International Anti-Street Harassment Week 2015

International Anti-Street Harassment Week 2015 Report


For a week in April 2015, groups in at least 41 countries and 24 US states (and DC) took action to raise awareness about and work to end street harassment in their communities. The week was overseen and organized by Stop Street Harassment. |

Transcript of International Anti-Street Harassment Week 2015


Anti-Street Harassment

Week 2015 Report

TaBle of Contents

Page 3: Overview information about Int’l Anti-Street Harassment Week

Page 11: A sampling of the actions that took place internationally

Page 98: A sampling of the actions that occurred in the USA

Page 155 : Examples of the week’s online activism

#EndSHWeek 2015 2

Overview Information:

What’s the Problem?

Catcalls, sexist comments, gender-policing, leering, flashing, groping,

stalking, and sexual assault: gender-based street harassment makes

public places unfriendly and even scary for many girls, women, and

LGBQT folks. It limits their access to public spaces.

What is the Week?

Meet Us On the Street: International Anti-Street Harassment Week is an

opportunity to collectively raise awareness that street harassment

happens and that it’s not okay. It began in 2011 as International Anti-

Street Harassment Day and it expanded to a week in 2012. It is a

program of Stop Street Harassment.

Why a Week?

Activists and individuals around the world work hard year-round to make

public places safer but once a year we can amplify each other’s voices.

Why Hold it in April?

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month in the USA and street

harassment falls within the spectrum of gender-based violence. April is

also springtime in the Northern Hemisphere While street harassment

occurs year-round, spring is a time when there is an increase in the

harassment because of the increased daylight hours and warmer weather

that brings people outside.

3#EndSHWeek 2015

4#EndSHWeek 2015

What Happened?

For a week in April, groups, organizations,

transit authorities, college campuses and

people in 41 countries and on six continents

spoke out against street harassment!

Who made it possible?

International Anti-Street Harassment Week is a community mobilization

program of Stop Street Harassment and it was spearheaded by SSH

founder Holly Kearl and Online Manager Britnae Purdy. They were helped by:

• The leaders of more than 150 groups, organizations and campuses that

took some form of action during the week.

• Stop Telling Women to Smile artist Tatyana Fazlalizadeh who organized an

International Night of Wheat Pasting on April 17.

• National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) that helped advertise

the week to their networks forSexual Assault Awareness Month.

• SSH social media volunteers, board members, and SSH correspondents

who helped advertise the week and participate in tweet chats and events.

• Alan Kearl and Beckie Weinheimer who contributed financially.

5#EndSHWeek 2015


• We had co-sponsoring groups from 41 countries.

• We received more than 80 major news hits in at least 10 countries.

• There were rallies, events, sidewalk chalking, flyering, street theater,

wheat pasting, and lots of online engagement.

• Anti-harassment transit campaigns launched in London, Los Angeles, and

Vancouver and a new study about harassment on the transit system in

France found that 100% of women have been harassed.

• Fiona Patten, a member of Parliament in Victoria, Australia, raised the

issue of street harassment in Parliament.

• New street signs about street harassment went up in New York City,

Philadelphia and Toronto.

• NGOs in Chile, Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Peru,

Ecuador and Uruguay took photos posted them on social media.

• Six main hashtags were used on Twitter: #Endsh #Endshweek

#plutotsympa #everydaysexism #AcosoEsViolencia #NoAcosoCallejero

Since launching Stop Street Harassment seven years ago, there is much

more awareness globally about street harassment and more concrete

actions to address it. Awareness campaigns like International Anti Street

Harassment Week contribute to that evolving shift. If you participated,

know that your voice matters, you’re making a difference.

#EndSHWeek 2015 6

• ABC News


• Alternet

• Annapurna Post (Nepal)

• ArtNet News

• Atlanta Creative Loafing

• Badalja (India)

• Baltimore Sun

• Best of the Left

• Big Browser (France)

• Bitch Media | 2

• Bustle

• Buzzfeed


• CBC News (Canada)

• Christian Science Monitor

• Cosmopolitan

• The Daily Iowan

• Daily Mail (UK)

• Diario Castellanos (Chile)

• Elite Daily

• Elle

• Fast Company

• Feministing

• The Flat Hat News

• For Harriet

• The Frisky

• The Georgia Straight

• Global News

• Gothamist

• Grazia (France)

• GW Hatchet

• Hello Giggles

• Huffington Post 1 | 2 | 3

• I am in DNA (India)

• The Independent (UK)

• Le Monde (France)

• The Local DE (Germany)

• Marie Claire (Brazil)

• Matt Townsend Show, SiriusXM

• Metro News Toronto

• Mic

• Modern Reston Magazine

• Ms. magazine Winter 2015 issue

• My Fox NY

• The Nation (Pakistan)

• NOLA Defender

• Nonprofit Quarterly

• NY Daily News

• NYU Local

• NYU News

• The Observer

• Pakistan Today

• Paste Magazine

• Philadelphia Sun Times

• The Philadelphia Tribune


• People Magazine

• The Post Athens

• The Republic

• Ryerson University Student Life (Canada)


• Take Part

• Talking Points Memo

• Think Progress

• TimAdamsCBC on @EdmAMCBC (Canada)

• Times Herald Record

• Time Out NYC

• The Times Tribune


• Vancouver AM 730 | CKNW AM

980 (Canada)

• Waging Non-Violence


• The WIP

• WKU Herald


• Women’s eNews

#EndSHWeek 2015 7


#EndSHWeek 2015 8

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#EndSHWeek 2015 10

International Efforts!

#EndSHWeek 2015 11

Daughters of Rabia published one street harassment story and image per day

on their site in Farsi. They provided English translations of the pieces for

publication on the Stop Street Harassment website.

“All women have the right to exit their homes without fear.

Nothing justifies street harassment.”

#EndSHWeek 2015 12


Acción Respeto: Por una Calle Libre de Acoso held activities around the country,

all week. This included handing out pamphlets, pasting signs around the city,

placing a stand on the main parks in Buenos Aires to talk to people about the


#EndSHWeek 2015 13


They also held a march to demand a law that protects women against street

harassment (a law was introduced later in April).

#EndSHWeek 2015 14

Fiona Patten, a member of Parliament in Victoria, Australia, raised the issue of

street harassment in Parliament.

The Australian Women Against Violence Alliance (AWAVA) joined the global

tweet chat on April 14.

#EndSHWeek 2015 15


The Baku American Center held a presentation and discussion about what street

harassment is, why it's bad, and what people can do about it.

#EndSHWeek 2015 16


The public events HollaBack! Bahamas hosted for the week were fused with

events for Sexual Assault Awareness Month and included a meditation session

led by a volunteer for the Peace Revolution from Mexico, a free self defense

class for women, and a chalk art event at College of the Bahamas.

Director Alicia Wallace said, “A man was walking by as we chalked the sidewalk

at College of the Bahamas and stopped to ask what we were doing and why. We

got into quite the debate. The volunteer from the Pro Society (art club) engaged

him and stood her ground, and it was great to see her talk about street

harassment with such authority. I joined her in speaking to the man, and shared

some of my personal experiences, and told him what my average day is like.

After about 15 minutes of back and forth, he finally understood the role he has

been playing in putting a burden on women who access public space. He asked

where he could get more information on HollaBack! Bahamas and the

movement to end street harassment. It felt like the most amazing win!”

#EndSHWeek 2015 17

The Bahamas

The Speak Up Club at the Asian University for Women distributed fliers and

spoke to taxi drivers, rickshaw drivers, and shopkeepers throughout the week.

They also did sidewalk chalking.

#EndSHWeek 2015 18


#EndSHWeek 2015 19

Touche Pas À Ma Pote raised awarenss on social media.

#EndSHWeek 2014 20


Mujeres Creando held an action in the main square of their city. They posted

harassment phrases on a woman’s body as a way to visually depict street

harassment and to encourage people to not be silent when they witnessed it.

They also invited people to be part of their research action.

This is the first time this kind of demonstration occurred in Bolivia and it resulted

in liberating discourse. People were very receptive and children were especially

interested in learning more about what is right and wrong on the streets.

#EndSHWeek 2015 21


Chega de Fiu Fiu held the following events:

- Call To Action: They published information and articles on Twitter.

- Arts: They invited artists to create illustrations about street harassment and

they published them on their social media accounts.

- Facebook Q&As: They hosted a Q&A with a Public Defender about street

harassment (What women can do when harassed? What does the Brazilian law

say about it?). They also held a Q&A with a Brazilian senator who is trying to

pass a law criminalizing street harassment on public transportation.

#EndSHWeek 2015 22


Women for a Change, Cameroon held a dialogue in Beau with youth and

adolescents to address the different forms of street harassment women and girls

face and how to intervene.

#EndSHWeek 2015 23


HollaBack! Alberta held a “Street Harassment Happens Here” event where they

walked through the high traffic areas of Whyte Avenue, stopping every five

minutes, and providing chalk & support to those who wish to participate.

Participants used sidewalk chalk to describe their experiences and/or feelings

regarding street harassment on the sidewalk. Co-Directors Lauren Alston &

Renee Cabana-Marshall said, “People who were on the streets ended up joining

us and writing their own messages of hope and support. Many people started

conversations and pointed out that they experienced the same things we were

writing on the sidewalks. People took photos of the chalk walk and noted their

support or how the chalk walk had already made them feel safer.”

#EndSHWeek 2015 24


#EndSHWeek 2015 25

HollaBack! Alberta co-directors Renee and Lauren spoke on Time Adams CBC

radio. They also were featured in a cover article in the Edmonton Metro.

#EndSHWeek 2015 26

Women In Cities International hosted a discussion about street harassment.

Over twenty women from various backgrounds participated, with whispered

translation in French, English, Hindi and Bengali. The group was divided in two

teams and were asked: What is street harassment? What are your experiences

with it? How does being from different cultures emphasize the problem? Each

group wrote their experiences on a sheet of paper and then the facilitators

matched the findings to see if there were similarities. Staring, sexual comments,

whistling, asking for sex etc. were the most common facts of harassment that

women said they experienced in the street.

#EndSHWeek 2015 27


HollaBack! Ottawa participated in the Stop Telling Women to Smile International

Wheat Pasting event on April 17, 2015. They postered, wheat pasted and chalk

walked in a busy Ottawa neighborhood.

Director Julie Lalonde said, “We were so proud to see the positive reaction our

wheat pasting wall received. So many people were stopping to look at it, take

pictures and mention it on social media. "

#EndSHWeek 2015 28

Ottawa, CANADA

Two examples of messages they received are: "THANK YOU for the messages

left on Bank Street. I read them all, they made my day! I felt not alone in this."

"Absolutely loved seeing all this on my walk home Friday night! Awesome work!“

#EndSHWeek 2015 29

The Street Talk Project launched their new exhibit! Inspired by the Take Back

The Night movement and #yesallwomen. It was a public art installation and

gallery exhibition that addresses how women navigate the city and the socialized

sexism that governs their bodies on a day-to-day basis.

Using humor and subversive

advertising, this project brought

attention to the ways in which public

space is navigated differently by

different bodies; addressed how

sexism is felt viscerally on a day-

to-day basis; and furthered the belief

that we are all responsible for

making public spaces accessible

and welcoming for all bodies.

#EndSHWeek 2015 30

Toronto, CANADA

#EndSHWeek 2015 31

Ryerson University’s Student Life team shared Ryerson community stories via a

photo-based campaign. They decided to take the personal approach to allow

people to share their own experiences and put a face to the issue.

Leaders of the campaign said, “We noticed that students experience harassment

not just off campus but even on campus as well, and as a leader in digital

community at Ryerson, we wanted to add our voices to the call for change and

join the international conversation.”

#EndSHWeek 2015 32

Toronto, Canada

#EndSHWeek 2015 33

The Vancouver Transit Police and the local HollaBack! site distributed cards

about harassment at Commercial Broadway SkyTrain Station as part of a new

campaign encouraging people to be active bystanders when they witness

harassment happening. People can also download OnDuty, the Metro

Vancouver Transit Police app, which allows bystanders to safely report non-

emergency incidents of street harassment on public transportation discreetly.

#EndSHWeek 2015 34

Vancouver, CANADA

HollaBack! Vancouver debuted their interactive campaign and art show “What’s

Your Number?” It enabled people to record the frequency and emotions involved

with street harassment from April 12-26. Participants received clickers (or

counters) along with a blank notebook. For the two weeks, they clicked twice for

direct street harassment, and once for an indirect impact. At the end of the time,

the clickee was encouraged to creatively express the experience in the notebook

provided through mediums like poetry, illustration or essaying before they’re

passed on to the next one.

The notebooks were showcased at an exhibit on April 30 at a free art show. Part

education, part creative and part party, this night got everyone together in a

comfortable space to talk about the effects of street harassment and – most

importantly – what can be done.

#EndSHWeek 2015 35

Vancouver, CANADA

Students at Pacific Rim College participated in the Stop Telling Women to Smile

International Night of Wheat Pasting.

#EndSHWeek 2015 36


Observatorio Contra el Acoso Callejero en Chile participated in the international

tweetathon and rallied NGOs in other Latin American countries to participate and

create a photo album with anti-harassment messages. They included: OCAC

Nicaragua, OCAC Colombia, OCAC Uruguay, Chega de Fiu Fiu (Brazil),

Paremos el Acoso Callejero (Peru), Hollaback Bogotá, Acción Respeto

(Argentina), Hollaback Cuenca (Ecuador) y No Acoso Callejero (El Salvador).

They promoted an anti-street harassment bill that has been introduced in

Congress. They also held an outdoor event with talks, music, artistic

performances and a self-defense workshop.

#EndSHWeek 2015 37


Observatorio Contra el Acoso Callejero en Chile’s director Alice Junqueira said,

“Latin America countries have never been so close and successful in advancing

the issue with their national governments and local societies. In 2015 Peru has

approved a law against street harassment and Chile and Argentina have

presented their own bills to Congress, paving the way for a discussion to begin

in Brazil.”

#EndSHWeek 2015 38

Atrévete Bogotá iHollaback talked to people on the street about street

harassment and ways to stop it. They took pictures with messages against

harassment. They also pasted posters for the iconic Carrera Seventh rejecting

the harassment and did a few interviews for online radio shows.

“Most young men and women with whom we spoke said they will do all possible

to intervene in an episode of street harassment.”

#EndSHWeek 2015 39


Observatorio Contra el Acoso Callejero Colombia hosted many events.

Sunday: They hosted a cycling against harassment event.

#EndSHWeek 2015 40


Monday: They held a talk about street harassment at the National University.

Tuesday: They did street action to declare the streets belong to everyone.

Thursday: In collaboration with Colectiva Urgente Anárquica y Sinverguenza

they held a feminist self-defense session.

Friday: They marched with the Tremenda Revoltosa Batucada Feminista, and

beat the drums against all forms of violence on people’s bodies.

Saturday: They closed out the week with a dance fundraiser.

#EndSHWeek 2015 41

HollaBack! Croatia hosted a workshop on how to deal with and respond to street


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HollaBack! Cuenca shared messages on social media.

#EndSHWeek 2015 43


HarassMap held a Facebook campaign with daily posts using the hashtag

#endSH and #ضد_اسبوع_ The content of the .(’week against harassment‘)التحرش

posts was examples of verbal harassment, to clarify and show examples of

harassment that are often seen as flirting but are of course not (the examples

were crowdsourced through social media, from women in Egypt).

“Flirtation is called harassment “Don't tolerate any sexual harassment

if there is no consent.” in the street. Report to”

“Try to keep your comments to yourself.” “Why do you call a woman a pony.”

#EndSHWeek 2015 44


They shared videos on social media that were about stories that they received

during their campaign Mesh Sakta (‘Don’t be silent’). They showed sexual

harassment situations where people intervened to stop it.

They held an event at Helwan University in Cairo as part of their program to stop

harassment at universities (Safe Schools and Universities program). They

hosted seminars with the students to inform them about how to end the social

acceptability of sexual harassment and how they can work to implement a anti-

sexual harassment policy at their university.

#EndSHWeek 2015 45

y No Acoso Callejero El Salvador raised awareness on social media.

#EndSHWeek 2015 46

El Salvador

Take Back the Streets, Fiji, raised awareness on social media. They encouraged

people to document instances of street harassment using the hashtag #tbtsfiji.

#EndSHWeek 2015 47

Fiji Islands

Community members participated in the Stop Telling Women to Smile

International Night of Wheat Pasting.

#EndSHWeek 2015 48

Bordeaux, France

Stop Harcèlement de Rue in Lille launched a new poster campaign, did an

informational leaflet distribution at the Lille Flandres subway station, posted a

wall of shame (where people can write the insults and catcalls they heard on

post-its), met with the comic book author Thomas Mathieu who created the

Project Crocodiles Tumblr (he illustrates everyday sexism experiences sent to

him by readers), and launched a “no harassment bar” program to make bars

they work with “no harassment zones.”

#EndSHWeek 2015 49

Lille, France

Stop Harcèlement de Rue in Lyon, in collaboration with the Family Planning Unit

69, collected street harassment stories from passersby on the street, did

informational leaflet distribution at Vaise subway station, held chalk walks at

Quai Victor Augagneur and Montée de la Grande Côte, and put up an

information stand at Parc de la Tête d'Or to raise awareness.

#EndSHWeek 2015 50

Lyon, France

Stop Harcèlement de Rue in Paris went in subway and suburban trains to

distribute flyers and to sensitize people to all the types of violence women face

on public transport. They wore super-hero costumes as the “Team Zero Relou”

(no street harassers team)!

They held a Twitter chat about sexism and harassment on public transportation

(@stophdr #terminusrelou).

#EndSHWeek 2015 51

Paris, France

Stop Harcèlement de Rue in Paris also held skits about harassment at the Gare

du Nord station to raise public awareness.

#EndSHWeek 2015 52

HollaBack! Berlin participated in the Stop Telling Women to Smile International

Night of Wheat Pasting.

#EndSHWeek 2015 53

Berlin, Germany

Antifaschistische Revolte did sidewalk chalking, made t-shirts, and distributed

some of ProChange’s cards against sexism and homophobia.

#EndSHWeek 2015 54

Cologne, Germany

Members of ProChange distributed red cards against sexism and pink cards

against homophobia across the week. They also put flyers and other information

on park benches and advertising columns and they handed out informational

beermats to draw attention about street harassment and how to take action in

pubs, cafes, clubs etc. They translated anti-street harassment materials into

German and mobilized groups in other cities to take action during the week.

#EndSHWeek 2015 55

dortmund, Germany

Feministisches Netzwerk put up anti-street harassment messages around town.

#EndSHWeek 2015 56

HeidelBerg, Germany

#EndSHWeek 2015 57

SafeCity conducted a workshop for 100 children at a government school in Lal

Kuan and wrote articles about street harassment.

#EndSHWeek 2015 58


Rezvan Moghaddam, an influential leader for gender equality in Iran, collected

several stories from Iranian women for publication on the SSH blog for the week.

#EndSHWeek 2015 59


HollaBack! Dublin raised awareness on social media.

#EndSHWeek 2015 60


American SSH supporters Beckie Weinheimer and Tony Salcedo took photos

and shared them on social media while on vacation in Italy during the week!

#EndSHWeek 2015 61


NO Molestie Di Strada designed thought-provoking stickers both in Italian and

English with the intent of opening up the conversation about street harassment

and its consequences. Some examples are: “My body is not a public space",

“Why don't you react when you witness harassment?", "I want to be free to travel

at night".

They and anyone who requested stickers placed them in

crowded places like train stations, churches, high

schools, universities, airports, etc. They took pictures of

them and posted them on social media.

#EndSHWeek 2015 62


Spice Chungu—A Project of Spice Without Borders raised awareness online and

organized a march of 100 people in Lugari, Kakamega County.

Organizer Erick Matsanza said, “The march stroke curiosity and most people

were caught unawares. They didn’t know that street harassment was bad and

killed the confidence of a woman. They wanted to have more information…The

women were happy as they expressed themselves and the men heard that it

makes them uncomfortable.”

#EndSHWeek 2015 63


The organizers of HollaBack! Nairobi wrote a guest blog post for SSH.

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Pixel Project, based in Malaysia, hosted a Tweetathon with Breakthrough India.

#EndSHWeek 2015 65


CoHabita/Habitajes pasted 65 Stop Telling Women to Smile posters along 45

stations on Line 1 of the Metrobus in Mexico City and elsewhere around the city.

#EndSHWeek 2015 66


Social Empowerment by Empowering Women SEEW held an anti-street

harassment rally at Chuchepati, Chabahil, near the Pasang Lamhu Statue.

People could sign a petition against street harassment.

#EndSHWeek 2015 67

Kathmandu, Nepal

#EndSHWeek 2015 68

Youth Advocacy Nepal (YAN) and Activista Nepal - in partnership with like-

minded social organization – organized several events:

1. A youth dialogue on “Civic and Youth Action on anti street harassment” with 50

young people from diverse backgrounds. The objective of the program was to

enhance the knowledge and skills of young people so they can help abolish

street harassment.

#EndSHWeek 2015 69

Kathmandu, Nepal

2. Young people did a demonstration in which they carried hand-made bags with

positive messages regarding street harassment.

3. Sidewalk chalking, profile picture changing, blogging, and article writing.

4. Hundreds of people participated in an “Anti-street harassment march” and

carried placards with anti-street harassment slogans.

#EndSHWeek 2015 70

#EndSHWeek 2015 71

HollaBack! Kathmandu hosted a Stand Up Against Street Harassment event

during which 20 people stood at Basantapur Durbar Square for an hour. Then

they distributed flyers and talked to local people about the issue.

#EndSHWeek 2015 72

Kathandu, Nepal

They hosted a “Men’s Pledge” to encourage boys and men to share their anti-

street harassment messages with other boys and men.

#EndSHWeek 2015 73

HollaBack! Kathmandu director Aparna Singh said, “We got incredible support

from men and boys at our final event at Bhaktapur. Young boys there were so

enthusiastic, curious and supportive about our event and they readily agreed to

be a part of the project once we made them understand the objective of our

campaign. That was really fulfilling. One of the boys said that they need more

girls and women like us who will talk about it more on the public platform to bring

an end to harassment. We had a diverse age group of people who took part:

from young girls and boys to men and women in their 50s, people from different

backgrounds, race and ethnicities and culture took part which was very positive

... The participants of the week said they enjoyed being a part of the global

movement and it unleashed the activist in them.”

#EndSHWeek 2015 74

The Nepal Mahila Ekata Samaj (Nepal Women Unity Society) hosted several


1. They released the findings of an audit of public spaces in the Tripuresor area

of Kathmandu Valley.

2. They held a five days self-defense training with adolescent girls of the slum


3. They did chalk writing on streets and bridges.

#EndSHWeek 2015 75

Kathmandu, Nepal

Grace Research and Advocacy Center (GRACe) organized a discussion

program on ways to fight street harassment with high school students. It

included discussion on available laws, organizational services, and

governmental emergency services. They also asked them to reflect on how it

would be to act, stop and report cases of street harassment.

Organizer Priyanka Pokhrel said, “It amazed us to see how male participants

were willing to share their ideas to address problem of street harassment. They

actually came up with some practical ways to fight harassers. Concept of indirect

street harassment, misreading public niceties to harassment, and

implementation challenges of law effectiveness were also highly discussed.”

#EndSHWeek 2015 76

Lalitpur, Nepal

HollaBack! Amsterdam launched and held a party. They also participated in the

Stop Telling Women to Smile International Night of Wheat Pasting.

#EndSHWeek 2015 77

The NetherLands

Observatorio Contra el Acoso Callejero Nicaragua raised awareness on social

media, held a self-defense class and a short film festival, and prepared to

release the official results of their 2014 street harassment survey.

#EndSHWeek 2015 78


The group No to Harassment hosted a seminar and discussion about how a

woman is #notanobject. From a write-up on the “No to Harassment” blog:

“The seminar highlighted the mindsets, myths, cultural dilemma and perceptions

on street harassment in Pakistan through an opening activity ‘Street

Harassment: One thought,’ a panel discussion & an ending activity ‘Street

Harassment 101.’

While some shared their experiences of sexual assault on the streets, others

wrote about immodest behavior and dressing as being the cause of street

harassment. The responses showed how diverse and divided opinions on the

rights and the wrongs in lieu of street harassment were. This also highlighted the

influence of cultural prejudices and traditional misconceptions that were upheld

under the banner of modesty and family respect.”

#EndSHWeek 2015 79


“The highlight of the seminar was the panel discussion that was conducted with

the collaboration of Dark is Divine. Fatima Lodhi, convener of Dark Is Divine,

moderated the panel session. Dr. Rakshinda Perveen CEO/Cofounder SACHET,

Mr. Irfan Haider Director Operations, Group Development & Ms. Summara Raza,

lawyer and educationist were the speakers for the session.

Discussion revolved around key topics that included cultural biases, bystander

interventions, legal protections and role of police as well as personal stories of

the speakers that highlighted how rampant street harassment in Pakistan is…

The campaign was also supported by Women

in Rotaract, Pakistan Liberation Movement and

Hollaback! Lahore. It was an effort to highlight

the issue of street harassment in Pakistan and

ignite a dialogue to engage all stakeholders to

address street harassment.”

#EndSHWeek 2015 80

Paremos el Acoso Callejero held a discussion about street harassment and

raised awareness over social media.

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#EndSHWeek 2015 82

FILIA: Centre for Curriculum Development and Gender Studies and HollaBack!

Romania held an ”Anti-street harassment evening” during which they showed

documentaries/video clips and held a debate about street harassment. They

organized a public action in a park to raise awareness and to share fliers with

information about street harassment and also write chalk messages, have

discussions with people and hold a flashmob about the importance of bystander

intervention and avoiding victim-blaming attitudes. They also appeared on a

local TV talk show.

#EndSHWeek 2015 83


#EndSHWeek 2015 84

Equity Youth Association did flyering and handed out graphics and info across

the city with information from their recently conducted survey, and hosted a chalk

walk with local university students in a city park that is notorious for being a

high-harassment area.

#EndSHWeek 2015 85


Korean and expat bands rocked

out in aid of women’s causes at Ladies’

Night. Ten acts, including Guten Birds,

Baekma and Oops Nice played at the

concert, which supported feminist

community Disruptive Voices. They

timed the event to fall over

International Anti-Street Harassment

Week and talked about street

harassment at the event.

#EndSHWeek 2015 86

South Korea

Womantra participated in the Stop Telling Women to Smile wheat pasting. The

group said, “It is our hope that clear messaging about street harassment will

encourage women and men to engage with how they engage each other and

give space for ‘everyday’ and normalized oppression to be deconstructed head

on, without apology and not shying away from the deep misogyny that underpins

male entitlement to women’s attention, space and bodies.”

#EndSHWeek 2015 87


HollaBack! Izmir held a street harassment forum, a banner-making workshop, a

panel discussion, and street awareness-raising activity.

#EndSHWeek 2015 88


Community members took part in the Stop Telling Women to Smile International

Night of Wheat Pasting.

#EndSHWeek 2015 89

Bristol, UK

The British Transit Police released the marketing video “Report It to Stop It” for

their anti-harassment transit campaign Project Guardian.

#EndSHWeek 2015 90

London, UK

Rape Crisis UK teamed up with fashion photographer PEROU on new campaign

#ThisDoesntMeanYes to dispel the myths around what constitutes consent.

They photographed nearly 200 women and officially launched the campaign at on April 15. In their press release they wrote:

“PEROU photographed women

who were chosen at random in

a pop-up street studio, capturing

and empowering each individual

in a composition that each felt

natural to them. Our aim: to show

through our collection of images,

that no matter what a woman is

wearing, she is never ‘asking for

it’ and the mentality ‘she wants it’

is fundamentally wrong.”

#EndSHWeek 2015 91

London, UK

After Gay Harrin member Patricia Macleod was interviewed by a local paper

about her and her girlfriend's experiences of sexist and homophobic street

harassment in Harringay, North London, they issued an open invitation to local

residents for a public discussion of how to tackle harassment within the


They held the meeting during the week and 13 people attended, including two

representatives from a local LGBT charity and two police officers. Collectively,

they came up with a number of measures to take individually and as a group and

arranged to meet again in one month's time.

Patricia said, “The police officers

in attendance told us that they

rarely received reports about

harassment, whilst the charity

representatives told us of the

appalling hate-crime and harassment

statistics in the area. The disjunct

between the two was striking and

the need to take action not just in

terms of awareness, but also in

encouraging reporting, became

apparent. The police officers were

very helpful and sensitive and were

ultimately able to provide very practical

advice us on reporting processes.”

#EndSHWeek 2015 92

London, UK

Annie Rose Tisshaw organized friends and community members to post 400

stickers around their area!

#EndSHWeek 2015 93

London, UK

HollaBack! Nottingham hosted a clay workshop. They discussed street

harassment and methods for dealing with it while creating clay artwork for an

upcoming exhibit. They also held a Zine workshop where people made collages,

scribbles, doodles, and shared their thoughts, memories, experiences and


#EndSHWeek 2015 94

Nottingham, UK

HollaBack! York celebrated their site launch with a workshop, flyering, a chalk

walk, and they conducted a street harassment survey.

#EndSHWeek 2015 95

York, UK

#EndSHWeek 2015 96


Observatorio Contra el Acoso Callejero Uruguay

raised awareness on social media and

organized a televised debate on street


#EndSHWeek 2015 97


The Women Against Street Harassment Movement spoke at schools,

handed out fliers, hung posters, appeared on radio and television, and

invited people to sign petitions regarding street harassment.

Efforts in the U.S.A.

#EndSHWeek 2015 98


The largest activism in the USA took place in both New York City and

Philadelphia. Pussy Division (in Philly) partnered with Feminist Apparel (in NYC)

to design and put up more than 50 anti-street harassment street signs in their

respective cities. Street signs said "no catcalling at any time" and called for an

end to street harassment. They were cited in dozens of news articles around the


One of the organizers said, “We had so much positive feedback. A lot of people

shared harassment that just happened to them and said they were happy to see

the sign and feel less alone….Many people commented on Instagram pics and

twitter that they love the project. As with any project on this subject, there were

detractors. Some people thought the signs were aimed to convince people to

stop street harassment which is tough. The signs ignited conversations on the

internet and in real life about street harassment and so for us, it was a huge


#EndSHWeek 2015 99



Hey Baby: Art Against Sexual Violence hosted a chalking in downtown Tucson.

#EndSHWeek 2015 100


The Santa Barbara Rape Crisis Center held a chalk walk in Santa Barbara.

#EndSHWeek 2015 101


HollaBack! Mile High in Denver encouraged people to write messages on white

boards about their experiences -- using the hashtag #ThisIsHarassment -- and

sharing them on social media.

#EndSHWeek 2015 102

District of COLUMBIA

George Washington University Feminist Student Union created a photo

campaign in which GW students held a sign with an example of street

harassment that has happened to them.

#EndSHWeek 2015 103


Zerlina Maxwell spoke about campus sexual assault, rape culture, street

harassment and feminist leadership at Georgetown University. Members of the

Women’s Center joined Stop Street Harassment in tabling before her talk.

#EndSHWeek 2015 104


WMATA, Stop Street Harassment, Collective Action for Safe Spaces, DC Rape

Crisis Center, and the Rally Against Rape organizers distributed information

about harassment at five Metro stations.

#EndSHWeek 2015 105

#EndSHWeek 2015 106


Collective Action for Safe Spaces hosted their 6th anniversary party, “Lights,

Camera, Collective Action!”

Stop Street Harassment and the Gay District hosted Nigerian LGBT activist Bisi

Alimi at the DC Center and participated in the STWTS Wheat Pasting.

#EndSHWeek 2015 107


Batala!, Stop Street Harassment, Collective Action for Safe Spaces, and Defend

Yourself hosted street action, drumming, chalking and flyering on the final day of

the week.

#EndSHWeek 2015 108

#EndSHWeek 2015 109


Defend Yourself hosted a self-defense class for 20 fourth and fifth grade girls at

Community Bridges.

Marty Langelan & Associates held two harassment intervention skills workshops,

one for a larger community organization in SE and one at Georgetown Law


#EndSHWeek 2015 110


Citizens Against Street Harassment did sidewalk chalking in Miami along

the Lincoln Road pedestrian walkway.

#EndSHWeek 2015 111


Hollaback! Atlanta hosted “Let Me HOLLA at You – A Panel Discussion,”

presented by Tayler Mathews and Clark Atlanta University’s Women’s Initiative

Program. Member Kiersten Smith hosted a HOLLA Coffee Hour and Jessica

Caldas organized sidewalk chalking.

#EndSHWeek 2015 112

Champaign, Illinois

Volunteers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champagne campus hosted a

number of events.

#EndSHWeek 2015 113

#EndSHWeek 2015 114

CHICAGO, Illinois

Stop Telling Women to Smile artist Tatyana Fazlalizadeh gave a talk about her

work and did wheat pasting in Chicago at the Women Made Gallery.

#EndSHWeek 2015 115

Des Moines, Iowa

Hollaback! Des Moines organized their 3rd Annual Chalk Walk to End Street


#EndSHWeek 2015 116

Iowa City, Iowa

The University of Iowa Rape Victim Advocacy Program and Alpha Chi Omega

Sorority hosted an info session about what street harassment is and how to

safely intervene in harassment situations and did a white board awareness-

raising event. They used #Hawkeyesdontharass to show support.

#EndSHWeek 2015 117


The Ending Street Harassment in Iowa City group did sidewalk chalking and

participated in the Stop Telling Women to Smile Night of Wheat Pasting.

#EndSHWeek 2015 118


HollaBack! New Orleans organized sidewalk chalking

and participated in the Stop Telling Women to Smile

International Night of Wheat Pasting.

#EndSHWeek 2015 119

Baltimore, Maryland

HollaBack! Bmore and FORCE held a photo shoot across the week, around the

city. They also joined the Stop Telling Women to Smile International Night of

Wheat Pasting.

#EndSHWeek 2015 120

Baltimore, Maryland

University of Maryland Baltimore County included information about street

harassment at their annual Take Back the Night event.

#EndSHWeek 2015 121

#EndSHWeek 2015 122


STREETWISE hosted a Basics of Self Defense Class. This 4-hour hands-on

workshop gave attendees the confidence, knowledge and strength to feel

empowered in a life-threatening situation.

#EndSHWeek 2015 123

Boston, Massachusetts

“Street Harassment is Not a Game” street action was hosted by Safe Hub

Collective in Boston. “We invited women, people of color, trans and gender non-

conforming people, queer folks, and disabled people to bring their jump ropes,

balls, sidewalk chalk, and favorite playground songs to send the message that

*street harassment is not a game*. It is violence. And it is hurtful.”

#EndSHWeek 2015 124

#EndSHWeek 2015 125

Boston, Massachusetts

Guerrilla Feminism Boston compiled a homemade zine and hosted a chalk walk.

“This is a safe(r) space for marginalized folks: Black women, queer people,

Trans WoC, gender non conforming persons of color.”

#EndSHWeek 2015 126

#EndSHWeek 2015 127

Guerrilla Feminism Boston also participated in the Stop Telling Women to Smile

International Night of Wheat Pasting. At both events, they said several men

stopped and were angry, told them men are harassed too, or said harassment

isn’t a big deal, it’s just a compliment. On the other hand, several women

stopped to thank them and give high fives. One woman said, “Bless you. I walk

down this street sometimes and feel so disrespected. Thank you for this work.”

#EndSHWeek 2015 128


HollaBack! Twin Cities hosted chalking events at the University of Minnesota –

Twin Cities. They said it was very successful and participants had a few good

conversations with passers-by.

#EndSHWeek 2015 129


Community members in Missoula participated in the Stop Telling Women to

Smile International Night of Wheat Pasting.

#EndSHWeek 2015 130


University of Missouri Kansas City Women’s Center did chalking on campus and

invited students to stop by the center to learn about street harassment.

#EndSHWeek 2015 131


Radical Notion and the Sociology Club at Hastings College began the week on

Monday by handing out "Cats Against Catcalls" stickers on campus. On

Tuesday, they showed the film "Out In the Night" followed by a panel discussion.

On Wednesday, they chalked the sidewalks with statistics about street

harassment and other anti-street harassment phrases. On Thursday, they placed

informational flyers on cars that were parked on campus. And, on Friday, they

held a "Talk-In" about street harassment.

#EndSHWeek 2015 132

New Mexico

The Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance at the University of New Mexico held

an informational session and tabled on campus.

#EndSHWeek 2015 133


HollaBack! Las Vegas hosted two chalk walks – including one at the University

of Nevada-Las Vegas in partnership with the Jean Nidetch Women’s Center --

and a free self-defense class.

#EndSHWeek 2015 134

Brooklyn, New York

The Brooklyn Movement Center, #NoDisrespect (ND) and Audre Lorde Project's

Safe OUTside the System Collective (S.O.S.) hosted a panel making

connections between sexualized, gendered, and police harassment. The

panelists were: Ceci Pineda (S.O.S.), Darnell L. Moore (Activist/Senior Editor at

MicNews), zakia henderson brown (No Disrespect). Afterward, they split into four

groups visioning solutions through prevention, intervention, support, and


#EndSHWeek 2015 135

#EndSHWeek 2015 136

Manhattan, New York

Hollaback!, Queen Godis, and 31 co-sponsoring organizations held an anti-

street harassment rally in Washington Square Park. The orgs included Window

Sex Project, SAFER NYC, NYC Anti-Violence Project, Sayfty, STEPS to End

Family Violence, NY Asian Women’s Center, NOW Virtual – Young Feminists

and Allies, Women in Media and News, and YWCA of Brooklyn. There were 18

speakers and performers, a self-defense demonstration and sidewalk chalking.

137#EndSHWeek 2015

#EndSHWeek 2015 138

north Carolina

SSH campaign manager Britnae Purdy hosted a charity yoga class at Durham

Yoga Company. Street harassment takes a toll on our mental well-being and this

was an opportunity to take some time to re-center and focus on self-love during

this free yoga class! She gave out SSH-themed gift bags.

139#EndSHWeek 2015


In Athens, The People’s Justice League painted a mural to announce the week,

set up a small art installation in three small rural towns nearby and they received

local press in the Athens News announcing their departure from Hollaback!

Along with EMBODY Consent they hosted a screen printing table where

students and community members could come by with t-shirts, pillow cases and

other articles of clothing to have one of several available Cats Against Cat Calls

designs printed free of charge. They attended the Take Back the Night Rally, led

a chalk walk, and hosted a screening of the film “Cairo 678.”

Director Sarah Fick said, “A reporter from the Ohio University student paper

attended our chalk walk as a participant. We chalked around a house that has

been reported on our blog multiple times for aggressive harassment. The house

was flagged with a banner for the newly elected student senate. The reporter is

now doing an expose on the culture of the newly elected student leadership.

We had a great discussion both before and after the screening of ‘Cairo 678’

about the Egyptian Revolution in 2010 and our personal feelings/reactions to it

at that time. The Athens Film Fest had just happened a week or two ago. They

screened ‘Nefertiti's Daughters,’ so it was already on people's minds.”

140#EndSHWeek 2015

141#EndSHWeek 2015

Philadelphia, pennsylvania

S..A.F.E. at Temple University held an event focusing on street safety and ways

to be prepared. They had a self-defense demonstration as well as various

tabling activities related to street harassment and sexual violence.

#EndSHWeek 2015 142

Philadelphia, pennsylvania

Touch Me Philly Productions debuted “Reasonable Fear: A Series on Street

Harassment and Rape Culture.” Touch Me Philly Productions presented two

weeks of theatre and events starting April 16 exploring the topics of street

harassment & rape culture. This series included a main stage theatrical

production, workshops, comedy, films & more. Nine short plays were chosen

from their open submission call to create our Main Stage Theatrical Production.

#EndSHWeek 2015 143

Philadelphia, pennsylvania

FAAN Mail held their fifth annual rally and community engagement event at

LOVE Park.

#EndSHWeek 2015 144

#EndSHWeek 2015 145

Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania

Leading up to the week in late March, Holly Kearl facilitated a workshop on

activism and presented a lecture on street harassment. During the week, the

Susquehanna University Women's Studies program hosted their 3rd annual

Chalk the Walk. Students, faculty, and staff wrote pro-respect and anti-street

harassment messages on the main thoroughfare on campus. (Photos by Paul


#EndSHWeek 2015 146

#EndSHWeek 2015 147

Scranton, Pennsylvania

“The Scranton Area Foundation’s Park Collaborative Project brought together

various groups to offer community members advice on how to stay safe in their

neighborhoods and parks during the SHARE fair (Street Harassment

Awareness, Response and Education). The West Scranton Hyde Park

Neighborhood Watch, University of Scranton students and representatives from

the Jane Kopas Women’s Center joined Scranton Police Chief Carl Graziano

and various performing arts groups to help spread awareness. “This is a way to

help people identify ... as well as give them some techniques on how to defuse

it,” said Nezka Pfeifer…” (Via The Times Tribune)

#EndSHWeek 2015 148


Bro Models participated in the Stop Telling Women to Smile International Night

of Wheat Pasting in McAllen and Edinburg, Texas

#EndSHWeek 2015 149


In Salt Lake City, Fearless Self Defense hosted a “Take Back The Streets With

Chalk!” event and were interviewed by the local news.

#EndSHWeek 2015 150

Richmond, Virginia

Hollaback! RVA held a Bystander Intervention Workshop in Richmond.

#EndSHWeek 2015 151


The Lambda Alliance and VOX: Voices for Planned Parenthood at the College of

William and Mary teamed up to host an event each day of the week, including a

whiteboard campaign, film screening, workshop/forum, and several other events.

#EndSHWeek 2015 152

#EndSHWeek 2015 153


Seattle community members participated in the Stop Telling Women to Smile

International Night of Wheat Pasting.

#EndSHWeek 2015 154

From tweet chats to posting images on social media to sharing stories on blogs

and Tumblr, a lot of people raised awareness about street harassment online.

#EndSHWeek 2015 155

Online Activism

There were two Google+ hangout chats, numerous tweet chats, and an

international tweet-a-thon across the week.

#EndSHWeek 2015 156

Tweet Chats & Goolge+ HAngouts

#EndSHWeek 2015 157

#EndSHWeek 2015 158

#EndSHWeek 2015 159


Girls Speak created shareable graphics for the week.

#EndSHWeek 2015 160


Various people created and shared art work online.

#EndSHWeek 2015 161

Creative Hashtags

#WhatMySHsaid (What my street harasser said) and


Meet us on the

street in 2016!

#EndSHWeek 2015 162