Central Core

n Kandla situated on the Gulf of Kachchh is well known for which purpose?

Export Processing Zone

n The mapping of which part of Earth ismost difficult? Interior of the Earth

þ Indian Polityn Who was the first General-Secretary of

the Indian National Congress?Dadabhai Naoroji

n The first census was conducted inIndia at the time of which GovernorGeneral? Lord Mayo

n Which is the unit of activity of aradioactive source? Becquerel

n Which is the only Union Territory that has a High Court of its own? Delhi

n What is the task of the PlanningCommission? Preparation of the Plan

n When is International HolocaustRemembrance Day, recognised by theUN observed? January 27


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Page 24: International · India-Singapore tax treaty under which capital gains tax will be levied at source of investments with effect from April 1, 2017. l India had amended the tax treaty

MAY 2017M

1. The dearness-allowance of a personwith basic salary ` 7700 is increased to

132% from 125% and the tax deduction

on both is increased to 22% from 20%.He got salary increased by

[BPSC 60-62nd (Pre.) 2017]a. ` 74 b. ` 77 c. ` 385d. ` 369 e. None of these

2. In the bottom of a water tank, thereare two drains A and B. If only A is open,

it takes 30 minutes to empty a full tankand if only B is open, it takes 20 minutes.

If for 10 minutes both drains are open,

then B is closed, how much time it takesto empty a full tank?

[BPSC 60-62nd (Pre.) 2017]a. 18 min b. 15 min c. 17 mind. 20 min e. None of these

3. Ali buys a glass, a pencil box and acup and pays ` 21 to the shopkeeper.

Rakesh buys a cup, two pencil boxes and

a glass and pays ` 28 to the shopkeeper.Preeti buys two glasses, a cup and two

pencil boxes and pays ` 35 to theshopkeeper. The cost of 10 cups will be

[UGC NET 2017]a. ` 40 b. ` 60 c. ` 80 d. ` 70

4. There are 10 people in a room.

Everyone shakes hands such that no twopeople shake hands more than once. Of

course, no one shakes hands with

himself. How many handshakes takeplace in the room?

[Allahabad High Court RO 2017]a. 10 b. 20 c. 45 d. 90

5. What would be the next term in thegiven series?

4096 3072 2304 1728 1296 .......[Allahabad High Court RO 2017]

a. 972 b. 729 c. 243 d. 486

6. The difference between the numerator

and the denominator of a fraction is 5. If 5 is added to the denominator, then the fraction

is decreased by 11

4. Find the fraction.

[Chhattisgarh Revenue Inspector 2017]

a. 21



6c. 3


4d. 6

7. A train travels first 300 km at anaverage speed of 30 km/h and further

travels the same distance at an average

speed of 60 km/h. Then, the averagespeed of the train over the whole distance

is [Chhattisgarh Revenue Inspector 2017]a. 35 km/h b. 40 km/hc. 42 km/h d. 45 km/h

8. The monthly incomes of Kamal and

Ashra are in the ratio of 4 : 3. Theirmonthly expenses are in the ratio 3 : 2.

Both of them save ` 600 per month. Find

the total monthly income of them.[Chhattisgarh Revenue Inspector 2017]

a. ` 8400 b. ` 4800c. ` 4200 d. ` None of these

9. If area of circular region is 154 cm2,

then the total surface area of the cubewhose side is equal to its radius, will be

[Chhattisgarh Patwari 2017]a. 72 cm2 b. 294 cm2

c. 290 cm2 d. None of these

10. Each interior angle of a regularpolygon is 144°, then how many sides are

there in that regular polygon?[Chhattisgarh Patwari 2017]

a. 5 b. 8 c. 10 d. 12

Directions (Q.Nos. 11-15) Inthese questions, two equations (I and II) are given. You have to solve both theequations and choose the appropriateoption. [Indian Bank (PO) 2017]Give answer

a. if x y> b. if x y³c. if x y< d. if x y£e. if x y= or relation cannot be established

11. I. x x2 6 7- =

II. 2 13 15 02y y+ - =

12. I. 3 7 2 02x x- + =

II. 2 11 15 02y y- + =

13. I. 10 7 1 02x x- + =

II. 35 12 1 02y y- + =

14. I. 4 252x =

II. 2 13 21 02y y- + =

15. I. 3 7 62x x+ = II. 6 2 1 172( )y y+ =

16. A completes 7/10 part of work within 15 days. There after with the help of B,

he completes the rest of the work within

4 days. B alone will be able to do it inhow many days? [Rajasthan Gram Sevak

& Hotel Superintendent (Grade-II) 2016]

a. 355

17 days b. 30


17 days

c. 285

12 days d. 21


7 days

17. A person takes some amount on loanat 3% per annum simple interest payable

annually. Immediately he gives it on loan

at 5% per annum compound interestpayable half yearly. At the end of year he

earns profit of ` 330. How much amounthe tooks on loan? [Rajasthan Gram Sevak

& Hotel Superintendent (Grade-II) 2016]a. ` 16000 b. ` 15000c. ` 17000 d. ` 16500

18. If the cost of five pencils and two

copies is ` 225 and the cost of three

copies and four pencils is ` 320, thenwhat is the cost of one pencil?

[UK PSC Lower Sub 2016]a. ` 4 b. ` 5 c. ` 6 d. ` 7

19. The simple interest of a sum ofmoney is equal to the half of the principal

and the rate of interest is equal to half of

the number of years. Find the number ofyears. [UK PSC Lower Sub 2016]

a. 6 yr b. 7 yr c. 8 yr d. 10 yr

20. The diameter of a cycle wheel is 28

cm. How many revolutions will it make in

moving 13.2 km? [UK PSC Lower Sub 2016]

a. 13000 b. 15000 c. 17000 d. 19000

21. Two pipes A and B can separately fill a cistern in 60 minutes and 75 minutes

respectively. There is a third pipe in the

bottom of the cistern to empty it. If allthree pipes are simultaneously opened,

then the cistern is full in 50 minutes. In

how much time the third pipe alone canempty the cistern? [RBI Assistant 2016]

a. 110 min b. 100 min c. 120 min

d. 90 min e. None of these


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Page 25: International · India-Singapore tax treaty under which capital gains tax will be levied at source of investments with effect from April 1, 2017. l India had amended the tax treaty

JUNE 2017 M

Directions (Q.Nos. 1-5) Look at the underlined part of each sentence. Below each sentence are given three possible substitutions for the underlined part. If one of them is betterthan the underlined part, mark it as your answer. If none ofthe substitution improve the sentence, mark (d).

1. We need honest workers, not people of redoubtable integrity.

a. doubting b. doubtful

c. doubtless d. No improvement

2. I except every player here to be conversant at the rules ofgame.

a. on b. aboutc. with d. No improvement

3. There is no alternate, so we must leave now.

a. altering b. alternativec. alternation d. No improvement

4. If I were you, I would do it at once.

a. was b. am

c. would be d. No improvement

5. They set a strong guard, lest any one could escape.

a. would b. might

c. should d. No improvement

Directions (Q.Nos. 6-9) Read the paragraph andanswer the following questions :

Sci en tists have de vel oped a new low-cost way to save rarean i mals and plants from poach ers-by us ing Maths.Re search ers from the Uni ver sity of Queensland used amath e mat i cal model to out wit poach ers in Af rica’s GreaterVirunga Land scape-one of the most bio-di verse places onEarth, with 13 pro tected ar eas cov er ing 13800 sq km. Bystudy ing the poach ers’ in cur sion pat terns and pri ori tis ingpa trols, the model could im prove pro tec tion of en dan geredan i mals and plants where they most need it, whilemini mis ing pa trol and con ser va tion costs, said Rich ard Fuller of the Uni ver sity. ‘‘The great thing about this ap proach isthat it can be ap plied any where,’’ Fuller said. ‘‘Our study in cen tral Af rica showed that pa trols are usu allycar ried out near pa trol sta tions where rang ers are based, andthere fore they aren’t very ef fec tive at stop ping il le gal hunt ing be yond a few ki lo me ters,’’ he said. The team stud ied whichar eas had the most il le gal poach ing and log ging, the im pacton wild life, and the cost of pa trol ling the threat ened ar eas,James Wat son, an other mem ber of the re search team, saidthe re search ers in cluded all the in for ma tion in amath e mat i cal model that pri ori tised the lo ca tion of pa trols.‘‘For ex am ple, since the poach ers know well where thepa trol bases are, pa trol lers should tar get more re mote ar eas a hot spot for il le gal poach ers-by ex tend ing their pa trols,’’Wat son said.

‘‘The study showed that his re duced the cost of meet ing allcon ser va tion tar gets in the land scape by as 63%. Bypro vid ing a big-pic ture view of the en tire land scape, themodel en abled us to maxi mise con ser va tion ef forts on alim ited bud get,’’ Wat son said. Fuller said that apart fromde ter ring poach ing, the ap proach could also be used topre vent dis tur bance of threat ened spe cies due to hu manac tiv ity.

6. Synonym of ‘Outwit’

a. Outsource b. Fraud c. Protect d. Outsmart

7. ‘The mathematical model’ referred to in the extract suggests

a. to tar get re mote ar eas away from pa trol bases

b. to prioritise patrols

c. to use mathematical skilld. to punish poachers

8. This mathematical model approach, if adopted, will

a. lessen the cost of meeting all conservation targets

b. increase government expensec. incur moderate expense

d. neither increase nor decrease government expenditure

9. Here ‘poacher’ means a person who

a. cooks

b. illegally hunts animals

c. waits near the opponent team’s goald. does something in dishonest way

Directions (Q.Nos. 10-14) Each of the following itemsconsists of a sentence with an underlined word followed byfour words. Select the word that is nearest in meaning to theunderlined word and mark your response accordingly.

10. Many of his acquaintances avoid him because he is so


a. unreasonable b. talkativec. quarrelsome d. proud

11. He bore the pain with great fortitude.

a. resignation b. defiance

c. indifference d. forbearance

12. He gave his tacit approval to the proposition.

a. full b. loud

c. clean d. implied

13. In spite of hard work, the farmers could only get a meagre


a. satisfactory b. scanty

c. plenty d. normal

14. He was exhilarated at the outcome of the election results.

a. satisfied b. surprised

c. disappointed d. overjoyed


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Page 26: International · India-Singapore tax treaty under which capital gains tax will be levied at source of investments with effect from April 1, 2017. l India had amended the tax treaty

1. If the plane of the Earth’s equatorwere not inclined to the plane of theEarth’s orbit,

a. the year would be longerb. the winters would be longerc. there would be no change of seasonsd. the summers would be warmer

2. Which one of the following elements is least likely to be found in commercialfertilizers?

a. Nitrogen b. Phosphorusc. Postassium d. Silicon

3. Lime is sometimes applied to soil inorder to

a. increase the alkalinity of the soilb. increase the activity of the soilc. restore nitrates to the soild. make the soil more porous

4. An element found in all organiccompounds is

a. oxygen b. calciumc. nitrogen d. carbon

5. Most commonly used bleachingagent is

a. alcohol b. carbon dioxidec. chlorine d. sodium chloride

6. Which of the following diseases isgenerally spread by fleas?

a. Small pox b. Tetanus

c. Typhus d. Yellow fever

7. All of the following are plant productsexcept

a. cork b. hemp c. silk d. linen

8. Which of the following colours has gotthe maximum refractive index for glass?

a. Blue b. Green c. Red d. Indigo

9. For digestion of fat, bile is needed.This is secreted by the

a. stomach b. pituitary glandc. pancreas d. liver

10. Which one of the followingsubstances is obtained by thefractionation of human blood?

a. Antivenom serum b. Gamma globulinc. Polio vaccine d. Diphtheria antitoxin

11. Of the blood groups A, B, AB, whichone is transfused into a person whoseblood group is A?

a. Group A only b. Group B onlyc. Group A and O d. Group AB only

12. The three abundant elements in theEarth’s crust are aluminium, oxygen andsilicon. The correct order of theirabundance is

a. oxygen, aluminium, siliconb. aluminium, silicon, oxygenc. oxygen, silicon, aluminiumd. silicon, oxygen, aluminium

13. Penicillin is widely used as

a. an antiseptic b. a disinfectantc. an antibiotic d. an insecticide

14. Excessive secretion from thepituitary gland in children results in

a. increased height b. retarded growthc. weakening of bones d. None of these

15. Weight of an object put in a satelliteorbiting in space around the Earth, is

a. the same as on the Earthb. slightly more than that on the Earthc. less than that on the Earthd. reduced to zero

16. Which of the following food articlescontain only one of the five constituentsof diet, viz., fats, carbohydrates, proteins, mineral salts and vitamins?

a. Bread b. Mango c. Milk d. Sugar

17. In which of the following pairs, thetwo substances forming the pair arechemically most dissimilar?

a. Sugar and paperb. Butter and paraffin waxc. Chalk and marbled. Charcoal and diamond

18. In which season do we needmore fats?

a. Rainy season b. Springc. Winter d. Summer

19. Which out of the following organsdoes not eliminate waste products fromthe body?

a. Large intestine b. Liverc. Kidney d. Skin

20. Superconductivity is a phenomenonin which the resistance of a substance

a. increases with temperatureb. decreases with temperature

c. does not change with temperatured. becomes zero at very low temperatures

21. Liquids transmit pressure equally inall directions. This is known as

a. Boyle-Pascal’s Law b. Pascal’s Lawc. Archimedes’ Principle d. None of these

22. Primary rainbow is formed whenlight suffers

a. two internal refractions before emergingout of the drop

b. one internal refraction before emergingout of the drop

c. no internal refraction

d. either one or two internal refractionsbefore emerging out of the drop

23. Astigmatism (for a human eye) canbe emerging out of the drop

a. concave lens b. convex lensc. cylindrical lens d. prismatic lens

24. How can the spherical aberration of a human eye be corrected?

a. By using a cylindricalb. By using a plano-convex lensc. By using a thin lensd. None of the above

25. An electric bell is placed inside a bell jar which is connected to a vacuumpump. When the bell jar is completelyevacuated

a. no sound can be heard

b. the loudness of the sound will remainunchanged

c. the loudness of the sound will increased. the loudness of the sound will decrease

26. The greatest value of bees tomankind is in

a. supplying of food for birds

b. insurance pollination of certain crop plantsc. storing honey for man’s use

d. Furnishing beeswax needed in certainspecialised industries

1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (c)6. (d) 7. (c) 8. (c) 9. (d) 10. (b)

11. (c) 12. (d) 13. (c) 14. (a) 15. (d)16. (d) 17. (b) 18. (c) 19. (a) 20. (d)21. (b) 22. (b) 23. (c) 24. (b) 25. (a)26. (b)

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