INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED · NLP Relaxation Training 52 Option A: “Special SCIO Therapies” 53...

INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED Alyce Harms | Dave Cowan | Gage Tarrant | Nirvana Zarabi-Smith ©The Quantum Academies | Revised: January 2009

Transcript of INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED · NLP Relaxation Training 52 Option A: “Special SCIO Therapies” 53...

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Alyce Harms | Dave Cowan | Gage Tarrant | Nirvana Zarabi-Smith

©The Quantum Academies | Revised: January 2009

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i © 2009 The Quantum Academies


We would like to extend a special thanks to the following people for contributing their time, efforts, love and devotion to this project. The quality of this manual was improved tremendously due to their efforts and invaluable remarks. Thank you! The Faculty

Fabian Lopez-Najera Dr. Faith Nelson Ginger Bowler Jackie Olson

Jeremy Brown John Gilbert John Kelsey

Julie Fox Kevin Jellerson

Lori Marcus Mario Dominguez

Marion White Rae Lorenz

Simone Gabrielle Stefan Smith Susan Harms

Theresa McCall Dr. Veronica Ortega

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INTERMEDIATE ADVANCED TRAINING MANUAL Copyright © 2009 The Quantum Academies Website: NOTICE OF RIGHTS All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of the publishers. DEVICE DISCLAIMER The device is to be used as a Biofeedback device. It is designed for stress reduction, relaxation training and muscle reeducation. The device does not diagnose anyone. The system is calibrated to measure the fine and subtle electrical reactions. Trained staff should use this device. No claims are made of the system or its results and nothing that the practitioner does is meant to either diagnose or treat any illness or disease, and is not intended to replace any treatment from a medical doctor. One should always follow the advice of their doctor. CONTENT DISCLAIMER The information contained in this manual is intended only for the education of Quantum Biofeedback Technicians and Specialists. The authors do not advocate the use of any particular healthcare protocol, usage of remedies, or combination thereof. The authors do not warrant the effectiveness or safety of any protocols or remedies contained in this manual. The information contained herein shall not substitute for consultation with a physician or other qualified healthcare provider. Any attempt to diagnose and treat an illness should be done under the direction of an authorized healthcare professional. USE OF PROTOCOLS The stress reduction training exercises contained herein are not designed to run for periods exceeding approximately one hour and with more frequency than once per week. Practitioner judgment should be exercised in determining the length and frequency of running the stress reduction training exercises.

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Welcome to The Quantum Academies and the Intermediate and Advanced Training! You will be studying with some of the world’s best Certified Instructors in the field. Our instructors will walk you through many doors of enhancement with Quantum Biofeedback so that you will, from now on, know what to do with this incredible technology and the many amazing stress reduction programs offered. This course will be very easy to follow, as we have laid out the groundwork for you in the simplest format possible. It’s designed to enhance your stress reduction skills, but like most art forms, the more you practice, the better of a Biofeedback Specialist you will become. We are certain that once you are finished with our complete program, you will become a skillful Biofeedback Specialist and ready to work on your clients in the field of stress reduction. We hope that this course meets your expectations and we greatly appreciate your commitment!

The Quantum Academies

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PAGE Schedule 1 Academy Flowchart 2 Certification Procedures 3 Certifications Offered Through NTCB 7 Certified Biofeedback Technician 7 Certified Biofeedback Specialist 7 CEU Requirements 8 Certified Biofeedback Technician Application 9 Certified Biofeedback Specialist 500 Hours Time Sheet 10 Record Keeping 11 The Quantum Center 12 Practitioner and Technical Support 12 Spanish Technical Support 13 The Quantum Academies 13 Training Academies & Administrators 15 Proper Verbiage for Quantum Biofeedback Sessions 17

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PAGE Educational Language & Terminology 21 What Causes Stress? 23 What Can I Legally Say? 26 How Do I Treat A Client’s Pain? 28 Consent Form (Female) 29 Consent Form (Male) 31 Code of Ethics 33 Coaching Day One 35 CHAPTER 1: ADVANCED APPLICATIONS “Harmonic Coupling” From The Test Matrix 44 “Expand Name” From The Matrix 45 “Zap” Training The Top 30 And/Or 250 Items From The Matrix 45 Additional Programs From The “SCIO Is Working” Box 47 Antiaging Training Program 47 Dark Field ‘’Analysis’’ Training Program 48 Option A: Immune Stim + Blood Cleanse 48 Option B: Stem Cell Stimulation 48 DNA Signatures Training Program 49 Option A: Correction And Stabilization 49 Option B: Stimulation And Stabilization 49 Dental “Treatment” (Training) Of The Clifford Report 50 Body Scan And Face "Therapy" (Training Programs) 51

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PAGE SCIO AFE Treatment Of Psychic Disturbances Relaxation Training 51 Aura Cleanse Training Program 51 Option A: “SCIO Aura Cleanse” 51 Option B: “SCIO AFE Treatment Of Psychic Disturbances” 52 NLP Relaxation Training 52 Option A: “Special SCIO Therapies” 53 Option B: Build Enlightenment + Mental Powers 53 CHAPTER 2: DENTAL & TMJ Dental Program 57 1) Accessing The Dental Program From The Test Matrix 57 2) Activating The Point Probe (Optional) 58 3) Definitions Of Terms 58 4) Balancing Dental Nosode Signatures 58 5) Balancing Dental Isodes Signatures 59 6) Balancing Dental Sarcode Signatures 59 7) Piggy Back Programs 60 8) Specific Programs For Point Probes 60 9) More Specific Tooth Programs: Teeth Tables 61 Concept: Symmetry Theory 61 Teeth Chart With TCM Meridian And Organ Associations 63 10) Clifford Report 65 11) Dental Pictures 66

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PAGE 12) TMJ Scan Muscle Reeducation 66 13) TMJ Muscle Sarcodes 67 14) Special Applications: Disease Dictionary 70 15) Special Applications: SCIO Operations 70 16) “Zap” Training Programs From The Matrix 71 17) Special Applications: Test Matrix And Homeopathy 71 18) Special Application - Rife Frequencies 71 19) Special Application - Harmonic Rates 73 General Dental Mercury Amalgam Removal Consideration 74

Academy Day Two Coaching Day Two 79 CHAPTER 3: DARKFIELD AND BLOOD ANALYSIS PROGRAMS Pleomorphism, Its Discovery And Repression 82 1) Dark Field Panel 84 2) File Descriptions 84 3) Transferring Items To Test Matrix 89 4) Dark Field - Plio Morph Panel 90 Pleomorphism 90 5) Recommended Action 91

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PAGE 6) Potential Disease Factors 92 7) Blood “Treatment” (Blood Signature Training Program) 93 8) Blood Analysis Program: (Training Program) 94 If You Have Lab Reports To Enter Then, Proceed Here 96 If You Do Not Have Lab Results To Enter Then, Proceed Here 96 Program Options 96 Reference: Blood 100 Reference: Urine 107 CHAPTER 4: HOMOTOXICOLOGY Homotoxicology By Professor William Nelson 110 Homotoxicology Background 126 Understanding Homotoxicology 128 Six-Phase Table 130 1) Homotoxicology Through Risk Profile 132 2) Xenobiotics 133 3) Miasms / Stimulate Detox Training 133 4) Bio Terrain 133 “Stem Cell” Signature Training Program: 135 Miasms Quick Definitions 136 5) Homotoxicology Reactivity 138 6) Specialized Xenobiotics Signature Training With Timed Programs 141 Specialized Xenobiotics Matrix Item Numbers 143

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PAGE The Exogenous Pathogens or Perverse Energies According To TCM 145 Wind 145

Cold 145 Summer Heat 145 Damp 145 Dryness 145 Heat (Fire, Warmth) 146 What Is A Miasm? 146

Academy Day Three

Coaching Day Three 159 CHAPTER 5: DEGENERATIVE STRESS Degenerative Stress 163 Stress, The Varho, and Nelson Reactivity Theory 166 Hamer Medicine Theory 168 1) Disease Dictionary 181 2) Test Matrix Search 182 3) Test Matrix Stimulate Reaction 182 4) Risk Profile 183 5) Auto Meridian Program 183 6) Dark Field “Analysis” (Reactivity and Relaxation Training) 184

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PAGE 7) Manual Rife Program 185 8) Lymph Program 186

9) Degeneration Stress Reduction Training 186

10) SCIO Wipe Program 189 11) NLP Relaxation Training 190 12) Visualization And Mind-Body Medicine 191 13) Protein Digesting Enzymes 191 14) Chinese Medicine Approach To Cancer 192 15) Balance the pH 192 16) Harmonic Rates 192 17) Other ‘Tips’ 194 18) Sugar Inversion Protocol 195 CHAPTER 6: SUPPORTING IMMUNITY Supporting Immunity 199 Quantum Biofeedback Reactivity Assessment 200 1) Harmonic Rates 200 2) Clasp32 Applications: BodyViewer for Immune Support 201 3) Disease Dictionary 201 4) Short Sarcodes – Training Channels of Elimination 202 5) General Homotoxicology 202 6) Risk Profile 203 7) Test Matrix Functions 204

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PAGE 8) Timed Treatments, Music & Superlearning 204 9) Spinal / Timed Therapies 205 10) Activate Freq. Modulation 205

11) Biofeedback 205 12) Inherited factors 205 13) Hormones 206 14) Other Tips 207 15) Rife Frequencies 208 16) Immune Enhancing Nutrients and Lifestyle Factors 209 Bill’s Rules for The Immune System 211

Academy Day Four Coaching Day Four 213 CHAPTER 7: “ALLERGY PANEL”: (ALLERSODE HYPER-REACTIVITY) Allergies and Intolerances Hyper-Reactivity Dysfunction 218 Lactose Intolerance 222 Disaccharide Deficiencies 222 Gall Bladder Sensitivity 223 Gluten Intolerance 223

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PAGE Clasp32 Applications 224 Notes On The Individual Reaction Feature 224 1) Body Viewer 229 2) Harmonic Rates for the Orgone Field or the Hololinguistic Program 229 3) Risk Profile 229 4) Test Matrix 230 5) Preparing for Desensitization 230 6) To Assess Phenolics Signature Reactivity 230 7) Allersode Desensitization 230 8) To Assess Individual Item Reactivity 231 9) Allergy Program 232 Leaky Gut 232 10) Allersode Training 232 11) Making an Allersode 233 12) Timed Therapy: Anti-Inflammation, Allergy Program 233 13) Timed Therapies 233 14) Test Matrix 233 15) Nutrition 233 16) Emotions 234 Bill Nelson's Allergy Text 234 CHAPTER 8: AGE RELATED DECLINES Heart Disease and Circulation 237

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PAGE Low Stomach Acid / Hypochloridia 238 Chronic Indigestion 239 Low Thyroid 240 Pancreatic Function 242 Mental - Emotional 243 Adrenal Exhaustion 244 1) SCIO Indications 245 2) Risk Profile 245 3) Risk Profile /Original Sarcodes 245 4) Program Options 246 5) Testing Further Nutritional Reactions 247 6) Biofeedback Panel and others 247 CHAPTER 9: EMOTIONAL COACHING Emotional Coaching with the SCIO: Part One 251 Parasite Diagram 252 Clasp32 Applications 255 Resistance to Change #1 255 Resistance to Change #2 255 Resistance to Change #3 256 Emotional Coaching with the Clasp32: Part Two 257 A: Harmonic Rates for Emotions 257 B: Flower Essence Signature Reactions 258

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PAGE C: Scalar Program 258 D: NLP Emotional Growth Relaxation Training 259 Emotional & Biological Flow Relaxation Training 259 Mental Factors & Emotions Chart 259 Covert Thought Pattern 260

E: Unconscious Reactivity Relaxation Training 260 Brain Scan 261 F: Aura Scan Relaxation Training 261 SCIO Aura Cleanse Relaxation Training 262 SCIO AFE Treatment of Psychic Disturbances Relaxation Training 262 G: EEG/ECG Panel 263 Subspace Morphic Trans 263 Brain Wave Pattern Balancing 264 Conditions Affecting the Brain / Brain Wave Pattern Balancing Definitions 266 Cerebellar Disorders 266 Local Slow Waves 266 Amplitude Disorders 266 Epileptic 266 General Asymmetry 266 Injury 266 Bilateral Synch 267 Deep Brain Asymmetry 267

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PAGE Personality Disorders 267 Attention Deficit Disorder 267 H: Cancer Scan (Brain Relaxation Training) 268 I: Entities Relaxation Training 268 J: Individual NLP Training Program 270 K: Prayer Wheel Functions 270 L: Biofeedback Programs 270 M: Emotional Trauma / DNA Signature Reactions 271 Emotions and the Endocrine Glands 272 The Pineal Gland 273 Anterior Pituitary 273 Posterior Pituitary 273 Thyroid 273 Parathyroid 273 Thymus 273 Pancreas 273 Gonads 274 Adrenal Medulla 274 Adrenal Cortex 274

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Academy Day Five PAGE

Coaching Day Five 276 CHAPTER 10: CHINESE MEDICINE Suggested Reading 280 Background 280 Basic Principals 280 Yin and Yang 280 Auto Meridian Program 281 Yin and Yang Foods 282 Five Elements Theory 283 How the Five Elements are Manifested Internally and Externally 284 Cycles of the Five Elements 285 Five Elements Chart 286 Time of Day 287 The Five Elements of Energies and Human Energetics and the Five Primary Organ Systems 288 Liver 288 Heart 289 Spleen & Digestive 289 Lungs 289

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PAGE Kidneys 290 Acupuncture Meridians 291 Identifying Meridians 292 Common Abbreviations Used in Designating Meridians 292 Clasp32 Applications 293 The Exogenous Pathogens or Perverse Energies According To TCM 294 Wind 294 Cold 294 Summer Heat 294 Damp 294 Dryness 295 Heat (Fire, Warmth) 295 Meridians and Emotions Chart 296 CHAPTER 11: HOMEOPATHIC ACTIVATION Homeopathic “ Law of Similars” 298 Homeopathic “Principle of the Minimum Dose” 298 Homeopathic “Whole Person Prescribing” 298 Homeopathic “Laws of “Cure” 299 How do Homeopathic Remedies Work? 299 Hormesis 299 Pheromones 300

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PAGE Homeopathic Remedies Work in Spiritual / Energy Plane and not in Physical Plane 300 Homeopathic Remedies Activate the Vital Force 301 Homeopathic Abbreviations and Remedy Making 301 Homeopathy 303 1) Homeopathic Activation 306 2) Basic Homeopathy 307 3) Progressive Homeopathy 308

4) Creating Homeopathic Remedies 308 5) Copying an Existing Homeopathic Remedy 309 6) Making an Allersode 309 7) Classical Homeopath Approach 310

Academy Day Six Coaching Day Six 313

CHAPTER 12: WORKSHOP INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED CLASS Workshop Intermediate & Advanced Class 315 1) Body Viewer & Iridology 315 2) Disease Dictionary 315 3) Body Scan 316

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PAGE 4) Orgone Generator 316 5) Test Matrix 316 6) VARHOPE & Immune 317 7) Risk Profile 317 8) Connect To Short Sarcodes 317 9) Connection To Acupuncture 318 10) Look For Connection To Spine 318 11) Connection To Homotoxicology 318 12) Connection To Nutrition 318 13) Connect To DF Blood 319 14) Chart Maker 319 15) Patient Superconscious Reduction Panel 320 16) Quick Therapy (Quick Training) 320 17) Session Closure 320 HOME PRACTICUM CHAPTER 13: SPECIALTY APPLICATIONS #1 NEUROLOGICAL APPLICATIONS Neurological Applications 322 Neurological Terms 322 1) Reactivity Assessment and Balancing 323 2) NLP Emotional Growth Relaxation Training 323 3) Shaping Function 323

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PAGE 4) Brain Scan Relaxation Training 324 5) EEG ECG Relaxation Training 324 6) Nerve Therapy (Re-education) – Specialized Sarcode 325 7) Neurological Nutrition 326 8) Biofeedback 326 9) Manual Rife Frequencies 327 10) Harmonic Rates 328 11) Special Application: Stress Related to Parkinson’s 329 12) Special Application: Stress Related to Multiple Sclerosis 330 CHAPTER 14: SPECIALTY APPLICATIONS #2 SPECIFIC ORGAN INVESTIGATION Specific Organ Signature Reactivity Investigation 333 1) Risk Profile Reactivity Assessment 333 2) Spinal - Emotional Imponderable Reactivity Assessment 333 3) Homotoxicology Reactivity Assessment 334 4) Specialized Sarcode Panels – Spinal Page 334 5) Patient (Client) Superconscious Reduction Panel 334 6) Disease Dictionary 334 7) Short Sarcode RX 335 8) Organ – Emotional Relationship List 335 9) Biofeedback Organ Signature Reactivity Assessment Exercise 336 10) Mineral Excess and Deficiency Symptoms 338

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PAGE 11) More on Minerals 342 12) Fungus Overgrowth - A Hidden Epidemic 344 13) Fungus Signature Reactivity Assessment 347 CHAPTER 15: SPECIALTY APPLICATIONS #3 QUANTUM COMMUNICATION 1) Extra Dimensional Quantum Communication 352 2) Time Message 353 3) Conscious Time Travel 353 CHAPTER 16: APPENDIX Past Lives: Fact or Fiction 356 1) Past Life Program 359 2) Adding Items to the Matrix 360 3) Saving Added Test Matrix Items 361 4) Couples Consciousness Fusing 362 5) Electrohypnosis 363 6) Superlearning 364 7) Group Program (Adding Others For Balancing) 366 8) Face Lift Protocol 367 9) Animal Homeopathy 369 10) Performance Enhancement and Sports Injury Protocols 370 Performance Enhancement 370

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PAGE Sports Injuries 370 Specialized Sarcode Panels (Spinal Screen) 371 Overall Sports Team Performance Programs 371 Biofeedback Screen 371 For Muscle Re-Education For Athletes 372 1-1 ½ Hour Practice Sessions: Section 3: Degenerative Stress 372 Practice Session One: Considering Reactivity Dysfunction Messages 375 Practice Session Two: Normal Reactivity 377 Practice Session Three: Including Navigation From Section 5: NLP 378 Practice Session Four: Miasm Reactivity 381 Workshop Intermediate & Advanced Class 384 Comment Form 390

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The Dental program was added as a tool intended to be used by Dental professionals. However, many Practitioners have found the program very helpful to their clients, as the Dental program can be a very powerful stress reduction tool. The tendency toward either cavities or periodontal disease (pockets) is established in the first months of lactation. Gum disease is considered reversible and seems to respond well to Vitamin C and COQ 10 supplementation. TMJ is known as ‘the great imposter’ in that it can trigger a number of seemingly unrelated issues like headaches, hip pain, and back pain. Root Canals can be problematic, and dentists admit 15% are chronically infected. According to TCM a dead tooth is an energetically ‘dead fuse’ in the associated Meridian. If you are considering removing Root Canalled teeth that are temperature sensitive or occasionally sensitive, consult with a biological dentist. Biological dentists are ‘Naturopathic dentist’; who are trained in these procedures.


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Programs Dental Information Start Info Exchange 2) ACTIVATING THE POINT PROBE (OPTIONAL) The Point Probes are a way to localize the energy and benefit a variety of Quantum programs. Using the different attachments can widen the scope of applications and increase the efficacy of various programs. Since it is not possible to properly sterilize the attachments without an autoclave; these probes should not be used inside the oral cavity. Consider that the dental attachments are still effective used on the skin surface over the jaw. To activate the point probe from the Dental Screen: Body and Face Scan (upper bar) Point Probe Active (Note: this option does not always “appear”; if you click

one of the actual point probe programs it automatically activates and then it appears here)

Insert one end of the cable with banana plug tips into the bottom of the Caress Kit handle (the handle receives the various point probe tips and attachments) and insert the other end into the Red output slot on the back of the SCIO device.

The point probe can be used at any time during the session. 3) DEFINITIONS OF TERMS Nosode: Homeopathics originally made from pathogens – virus, bacteria, fungus, worms, diseased tissue, etc. Sarcode: Homeopathics originally made from healthy tissue/organ samples. Isode: Homeopathics originally made from inorganic compounds – synthetic toxins Allersodes: Homeopathics originally made from items that may elicit hyper-reactivity, such as airborne allergens and the like. NOTE: Reactivity to these items may be significant . 4) BALANCING DENTAL NOSODE SIGNATURES These may indicate stress from potential infection or degeneration.

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Information Load all Dental Nosode Signatures by Value To highlight highest value “Test” (This will do an Individual Reaction on the nosode signature for

reactivity. Over 75 would be considered Reactive and may require further training.)

Zap (This turns the “Test” button into a “Zap” (Train) button. Zap (This will begin a 3-minute balance) Unzap (This will change the Zap button back to a Test button so that you

can run an Individual Reaction test on the next item to test Reactivity.) • Repeat this process with two or three of the most reactive Nosode

signatures. Test (top menu bar) Individual Reaction Test (to see display percentage of improvement) 5) BALANCING DENTAL ISODES SIGNATURES This will indicate reactive values to potentially toxic Dental Isode (Material) signatures. Information Load all Dental Isodes Signatures by Value To highlight highest value Test (This will do an Individual Reaction on the item for reactivity. Over 75

would be considered a Reactive item and may require further training.) Zap (This turns the Test button into a Zap button.) Zap (This will begin a 3-minute Training) Unzap (This will change the Zap button back to a Test button so that you

can run an Individual Reaction test on the next item to test Reactivity.) Repeat this process with two or three of the most reactive Isode signatures. 6) BALANCING DENTAL SARCODE SIGNATURES This may reveal specific Dental tissue / teeth sarcode signature reactions. These have been theorized to be energetically connected to other parts of the body. Information Load all Dental Sarcode Signatures by Value To highlight highest value Test (This will do an Individual Reaction on the item for reactivity. Over 75

would be a Reactive item and should be balanced.)

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Zap (This turns the Test button into a Zap button.) Zap (This will begin a 3-minute balance) Unzap (This will change the Zap button back to a Test button so that you

can run an Individual Reaction test on the next item to test Reactivity.) Repeat this process with two or three of the most reactive Sarcode

signatures. 7) PIGGY BACK PROGRAMS Therapies (tab on top menu bar) Piggy Back Programs Type in all known Nosodes, Isodes, Allersodes, Symptoms, Nutrition and

Misc. matrix signatures (always double space between entries) Load OK Close

8) SPECIFIC PROGRAMS FOR POINT PROBES Therapies (top menu bar) Choose from any of the following options: Point Probe Treatment of item in Test Matrix Cavity Zap Point Probe Gingivitis Point Probe

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Restore Tooth Point Probe 9) MORE SPECIFIC TOOTH PROGRAMS: TEETH TABLES Information Teeth Tables Dental Foci This panel is for information only. Read the information and note reactive

items. Click on colored (pink or white) panel to return back to the blue panel. On the highest reactive number values in RED to balance the reactivity of

the Five Functional Teeth Terminals. This will balance the reactivity for each Terminal and its associated links

such as Sense, Spine, Joint, Mind, Sinus, Tonsil, Oral Acu#, Endocrine and Teeth # signatures.

Teeth Chart CONCEPT: SYMMETRY THEORY: The principle of “Symmetry Theory” states that our bodies strive to maintain proportional balance between both the left and right sides. Therefore, symptoms can express on the opposite side from where the most stress is, as the body’s attempt to balance it’s “symmetry”. For example, pain can express on the right side, when stress is often occurring on the opposite left side, sometimes without symptoms, but is often observable through biofeedback reactivity (high numbers on the opposite side). For this reason, it is helpful to closely observe (and train) the high stress reactions on the opposite side from where the client’s symptoms are, as this often can be a cause of stress and imbalance. This theory can also be considered in light of other forms of stress and pain throughout the body.

The selection box of a specific concern. For example, you can check off

“Infection Search” or you may choose more than one, such as “Infection Search + Inflammation Search”.

Test and Treat (This will display the relevant reactive values.) Red Add 5 (Continue until only a few reds remain. These are energetically

the most significant teeth signatures in need of balancing.) On the name of any tooth signature with a high reactive value to balance. • Optional: Use Point Probe on the outside of the mouth over the tooth area. • Reset Red Button will restore red overlay on all values. • Remove Red will remove the red overlay on all items.

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• Close back to Dental.

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10) CLIFFORD REPORT A Clifford Report (Clifford Materials Reactivity Testing-CMRT) helps determine reactivity to specific dental isode signatures.

Information Test Clifford Report (This will test reactions to the dental Isodes signatures .) Information Current Clifford Results (This will display the reactivity scores.) Information Search for Foci White background of teeth panel to remove. Memos (top menu bar) Report Memo (Scroll right to see full report.) Therapies (top menu bar) “SCIO” Treat Memo Items and balance reactivity to all major risks OK The “SCIO is Working” box now appears. Start Dental Treat (in the SCIO is Working Box) Observe the information that appears at the bottom of the SCIO is Working

Box. Rectify to 100.

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End Dental Treat Close (on SCIO is Working Box) 11) DENTAL PICTURES Note: This does not display “Reactions”; you must search for and choose known issues if you wish to utilize these training programs. Information More Dental Pics + RX (This will take you to Short Sarcodes.) Next Dental Pic. (Scroll through and balance reactivity to the dental

signatures.) Treat and Scan (“Train”) The goal is maximum ‘repaired’. Close back to Dental. 12) TMJ SCAN: MUSCLE RE-EDUCATION This scans for reactivity and trains to disperse Energetic Foci (areas of congested or concentrated bio-energy, accompanying stress, trauma or inflammation). This also checks reactions to more general Cranial Sacral signatures and can be used to train for muscle reeducation and relaxation.

TMJ (top menu bar) Show TMJ Scan

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TMJ (top menu bar) Scan Total (drop down list) TMJ (top menu bar) Scan and Treat Page (drop down list) (“Scan and Train”) Scan and Treat (This button is located on the mid-left side of the screen.

Continue until the red foci circle disappears.) Cranium Side Temporal Go through each gray tab and “Scan and Treat” until red foci circle

disappears on each view. Cranium Front Temporal Go through each gray tab and “Scan and Treat” until red foci circle

disappears on each view. Jaw Top View Go through each gray tab and “Scan and Treat” until red foci circle

disappears on each view. Maxilla Side View Go through each gray tab and “Scan and Treat” until red foci circle

disappears on each view. Jaw Side View Go through each gray tab and “Scan and Treat” until red foci circle

disappears on each view. Maxilla Under View Go through each gray tab and “Scan and Treat” until red foci circle

disappears on each view. 13) TMJ MUSCLE SARCODES: TMJ (top menu bar) Show TMJ Muscle Sarcode Panel A list of the muscles and tissues sarcode signatures involved with the TMJ

complex as well as the reactive values for these items will appear. Start TMJ Test As you go through each step have the client hold the posture described,

within their comfort zone. Each posture will reveal the degree of stress registered by a reaction to the

muscles sarcode signatures. Clench Back Teeth Option: If you want to see the degree of change (from relaxed position to strained position) with a given posture, select ‘Dif Clench Back

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On the most reactive high (positive) values for each jaw position to Reeducate.

Protrude Jaw On the most reactive high (positive) values for each jaw position to

Reeducate. Move Jaw to left On the most reactive high (positive) values for each jaw position to

Reeducate. Move Jaw to right On the most reactive high (positive) values for each jaw position to

Reeducate. Open Mouth Wide On the most reactive high (positive) values for each jaw position to

Reeducate. Frown On the most reactive high (positive) values for each jaw position to

Reeducate.. Smile ! On the most reactive high (positive) values for each jaw position to

Reeducate. Note: If you want to see the degree of change (from relaxed position to strained position) with a given posture, select ‘Dif Clench Back, front, left, right, etc. Results – A green panel appears with further stress reduction options. Set

timer for 2 minutes (or more) in order to activate the buttons. Once activated, the timer can be returned to 1 minute if preferred.

Note: These programs are also available under the ‘Therapy’ drop down menu without having to enter the TMJ Muscle Sarcode Program.)

It is wise to avoid overstimulation of these muscles on clients with a history of heavy amalgam dental fillings. The body strives to protect the brain and the blood, and mercury traces can often be stored in the muscles for this reason. If the client does not rectify upon 3 clicks of any of the muscles, consider moving onto the next reactive muscle to avoid the inadvertent release of possible stored excess mercury.

(Note: Set Timer for 2 Minutes to Activate Buttons. Once activated, the timer can be returned to 1 minute, if preferred.) Tab / “Therapies” (Trainings)

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Balance Muscle Treatment RX Trauma Repair RX Pain Reduction Nerval Repair RX Close green panel. (Note: On certain versions of the Clasp32 program, if you notice that the time initially selected has already expired and the blue progress bar is no longer progressing, you may have to stop the program manually, by clicking on ‘return to dental’, inside the ‘SCIO is Working’ box.)

Acupoints Have the client locate and massage the Acupressure points as you click them. Show clients where these points are located so they can address them at home between sessions.

Mercury Removal Check Quadrants for Mercury Removal Order

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• This program will show stress based on reactivity to isode, muscle, tooth, and other dental signatures.

• The quadrant with number 1 would be the highest level of reactivity. • Any quadrant with number 2 would be second priority, and so on with 3 and

4.. • If you have two quadrants with the same number they are of the same

priority reactivity-wise, and you would choose which to consider. Alternative Path: Information Removing Amalgams Information Teeth Tables Option: The Jaw picture in the TMJ Muscle Program is a Displacement training program. If the TMJ was due to an injury click the direction of injury as ‘Displacement Left’ (for a right sided blow) or ‘Displacement Right’ for a blow to the left side. On Jaw to balance. Only a Dentist could determine the MM of displacement. Close back to the Test Matrix. 14) SPECIAL APPLICATIONS: DISEASE DICTIONARY Open the Disease Dictionary from top menu bar on the Test Matrix Screen. Disease Probability and Dictionary Options: Dental Root, Abscess, Bacterial Infections Acute and Chronic,

Infection, Joint Disease, Metal Detoxification, TMJ, Toothache, Saliva Glands or Taste Disorder signature training.

Train from the “Electroacupuncture + Bioresonance” selection. . Once running, the Disease Dictionary Program can be placed in the

“background” visually by clicking “Consciousness” on the task bar. (This removes the Disease Dictionary program from view as it continues to run. If you wish to return to it after your selection has rectified, you can bring it into view again by clicking the “Disease” icon on your bottom task bar.)

15) SPECIAL APPLICATIONS: “SCIO” OPERATIONS BodyViewer program: Program Start Load Ind. Movie Program Organ Systems

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Dention Jaw Oral, Teeth and/or TMJ Therapies Anti Infection Consciousness (on task bar) to send to the background. Iridology Program: Dental Auto Search Activate Piggy Bank 16) ZAP TRAINING PROGRAMS FROM THE MATRIX Auto focus Zap Mode Training (top menu bar) • Choose from the following: • Point probe Zap Active (to activate the probe) Auto Zap Cavities (Training) Auto Zap Dental Disease (Training) Auto Zap Dental Sarcodes (Training) Gingivitis (Training) Auto Zap Infection emphasis – top Bacteria (5 min)

Each selection provides a 5-minute program. You may choose to use the accessories; roller, probes, pain pads or small animal pad. If you do not have any of those you could ask the client to place the headband on the jaw to localize the programs. 17) SPECIAL APPLICATIONS: TEST MATRIX AND HOMEOPATHY SIGNATURE TRAINING Click on “Dental Nosode” from the Subfile. Place your cursor on an item to highlight it. Perform a 7 second Zap

Training ( “Treat”) then conduct an “Individual Reaction” to the item. . Balance reactivity and consider a Homeopathic Signature Duplication of the item.


To more closely simulate the theory of Rife’s original work, enter 2,400,000 into both upper and lower Scalar Generator boxes and then the specific “Rife frequency” number in the Rife boxes. Rife theorized that this scalar

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number created a high frequency carrier wave that facilitated the intercellular penetration of his frequencies, thus taking them deeper into the organs and cells. Therapy screen: Manual Rife applications. Test Matrix/ Programs / “Therapy” Enter frequencies below in the Rife boxes. Enter 2,400,000 into both upper and lower Scalar boxes to create a ‘carrier

wave’. Type in “33” into the “Amplify in DB: field Type in “120” into the “Set Program #” field. Set the timer for 5 min.


• Amplify in Db (Decibels = sound): 33 (This is the standard established minimum.)

• Set Program#: 120 (Basic Balancing) Intermittent (In Rife Theory to creates a pulse.) • Note: Wobble On (In Rife Theory creates a sweep.) If using a 10 point sweep with Rife numbers in the Rife boxes (for pathogens), then select ‘Intermittent’. Automatic Interaction (This setting allows for the automatic choice of the client through unconscious reactivity.) To create a “sweep” consider entering a value 5 over and 5 under the actual rife number. Place the higher value in the box for the Upper Frequency and lower value in box for the Lower frequency. The following list of settings for “general dental problems” was obtained from the Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing, by Nina Silver:

635 640 1036 1043 1094 685

60 48 465 3000 95 190

47.66 2720 2489 1800 1600 1550 802 1500 880 832 787 776 727/8 660 650 600 5170 646

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'Harmonic Rates' are number sequences that capture the energetic 'shape' or essences of substances, conditions, even thoughts and intentions. They operate non-physically, and non-locally (can be broadcast by computer or by intent as well). On the Therapy page, enter the following rates by typing the corresponding numbers (double spacing between selections) into the Primary Disease box of the Trivector and Hololinguistic Program box. Select “Add to Schuman Wave”. These will now run in the background of your entire session.

Infection 20450 Toothache 04576 Healing (to speed) 366673 Bruxism 422334 Abscess 20450, 72700 Antibiotic 75622

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By Bill Nelson 1. The quadrant containing the highest single reading should be removed first and further quadrants in descending order, as indicated on the chart. (Dental program) This sequential removal may be crucial in mercury toxic clients. 2. Where possible a rubber dam should be used, in conjunction with an efficient high volume evacuation, and high-speed cutting tool with water coolant spray, to protect the client from the aerosol. 3. When the client is extremely hypersensitive to mercury, they may react during the program. If there are signs of an adverse reaction, give six grams of sodium ascorbate, (Vitamin C) in a glass of water. Charcoal, Bentonite, Adrenal + Liver balancing can also assist. 4. Negative current excites nerves. When fillings are removed from teeth with high negatives, the tooth may become hypersensitive, which may be avoided by inserting a temporary dressing for about two months. 5. If any other metal is used as a restorative material, all amalgams should be removed first. WHEN DRILLING OUT AMALGAM: 6. Cover the client’s eyes with a damp cotton wool, or use wrap around goggles. 7. Use R.A. nosepiece with tubing attached, to extend out of operating area, or work using oxygen flow or charcoal filter. 8. Confirm that the client has been advised on detoxification procedures. 9. Use comfortable music The QX VRI or other comforting distraction. The program can help with pain and other tension as well.

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DENTAL PRE and POST-TREATMENT PLAN HOMEOPATHIC DENTAL AMALGAM (NV) # 603 Six drops twice a day, either under the tongue, or in a little water. Separate from food by one hour either side. Start seven days before dental treatment and include day of treatment. Continue same dose for three weeks, if dental treatment scheduled, take it on that day. HOMEOPATHIC DENTAL INJURY (NV) Six drops twice a day, either under the tongue, or in a little water, for the stimulation of healing. Separate from food by one hour either side. Start seven days before dental treatment and include day of treatment. Continue same dose for three weeks, if dental treatment scheduled, take it on that day. See also the following Matrix items; TMJ (NV) #755 Dentotox / Root Canal / Guna # 6652 Dental Sack Nosode #2937 Dentotox 4 Dental Drainage / Guna # 6642 Periodontal Disease Nosode # 2922 Dentotox 11 Nerve Sedative / Guna # 6649 CHARCOAL Take 3 charcoal tablets half an hour before any dental treatment involving amalgam removal and 3 in morning and three at bed for 2 weeks after. BENTONITE CLAY Take three bentonite tablets half an hour before any dental treatment involving amalgam removal and one in the morning and 3 at bed for 2 weeks after. GLUTATHIONE PEROXIDASE Dose: 1 with water half an hour before breakfast. Start 2 days before treatment involving amalgam removal. Continue for 2 days after treatment, that is five days in all. ORGANIC CHELATED SELENIUM ZINC and VITAMIN E No more than 50 mcg of organically bound selenium, 25 mg of zinc, and 400 iu of Vitamin E a day at bed with 10 oz. of water. Use for 5 days after. This will prevent kidney toxicity of the selenium. FATTY ACID LIQUESCENCE 30 drops a day for 1 week before and for 1 month after.

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VITAMIN C POWDER Start right away, Dosage: 1/4 teaspoon (1 gram) once a day. Or use 1000mg chewable. On treatment days: 1/4 teaspoon before and 1/4 teaspoon after treatment. MAGNESIUM SUCCINATE Start: On each day of treatment Dose: 2 capsules 2 hours before treatment

2 capsules within 2 hours after treatment, then drink one pint of water over the following two hours

Support adrenal, liver, kidney and lymph when needed. GOOD NATURAL MULTIVITAMIN & MINERAL Start: 8 days before treatment Dose: 1 per day in the morning (with food) Continue for 6 weeks after treatment CORIANDER (CILANTRO) This must be fresh and preferably organic if you can get it. (It is very easy to

grow at home in a sunny position) - dried coriander does NOT work well Fresh is better. Research published late in 1996 has shown that Coriander has a wonderful

capacity to remove heavy metals and especially mercury from the body. This is a revolutionary discovery and makes Cilantro the first known substance that mobilizes mercury from the CNS. The active principle is unknown.

RECIPE FOR CILANTRO-PESTO Buy fresh organic Cilantro. Use equal parts black olives. Wash. Put in blender with small amount of water, dash of sea salt (Celtic salt is good) and olive oil and Fatty Acid Liq. (NV) 20 drops, Blend until creamy. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day with meals. Do not heat, spread on bread or crackers, use on salad. More often, if brain severely compromised; depression, Alzheimer’s disease,

“fogginess”, etc.) ALTERNATE PESTO RECIPE Coriander - 1 bunch 10 Black Olives Garlic - to taste Black pepper to taste Coconut desiccated ½ cup Lime ½ juiced Olive Oil - cold pressed Fatty Acid Liq. 20 drops

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Any black vegetable such as black pepper and black olives are black from

excess selenium and chromium, the organic bounding will not stress the kidney but assist detox of heavy metals, and Guinness beer also will help - no more than 2 pints a day.

Blend all together and keep refrigerated for 1 week. Note: It is important to continue with detoxification after removal of fillings in

order to remove mercury, which has built up over the years. Note: Some discomfort may occur if mercury is detoxed too fast. Some

examples of discomfort would be: low back pain, brain fog or under eye circles, in which case, the detox should be stopped and the kidneys would need to be drained until resuming. There are several natural formulas, which can assist in this process.