International Business Environment 2

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  • 8/4/2019 International Business Environment 2


    International Business Environment

    Session 2By:Dr.R.Satish Kumar

  • 8/4/2019 International Business Environment 2


    International Management and


    ` What is international management?

    ` the process of applying management concepts and

    techniques in a multinational environment and

    adapting management practices to differenteconomic, political, and cultural environments

    (HLD, p. 6)

    ` Why is globalization important?

    ` International management is rapidly gaining inimportance in tandem with the quickening pace of


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    Globalization: Definitions

    ` Hodgetts, Luthans and Doh,

    ` Globalization is the process of social, political, economic,

    cultural, and technological integration among countries

    around the world (p. 7)

    ` Robertson (Globalization: Social Theory and

    Global Culture, 1992),

    Globalization in its most all-

    embracing form refers to both the

    compression of the world and the

    intensification of consciousness of

    the world as a whole (p. 8)

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    The Roots of Globalization

    y When did globalization begin?

    Ancient trade routes barter trade

    Standard weights and measures

    Mercantilism the highways of the sea Post WWII institutions of global governance

    Past 1980s ICT, globalization defined

    y Hodgetts, Luthans, and Doh,

    Contemporary globalization is a new branch of a veryold tree whose roots were planted in antiquity (p. 8)

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    The Drivers of Globalization

    Developmentof new


    Reducedbarriers to


    Search forcompetitiveadvantage

    y What drives globalization?

    Individual and social needs and aspirations

    Technological innovation

    Reduced technological and economic barriers to trade

    y Sustaining forces Greater policy


    Greater efficiency ofbusiness

    Greater market access

    Increased flows of goods,services, and people

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    Globalization from a Regional

    Perspectivey Developed Economies

    x U.S. the European Union and Japan account for one-half of

    world trade

    y Emerging and Transition Economiesx Economies in Latin America and Asia are increasingly

    important global players

    x BRIC, economic powers with large internal markets

    x Eastward expansion of the EU

    y Less Developed Countries (LDCs)x Some fast growing and increasingly open to the global system

    x Others, notably in Africa, struggle to compete globally

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    North America

    y Important global market

    x Combined purchasing power of the U.S., Canada and Mexico

    is $12 million

    y United States

    x U.S. outbound FDI $1.8 billion (2003)

    x U.S. inbound FDI $1.4 billion (2003)

    y Canada

    x Largest U.S. trading partner

    x Legal and business environment similar to the U.S.

    y Mexico

    x Strong maquiladora industry

    x Competitive with Asia for the U.S. market

    x Emergence of Mexican MNCs

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    South America

    ` Economic challenges

    ` High inflation

    ` Heavy foreign debt


    Entrenched interests (crony capitalism)` Political instability

    ` Economic opportunities

    ` Important emerging markets Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Columbia, Chile, Peru

    ` Prevalence of free market policies

    ` Expanding regional and international trade Mercosur and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)

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    y Market factorsx Operational integration of the EU

    x Privatization of traditionally nationalized industries

    x Expanded ties to Central and Eastern Europe

    y Social factorsx Maintaining social cohesion

    x Adjusting to local tastes Plan globally, actlocally

    y Economic challengesx For foreign MNCs, gaining a foothold in the EU

    x Strategies include: acquisitions, alliances, and cooperative R&D

    x Absorbing the former communist-bloc countriesx 550 million middle-class consumers across 25 countries

    x Largest economic market in the world

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    Central and Eastern Europe

    y Collapse of the Soviet Union (1991)x Glasnost(openness) and perestroika (economic and

    political restructuring)

    x The fall of the Berlin Wall and German reunification

    y Russiax Dismantling of price controls and privatization

    x Crime, political uncertainty, and inflation


    Membership in International Monetary Fund (IMF)y Successful transition economies

    x Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, the Baltic states

    y Economies caught in transitionx Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, former Soviet republics

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    East Asia

    y Japanx In the 1970s and 1980s

    x Strong government role

    x Vertically integrated industries (keiretsus)

    x In the 1990sx

    Economic recessionx Collapse of the real estate bubble

    x Banks reluctant to write-off uncollectible loans

    x Still the worlds second largest economy

    y Chinax Economic opportunities

    x High rates of growth (8-10% per year)

    x Large internal market (> 1.3 billion consumers)

    x Economic challengesx Inflation and political instability

    x Regulatory reform and compliance

    x Complex and unpredictable economic environment

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    East Asia The Four Tigers

    y South Koreax Dominated by family-held conglomerates (chaebols)

    x Impacted by the Asian financial crisis (1997)

    y Hong Kongx Part of the PRC (one country, two systems)

    x Risk of radical change in business environment

    y Singaporex Corporatist model

    x From entrepotto global city

    y Taiwanx From cheap producer to technology leader

    x Managing relations with the PRC the 3 Chinas

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    South and Southeast Asia

    y Southeast Asiax The Baby Tigers (TH, MY, IN, VN)

    x Large population base

    x Inexpensive labor

    x Considerable natural resources

    x Attractive to outside investors

    x Other Southeast Asian nationsx Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar

    y South Asiax India

    x Large population (300 million middle class consumers)

    x Increasingly open markets, technology leader

    x Attractive to US and British investors

    x Other South Asian nationsx Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan

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    Developing and Emerging

    Economies (1)y Economic characteristics

    x Low per capita GDP, low (or negative) GDP growth


    High unemployment - semiskilled or unskilled workforcex Considerable government intervention in the economy

    x Political instability, weak infrastructure, corruption

    y LDCs in Asia and Latin Americax Include important regional economic powers (e.g. China,

    India, Indonesia, Brazil, Argentina)

    x Generally well integrated into the global economy

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    Developing and Emerging

    Economies (2)y LDCs in the Middle East and Central Asia

    x Large oil reserves

    x Highly unstable geopolitical and religious forces

    x Plagued by continuing economic problems

    y LDCs in Africax Considerable natural resources

    x Diverse populations


    Weak and unstable governmentsx Economies negatively impacted by social and

    environmental factors (poverty, starvation, illiteracy,

    corruption, environmental degradation)

    x Poorly integrated into the global economy

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    Convergence or Divergence








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    Economic Environment

    y Global and regional integration

    International agreements (GATT, WTO)

    Regional agreements (EU, ASEAN, NAFTA, CAFTA,FTAA, Mercosur)

    y World trade and investment

    80% of FDI contributed by developed economies

    U.S. exports/imports increased by 550% from 1983 to2003 (to $1.3 and $1.8 trillion)

    Trade within the EU increased sharply, to > $2 trillion


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    Political Environment

    y Rapid and uncertain change

    Chinas transition to a market economy

    European expansion and integration

    Russias unstable political institutions

    The emergence of political Islam in the Middle East

    y Significant differences across countries

    Less stable governments increase political risk

    Uncertain responses to democratization

    y Change in government policies Adjusting to adjust to new perspectives and

    changing requirements

    Assessing political risks

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    Legal/Regulatory Environment

    y Complex and confusing

    MNCs must

    x Conform to national laws and standards

    x Abide by the laws of their own countries


    Be aware of international treaties and obligations Differences in regulatory regimes

    x Increase transaction costs

    x Restrict and distort trade

    x Can result in retaliatory practices or sanctions

    y Four main legal traditionsx Common law

    x Civil law

    x Islamic law (theocratic law)

    x Socialist law

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    Socio-Cultural Environment

    y Ethics and social responsibility

    Business practices

    Labor standards and workers rights

    Corporate governance Intellectual property rights

    y Values and culture (Part II)

    Responses to authority

    Individual vs. group recognition and responsibility Balance of work and family obligations

    Managing and resolving conflict

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    Technological Environment

    y Changing at lightning speed

    y Internet and telecommunications Increasing bandwidth/high-speed access

    Reduced costs of entry/leapfroggingy E-business

    Customization (the long end of the tail)

    E-retailing and financial servicesx Movement of money across borders

    x E-cash a currency without a country

    y Outsourcing and offshoring Information as a commodity

    The 24-hour office increased productivity/lower cost

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    Impact on Labor

    ` Positive effects

    ` Increased job


    ` Upgraded education


    ` Increased training

    ` Negative effects

    ` Job displacement

    ` Loss of industries or

    economic groups

    ` Lowered labor standards

    ` Downward wage


    ` Decreased union power

    ` Diminished social


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    Impact on Equality

    ` Positive effects` Increased income /

    reduced poverty

    ` Increased wages for

    education or technically


    ` Improved economic


    ` Rich become richer

    ` Greater access to goods

    ` Lower cost of goods

    ` Increased food supply (in

    some countries)

    ` Negative effects` Greater disparity

    between haves and have-

    nots within and across


    ` Some downward

    pressure on wages for

    the poorly educated or


    ` Worsened economicconditions in

    marginalized countries

    ` Poor become poorer

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    Impact on Government

    ` Positive effects` Increased economic


    ` Expanded infrastructure

    ` Transfer of modern

    management techniques

    ` Greater interdependence

    among business partners

    ` Negative effects` MNC power increased

    ` MNCs externalize cost

    to countries

    ` Competition results in

    too many concessions

    ` MNCs influence local


    ` Companies incorporate

    in low tax countries

    ` Pressure to reduce social


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    Impact on the Environment

    y Positive effectsx More efficient use of


    x Increased demand for

    and transfer of more

    efficient technologies

    x Increased incomes lead

    to greater concern for



    y Negative effectsx Increased consumption

    x Advertising creates

    artificial needs

    x Greater use of fossil

    fuels (increased travel)

    x Increased surplus and


    x Increased degradation

    from unregulated


    x More factories require

    more infrastructure

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    Impact on Culture/Community

    ` Positive effects

    ` Increased cultural

    exposure and


    ` Closer cross-border ties

    ` Negative effects

    ` More mobility disrupts

    social life, particularly in

    remote or rural

    communities` Disintegration of local


    ` Cultural homogenization

    and monoculture /

    reduced cultural diversity

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    Globalization: Pros and Cons

    y Globalization as moral conflict

    y Impacts of Globalization

    Increases economic interdependence

    Creates winners and losersy Implications of the debate

    For academics

    x Need for more objective research


    Need to question assumptions and be open to alternatives For companies

    x Be aware of multiple stakeholder interests

    x Follow the guidelines of the UN Global Compact

    x Consider the triple bottom line

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    y Implications for Managers

    Lifelong learning

    x the most valuable asset is the ability to learn how to learn

    (Thomas Friedman, The World is Flat)

    Responsivenessx be alert for changes and quick to respond


    x knowing how to work with others

    x being comfortable with uncertainty and ambiguity

    Both a local and global perspective

    x see the big picture (global economy/whole organization)

    x understand the details of operating at the local level