International Fusion Fact Sheet

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  • 7/28/2019 International Fusion Fact Sheet


    FactSheet 1100 New York Avenue, NW Suite 710W Washington, DC

    International Progress onFusion EnergyHow American Leadership is Slipping

    Teodore J. MacDonaldApril 2013


    In the past hal-century, signicant advances have been made in attempting to harness usionor energy.

    From the construction o the rst usion tokamak device, built in Novosibirsk in 1968to current state-o-the-art acilities like the National Ignition Facility (NIF), operational at

    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Caliornia since 2009, to the next-generationprojects like the Wendelstein 7-X project in Germany, scheduled to begin operation in 2014usion research is attempting to turn scientic theory into a technological reality.

    It is thus no surprise that more and more countries are investing in usion power.

    Te United States has traditionally played a leading role in usion power research anddevelopment. Te skill and knowledge o Americas usion scientists are second to none.However, without new investment, there is a danger that Americas role as a leader in usionpower research is slipping as other countries seek to develop usion.

    Currently, the most modern and advanced research machines are located outside o theUnited States. In less than a decade, Americas competitors will have more acilities that area generation ahead o those in the United States. We are in danger o ceding scientic andintellectual leadership in the eld o usion power.

    Tis act sheet will examine usion power capabilities across the world.

    Several countries in particularGermany, France, Russia, China, Japan, and South Koreaare making signicant investments into usion power. Tese countries have ambitious plansor usion power development, and they are investing signicant time and money into these


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    Te European Union

    Tough not a country, the European Union is a leading entity to help nanceand develop a number o usion projects throughout Europe.

    International Termonuclear Experimental Reactor (IER)

    Located in Cadarache, France, IER is a magnetic connement usion project that is being undand developed by the EU, China, South Korea, Japan, Russia, India, and the United States. Its esmated cost is 13 billion Euros.1

    Out o 13 billion Euros, 45% is nanced by the EU, and theother 55% is split equally between the remaining six coun-tries.

    Te lions share (an estimated 90%) o contributions will be

    delivered in-kind. Tat means that in the place o cash, theMembers will construct and deliver components and build-ings directly to the IER Organization.2

    Te U.S. is a ull partner, and by leveraging only a 9% contri-bution, American scientists will benet rom all the scienticand engineering experience gained rom the IER experiment.


    France is a leading country or usion research and it is the site o the IERproject. In addition, the French military is developing laser usion or thepurposes o weapons research.

    Laser Megajoule (L.M.J.)

    Located in Bordeaux, the French Commissariat a lEnergie Atom-ique (CEA) operates the 240-beam Laser Megajoule project.3 It is

    similar to the NIF project in the United States.4

    Its main purpose is to guarantee the saety and reliability o Frenchnuclear weapons. Construction began in 2002.

    Te project costs about 1.5 billion Euros. Once operational in 2014,Laser Megajoule will ocus on producing high energy targets andultimately obtain ignition.5

    Te proposed IER design. Source:

    Te Laser Megajoule Project. Source:

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    ore Supra

    Located in Cadarache, ore Supra is a joint CEA-European Atomic Energy Community (EURA-

    OM) project.

    Te ore Supra reached rst plasma in 1988. It holds the world record or plasma discharge time,lasting six and a hal minutes.6

    Te United Kingdom

    Te UK has a long history in usion research, dating back to the 1920s.

    Te UK hosts the Joint European orus, which is one o the worlds most importanttokamaks.7

    Joint European orus (JE)

    Located in Oxordshire, JE is currently the largest and most powerultokamak in the world. It began operating in 1983 and has since been up-graded.

    Some o the milestones at JE have included the worlds rst controlledrelease o deuterium-tritium usion power (1991) and the world record orusion power (16 megawatts in 1997).8

    Mega Amp Spherical okamak (MAS)

    Also located in Oxordshire, MAS is a spherical tokamak.

    Along with NSX a complementary experiment at the PrincetonPlasma Physics Laboratory MAS is one o the worlds two lead-ing spherical tokamaks (Ss).

    Te Joint European orus.

    Te Mega Amp Sphericalokamak. Source:
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    Russia has played an important role in usion research, dating to

    Soviet-era atomic weapons and energy research.

    In 1968, Russian scientists made a key breakthrough in usion technology with thesuccessul creation o the tokamak (a Russian acronym).9

    Russia continues to play a leading role in usion research. Its contributions to the IERproject are important Russia alone is responsible or 20% o the superconductorsrequired.10

    Additionally, Russia has a usion project being jointly developed with Italy and is also

    developing a large domestic inertial connement usion project.


    Located in roitsk, Ignitor is a tokomak collaboration between Russia and Italy.

    Ignitors stated goal is to obtain ignition, the point at which energy production issel-sustaining, without the need o an external energy source.

    Te Ignitor project is based on the approach taken by MIs Alcator C-Mod, usinghigh magnetic eld intensity to conne plasma.11

    Construction on the reactor is projected to be completed in 2014. 12

    Fusion Laser at the Research Institute of Experimental Physics

    Tis proposed project is a $1.5 billion laser at Research Institute o ExperimentalPhysics. Russian media outlets claim that this inertial connement acility will bethe best in the world.

    With a capability o delivering 2.8 megajoules o energy, the Russian inertial usion

    acility will surpass the capabilities o American acilities.13

    Plans are not widelyavailable.

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    Te Max Planck Institute or Physics oversees Germanys domestic usion projects.Germany manages two signicant usion acilities: a stellarator and a tokamak.

    Wendelstein 7-X

    Located in Greiswald, the Wendelstein 7-X is a stellarator that will begin operation in 2014.

    It is the successor to the Wendelstein 7-A project, which operated rom 1988 to 2002.14

    A stellarator is dierent than a tokamak in that it could be better at producing a stable, connedplasma.

    Its goal is to produce 30-minute electrical pulses; no timetable is given. Fund-ing is provided by the EU and Germany.15

    Axially Symmetric Divertor Experiment (ASDEX) Upgrade

    Located in Garching, the ASDEX Upgrade went into operation in 1990. It isGermanys largest usion device.16

    ASDEXs purpose is to study the interaction between plasma and the con-ning walls o a tokamak.17

    Peoples Republic of China

    Since purchasing and remodeling the H-7 superconducting tokamak romRussia in the early 1990s, China has made rapid strides in its usion energyprogram. In 2011, the Chinese Government committed to training 2,000 usionexperts during the next ten years.18

    China is currently a contributor to the IER project and it has two major domestic usion projects underway.

    Experimental Advanced Superconducting okamak (EAS)

    Located in Heei, EAS was designated a Mega Project o Scientic Research in June 1997 by theChinese government.

    Construction o the EAS tokamak was completed in 2006. It is the worlds rst ully superconduct-

    Te Wendelstein 7-X.

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    ing tokamak.19

    Te purpose o EAS is stated to be exploring various ways o creating u-sion or energy. Tese include ensuring steady-state operation o the reac-tor using high-perormance plasma and investigating tokamak physics.20

    Shenguang Laser Series (SG)

    Located in Shanghai, the SG Laser Series is an inertial connement pro-gram similar in nature to NIF and Laser Megajoule with a stated goalo obtaining usion ignition by 2020.21

    Tere are three successive variations. Each one has shown improvements in laser technology. Te SGhas provided about 1,000 shots o laser beam energy since 2000.22 Te SG-III, completed in 2010, ha laser energy output o 150 kilojoules.23

    Te SG-IV intended to prove usion ignition is on schedule or completion beore 2020. 24

    South Korea

    Te development o usion energy is a high priority or the South Koreangovernment. South Korea contributes to the IER project, and currently hastwo major domestic usion projects underway.

    Korea is jumping ahead o its competitors by outlining the K-DEMO project,

    a ull-scale demonstration usion reactor which will begin operation by 2037.

    South Korea has a detailed roadmap on development o K-DEMO, including proposed test acilities, a researcand development plan, and a timeline o expected progress rom 2012-2021. 25

    Korea Superconducting okamak Advanced Research (KSAR)

    Located in Daejon, construction o KSAR began in 1995, with the pur-pose o achieving steady state-operations with high-perormance plasmas.26It is one o the rst tokamaks in the world to use ully superconductingmagnets.27

    Te rst phase (2008-2012) ocused on developing operational capabilitiesthat could sustain energy with a short electrical pulse.28

    KSARincorporates some o the most advanced plasma heating technolo-gies, and one o its goals is to sustain 300 seconds o steady-state plasmaoperation by 2015.29

    Te Korea SuperconductinAdvanced Research.

    Te Experimental Supercookamak. Source:

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    Japan, lacking natural resources and increasingly wary o nuclear ssion, maysee usion as an opportunity.

    Japan has developed a research plan or its usion projects, and it is currently

    working on three major usion projects. Te Japan Atomic Energy Association(JAEA) also oers a timeline o Japanese usion experiments.30

    Large Helical Device (LHD)

    Located in oki, the Large Helical Device (LHD) is a supercon-ducting stellarator, a magnetic device used to conne plasma. It isthe worlds largest helical usion device.

    Ater the successul production o the rst plasma in 1998, LHDsmission has been to increase the strength o the magnetic conne-ment eld.31

    J-60 Super Advanced (SA)

    Located in Ibaraki Preecture, the J-60SA is an upgrade over Japans J-60 tokamak usion device,which rst became operational in 1985.

    Te J-60SA is being jointly constructed by the Japanese Atomic Energy Association and EURA-


    With a 3 meter radius, it is one o the largest tokamaks in the world. Te start date has yet to be nalized by Japan and the European Union, but is expected within this


    Fast Ignition Realization Experiment (FIREX)

    Located in Osaka, the FIREX project is a part o Japans inertial connement usion program. Tisproject began construction in 2003, and by 2009 FIREX conducted experiments at ull power.34

    While not as energetic as NIF or Laser MegaJoule, Japan has ambitious plans to learn rom these ex-periments and build a next-generation inertial usion acility, with a goal o generating electricity by2030.35

    Te Large Helical Device. Source:
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    Fusion power can be the energy source o the uture; it will be clean, sae, secure, and abundant. Tinternational programs outlined in this paper demonstrate the level o commitment around the world toresearching usion.

    Te United States currently has a world-class workorce, but other countries already have acilities thaare more advanced. Tese new acilities are luring Americas best young talent and are training Americacompetitors o tomorrow.

    A timeline o usion projects (German). Note other countries ahead o the United States between 2000 and 2010


    Funding or both magnetic and inertial usion withinthe U.S. is threatened with budget cuts includingplans to close existing acilities.

    I the U.S. ails to invest in usion research, while therest o the world makes rapid strides, America willall behind. In a time o tight budgets, policymakersmust ocus on the bigger picture: usion powerholds great promise. It can provide clean baseloadpower, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and providean opportunity or American leadership in a newcutting-edge industry.
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    Further Reading

    Fusion Power A 10 Year Plan to Energy Security

    Fusion Power in the 21st Century: Meeting the Challenge

    What is Fusion Power?

    Factsheet: Inertial Connement Fusion at the National Ignition Facility

    Map: Fusions Reach Across America

    Te National Ignition Facility Shows What American Science Can Do

    Trough Innovation and Investment, the U.S. Can Lead on Next-Generation Energy, Nuclear Fusion

    Teodore J. MacDonald is an Adjunct Junior Fellow at the American Security Project


    Deuterium a hydrogen isotope used in a usion reaction. It can be sourced rom ocean water

    Fusion when two hydrogen atoms use together they release enormous amounts o energy

    Ignition the point at which more power is produced than is consumed. Tis is a key goal or inertialconnement usion.

    Inertial connement usion (ICF) one approach to producing usion energy. Using lasers, hydrogenatoms can be crushed with extreme temperatures and pressure, orcing them to use together. Te NIFis the leading ICF acility in the world.
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    IER an experimental burning plasma acility under construction in the south o France. Led the European Fusion Development Agreement (EFDA), but backed by six other nations including tU.S., IER has the goal o achieving net energy gain.

    Magnetic connement usion (MCF) one approach to producing usion energy. With this approamagnets are used to conne a plasma, which creates the conditions or usion.

    Plasma one o the our undamental states o matter, plasma is a hot gas. It is needed to heat hydrgen atoms to the point that they use.

    Stellarator an alternative design to the tokamak or magnetic usion.

    okamak a machine that uses magnets to conne plasma to achieve usion. Te tokamak connplasma using a magnetic eld.

    ritium a hydrogen isotope used in the usion reaction. Can be sourced rom lithium.


    1. IER Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved rom IER website April 2013:

    2. Ibid.

    3. Besnard, D. Te Megajoule LaserA High Energy-Density Physics Facility. Chapter in Lasers andNuclei: Applications o Ultrahigh Intensity Lasers in Nuclear Science. Retrieved online April 2013:



    4. Presentation by Jean-Paul Arnoul. October 2007. Laser Megajoule Facility Control System Status Re-port. Retrieved rom CEA website March 2013:

    5. Presentation by Noack, Jean-Claude, and Rechatin, Jean-Loup. (December 2007). Industrial Experienon Laser Megajoule Project. Retrieved rom website March 2013: https://mioga.mine.gouv.r/IER/public/C2I/documents/pres/RECHAIN.pd. Slide 2.

    6. Arnoux, Robert. (December 2010). ore Supra 46,551 shots later. Retrieved rom website April 2013:

    7. Netherlands Research Plan or Sustainable Energy Supply (NODE). History o nuclear usion. Retrievrom NODE website April 2013:

    8. JE Research. Culham Centre or Fusion Energy. Retrieved rom CCFE website March 2013:
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    9. Netherlands Research Plan or Sustainable Energy Supply (NODE). History o nuclear usion. Re-trieved rom NODE website April 2013:

    10. Reznichenko, Andrei. (February 2013). ROSAOM helping to build groundbreaking reactor. RussiaBeyond the Headlines. Retrieved rom website March 2013:

    11. Chandler, David. (May 10, 2010). New Project Aims or Fusion Ignition. MI News Ofce.

    12. Te Ignitor Experiment. Fact Sheet. Retrieved rom websote March 2013:

    13. Walters, Ray. (February 14 2012). Russia to launch $1.5B super laser, will create usion at a balmy 100million degrees. Retrieved rom Geek website March 2013:

    14. Max Planck Institute o Physics. (IPP) Projects: Wendelstein 7-X. Retrieved rom IPP website April2013:

    15. Arnoux, Robert. (April 2011). Te Stellarator Renaissance. Retrieved rom website April 2013:

    16. Max Planck Institute o Physics. ASDEX Upgrade Projects. Retrieved rom IPP website April 2013:

    17. 1Max Planck Institute o Physics. ASDEX Upgrade Research Status. Retrieved rom IPP website April2013:

    18. Gia, Chen. (May 2011). Government to train 2,000 usion experts. Retrieved rom website March2013:

    19. Peoples Daily Online. (January 21, 2006). China to build worlds rst articial sun experi-mental device. Retrieved rom website March 2013:

    20. Piede, Wang. (September 2005). Experimental Advanced Superconducting okamak (EAS): Design,Fabrication, and Assembly. Presentation given to the Institute o Plasma Sciences at the Chinese Acad-emy o Sciences. Retrieved rom website March 2013:, Slide 2.

    21. H.. Xe, W.Y. Zhang, and Chun Fu-Ye. (2009). Inertial Fusion Energy Research Progress in China.Chapter in Current rends in International Fusion Research. Page 327. Retrieved rom website March2013:
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    22. Ibid.

    23. Ibid.

    24. Ibid.

    25. Pathways to DEMOActivities or DEMO in Korea. (February 2011). JP-US Workshop on Fusion

    Power Plant and Related Advanced echnologies with participants o EU and Korea. Presentation de-livered by the National Fusion Research Institute. Retrieved rom website April 2013: Slide 10-15.

    26. Korea Superconducting Advanced okamak Research. Retrieved rom UC Davis website March 2013:!.htm

    27. Grifth, Sabina. (August 14, 2009). Update on KSAR, a Pilot Device or IER. IER newsline. Re-trieved rom IER website April 2013

    28. M. Kwon et al. Overview o KSAR Initial Operation. From IAEA Nuclear Fusion Journal. Vol-ume 51, Number 9. Abstract. Retrieved rom website March 2013:

    29. Korea Superconducting Advanced okamak Research. Mission. Retrieved rom UC Davis website Marc2013:

    30. Japan Atomic Energy Agency. Progress o Fusion Research and Development. Naka Fusion Institute. Rtrieved rom website April 2013:

    31. Large Helical Device Inormation. Large Helical Device Project. Retrieved rom website March 2013:

    32. J-SA project. Introduction. Retrieved rom website March 2013:

    33. J-60SA Research Plan. (December 2011). J-60SA Research Unit.

    34. Mima, Kunioki. (December 2008). Status o Laser Fusion Research in Japan. Presentation delivered tFusion Power Associates. Retrieved rom website March 2013: Slide 7.

    35. Azechi, Hiroshi. Te FIREX Program on the Way to Inertial Fusion Energy. IOP Sciences, (2008).Retrieved rom website March 2013:

    con8_112_012002.pd. Page 2.!.htm!.htm
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    Building a New American Arsenal

    Te American Security Project (ASP) is a nonpartisan initiative to educate

    the American public about the changing nature o national security in the

    21st century.

    Gone are the days when a nations strength could be measured by bombers

    and battleships. Security in this new era requires a New American Arsenal

    harnessing all o Americas strengths: the orce o our diplomacy; the might o

    our military; the vigor o our economy; and the power o our ideals.

    We believe that America must lead other nations in the pursuit o our

    common goals and shared security. We must conront international

    challenges with all the tools at our disposal. We must address emerging

    problems beore they become security crises. And to do this, we must orge a

    new bipartisan consensus at home.

    ASP brings together prominent American leaders, current and ormer

    members o Congress, retired military ocers, and ormer government

    ocials. Sta direct research on a broad range o issues and engages and

    empowers the American public by taking its fndings directly to them.

    We live in a time when the threats to our security are as complex and diverse

    as terrorism, the spread o weapons o mass destruction, climate change,ailed and ailing states, disease, and pandemics. Te same-old solutions

    and partisan bickering wont do. America needs an honest dialogue about

    security that is as robust as it is realistic.

    ASP exists to promote that dialogue, to orge consensus, and to spur

    constructive action so that America meets the challenges to its security while

    seizing the opportunities the new century oers.